Wednesday, 2014-06-25

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openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add port checks after deployment success
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openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Define asserts for python 2.6
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/python-muranoclient: Add package-create command
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/python-muranoclient: Update package-import command
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sergmelikyansmurashov, - I think we don't need this one11:20
sergmelikyansmurashov, indeed, in py2.6 asserts are pretty limited in comparison with py2.7. unittests2 adds all py2.7 asserts to py2.6.11:25
sergmelikyanBut testtools has own list of asserts that cover part of asserts that are unavailable in py2.6.11:25
sergmelikyanSo question is: should we use unittests2 or just rewrite asserts to use testtools ones11:26
sergmelikyanActually, I like way with unittests2, but I am not sure, since usage of unittests2 was removed from unit-tests in Murano by ruhe11:27
sergmelikyanruhe, what do you think?11:27
sergmelikyansmurashov, as you pointed out tempest chooses same way:
smurashovyes, i think it is good way11:29
ruhesergmelikyan: we'll have to use testtools11:30
sergmelikyanruhe, only testtools or in conjunction with unittests2?11:31
smurashovif we want to use testtools11:32
smurashovwe have to use it in conjuction with unittest211:33
ruhesergmelikyan: just testtools11:33
smurashovfor python 2.611:33
sergmelikyanruhe, tempest has blessing to combine this two libs and we don't? )11:33
ruheit's tempest. other projects use only testtools11:34
sergmelikyanruhe, what about this patch?11:35
ruheah, you're speaking about these tests...11:37
ruhei don't have any objections then :)11:37
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ruhei thought you're talking about unit tests11:38
openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add articles about Automated Tests
sergmelikyanruhe, I talked about both of them :)11:42
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* sergmelikyan can't understand why they are treated differently in same case 11:43
openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add articles about Automated Tests
ruheso. i think that we need to keep our unit-tests based on testtools only (that's the common practice among openstack projects) and let usage of unittest2 in functional tests since tempest does so11:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano: MuranoPL testing mini-framework
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openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
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openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add testresources in test-requirements
openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano: Add port checks after deployment success
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ruheiyozhikov: does your patch fix problems with murano-ci on centos?12:53
ruheor is just refactoring?12:53
openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
iyozhikovthis is improvement13:00
ruheiyozhikov: will it fix something?13:01
iyozhikovwith suppressed log output13:01
iyozhikovinside jenkins job13:01
ruheiyozhikov: i would avoid any improvements and refactorings until we fix the real problem with rabbitmq13:01
sergmelikyaniyozhikov, plus I don't like this improvement at all :)13:07
sergmelikyanlooks like pyrabbit doesn't have any stdout by it's own13:08
sergmelikyanSo major part of the script looks useless13:08
* sergmelikyan does not verified this, but have a gut feeling13:08
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sergmelikyaniyozhikov, you are right - there is a bug in pyrabbit library13:28
sergmelikyanI agree with ruhe about that we should avoid spending time on improvement until we fix issues with rabbitmq on the lab.13:29
sergmelikyanWhen you will return to this script - let's work together on refactoring13:30
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sergmelikyanissue for this bug is opened more than half of year ago:
sergmelikyanlet's consider moving to
sergmelikyanat least it's supported by authors of RabbitMQ itself13:33
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ruheslagun: hi! i've just ran tox -e py26 and saw two bad things
ruhe1. deprecation warning14:25
ruhe2. stack trace. i understand it's part of the test, but it might confuse people . is there any way to suppress this stack trace?14:26
ruhesjmc7: hi! we're waiting for your final vote on
sjmc7ah, sorry, missed that there was another patch14:31
sjmc7done, ruhe14:32
ruhethank you!14:32
sjmc7ruhe - the stacktrace is part of the string representation of the DSL exception14:32
sjmc7i agree that looks a bit messy - is tehre any documentation describing how exceptions should be reported from DSL processing? the underlying python stack trace generally is not helpful14:34
sjmc7sergmelikyan - regarding, the dashboard tests rely on openstack_dashboard which already heavily relies on mox14:37
sjmc7if we don't use it, we'd need to rewrite the base tests and/or end up with mixed styles14:37
sjmc7we can make that decision i guess before we go any further, but i would prefer to use what is already there if we can14:38
sergmelikyansjmc7, thank you, missed that we reusing base class from openstack_dashboard.14:39
sjmc7yeah. i get what you're saying, but i think until those tests are rewritten it'll be hard to change14:40
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Added Murano config checks
sjmc7also i much prefer mox :)14:40
sergmelikyanI don't like neither actually :)14:44
sergmelikyanBut I think we need to slightly refactor tests in that change (break to several tests in one test-case, raise having many asserts in one test)14:45
sjmc7yeah, we couldn't decide either way14:46
sjmc7the tests are all very closely related, but i could be persuaded either way14:46
slagunruhe, it is not part of the test14:46
slagundoes it happen on py27?14:46
sergmelikyansjmc7, creation of mock may be extracted to private method, than rest of the body may splitted to several tests by comment (each commented part - one test)14:48
sergmelikyanI think this is how it is generally done14:48
sjmc7yeah, i was about to ask - is that the way it's normally done i openstack?14:48
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sergmelikyansjmc7, I think this is how it is done not only in OS, but everywhere. I have not so much experience in writing tests, but based on my last one -
sergmelikyan*writing tests in OS14:50
sjmc7yeah, ok. drupalmonkey - this seems to be openstack practice - i'd suggest breaking the tests into functions, but you can do the setup in a private function to avoid copy and pasting14:51
sergmelikyansjmc7, setup certainly should be extracted and reused :)14:51
sergmelikyansjmc7, you do tests differently usually?14:52
sjmc7no, but i do it like this sometimes when it's testing minor changes in input and it's not very complicated14:52
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sjmc7ruhe/sergmelikyan - thinking about
sjmc7i think keystone trusts would handle this, correct?15:05
ruheslagun: i've seen it only on py2615:06
ruhesjmc7: i'll speak with folks from sahara, they use trusts to execute long-running mapreduce jobs. they might give useful inputs15:09
sjmc7ok. we're a bit more complicated because i think we'd need delegation (to heat + whatever else)15:09
sergmelikyansjmc7, I know a very little about trusts :( So I am not sure.15:10
sergmelikyanTrusts delegation is an open issue, afaik15:10
sjmc7me neither. but passing a token around isn't very secure and is brittle15:10
sergmelikyansjmc7, agree15:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-muranoclient: Infrastructure update
ruheiyozhikov: another instance of rabbitmq failure in murano-ci ; would be able to take a look?15:22
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ruheslagun, sjmc7: what's the resolution about ? should it be abandoned or should it be merged?16:17
sjmc7working on it now. having problems with multiple inheritance16:17
slagunresolution is not to merge until we get sure there is no other way to implement this16:18
sjmc7slagun - regarding deletion, "deploy" is not called on the environment for deletes because the task 'action' is null16:18
slagunsjmc7, so this is a bug in API16:19
slagunsjmc7 can I help with inheritance?16:19
sjmc7i don't know. i'm trying to debug it16:19
slagunsergmelikyan, can you fix deletion in API? That were your changes :)16:21
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openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
sjmc7slagun, i'm not having much luck with this. i've got a class that does nothing but extend both LinuxInstance and HeatSWConfigInstance, both of which extend Instance17:13
sjmc7the line that's failing is the first in Instance:deploy17:14
sjmc7securityGroupName: coalesce($.securityGroupName...)17:14
sjmc7with an AttributeError17:14
sjmc7i'm struggling to understand what's going on17:14
slagunI'll try to reproduce it17:17
slagunsjmc7, I'm getting LookupError instead17:28
sjmc7yeah - i added more debugging and it originates from an attributeerror17:28
slaguncan you show me stack trace?17:29
openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
sjmc7it doesn't happen if i don't inherit from linuxinstance (although i get an error from heat because the security group doesn't exist)17:30
slaguncan you apply locally and paste it once again?17:31
sjmc7yep, one sec17:33
slagunI understand LookupError but not how you get AttributError17:35
sjmc7attributeerror is raised by muranoobject17:35
slagunwhat line?17:36
openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
sjmc7slagun - is the stacktrace with that patch17:36
sjmc7muranoobject raises attributeerror in get_proparty17:37
slagunit is LookupError in your stack trace. How it get converted to AttributeError?17:38
sjmc7not sure17:44
slagunanyway, I know why you get LookupError and this need to be fixed17:52
slagunthough it's not an easy task17:52
sjmc7ok. so maybe this isn't the way to go17:53
slagunit's just a bug17:53
slagunwhat if I fix it tomorrow?17:53
slagunmeanwhile you can just comment lines 114-115 in murano_object.py17:54
sjmc7which lines? i may have moved something; line 114 is try:17:55
slagunif i > 1: raise LookupError()17:55
sjmc7ok, thanks17:56
slagunbtw are you sure you applied correctly? There are <frame object at 0x4834860> instead of method names in your stack trace. I'm wondering if its a bug of mine17:58
sjmc7i'm not certain, no; i have a load of debug stuff in there17:58
openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add 'userdata_format' to Server heat template
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add 'userdata_format' to Server heat template
openstackgerritIgor Yozhikov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-deployment: Refactored
slagunsjmc7, Am i correct saying that the changes that you've just committed will work only after I fix the bug and should not be merged now?19:01
sjmc7they can't be used until that bug is fixed, correct19:02
sjmc7but i don't think it's specific to that change19:02
sjmc7it's just that the new class can't be used19:03
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slagunSo let me fix the bug, and then you test it on your commit and then we merge it19:06
slagunbtw can you do the same for MuranoAgent?19:06
sjmc7do what?19:07
sjmc7ah.. i need to correct the windows one19:08
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add 'userdata_format' to Server heat template
sjmc7slagun - i'm going to write some test cases for the exceptions i've had that are confusing, so once any patches you're working on are merged i'll run them19:21
openstackgerritRyan Peters proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Adds test coverage for flavor filter
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