Thursday, 2022-04-28

kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> Yeah, I tend to agree with Eric. Do we have a real user asking for it on 2.4?02:32
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @bergwolf, I have a potential downstream user from my side that's running on RKE2.  If it doesn't get in I can maintain a fork and a different image for them, till 2.5.0 is out, but that's add some burden.08:18
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> But yeah, we have 3 "no"  already, so I will just keep it from my side.08:20
kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> Rancher has its own k8s distributions. Maybe we can talk to them to include Kata there? (while adding support in kata upstream of course). Now that OpenShift is shipping Kata, Rancher may be interested as well. That may ease your maintenance burden (by loading it on the Rancher side :slightly_smiling_face:08:30
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Yeah, our main contact from SUSE (which is together with Rancher) left the company 1.5 years ago.  I guess we all remember Ralph / Ralf.08:31
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Not even kata-containers packages are maintained there.  They never did the bump to 2.x.08:32
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I remember when I introduced the 2.x package for Fedora I was syncing with Ralph / Ralf so he could use that as base for his work, then he ended up leaving the company meanwhile.08:32
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> So close to 2000 stars ... :)10:26
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> JFYI, I'll take a stab and try to figure out the devmapper-clh failures *before* the release.11:02
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> It may delay the release in a few days, but I sincerely think that's a reasonable compromise as the issues on that CI seem legit.11:03
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> i just starred it :)21:42

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