Sunday, 2021-05-23

kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> I'm getting a bit frustrated, when I boot my kernel+initrd with qemu kata-agent starts fine. When the shim starts it, it results in "error 2"01:39
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> The weird thing is, I can emulate it if I leave out `-cpu host`  in my manual qemu invocation but I can see that shim indeed supplies that.01:45
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> so if I boot without unified groups kernel param, then kata-agent starts up, but container start fails with "cgroup mountpoint not found"02:25
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> if I boot with the unified group param, then I get error 2 starting kata-agent02:25
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> wait how does that even make sense, that kernel arg is agent specific?02:27
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> maybe the agent is starting up but emitting the error 2 itself before any log messages?02:28
kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> Okay, so it's definitely the agent just failing very fast when it's told to use unified cgroup hierarchy, somehow03:00
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kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> @cole.mickens, can you try setting up `sandbox_cgroup_only=true` in your config?17:09
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