Friday, 2020-04-24

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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Another day, another thing to solve. I'm trying to build the admission controller (hey @archana.m.shinde :-)) following what's described here: but I'm getting: ```fidencio@laerte ~/go/src/ $ echo $GOPATH /home/fidencio/go  fidencio@laerte ~/go/src/ $ docker build -t15:50
kata-irc-botkatadocker/kata-webhook-example:latest . Sending build context to Docker daemon  13.82kB Step 1/7 : FROM golang:latest AS builder  ---> 2421885b04da Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /go/src/kata-pod-annotate  ---> Using cache  ---> 2fbde962f238 Step 3/7 : COPY . ./  ---> Using cache  ---> 20cf32a11a54 Step 4/7 : RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /go/bin/kata-pod-annotate  ---> Running in a90ab84e36bc main.go:18:2: cannot find package15:50
kata-irc-bot"" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) main.go:19:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) main.go:20:2: cannot find package15:50
kata-irc-bot"" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) main.go:21:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/
kata-irc-bot(from $GOPATH) main.go:15:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) main.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) The command '/bin/sh -c CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o15:50
kata-irc-bot/go/bin/kata-pod-annotate' returned a non-zero code: 1```15:50
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, yes, I get that I should `go get` the packages, but why is this not respecting my GOPATH?15:50
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Or @salvador.fuentes, maybe: ^15:59
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kata-irc-bot<greg.bock> local env != env inside of container16:09
kata-irc-bot<greg.bock> would be my guess16:09
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kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> hi @fidencio, yeah I guess the env is the issue. If so, documentation needs be updated, let me check16:27
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> @fidencio @salvador.fuentes
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> The dockerfile copies the vendor directory16:28
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> but since then the vendor directory seems to have moved from there16:29
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> That seems to be the issue16:29
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> @fidencio Maybe try a go get ./... as in this commit
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Progress: ```# cd .; git clone -- /go/src/ Cloning into '/go/src/'... fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host: package exit status 128 package cannot find package "" in any of:16:39
kata-irc-bot/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) package cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) package16:39 cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /go/src/ (from $GOPATH) unrecognized import path "": https fetch: Get "": dial tcp: lookup on read udp16:39
kata-irc-bot172.17.0.2:51601-> read: no route to host unrecognized import path "": https fetch: Get "": dial tcp: lookup on read udp> read: no route to host```16:39
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Is this actually built as part of some CI?16:45
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Or is CI just using some image that could've been generated a long time ago?16:45
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> @salvador.fuentes ^16:49
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> Are we using a image that was generated a while ago16:49
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> no, not part of our CI16:51
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> yeah, we are using one generated time ago that is now on dockerhub16:51
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> can you point me to that? That would be more than enough for what I'm doing :slightly_smiling_face:16:52
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> ohh oks, sure16:52
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I just want to use the admission hook16:53
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> no need to build / change it for now16:53
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> the image is this one: `katadocker/kata-webhook-example:latest`16:54
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks!16:55
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sbrivioHi, newbie question: is there a general assumption that a pod with kata-runtime should configure "things" (say, network interfaces) in the same way as they would come up without kata-runtime?17:10
sbriviofor example, I wonder: default virtio-net interface comes up with "noqueue" tc (not) qdisc without kata-runtime, and with fq_codel on kata. Is that... intended? Desirable? Something that might cause issues?17:11
devimc@archana.m.shinde ^^17:20
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @salvador.fuentes @archana.m.shinde: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "webhook-certs" : secret "pod-annotate-webhook-certs" not found ... I guess it's because the images has certs that I don't have, maybe?18:32
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> @fidencio you should run `./`  from the kata-webhook directory18:33
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> and then  `kubectl apply -f deploy/`18:33
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> from same dir18:33
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> aha!18:33
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> ;)18:33
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> okay, alive and kicking!18:34
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Ow, what the greatest Mexican hero from my childhood would say "eso, eso, eso, eso"18:36
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