Wednesday, 2021-07-14

kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> Hi everyone, I found some PRs have pending test `test (1.14.x, ubuntu-20.04)`  ,  likely parts static check, how to trigger these? Like in
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @liubin0329, for those you'd need to close and open the PR again :S08:20
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> Thank you @fidencio, all jobs started.08:22
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @fupan, I'm not sure what I'm still missing as part of
kata-irc-bot<fupan> @fidencio I’ll take a look on the failed CI.09:15
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> by the way, I see the same failure on ARM CI, with `main`:
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Same error, and I'll leave this for Tomorrow. For Today I'll try to focus on getting the things on `main` for the release .11:47
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Folks, is there something we really want to have as part of the alpha1 release? :thread:14:14
kata-irc-bot<jakob.naucke> not from my side (do we have a reaction emoji for that?)14:27
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Everyone, I'd like to ask to *not* merge any PR to the `main`  branch of both kata-containers and tests repos till we have the release out. While on this, please, I'd appreciate approvals on: • kata-containers: • tests:
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> cc @eric.ernst, @gabriela.cervantes.te, @jose.carlos.venegas.m15:55
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> @fidencio should we add dnm label?15:58
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> In all the other PRs? Hmm. Maybe, let me do that adding a message explaining the why15:58
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> just in case someone miss the message from here15:59
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Yep, I started doing this with the few PRs on kata-containers that could be merged :slightly_smiling_face:16:01
fidenciodevimc: shall I get worried about ttps:// ?16:24
devimcfidencio, ignore it, 2.2.0-alpha1 doesn't exist yet16:26
devimcfidencio, right?16:26
fidenciodevimc: right!16:27
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Okay, I'll be AFK for 2 hours or so, and I'll finish the release after I'm back17:05
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> 2.2.0-alpha1 has been tagged, let's see if the actions work as expected.21:13
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Something has gone awry with the action, more specifically testing kata-deploy in AKS21:42
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @jose.carlos.venegas.m, as you've done some releases not so long ago as well.21:42
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I got as well that issue in my local testing for kata-deploy release21:43
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Hmm. I think I know what I can do, gimme 2 minutes :slightly_smiling_face:21:45
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I have used
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> and seems to work but I got another issue21:47
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I think still because if my current env in the action21:47
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> The issue seems to be in the docker login, which could be using Eric's credentials. I've changed that to use the kata-containers one and that may work.21:47
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> @fidencio I dont know if am also added to dockerhub account for kata, I am  could you remove me21:48
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I'll take a look at that and remove everyone at some point soon21:49
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Once we switch to (which I made the official request Today), things will be easier as we will have more flexibility about teams and robots credentials.21:49
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @jose.carlos.venegas.m, I just need to get to that, but my TODO list has been growing in a faster pace than I can actually finish things there21:50
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> ok no problem21:50
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> btw I dont see any container image with  that name in dockerhub21:50
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> ```microsoft/azure-cli``` 21:50
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> the most similar I found is
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I wonder if Microsoft renamed their container images21:51
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> ?21:51
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> @fidencio21:52
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Oh, you're right, that was `pull denied`.21:53
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> hmm21:53
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I have just tried locally21:53
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> docker pull  microsoft/azure-cli:latest Error response from daemon: pull access denied for microsoft/azure-cli, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied21:53
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> same21:53
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> docker pull
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> same21:54
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> whoops:
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> ….that registry, not this registry…21:55
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> maybe they finally finished moving…..21:56
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> try `docker run -it`21:56
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> that pull works for me21:56
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Yeah, same here21:56
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, what to do in this situation?  patch the dockerfile and cut an alpha2 release?21:57
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> you already tagged?21:57
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Yep, the kata-deploy action was triggered from the tag21:57
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I can remove the tag, patch it, and re-run21:57
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I feel a bit easier21:59
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> just one PR instead  of 222:00
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> :P22:00
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> but it passed the kata-deploy  action test correct?22:01
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> it happen between the merge and the tag22:01
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> Anyone using minikube with docker driver  behind a proxy?22:02
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> @eric.ernst @fidencio22:03
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I have problems to pull container images from k8s after the cluster is up, seems that the containerd service is not updated to use the proxy env I pass22:04
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Oh, no, I've moved all my development servers to $HOME by the beginning of the year22:05
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Hmm. it seems it didn't :S22:06
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, I mislooked that that (or didn't look at the results of the tests at all, to be honest)22:06
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I haven’t felt that pain… since…… I guess February of last year?22:06
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> or the year before? Whenever I was last on intel network :)22:06
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @eric.ernst @jose.carlos.venegas.m please, acks, please :slightly_smiling_face:22:06
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> haha :) - proxy hell22:07
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> @eric.ernst good for you, I am using chamaleonsocks but not working for minikube22:08
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I am dumb and I updated the credentials to the "team" account ... and now it seems to be failing due to that :S22:16
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @eric.ernst could you add your credentials back, pretty pretty please?22:16
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> although the login succeeds locally with the credentials I used22:18
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> you mean you deleted/created the creds in the kata/kata repo?22:18
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> *github secrets?22:18
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I mean I updated the credentials on github side, the github secrets22:19
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> The DOCKER_PASSWORD and DOCKER_USERNAME ones22:20
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> OK. Sure.22:20
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Just kata containers repo?22:20
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Yep22:20
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> OK - updated22:21
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> give it a try.22:21
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> trying ...22:21
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Works and unblocks me!22:23
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @eric.ernst, @jose.carlos.venegas.m, make your way to Czech Republic and the beers are going to be on me!22:23
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I'll short-circuit 2241 as soon as the kata-deploy tests pass and I'll go ahead, merge it, and then retag the release22:25
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @eric.ernst, hey, it's me, again.22:31
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> ```Error: loading API model: resources.GroupsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=409 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=<nil> Code="ResourceGroupBeingDeleted" Message="The resource group 'kata-deploy-17262cfe93' is in deprovisioning state and cannot perform this operation."``` I guess Today is not a good day for a release and I'll get back to this Tomorrow afternoon22:31
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I've seen those errors before, and I remember those coming and going, not being something related to us22:32
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> @fidencio not familiar with that one, but couyld you paste the action jobs url?22:32
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> yeah,  I dont just seems that is when the aks cluster is created22:37
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> probably restart could work?22:37
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I did restart a few times22:38
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I'll leave it as it's Today and come back to it Tomorrow22:38
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> unless the new container image the `azure cli` require different params22:38
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> ?22:38
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> oh, that may be the case as well.22:38
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> But yeah, let's let it sit for Today and I'll keep debugging it Tomorrow.22:39
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> yep sounds, good  have some rest, I had as well a few issues doing the release in my fork22:39
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I can try to debug and see if something else is missing22:39
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> I'll let you know if I found the reason here22:39
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> It's way too late on my side, and nothing I do in this state will result in a good thing :slightly_smiling_face:22:39
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks, @jose.carlos.venegas.m!22:39
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Ah, this is the current run:
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Maybe it'll pass. :slightly_smiling_face:22:40
kata-irc-bot<jose.carlos.venegas.m> me cross fingers22:41
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> And it worked!!!22:59

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