Friday, 2022-05-06

kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @bradenr, @christopher.parks, @garrettmahin, @jack.hance,  Thanks a lot for the ride in the past few months.   You're leaving the community a better place than the community you met.  We wish you guys all the luck with the studies, the work, life in general. :slightly_smiling_face:  And don't be strangers, every time you feel that necessity of hacking something, don't even bother knocking, just come in!  Again, thanks a lot for your14:32
kata-irc-botwork, on behalf of the Kata Containers community!14:32
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> +1 to everything @fidencio said. It was a pleasure working with you guys and we were extremely impressed with the work you produced (quantity and quality!! ;)14:38
*** hsiangkao_ is now known as hsiangkao18:08

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