Monday, 2022-05-02

kata-irc-bot<zkaiser> Hello, I was just curious how VM caching and VM templating would work in a TEE environment, I suppose KSM will not work anyway. Has anyone done any tests on how VM caching and VM templating is affected by an TEE?12:06
kata-irc-bot<liuj97> To support template, all vm cloned from the same template must have the same secret key for memory encryption12:09
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Another update. fixes the issue, and in the coming days (Today is a bank Holiday in the UK, where Rob is based) it'll be merged and a release may be cut with the fix in, we'll update it on the Kata Containers side and then cut the 2.5.0-alpha1 and 2.4.1 releases.13:51

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