Tuesday, 2022-04-19

kata-irc-bot<amorenoz> Sorry, coming back from Holiday. As David said, kata + VFIO + DPDK should work fine. For kubernetes integration you'll need https://github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/sriov-cni. @feng.wang Do you need higher throughput for the primary interface or for secondary ones?05:54
kata-irc-bot<feng.wang> @amorenoz Unfortunately we are using AKS and don't have access to vf. Do you know anything about vpp/kata integration?06:00
kata-irc-bot<amorenoz> @feng.wang I don't have experience with VPP, but if you want to use vhost-user on primary interface you have several problems: 1) AFAIK kata does not support vhost-user for virtio-net devices and 2) I don't think userspace-cni works on primary interface (a netdev is required in the pod's netns for primary iface)09:13
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> <here>, AC meeting happening now!15:04
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I'm not sure there's a plugin, but we have a hacky way of handling vhost-user socket. As Adrian points out -- its a bit complicated since the socket isn't namespaced...22:52
kata-irc-bot<feng.wang> @eric.ernst do you know if the tap device would work? VPP seems also supporting tap interface.23:02
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I've never tested that -- its only been throuch the vhost-user socket when I tested before.23:03
kata-irc-bot<feng.wang> any datapoint regarding the performance using vhost-user with vpp?23:04

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