Wednesday, 2021-06-23

kata-irc-bot<david_hay> Apologies for jumping into this thread, but coincidentally, I've been tinkering with `youki` running inside a Fedora pod sandbox / guest VM  One thing that I've noted is that `youki` *appears* to want Huge Pages enabled, even with the default `cgroups` *v1* support enabled in the config  `kata-runtime env|grep group`  ```  SandboxCgroupOnly = false``` When i try and run a container: -  `youki create davehay --bundle13:27
kata-irc-bot/tmp/fedora_bundle`  I see: -  ```Error: could not find mountpoint for hugetlb``` This with a `youki`built from their repo, and copied into the pod sandbox via a rootfs addition ....  Purely leaving this here for info, as I was just tinkering :slightly_smiling_face:13:27

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