Monday, 2016-03-07

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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Copy the logs out of the container
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Jeffrey4lthis two bp have been merge. could have approve these two bp?
Jeffrey4lsdake, around? see above ^^01:44
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openstackgerritMD NADEEM proposed openstack/kolla: Reconfigure for haproxy
SamYapleJeffrey4l: you should have perms to approve03:24
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Jeffrey4lSamYaple, no idea about the process. It is me who draft it. Then can I approve it? I thought it should be different user.03:30
SamYapleJeffrey4l: you can approve it unless its a major direction change03:33
SamYaplebut its best judgement right now03:34
SamYapleits not a tool to push through a single persons agenda03:34
Jeffrey4lSamYaple, sorry. what's means by 'its not a tool to push through a single persons agenda'. could u explain more.03:37
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SamYapleJeffrey4l: i just mean use your best judgement. If the blueprint changes something fundementally about Kolla then dont approve it yourself. if its simply adding the hacking module or something simliar its fine03:38
Jeffrey4lRoger, thanks a lot.03:39
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Reconfigure horizon service
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openstackgerritMD NADEEM proposed openstack/kolla: Update README for Trove image
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Update README for Trove image
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asalkeldthis could go in, if anyone is about:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: Add for new infra gates
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: New per-service CLI access
nihiliferalso, thx for commit about py3 job06:23
nihiliferuuuum... wat06:24
nihiliferlooks like i pressed some magic buttons for irssi, sorry06:24
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Drop root for swift
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Drop root for swift
Jeffrey4lelemoine, around?06:55
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Copy the logs out of the container
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/kolla: Handle kolla-build exception
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Reconfigure mongodb service
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Support dependencies inside one host
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Dependency between nova-libvirt and nova-compute inside host
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Use constraints only on multinode deployment
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Allow to override resources in globals.yml
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nihiliferasalkeld: when you'll have time, can you review this sequence of patches?
nihiliferexcept the patch about heka08:25
openstackgerritArtur Zarzycki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Fix typo in command
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/kolla: Handle kolla-build exception
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Make memcached reconfigure not block
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Upgrade fails at Magnum
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Reconfigure horizon service
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Updated from global requirements
nihiliferfolks, general question09:12
nihiliferdo we have feature freeze now?09:13
nihiliferi assume we have09:13
nihiliferif yes - can we create feature branches which will be not merged to master before beginning of N development?09:14
nihiliferthe thing is that we'd like to do the work on mesos-dns in parallel with bugfixing for mitaka. and propose a bp about that in kolla (because we need a container for that)09:17
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/kolla: Handle kolla-build exception
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/kolla: Fix retrieving api_interface
openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/kolla: Fix retrieving api_interface
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: Fix typo in command
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: Restart daemons if their config changes
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/kolla: Added documentation for proxy buildards picked from the environment.
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/kolla: Add documentation for proxy buildards picked from the environment.
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openstackgerritEric Lemoine proposed openstack/kolla: Fix "wait for log socket" in
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: Autodetect number of instances
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/kolla: Add documentation for proxy buildargs picked from the environment.
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asalkeldnihilifer: done11:29
nihiliferi'm resolving merge conflict right now ;)11:32
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Support dependencies inside one host
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Dependency between nova-libvirt and nova-compute inside host
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Use constraints only on multinode deployment
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Allow to override resources in globals.yml
nihiliferthis one ;)11:33
nihiliferbut thx for merging the 1st patch11:34
openstackgerritMD NADEEM proposed openstack/kolla: Reconfigure for haproxy
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Support dependencies inside one host
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Dependency between nova-libvirt and nova-compute inside host
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Use constraints only on multinode deployment
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Allow to override resources in globals.yml
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: CLI: Implement service definition
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Move common config functions into a new file
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Move Runner classes to
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: CLI: implement service commands
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: CLI: implement config commands
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asalkeldnihilifer: i am headding to bed, i'll review any remaining in the morning12:15
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nihiliferasalkeld: ok, no problem, good night12:16
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openstackgerritEric Lemoine proposed openstack/kolla: Fix "wait for log socket" in
openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Reconfigure mariadb service
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mlimaTASK: [ceph | Looking up hostname] failed: [localhost] => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["getent", "hosts", ""], "delta": "0:00:00.003176", "end": "2016-02-24 11:17:29.999575", "rc": 2, "start": "2016-02-24 11:17:29.996399", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}12:55
mlimasomeone knows why it happens?12:56
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mlimaTASK: [ceph | Looking up hostname] failed: [localhost] => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["getent", "hosts", ""], "delta": "0:00:00.003176", "end": "2016-02-24 11:17:29.999575", "rc": 2, "start": "2016-02-24 11:17:29.996399", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}13:27
mlimasomeone knows why it happens?13:27
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openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Reconfigure mariadb service
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mlimaTASK: [ceph | Looking up hostname] failed: [localhost] => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["getent", "hosts", ""], "delta": "0:00:00.003176", "end": "2016-02-24 11:17:29.999575", "rc": 2, "start": "2016-02-24 11:17:29.996399", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}14:00
mlimasomeone knows why it happens?14:00
inc0mlima, try to call "getent hosts << ip address of node >>"14:02
inc0in this situation it's getent hosts
openstackgerritThiago Gomes proposed openstack/kolla: Deleting only images from kolla build
mlimainc0 returns nothing14:05
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sdakehey folks just wanted to announce we have a 90 minute maximum on our gating now14:05
sdaketo solve the fact that centos times out duringbuild sometiems14:05
inc0mlima, then you need to fix your hostnames14:06
inc0it should return hostname14:06
inc0yay sdake14:06
sdakemlima /etc/hosts has to be filled in14:06
inc0sdake, when do we vote for backport of upgrades?14:06
inc0and it will be over ml?14:06
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sdakeinc0 yes i'll post that now14:07
sdakebeen busy with release14:07
inc0this topic kinda hurts me14:07
sdakeand sunday i was busy catching up on diablo 314:07
mlimasdake, i'm deploying aio14:07
sdakemlima is /etc/hosts fliled out?14:08
inc0I lost my char since I moved to US:( I need start over14:08
inc0mlima, aio or not, you still need to have hostname14:08
sdakeinc0 that sucks14:08
sdakei hope they itnroduce some new pla yto win stuff14:08
sdakeI would like to buy stash tabs for eample14:08
sdakewithout having do the season 514:08
mlimai  thought it was necessary only multi node14:08
sdakeinc0 my closeet
inc0nope, and ceph is not the only one which deals with hostnames14:09
mlimaworks haha14:09
mlimaThank sdake, inc014:09
sdakemlima inc0 figured it out bro14:09
inc0any time14:09
sdakei would have never guessed the problem14:09
sdakea commit to the docs would help here14:09
inc0yeah, actually, could you add this note to quickstart guide?14:10
sdakeinc0 what paragon was your toon14:10
sdakeyou can get power leveld by people 1 to 70 in 6-7 minutes14:10
inc0300-something, nothing too fancy14:10
sdakeso essentially, scrubby :)14:10
inc0but you still need to have story finished14:11
sdakemy seasonal character is already paragaon 6014:11
inc0so I need to go through main story myself again14:11
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inc0anyway, I'm not going back to diablo vive is incomming14:12
inc0and I'll have all the VR-friendly games to play:>14:12
mlimasdake, you assigned a bug for me, but i can not reproduce it14:12
sdakemlima what was the bug14:13
mlimai will leave it there until someone confirms it14:13
sdakei do alot of things :)14:13
mlimaglance endpoints fails14:13
mlimaor something14:13
sdakelin kbug plz14:13
sdakei dont rnadmoly asssign bugs to people14:14
inc0mlima, logs plz14:14
sdakeif i do it usually for a very good reson14:14
mlimaokay, I just do not know what to do14:14
sdakeit may be in invalid state, which mens you solved it14:14
sdakeso you should get credit for it14:15
sdakelink the bug14:15
sbezverkGood morning14:15
sbezverksdake any guidance on extending the list of tags?14:15
sdakesbezverk to do what?14:15
sbezverkto add  a new one14:15
sdakefor which purpose14:15
sbezverkI used mariadb as an example for new iscsi container14:16
sdakeseems reasonable14:16
sdakei'm sure the ansible jockies will have a very specific answer in the review14:16
sbezverkI have changed config and manage to build iscso container using build.py14:16
sdakeis it a thin container?14:17
sbezverknow I want to deploy just it using --tags iscsi14:17
sdakeseems reasonble, like I said :)14:17
inc0sbezverk, you made iscsi work? does it work with cinder?14:17
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sdakeinc0 I think thatis  what he is workign on next14:17
inc0also yeah, add tags if you feel it's valid14:18
sbezverksdake unfortunately to run iscsi in the container, I must add systemd binaries. not sure if it makes NOT thin..14:18
inc0cool, I'd love to have working cinder without ceph14:18
sdakewhat systemd binarnies14:18
sdakedo you eman you run systemd to run iscsi?14:18
inc0sbezverk, it does...we shouldn't run systemd in container14:18
sdakeif so you wlil need to rework systemd out of the equation14:19
sdakewe definately are never running systemd in a container :)14:19
sdakesbezverk one of hte challenges of iscsi is it has tgtd14:19
sbezverksdake inc0 ok, I will try but so far the only way to run iscsi in a container was with systemd..14:19
sdakeand some other daeon that runs14:19
sdakethey need two containers14:20
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sdakeand they communicte via a ocket via named volumes14:20
sdakejust deconstruct how systemd does the job14:20
sdakeand do the same thing in a container14:20
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sdakethe problem is systemd runs a million commands14:20
sdakesbezverk but did it make lvm work?14:20
sdakerather cinder14:20
sbezverksdake I disabled ALL other services systemd would usually start14:21
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Make neutron-openvswitch-agent dependent on openvswitch-vswitchd
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sdakesbezverk i get it, but we just got rid of our last fat containers (neutron)14:21
sdakei dont want to add any more back in14:21
sbezverksdake btw lvm also requires systemd as far as I remember14:21
sdakebut i would probably be a good wy to test out your cinder changes14:21
sdakesince theoretically they got iscsi right14:22
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sdakei think that all is needed is to run tgtd is a container with the correct options14:22
inc0for the sake of pragmatism I'm for practicality over purity, but please confirm that there is no way you can make this work without systemd14:22
sdakesystemd wont be merged, simle as that14:23
sdakei'm also for prgamatism :)14:23
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inc0ok, I won't argue about that one for a change14:23
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openstackgerritPrithiv proposed openstack/kolla: Installs Curl, required OpenStack Packages
inc0afk, food14:23
inc0and then meetings \o/14:24
sbezverksdake inc0 theoretical question, if LVM or iscsi will not work without systemd, would you decide to drop these features?14:25
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inc0sbezverk, I would say yes, that's why we suggest to use cinder with ceph14:35
inc0we have this gap filled with something that is way more practical14:36
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ajafosdake: hi, I've one question, we need in kolla-mesos mesos-dns container, can I just create bp and try to push it to kolla or we need some feature branch?14:42
sdakebueprint is fine14:43
sdakeajafo we dont work with feature branches that I know of?14:43
ajafosdake: I just wasn't sure how to solve it because I'm not sure does kolla is in freeze state at the moment or we can still develop in master futures like this14:44
sbezverkinc0 I am afraid droping these would if no just limit, but could potentially kill interest of a large part of operations who uses lvm and iscsi for ages ;-)14:44
openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/kolla: Use internalURL for internal communication
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/kolla: Fix retrieving api_interface
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inc0sbezverk, well, true, but same goes to any technology when you think about it14:49
inc0kolla is opinionated, which means we're not saving everyone14:49
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inc0also if you just keep your running infra, with iscsi and tgt outside kolla, it works just fine14:50
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sdakeinc0 thats what I think of your kolla on kolla :)14:52
inc0kollaine, so much kollaine14:52
sdakeinc0 or how about this one
inc0you know my take on it14:54
inc0glue sniffing koala14:54
sdakei dont know a glue sniffing meme14:54
sdakecocaine bear was the best i could come up with :)14:54
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inc0we talked about our pet animal in Tokio14:54
sdakei remember14:55
sdakebut i dont know a meme for one14:55
inc0koala is obvious, glue is kolla14:55
inc0yeah, we need to create one14:55
sdakei think sniffing glue is not ideal for you and would highly recommend against it :)14:56
inc0I would say same thing about cigars14:56
inc0but it does match koalas lifestyle14:57
sdakesniffing glue way wosrse for you then smoking cigars ;)14:57
inc0I agree, it is14:58
inc0but it does match koalas lifestyle14:58
inc0and bad is it for koalas?14:58
inc0don't forget we're taling about junkie animal14:58
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sbezverkinc0 sdake if kolla targets to be "OpenStack deployment tool" at least that was my understanding of Kolla's mission, then it has to support ALL options offered by OpenStack, cannot be a leader if you do not cover all.. IMHO..15:13
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sdakesbezverk nobody said iscsi was out15:22
sdakesbezverk we want iscsi15:22
sdakesbezverk the issue is we want it in a thin container15:22
sdakehere is the course of action I suggest you take15:23
sdake1) get cinder or whatever else to work properly with the iscsi container you have mde15:23
sdakeonce that is done15:23
sdakesubmit the cinder changes15:23
sdake2) decompose how systemd launches iscsi and duplicate it, but container-style15:23
sdake2 will involve named volumes for storing sockets15:24
sdake1 may as well15:24
sdakeyou may have to share all of /run and /dev, I'm just not sure15:24
pbourke"Warning [1] was a pretty heated argument and there may have been some swearing :) " - lol15:24
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sbezverksdake agreed, at this moment I need help from ansible folks to help me to include new iscsi container into available tags list, so I could try to deploy it using --tags in kolla-ansible deploy15:27
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sdake_iscsi container shuould pssibly go in common?15:31
sdake_pbourke what is your thought, common or iscsi?15:31
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pbourkesdake_: sbezverk: I would say have a separate container for it, but dont make a tag, you can have it as dependency of the cinder role15:34
pbourkesee memcached for swift15:34
sdake_its not just cinnder that will use iscsi i think15:35
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nihilifer ;)15:39
sbezverkpbourke at this point I would like to have it independent of anything, it is just easier to make it working, later when everythign is clean, I will do as you say. so still my question, how I can make it deployed as a separate container using tags??15:40
pbourkesbezverk: that sounds fine, I think I did the same with memcached. You just need to edit site.yml to add the tags15:40
openstackgerritEric Lemoine proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add cron image and playbook
pbourkenihilifer: cool15:41
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sbezverkpbourke, that is exactly what I have done, but still it barks back :-(15:44
pbourkepaste error?15:44
sbezverkpbourke here you go:
pbourkesdake_: do you have a link to the review they are arguing about in that log15:48
sdake_pbourke no15:48
sdake_pbourke it has a -2 on it tho and it sin the queue15:49
sdake_so it shouldn't be hard to find :)15:49
sdake_Sam Yaple15:51
sdake_Mar 4 11:04 AM15:51
sdake_Patch Set 2: Code-Review-115:51
sdake_first, you dont need an action plugin to do what you are doing here and simple module is fine.15:51
sdake_second, im -2 on any new action plugin at all, please remove it15:51
pbourkeah, I know the review15:51
sdake_third, this will not properly show changed tasks at all. if we are to adapt this tool to any other place we wont show failed/changed messages appropriately so please remove the string library entirely.15:51
sdake_Please use the method we use for all the oterhservices, a script inside the container (preferably one that spits out json like the keystone script).15:51
pbourkejust missed the latest ps15:51
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rhalliseyso having read the upgrade log.. seems like we don't have a choice but to backport it.  Otherwise were expecting people start with kolla 1.1.0, or whichever release that has named-volumes15:55
rhalliseyhistorically though, I think upgrades were pushed to mitaka because we never anticipated to issues in liberty that required a backport15:57
rhalliseynever thought they were intended anywhere in liberty15:57
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sdake_rhallisey therein lies the crux of the vote :)15:59
SamYaplerhallisey: that is wrong, "we never anticipated to issues in liberty that required a backport"16:00
SamYaplewe discussed in tokyo pinning and bumping the pins for the stable branch16:01
SamYaplewe were always planning z upgrades16:01
rhalliseyI'm talking about named volumes16:01
SamYaplethat specifically yes16:01
SamYaplei agree16:01
rhalliseymajor issues16:01
rhalliseythat docker helped us fix16:01
SamYaplebut upgrades aren't part of that discussions. upgrades always were, they arent up for a vote (if we want a stable branch)16:01
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SamYaplewhat we are voting on now is _not_ doing it, because it was always planned16:01
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rhalliseywe may just have to admit to ourselves here that docker features might be given and *exception* when dealing with backports16:04
rhalliseythat kinda of stuff is out of our control :/16:05
sdake_master deploy time for me with compute kit + heat: real3m32.559s16:05
sdake_from registry16:05
sdake_so much faster then previously16:05
rhalliseyv nice16:06
SamYaplerhallisey: i dont think anyone has a problem with that type of backport16:06
SamYaplesdake_: multinode?16:06
sdake_single node16:06
sdake_say to run upgrade16:06
sdake_I just change release_version: "2.0.1"16:06
SamYaplesdake_: the onyl way you got that time was if you had prestaged the images16:06
sdake_and pull the trigger on upgrades?16:06
SamYaplesdake_: yea that should work16:07
sdake_SamYaple my registry is on the same node16:07
SamYapleyea i know16:07
rhalliseySamYaple, well I don't want people to think these emergency are a thing in kolla, but rather a reaction to docker16:07
sdake_but the images were not prestaged16:07
SamYaplebut you arent pulling from regitsry that way16:07
sdake_docker images had nothing16:07
SamYaplei would test that again if I were you :)16:07
sdake_i will16:07
SamYaple3m30 is accurate for a prestaged image run16:07
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/kolla: Sort out internal only and external only services
SamYaplepulling from local registry still wont quite get you there16:08
sdake_after upgrade everything is still running 2.0.016:09
SamYaplesdake_: does your globals.yml have the value set?16:09
SamYaplewhere did you update 2.0.1?16:09
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SamYapleyou shouldnt be updating it there16:09
SamYapleit shouldnt be in globals.yml at all, even as doc16:10
sdake_ ->
sdake_how do I udpate it then?16:10
sdake_for the upgrade case?16:10
SamYaplewell before we tag we should bump the var in group_vars/all.yml16:10
pbourkesbezverk: sorry yeah I see your problem16:10
pbourkesbezverk: you need to update kolla-ansible with your tag(s), it doesn't take --tags param16:11
prithivHi Sam16:11
pbourkesbezverk: or just use ansible-playbook which is better for dev16:11
sdake_i think operators are going to want custom control over what theycall versions16:11
sdake_SamYaple i pushed containers to the registry with a 2.0.1 tag lready in my local machine16:11
sdake_oh its openstack_release16:12
SamYapleyea openstack_release sounds right16:12
SamYaplehello prithiv16:12
prithivwould you suggest installing curl and clients through ansible precheck role or just break init-runonce in case curl and client not installed..16:13
SamYaplehello can I get another review on
SamYapleits breaking my usage of --tags16:14
prithivi preferred to have it installed through init16:14
sbezverkpbourke: here is the command which get generated: ansible-playbook -i /root/kolla/ansible/inventory/all-in-one -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml  --tags iscsi -e action=deploy /root/kolla/ansible/site.yml16:14
sbezverkpbourke: please explain whoch you mean by just using ansible-playbook??16:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix "wait for log socket" in
sdake_TASK: [nova | Checking if conductor container needs upgrading] ****************16:16
sdake_failed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "failed": true}16:16
sdake_msg: TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",)16:16
SamYapleprithiv: im not suggesting a precheck at all16:16
sdake_inc0 ^^16:16
SamYapleprithiv: im suggesting a check in init-runonce16:16
SamYapleprithiv: but im saying init-runonce should not be installing packages on the system16:16
prithivokay… will modify it.16:16
inc0sdake_, looking16:16
sdake_well some of the containers upgrade -> docker ps ->
SamYapleinc0: have you tried an upgrade from one version to another?16:17
SamYaple(i have not)16:17
inc0SamYaple, I did, it worked16:17
sdake_this is what i' mdoing, and it does nto work16:17
sdake_did you change the tag release number?16:17
openstackgerritThiago Gomes proposed openstack/kolla: Deleting only images from kolla build
sdake_inc0 ^^16:17
inc0hmm...that might be issue16:17
inc0let me double check16:17
openstackgerritHui Kang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix type - python-olso-db for ceilometer
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SamYapleinc0: yea i meant changing the release16:24
inc0I haven't, and probably it breaks16:25
sdake_inc0 i changed openstack_release: "2.0.1"16:25
inc0so I did that16:25
SamYapleok inc016:25
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SamYaplelet me know if you need any help16:25
pbourkesbezverk: kolla-ansible calls ansible-playbook under the hood16:26
pbourkesbezverk: have a look at the source of that script16:26
sdake_if you can call sehll script a hood16:26
sdake_or a car ;)16:26
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inc0so logic that checks it16:28
inc0is based on different release16:28
inc0but tell me, do you have build images for 2.0.1?16:28
SamYapleI have been in contact with the salt guys. Saltstack now has all the features I need. kolla-salt, here I come16:28
inc0kolla-salt, I want that to happen16:29
SamYapleinc0: you will love it. all python "plybooks"16:29
SamYapleor they can be shell scripts16:29
SamYapleup to us16:29
SamYapleor still yaml even16:29
inc0I know I will16:29
inc0I already do16:29
SamYaplejoin me on the dark side will you?16:29
inc0and I kinda grow small amount of hate towards ansible16:29
SamYaplei have that as well16:30
inc0the hate flows through me16:30
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SamYaplei started out Yaodu as salt for a reason16:30
SamYaplei switched to ansible because it had what i needed to work16:30
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SamYaplebut now.....16:30
sdake_dave-mccowan is it posisble to make tls on the client side not need a certificate16:30
sdake_via keystone configuration options16:30
SamYaplesdake_: use real cert16:30
inc0sdake_, do you have both images for 2.0.0 and 2.0.1?16:30
sdake_inc0 yes built in my registry16:30
SamYaplethe client just needs to trust the cert sdake_ . if its selfsigned then it cant implictyl trust it out of the gate16:31
inc0that might be issue16:31
inc0try to pull and rerun upgrade please16:31
dave-mccowanthere is a client side option, that i would encourage you not to use.  other than using a trusted cert, there is nothing you can change on the server side.16:32
sdake_dave-mccowan OSAD has something they change to use self-signed ceerts without having a cert file16:32
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sdake_but with a signed cert, if I didn't have to use the OS_CERT thing, that would be fine16:32
sbezverkpbourke I checked the script and it is just takes arguments including --tags, wihtout any verification and adds it to the new commands line now with ansible-playbook. That error comes not from the script, but from ansible-playbook which by some reason do no recognize new tag.16:32
sdake_here is what I want to avoid16:32
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sdake_distributing to everyone16:33
sdake_or whatever the ifile is called16:33
dave-mccowansdake_ authentication is kind of the point of using TLS.  no cert == no authentication16:33
sdake_no encryption is the point of tls16:34
sdake_auth is provided by keystone16:34
dave-mccowanthe cert lets the client authenticate the server.  it prevents man in the middle.   tls give authentication and privacy. encryption is only half the picture.16:34
sdake_i see16:35
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SamYaplesdake_: dave-mccowan you can do noverify16:35
sdakewell no pubic cloud distributes a crt file :)16:35
SamYaplesdake: all those are signed16:35
SamYaplejust use a signed cert16:35
dave-mccowansdake this is a dev issue, not an operator issue16:36
sdakedave-mccowan just to clarify, do you agree with SamYaple that if the cloud is signed with a proper ca, there is no need to distribute a crt file?16:36
dave-mccowansdake +1  assuming the client has the standard set of trusted root certificates.16:37
sdakeok that wfm then16:37
sdakewhat happens if someone compromises a root certificate?16:39
sdakedoes the intenets break16:39
dave-mccowansdake yep.  reference heartbleed.16:39
sdakei comprehend its a web of trust16:39
sdakeso it suffers from a single POF instead of a web of trust?16:40
sdakea web structure (in nature) can handle the loss of part of its web without problems16:41
sdakewhere things become a problem is if the web bindings fail :)16:41
SamYapledave-mccowan: heartbleed was _not_ compromising a root certificate16:42
SamYapledave-mccowan: heart-bleed was potentially getting the private key for _that_ server and being able to decrypt that data16:42
SamYaplejackpot if it was a wildcard cert16:43
SamYapleyou couldnt sign and reissue certs though16:43
sdakeinc0 comapre_image is busted imo16:46
sdakeit returns none in some circumstances16:46
SamYaplesdake: None is by design16:47
SamYapleits either True or None16:47
SamYapleit matches docker-py return style16:47
sdakewell ansible blows up on none type16:47
SamYapleall functions in kolla-docker module do that16:47
sdakeyes i noticed that16:48
SamYapleinc0: i did comment on how you should normalize that before returning to ansible.....16:48
sdakehow do you normalize it16:48
sdakekolla_docker looks pretty good16:49
SamYaplenvm he did normalize that16:49
SamYaplei dont know what yure seeing then sdake16:49
SamYapleits gauranteed to not return None16:49
sdakeTASK: [nova | Checking if conductor container needs upgrading] ****************16:49
sdakefailed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "failed": true}16:49
sdakemsg: TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",)16:49
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sdakei tink the problem is in the function itself16:50
SamYaplesdake: that means something is failing _inside_ the module, not the return value16:50
sdakei think it is referencing something that doesn't exist16:51
SamYaplewell thats not ansible though16:51
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SamYaplethe new_image value doesnt exist16:51
SamYaplethats what it is16:51
SamYapleill patch, moment16:51
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sdakeSamYaple how does this look ->
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SamYapleonly need it for new_image16:53
sdakei'll try that16:54
SamYaplecontainer gauranteed to exist16:54
sdakeit does work though with both :)16:54
sdakeyay easy fix16:54
SamYapleof course, but thats dead code that will never get run16:54
sdakeyou mean the 2nd part16:54
sdakeya i will remove obviously after i test it16:54
SamYaplewe already check that info16:54
SamYapleyou going to submit patch?16:54
sdakeupgrade time real1m25.528s16:55
sdakeupgraded cloud: ->
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sdakeand i can run init-runonce after an upgrade and it doesn't implode16:56
sdakeinc0 ^^ fix is above16:56
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sbezverkSamYaple I extended site.yml to include new container I created for iscsi exercises, but when I try to deploy it with --tags iscsi, I get ERROR: tag(s) not found in playbook: iscsi.  possible values: ceph,cinder,elasticsearch,glance,haproxy,heat,horizon,ironic,keystone,kibana,magnum,manila,mariadb,memcache,memcached,mistral,mongodb,murano,neutron,nova,rabbitmq,swift17:07
sbezverkCommand failed ansible-playbook -i /root/kolla/ansible/inventory/all-in-one -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml  --tags iscsi -e action=deploy /root/kolla/ansible/site.yml  --verbose17:07
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inc0sdake, back17:08
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inc0so it's fixed? let me review17:08
sdakei havent submitted a patch yet moment17:08
sdakedoing a redeploy - then test with sam's suggested change17:08
SamYapleinc0: its just a check to make sure new_image exists17:08
sdakeya your indexing new_image17:09
sdakeand new_image no beuno17:09
inc0yeah, error reporting and input validation17:09
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sdakeglad that was easy rather then all the playbooks ;)17:09
SamYaplesbezverk: iscsi should be in cinder role and not have its own tag17:09
inc0yeah, I see, it's one if statement most of bugs17:10
sbezverkSamYaple agreed but for now for easier debugging and testing it would be much easier for me to have it separate, when it is ready, then by all means17:10
sdakedocker cache was empty minus registry binary: real3m32.139s17:10
sdake for  a deploy17:10
sdakeupgrade with no pull real0m29.270s17:11
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SamYapleinc0: if bug: no_bug=True17:13
ajafoguys, can you look in free time on I would like to add this container to unblock work on multinode in kolla-mesos17:14
sdakeupgrade with pull real2m10.769s17:14
sdakeoverlay fs is smoking fast17:14
sdakeregistery 23. smoking fast17:15
SamYapleohh youre using overlayfs17:15
SamYapleyea in that case that sounds right17:15
SamYaplewith btrfs there are some built-in delays that cannot be avoided17:15
openstackgerritSebastien Fuchs proposed openstack/kolla: Modify the conditional strategy for cinder and glance regarding ceph: use cinder_volume_driver and glance_volume_driver instead of enable_ceph.
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pbourkeanyone ever get this traceback in keystone.log when trying to boostrap?
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Upgrade fails from 2.0.0->2.0.1
sdakeinc0 ^^17:23
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pbourkeinc0: mispelled your name in my reply sorry about that17:25
inc0and I thought we were friends...17:25
pbourkeI would say I gave you the english spelling but even thats wrong!!17:25
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sdakeinc0 i butcher everyones names17:33
sdakeso just keep that in mind17:33
sdakei worked closely with daneyon for 18 months and I still dont know how to say his naem correctly ;)17:34
sdakebrb relogging17:34
openstackgerritDaniel Gonzalez Nothnagel proposed openstack/kolla: Unify vagrant scripts
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sbezverkSamYaple any chance you could answer my question?17:35
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SamYaplesbezverk: im sorry, i may have missed it17:36
SamYaplecan you repeat?17:36
sbezverkHow I can extend (temporarely) list of available tags so iscsi container could be deployed (for testing and debugging) purposes on its own, wihtout any dependecies..17:38
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SamYaplesbezverk: tags option should do that. look at how site.yml is setup17:42
sbezverkSamYaple that is what I thought, I extended this file with entries, but still not luck..17:43
SamYaplenot sure17:43
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openstackgerritEric Lemoine proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add cron image and playbook
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sdake_sbezverk it needs to go in your inventory file as well17:51
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dave-mccowanare two servers enough to do multi node?  one for (deploy + node) and the second for "node only"?17:52
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sdake_dave-mccowan that works yes17:53
sdake_however, for HA ou need 3 nodes17:53
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sbezverksdake I have that configured as well [iscsi:children]17:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Upgrade fails from 2.0.0->2.0.1
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ccesariohello guys... any idea about this error ?  (trunk version)
vhosakotccesario: is kolla_keystone_bootstrap up ?  "docker ps -a | grep keystone"19:07
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SamYapleI again ask for an ack on this patch
SamYapleneed it for using tags when ceph is enabled19:20
ccesariovhosakot, yes... it is up!19:20
vhosakotccesario: did "kolla-ansible precehcks" pass ?19:21
ccesariowell..... let me check again... because it was working in last week... but after code upgrade (trunk) I ḿ getting this error ... :)19:22
vhosakotccesario: I suggest you uninstall kolla and reinstall... always works for me with the latest code19:23
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ccesariovhosakot, I already did it... I destroyed my env test and recreate it.....19:24
rhalliseySamYaple, all set19:25
SamYaplerhallisey: thanks buddy19:27
rhalliseyno problamo19:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Move hostname registration to common
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vhosakotccesario: cool, prechecks passed.. now deply19:33
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ccesariosame error...
ccesarioon the target machine when I try run the cocker command manually ....
ccesariomaybe the return data cannot be interpreted as valid json code....19:45
sdakepbourke re
sdakepbourke do you need help with project-config for these gates?19:45
sdakeor a pointer or anything?19:45
SamYaplesdake: hes got it19:45
SamYaplepatches already up19:46
sdakecool thx19:46
sdakehave a link - infra likes acks from ptls for gate changes19:46
sdakeaddition of gates/removal of gates19:46
sbezverksdake would you have some time tonight to check tags problem?19:47
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sdakesbezverk i have meeting in 12 minutes19:47
sdakeafter that i'm free i think19:47
sbezverksdake great, please ping me when you are ready..19:48
vhosakotccesario: your keystone is down... try adding debugs in ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/register.yml19:54
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vhosakotccesario: also, is the IP address up and pingable
ccesariowhat kind debug!? keystone_bootstrap.stdout  by example!?19:58
vhosakotccesario: ok, then I'd add debug messages in ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/register.yml and see why keystone is not able to register19:58
vhosakotansible debug19:58
vhosakot-debug: "msg=<blah>"19:58
sdakesbezverk just recalled i have something to do f or the foundation, not sure when i can dig in today19:59
sdakei need to finish the job on that first19:59
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove openstack client from keystone bootstrap
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ccesariovhosakot, this is the returned error :/
vhosakothmm.. works for me fine20:18
ccesariovhosakot, multihost ?20:20
vhosakotccesario: nope, AIO20:20
ccesarioAIO it works .....  the problem is multihost :)20:21
vhosakotccesario: I'd print {{ openstack_auth.username }} {{ openstack_auth.password }} {{ openstack_auth.project_name }} admin {{ keystone_admin_url }} {{ keystone_internal_url }} {{ keystone_public_url }} {{ openstack_region_name }} in debug and see theor values20:22
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ccesariolet me test it20:22
ccesariobut I believe thaat this vars its ok.... becuse the run command it shown as "<> REMOTE_MODULE command docker exec -t keystone kolla_keystone_bootstrap admin password admin admin RegionOne"20:24
ccesarioall vars are printed :)20:24
ccesarioand the service it seems ok ... lokk the simple test20:27
ccesariothe token it is generated...20:28
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sdakeccesario could you go into more detail about what is wrong20:34
sdakeccesario hopefully your using master, because if not, there were bootstrap changes recently to keystone20:35
SamYaplewow 10m12s run time on ubuntu gate!20:37
SamYaple10m12s to booted vm!20:37
SamYaplebuilding images and all20:37
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vhosakotSamYaple: the centOS binary tests failed with error "You must provide a username or user ID via --os-username, --os-user-id, env[OS_USERNAME] or env[OS_USER_ID]"...  why does it happen ? I have seen it too occasionally.... are the environment variables sourced from unset/lost in gate ?20:39
SamYaplevhosakot: what failed here?20:40
vhosakotSamYaple: I was looking at the same review... looks at the logs in gate-kolla-dsvm-deploy-centos-binary that failed20:40
SamYapleoh thats because rdo is slow20:41
vhosakotah ok20:41
vhosakotI have seen in ocassioanlly20:41
ccesariovhosakot, maybe the error make sense..... look the glance register and keystone register.... the glance is json formated ... and the keystone it seem no20:42
ccesariosdake, I 'm running master branch :)20:42
vhosakotccesario: I don't think you can curl the keystone tokens without supplying the OS_username and OS_password variabesl20:45
ccesariovhosakot, I only tested with curl to check if keystone service is running :)20:46
vhosakotccesario: ok cool20:46
ccesariois make sense json format ?
ccesariosdake, ^^20:49
SamYapleccesario: can you post `docker images` `docker ps -a` please20:50
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vhosakotsorry typo*20:56
sbezverkSamYaple what is the best way to add extra parameter to docker container start.yml?20:57
sbezverkSamYaple it is more like a run option: --cap-add=ALL20:58
vhosakotMay be, keystone_bootstrap that is registered must be first checked if it is in JSON format or not..21:00
SamYapleccesario: im confused as to what the exact breakage is21:01
SamYaplecan you post the output from the failed ansible task with verbosity all the way up21:02
vhosakotSamYaple: keystone is up in ccesario's env, but   "docker exec -t keystone kolla_keystone_bootstrap ..."  in  ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/register.yml is failing to respond with a JSON21:03
SamYapleand whats teh output of "docker exec -t keystone kolla_keystone_bootstrap admin password admin admin RegionOne"21:05
SamYaplelooks like an improper or partial bootstrap21:07
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SamYaplei would recommend dropping the database and removing the keystone containers as well21:07
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ccesarioI already did it21:07
ccesariodocker rm -f $(docker ps | awk '{print $1}' )21:08
SamYaplethats not enough ccesario21:08
SamYapleyou did not clean the ovlumes if you did that21:08
ccesariodid you mean "images" built ?21:09
SamYaple`docker volume ls`21:10
ccesarioit is clean...21:14
SamYaplecool. now checkout the latest master of the playbooks and rebuild your imags21:15
ccesariosure... !!21:16
ccesariothanks .... I'll do it,... and keep you informed ... :)21:16
sbezverkSamYaple how I can add --cap-add=ALL to start of docker container with ansible 1.9? It seems in 2.0 there is a parameter for this, but cannot find anything for 1.9, any recommendations?21:18
SamYaplesbezverk: we dont use the ansible docker module and our docker module doesnt have the ability to specify that21:19
SamYaple_HOWEVER_ that is done by just setting the container mode to privieged21:19
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sbezverkSamYaple when I launch manually a container with just priviledge and together with --cap-add=ALL I see different results..21:21
sbezverkit make sense since in 2.0 ansible offers these two parameter.21:23
SamYaplesbezverk: that sounds morel ike selinux blocking things than anything else21:26
SamYapleunless its changed in docker 1.10 --privleged is all caps21:26
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g3ekhello all, I would like to know if their is a way to have kolla-build to dont have GPG error in it. I need to run the kolla-build in a ansible command and the return always return me RC=1 and mark everything as RED. I know I can put ignore_error: yes, but I would like to have it Green and error free.21:30
SamYapleg3ek: im not aware of any gpg error. so you have a link to this error?21:32
sbezverkSamYapl here is paste for two containers 1 priv + cap all and 2 just priv..
sbezverkif there is a way just to squeez this extra parameter in docker run command line, please let me know, it is just PoC..21:35
SamYaplethere is no command line thats run21:35
SamYapleall launched through pythonlibs21:35
SamYaplebut that doesnt mean there is a difference fyi21:35
SamYaplenot passing cap, but passing privlege means you should have the same caps21:36
sbezverkwell I see difference21:36
SamYapleyou see a difference from inspect, not what its capable of21:36
SamYaplewhat cap do yo uthink you are missing?21:36
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sbezverkSamYaple not sure, but if I do not specify capp all, dbus fails to start21:37
sbezverkand my iscsi daemon is not starting..21:37
sbezverkin case where I specify cap all, then it start no prob..21:37
SamYaplerunning dbus and/or udev in a container is going to be blocked21:37
SamYaplehopefully thats not somethign you are counting on21:38
g3ekSamYaple, I just recheck. I dont know really what fail, I just always have a RC=1 and a lots of red in the screen, but in final everything is working. Here's the last line (resume) :                : ok=9    changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=121:39
g3ekI see sometime error like Ignoring dnspython3: markers u"python_version=='3.4'" don't match your environment21:40
SamYaplewell thats not an error21:41
SamYaplethats a warning21:41
SamYapleit may be printed to stderr (and im not sure it is), but its a warning21:41
g3ekok, I tried to research in the scrollback and I have no Error and no error in it (no critical too). I have one time the word failed and it's in the resume part LOL. Why is the command return RC=1 then?21:43
g3ekThe funny thing is that everything is well installed : ({}, {LOTS OF STUFF HERE},{})21:46
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skapeHi Guys! I've installed and deployed openstack with kolla, thanks for your help and keep doing this great job!!!!21:48
SamYapleskape: welcome to the team!21:48
SamYapleyou have to help us now21:48
skapeI have a newby question how do I configure and start addicional services in my case ceilometer the images are in the registry but it isn't running21:50
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g3ekskape to add new service, you need to create some container in docker folder and create the ansible role for it.21:51
sbezverkHmm, what about just to add in globals.yml enable_ceilometer: "yes"21:52
g3ekthis is to activate ceilometer, not to create additional services21:53
g3ekI just answer one of the question ^^21:53
sbezverkmy bad, I thought I saw ceilometer in roles21:54
g3ekNo problem, I should have answer both questio to make it more clear21:54
skapethx guys, after enable_ceilometer ? still need to create the roles ?21:56
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g3ekskape, You just have to create a role and a docker (dockerfile) if you create a new service. Normaly, a lots of project is already in kolla. You just need to create your own if you want to have a custom service or if you want to implement a new openstack service into the kolla project.22:16
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skapeg3ek :  but ceilometer doesn't have any role directory in inventory, it will be created with enable_ceilometer set to yes ? and should I run kolla-ansible deploy or kolla-ansible reconfigure after changing  enable_ceilometer in globals.yml22:19
g3ekthe role will be in ./ansible/roles/ceilometer22:20
g3ekskape: check above22:21
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g3ekSamYaple, have you ever try to kolla-build in a ansible command ? Exemple : ansible -i ~/kolla-deploy/kolla/ansible/inventory/multinode localhost -m shell -a "kolla-build --base ubuntu --registry"22:26
g3ekalways have a RC=122:27
g3ekNo matter what build I tried.22:27
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skapeg3ek my fault I ment roles directory I run tools/ ceilometer   but still no ceilometer directory in the ansible\roles.22:42
g3ekskape, yeah just saw that. That's strange. It seems like the dockerfile have been done, but the ansible part isn't22:44
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skapeDoes anybody know why the ceilometer directory in the ansible/roles isn't being created, the docker images have been created23:04
SamYapleskape: not all images have playbooks for deploying them23:05
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skapehum ok, so nothing wrong with my deployment23:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix type - python-olso-db for ceilometer
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: Fix ubuntu config path search
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Use internalURL for internal communication
SamYapleo/ asalkeld23:17
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