Monday, 2020-12-07

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kata-irc-bot<dgibson> @james.o.hunt hello.  I believe you know about CI stuff?09:21
kata-irc-bot<christophe> The document does not say where the custom dictionary is for spelling. I got failures, among other things, on my last name.09:40
kata-irc-bot<christophe> I'll add a link to
kata-irc-bot<christophe> From what I understand, there are no "per repo" dictionaries, right?10:05
kata-irc-bot<christophe> In other words, there is no way to add a word alongside a commit?10:05
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kata-irc-bot<christophe> (Update: I realized that there was a "trick" to bypass the spell check. I wrote my name as `Christophe de Dinechin` and it's seen as code, so now it passes. Was apparently done for the previous KCSA as well, now I understand why.11:01
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @archana.m.shinde, have you ever used `kata-monitor` together with CRI-O?12:48
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @bergwolf, what's expected from the user to use `kata-monitor`?  Are we expecting the user to explicitly log into the note and start the binary? Are we (as `containerd` or `crio`) starting the binary "manually" when starting a kata container? Or are supposed to have some systemd service to always have it running from the moment the node is up?13:04
fidenciojodh: ^^13:04
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @liubin0329, what exactly the `kata-monitor` reads from the config file?  I wonder how tied to containerd it actually is and what's the full effort to make it generic enough to be used with CRI-O.13:53
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kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> Not so much. The main purpose of using containerd is to maintain  Pods list. First, it will get all pods from containerd, and then it depends on containerd's event to keep the latest Pods list(by watching pod create/delete event). If  CRI-O  has no events supports, it maybe fixed by fetching Pods periodicity or other approaches. And last, `kata-monitor` get metrics server address from containerd's state path(stored like shim v2 socket14:33
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, let me see if I understand it correclty. 1. The only way to get the stats of a pod is using `kata-monitor`.  Is this correct? 2. When using `kata-monitor`, nowadays it's tied to `contained` as you need the list of the pods and also need to know when pods were deleted or created.14:36
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> yes. but about 1, there is a way to get metrics directly from shim, by using socket like `/containerd-shim/default/ccd2418a1c3ea9059c28852e40d31bb7f80d1e35fc3240fd4d9baf88cabe6866/shim-monitor.sock`  using `kata-monitor` will ease the metrics collection.14:39
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @liubin0329, ack! And how do you see `kata-monitor` being started in the node? 1. Start it up with the system; 2. Let containerd / crio start it up, if not started yet; 3. Let the admin manually start it?14:40
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> The best way is to run as daemon set, for test I'm starting it from command-line14:42
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Okay, okay! Thanks!14:43
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> About `/containerd-shim/default/.../shim-monitor.sock` , where should I find it?14:44
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> under `/run/vc/`  ?14:44
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kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> no, it's in state folder for containerd,14:52
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> for cri-o, it's like /run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/19d7d9a4fa324a86ddc2d5bc5933c345a6d20b74a0ee7fd5159e41d000a6b259/userdata/14:52
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> but there is a minor issue about it.
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Hmm, I can't see the `shim-monitor.sock` there.14:55
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> It may be related to the issue you pointed out (will check later on)14:55
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Also, if I can get `kata-monitor`  to work it may be the preferred way14:56
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> yes, I will push a PR asap14:57
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kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> or you can edit this
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Don't need to rush the PR :slightly_smiling_face:15:00
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Let me do the tests here editing the file at first15:00
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> change `shim-monitor.sock` to a shorter name to try it right now15:00
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks a lot, sincerely, I have a meeting starting in 0 minutes, but I'll try after that15:00
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> You gave me really valuable pointers!15:01
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kata-irc-bot<efoster> Hey folks! When I'm connected to a VM's debug console, is there any way to suppress logs from Kata agent? It's pretty difficult to do much when my prompt is being overwritten by `time="2020-12-07T19:10:02.217738994Z" level=info msg="ignoring unexpected signal" debug_console=true...`19:10
devimc@efoster did you remove agent.log=debug from the kernel cmdline?19:25
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kata-irc-bot<efoster> I did not! I'll do that.19:40
kata-irc-bot<efoster> Oh, actually, I don't see `agent.log=debug` when I `cat /proc/cmdline`19:43
kata-irc-bot<efoster> Just `agent.debug_console`19:47
kata-irc-bot<efoster> ```tsc=reliable no_timer_check rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1 i8042.dumbkbd=1 i8042.nopnp=1 i8042.noaux=1 noreplace-smp reboot=k console=hvc0 console=hvc1 iommu=off cryptomgr.notests net.ifnames=0 pci=lastbus=0 root=/dev/pmem0p1 rootflags=dax,data=ordered,errors=remount-ro ro rootfstype=ext4 quiet systemd.show_status=false panic=1 nr_cpus=32 agent.use_vsock=true systemd.unit=kata-containers.target19:47
kata-irc-botsystemd.mask=systemd-networkd.service systemd.mask=systemd-networkd.socket scsi_mod.scan=none agent.debug_console```19:47
devimc@efoster kata 1.x or 2.x?19:53
kata-irc-bot<efoster> 1.x19:53
devimcok, that weird, it works for me19:54
devimc@efoster this is my socat command19:54
devimcsudo socat stdin,raw,echo=0,escape=0x11 unix-connect:"$(ps aux | grep qemu | grep -o -e "/run/vc/vm/[[:alnum:]]*/console.sock")"19:54
devimcand this my cmdline19:55
devimc# cat /proc/cmdline19:55
devimctsc=reliable no_timer_check rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1 i8042.dumbkbd=1 i8042.nopnp=1 i8042.noaux=1 noreplace-smp reboot=k console=hvc0 console=hvc1 cryptomgr.notests net.ifnames=0 pci=lastbus=0 iommu=off root=/dev/pmem0p1 rootflags=dax,data=ordered,errors=remount-ro ro rootfstype=ext4 quiet systemd.show_status=false panic=1 nr_cpus=12 agent.use_vsock=true systemd.mask=systemd-networkd.service19:55
devimcsystemd.mask=systemd-networkd.socket agent.debug_console19:55
kata-irc-bot<efoster> Here's mine: ```id="$(crictl pods --no-trunc | grep $POD_NAME | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)"; console="/var/run/vc/vm/${id}/console.sock"; socat "stdin,raw,echo=0,escape=0x11" "unix-connect:${console}"```19:55
devimcand all my `enable_debug` are commented19:56
devimcso, no debug19:56
kata-irc-bot<efoster> I think I'm seeing a readiness check script being run. I'd take out the readiness check, but the application may not like that. Could I set `agent.log` to a higher level? Like `fatal` or something?19:58
devimc@efoster yes you can19:58
kata-irc-bot<efoster> `agent.log=fatal` did the trick!20:01
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