Thursday, 2015-07-16

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sdake_samyaple you about02:58
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sdake_daneyon please check your voicemail / email03:44
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daneyonsdake_ just liostened to your voicemail04:04
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Updated file structure to make it consistent
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Updated directory structure to make it consistent
SamYapleanyone around05:21
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coolsvapSamYaple, hi :)05:34
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vincent_vdkgood morning05:35
vincent_vdkhmm, how is post_start in the kolla wrapper script run exactly05:46
vincent_vdki mean, nova client is not installed on the host, bu inside the containers05:47
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Add pid_mode to libvirt
vincent_vdkah, so you need the nova and neutron client on the host06:09
vincent_vdknice, a running openstack06:10
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vincent_vdkwebinterface doesn't seem to be working like it should06:18
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Move keepalived common files to common dir
dolpherhello, anybody working on the install from source images? I'd like to contribute to that, and think it might be valuable for upgrade test.06:35
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Change docker ADD file instruction to COPY
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Updated directory structure to make it consistent
SamYapledolpher: yes that is a major push right now06:41
SamYaplethough it may not be fully finished by L206:41
coolsvapfeel free to pick anything you like06:42
coolsvapcouple of priority 2 like barbican, zaqar are up for grab06:43
dolphergot it06:44
dolpherthanks SamYaple and coolsvap06:44
dolpherI see that the current work start from centos, but the source code install part should be common and reusable to all linux releases?06:46
SamYapledolpher: it can, but dont worry too much about that at the moment06:52
SamYaplein L3 there will be a templating push so all the files will be able to share code alot better06:52
dolpherBoth zaqar and designate are new to me, I will start from designate :-) (Filled my name to the etherpad)06:58
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Heat
inc0uhh Kolla was removed from stackalitics oO07:26
inc0they left just fuel there for stackforge projects07:26
inc0dolpher, hello, its MichaƂ from Intel:) just to introduce myseldf07:27
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dolpherinc0: Ha, it's you, nice to meet you here :-)07:31
dolpherI'm dolpher from intel OTC07:32
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Ceilometer
inc0soon we'll merge code to kolla which will fail container unless run on intel CPU mwhahahahaha07:44
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Barbican
vincent_vdkis it so that the kilo release doesn't have a cinder container?08:30
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Zaqar
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Ceilometer
SamYapleinc0: are there other types of cpu?08:58
SamYaplevincent_vdk: thats correct08:58
vincent_vdkSamYaple: ok thanks08:59
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Horizon
coolsvappbourke, i think the .buildinfo is missing in every patchset, will update09:06
pbourkecoolsvap: np09:06
pbourkeIm marking them with -1 more as a note to myself that I've looked at them09:07
pbourkecoolsvap: however please review barbican as it seems to be using an older style of curl'ing within the Dockerfile09:08
coolsvapyes the patchset will change09:09
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Ceilometer
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Zaqar
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Horizon
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Barbican
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Change docker ADD file instruction to COPY
coolsvappbourke, are you working on install-from-source for neutron ?09:41
pbourkecoolsvap: yes09:53
SamYaplei need to cut the grass10:02
coolsvappbourke, ack!10:02
SamYaplecan anyone confirm that neutron-server is missing api-paste.ini on a fresh build10:11
coolsvapvery strange error in ceilometer-base ,dump_vars included in minimum-environment-vars :-/10:13
SamYaplecoolsvap: are the symlinks not symlinks?10:14
coolsvapSamYaple, no wait, let me show you10:14
coolsvapthe check_required_vars continued10:15
coolsvapSamYaple, ^^10:15
coolsvappbourke, i am skipping ADD to avoid further permission issues that can be encountered10:18
coolsvappbourke, sorry will add it in review10:20
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SamYaplecoolsvap: the permissions issue was due to improper symlinks10:24
SamYaplecoolsvap: that like you liked me too looks like a bad script10:25
SamYapledump_vars is debug is it not?10:26
SamYaplethe \ at the end of the previous line is why its being read10:26
coolsvapSamYaple, yes10:26
coolsvapthe \ at the end needs to be removed10:26
coolsvapI am trying to build ceilometer containers and its failing for dump_vars10:27
coolsvapso i noticed10:27
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Horizon
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Zaqar
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Ceilometer
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Implement ceilometer container
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openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed stackforge/kolla: Added memcached, dependancy required by blueprint swift-container
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Implement ceilometer container
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Change docker ADD file instruction to COPY
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openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed stackforge/kolla: Swift WIP
openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed stackforge/kolla: Add memcached image (required by Swift)
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Gnocchi service to kolla
coolsvapharmw, updated the changeset for gnocchi11:28
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Gnocchi service to kolla
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Gnocchi service to kolla
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Updated directory structure to make it consistent
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coolsvappbourke, SamYaple pls check it failed in merge due to conflict11:39
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Gnocchi service to kolla
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pbourkeSamYaple: does this look like a potential bug to you? Both nova-api and nova-conductor are running 'nova db sync' but only the api has the BOOTSTRAP flag:12:43
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SamYaplepbourke: doesnt run in ansible12:50
SamYaplean nova-api is the one that db syncs with ansible12:50
pbourkeSamYaple: yeah just realised as I hit enter... thanks12:50
SamYaplei would argue that the apis are where you must do the db sync since they are the only project that requires access to the database12:50
pbourkewell nova is different though right12:51
SamYaplefor config-internal all the configs are the same, with ansible evenrtually all the configs will be stripped of fields they dont use12:51
pbourkethe conductor is what access the db12:51
SamYaplethe conductor and the api do12:51
pbourkehave you seen this error on your travels when running nova db sync - KeyError: <VerNum(295)>12:52
SamYaplescheduler does as well12:52
SamYapleonly when doing upgrades, but not since grizzly12:52
SamYaple(and i doubt it was VerNum(295)12:52
pbourkeI know its something to do with migrations it should be a fresh db init12:52
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SamYapleno specifying head or something12:53
SamYapledunno each project does db_sync differente12:54
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Updated directory structure to make it consistent
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Gnocchi service to kolla
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sdakesamyaple awake?13:28
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Nova
sdakehey pbourke13:44
pbourkesdake: howdy13:44
sdakesay are you the same cat as pdb13:44
sdakemy guess is yes13:44
sdakei just want to be sure :)13:44
pbourkeha, yes :)13:45
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Nova
pbourkepbourke = paul david bourke = paul bourke13:45
pbourke= pdb13:45
pbourkeor something13:45
sdakewhy did you changeo ur nick from pdb13:46
pbourkebecause my client kept pinging me when people were discussing python debugging13:46
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Nova
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sdakeshowing feelings of a almost human nature!13:52
sdakethis will not do.13:52
pbourkeme or the gerrit bot?13:53
sdakejust signing along to pink floyd13:55
sdakedont quit my day job right ;-)13:55
SamYaplesdake: always13:55
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SamYapleim assuming one of you asked larsks to look at the pid bug?13:55
sdakesamyaple he looked of his own accord13:55
SamYaplefixed in upstream docker 5 hours before i woke up13:55
SamYaplego larsks!13:56
sdakebut likely after hearing me complain13:56
sdakewe still hae t oflive with that is in the field for the time being13:56
sdakeeven thoug hthe when is super hacky13:56
SamYaplehey so wierd. pid mode makes libvirt work (was broke on ubuntu too)13:56
SamYaplelibvirt worked at one point in the pat for me13:56
sdakeya it does something wierd with permissions and systemd13:56
SamYaplewonder if something changed upstream?13:56
SamYapleyea but ubuntu 14.04 doesnt have systemd13:56
sdakeits always been that way with me13:57
SamYapleand it worked before (no pid)13:57
sdakewell it always required pidmode on fedora13:57
SamYaplewell i take that back. nova-compute didnt crash before. i cant say libvirt _worked_13:57
sdakedid larsks patch fix it, I wans't quite sure when looking at it13:57
SamYaplei dont remember checking13:57
SamYapleyup its all merged and good t ogo13:57
larsksSamYaple: No, /me just noticed the pid bug in passing.13:58
SamYaplethough i have some thoughts on restructuring since i dont like this ../../start.yml setup, it was just the least DRY violating method i could think of at the time13:58
larsksAnd thought it looked like an easy fix :)13:58
SamYaplei was heading to fix it myself but after cloning devel i saw it was working13:58
SamYaplethen i checked the history :D13:58
SamYaplego on, someone ask me about neutron13:59
sdakeneutron is working?13:59
sdakewhats going on with neutron then :)14:04
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Ansible Neutron support
SamYapleno that was it. i was just making a joke14:04
SamYaplei have two files to update, but i have grass to cut14:04
SamYapleit should be up by today. then i have LOTS of polishing to do14:05
SamYaplebut good news is, i have nothing but ideas, no blockers14:05
sdakesay quic kq14:05
sdakeyou ahve data containers for rabbit/galera14:06
sdakeI dont understand why for rabbit14:06
sdakealso the glance data container isn't being used14:06
SamYapleyea niether is nova. i have to go back and add in data containers for things14:07
SamYaplefor rabbit that is because for mutlihost you have to have a persistent cookie file14:07
SamYaplealso i have plans for spporting bindmounted from host data folders in the same way14:08
SamYaplefor speed purposes14:08
SamYapleso sdake you got everything running? (except neutron)?14:09
SamYapledid you try multihost?14:09
sdakehave not tried multihost14:09
sdakei will today hopefully14:09
sdakebeen bsy14:09
SamYapleok. found a multihost impacting issue in nova14:09
SamYaplefixed in that neutron WIP though14:10
SamYaplethe layer squashing can save about 500MB on the galera image it looks like sdake14:12
SamYapleso all images should get squashed to <500MB while still sharing layers14:12
SamYaplebbiab grass14:13
sdakei have lawn service ftw ;)14:15
pbourkeno lawn14:16
SamYaplei have a push mower14:16
SamYapleall manual14:17
SamYapleits got whatever the opposite of gear reducition is14:17
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add missing symlinks in neutron-base
jpeelerSamYaple: how much more efficient is "if variable" than "if variable == 1"?14:20
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Gnocchi service to kolla
jpeeleri'm looking over your logging comments14:21
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sdakejpeeler it makes no difference during execution14:24
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Implement ceilometer container
sdakethe first time the == 1 might be a little slower but then it gets compiled intobytecode14:25 and typically bytecompile ahead o ftime14:25
sdakerather just setup.py14:25
sdakeif you hadn't pre-bytecompiled, the == 1 would be slower on the first execution because its more to parse14:25
jpeelerok good, just making sure i'm not writing horrible code (at least performance wise)14:25
sdakeI see little in kolla that needs optimiziation besides the image building process -  that takes a long time14:26
jpeeleryeah and i don't know if SamYaple is around, but the motivation in keeping the test with the parsing stuff is because i was trying to finish this before i left14:27
jpeelerbut now i see it may not be so bad to do the better way, so i'll work on that14:27
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sdakeif only the f35 used ci14:53
SamYaplejpeeler: i dont know how much more efficient, or any, i just know it gets eval'd 1000's of times per build potentially14:55
SamYaplei just others knowledge of the lower levels of python more14:55
SamYaplejpeeler: i would like to learn more about project-config and what not. can you send me a list of the commits you are doing to "make this work" so i can understand how to make a new test?14:56
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SamYaplebbiab again14:57
sdakesamyaple it is converted into bytecode onthe first run and stored in memory15:00
sdakei guess if you had memory pressure it could conceivably need to be reparsed15:00
sdakebut I think it stores the bytecode on disk as well15:00
sdakei think those two things make the same byte code,but not 100% positive15:01
sdakeif I were a compiler, i'd make the same bytecode ;)15:01
jpeeleri just tested because i was curious, the difference is there but not much of a difference15:01
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jpeelerand yeah, give me a second to send the project-config changes15:02
jpeelergotta go fix something real quick15:02
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coolsvappbourke, around?15:07
coolsvapsdake, most of the install from source change-sets are done15:07
pbourkecoolsvap: yes15:07
coolsvappbourke, regarding the ceilometer container, the dockerfiles are already present in repo15:08
coolsvapthe patch is the remaining work15:09
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pbourkecan you add a more appropriate commit msg?15:09
coolsvapthis bp has been through many contributors, partially done15:09
coolsvapyes updated the commit message as well :)15:09
coolsvapi mean added details in commit message15:10
pbourke"Implement ceilometer container" - says to me this is implementing the container, not adding some missing files15:10
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Parttially implement ceilometer container code
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SamYapledamn pbourke getting all specific15:18
SamYaplecrack the whip15:18
sdakesamyaple why does rabbit have a data container15:18
SamYaplei told youooooo15:18
sdakemust have got dced sorry15:19
sdakenetworking behaving poorly today15:19
sdakefor some reason15:19
SamYaple14:07 < SamYaple> for rabbit that is because for mutlihost you have to have a persistent cookie file15:19
sdakegot it15:19
sdakeshould we not make a data container then?15:19
SamYaple14:08 < SamYaple> also i have plans for spporting bindmounted from host data folders in the same way15:19
SamYaple14:08 < SamYaple> for speed purposes15:19
pbourkecoolsvap: nice work though, you're moving like lightning!15:19
SamYaplesdake: you can, but i cant use a data container for ansible15:19
sdakebecause theye xit?15:20
SamYaplei mean i suppose i can, but there is absolutely no benefit at all15:20
SamYaplethat and for bindmounting to the host i still ahve to specify the volumes manually when i launch it15:20
sdakeok well glance has a data container15:21
sdakeas well as nova15:21
sdakethose are not used?15:21
SamYapleagain, I suppose i can, but there is absolutely no benefit to doing it15:22
sdakethe data container is meant to be persistent so nova canbe upgraded without affecting data15:22
SamYaplesame affect is happening15:22
sdakehow doy ou get the same effect?15:22
SamYapleby doing the same thing? the data container is only specifying the volume and run command (/bin/true)15:23
SamYaplei am doign that in ansible15:23
SamYaplesince i must specify the volume with ansible, i see no reason to have another container as overhead15:23
SamYapleanother image15:23
sdakewhere does the /var/llib/libvirt volume come from, which container?15:23
SamYaplethere is stil la container, i just dont use a different image15:23
SamYaplethere will be a libvirt_data container15:24
bmacewow, infra still hasn't workflowed my change :/15:24
bmaceand good morning all :)15:24
sdake[sdake@bigiron ansible]$ sudo docker ps -a | grep libvirt15:24
sdakec9364a4c27fd        kollaglue/centos-rdo-nova-libvirt:latest       "/"            8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                            nova_libvirt15:24
sdake[sdake@bigiron ansible]$15:24
sdakeoh will be15:24
sdakeya there is already a nova data container why not just use that15:24
SamYaplesdake: again, as i said earlier15:24
SamYaple14:07 < SamYaple> yea niether is nova. i have to go back and add in data containers for things15:24
SamYaplesdake: i just explained why15:25
sdakegot it so its on the todo list15:25
sdakesomething must be up with my internet15:25
sdakei didn't ge tthat message15:25
sdakethe first time15:25
SamYaplewhat do we gain from using a seperate image?15:25
sdakethe separate data container image is never upgraded15:25
SamYapleit is15:25
sdakeonly the containers themselves, allowing for binary and data to migrate at differetn rates15:25
SamYapleyoure wrong15:26
SamYaplethe base for it changes and therefor it will get upgraded15:26
sdakeyes during a  rebuild it will but should not15:26
SamYaplesame here15:26
SamYaplenot seeing a benefit to a seperate image15:26
sdakethe base should be centos15:26
sdakenot centos-rdo-*15:26
sdakethe base of the data container that is15:26
sdakeok its very simple, lets assume you have nova libvirt and nova compute15:27
sdakethey store /var/lib/nova and /var/lib/libvirt15:27
sdakethis is where persistent storage is done15:27
sdakeyou store these in a centos-based data container15:27
sdakethis data containe never gets replaced15:27
sdakebut the regular containers do on upgrade15:27
SamYaplethis is not true15:27
SamYapleyou are wrong15:27
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni proposed stackforge/kolla: Parttially implement ceilometer container code
sdakeI am tlaking in a "how it should work world"15:27
SamYaplewhen centos changes the data container will recreate15:28
sdakenot how it works today world15:28
SamYaplein that case we need a image with only /bin/sleep or something15:28
SamYaple_then_ it would never change15:28
SamYapleuntil then it is just another container and unneeded15:28
sdakewe can control the changes by what we build, no? :)15:28
sdakeeg if data-container-deployed dont build15:29
sdakehere is the problem with the current model15:29
sdakeif i upgrade glance images15:29
sdakerather glance containers15:29
sdakeall the images stored in glance go byebye15:29
SamYaplei understand what you are saying, what i am saying is the model you say we have is not the model we have15:29
SamYaplei understand why we have data container, but i dont see the need for a seperate image15:30
SamYapleunless that image only containers a single binary (sleep for exampe)15:30
sdakeagree we could just use centos with /bin/sleep15:30
SamYaplewrong same issue15:30
SamYaplewhen centos upgrades the container recreates15:30
sdakeonly if we build it15:30
sdakewe control which containers get tagged15:30
SamYaplewe build everything15:30
SamYaplenow you are saying we have single buil;d images15:31
sdakeherein lies the problem ;)15:31
sdakewell i assume you accept that upgrading a container shouldn't result in lost data in the cloud? :)15:31
sdakeif so, lets figure out how to fix that15:31
SamYapleand i assume you understand what i am doing is no different that what you are saying15:31
sdakeexcept your not starting a separate container that we can control the upgrade and starting process of15:32
sdakevia tagging or some other mechanism15:32
SamYaplei am indeed15:32
sdakefor glance?15:32
SamYaplefor rabbit_data that IS a seperate container15:32
SamYaplefor mariadb_data that IS a seperate container15:32
sdakei get rabbit galera, i've moved on to glance ;)15:32
SamYaple15:25 < SamYaple> 14:07 < SamYaple> yea niether is nova. i have to go back and add in data containers for things15:33
SamYaplethe context is talking about glance15:33
sdakegot it15:33
sdakeso data containers, however we do that, is tbd15:33
SamYaplei am aware of which data containers are missing, i am against using a seperate image to launch them15:33
sdakethe nice thing about separate data containers is they canbe backed up and restored indepdenetly15:33
SamYaplewe have seperate containers15:34
SamYaplei am against using seperate IMAGES15:34
sdakeok, so lets say we use same image, and run ansible site.yml, wont it replace the current data containers deployed?15:34
SamYapleone at a time it will15:35
SamYapleso no chance of lossing data15:35
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sdakeI thought you had to have separte images you had to use the VOLUME operation15:35
SamYaplethats what ive been saying15:35
sdakehow is there no chance of losing data15:35
SamYaplehold on let me link you to the docker docs15:36
sdakeI dont understand docer well enough uner the hood to know for certain the data will persist ;-)15:36
sdakeyes of course i've read this15:36
sdakewhat specifically did you want me to read15:36
SamYaplenot well enough it seems15:36
SamYaplesorry did not mean that like it came out :)15:37
SamYaplespecifically if a container is still using a VOLUME then it stays persistent15:37
sdakeits ok i have thick skin15:37
sdakeok, so we dont need VOLUME then?15:37
SamYapleso glance is using teh VOLUME it gets recreated but glance_data is still using it so it sticks around15:37
SamYapleif glance_data restarts galnce is still holding onto the VOLUME15:37
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SamYapleand its not restarts, but remove and add back15:38
SamYapleand in the case of recreate you can hold volumes even across image switches15:38
SamYaplewhat it comes down to is thie model is perfectly safe15:38
SamYaplesdake dont worry. this conversation wont last long since 1.8 is apparently getting top-down volume control without this ugly "data container"15:40
SamYaplepbourke: im not sure how i read that article15:41
SamYapleas in, are you pointing to this as competition for Kolla?15:41
SamYaplei read it more like nova-docker competition15:41
SamYaplenot sure thoug15:41
pbourkehard to know15:41
sdakemagnum guys magnum15:41
sdakemagnum includes kubernetes15:42
SamYaplesdake: but magnum isnt containers on baremetal like nova-docker, right?15:42
SamYapleit spins up a vm i thought15:42
sdakemagnum integrates various COEs such as swarm and magnum into OpenStack15:42
SamYaplemagnum integrates magnum?15:42
sdakeno it spins up microservices pods/services/replication controllers or swarm stuff15:42
SamYaplewhat is this openstack cascading?15:42
sdakeswarm and kubernetes :)15:43
pbourkeat first I thought yeah they would be competing essentially but maybe it is more like magnum. but then, why wouldnt they mention magnum15:43
SamYaplefor those that dont get my joke:
sdakereplace second magnum with kubernetes15:43
SamYaplespecifically, look at this image
jpeelerSamYaple: let me know if you want something a little more permanent -
SamYaplejpeeler: and thats it?15:45
jpeelerheh yeah15:45
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SamYapleconfusing as hell, but its short15:45
jpeelergoing to try and get this done today15:45
jpeelerwhen's your day look like?15:46
jpeeleras in, how many hours do you have left15:46
SamYaplei normally sleep now but considering staying up since i have a date tonight15:46
jpeeleroh cool :)15:46
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SamYapleim psyched about seeing how fast teh parallel build is15:47
SamYapleim hoping <10m15:47
jpeelerme too15:47
sdakesamyaple at the conclusion of l2, would I be able to run ansible site.yml and not lose my persistent data?15:47
SamYaplesdake: yes15:47
sdakebut if I do that now, I will lose my persistent data? (on a container contents change)15:48
SamYaplefor ones that have a "data" contaienr already, no15:48
SamYaplefor the ones i need to add (glance nova) yes15:48
sdakeok got it15:48
sdakeso we can just folllow same pattern for data containers for nova and glance then?15:48
sdakethere is an etc dir that needs to be done in nova as well iirc15:49
sdakeor the network wont start15:49
SamYaplefor nova-network maybe15:49
SamYaplei hadn't planned on supporting that with ansible15:50
SamYaplethat really throws a kink in the flow...15:50
sdakeone of the top 3, although behind linux-bridge15:50
SamYapleyea but im not sure its doable to support nova-network15:50
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SamYaplenot alot of room for if-then with ansible15:50
sdakeagree when is a bit clunky15:51
SamYapleill have to think about this more15:51
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SamYaplewe might be able to do it cleanly15:51
sdakelinux bridge is #1 is almost every survey15:52
SamYapleas in neutron linuxbridge?15:52
sdakeso i'd like to go with that as a follow on15:52
SamYapleovs is better15:52
sdakeya i guess ovs is flakey ;)15:52
sdakei dont realy know the details of the surveys i saw15:53
SamYaplethe ones packaged with ubuntu is 2.0.215:53
sdakethe  *why*15:53
SamYaplethat is an alpha15:53
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Neutron
SamYapleso yea i get that15:53
SamYaple2.3.1 is within 10% of the performance of linuxbridge and neutron actually supports OVS ;)15:53
SamYaplelinuxbridge is an afterthought15:53
SamYapleafterbirth might be more appropriate15:53
sdakeiirc nova-network was #2 and ovs was #315:55
sdakethis was real world deploy survey data15:56
SamYapleovs requires an external module, thats probably the big holdback here15:56
sdakelet me see if i cn find link15:56
SamYaplelinuxbridge may never be able to support DVR15:57
SamYapleive been on this alot15:57
sdakedvr is what15:57
SamYaplecompute <--> internet15:58
SamYapleno networking node needed15:58
SamYapleeast-west scaling15:58
sdakeoh directvirtua lroutin you mean15:58
SamYapleits funny since rackspace public cloud is OVS15:59
SamYapleso is HP Helion15:59
SamYaplei know lots of mirantis stuff is15:59
SamYaplei think that survey was bogus15:59
sdakeit was definately a trusted source (foundation)16:00
sdaketryingto find16:00
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sdakewe need at minimum linux bridge and ovs16:00
SamYapleid like to see the companies and how many declined to comment16:00
SamYapleagreed no argument16:00
sdakewe can sort out the other networking modes if ppl ask16:01
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pbourkeimage building is killing me16:33
pbourkevery slowly16:33
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vincent_vdkpbourke: wasn't docker going to solve that ;-)16:48
pbourkevincent_vdk: it does for the end user I think16:49
pbourkevincent_vdk: just pushes the pain onto us ;)16:49
vincent_vdkstill better than vms16:50
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sdake_building vms is worse16:56
sdake_i did that for oh about 18 months before implementing heat :)16:56
sdake_that is why heat uses cloudinit ;-)16:56
sdake_build on the fly = less pain16:57
vincent_vdksomething else, i've noticed that network namespaces and containers don't like ip netns exec17:05
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix checking out custom refs in gen-source-tar
SamYaplevincent_vdk: dont get me started17:11
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SamYaplethey work with them fine oyu just need a better understanding of whats going on17:12
SamYaplei am more than happy to give you that better understanding, can you reminded me tomorrow?17:12
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Magnum
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Magnum
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bmaceis it really necessary for the neutron build to creates a ton of veths?  it makes my system a sad penguin.20:36
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SamYaplebmace: not when OVS has full conntracking adn the iptables rules can be implemented as flows23:14
SamYaplethen only one tap per vm!23:14
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bmacejust seems odd to need all those at build time.  at run time i understand the need, if you have lots of vms, etc.23:30
bmaceand hey sam, hope you are doing well :)23:31
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