Tuesday, 2015-10-06

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CBR09Sam, you around?. I have a question for ceph02:39
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sdakeevenint folks03:07
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openstackgerritKuo-tung Kao proposed openstack/kolla: eval var for brace expansion in cleanup-conatiners  https://review.openstack.org/23129303:11
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SamYapleCBR09: I am around03:22
CBR09with osd03:28
CBR09if I use partition03:28
CBR09is it same as disk ?03:29
CBR09for disk, only type: parted $DISK -s -- mklabel gpt mkpart KOLLA_CEPH_OSD_BOOTSTRAP 1 -103:30
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Bring Kolla inline with FHS  https://review.openstack.org/22976103:30
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Common start.sh  https://review.openstack.org/22937103:30
CBR09and or partition, is it sme?03:30
SamYapleCBR09: if I detect that partition I will use the _entire_ disk03:32
SamYapleyou can't just use a single partition03:33
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kjellyCan I work on the bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/145935503:57
openstackLaunchpad bug 1459355 in kolla "Add a new tool to Kolla that sets up a local Docker Registry" [Wishlist,Confirmed]03:57
sdakekjelly soundsgood :)03:58
sdakeassigned to "jelly" I assume thats you03:58
bmacebased on our setup.cfg it looks like kolla is still at 0.1.0.  is the assumption that anyone that wants to use it will make up their own versioning scheme or is that version going to get bumped at some point? :)03:59
sdakewell i would go with version 1.0 if the abi was stable03:59
sdakebut im not convinced it is03:59
asalkeldhi sdake04:00
sdakewe still need upgrade functionality04:00
sdakehey asalkeld sup04:00
bmacesure, so maybe 1.0 for M?04:00
asalkeldi should chat to you sometime about kolla, i *might* get more involved this cycle04:00
sdakeyes - i may bump before then04:00
sdakecool tell me more asalkeld04:00
asalkeldi just need to learn a bit more04:00
asalkeldyou got some docs/info04:01
SamYaplehey sdake04:01
sdakehey SamYaple04:02
SamYaplesdake: i was under the impression Liberty was our 1.0 release04:02
SamYapleif the api isn't going to be stable then whats the point of bawking at backports?04:03
sdakeya - i'mgame to change to 1.0 if nobody has objections04:03
SamYapleok cool04:03
sdakei'll ask at wednesday's meeting04:03
SamYaplesounds like a plan04:03
SamYapleive got the start.sh refactor done04:03
SamYapleas well as a patch to actually pull stable liberty tarballs04:04
SamYaplerather than master04:04
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CBR09so above parted command not work for partition, only for disk.04:06
SamYapleCBR09: all of the ceph stuff expects a full disk04:07
bmacefeels good enough for a 1.0 to me :)04:07
SamYaplehey whatever bot pops up wit hthe proposals should be updated so we see the backports04:08
CBR09yes, Sam04:08
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CBR09ah, I see nova-libvirt have pid=host flag04:10
CBR09pros for this?04:10
SamYapleCBR09: it allows for a restart of the libvirt container or even an upgrade of docker without stopping instances04:11
SamYaplein some cases without even losing networking ot the instance04:11
CBR09Oh, very nice04:14
CBR09and for osd, I alse see pid = host04:15
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SamYaplethats to work around what i believe is a bug in ceph04:16
SamYaplecant convince them though04:16
CBR09I understand04:18
kjellySam Yaple, sdake: If I work on the bug, Do I need to write blurpint first? https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/145935504:20
openstackLaunchpad bug 1459355 in kolla "Add a new tool to Kolla that sets up a local Docker Registry" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to jelly (coding1314)04:20
sdakekjelly nah not necessary04:20
SamYaplebug should be fine04:20
SamYapledepends on what you ahve planned though04:20
SamYaplei mean a docker registry is setup with a single command already04:20
SamYapledocker run -d  registry04:21
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kjellysdake, SamYaple: I see.04:22
SamYaplewhen ryan initially proposed that bug I believe he was saying Kolla itself should have a tool to build and push to a registry04:23
SamYaplewhich is a bit more intense04:23
SamYapleat this point I was under the impression we just wanted docs around the subject04:23
SamYaplenot sure though04:23
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Set sysctl values  https://review.openstack.org/23129704:24
sdakeya docs shoudl solve it04:24
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kjellyIt seems that we should solve the bug using document instead of writing new script, is it?04:26
SamYaplesdake: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/HowTo#Git_commit_messages_and_backports04:28
SamYaplewe should probably start doing that as a thing04:28
SamYaplebackport: none04:28
SamYaplebackport: liberty04:28
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sdakesamyaple that may be a new thing - not  familiar with taht04:47
sdakei dlslike backport: none04:48
sdakehere is how to setup docimpact04:50
sdakeyay some docs on that :)04:50
SamYaplesdake: DocImpact is already setup04:51
SamYaplethats been handled04:51
SamYaplebackport: is not a new thing04:51
SamYapleits been around since the beginning04:51
SamYapleis just not one does 'backport: none'04:51
sdaketypically projects use launchpad to track backport potential04:52
SamYaplewell thats not entirely true04:52
SamYaplebut i prefer the backport in the commit message04:52
SamYaplethat said we are pretty invested in laucnhpad04:52
SamYapleso either way works for me04:52
SamYaplei guess04:52
SamYaplewithout the backport in the commit message it is impossible to use git commands to track potential backports04:53
SamYaplesdake: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/gerrit/projects.yaml#n117204:53
sdakeyup i see it thanks04:53
SamYaplehey if you want to save me the trouble of constantly rebasing that start.sh patch you could merge it04:54
sdakesure, i approved it this afternoon04:54
SamYapleotherwise its going to rebase every commit04:54
SamYapleoh i see that.04:55
SamYapleyea i had to rebase it so i lost the votes04:55
SamYaplesdake: should i block that start.sh patch? I tested that and the FHS patchset (next is series) at the same time04:58
SamYaplei can't recall if one was explicitly tested without the other04:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Common start.sh  https://review.openstack.org/22937104:59
SamYaplewelp. too late05:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Bring Kolla inline with FHS  https://review.openstack.org/22976105:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Set sysctl values  https://review.openstack.org/23129705:20
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cloudnautiquequestion, is there something special that needs to be done to make ansible look at the local images instead of trying to pull from docker hub?05:36
cloudnautiqueI built the images locally05:36
cloudnautiqueand now ansible is failing to pull it... from docker.io05:36
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cloudnautiqueah, do not set global.yml to pull always :)05:40
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SamYaplecloudnautique: you got it!, set pull_policy to missing05:48
cloudnautiqueis it assumed that the playbooks are running as root? there are tasks for sysctl that don't have the sudo flag turned on05:50
SamYaplecloudnautique: that is correct05:52
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SamYaplein the M cycle security (ie not running as root) is the top priority05:53
SamYapleso containers and ansible will be able to drop privleges when not needed05:53
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cloudnautiqueSeems reasonable.05:53
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openstackgerritKuo-tung Kao proposed openstack/kolla: put conatiner name to array in cleanup-containers  https://review.openstack.org/23129306:01
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kjellySamYaple: Could you tell me what is your bash version? I am interesting in the issue.06:11
SamYaplekjelly: same version of bash, just run without the subshells06:21
SamYaplekjelly: those are the oneliners i had i just dropped them into the script and wrapped them in the subshells06:21
SamYaplethe subshells were what is breaking this06:21
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kjellySamYaple: I see.06:28
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inc0good monring06:33
SamYaplemorning inc006:34
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kjellySamYaple, sdake: Should I solve the issue by writting new document ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/145935506:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1459355 in kolla "Add a new tool to Kolla that sets up a local Docker Registry" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to jelly (coding1314)06:46
SamYaplekjelly: that works for me06:47
inc0but we already have option to push from build06:48
inc0so it's one command to setup registry and running build.py with flag06:48
SamYapleno acutally setting up the registry inc006:49
inc0docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry; build.py --namespace --push06:50
inc0what else?06:50
SamYapledocumentatoin about what it is how to use it what to look for etc06:51
SamYapleand is bad for multinode, thats kinda the point06:51
SamYapleand you need docker flags to make that work if its insecure (which yours is)06:51
inc0ok, document is cool, sorry kjelly didn't read this is about docs (first coffie is still ahead of me)06:52
inc0I'd be against having a separate tool for that06:52
inc0also I'm +1 on any new docs if it's correct and at least remotely connected to topic;)06:53
kjellySamYaple, inc0: Ok. I will work on it.06:54
inc0thank you kjelly06:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: put conatiner name to array in cleanup-containers  https://review.openstack.org/23129306:58
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CBR09about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/ansible-task-generate-openrc07:29
CBR09I think it's good07:30
SamYapleCBR09: so the issue here is where does the openrc end up?07:31
SamYapleone host? all hosts?07:31
CBR09if it is agreed, I can do it07:31
SamYaplei dont really like the idea of pushing admin credentials to all hosts07:31
CBR09I think it on controller07:31
CBR09and on deployment host07:31
SamYapleright, but there is no "controller"07:31
SamYapleand there are no tasks that run on the deployment host07:31
SamYapleall of the hosts that are referenced are sepcific groups, but "controller"07:31
SamYaplerather "keystone" or "glance-api"07:31
SamYapleim all for generating an openrc file, we just haven't figured out _where_ we were going to drop it and because its got the username/password it should be secured somehow07:33
CBR09can put on keystone host and fetch it deployment hót07:33
inc0CBR09, but that means you have deployment host in your inventory, and that might not be the case07:33
SamYapleand i dont agree with putting it on the keystone host specifically at all07:33
SamYaplereally the best thing here in my opinion would be a script that could generate/print out teh openrc file07:34
inc0maybe a python script that will read configs and produce file?07:34
inc0not ansible07:34
SamYapleansible could do it07:34
inc0I know it could07:34
inc0I'm +1 on script as well07:34
SamYaplei was thinking possibly a task in a playbook that has to be specifically run07:35
SamYaplesitting beside site.yml like upgrade.yml or openrc.yml07:35
CBR09I did07:35
inc0I think that would be overkill07:35
inc0I mean...it's just glorified print07:35
SamYaplewell for one writing a python script will be overkill and many more lines of code07:36
CBR09I did it for me07:36
SamYaplefor two, no i mean it would drop the file on the host that you specify07:36
CBR09generate openrc on keystone host and fetch it07:36
CBR09deployment host only is host run ansible07:36
inc0hey...how about just printing it to stdout?07:37
SamYapleCBR09: yea it could me much simpler than that by having a template for the openrc file07:37
inc0that would solve problem of placement07:37
CBR09After deploy openstack, I can source /etc/kolla/openrc-admin, it's simple07:37
SamYaplenot the problem of automating it and dropping it on all hosts07:37
SamYapleCBR09: I think a simple task in an openrc.yml will work fine. then you could just specify the host on the command line as the deployer07:39
SamYapleto ensure it only goes where you want07:39
inc0again, how about printing it after finished deployment?07:39
inc0if someone want's to dump it into file - he can do it07:40
SamYapleinc0: thats not automated, i answered you above07:40
inc0ok, well07:41
inc0I don't know, having to call another ansible playbook and specify inventory just for openrc seems overkill to me07:41
SamYaple`kolla openrc`07:42
SamYapledoesnt seem like much to me07:42
inc0ok, but what will that do?07:42
inc0find out group in ansible inventroy and run playbook with single task in it?07:42
inc0you still need to specify inventory07:42
SamYapleby default deploy on all hosts, `kolla openrc controller|compute` could be for more specific07:43
SamYapleand no you dont07:43
SamYaplecurrently we have `kolla deplyo`07:43
inc0I guess my point is - while I'm ok with generating opnrc, it's cool, I don't see use case of having that much of code for that07:45
SamYaplea single task?07:45
SamYapleyou suggested making a pythong script way more code there07:45
SamYaplelol pythong07:45
inc0most people would like to kolla deploy -> source ./openrc -> nova list07:45
inc0and unless they're on aio or deploy from one of controllers, kolla openrc would require them to ssh to controller and do whatever07:46
SamYapleyoull need to justify "most people"07:46
SamYaplefrom an operator point of view, i go to the control nodes07:46
SamYaplewhere the logs are07:46
SamYaplethats where the opernc should exist07:46
SamYapleso its going to very person to person07:47
SamYaplea simple task that you can specify the host is the best option07:47
inc0so why put that much automation to it?07:47
SamYaple..... kolla is automation07:47
SamYaplewe are talking like 3 lines here07:47
SamYapleanyway a single task is fine07:47
inc0ok, well, just write it then?07:47
SamYaplewe need some way to do this and that is the simplest way07:48
SamYapleit shouldnt be writen to all hosts07:48
SamYaplewe shouldnt be making the choice about where it writes out too07:48
SamYaplethats the whole conversation here07:48
SamYaplewhich is solved with a small openrc.yml wher ethe deploy specifies the destination hosts07:48
SamYaplewhats teh pushback again?07:49
CBR09so, write simple task in a openrc.yml beside site.yml?07:49
SamYapleCBR09: yes07:49
inc0for start, yeah07:49
SamYapledont specify hosts in the task07:49
SamYaplethat will be dont from the commandline by the deployer07:49
CBR09and ask where put it?07:49
inc0operator will specify it himself during playbook run07:50
CBR09ok, I understand07:50
inc0I liked fact that we have just one playbook to rule them all (site.yml), but we can sort that out later07:51
CBR09when run openrc.yml, it'll ask operator about where it should be placed07:51
SamYapleinc0: that was never the end plan07:51
SamYapleinc0: that wont do upgrades or config things correctly07:51
inc0yeah I guess, we need to think how to preserve cleanliness and have these options07:52
SamYaplei agree07:52
inc0good topic over kirin (japanese beer)07:52
SamYaplethe plan was always to have some liberty-mitaka.yml for upgrade, but if a better way to do it presents itself...07:52
CBR09so discussed above, can i work on it?07:55
SamYapleCBR09: of course :)07:56
inc0yeah, just add another file07:56
inc0we'll sort this out later, don't let it block you07:56
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CBR09ok, hope it get approved : )07:59
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kjellyWhere is the best place to put the document how to set up docker registry? new file or image-building.rst?08:19
inc0I think additional section in image-building is ok08:27
kjellykjelly: ok08:28
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openstackgerritKuo-tung Kao proposed openstack/kolla: update doc about how to set up local registry  https://review.openstack.org/23135808:41
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openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla: Updated haproxy config to include swift api  https://review.openstack.org/23137809:11
jmccarthyI think there is a small bit missing there, stuck in what is hopefully a quick patch for swift09:12
SamYaplejmccarthy: need a bug in there09:13
jmccarthyOh, ok I'll check there may not be one yet09:14
openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla: Updated haproxy config to include swift api  https://review.openstack.org/23137809:22
jmccarthyStuck a quick bug in, is that enough info ?09:23
SamYaplei left a comment09:25
SamYaplewere trying a new thing09:25
jmccarthyWhere does the tag go ?09:28
jmccarthyAh right ok yea in the commit, one sec09:29
openstackgerritJames McCarthy proposed openstack/kolla: Updated haproxy config to include swift api  https://review.openstack.org/23137809:30
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SamYaplejmccarthy: do you want to do the backport of that to the stable/liberty branch?10:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Updated haproxy config to include swift api  https://review.openstack.org/23137810:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: add "--template-only" flag for tools/build.py  https://review.openstack.org/23088210:05
jmccarthyI can give that a try, where to begin ? =)10:07
SamYaplejmccarthy: just checkout the stable/liberty branch10:08
SamYaplethen do a `git cherry-pick -x <git commit id of master patch>`10:08
jmccarthySamYaple: Checking - this id ? Change-Id: I5c233298312dabeb43efa4821855c77fd81aae6710:28
SamYaplejmccarthy: no https://github.com/openstack/kolla/commit/c879b1f2711db6aefe7dbf88b0b08d3a32e1e02a10:28
SamYaple`git cherry-pick -x c879b1f2711db6aefe7dbf88b0b08d3a32e1e02a`10:29
jmccarthyOk I think that went ahead ok =)10:35
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SamYaplemorning sdake11:46
sdakehey sam11:46
sdakehey jmccarthy11:46
sdakejmccarthy is it accurate you wont be at summit?11:46
inc0hey sdake11:46
sdakeyo inc011:46
sdakeinc0 did you get an invitation to th core reviewer party at summit?11:47
jmccarthySadly yea I won't be =(11:47
sdakejmccarthy bummer I was going to get you an invitation to the cr party11:48
sdakejust ordered a 1tb macbook 15" pro11:49
* sdake excited11:49
sdakenow i can play diablo 3 on my laptop :)11:49
sdake2.8ghz processor and high performance gpu11:49
jmccarthyDangit, sounds good sdake but not this time around11:49
inc0sdake, I did11:49
jmccarthypbourke says he will party twice as hard for me ;)11:49
inc0I'm wondering if I should go tho, I dislike idea of separate parties for cores and non-cores11:50
inc0community is community11:50
sdakeinc0 its a sweet party11:50
sdakethe problem with havinga party for eveyrone is expense and venue space11:50
SamYapleinc0: you stand on your morals! im going11:50
sdakethere are several noncores going as well11:50
SamYaplejust the special ones11:51
sdakeptls can ask for invitations for non core folks11:51
sdakewhat is sweetabout the venue is it is where the 47 ronin are buried11:51
jmccarthySamYaple: inc0: you stand on your morals! im going - LOL11:52
pbourkeI'll protest at the bar11:52
SamYapleill compromise and join you pbourke11:52
inc0"let's drink for non-cores!"11:52
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SamYaplehere here11:52
inc0there should be separate party for ATC tho11:54
SamYapleive been ATC for the past few summits, this is the first one im going too11:55
sdakethere has been an atc party in the past11:56
sdakebut i think its too expensive now11:57
sdakethere are like 1500 atcs iirc11:57
SamYapleok just the ATC that are also core on a project11:57
sdakeatc doen'thave to be core11:59
sdakean atc is defined as somoene who has a commit in the last 2 cycles I think to any bi tent project11:59
sdakethey may have changed it to just 1 cycle11:59
sdakei think there are about 300-400 core reviewers12:00
inc0I don't think there is a core who is not an atc12:00
inc0there shouldn't be in any case12:00
sdakeyes to be core you have to be an atc12:00
pbourkethe hp/scality party is big enough for everyone12:01
pbourkemake sure you guys rsvp for that if around12:01
sdakei guess i'll do that now12:02
inc0Paris one was epic, but Vancouver...not so12:02
sdakei didn't rsvp in time for vc one12:02
inc0I just went12:03
inc0no invintation or anyting12:03
inc0but a bit later12:03
sdakei had heard they weren't letting people in without rsvp12:04
sdakepbourke where od you rsvp for the parties?12:04
sdakeI dont see iton the summit track schedule12:04
SamYapleits a secret schedule12:04
SamYaplefor the cool people12:04
sdakewell share teh secret and make me cool :)12:04
sdakeson up at 5am12:04
* sdake groans12:05
inc0how does it work?12:05
SamYapleidk ask pbourke i didnt get an invite either12:05
sdakehey folks, just a reminder please vote for the tc election, even if you decide not to vote for me :)12:08
inc0is voting open already?12:08
sdakei found it , search for RSVP12:09
sdakeinc0 yes you should have got an email last week i think12:09
inc0aaa yeah, I missed it12:09
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sdakesamyaple any chance you can fix heat so the domain stuff works12:13
sdakeSamYaple that is12:13
SamYaplesdake: all the domain stuff works, whatcha mean?12:13
sdakeoh didthat get fixed?12:13
sdakei wasn't sure if wait conditions were working or not12:13
sdakeand if they aren't we need them to be :)12:14
SamYapleidk anything about heat12:14
SamYaplei can spin up things and delete them12:14
SamYapleand thats asking alot12:14
sdakehaha :)12:14
sdakeif I make you a template can you get it working?12:14
sdake(one with waitconditions)12:14
SamYaplei used your steak template thing12:15
sdakewell it is something we can develop as a backport12:15
sdakesince its a bug fix and not a feature12:15
SamYaplehonestly i think we can backport just about everything12:16
sdakeya it is probalby something we should dicuss at summit12:17
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sdakebut I'm open to a more liberal backport policy12:17
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SamYaplethe way i see it, no structure changes (folders moving and what not)12:17
SamYaplenew containers _might_ be ok to backport, if they dont affect existing12:17
sdakei htink for the most part our structure is set12:17
SamYapleand existing containers get bugfixes only12:17
sdakei can't see any need to reorg any containers12:18
sdakewe need to add upgrade migrations to the containers12:18
sdakebut that should be distinct and not break backwards compatibility i think12:18
SamYaplesdake: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/openstack-common-container12:18
SamYapleyou have a TODO on that12:18
sdakei'm going to actualloy work on that today12:18
sdakeand finish it up12:19
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sdakemorning athomas12:23
* sdake so excited for new laptop12:24
* sdake loves vestmas :)12:25
sdakechristmas comes two months early in the steak household :)12:25
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sdakesamyaple can ou look at master and submit cherypick backports for each change that shold go into liberty?13:02
sdakeSamYaple that is^13:02
openstackgerritKuo-tung Kao proposed openstack/kolla: update doc about how to set up local registry  https://review.openstack.org/23135813:03
SamYaplesdake: i have been13:03
SamYaplesdake: tehre is a few more but ive been up with most or all of them13:04
sdakesounds good13:04
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sdake_SamYaple rabbitmq 3.5.5 is out13:14
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SamYaplesdake_: yea but ubuntu is pinned to 3.5.413:21
SamYaplei have no contorl of that13:21
SamYapleyou dont have to, just saying13:21
SamYapleanything >=3.5.4 is good13:21
sdake_any objection updating to 3.5.5 for ubuntu?13:22
sdake_i tried a 3.5.4 build and plugin enable locke up13:22
* sdake_ groans13:22
sdake_rather 3.5.513:22
sdake_trying with --ffline now13:22
sdake_SamYaple any objection to doing rabbitmq plugin enablement in start.sh?13:23
sdake_INFO:__main__:rabbitmq:Step 3 : RUN /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management --offline13:23
sdake_this line just locks up13:23
pbourkesdake_: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ichi-go-ichi-e-openstack-summit-tokyo-2015-official-evening-event-tickets-1883789665613:27
sdake_pbourke i foudn it earlier thanks13:27
sdake_pbourke are you bringing a significant other13:27
sdake_you will get a chance to meet my wife :)13:27
pbourkesdake_: no she would have loved to go though!13:28
sdake_ya my wife is going on work13:28
sdake_she works at ansible13:28
sdake_50% of her job is community management for openstack iirc13:28
sdake_or maybe 25%13:29
sdake_not really sure what she does :)13:29
vincent_vdksdake_: would that be Robyn13:31
sdake_do kolla builds enable the tty?13:35
sdake_and if not, how can i do so?13:35
SamYaplesdake_: rabbitmq would still need to do the endablement in --offline mode in start.sh13:43
SamYaplesdake_: i dont think they do13:43
SamYaplebut you can do fake TTY13:43
sdake_SamYaple so the issue I am running into is rabbitmq with the plugins locks up during startup13:43
SamYapleand i *think* you can enable one in the dockerfile13:43
sdake_not rabbitmq, but the plugin thing13:43
SamYapleyea i hear ya13:44
sdake_i am not sure if its the tty or somethign else13:44
SamYapledo it by hand then13:44
sdake_did you run into thi porblem in ubnut?13:44
sdake_do which by hand?13:44
sdake_you mean install and enable pllugin?13:44
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SamYaplerun the command on the image right before it installs the plugin13:44
SamYapleand see the issue13:44
sdake_ya i'll try taht with a tty13:44
SamYapleill need more info than "locks up"13:44
SamYaplebtw i would say the openstack-common stuff is a bigger priority sdake13:45
SamYaplethe rabbit is a simple backport13:45
sdake_http://ur1.ca/nxgiw -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/275319/3923914413:47
sdake_this is as much of the typescript as I can paste13:47
sdake_but basicallly it enters a loop where it trie to close 1->65535 fds in a loop13:47
SamYapleesh idk. seems wierd13:48
sdake_running with a tty works13:48
sdake_so we may need to modify build.py or something to get a tty13:48
sdake_any ideas on that?13:48
SamYapletry running with `TERM=vt102 /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_management`13:49
sdake_if I do the rabbitmq enablement with a tty, it works - so thatis the olution13:49
sdake_i already ran that13:49
sdake_you mean in the build?13:49
SamYaplelook at the first part13:49
SamYaplethe TERM variable13:49
sdake_ok try8ing13:49
sdake_same looping result13:50
SamYapleyea so fake term isnt going to work there13:51
SamYaplewe can probably do this let me check the api13:51
SamYaplenope cant build with a tty13:52
SamYapleapi is what matters13:53
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sdake_so, start.sh then?13:53
SamYapleno thats not a start.sh thing13:53
SamYaplethis needs ot be figured out13:53
sdake_no i mean run the enable in start.sh13:53
SamYaplei know13:53
SamYapleand no thats not where it goes13:54
SamYapleyoull still have the same issue13:54
sdake_the containers have ttys13:54
sdake_do they not?13:54
SamYaplewe _can_ launch them with it but that has security problems i believe13:54
SamYapleanyway that changes our entire bootstrap beahviour13:55
SamYaplethere are plenty of ways to fake a tyy13:55
sdake_open to other ideas :)13:55
SamYapleyou hsould look into those13:55
SamYaplei have to head home13:55
sdake_ok i'll give ita go13:55
SamYaplei dont view that as liberty blocker, just pin it to a working version then, 3.5.4 would be prefereed but eh i guess13:55
SamYapleoh wait this is for master13:55
SamYapleill think about it13:56
sdake_hmm I can't find any simulations for /dev/tty14:06
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sdake_SamYaple I found a solution, not sure why it works14:15
sdake_butseems to ge tthe job done14:15
sdake_http://ur1.ca/nxgw5 -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/275335/4140989114:16
sdake_http://ur1.ca/nxgxj -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/275337/1444141114:19
sdake_better version ^14:19
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed openstack/kolla: Fix incorrect dd param in cinder-guide.rst  https://review.openstack.org/23154415:21
sdake_pbourke are youw orking to get cinder in an operational state?15:21
pbourkesdake_: not exactly, just going through the basics to test a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/148778015:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1487780 in kolla "/dev needs to be bindmounted into cinder" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Paul Bourke (pauldbourke)15:22
sdake_i dont necessairly want to jut merge thatwithout a holistic solution to the problem15:22
sdake_(the /dev bindmount)15:22
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sdakeall those cinder bugs are various states of my understanding of the problem15:23
sdakei'm not sure if they are all consistent15:23
sdakefor exaple, /dev may notactually need to be bindmounted15:23
sdakeit is unclear without a holistic solution if it is or not15:23
pbourkeunfortunately you may have to remind me of "the problem"15:24
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sdakecinder won't attach volumes15:25
sdakeatm the issue is that tgtd is not running (at all)15:25
sdakeapparently it was reoved in someone's patch to cinder at some point in the past15:25
sdakethat is the issue that needs solving first15:25
sdakethe idea is to get cinder + lvm + iscsi working together15:25
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sdakethat is why I thought we may need /dev to be bindmounted15:26
sdakebut i am not certain if thatis accurate or not15:26
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pbourkehmm ok15:26
sdakeprobably whathsould happen with all those icnder bugs is they should allbe closed15:26
sdakeand a new one opened to solve the remaining problem oflvm + iscsi + cinder15:26
pbourkeyeah sounds like you should file a higher level bug with all current info15:26
sdakeI think ceph + cinder works15:26
sdakei dont have any modern info15:26
sdakebut agree that owuld be a better approach15:26
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pbourkeI just grabbed above because I saw it on the board as critical and you had requested everyone grab a bug for the next release ;)15:27
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sdakemaster doesn't seem to work15:27
pbourkedid seem a little strange though that if it was really that easy, it would be done already15:27
sdakei get stuck at TASK: [glance | Creating the Glance service and endpoint] *********************15:28
sdakein ansible15:28
* sdake groans15:29
sdakedoes master work for you pbourke?15:29
sdakeI just pulled i tt this morning15:29
sdakeSamYaple around?15:29
inc0sdake, docker logs shows anything?15:30
inc0and confirm that keystone is up and running15:30
sdakei dunno i'm trying again with --vv on the playbook launch15:31
sdakeya keystone appears to be running15:31
sdakekeystone appears wedged15:32
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sdakeya as in locked up15:33
inc0new word everyday;) look at ks logs maybe15:33
sdakeya i'll debug, i was just curious IF ANYONE ELSE HAS WORKING MASSTER :)15:34
inc0docker exec -it log_data /var/log/keystone/keystone-error.log15:34
sdakeor if its me only15:34
inc0I've deployed master today15:34
sdakethere is no /var/log/keystone in log_data15:35
pbourkesdake: at least glance+keystone seem to come up15:35
pbourkebut I do seem to get random slowness with ansible15:35
sdakemy database appears locked up15:36
pbourkeI have a /var/log/keystone15:36
sdake<minime-01> REMOTE_MODULE command docker exec -t kolla_ansible /usr/bin/ansible localhost -m kolla_keystone_service -a "service_name=glance service_type=image description='Openstack Image' endpoint_region=RegionOne admin_url='' internal_url='' public_url='http://broked.selfip.net:9292' region_name=RegionOne auth={{ openstack_glance_auth }}" -e "{'openstack_glance_auth':{'username': 'admin', 'project_name':15:36
sdake 'admin', 'password': 'password', 'auth_url': ''}}"15:36
sdakein which container pbourke?15:36
sdakersyslogd: cannot create '/dev/log': Address already in use15:37
sdakeis that normal?15:37
sdakeya no keystone log at all15:37
sdakeno keystone dir i mean15:37
sdakein log_data or rsyslog containers15:37
sdakeperhaps I need a new /etc/kolla directory15:38
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sdakejpeeler can you give m ean update on the dictionary thing you were working on15:45
jpeeleri stopped it15:45
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sdakeas in abandoned that work?15:46
jpeeleryeah - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229535/15:46
sdakewhy abaonded?15:47
sdakenot feasible?15:47
jpeelerread the comment on patchset 4 from me15:47
sdakebecause of the merge?15:47
sdakeright i read it15:47
sdakebecause of the replacement of key/value pairs?15:48
jpeeleryeah, it was either have an inconsistent style15:48
jpeeleror not do it at all15:49
jpeelerand after spending hours doing a bunch of modifications, i gave up15:49
sdakewell inconsistent style isn't ideal15:49
sdakethanks for the investigaiton, it looked promising15:49
jpeelerwould have never started it if i had known dicts didn't merge15:49
sdaketoo bad it didn't work out in the end,bu tthat is common in software engineering :)15:49
jpeeleri changed so much text i saw git messages i had never seen before, with rewrite percentages per file15:50
sdakehaproxy si busted15:52
sdakeis busted15:52
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sdakeor keepalived15:52
sdakedamn inc0 left15:52
sdakepbourke is haproxy running for you ?15:57
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sdakeit seems like keepalived and haproxy are running with "run_once: True16:02
sdakebut that isn't specified in the ansible playbook16:02
sdakeI wonder i fthe playbook is somehow globally fubars16:02
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sdakecloudnautique did you have some questions from yesterday that didn't get answered?16:03
cloudnautiqueI'm making progress :)16:04
cloudnautiquethanks for asking. As I keep digging into it though I'm sure I'll be jumping in here.16:05
pbourkesdake: I haven't tried haproxy master recently16:15
sdakei figured out why haproxxy wans't running, my network section in the invetory file didn't have the 2 non-network nodes16:15
sdakewhich Ig uess makes sense16:15
sdakeI'm not sure if haproxy has anything ot do with why glance is not workign16:15
sdakeit seems like keystone is blocked up in some way16:16
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sdakeit is responding but doesn't seem to be giving out keys or something16:16
sdakeas in i can telenet to the port 5000 and it works16:16
* sdake wtb functional testing!!16:17
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sdakeso starting with a limited set of network nodes is what cusaes the problem16:21
sdakeit cuases everything to go shits up16:21
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Pin rabbitmq to 3.5.5  https://review.openstack.org/23158316:35
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Pin rabbitmq to 3.5.5  https://review.openstack.org/23158316:36
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jainmanBug 1502633] Re: Not able to Launch Instances17:17
openstackbug 1502633 in kolla "Not able to Launch Instances" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150263317:17
sdakeneed some debughelp with that?17:17
sdakewhat distro ar eyou running17:18
sdakeno os distro like fedora ubuntu cento17:18
sdakehow many nodes17:19
sdakedid you setup a private registry on your centos node?17:19
jainmansudo systemctl restart docker.service sudo docker run -d -p 5010:5010 --restart=always --name registry registry:2   sudo service libvirtd disable sUDO service libvirtd stop17:20
sdakedid you disable selinux and iptables?17:20
sdakeor firewalld?17:20
jainmanI don't think so17:20
jainmanNo I didn't17:20
sdakeok lets do that17:21
sdakesetenforce 017:21
sdakewill disable selinux17:21
sdakesudo vi /etc/selinux/config17:21
sdakechange whatever it is to disabled I think17:21
sdakeis what I hve in my config file17:21
sdakesudo service firewalld stop17:22
sdakesudo service firewalld disable17:22
sdakesudo iptables stop17:22
sdakesudo iptables disable17:22
jainmanOk, I will check it. My VPN is not working17:22
sdakesudo ip6tables stop17:22
sdakesudo ip6tables disable17:22
jainmanDo  I have to restart container after that17:23
sdakewe need to debug live, can't give you one instruciton and send you off, it will take foreer to do it thatway :)17:23
sdakefirst step - get your bare metal system into shape for deployment17:23
sdakesecond step - make sure you built images properly17:23
sdakethird step - deploy with a proper inventory file17:23
sdakethe third step involves checking if your config file is correct17:24
sdakeand if its not correct, fixing the dificencies17:24
jainmanI used default inventry file17:24
sdakeafter you get your bare metal system into operational state, use cleanup-containers -fv17:24
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sdaketake care to look at tools/cleanup-containers and make sure its the versio nthat doesn't erase the existing containers (such as your registry)17:25
sdakethere is a new version which doesn't wipe out  the registry on cleanup17:25
sdakeyou will want to run that17:25
sdakei am not sure which version rc1 has17:25
sdakecan yo uget your vpn operational so we can take it step by step please?17:26
jainmanI am trying, please give me some time17:26
sdakesure i'm here all day :)17:26
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sdakedid you do a minimal os install of centos?17:27
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Remove debug output in base image yum command  https://review.openstack.org/23162717:38
sdakejainman_ did you do a minima los install of centos?17:38
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openstackgerritHui Kang proposed openstack/kolla: Add consul containers for dynamic configuration, discovery, and monitoring.  https://review.openstack.org/22871917:50
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Remove which from neutron-server  https://review.openstack.org/23164518:06
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sdakemr SamYaple I am in need of your expertise19:46
sdakeSamYaple do you have any ideas on https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/150341219:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1503412 in kolla "centos from source sudo failing" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Steven Dake (sdake)19:56
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HuiTASK: [nova | Disabling netfilter for bridges] ********************************20:34
Huiskipping: [control02] => (item=iptables)20:34
Huiskipping: [control02] => (item=ip6tables)20:34
Huiskipping: [control01] => (item=iptables)20:34
Huiskipping: [control01] => (item=ip6tables)20:34
Huifailed: [compute01] => (item=iptables) => {"failed": true, "item": "iptables"}20:34
Huimsg: setting net.ipv4.bridge-nf-call-iptables failed: sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/bridge-nf-call-iptables: No such file or directory20:34
Huifailed: [compute01] => (item=ip6tables) => {"failed": true, "item": "ip6tables"}20:34
Huimsg: setting net.ipv4.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables failed: sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/bridge-nf-call-ip6tables: No such file or directory20:34
HuiHi, my recent deployment of compute node failed due to the above error20:35
Huiis there anything change in rdo? Thanks.20:35
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sdakehui i also had this porblem20:59
sdakeyou can revert the commit that says somethign about sysctl in the git log20:59
sdakeand it will resole th prolbe20:59
sdakeit is a change that apparent ydoesnt' seem to work in all systems20:59
sdakeHui ^^20:59
sdakehui https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/150341621:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1503416 in kolla "iptables sysctl broken on centos 7" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Sam Yaple (s8m)21:08
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Enable source for openstack-base  https://review.openstack.org/23171621:12
Huisdake, thanks for the info21:12
sdakei suspect sam will fix it tonight21:13
Huisdake, i am putting more advanced check in consul to demonstrate its value21:14
Huido you think a video demo will helpful?21:15
sdakeemmensly helpful21:15
sdakeotherwise i have to figure out how to get it to work21:15
Huisure, I will upload to youtube21:15
sdakei'd figure it out if we were keen to merge it but the core team thinking so far is not worth the pain21:16
sdakeraining cold and windy21:18
sdakebad weather = nice for once :)21:18
sdakenot 110 f out today21:18
Huithe weather is so nice in east21:18
sdakewhere arey ou located21:19
Huiyorktown heights, NY21:19
sdakescottsdale az here21:19
sdakethat is where I live21:20
HuiI see21:20
HuiI thought you were in 110, CA21:20
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sdake110F in arizona typically this time of year :(21:21
sdakeor 10521:21
sdakenot particularly pleasant21:21
sdaketoday its about 50f21:21
sdakehui what do you think of the general design of kolla21:22
sdakesee areas for improvement?21:23
HuiI like the design of kolla21:23
Huibut for production depoyment, we are working on the HA side21:24
Huithat's why I propose the consul idea21:24
sdakewe being, who?21:24
Huiinternally IBM21:24
sdakewhich part of ha is deficient21:24
Huiinternally we have some debates on this micro-service style HA enabled by consul and docker versus pacemaker on VM21:25
sdakewe just use haproxy + keepalived21:25
sdakeno pacemake21:25
Huinow the haproxy only checks if the port is open or not21:25
Huithat is not enough21:25
sdakeya need deper heatlhchecking i'll grant you that:)21:26
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Huisdake, do you think the ha in kolla is enough?21:29
sdakei am not concerned with split brain21:29
sdakeI have alwyas thought hardware fencing is overkill for ha21:29
sdakeproper ha systems are designed to tolerate partitions21:29
sdakei think kolla's ha system could use deper healthchecking21:30
sdakebut i'd like to keep things as simple as possible21:30
sdakewhat i'd like to se is a 1/2/3 level where level 3 takes 5 seconds to run, 2 takes 1 econd to run, 1 takes .1 seconds to run21:30
Huiwith cinder and glance be integrated into the picture, split brain  may become an issue21:30
sdakewith intervals of 1, 10, 60 seconds21:30
sdakenot when usingceph as a bckend21:31
sdakewhich is what we promote21:31
harmwwe could use Consul for doing more thourough healthchecking21:33
harmwI'm not aware of the current Consul status in Kolla though :)21:33
sdakehui has ap atch up for that21:35
sdakebut I tend to think tis a bit overkill21:36
sdakei'd prefer not introduce new big thigns into kolla21:36
sdakecouldn't compelx heatlhcehcking just be done through a helathcheck script implemented in haproxy?21:37
sdakethis seems way more simple to me21:37
sdakehui any other areas for improvement in kolla you suggest besides ha?21:38
sdakehui will you be at openstack summit21:38
harmwI've seen the consul patch or something, I haven't looked at it though21:38
Huisdake, I have no plan for the summit yet; waiting for my manager's approval21:41
sdakecuttingclose on hotels and air travel21:41
sdakeif you happen to make it, would loe to have you in the kolla design sessions :)21:41
sdakehui any other weak spotsyou see in kolla besides ha?21:42
sdakeany other room for improvement?21:42
HuiI am fine with the current design of kolla21:42
sdakejust looking  for ideas - its ok to be critical :)21:42
Huiyes, I will speak out in this channel when I can think of anything21:43
sdakecool thanks21:43
sdakewe have done quite a bit of gold plating21:43
Huiis there a special design session for kolla in the summit?21:43
sdakewe have 8 sessions iirc21:43
sdake3 fishbowl 5 regular21:44
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sdakeand a halfday contributor meetup21:44
Huisounds interesting21:44
Huihi, harmw, please add your comment in the consul patch when you have a minute to review them. thanks.21:46
Huisdake, are the 8 session all about kolla?21:46
sdakeyes, plsu we have one main conference presentation21:46
harmwHui: hi! I will, but first let me get my hands on that minute ;)21:46
sdakewe have basically a full day of conference space21:47
sdakean entire room :)21:47
Huiyes, I realized main presentation about kolla plus ansible21:47
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Install agent dependencies from source for CentOS  https://review.openstack.org/23175423:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix incorrect dd param in cinder-guide.rst  https://review.openstack.org/23154423:44
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