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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/murano: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/223381 | 02:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Provide tenant name information https://review.openstack.org/221878 | 09:36 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Provide tenant name information https://review.openstack.org/221878 | 09:38 |
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enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, Hii. I want to contribute to murano as outreachy internee. Is there any project f murano which can be completed in three months? | 09:48 |
enthurohini | *of | 09:48 |
kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: that'd be nice =) | 09:49 |
kzaitsev_mb | we're nearing the end of the cycle and stable/liberty would be released soon | 09:49 |
kzaitsev_mb | so right now everyone's busy fixing bugs =) | 09:49 |
kzaitsev_mb | we're going to have some design sessions for next cycle pretty soon | 09:50 |
kzaitsev_mb | feel free to attend our weekly IRC meetings — we'll surely find something suitable =) | 09:51 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, Thats a good news. One new stable version. :). But till that what should i do/ | 09:52 |
kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: would be great if you would help us with some bugs | 09:53 |
kzaitsev_mb | https://launchpad.net/murano/+milestone/liberty-rc1 | 09:54 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, ok. I will try my best to solve the bugs. | 09:56 |
kzaitsev_mb | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/MuranoAgenda | 09:56 |
kzaitsev_mb | not much for agenda today =) | 09:56 |
kzaitsev_mb | btw do you use murano for something or just curious in contributing? =) | 09:57 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, I am exploring murano code and solved two bugs but that was related to doc. I used murano dashboard for deployment to understand the process. | 09:59 |
kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: no I mean why are you interested in murano in the 1st place? =) | 09:59 |
kzaitsev_mb | (I'm just curious) | 10:00 |
kzaitsev_mb | ok if you don't want — do not answer =)) | 10:04 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, because i like the murano vision that is automation of deployment for non-technical persons | 10:04 |
kzaitsev_mb | nice =) | 10:04 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, sorry for delay. Its a Internet issue | 10:05 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Support for Unicode strings in MuranoPL was fixed https://review.openstack.org/222410 | 10:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Tetiana Lashchova proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Fix app-show command https://review.openstack.org/223505 | 10:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts https://review.openstack.org/187577 | 10:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts https://review.openstack.org/187577 | 11:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Provide tenant name information https://review.openstack.org/221878 | 11:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Provide tenant name information https://review.openstack.org/221878 | 11:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-apps: Update UI definitions to 2.2 version https://review.openstack.org/223555 | 12:07 |
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pradiprwt | katyafervent : hi | 12:09 |
pradiprwt | katyafervent : i need small help for kubernetes cluster package | 12:10 |
pradiprwt | katyafervent : I want to copy one script to master node only , can you please tell me where exactly i need to copy the file .. | 12:11 |
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katyafervent | hi pradiprwt ! | 12:39 |
katyafervent | are you writing your own application? | 12:39 |
katyafervent | StanLagun, ^^^ do you have an answer right away? | 12:47 |
StanLagun | pradiprwt: I can help you but I need more information | 12:48 |
openstackgerrit | Alexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts https://review.openstack.org/187577 | 12:49 |
pradiprwt | StanLagun : actualy i want to copy one script to master node only .. | 12:51 |
pradiprwt | in kubernetes cluster pachage .. | 12:52 |
pradiprwt | katyafervent : in existing i am doing some modification .. | 12:52 |
katyafervent | do you need a file script on master node or you want to execute the script? | 12:53 |
pradiprwt | just i need to copy.. | 12:54 |
pradiprwt | what is the location where files are going to copy.. | 12:54 |
StanLagun | pradiprwt: you can place your file under Resources/scripts, insert it after https://github.com/openstack/murano-apps/blob/master/Docker/Kubernetes/KubernetesCluster/package/Resources/KubeMasterSetup.template#L38 and copy it to where you want it to be here: https://github.com/openstack/murano-apps/blob/master/Docker/Kubernetes/KubernetesCluster/package/Resources/scripts/minion-kube-setup.sh#L23 | 12:55 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Provide tenant name information https://review.openstack.org/221878 | 12:55 |
StanLagun | sorry, here: https://github.com/openstack/murano-apps/blob/master/Docker/Kubernetes/KubernetesCluster/package/Resources/scripts/master-kube-setup.sh#L34 | 12:56 |
StanLagun | pradiprwt: when shell script get executed the place where file resides will be your current working dir | 12:57 |
pradiprwt | StanLagun : i did this change , is it will work ..??? http://paste.openstack.org/show/462932/ | 12:58 |
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StanLagun | it takes ages to open paste.openstack.org. Wait a second please | 12:59 |
StanLagun | pradiprwt: I'm not sure. ~/ points to current user which can be root | 13:00 |
pradiprwt | ok | 13:01 |
pradiprwt | what is the proper way | 13:01 |
StanLagun | cp scale.sh /my/proper/location I guess | 13:01 |
pradiprwt | ok | 13:02 |
pradiprwt | thanks StanLagun :) | 13:02 |
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openstackgerrit | zhu.rong proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Let NetworkChoiceField display network/subnet name or id https://review.openstack.org/223576 | 13:09 |
kzaitsev_mb | git status | 13:10 |
kzaitsev_mb | oops ) | 13:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Kirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: WIP https://review.openstack.org/223588 | 13:36 |
openstackgerrit | Alexey Deryugin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Murano CI: add new jobs and refactored scripts https://review.openstack.org/187577 | 13:40 |
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pradiprwt | StanLagun : i had provided like "cp scale.sh /opt/" but after deployment file is not there .. | 13:55 |
StanLagun | pradiprwt: have you done other 2 steps I mentioned above? | 13:57 |
pradiprwt | first one was for minion | 13:58 |
pradiprwt | i want only master | 13:58 |
StanLagun | pradiprwt: There are 3 things that needed to be done: 1) place scale.sh in Resources/scripts 2) Modify .template file so that you script would be included 3) copy file to the right location in .sh file (that what you showed me) | 14:00 |
pradiprwt | StanLagun : sorry i missed 2nd step | 14:01 |
pradiprwt | now i am going to change it | 14:01 |
pradiprwt | thanks | 14:01 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/murano: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/223381 | 14:15 |
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openstackgerrit | zhu.rong proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Only allow http/https schemas for Import Bundle/Package https://review.openstack.org/223617 | 14:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano-dashboard: Only allow http/https schemas for Import Bundle/Package https://review.openstack.org/223617 | 16:02 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/223381 | 16:03 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano-dashboard: Provide tenant name information https://review.openstack.org/221878 | 16:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-apps: Update UI definitions to 2.2 version https://review.openstack.org/223555 | 16:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Dmytro Dovbii proposed openstack/murano-apps: Stop WP deployment if PHP is not installed https://review.openstack.org/221309 | 17:45 |
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openstackgerrit | venkatamahesh proposed openstack/murano: Added the home-page value with openstack.org https://review.openstack.org/223759 | 18:59 |
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pradiprwt | freerunner : hi | 19:29 |
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