Friday, 2015-12-04

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openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Use logging.NullHandler and add Django to requirements
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Use logging.NullHandler and add Django to requirements
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gangadharHi all.06:28
gangadharWhile deploying package getting belo error:06:28
gangadharPackage for class "io.murano.apps.createInstance.CreateInstance" is not found06:29
gangadharHere is the murano-engine.log:
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gangadharOops. Sorry, forget to update the ui.yaml.06:37
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed openstack/murano: Raise proper exception in ext context middleware
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gangadharI have defined two classes "CreateInstance.yaml" and "GetHostname.yaml". My aim to call a method in GetHostname from CreateInstance class.08:31
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gangadharNot sure where I'm getting the error. All files look fine. This is the erroe: Class "io.murano.apps.testInstance.GetHostname" is not found08:32
gangadharHow to find where I'm missing?08:32
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gangadhar"Contract: $.class(GetHostname).notNull()" is giving the error. Any help?09:02
gangadharkzaitsev_ws katyafervent_awa StanLagun: I'm unable call a method of another class.09:07
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed openstack/murano: Raise proper exception in ext context middleware
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Tox tests are broken at the moment. From openstack-infra we are working to fix them. Please don't approve changes until we notify that tox tests work again.09:30
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katyaferventhi gangadhar!10:51
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katyaferventdid you pass that property in the Application section of the UI file?10:53
katyaferventdid you provide that class in your manifest file?10:53
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gangadharkatyafervent: Sorry, I lost the connection11:11
gangadharI mentioned in Manifest file11:12
gangadharkatyafervent: And also I mentioned in ui.yaml under templates section11:13
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katyaferventplease, so your yaml file11:14
gangadharkatyafervent: What yaml I have to check?11:16
katyaferventPlease, paste ui.yaml11:17
katyaferventso getHostname is not used in you OM11:21
katyaferventOM is described in the application section11:21
katyaferventTemplates is just auxiliary ыусешщт11:22
katyaferventOM - object model, sorry :)11:22
gangadharGetHotname Class don't take any args from UI.11:22
katyaferventtake a look how Templates sectoin is used
katyaferventyour class is waiting for GetHostname property, but in your object model you didn't set it11:23
katyaferventif you don't want user to select value for that property  - it's ok, but it has to be in the Application section anyway11:25
katyaferventthat is really inconvenient to define OM in the ui.yaml, we are planning to change, but it's not that simple11:28
enthurohinihello katyafervent11:29
enthurohinimy infrastructure related problem get solved. Incresing RAM worked for me.11:30
enthurohiniKatyafervent, I am getting error while deploying the environment. error is "Exception during message handling: 'module' object has no attribute 'Sender' in murano"11:30
gangadharkatyafervent: I updated this line "getHostname: $getHostname" in ui.yaml. But still getting the same error11:31
katyaferventgangadhar, where did you add it? are you getting Class "io.murano.apps.testInstance.GetHostname" is not found ?11:33
katyaferventdo you have it in your package? try to reupload the package. if it doesn't help - paste you package here please11:34
katyafervententhurohini, please paste all traceback to paste.openstack,org11:34
enthurohinikatyafervent, here is traceback
gangadharkatyafervent: getting the same error. How to share my package? I have total 5 files11:44
katyaferventgangadhar, zip it and paste here
katyaferventit will be better rather then paste by a single file :)11:46
katyafervententhurohini, what version did you install? I don't have Sender anywhere11:47
katyafervententhurohini, also check that you have correct yaql version (should correspond to the verison in  requirements.txt)11:50
katyaferventgangadhar, in your manifest   io.murano.apps.testInstance.GetHostname.yaml: GetHostname.yaml11:51
katyafervent io.murano.apps.testInstance.GetHostname.yaml -->  io.murano.apps.testInstance.GetHostname11:51
katyaferventyou make .yaml part of class name, that's why it can be found11:51
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katyafervent* can not11:52
Nikolay_Stkatyafervent: kzaitsev_mb can you take a look at ?11:52
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gangadharOh, no. It's wasted my day11:52
gangadharkatyafervent: new Error - while parsing a block mapping in "<string>", line 20, column 9: - $$ ... ^ expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>' in "<string>", line 24, column 48: ...$this, 'Getting hostname') ^11:54
kzaitsev_mbNikolay_St: looks fine11:54
enthurohinikatyafervent, how can i check yaql version?11:56
enthurohiniyaql -v or yaql --version both are not working11:57
katyaferventif you used tox, check in its env11:59
katyaferventtox -e venv -- pip freeze | grep yaql11:59
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Use logging.NullHandler and move Django to requirements
kzaitsev_mbenthurohini: hi =) how you're exams went? =)11:59
enthurohiniok, btw i am using murano 0.7.1 version12:00
kzaitsev_mbsorry for not answering your letters =)12:00
enthurohinikzaitsev_mb, nice12:00
kzaitsev_mbbeen a crazy week )12:00
enthurohinimine too, last two weeks12:00
kzaitsev_mbenthurohini: 0.7.1 is clients version, not murano. murano's version is either mitaka/liberty/kilo )12:00
enthurohinikzaitsev_mb, I checked via murano --version. ok12:01
kzaitsev_mbenthurohini: that's client command ;)12:01
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enthurohinikzaitsev_mb, i do not remember which version i have installed. :P12:04
enthurohinikzaitsev_mb, its ok. my infrastructure related problm get solved. :)12:06
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gangadharNow I'm getting 2015-12-04 12:08:41 — [exceptions.KeyError]: u'Unknown namespace prefix std'12:09
gangadharBut I defined namespace - std: io.murano12:10
kzaitsev_mbenthurohini: nice! =) really glad to hear that, what was the problem?12:10
nareshtHi All. How can I remove security group after creating the instance ?12:12
enthurohinikzaitsev_mb, with 4GB ram, dashboard  was responding very slowly. by incresing ram it get solved12:13
kzaitsev_mbnice to hear that )12:13
enthurohinikzaitsev_mb, r u kidding :P12:14
kzaitsev_mbI mean, that you solved it12:14
gangadharkzaitsev_mb: [exceptions.KeyError]: u'Unknown namespace prefix std'12:15
katyaferventgangadhar, check for extra namespace and check namespaces: section again12:16
katyaferventhi naresht12:16
kzaitsev_mbgangadhar: coule you post your class somewhere?12:17
katyaferventnaresht, I think it's not that easy, you need to add new MuranoPL method, that is written in Python to call the corresponding client ( i don't know if it is neutron or not is responsible for that)12:18
kzaitsev_mbgangadhar: namespaces -> Namespaces12:19
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gangadharkzaitsev_mb: same file.  [exceptions.Exception]: 'this' must be of compatible type . :(12:24
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kzaitsev_mbgangadhar: you should add 'Extends: std:Application'12:26
kzaitsev_mbotherwise there are no relevant methods and your apps doesn't inherit what all the internal stuff12:27
gangadharkzaitsev_mb: and are different. How to know what to extend?12:29
kzaitsev_mbgangadhar: like with every other OO programming language =)12:30
kzaitsev_mbgangadhar: generally you need to inherit std:Application for apps, but if you're makeing some complex app (and k8s is our most complex app to date) you can have a complex inheritance tree =)12:31
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poseidon1157Hi all.  I need some help12:32
poseidon1157I've gotten cloud foundry installed via murano12:32
kzaitsev_mbposeidon1157: what are you having problems with? =)12:33
poseidon1157What now?  Is there a management website?12:33
nareshtkatyafervent: Is there command to remove security group of instance ?12:33
poseidon1157kzaitsev_mb Murano says it successfully deployed it.  I've never used cloud foundry before (I'm teaching myself), so how can I interact with it?12:33
kzaitsev_mbposeidon1157: ok, That — I can't help you with =) Nikolay_St could you point poseidon1157 to some getting started docs about cloud foundry itself ^^12:35
poseidon1157naresht server remove security group12:35
poseidon1157naresht 'openstack server remove security group'12:35
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poseidon1157Isn't there supposed to be an output from Murano indicating where the server is located?12:37
kzaitsev_mbposeidon1157: yep, we usually add that to applications, but probably missed CF one12:37
Nikolay_Stposeidon1157: so, you don't see an IP for the instance?12:38
kzaitsev_mbposeidon1157: care to file a bug?
poseidon1157I have the floatingIP.  It doesn't give me a url or anything though12:38
poseidon1157I'm sshed on the box, but I see no dockerctl or anything12:38
Nikolay_Stposeidon1157: you can take IP from nova, I guess. login to an instance and interact with Ops Manager using cf CLI interface12:39
poseidon1157There doesn't appear to be any proof that I can see that murano-agent actually did anything12:39
poseidon1157No bosh installed either12:39
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Nikolay_Stddovbii: ^^12:39
Nikolay_Stcan you answered poseidon1157 questions about Cloud Foundry app?12:40
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nareshtposeidon1157: server ID means instance ID, isn't it?12:41
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poseidon1157naresht Yeah, use the uuid.  common name might work, but UUID is reliable12:42
kzaitsev_mbposeidon1157: you could check agent logs12:42
poseidon1157naresht I don't think that references the neutron port directly12:42
kzaitsev_mbto see what it actually did. should be somewhere around /usr/log. but tbh I always forget, so better check murano-agent config ;)12:42
poseidon1157 \/var/log/murano-agent.log12:43
kzaitsev_mbyep )12:43
kzaitsev_mblike I said — I always forget ))12:43
poseidon11572341 lines12:45
nareshtposeidon1157: even though i mentioned correct insance id. It is giving error: No server with a name or ID of 'ad97bcd6-1053-4c21-b0e8-8663a89b87de' exists12:46
poseidon1157openstack help server remove security group12:47
poseidon1157Two positional arguments: server, followed by uuid of the security group12:47
poseidon1157There might be a typo in the uuid12:48
poseidon1157I can't read this stuff12:49
nareshtuuid means id right ? which we get from "neutron security-group-list"12:50
poseidon1157No errors12:50
poseidon1157So it says name or ID12:50
poseidon1157You should be able to use the name, but sometimes that conflicts with others12:51
poseidon1157naresht Are you using the old command line tools or the openstack unified client?12:51
nareshtposeidon1157: I got this result "Circular reference detected". what it means ?12:52
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poseidon1157naresht I haven't seen that before12:53
poseidon1157So you took the instance name from 'nova list'?12:53
poseidon1157And the network security group from 'neutron security-group-list'?12:54
poseidon1157naresht And you don't have horizon?12:54
nareshtI have horizon, I took instance name from neutron port-list12:55
nareshtAfter that result. still I see security group in horizon12:56
poseidon1157neutron port-list does NOT give you the instance ID12:56
poseidon1157That gives you the interface12:57
poseidon1157"port" in neutrons terminology12:57
nareshtbut i see same in horizon12:57
poseidon1157Right, that's wrong12:57
poseidon1157neutron port-list gives you the UUID of the primary interface for the instance12:57
poseidon1157That's a completely different uuid than the one used by nova12:58
poseidon1157So of course it can't find it12:58
nareshtYes you are correct.12:58
poseidon1157kzaitsev_mb Great.  Found that there was a 'cf' command line utility12:58
freerunnerStanLagun: katyafervent Nikolay_St guys, let's merge it
poseidon1157It is in fact installed correctly12:59
poseidon1157Great job guys!12:59
poseidon1157naresht Good luck!12:59
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nareshtposeidon1157: same result if I am using names13:00
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nareshtposeidon1157: It is different in horizon and neutron port-list13:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Raise proper exception in ext context middleware
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-dashboard: Use logging.NullHandler and move Django to requirements
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Use fontawesome instead of glyphicon
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katyaferventkzaitsev_mb, Nikolay_St StanLagun  please review14:06
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: Add OneOf smart type
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: Add MockContextManager
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: [mocking-machinery] Add inject YAQL functions
openstackgerritDmytro Dovbii proposed openstack/murano-apps: Add Pivotal Ops Manager app
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openstackgerritDmytro Dovbii proposed openstack/murano: Modify describe method of core-library networking classes
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/murano-agent: Replace stackforge with openstack
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/murano-deployment: Add murano plugin support to Murano CI
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano: WIP
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: WIP
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The earlier JJB bug which disrupted tox-based job configurations has been reverted and applied; jobs seem to be running successfully for the past two hours.16:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: [Admin Guide] Policy enforcement
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