Monday, 2020-06-01

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kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> Any rustaceans out there who could help review and
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kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> ah ok... thanks @eric.ernst just figured out that part is sort of mandatory ;) I'm going to see what happens if I merge the changes into a recent 5.6. I noticed that at the overlayfs-next stuff seems to be merged already. Is there "any way" to support virtiofs without the dax changes?13:45
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kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> At a glance it looked like the overlayfs stuff was merged in but there is still a bunch of DAX stuff that is not. e.g. all the changes from 9 Apr 2020 here -- apart from the top commit. I'm out of my league here but am looking at what merging those changes on current 5.6 will look like.13:48
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Hey! We do support virtiofs without the dax changes14:02
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Do you still have the config I shared with you?14:02
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> If you set `virtio_fs_cache_size = 0` dax won't be used and you're fine and good to go14:03
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kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Yes.14:16
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Performance just suffers, that’s all.14:16
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> To clarify; what part is mandatory?14:16
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kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> ok awesome thanks!! will try14:49
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> Also looks like the overlayfs stuff is only in 5.7 at least at first glance14:50
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I can double check with Vivek, but it seems to be merged on 5.614:53
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> thanks, I'm just looking at the diffs and it very well might be as I don't understand the core of what was added14:56
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kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> ... and success -- thanks15:35
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> Let me try the overlay support15:35
davidgilukeric.ernst: DAX is not mandatory15:36
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Cool! If something goes wrong, let us know,15:36
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> perf for my test was a little slower than with dax but still much much better than for 9p15:36
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> ... and you're totally right -- overlayfs work in 5.6.1515:40
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> woot!15:40
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> I am "super" happy with this15:40
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> \o/15:42
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> So... I obviously have a ton of testing to do now... but this is starting to look really good.15:44
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> I'm still using the virtiofs-dev qemu so next step is to switch over to 5.015:44
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kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> It turns out none of it is. I just needed to set virtio_fs_cache_size = 0. In terms of perf loss in my simple `dd` test on one of our managed bare metal kubernetes nodes I'm getting: 1. default (runc) -- 185 MB/s    --- [100%] 2. kata-qemu -- 105 MB/s   --- [56%] 3. kata-qemu-virtiofs -- 165 MB/s  --- [89%] 4. kata-clh -- 175 MB/s --- [95%] 5. kata-qemu-virtiofs-nodax -- 157 MB/s --- [85%]17:42
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devimc@simon.kaegi are you interested on IO performance?18:20
kata-irc-bot<simon.kaegi> definitely but currently we're using 9p so even no dax virtiofs is a giant improvement18:21
devimcmight be you want to take a look to this
devimckata already supports pmem devices18:21
davidgiluksimon.kaegi: The DAX trick works better for some stuff than others; it's bad for huge sequentials - it's much better when you have a reasonably small working set - one that fits in the cache size you set18:41
fidenciodevimc: do you recall some issue with OpenShift and getting the stats from the kata pods? or whether it should be working with shimv2?19:07
devimcfidencio: stats?  like cadvisor stats?19:08
devimcfidencio: I guess you are facing issues with IO and network stats19:10
fidenciodevimc: like cadvisor stats, but AFAIU cadvisor is not supposed to work and cri-stats should be the ones used19:10
fidenciodevimc: yep19:11
devimcfidencio: I guess you are using 9p .. ?19:11
fidenciodevimc: never!19:11
devimcis sandbox_cgroup_only true?19:12
fidenciodevimc: I know that if k8s get crio.sock as the runtime_endpoint, it'll fallback do cadvisor .. and I've changed that on both crio.conf and kubelet19:12
fidenciosandbox_cgroup_only=true, yes19:13
devimcfidencio: take a look to this
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fidenciodevimc: hmmm. seems to be related but still reproducible with virtiofs19:21
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fidenciodevimc: if I'm going to report that upstream to keep track of what we're doing, would you prefer to have that to extend 2400 or as new issue?19:54
devimcfidencio: feel free to raise a new issue, we can close it later if it's duplicated19:55
fidenciodevimc: okkie19:55
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