Monday, 2021-05-17

kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> It really is too much to hope for Go projects to be go build able these days.05:14
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> and then cli/containerd-shim main.go just references variables that arne't there05:17
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> and there's no for this one. Why?05:17
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> I mean, I could read a 600 line makefile to try to package this or not05:21
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kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> I'm trying to package Kata for NixOS and write a module to go along with it.05:31
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> I had 1.3.x packaged, but this new stuff is convoluted to build. I'd prefer to figure out how to `go build` if it possible.05:32
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> so far I can't even figure out how runtime/cli/containtainerd-shim is supposed to build given that it references undefined variables...05:32
kata-irc-bot1<bergwolf> @cole.mickens Take a look at the Makefile. there are some variables auto-generated by make. `cli/` is the one you are looking for?06:01
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kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> @cole.mickens I know you'd prefer gobuild, but this is what we do on Fedora side:
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> @cole.mickens, feel free to hit me up later Today, and we can go through this (even via a call if, you'd prefer)07:16
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> I'm really, and I mean it, *really* interested on having it as part of NixOS.07:16
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kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> That's very generous. I'll start looking through the Fedora stuff and see where that gets me in-between meetings today.18:06
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> Sure thing.  Mind that the Fedora stuff is tailored to Fedora (surprised? :-)), where we had some strong rules about not running a different kernel and the host one, and things like that.18:14
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kata-irc-bot1<> Hi - is it possible to set runtime configuration values per-pod? E.g, overrule the defaults in `configuration.toml` via the pod’s yaml spec?20:37
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio>, you cand, using annotations20:43
kata-irc-bot1<> Thanks! I see it now in the virtcontainers 1.0 spec21:00
kata-irc-bot1<> Is it possible to annotate any arbitrary config option, or only a select few?21:01
kata-irc-bot1<> I’m looking to overwrite `firmware` ,for example21:04
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> (goes and greps source to check)21:06
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> looks like it!21:06
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio>, sorry for the delay, but as @eric.ernst mentioned, theoretically we have firmware annotations working.21:08
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I've updated kernel this way per pod just last week -- should be good.21:08
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> let me see if i have sample yaml i can throw at your issue21:09
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio>, here you can find a full docs about this, with examples:
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> @eric.ernst, ^^ :slightly_smiling_face:21:09
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> Or, if you want to test just a single container using nerdctl:
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> you can then just sed kernel/firmware21:10
kata-irc-bot1<> Thanks guys!21:11
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> each time i use it, i have to say -- nerdctl is sweet to test with. I missed docker CLI for quick tests; this works great w/ Kata 2.021:12
kata-irc-bot1<> Nice! I’ve been using `ctr` for quick tests and it’s… not great21:14
kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> I agree that `nerdctl` is *amazing!*  I really wish we could have something something as handy as that also for CRI-O.21:15
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kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> Yeah, ctr isn’t meant for a docker like replacement, but I’d good for some basic sanity testing.21:44
kata-irc-bot1<> oh yeah.. `ctr` is a perfect for a  `buildbox:latest sh`  without installing k8s22:15
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kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> Alright, I got the agent and runtime built. (runtime using make; for the agent I called make to generate the file and then let nixpkgs's Rust infra build the agent itself.)23:46
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> Now I need to apply the magic for creating... a rootfs/initrd I guess.23:47
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> what's the secret? There's a lot of code in osbuilder? What do I really need beyond dropping the agent on an ext4 FS as `/init`?23:56

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