Monday, 2020-11-09

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kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> I don’t have crio environment at hand. but can you try v1.18.3? kata is constantly being tested with v1.18.3 with CI.02:56
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zer0defalready have tried with 1.19 once I noticed tickets that related to 1.18.3 and 1.18.4, turns out that procfs isn't properly mounted in the rootfs mount passed through to the VM, might have something to do with running K8S nodes within LXD containers05:07
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zer0defout of curiosity - does Kata expect a proper FHS in infra container's image? the VM gets rootfs mounted RO, so after an initial failure to mount /proc, it attempts to create it, fails and falls over leaving the above message12:18
zer0defsince my current configuration uses `pause_image = ""`, which only provides the /pause binary, I'm not sure where the behavior I'm experiencing breaks away from intended operation12:22
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kata-irc-bot<b.oosterhof> Thanks to all who voted!
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zer0defpretty sure is causing my headaches with cri-o14:16
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zer0defor not, so I'm open to providing whatever logs might help15:55
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zer0defalright, rebuilt crio to not set root as readonly and a pausing image that has FHS, that's *with* running virtiofs patched kernels and quem, so at this point I'm clueless - any feedback would be welcome16:46
zer0defrelated agent log:
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devimczer0def,  'rebuilt crio to not set root as readonly' ?17:30
devimcwhat do you mean?17:31
devimccontainer rootfs or VM rootfs ?17:31
zer0defchanged the boolean to false here, but to no avail:
zer0defand by rootfs, I guess I'm referring to container's rootfs17:32
zer0defthough, in my particular circumstance, I find it strange that the VM wouldn't be able to mount it's own /proc, in spite of running inside of an LXD system container17:33
zer0defI'm bind-mounting binaries, libraries and images into those system containers, for clarity17:34
devimczer0def, so, kata is running in a LXD container?17:34
zer0defperhaps I should specifically link to the piece of shell that more clearly describes what's being bound over17:35
zer0defthese two links ought to provide enough context on what I'm doing:
zer0defbut yes, essentially that's K8S-on-LXD with Kata, also made sure qemu genuinely launches by itself17:37
devimczer0def, ptal  -not sure if this is the same error17:41
zer0defit looks like the same thing, only mapped to kata2 and I did notice an `MS_PRIVATE` rebind in the strace log17:44
devimczer0def, s/MS_PRIVATE/MS_SHARED/g  ?17:46
devimcos MS_SLAVE ?17:46
zer0defpretty sure it was a rebind to MS_PRIVATE17:46
zer0deflet me follow through the steps the reporter went through and report back17:49
zer0defyep, a quick `mkdir -p /run/kata-containers/shared/sandboxes && mount --bind --make-rshared /run/kata-containers/shared/sandboxes /run/kata-containers/shared/sandboxes` fixes the situation, thanks for bringing up that particular issue, devimc18:55
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devimczer0def, that's great! :)19:30
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> devimc: ack?
devimcdone :)19:34
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kata-irc-bot<s257117> Hello, I'm a student from polytechnic of Turin, computer engineering. I hope I am in the right place to ask questions. I'm actually trying to benchmark I/O (with fio) of different container runtimes but i can't understand why I'm obtaining better results with kata (65.5K IOPS) instead of runc (14.7K IOPS), can someone explain me why?22:32

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