Tuesday, 2021-11-02

kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Looks like we have a couple of agenda items carrying forward from last weeks meeting. Anyone have new topics to discuss/add?03:48
kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> I'd like to discuss a bit about the virtiofsd alternative -- nydusd. I'll ask bytedance forlks if they can join. Probably next week. https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/pull/256204:01
kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> confirmed that he can present next week.04:09
kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> so no more topics on my side04:10
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @fgiudici, @jrope, is there something pending from you that I should take a look at?12:33
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @jakob.naucke, same question goes for you.  Anything coming from you that I should take a look at?12:34
kata-irc-bot<jakob.naucke> release? no12:58
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Hey all!  For those in Europe, the AC meeting starts one hour earlier Today thanks to the DST change.  @aadam, be aware of this as this may conflict with the Kata containers CI and backlog review meeting, which didn't change the time on my calendar (and I am not sure if it was supposed to)13:00
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> catching up, mostly. :slightly_smiling_face: if there's nothing blocking the release, better.  But if there's something you need a second (or even a first?) I could add to the short-term todo list13:03
kata-irc-bot<jakob.naucke> nothing right now I think, thanks for asking :slightly_smiling_face:13:29
kata-irc-bot<jakob.naucke> @aadam do we have the CI/backlog meeting now?14:03
kata-irc-bot<christophe> As an aside, I need to find a way to fix my calendar event.17:53

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