Tuesday, 2015-12-22

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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: pep8 the ansible modules  https://review.openstack.org/26010101:25
SamYaplenihilifer: the "# noqa" thing, i didnt realize that was a _per_line_ change01:25
SamYaplethats my mistake01:25
SamYapleim all for that!01:25
SamYapleimplemented above01:25
SamYaplenihilifer: also there were two pep8 errors like i remember, but both were related to the 'import *' stuff, so that should be all we need to proceed01:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Use c-style string interpolation for log messages  https://review.openstack.org/25932501:32
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/kolla: Make the yum repositories configurable in the base image  https://review.openstack.org/25801701:37
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dmsimardSamYaple: oh so should I put back the %s's then ? :p01:41
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add the rhel in the base_distro condition in swift dockerfile  https://review.openstack.org/26029401:44
SamYapledmsimard: no you should be using .format() still01:46
SamYaplenotice nihilifer comment in the logging patch, thats where I was tripped up. the logging function is using ('something %s %s', arg1, arg2) and not ('something %s %s' % arg1, arg2)01:47
SamYaplethat was the key difference, its a change specific to the logging stuff only01:47
dmsimardmake sense01:48
SamYaplethat said, you could change 'cmd = "RUN yum -y install {file}".format(file=file)' to 'cmd = "RUN yum -y install {}".format(file)'01:50
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SamYaplebut its not a big thing01:50
dmsimardWill do, in fact I didn't know you could put just {}, I thought indexes were required (i.e, {0} {1})01:55
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix the mysql connection string in doc  https://review.openstack.org/26029501:56
dmsimardRunning the deploy test with both the pymysql patch and my patch to see if it works now01:57
dmsimardI did a mini script to test out different ways of passing things and getting the expected result (i.e, http://paste.openstack.org/show/482463/)01:58
dmsimardturns out when you do a split on an empty string, it puts the empty string as is in the list .. so it would iterate over it and just put nothing.. like "yum -y install  "01:59
dmsimarddifferent flavors of using None didn't work out too well either02:00
SamYapledmsimard: thats not what actually happens thoguht. you can test on the command line with python02:00
SamYaplefor _ in '':02:00
SamYaple    print('nothing prints')02:00
dmsimard'' and [''] is not the same02:00
dmsimardtry for _ in [''] :P02:01
SamYaplecorrect, it is not02:01
dmsimardsplit yields a list02:01
SamYaplethats not an empty tlist02:01
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SamYapleoh i see yo uare generating a list02:01
dmsimardyeah, but I need to split the string by commas since configparser cannot yield a list, it looks like the best way to do it is to put a csv02:01
dmsimardeach parameter can have no value, or n values02:02
SamYaplewell you could do a 'for file in repo_blah:  if file:  **rest of code**'02:02
SamYapledont know if thats cleaner02:02
SamYapleall i know is the code right now can be broken in many ways02:02
dmsimardit looks like filter does the job of getting the empty string out if necessary02:02
dmsimardbroken where ?02:03
SamYapleif not any((self.rpm_file, self.rpm_repo_file, self.rpm_repo_url)):02:03
dmsimardyeah, that's the only way I found that provides what I expect :(02:03
SamYaplelet me throw up a gist of what i think works with my understanding02:04
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SamYapledmsimard: http://paste.openstack.org/show/482465/02:13
SamYaplethat will go through all three options and only use the default if no option has any values02:14
dmsimardSamYaple: recursing is cheating02:15
dmsimardjk, I like it02:15
SamYapledmsimard: we can do it without recursion, that was for DRY reasons02:15
dmsimardSamYaple: I wanted to do something like that but it was DRY02:16
dmsimardhence why I handled rpm_url at the end02:16
SamYapleif we do better checking on the rpm_repo_url variable _first_ that would also work02:16
dmsimardand setting the default first02:16
SamYaplebetter checking first would avoid the recursion i mena02:16
SamYapleand still be DRY02:16
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dmsimardWe don't know if we need to set rpm_repo_url until we check the other two, so it'd be kind of like the any02:17
SamYaplethats true, but any() didnt so what you wanted02:17
SamYaplebecause it was a list full of a string (even empty) it was retuning true02:17
SamYapleany(([''])) == True02:18
dmsimardnot in my experience02:18
dmsimardbecause filter was taking the empty string out02:18
SamYaplebut you said 02:01:41 < dmsimard> turns out when you do a split on an empty string, it puts the empty string as is in the list .. so it would iterate over it and just put nothing.. like "yum -y install  "02:19
SamYapleif filter was doing that, this wouldnt be an issue02:19
SamYapleif filter is doing its job like yo usay, you don't need the if statements i have in there02:19
dmsimardSamYaple: http://paste.openstack.org/show/482467/02:21
dmsimardwhat about we do a mix of my way and your way, I end up recursing if rpm_setup is not set and use filter instead of the if's02:22
SamYapledmsimard: im not suggesting not using filter, I was just going on your earlier comment02:22
dmsimardyeah I was mostly ranting about the different things I tried (and failed)02:23
SamYapleim sure youll come up with something you like02:24
dmsimardSamYaple: while I like the recurse approach, the one thing I can see is that it's not efficient (it'll re-run the other for loops)02:25
dmsimardat this kind of scale/iterations it doesn't matter much but bah02:25
SamYaplewell its also recursion which is "bad" by default for alot of people. i think its valid, but it does make it a bit more complicated and easier to break02:26
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SamYaplethe true safe way to do this would be a while loop probable02:26
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SamYapledmsimard: http://paste.openstack.org/show/482468/02:28
SamYaplethat will prevent the purist from complaining02:28
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/kolla: Make the yum repositories configurable in the base image  https://review.openstack.org/25801702:36
dmsimard^ I didn't put the while cause I don't feel it's a good use case to iterate over the two other params that are not expected to change02:37
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openstackgerritMartin AndrĂ© proposed openstack/kolla: Add a new tool to help find the latest versions  https://review.openstack.org/24848102:55
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: pep8 the ansible modules  https://review.openstack.org/26010104:30
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Simplify config creation  https://review.openstack.org/25962404:30
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Convert to pymysql  https://review.openstack.org/26008004:30
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add the rhel in the base_distro condition in swift dockerfile  https://review.openstack.org/26029405:34
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rahulshr_I am following kolla getting started guide for bare metal machine with all in one configuration06:07
rahulshr_getting below docker error while deploying kolla using kolla-ansible deploy06:08
rahulshr_TASK: [common | Starting Ansible container] ***********************************  failed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "failed": true} msg: Docker API Error: Cannot start container 1a1276d5b5c282e07c30dca88d4723fd035af90a1a361647f9dbd43c91a1c7d2: [8] System error: not a directory  FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting  PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             to retry06:08
rahulshr_I understand this is a docker related issue but have no idea how to resolve it06:09
nihiliferrahulshr_: try to do06:09
nihiliferpip install docker-py==1.5.006:09
nihiliferon the hosts you're trying to deploy kolla06:10
rahulshr_I have installed installed docker-py 1.5.0 only06:10
rahulshr_previously I have docker 1.6.x due to which I was getting client and server mismatch, then I installed 1.5.006:11
Jeffrey4lrahulshr_, could u run a container manually?06:13
rahulshr_how can I run manually? I am pretty new to kolla and docker06:13
Jeffrey4lrahulshr_, docker run -it --rm centos bash06:15
Jeffrey4ltry this.06:15
Jeffrey4lto make sure you docker service is ok.06:16
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rahulshr_ docker run -it --rm ubuntu bash root@242667adc5c0:/06:17
Jeffrey4lrahulshr_, it is ok.06:17
nihiliferrahulshr_: please do06:17
nihiliferdocker ps -a06:17
nihiliferand send the output on some pastebin (paste.openstack.org / paste.fedoraproject.org)06:18
Jeffrey4lI doubt that the folder `/var/lib/kolla/dev/log` doesn't exist on the host.06:19
nihiliferrahulshr_: btw, you're doing a deployment on multiple nodes or only one?\06:19
Jeffrey4lBut I have no idea how it create, now?06:19
rahulshr_all in one06:19
Jeffrey4lrahulshr_, could u check the folder `/var/lib/kolla/dev/` exist?06:20
Jeffrey4lrahulshr_, pls use `docker logs rsyslog`. You rsyslog container don't run successfully. it should be the root cause.06:22
rahulshr_it is failing06:24
rahulshr_IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/kolla/config_files/config.json'06:24
Jeffrey4lrahulshr_, u may build the image in a wrong.06:25
rahulshr_I built it with this cmd06:25
* Jeffrey4l be back in a minute.06:25
rahulshr_tools/build.py --base ubuntu --type source06:26
rahulshr_tools/build.py --base ubuntu --type source06:26
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ashestakovcoolsvap: ping06:35
coolsvapashestakov, pong06:35
ashestakovlook this one pls https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/152834106:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1528341 in kolla "Dropped root for ironic tftp server" [Undecided,New]06:35
ashestakovcan i revert root user for that container?06:36
rahulshr_for me ironic-pxe failed as well06:37
nihiliferrahulshr_: try to do the following06:37
nihiliferdocker run -ti kollaglue/ubuntu-source-rsyslog:liberty-rc1 /bin/bash06:38
nihiliferls /var/lib/kolla/config_files06:38
nihiliferlet me know whether this dir exists inside container06:38
coolsvapashestakov, i think it makes sense to remove the user ironic in pxe container06:38
coolsvapsince its not inherited from ironic-base06:39
rahulshr_root@7b28853ad50c:/# ls /var/lib/kolla/config_files ls: cannot access /var/lib/kolla/config_files: No such file or directory06:40
nihiliferrahulshr_: my mistake06:40
nihiliferexit this container (ctrl+d)06:40
nihiliferand try06:40
rahulshr_kolla# ls /var/lib/kolla/config_files ls: cannot access /var/lib/kolla/config_files: No such file or directory06:40
openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed openstack/kolla: Remove user 'ironic' from ironic-pxe  https://review.openstack.org/26034706:41
nihiliferdocker run -ti kollaglue/ubuntu-source-rsyslog:liberty-rc1 -v /etc/kolla/rsyslog:/var/lib/kolla/config_files /bin/bash06:41
nihiliferls /var/lib/kolla/config_files06:41
ashestakovreview pls ^^06:41
nihilifertry now ^^06:41
nihilifercoolsvap: i have another concern about some drop root stuff06:42
rahulshr_:~/kolla# docker run -ti kollaglue/ubuntu-source-rsyslog:liberty-rc1 -v /etc/kolla/rsyslog:/var/lib/kolla/config_files /bin/bash exec: "-v": executable file not found in $PATH Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 64e8b1f0f2697059d8cb7795908577182d621e24a118e8430ca54df64fb127a7: [8] System error: exec: "-v": executable file not found in $PATH06:42
nihilifercoolsvap: recently we removed nova user from nova-libvirt container06:43
nihilifercoolsvap: because it didn't work as well06:43
nihiliferbut i'm thinking whether we should try to drop root for libvirt process at all06:43
nihilifershouldn't be libvirt ran but, have some polkit config allowing nova user to do stuff, and then use nova user only in nova-compute container?06:44
nihilifershoudn't be libvirt ran as root*06:44
coolsvapi think its wortha try06:46
coolsvapi will have a look06:46
nihiliferok, cool06:46
kjellynihilifer, coolsvap: I will fix the issue about libvirt with root. Maybe I send a patch latter.06:47
nihiliferkjelly: kk06:47
nihiliferas far as i saw yesterday06:47
nihiliferlibvirt process is ran by root and works fine06:48
nihiliferbut nova-compute container uses nova user06:48
coolsvapkjelly, alright, will wait for your patch then06:48
nihiliferand has problems with accessing libvirt socket06:48
nihiliferrahulshr_: are you sure that the "/bin/bash" part of this command was copied properly and was in the same line as the rest?06:49
nihiliferrahulshr_: maybe try this:06:51
nihiliferdocker run -v /etc/kolla/rsyslog:/var/lib/kolla/config_files -ti kollaglue/ubuntu-source-rsyslog:liberty-rc1 /bin/bash06:51
rahulshr_this one worked06:51
nihiliferok, cool06:51
nihiliferare you able to ls that dit?06:51
nihiliferit means06:51
nihiliferls /var/lib/kolla/config_files06:52
rahulshr_root@630e4942256f:/# ls /var/lib/kolla/config_files config.json  rsyslog.conf06:53
ashestakovguys, have you any ideas how to build container based on multiple sources?06:53
ashestakove.g. nova-base + ironic-base06:53
nihiliferrahulshr_: the other question - you tried to run ansible only once?06:53
rahulshr_you mean to say kolla-ansible?06:54
nihiliferrahulshr_: yes06:54
nihiliferashestakov: no, it's impossible06:54
rahulshr_I tried 3-4 times06:54
nihiliferrahulshr_: did you remove all containers before re-trying?06:54
ashestakovnihilifer: is it hard to implement?06:54
nihiliferashestakov: it's just impossible. docker doesn't support having multiple parents06:55
rahulshr_yes i found some one mentioned to remove containers and try again06:55
rahulshr_so I idi06:55
openstackgerritKuo-tung Kao proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for libvirt and change sock grp to nova  https://review.openstack.org/26035206:55
nihiliferashestakov: what things do you need from nova-base and ironic-base?06:56
ashestakovironic requires separate nova-compute process with ironic's compute_manager06:56
ashestakovit is why nova-compute container not works with ironic now06:57
ashestakovironic code is missing inside06:57
kjellynihilifer, coolsvap: I sent a patch.  It seems that adding nova user to nova-libvirt group and setting socket group to nova is good idea.06:57
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nihiliferkjelly: it's not a good idea!06:58
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kjellynihilifer: But if you don't add user to nova-libvirtd container, the uid 1000 will not exist.06:59
nihiliferrunning libvirt as root and letting to write to socket by normal user is high security risk06:59
nihiliferwithout using polkit, of course06:59
Jeffrey4lkjelly, at least, there is no nova user in the libvirt image. it is based on base image rather than nova-base image.06:59
nihiliferyep, Jeffrey4l is right07:00
nihilifernova-libvirt doesn't inherit from nova-base07:00
nihiliferso 2 reasons against doing it like that07:00
kjellynihilifer, Jeffrey4: I add nova user to it.07:00
Jeffrey4li have another PS <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/259329/> for doing almost the same thing. I am trying to use polkit. But it is still WIP.07:01
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kjellyTo solve the issue https://review.openstack.org/#/c/259329/, Now I know two ways. One is change libvirt-socket to 777. Another is change socket group.07:02
nihiliferomg, you're serious with 777?07:03
kjellynihilifer: No, so I don't send patch with the way.07:03
Jeffrey4lsecurity is a big thing.07:04
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nihiliferthe nice thing about polkit - as fara as i know, you can give an access only to some things in lobvirt07:06
kjellynihilifer, Jeffrey4l: If you have good idea, send a new patch. Now I have no idea to solve it.07:06
nihiliferso give a specific permissions07:06
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nihilifergiving acces to the whole socket is too huge risk imo07:06
Jeffrey4lnihilifer, agree.07:07
kjellynihilifer: Ok. I try the way to solve it.07:08
nihiliferhmmm.. we seem to have 3 people willing to work on this :P07:08
kjellynihilifer: Who are working on it? I assign bug to him07:09
nihiliferthe work about dropping root seems to be tracked here07:10
nihiliferi see coolsvap in nova07:10
nihilifercoolsvap: you want to work on this07:11
kjellyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1525583 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1528328 is the same issue.07:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1525583 in kolla "nova_compute can not talk to nova_libvirt" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Kuo-tung Kao (jelly) (coding1314)07:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1528328 in kolla "Nova_compute libvirt-sock permission denied" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Kuo-tung Kao (jelly) (coding1314)07:11
nihiliferor should we make a work item "libvirt"?07:11
coolsvapi am currently occupied in something else07:12
coolsvapi am okay with creating a work item for libvirt07:12
coolsvaprather than tracking only this change in a bug07:12
nihilifercoolsvap: ok, thank you07:12
nihiliferkjelly: ok. i'll sign the second bug as a duplicate07:12
nihiliferi'd suggest to use both this bug and "Partially-Implements: blueprint drop-root" for the commit solving libvirt issues07:13
kjellynihilifer: Ok.07:14
kjellyBy the way, I found fuel and Suse Cloud 5 set libvirt-socket permission to 777. it's interesting.07:15
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nihiliferkjelly: that's strange07:16
nihiliferbut it also means that kolla will be the best when we will succeed with polkit :D07:17
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nihiliferkjelly: but regarding fuel07:18
nihiliferkjelly: you see it in openstack/puppet-* repo or explicitly somewhere in openstack/fuel-library?07:19
nihiliferi cannot grep it both in puppet-nova and fuel-library07:22
kjellynihilifer: I have fuel env. And I just see what is the permission in fuel env.07:24
kjellynihilifer: I am not good at puppet. So I don't know how to find it from code.07:24
rahulshr_nihilifer should I build the images again?07:25
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Rename the kolla-build section to DEFAULT  https://review.openstack.org/26036307:30
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: use oslo.config instead of raw argparse.ArgumentParser  https://review.openstack.org/26038908:54
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coolsvapashestakov, checking the gates once before i approve the pxe patch09:50
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ashestakovcoolsvap: thanks09:52
coolsvapashestakov, np09:52
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Improvements in documentation  https://review.openstack.org/26042309:57
ashestakovso, no ideas how to build container with multiple bases?10:03
nihiliferhmm... maybe i have something. we use jinja2 to generate dockerfiles from templates, so maybe we can use somwhow {% include "[...]" %}10:05
nihiliferit's probably trivial to use10:05
nihiliferbut it may be not so easy to eventually re-design the other containers10:06
nihiliferif we would like to introduce includes not only for ironic10:06
nihiliferi'd suggest to keep the re-usable fragments in directory like docker/commons/[...]10:08
nihiliferand try to do jinja2 include10:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove user 'ironic' from ironic-pxe  https://review.openstack.org/26034710:53
coolsvapJeffrey4l, have a look at the pep8 failures in https://review.openstack.org/260389 and test if the images build with the changes10:54
coolsvapnot sure if it failed with your changes or not10:54
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Jeffrey4lcoolsvap,  ./tools/build.py:626:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 110:55
Jeffrey4lit should be related to my changes.10:55
Jeffrey4li will push another one to fix it.10:55
coolsvapnot the pep8 issue, the image build also failed in the gate results10:56
Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, I am checking it.10:57
coolsvapjust wanted to let you know10:57
Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, ok, thanks a lot.10:57
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rahulshrnihilifer I am still stuck11:06
rahulshrTASK: [common | Starting Ansible container] ***********************************  failed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "failed": true} msg: Docker API Error: Cannot start container ad235b682b8391b54d661d2f49cf8768d055931ff9f421562738b40316126c11: [8] System error: not a directory  FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting  PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             to retry,11:07
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: use oslo.config instead of raw argparse.ArgumentParser  https://review.openstack.org/26038911:27
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: use oslo.config instead of raw argparse.ArgumentParser  https://review.openstack.org/26038911:46
coolsvapJeffrey4l, i am not able to build images after using changes in patch set 260389 ^^12:06
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Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, what's the error?12:08
coolsvapunrecognized argument12:09
coolsvapfor individual image build12:09
coolsvaplike if i try to build keystone12:09
coolsvapbuild.py: error: unrecognized arguments: keystone12:09
Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, could u show me the run command line?12:09
coolsvapwait creating paste12:10
coolsvapJeffrey4l, http://paste.openstack.org/show/482504/12:10
* Jeffrey4l is reading12:11
Jeffrey4lok. My mistake. I never know the build script can work like that.12:12
Jeffrey4lI will try to fix it.12:12
Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, ^12:12
coolsvapJeffrey4l, np12:12
coolsvapjust move it to WIP for the time being, its good to use the oslo in here12:14
Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, I found root cause. I can fix it in several minutes.12:16
coolsvapJeffrey4l, np then12:17
Jeffrey4lcoolsvap, (just what make sure: you mean that you want me to make the PS WIP?)(my english is not very good..);P12:18
coolsvapyes but since it does not require much time you can dont need to do it12:19
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: use oslo.config instead of raw argparse.ArgumentParser  https://review.openstack.org/26038912:58
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rahulshrI am still trying to deploy kolla using kolla-ansible but it failing for one of the containers13:12
rahulshrTASK: [common | Starting Ansible container] ***********************************  failed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "failed": true} msg: Docker API Error: Cannot start container ad235b682b8391b54d661d2f49cf8768d055931ff9f421562738b40316126c11: [8] System error: not a directory  FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting13:14
rahulshrI am pretty new to kolla and docker13:14
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Jeffrey4lrahulshr, are u solve the rsyslog issue? is it working well?13:20
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Jeffrey4lmandre, pls check the comment here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/260363/113:22
Jeffrey4lit is neccessary to check the kolla-build section to DEFAULT13:22
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rahulshrJeffrey4l, not able to solve it13:25
rahulshrwhat should I check13:25
Jeffrey4lrahulshr, still `IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/kolla/config_files/config.json'` this issue in rsyslog?13:26
rahulshryeah that is still the same13:27
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* Jeffrey4l is thinking hold on.13:28
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Jeffrey4lrahulshr, could u show the full logs for rsyslog?13:31
Jeffrey4lu can create a paste here paste.openstack.org13:31
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dmsimardmandre: replied to the yum setup review13:38
dmsimardI -1'd it to prevent merge since there was a +2 already13:39
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rahulshrJeffrey4l, sry got dced13:51
rahulshrcan you please tell the cmd to get full logs13:51
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Jeffrey4lrahulshr, docker logs rsyslog should work13:55
Jeffrey4lrahulshr, do u changed any configuration? the `/opt` folder is wired.13:56
rahulshrdid not make any config changes13:57
rahulshropt folder is empty13:57
Jeffrey4lrahulshr, what kolla version are u using?13:59
rahulshrI have clone liberty branch13:59
Jeffrey4lrahulshr, u can try master branch.14:00
Jeffrey4lI haven't try the liberty branch..14:00
rahulshrok then do I need to build again?14:01
Jeffrey4lrahulshr, yep.14:01
rahulshrok...genrally what ppl do they use vagrant or they deploy on bare metal?14:03
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Jeffrey4li am using vagrant. But bare metal should be the same.14:18
Jeffrey4lrahulshr, ^14:18
rahulshrI have a 8 gb system and vagrant seems to hang on it14:20
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Jeffrey4lrahulshr, it depends. My vagrant is allocated 5G and it works well.14:23
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inc0good morning14:32
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inc0happy Sol Invictus birthday!;)14:33
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dmsimardinc0: good morning :D14:56
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britthouserIts the shortest day the Lord has made. =)15:14
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inc0and today Space-X successfully landed stage 1 of rocket15:21
inc0which is cool:)15:21
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kproskurinHello guys, just noticed what http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kolla/dev-quickstart.html is still working15:29
kproskurinWhich is bad afaik :-)15:29
coolsvapkproskurin, didnt get you :-/15:30
kproskurinIt’s old doc15:31
kproskurinNew one is http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kolla/quickstart.html15:31
coolsvapkproskurin, ohk15:32
kproskurinand some google search leads to the old one15:32
inc0kproskurin, mind popping an patchset?15:34
kproskurinI not sure what to edit, ‘cos I did edit the index.rst to point to new doc15:34
kproskurinbut old one is still there and I just not sure how to fix this15:34
kproskurinperfect solution will be redirect imo15:35
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed openstack/kolla: Playbook for nova upgrade  https://review.openstack.org/25439515:41
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/kolla: Make the yum repositories configurable in the base image  https://review.openstack.org/25801715:41
dmsimardSamYaple: ^ different implementation attempt based on mandre's comment, I kind of like it15:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Convert to pymysql  https://review.openstack.org/26008015:47
coolsvapSamYaple, i think the patch had some dependent patches yesterday15:47
ashestakovhi guys15:57
ashestakovany ideas how to better run fastcgi application with apache under container?15:57
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ashestakovor run two main processes in container16:06
inc0ashestakov, we do that with supervisord16:06
inc0it's hack, but sometimes required16:06
inc0look at container neutron_agents16:07
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inc0(hopefully we can get rid of this once docker 1.10 lands but for now it is what it is16:08
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ashestakovsupervisord... ok, thanks16:08
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SamYaplecoolsvap: what do you mean?16:14
SamYapleashestakov: im not sure what you are planning to do, but we aren't accepting anymore supervisord implementations under Kolla unless absolutely needed. What was that for?16:15
ashestakovi trying to implement radosgw container16:17
inc0that's actually a very noble effort, can't do without fastcgi?16:18
ashestakovironic needs swift api, but swift in kolla is not convenient16:18
ashestakovradosgw can runs as standalone fastcgi, and apache can use mod_proxy-fcgi to proxy requests16:18
ashestakovor apache can run fastcgi server16:19
ashestakovi prefer standalone process and proxy-fcgi, like in ceph docs16:19
dmsimardashestakov: careful, fastcgi support is deprecated with radosgw16:19
dmsimardashestakov: they want people to use civetweb now16:19
dmsimardthey stopped mirroring the patched mod_fastcgi they provided for apache16:20
ashestakovdmsimard: can you give me link?16:20
dmsimardwe have a review for adding civetweb support in puppet-ceph: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254548/16:20
dmsimardashestakov: will try to find it, sec16:21
ashestakovand where is corresponding apache config for civetweb?16:23
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SamYapleashestakov: oh I have the ceph radosgw and even CephFS stuff, i just didn't drop it in Kolla since we didn't have a need for it16:25
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ashestakovSamYaple: can you add it?16:26
SamYapleashestakov: I have to Kolla-fy it, but I can, yes16:26
SamYapleashestakov: do you already have a patchset you would like me to work with you on?16:27
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ashestakovno, i just trying to get radosgw build and deploy16:27
SamYaplewell we don't build ceph from source in Kolla at all16:27
SamYaplewe just use the packaged ceph16:28
ashestakovalso, ironic requires swift api to get images by tempurl, glance should use rgw as backend to get it works16:28
ashestakovis possible to implement this in kolls?16:29
SamYapleit is possible to back glance by rgw, yes16:29
SamYaplehowever, I don't understand the need for that16:30
SamYapleglance will stream the image from the backing store (rbd) to ironic via api16:30
ashestakovimages uploaded by glance, should be available via swift api (via rgw)16:30
dmsimardashestakov: The link I have for the thread on ceph-users looks dead, asked someone about it16:30
ashestakovSamYaple: have you implemented rgw with fcgi?16:31
SamYaplei guess im confused ashestakov, are you saying the glance images can only be acessed by speaking directly to swift (bypassing glance) in ironic?16:31
dmsimardSamYaple: ironic generates a swift tempurl for the images and downloads it over http16:32
dmsimardit "computes" the path to the images with a swift key16:32
dmsimardit doesn't download the image through glance16:32
ashestakovironic should provide swift tempurl http://docs.openstack.org/kilo/config-reference/content/object-storage-tempurl.html16:32
ashestakovso these tempurls available only in swift api16:32
ashestakovwhen glance uses rdb as backend, images are not visible vi rgw16:33
SamYapleah i follow. yea that makes sense. i wasnt aware thats how that worked16:33
SamYapleluckily we can have multiple backends with glance16:33
SamYaplerbd and rgw16:33
ashestakovglance backend calls rgw or swift?16:34
SamYapleashestakov: "Starting with Mitaka the Bare Metal service also supports Ceph Object Gateway"16:34
SamYapledirect rgw16:34
dmsimardoh that's cool16:34
SamYapleashestakov: yes i must be using the fastcgi since thats te compiled version of apache2 that ceph provides16:35
SamYapleill double check its been a while since i dug into that16:35
ashestakov"Starting with Mitaka the Bare Metal service also supports Ceph Object Gateway (RADOS Gateway)"16:35
SamYapleif we must use supervisord there, thats not teh end of the world16:35
ashestakovit is just name of backend, anyway it needs swift api16:36
SamYaplehey inc0 did you see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/259624/ ? Look at the latest pastes16:36
inc0SamYaple, yeah I am reviewing it slowly. lot's of files there;)16:36
ashestakovmaybe run separate containers for apache and rgw?16:37
SamYapleashestakov: not quite, with the way it _can_ work now, keystone is not in the picture16:37
SamYaplergw with keystone auth is... bad16:37
ashestakovrgw not requires keystone, it can use ceph auth like in doc http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/config/16:38
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ashestakov_meanwhile, can i use custom repositories to build containers?16:47
inc0ashestakov_, sure, /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf16:48
inc0I mean, to some extend16:48
inc0it works for source builds16:48
ashestakov_i mean deb repos for ubuntu16:48
inc0ah then I don't think so16:49
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ashestakov_is any plan to support custom repos in future?16:50
inc0ashestakov_, if someone writes it, I'll surely +2 it;)16:53
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inc0its feature we would like, that's for sure, just we don't have manpower to make it happen16:53
ashestakov_ok, and i asked before how to build container with multiple bases (nova-base  + ironic-base), any fresh ideas?)16:57
inc0uhh...I don't think it's possible with docker16:58
inc0you'd need to create new base with features you need16:58
inc0if you need packages from both consider to move them to openstack-base16:59
dmsimardashestakov_: I actually have a review up for that16:59
dmsimardashestakov_: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/258017/17:00
dmsimardThis is for RPM repositories, though - if you build for Ubuntu this doesn't add support for it17:00
dmsimardinc0: ^  :)17:00
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/kolla: Make the yum repositories configurable in the base image  https://review.openstack.org/25801717:02
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inc0yeah I thought I saw it somewhere17:02
dmsimardoh no, I had put arguments in the wrong alphabetical order :(17:02
ashestakov_dmsimard: cool! will you add same for ubuntu?17:04
ashestakov_also will nice to support priorities for repos17:05
dmsimardUbuntu is not at parity in general (binary support is still in review at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/260069/)17:06
dmsimardSomeone can contribute repository configuration support with a similar logic to the RPM one once the binary containers land17:06
dmsimardthat someone likely won't be me as I have my hands full :(17:07
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed openstack/kolla: Playbook for keystone upgrade  https://review.openstack.org/25756817:10
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inc0SamYaple, ad variable include17:29
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inc0I don't think this is possible with Ansible17:29
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SamYapleinc0: i wasnt asking if it is possible. I was saying it is, and you need to do it17:46
SamYapleashestakov_: yea we are doing custom repos for RPM right now, it will be easy to do it for ubuntu17:48
inc0SamYaple, "Note that you cannot do variable substitution when including one playbook inside another." from http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_roles.html17:49
inc0and no, it does not work as you described in comment, tested it first17:50
SamYapleyou absolutely can17:50
SamYapleyou cannot in ansible 2.017:50
inc0I don't run 2.017:51
SamYaplebut you have different ways to achive  that in 2.017:51
SamYaplethen you can, you should try it17:51
inc0I tried oit17:51
SamYapleyou can do "include: {{ variable }}.yml"17:51
SamYaplethat works17:51
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inc0http://paste.openstack.org/show/482535/ >> ERROR: file could not read: /home/inc0/kolla/ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/{{ playbook }}.yml17:52
inc0ansible --version >> 1.9.417:53
SamYapleIll gve you a paste on how to do it in a minute17:54
inc0ok thanks17:55
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SamYaplehttp://paste.openstack.org/show/482536/ inc018:15
SamYapleinc0:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/482539/18:15
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inc0so it's for hosts right?18:17
SamYapleinc0: no its you didnt use set_fact right18:19
inc0debug shows otherwise18:20
inc0and error msg18:20
inc0ansible --version plz18:20
inc0with -e it works, with set_fact it does not18:23
inc0even tho value of {{ playbook }} is ok18:23
SamYaplebecause you cant set it with set_fact, because that sets it per host18:23
SamYapleput it in globals.yml and it will work18:24
SamYaplethere are many ways to make it work18:24
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inc0yeah, if I put it in globals then upgrade.yml doesn't override its value, so it's useless18:30
inc0will play around with it, but so far it's trading lots of skips for not working at all18:30
SamYapleim telling you inc0, it absolutely works, you need to do it right though18:31
SamYaplewhere are you still hung up?18:31
inc0so if I put it into globals.yml18:31
inc0it works...only I have no way to override it when using upgrade.yml play instead of site.yml18:32
inc0and we need to do it because that's the idea behind this variable in the first place18:32
SamYapleuse vars on the include18:32
SamYapleor i guess when you call the role in this case18:32
SamYaplethere are like thirty ways to solve this18:33
SamYapleif you would like i can push a patchset with teh change im talking about18:33
inc0I'll push what I have and you can make it work18:33
SamYaplefair enough18:33
SamYapleteam work!18:33
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed openstack/kolla: Playbook for keystone upgrade  https://review.openstack.org/25756818:35
inc0there you go, it's keystone, but whatever we get there I'll port to nova18:35
inc0we can mitigate whole thing by not specifying this variable and on "kolla-ansible upgrade" add -e playbook=upgrade18:37
inc0but well...18:37
inc0I don't like that18:37
SamYapleno no the issue is you have the variable specified in the globals.yml18:37
SamYapleill show you18:37
inc0I know that18:38
inc0otherwise it's set up on host18:38
inc0and we need it earlier18:38
inc0either way, it has to be set up in -e18:38
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SamYapleinc0: you are wrong18:59
SamYaplethe only reason you think that is because of ansibles variable precedence19:00
inc0well you know what we want to achieve, if you think of a way let's implement it19:02
SamYapleinc0: you arent stopping the keystone containers at all in this patchset?19:04
SamYapleyou need to stop them to upgrade the db, no?19:05
inc0unless they do destructive migration, no19:05
SamYapledo they? how do we know?19:05
inc0they didn't so far19:05
inc0we gate on it I guess19:05
inc0later on19:05
SamYaple"Progress has been made on supporting live sql migrations, however it is still recommended to bring down the heat service for the duration of the upgrade."19:05
SamYapledoesnt taht advice hold true for all services?19:06
inc0SamYaple, I spoke with Dolph about that19:06
inc0no, it doesnt19:06
SamYapleoh ok if you talked to dolph im good to go19:06
inc0that's for nova19:07
inc0we'll test it in and out19:07
inc0but for now it seems ok19:07
SamYapleso the deal at the summit was we do a hard stop of the service until we know for sure. are yo usaying you talked to dolph about keystone specifically?19:08
inc0yes, each service should be treated differently19:09
SamYapleso.. did you talk to dolph specifically about doing a live keystone upgrade?19:10
SamYapleor are you just guessing here?19:10
inc0yes, I talked with Dolph specifically about live keystone upgrade, I sit 2m from him19:11
SamYaplethat was the answer to my question19:11
inc0if something bad merges, we want to catch that19:11
inc0hence gate19:12
SamYaplethats not encoraging, are you saying we are gating a way no one else is?19:13
inc0I'm saying non-destructive migration merging is policy-enforced19:13
inc0and nova does gating on it19:13
SamYapleim asking about keystone19:13
SamYapleim looking at that keystone one rihgt now19:14
inc0but because it is "just" a policy it potentially might break19:14
inc0it wont right now as there were NO destructive migrations19:14
SamYapleas long as it breaks everyone, i am ok, if it just breaks _US_ thats not ok19:14
inc0and I'm unwilling to put forced downtime on EVERYTHING unless we need to19:14
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SamYapleyou cant make unilateral decisions for Kolla when we agreed to different things at the summit inc019:14
SamYapleno matter your personal opinion19:15
inc0it will break everyone doing upgrade, yes19:15
inc0SamYaple, let's fix one problem at the time ok? right now we can do live upgrades19:15
SamYapleim just pointing out thats not the first time you have said you are going against what we all agreed to19:16
SamYaplethats not cool19:16
inc0we changed our approach on ML19:16
inc0after me proposing per-case approach19:17
inc0this kinda invalidates what we agreed because we agreed on universal upgrade play19:17
inc0with per-case approach we can have this kind of freedom19:17
SamYaplethats not what we agreed to, but im fine with this approach, im not fine with the "ill do it my way because i want to" attitude19:17
inc0SamYaple, please care about your own attitude19:18
inc0this was discussed on ML none of cores had problems with it19:18
inc0if you have problem with this approach, let's discuss whats wrong with it and how to solve these problems19:18
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SamYapleso inc0 I have done tweaks that work for me to that keystoen patchset19:47
SamYapleive made it DRY where it was not before19:47
SamYaplepushing it momentarily, running it once more19:47
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Playbook for keystone upgrade  https://review.openstack.org/25756819:48
inc0SamYaple, add yourself as co-author plz19:49
SamYapleok ill do that in a later patchset after yo ureview this one19:49
SamYapleif you notice, there is no upgrades dir as we reuse existing tasks to acomplish the same thing19:50
inc0yeah, noticed that19:50
inc0hmm....when I run upgrade it still tries to do bootstrapping of users19:53
inc0- debug: msg="{{ playbook }}" >> install regardless of play I run19:55
SamYapleinc0: you should rebuild your containers, no? https://github.com/openstack/kolla/blob/master/docker/keystone/extend_start.sh19:55
inc0I did that19:55
SamYapleim not sure how it can then19:56
inc0I mean it still runs ansible tasks with it19:56
SamYapleoh. hold on it probably needs a rebase19:56
SamYaplelet me check19:56
inc0it doesn't rebase was done19:56
inc0this morning19:56
inc0try to add debug at the end of keystone's main.yml19:57
SamYaplecan you do a pastebin? I do not see those results19:58
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unneeded variables passed into keystone  https://review.openstack.org/26069320:01
inc0SamYaple, ok, it was my mistake, globals.yml had leftovers20:02
SamYapleah yes20:02
SamYapleso the reason that _wasnt_ working for you is because the globals.yml is technically a cli variable which has highest precedence, you can't override it withs 'vars:'20:03
SamYapleso we pass that variable with vars on the role only20:03
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inc0yeah I figured it out20:04
inc0I'm thinking to name it in different way tho20:04
SamYaplei cant figure out how to update commit message online in new gerrit :(20:04
inc0"playbook" is misleading20:05
inc0I don't think you can20:05
SamYaplei agree, but i didnt immediately think of something better20:05
SamYapleinstead of "playbook" what about "task"?20:05
inc0just update it during commit --ammend20:05
SamYapleyea but i hate that they removed tahtfeature...20:05
inc0task is better20:06
inc0still feels not-perfect, but good enough imho20:06
SamYaplei can change to task and add co-author20:06
inc0do that plz20:06
SamYaplewe can do "mission"....20:07
SamYaple"ansible" is from a book about war anyway20:07
SamYaplejust saying20:07
SamYaplejob ?20:07
SamYapletask or job are my thoughts20:07
inc0make it job20:07
inc0task is ansible term, we don't want to confuse folks20:08
inc0or action20:08
inc0SamYaple, ^20:08
inc0how about "action"?20:08
SamYapleis action protected?20:08
SamYaplenope were good20:09
SamYapleaction is fine20:09
inc0do these and I'll +120:09
inc0also try it out plz, I don't have access to proper multi-node20:09
inc0for now at leasy20:10
SamYaplewhat do you think of deploy vs install?20:10
SamYaplei think it should be deploy since we call that action deploy elsewhere20:10
inc0I guess20:10
inc0becayse then with kolla-ansible we'll have either "deploy" or "upgrade"20:11
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Playbook for keystone upgrade  https://review.openstack.org/25756820:12
inc0hey dims_ btw this fix doesn't seem to help:/20:12
inc0I'll dig more20:12
dims_inc0 : the syslog one?20:12
inc0still can't see traces20:12
inc0I'll debug some more20:13
SamYapleyea dims_ traces go to stderr20:13
SamYapleso we need to close stdin/out/err properly to redirect it?20:13
inc0SamYaple, disclaimer - I tested it out outside container and problem seems to be present there20:13
inc0as well20:13
SamYaplewell the one thing we arent doing that regular daemons do is closing stdin/out/err20:14
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inc0dhellman thought it's about way oslo.log gets output from traceback20:14
inc0hmm...I did that with running service on my terminal, so strout/err was open as well20:15
SamYaplejust a thought, no evidence to back that up20:15
inc0worth to try20:15
SamYapleinc0: did you make it through my config patch?20:16
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inc0omw back to it20:16
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inc0SamYaple, so way it works  - instead of making templates on dest host and running template there, we create it on deployment node and ship result?20:30
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dims_inc0 : just tested this code - https://gist.github.com/dims/226218dd289857f6c93320:41
dims_seems to work on my os x20:41
inc0with rsyslog?20:41
SamYapledims_: that works for me too, ubuntu 14.0420:42
inc0Ala mentioned something about code calling log.error instead of exception20:43
inc0let me check few things20:44
dims_inc0 : doesn't log.error need an explicit exc_info?20:45
inc0dims_, maybe, and if code uses it incorrectly, that might be reason for it20:46
inc0or as SamYaple mentioned, maybe we need to close stderr20:46
dims_ok, you know where to find me :)20:46
inc0yup, thanks a lot!20:48
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SamYaplethanks dims_20:50
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unneeded variables passed into keystone  https://review.openstack.org/26069321:32
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unneeded variables passed into keystone  https://review.openstack.org/26069322:19
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Pin shade and os-client-config  https://review.openstack.org/26073222:19
SamYapleinc0: i split up the patch22:19
inc0damn Death Magnetic is one cool album22:21
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SamYapleits ok22:25
SamYapleits better than some of there other albums22:25
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