Thursday, 2022-08-25

kata-irc-bot<manabu.sugimoto> @vbatts854 I think this issue is because some files in `libs/protocols/src/` are generated by root user. Once we build the agent with root user, we'll encounter this problem. To address this, you would need to change the owner of those files. ```$ sudo chown <normal_username>:<normal_username> libs/protocols/src``` Ideally, I think we may need to modify so that those files generated automatically are deleted when we run `sudo00:42
kata-irc-bot-E make clean` and so forth.00:42
kata-irc-bot<treva930> from the docs I see that Kata deployment is supported on MiniKube - is it safe to assume that it will also work on microk8s?15:27
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> It's.  It should work without any issues.17:01
kata-irc-bot<ing.jdavidbr> Hello mates!18:49

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