Thursday, 2015-09-03

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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Package versioning
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Version-aware YAML loading
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Package versioning
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Version-aware YAML loading
openstackgerritAlexey Khivin proposed openstack/murano-apps: Add Failover Cluster application
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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Temporarily skip tests with dependant applications
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: yaql context versioning
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Apply yaql conventions to __init__ parameters
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Restores back plugin support
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Restores back plugin support
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: yaql context versioning
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Apply yaql conventions to __init__ parameters
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Glance MuranoPackage Artifact
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-dashboard: Add django-formtools to requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Updated from global requirements
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kodokuuHi someone have murano.conf for kilo ?07:18
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qwebirc81295anybody here?07:25
kodokuuyes but I'am beginer on murano :p07:35
ddovbiikodokuu: I think there is no difference between kilo murano.conf and current version. But i'll try to find it07:37
kodokuuddovbii no it's ok07:38
kodokuuI find him07:38
kodokuuNow I try to launch murano but hard to complete murano-paste.ini07:39
kodokuuImportError('No module named yaql',)07:40
qwebirc81295yeah, i also got that error with current version07:41
qwebirc81295i'm now using stable/kilo07:41
kodokuume too07:41
kodokuuI use stable/kilo07:41
kodokuuqwebirc81295 Do you succes to fix this error ?07:42
qwebirc81295unfortunately no07:43
ddovbiifolks, try to run tox -e venv -- pip install -r requirements07:43
ddovbiifolks, try to run: tox -e venv -- pip install -r requirements.txt07:44
kodokuuI can't (no connection on my server)07:44
kodokuuSo I have installed all dep manual and python install07:44
kodokuuBut I have conflict07:44
kodokuumurano need pbr<1.0 with stable/kilo But Kilo openstack (nova, keystone,...) use 1.307:45
kodokuuSo impossible to have murano-api on controler node07:45
qwebirc81295do you know how to add an application to an environment via rest api?07:48
kodokuuok works with yaql 1.007:48
qwebirc81295method post with uri v1/environments/<env_id>/services returns error 403 access denied07:49
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kodokuuddovbii Now I have 'No module named exceptions'  But I didn't find exceptions python module :/07:51
kodokuuddovbii I use python 2.7.507:54
kodokuui bb07:55
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ddovbiiqwebirc81295: looks like we didn't have this opportunity in kilo =(07:58
ddovbiikodokuu: could you please show full traceback ?07:59
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ddovbiiqwebirc81295: but I'm trying to investigate it anyway.. unfortunately, i've never tried to do it via CLI08:03
openstackgerritLin Yang proposed openstack/murano: Fix silently overwrite user specified content type
qwebirc81295ddovbii: thank you. i can show you the commands i used, maybe i'm missing something :(08:07
ddovbiiqwebirc81295: no, i'm wrong... as i can see POST should work08:07
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ddovbiiyes, please show them08:07
qwebirc81295here? or there is private chat? it's my first time08:08
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ddovbiikodoku: i'm sorry. looks like i cant help. something strange with your env. Maybe you should try to reinstall murano more clearly?08:16
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kodokuhum, I don't find doc for install murano without tox or virtualenv... For production !08:24
kodokuddoivbii can you give me /etc/murano/murano-paste.ini sample ?08:25
kodokuddovbii thx08:33
qwebirc81295ddovbii: any idea why it doesnt work?08:33
kodokuddovbii hard to install without connection on node :/08:33
kodokuI hate new install now because it's full online install... With big security like in a datacenter it's no possible08:34
ddovbiikatyafervent: could you please help me with qwebirc81295's issue?08:34
katyaferventkodoku, hi! did you change smth in  murano-paste.ini ?08:36
kodokukatyafervent Hi, I check08:36
katyaferventwitch way of installation do you use?08:38
katyaferventmurano-paste.ini should not be change, so please check if it's corresponds to the copy in repository08:38
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kodokuuthis is my murano-paste.ini
katyaferventyou can provide --config file to the murano command08:39
katyaferventalso, regarding your paste, murano-past config is looked up in /etc directory08:40
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kodokuuI have all conf file in /etc/murano/08:41
katyaferventoh, ok08:41
ddovbiikatyafervent: I remember that we had some issues with adding app to environment using API in kilo. looks like qwebirc81295 has faced with it08:42
kodokuuls /etc/murano/ logging.conf  murano.conf  murano-paste.ini  netconfig.yaml  policy.json08:42
katyaferventso you definitely should provide --config-file option08:42
kodokuukatyafervent why ? murano check /etc/murano by default.  First error in my trace ==> Unable to load murano from configuration file /etc/murano/murano-paste.ini.08:42
kodokuumurano-db-manage upgrade works08:43
katyaferventLoading %(app_name)s from %(conf_file)s ---> should be "Loading murano from /etc/...."08:43
katyaferventthis is strange08:43
katyaferventddovbii, let me take a look08:44
kodokuuReloading cached file /etc/murano/policy.json08:44
kodokuuI think it's good dir.08:44
kodokuuI have same issue with config-file08:44
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed openstack/murano: Add support for more Cloud Foundry API calls
katyaferventTo add apps, POST requiest should be made
katyaferventtake a look at the X-Configuration-Session header08:49
katyaferventenvironment should be exist and session should be opened08:49
katyaferventyou add new apps to the session, and then deploy that session08:50
katyaferventto apply changes08:50
qwebirc81295katyafervert: look
qwebirc81295the X-Configuration-Session is the id of the session opened for the environment, right?08:51
kodokuukatyafervent I find /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/murano/common/exceptions.py08:52
kodokuubut I have No module named exceptions08:53
kodokuuI find too from webob import exc as exceptions08:53
kodokuuMaybe I don't have exc ?08:53
katyaferventqwebirc81295, could you do get on just created session please?08:56
katyaferventkodokuu, hols on, you have a problem with loading paste config, right? how you can get another error?08:57
katyafervent*hols -> hold08:57
kodokuuI don't know if my issue is because missing python module or if because loading paste conf fail :/08:58
kodokuubecause this file exist and it have chmod 64408:59
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katyaferventOh, I this error in trace09:01
kodokuumy error ?09:02
katyaferventplease, perform "pip show yaql"09:03
kodokuuI use 1.009:03
kodokuuthis is because 0.2.7 need pbr <1.0 and I have pbr 1.309:04
kodokuuMaybe need to take last branch09:05
kodokuuBut Can I use last git branch with kilo deployement ?09:05
katyaferventyour yaql is 1.0 and you have stable kilo?09:06
katyaferventthat's the problem, we don't have backward compatibility09:06
katyaferventyou can see, that murano also requires pbr < 1.009:07
katyaferventqwebirc81295, please send GET to sessions/c6a2b67aadf54a28aceecf762a8b7a8109:08
kodokuuYes I see but ALL project openstack in KILO version use pbr 1.3...... so murano kilo use pbr<1.0    Very hard to use murano on same controler with other openstack service. And master branch of murano need pbr>1.609:08
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katyaferventkodokuu, who is using this pbr version? you can check in global requirements for stable-kilo
katyaferventit should be not higher then 1.009:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-apps: Requirements were incorrect for many apps
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qwebirc81295{"updated": "2015-09-03T07:09:21", "user_id": "3c5967a87064479e989bfa58d48cddec", "created": "2015-09-03T07:09:21", "environment_id": "70d5fb6696914404ad7945c3d09:13
qwebirc81295that is the response of get request09:14
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qwebirc81295a part of the response :/09:14
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qwebirc81295katyafervent: here
katyaferventdoes it have "state"?09:17
katyaferventqwebirc81295, ok, let me think09:19
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openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
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qwebirc81295katyafervent: anything?09:51
kodokuukatyafervent Re, So api and engine works :) Now I have issue with dash. Install is good but When I click on murano trace in horizon log ==> CommunicationError: Error communicating with http://localhost:808209:52
kodokuuI don't have add MURANO_API_URL in local_settings09:53
kodokuuAnd endpoint for murano is OK09:53
enthurohinikodokuu, I am facing same problem09:53
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katyaferventqwebirc81295, I just reproduce your problem09:54
enthurohinikodokuu, do u checked the logs of murano api and engine?09:56
katyaferventkodokuu, if you indeed have murano on http://localhost:8082, check it's log09:56
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qwebirc81295so you have same error?09:57
kodokuuI paste one minute09:57
enthurohiniqwebirc81295, yes09:58
kodokuupublicURL endpoint for application_catalog service not found09:59
katyaferventqwebirc81295, I guess you should provide json with app, you want to add to the session09:59
katyaferventthe error is in response code09:59
katyaferventsomehow it's 40309:59
katyaferventinstead of 400 - bad request09:59
katyaferventI'll create bug for that09:59
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Temporarily skip tests with dependant applications
kodokuukatyafervent murano-api is not on my horizon node. Horizon doesn't find endpoint. If I force url of murano in local_settings, WORKS10:01
katyaferventhow does your register your endpoint in keystone?10:01
kodokuuI register one endpoint10:02
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: WIP: apply AUTO_DISCOVER_STATIC_FILES
kodokuukatyafervent I need to create a application_catalog endpoint ?10:08
katyaferventkodokuu, yes10:09
katyaferventmurano may be endpoint name, but application_catalog is a service name in keystone service catalog10:10
katyaferventI don't know why we don't have it in our docs now, we used to had it10:10
kodokuuyes no creation endpoint in docs10:11
kodokuuI juste want to add my all hot template10:11
kodokuufor my user10:11
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kodokuuSo I need to create one endpoint with what type ? url ?10:12
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kodokuuI guess I understand10:14
kodokuuI try it10:14
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kodokuuok works :p10:15
kodokuuLOL this issue10:15
kodokuu No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/muranoclient/data/heatlogo.png'10:15
kodokuuI can't create package because missing logo T_T10:16
katyaferventkodokuu, yeah, this is fixed already
openstackLaunchpad bug 1438593 in python-muranoclient liberty "Heat template logo is not set by default" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Ekaterina Chernova (efedorova)10:18
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kodokuuI can't see commit10:19
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kodokuuok I upgrade .6 to .710:19
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kodokuuerror for upgrade No distributions at all found for python-keystoneclient>=0.11.110:22
kodokuubut I have python-keystoneclient (1.3.0)10:22
katyaferventqwebirc81295, since liberty we add opportunity to the client to configure the environment
katyaferventbut app json is still needed for nor10:23
qwebirc81295katyafervent wow thanks i was trying but didn't get what to put inside the json10:24
katyaferventqwebirc81295, well, the example was in the doc, but you have to make sure app is uploaded and put the valif id10:24
katyaferventyou can also find that json from the dashboard log after you add app to the environment10:25
qwebirc81295i tried the one in the api specification changing Telnet with ApacheHttpServer and my image but i was missing all the assignFloatingIp, keyname, ecc stuff10:25
katyaferventkodokuu, it was risky, new client has new yaql10:25
katyaferventqwebirc81295, app json fully depend of what application is required. it may not require instance at all, you can create demo-app so json will be really simple10:26
katyaferventkodokuu, it would be easy to put logo for now) repo contains it, the problem was in paths only10:27
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qwebirc81295katyafervent ok i will try to create a demo-app to make some tests :)10:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-dashboard: REST API for Murano Dashboard.
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
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openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: WIP: apply AUTO_DISCOVER_STATIC_FILES
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-deployment: Fix the .rst extension
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed openstack/murano: Fix pylint errors 'unused variable'
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Temporarily skip tests with dependant applications
Nikolay_Stddovbii: I started work on pylint12:03
Nikolay_Stalso, I've updated etherpad12:03
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Package versioning
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Glance MuranoPackage Artifact
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Version-aware YAML loading
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Restores back plugin support
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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: yaql context versioning
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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano: Apply yaql conventions to __init__ parameters
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kodokukatyafervent Hi, so I succes to add package12:19
kodokuBut When I use murano package-create I have a file without .zip extension12:20
kodokuI need to add manualy with a mv12:20
kodokuNow When I try deploy, I have error but no trace in murano.log, How I can enable engine log ?12:21
katyaferventkodoku, I think we also fix adding extention in newer version. let me check12:22
katyaferventbut thanks for your feedback)12:22
katyaferventdid you start engine? you can start it in screen and then when you get there logs will be avaliable12:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Fix silently overwrite user specified content type
katyaferventalso you can set up separate log file if you want12:23
kodokukatyafervent I see no log :/12:24
kodokuI conf verbose true and debug true12:25
kodokuBut In horizon When I drop an appli in my env12:25
kodokuerror :/12:25
kodokuDanger: There was an error submitting the form. Please try again.12:25
kodokuno error in horizon log, murano log12:25
katyaferventthat's not engine12:25
katyaferventpress f12 and check Console12:25
katyaferventit may be javascript error12:26
katyaferventand make sure logs you are looking to are correct12:26
kodoku HTTP/1.1 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR12:27
kodokuno javascript error12:28
kodokuI see murano debug but no trace or error12:28
kodokuI conf log_file in murano.log12:29
kodokuSo I have one log file12:29
kodokuPossible to have murano-engine.log ? like heat12:29
katyaferventtrace should be in murano log in that case12:30
kodokulast log ==> DEBUG murano.common.statservice [-] Stats: Requests:51  Errors: 0 Ave.Res.Time 0.009012:31
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katyaferventcould you provide full log please12:32
katyaferventto extract logs from engine to a separate file you should set up log config afaik12:33
kodokuHum I have JS debug "Une chaîne vide a été transmise à « getElementById() »."   translate english ==> A empty String was transfert to « getElementById() »12:33
katyaferventit's log_config_append option in config12:33
katyaferventand logging.conf file12:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-muranoclient: Fixed issue with cacert parameter
kodokuError loading logging config /var/log/murano/murano-engine.log: No section: 'formatters'12:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Updated from global requirements
ddovbiiNikolay_St: cool! I'm going to join this work soon =)12:40
kodokukatyafervent Maybe need change on logging.conf12:40
katyaferventkodoku, check existence of /var/log/murano/murano-engine.log file (check path)12:41
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katyaferventhere is my logging conf
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openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack/murano: Fix the location of unattend template
kodokuu katyafervent with your file =>   murano.openstack.common.log.LogConfigError: Error loading logging config /etc/murano/logging.conf: 'TRACE'12:52
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katyaferventyeah, it's from master, may be previous oslo log doesn't support some parameters12:55
katyaferventanyway you will not find details in engine logs12:55
kodokuuI change TRACE by WARNING12:56
katyaferventit should be in murano logs12:56
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
kodokuuso always no trace13:00
kodokuuWhen I Drop appli ;.13:00
kodokuuMaybe with CLI I can see trace13:00
kodokuuHow Can I start appli with CLI ?13:02
kodokuuNeed public network for apps ?13:11
kodokuuI have just one private network13:11
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
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kodokuuOr how Can I launch appli in my env with API ?13:19
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Nikolay_Stkodokuu: yeah13:24
Nikolay_Styou can do it with API call13:24
Nikolay_Ststable/kilo release isn't support it13:25
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kodokuu_Nikolay_St With /environments/<env_id>/services ?13:25
Nikolay_Stbut it won't help you, I guess13:25
kodokuu_Sorry I don't see your message after yes you can ^^13:26
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kodokuu_My proxy bug today :/13:26
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katyaferventkodokuu_, just fyi: all history is available here
kodokuu_stable/kilo no possible O_o13:31
kodokuu_so How horizon deploy apps ?13:31
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: I think Nikolay_St meant that s/kilo does not have CLI support yet13:31
Nikolay_Stkodokuu_: I mean from CLI13:31
kodokuu_ha ok13:31
kodokuu_I try with API now13:31
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kodokuu_But I don't find docs for deploy apps in env13:32
kzaitsev_mb here's api v1 spec13:32
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: have you read it? =)13:33
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kodokuu_Yes but I don't understand how deploy13:34
kodokuu_I guess create session ==> create service13:34
kzaitsev_mb1) create env 2) create session 3) configure session 4) deploy session13:34
kodokuu_ok I'll try to make that13:35
kodokuu_what is ser_id ?13:36
kodokuu_in Content-Type13:37
kodokuu_for open session13:37
kzaitsev_mbthere is no ser_id13:37
kzaitsev_mboh, I see13:37
kodokuu_ok it's user_id13:38
kodokuu_I guess13:38
kzaitsev_mbyep, most likely =)13:38
kodokuu_If I want to deploy application ?13:39
kodokuu_Your 3th step13:40
kodokuu_I have already upload a package13:40
kodokuu_How I deploy it in my session ?13:40
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: You can't deploy an application13:40
kzaitsev_mbyou can deploy an env13:40
kzaitsev_mbyou can *add* application to an env13:41
kzaitsev_mband then deploy an env13:41
kodokuu_how I add application to an env ?13:41
kodokuu_applications is on my catalog13:41
kzaitsev_mbyou post it's object model to api13:42
kzaitsev_mbto know the object model of the app murano-dashboard downloads it's UI definitions and constructs the corresponding json13:43
kzaitsev_mbwe have some plans on making it more flexible (=13:44
kzaitsev_mbbut not in K nor L already, I guess13:45
kodokuu_yes is hard ^^13:45
kodokuu_ok for make simple13:45
kodokuu_I have a package io.murano.apps.generated.Heat13:45
kodokuu_So for deploy this package in my session :13:45
kzaitsev_mbhuh, I'm not sure about the json, that HOT-generated packages generate, TBH13:46
kzaitsev_mblet me take a look13:46
kodokuu_I try to deploy just instance13:47
kodokuu_I have Access was denied to this resource13:47
katyaferventkodokuu_, please send us your zip package13:47
openstackgerritVahid Hashemian proposed openstack/murano-specs: Support TOSCA definitions for applications
kzaitsev_mbwhich resource responds with 403?13:50
katyaferventkodokuu_, your json is invalid13:50
katyafervent403 is a wrong response code
openstackLaunchpad bug 1491785 in murano "Invalid response code in case no data provided while adding apps to the session" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Ekaterina Chernova (efedorova)13:51
katyaferventkodokuu_, can you upload a zip file to some service?13:51
kzaitsev_mbhuh, I actually do not know what OM should be there for HOT template =)13:52
kzaitsev_mblet me check13:52
kodokuu_my json is invalid ?13:53
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katyaferventhere is your package, that is auto generated by the new client13:56
katyaferventI added it to the env successfully13:56
kodokuu_ha :)13:56
katyaferventbe careful with unicode, you can catch new problems13:56
kodokuu_old client have pb for generate ?13:56
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katyaferventwell, you said there were some problems with logo, all of them is fixed in new client13:57
katyaferventit guarantee us that manifest is correct at least13:57
katyaferventlater you can change it to provide detailed description or change display name13:58
kodokuu_ok I add this package13:59
kodokuu_same error with horizon13:59
kodokuu_Now I test with API for be sure this is bug of horizon and no from murano14:00
kzaitsev_mbhuh I need to rebuild my venv to actually tell you the Obj Model )14:00
kodokuu_I have my session14:00
kodokuu_Maybe can you give me a Json for test is murano works ?14:00
kodokuu_just create one instance14:00
kodokuu_if murano works*14:01
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: that's what I want to do ;)14:01
kodokuu_I try to POST {     "instance": {         "flavor": "Tiny_Linux",         "image": "RedHat-6.4-N3",         "name": "testmurano"     } }14:01
kodokuu_But 403 error14:01
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: on a meeting right now, will try to update as soon as I get the result, stay tuned )14:04
kodokuu_ok I succes I forget X-Configuration-Session14:15
kodokuu_So now deploy :)14:15
kodokuu_ok I have a good trace now :)14:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-specs: Murano versioning
kodokuu_ok omg murano is dead14:20
kodokuu_after deploy, murano API dead, big trace14:20
kodokuu_ok with /deployments14:21
kodokuu_Package for class io.murano.Environment is not found"14:21
kodokuu_I copy my trace14:21
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: here's my post for #3)14:21
kodokuu_I'll try14:22
kodokuu_I go to delete all DB14:22
kodokuu_make upgrade14:22
kodokuu_and restart test :)14:22
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
kzaitsev_mbthe template is u'asg_of_servers'14:22
kzaitsev_mbthis one14:22
kodokuu_ok all clear14:23
kodokuu_so go create env and post your app14:23
kzaitsev_mbi think it's a good idea to add such a template to docs14:26
kodokuu_ok I'll try to add your test14:27
kodokuu_I replace flavor, network and image ?14:27
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: yep, those keys are u'templateParameters14:28
kodokuu_can I remove key_name ?14:29
kzaitsev_mbso any template parameters you want to specify in yout remplate go there14:29
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kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: have you checked the heat template?14:29
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: then pls do14:29
katyaferventkodokuu_, did you try to upload my (your) package via dashboard?14:29
kzaitsev_mbit's required hot parameter14:29
kodokuu_katy yes14:29
kzaitsev_mbso I of course not14:29
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kodokuu_I don't understand sorry14:30
kodokuu_I need to upload you heat template before ?14:30
kodokuu_like a package ?14:30
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: Is your app — hot based or muranopl based?14:31
kodokuu_hot based14:31
kzaitsev_mbso you need to specify parameters for your hot template, right?14:31
kodokuu_ha ok14:32
kzaitsev_mball parameters, that you need to specify go under 'templateParameters'14:32
kodokuu_what's u'_26411a1861294160833743e45d0eaad9' in your file ?14:32
kodokuu_katyafervent When I upload your package in horizon ==>  Success: Package io.murano.apps.generated.Template uploaded  /////  Danger: There was an error submitting the form. Please try again.14:33
kodokuu_Very strange :/14:34
katyaferventthe package is uploaded, it failed on modification14:34
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: not quite sure =) some id I guess14:34
katyaferventtry to press 'Quick deploy' at the application page14:35
katyaferventkatyafervent, kodokuu_ it's a id that is added by dashboard14:35
katyaferventit stores data, used only by dashboard14:35
kodokuu_quick deploy make Danger: There was an error submitting the form. Please try again.14:36
kodokuu_and no log, no trace14:36
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: check horizon logs pls14:36
kodokuu_horizon log14:37
kzaitsev_mbso there is a trace, right ;)14:38
kodokuu_I check httpd log but I forget horizon.log14:39
kodokuu_my fault14:39
kodokuu_I try to catch trace when I add package14:41
kodokuu_katyafervent trace when I add your package
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: sorry, another meeting =) will be back soon (=14:43
kodokuu_I'am leaving in 30 min14:44
kodokuu_But I'll back tomorrow :D14:44
katyaferventtry to clear your cookies14:44
katyaferventhave you set SESSION_ENGINE to database?14:45
katyaferventif yes - db can be killed14:46
katyaferventand then syncdb need to be perform14:46
kodokuu_not I don't have14:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-dashboard: Updated from global requirements
kodokuu_I don't have DATABASE and SESSION_ENGINE14:47
kodokuu_I have BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache'14:47
kodokuu_I'am not use tox or virtualenv14:48
kzaitsev_mbhuh, not really sure what you guys are discussing right now =))14:49
kodokuu_We talk about my horizon trace14:49
kzaitsev_mbit's most likely because Object model is not valid =)14:50
kodokuu_I don't add in local_settings ==> DATABASES = {     'default': {     'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',     'NAME': 'murano-dashboard.sqlite',     } }14:50
kodokuu_kzaitsev_mb yes I guess too14:51
kodokuu_AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'14:51
kodokuu_bug of murano or my package is not good ?14:51
katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, we are uploading regular package to murano, it's ok in my env14:51
katyaferventall traces are connected to self.storage14:51
kzaitsev_mbI beg your pardon, but can you pls start from scratch? =)14:51
kzaitsev_mbI'm confused )14:51
kodokuu_kzaitsev_mb Can you see my horizon trace ?14:52
kzaitsev_mbare you trying to upload via API or via UI? )14:52
kodokuu_now via UI14:52
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: what's the package?14:52
katyaferventI don't understand why to make it hard and to deploy via raw api14:52
katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, see history14:52
kzaitsev_mbcan you pls create it yourself?14:52
katyaferventso kodokuu_ please find local settings14:53
kodokuu_kzaitsev_mb  try to deploy that
kodokuu_yes I find it14:53
katyaferventwitch located in horizon and change session backend as described in our docs14:53
kzaitsev_mbkatyafervent: why do you think, that changing *anything* in local_settings would help?14:53
kodokuu_I have nothing to change, no session backend in my local_settings14:53
katyaferventsince I saw that trace while uploading package14:54
kodokuu_I copy my local_settings14:54
kzaitsev_mbwhat's the default session backend? locmem?14:54
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katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, that's why we put that in our docs14:54
kzaitsev_mbkatyafervent: why?14:54
katyaferventsince broswer cookie is too small, django tires to save some data on it and fail. and when we try to read some data we get keyerror14:55
kodokuu_in your doc I see sqlite But I use mysql14:55
katyaferventI'm sorry, it's just
katyaferventhere is an example of how to use mysql14:58
kzaitsev_mbkatyafervent: I've just removed SESSION setting and deployed an env just fine14:58
kodokuu_I need to create database ?14:58
katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, it's random error14:59
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: no you dont14:59
kodokuu_what is the user for mysql ?14:59
katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, try to add k8s cluster to env using browser cookie14:59
kodokuu_murano user ?14:59
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: you need to  follow
katyaferventkodokuu_, I don't know, it's your database :)14:59
katyaferventfor me sqlite is easy to manage15:00
kodokuu_yes but I try to make murano in production15:00
kzaitsev_mbyou can have any session engnine15:00
kodokuu_So I try with production env15:00
kzaitsev_mbit doesn't matter15:00
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: production or dev does not matter here15:01
kzaitsev_mbthe fact is — session engine does not matter15:01
kodokuu_ok I add SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies'15:01
kzaitsev_mbif you can login — you have session enabled15:01
kodokuu_I can login ^^15:02
kzaitsev_mbthat means murano stores something in that session15:02
kzaitsev_mbthat is the problem is not there15:02
kodokuu_ok issue is size limit of my firefox is small so murano fail15:02
kodokuu_so I need to add cache db for help murano ?15:03
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: please just configure your horizon the way you like15:03
kzaitsev_mbit does not matter15:03
kodokuu_my horizon is good15:03
kzaitsev_mbok then15:03
kodokuu_I use him for 6 months15:03
katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, SESSION ENGINE is matter15:04
katyaferventbut ok, I'll go, good luck with debugging15:04
kzaitsev_mbmurano stores a string there, not the whole OM15:04
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: Implement base io.murano.test.Fixture class
kodokuu_katyafervent I add session_engine15:06
kodokuu_but always same issue15:07
kodokuu_AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'15:07
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: do you really think that such a line helps debugging? =)15:08
kzaitsev_mbcan you please start from scratch?15:08
kodokuu_I start from scratch15:09
kzaitsev_mbcreate the app yourself, create an env, add the app to the env and15:09
kzaitsev_mbthen deploy it15:09
kodokuu_with ui or api ?15:09
kzaitsev_mbthe way you like.15:09
kzaitsev_mbit's you who have problems, not I =)15:09
kodokuu_So my horizon trace come from my package, not from murano ?15:10
kzaitsev_mbcan you pls create the package yourself?15:10
kodokuu_because 3 times I drop murano database, start from scratch and always same trace15:10
kodokuu_I create myself15:10
kzaitsev_mbhow do you do that? =)15:10
kodokuu_But Katy remake my package because15:10
kodokuu_my murano client is old15:10
kzaitsev_mbwhat? )15:11
kodokuu_bug with logo15:11
kzaitsev_mbif you have s/kilo15:11
kzaitsev_mbuse s/kilo15:11
kodokuu_I use it15:11
kodokuu_murano package-import --category=Web   => unrecognized arguments: --category=Web15:12
kodokuu_need to update docs :)15:12
kzaitsev_mbmurano package-import --category=Web15:13
kzaitsev_mbthis is the way python's native argparse works15:13
kodokuu_with my package ==> KeyError: 'app'15:14
kodokuu_witch katy package AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'15:14
kzaitsev_mbdo you really think I can help you with AttributeError ? =)15:14
kodokuu_I upload my package with CLI, I can see it in horizon, I make quick deploy and trace15:15
kodokuu_I can copy full trace15:15
kzaitsev_mban you should =)15:15
kzaitsev_mbhuh, that doesn't look like stable/kilo to me15:17
kodokuu_git show on my murano dashboard15:17
kodokuu_commit ed2c4dbc3f284ff3a8560b331c5974719a4e460e Merge "Delete the unsupport page_size in Package Definitions" Date:   Mon Aug 31 15:28:37 201515:17
kzaitsev_mbhah, that's master, right? =)15:18
kodokuu_ok I'll try to remove and install stable/kilo15:18
kzaitsev_mbthat commit was merged 4 days ago ;)15:19
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kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: pls verify your env =)15:19
kodokuu_yes yes i'am sorry15:20
kzaitsev_mbnp =)15:24
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
kzaitsev_mbSuch bugs are always the most difficult to catch =)))15:25
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
kodokuu_kzaitsev_mb  strange  ImportError: No module named formtools.wizard15:32
kodokuu_But I have django_formtools15:32
kodokuu_maybe wrong version15:32
kodokuu_I have django-formtools (1.0)15:33
kodokuu_and django-formtools is not in requierment.txt15:35
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kodokuu_ok see you tomorrow15:40
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: huh, pip freeze?15:40
kzaitsev_mbK =)15:40
kodokuu_I have 1 min :p15:40
kzaitsev_mbthen pip feeze pls in the env?15:41
kzaitsev_mbpip freeze | grep formtools15:41
kzaitsev_mbthat's strange15:41
kodokuu_I see
kodokuu_line 2515:41
kzaitsev_mbthere should not be django-fromtools there15:41
kzaitsev_mbyou're still using master dashboard15:42
kodokuu_in my view I don't have that15:42
kzaitsev_mbsrsly, that change was a week ago, due to django 1.815:42
kodokuu_I use stable/kilo15:42
kodokuu_I use django 1.8.1><15:43
kzaitsev_mbstable/kilo horizon does not support django 1.815:43
kodokuu_I add this commit15:44
kzaitsev_mbkodokuu_: so you're not using stable/kilo then15:44
kodokuu_just one delta :p15:44
kzaitsev_mbpls use requirements from stable/kilo15:44
kodokuu_I change manualy15:44
kzaitsev_mbwell, then I can't help you with that one15:45
kodokuu_for change one import ?15:45
kodokuu_why this commit is not in stable/kilo ?15:45
kodokuu_Horizon Kilo version works with Django 1.8. :/15:45
kodokuu_quick deploy works15:46
kodokuu_ok deploy failure ^^15:47
kodokuu_But I see tomorrow: )15:47
kodokuu_ NoPackageForClassFound: Package for class io.murano.Environment is not found :/15:51
kodokuu_I have trace is good :)15:51
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kzaitsev_mbstable/kilo is not guaranteed to work with dj1.815:54
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-muranoclient: Copy the code of Glance V3 (artifacts) client
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Package versioning
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Restores back plugin support
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Version-aware YAML loading
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Cloud Foundry Service Broker API initial commit
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts
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openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Add support for more Cloud Foundry API calls
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Glance MuranoPackage Artifact
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-muranoclient: Added the support of Glance Artifact Repository
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: yaql context versioning
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Apply yaql conventions to __init__ parameters
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed openstack/murano: yaql context versioning
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Apply yaql conventions to __init__ parameters
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