Sunday, 2021-10-24

kata-irc-bot<jacobwgillespie> Hi, I am using Kata with Firecracker and would like to access `/sys/kernel/debug` from within a privileged container - I have compiled a custom kernel with the correct config to enable debugging, but I'm not finding a way to access it from within the container. Is this possible? Is `kata-agent` masking `/sys` in some way that makes this impossible? (apologies if I'm missing something basic)  The intended goal is to be able to20:30
kata-irc-botrun as a sidecar container in a pod, inside the Firecracker sandbox.20:30
kata-irc-bot<anastassios.nanos> IIRC there is no such limitation, but just to be sure, are you able to access `/sys/kernel/debug` from the FC sandbox?22:53

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