Tuesday, 2018-08-28

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xzrhey gwhaley, sorry, pestering you since you've been the only active fellow around here :P12:33
xzrwas wondering if the --selinux-enabled thing warranted an issue12:34
xzrgranted I don't understand all the gears turning in the machine with that one12:34
xzrhmm guess I should test that on another OS as well, to see if it's atomic specific12:34
xzrcould be a combination with some other setting12:35
gwhaleyhi xzr - heh, that may be because of timezone (many folks in U.S. and China for instance). a lot of others hang on slack, and that then waits for them to appear, so that can work better sometimes ;-)12:39
gwhaleyfor selinux - did I see Peng or Wei or somebody note there was a relevant issue recently - let me peek...12:39
xzrah, you located in .ie? Used to have a few buddies working for intel there. Still one working for mcafee in cork12:44
gwhaleyI'm actually in .uk - working from home (there is a big Intel office in the uk, but none of my group work there etc.). I have been to one of the Ireland offices :-) Know a couple of folks there - networking stuff12:48
gwhaleyI had a look for selinux stuff (github search), but could not locate the relevant thread/Issue. There is a thread on kata-dev email list as well, but that is probably not quite what you are asking:12:49
gwhaleydown in here, is about how we could isolate the VMs on the host http://lists.katacontainers.io/pipermail/kata-dev/2018-July/000257.html12:49
gwhaleylet me try harder on github - I'm sure we had something around selinux...12:49
xzryea I did try searching for selinux on the different projects in there as well12:53
xzrno dice12:53
gwhaleyxzf: I can't find a github Issue to discuss how/what we might do with selinux - so, yes please, open an issue and then we can kick off a discussion (at a minimum we can document what we do/don't support and why right now).12:54
gwhaleyIt is an interesting topic in that I will ask 'do you enable selinux on the host or in the guest' :-) Or both... :-)12:54
xzryeah that's what I'm scratching my head with currently12:55
xzrwe have some apps with selinux policies defined that we run on native hosts currently12:55
xzrplanning to containerize those, so then can we just use those policies directly in the container, then create a separate policy for docker12:56
gwhaleyand... it would be great if that just migrated or translated into a kata container... which sounds sane12:56
xzrluckily will soon have a proper demo system to start testing this stuff on12:56
gwhaleyand, wrt your previous look at kata and atomic, atomic does look interesting in that respect12:57
xzrI'll test it on plain centos first, see if I get the same result13:01
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xzrpeculiar, the systemd problem seems to manifest on base centos7 as well14:19
xzrthe config files are actually quite similar14:19
xzralso the selinux problem manifests in a similar manner14:20
xzrah yea the default install instructions determine the options given to the docker daemon, instead of just dropping in the kata-runtime into "existing config"14:23
xzrso maybe nobody has ran into these kinds of problems, or they ran into them and just chose to ignore them14:23
xzrof course I could be wrong, but would be nice if the kata runtime didn't require too many changes to the docker daemon configuration14:32
gwhaleyxzr: for the config, indeed, it assumes a clean install. You need to modify some docker config somewhere to tell docker it has a new runtime it can use, and what it is called :-)14:33
gwhaleyA PR to improve those docs welcome ;-)14:33
gwhaleyAnd Issues for the systemd and selinux stuff ...14:33
xzrwell, I used the base centos docker config that comes after yum install14:34
xzrand just added kata-runtime14:34
xzrended up with the same problems as on atomic14:34
xzras I didn't clean out all the docker start params (that are there by default)14:34
xzryup, I'll be posting some stuff once I figure it out14:35
gwhaleyxzr: thx. Then we can figure out/discuss on the thread. It occurs to me, I wonder if the default docker from Centos is 'too old' for kata. Just a thought. I think we have seen this on other distros (where their default docker install is v.v.old)14:36
xzrhmm true enough14:36
xzrholy cow it's indeed quite quite old14:37
xzrright, think I'm in for a world of pain with upgrading docker on atomic14:38
xzrI'll take a looksie with newer docker on centos14:39
xzrah well, figures14:47
xzrthe default docker-ce configuration is a great deal simpler than the one coming with centos14:47
xzrand doesn't have selinux enabled by default14:47
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xzrthough, for the most part kata seems to be fine on 1.13.1 as well15:09
xzrthe selinux thing manifests on docker ce as well15:09
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kata-irc-bot<mvedovati> Still stuck, any help is appreciated. About running kata-container standalone I followed this: https://github.com/kata-containers/documentation/blob/master/Developer-Guide.md#running-standalone15:51
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> @mvedovati - TBH I haven't run stand-alone.  Rereading the chat history to see what the original issue you ran into was...16:10
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Can you share the output / issue you observed when running with docker in the first place?  That may shed some light here.16:10
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Also, did you install using packages, are building from source?  It may be helpful to just open up a github issue against github.com/kata-containers/runtime ...16:11
kata-irc-bot<raravena80> ^^ hmm, it might related to suse, do we have any suse test? not sure if anybody has tried with that16:19
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