Thursday, 2020-08-13

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kata-irc-bot1<clement> So I double checked and it is indeed more stable than just using runC, however I think the main reason is that by default runC will not use cpuset, while kata containers will isolate the vm on one core08:31
kata-irc-bot1<clement> currently rereunning the benchamrks with runc+cpuset to confirm08:32
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kata-irc-bot1<clement> mmhh, using cpuset makes it slightly better but containers are still more stable :')09:57
kata-irc-bot1<clement> mmhh, am I misunderstanding or does it mean that you to provide a full core to firecracker "for the device emulation thread" on top on the one attributed to the VM ? So to attain the performance they mention I would need one core for the VM and one for firecracker or am I misunderstanding something ? Is it the same for other hypervisors ?10:25
kata-irc-bot1<clement> I'm trying to know if with a 4phys cores machine, I should run a maximum of 3 kata containers or 4 for maximum stability10:26
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kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @clement I think the above specs gives IO performance number for a setup where a core is dedicated to the VM, i.e. nothing else on the system runs on this given core.12:07
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> It does not mean that FC requires a dedicated core.12:08
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @fandree may be able to give more details about FC device model12:09
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