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-wolfe.freenode.net- [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp | 00:51 | |
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gangadhar | Hi everyone. | 06:06 |
gangadhar | Is there any way to hannle exceptions in MuranoPL? | 06:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Rui Chen proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Fix Resource.__eq__ mismatch semantics of object equal https://review.openstack.org/252220 | 06:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Improve public network detection algorithm https://review.openstack.org/254910 | 09:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/python-muranoclient: Fix Resource.__eq__ mismatch semantics of object equal https://review.openstack.org/252220 | 09:26 |
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stan_lagun | gangadhar: hi | 09:31 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Do not wait for MessageHandlingServer https://review.openstack.org/255154 | 09:32 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: yes, there is a Try/Catch/Else and Throw macros | 09:32 |
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stan_lagun | gangadhar: see http://murano.readthedocs.org/en/stable-liberty/draft/appdev-guide/murano_pl.html and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98984/ | 09:33 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Modify describe method of core-library networking classes https://review.openstack.org/253518 | 09:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Fix Linux.runCommand method https://review.openstack.org/254762 | 10:17 |
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gangadhar | stan_lagun: still there? | 10:35 |
openstackgerrit | Andrew Pashkin proposed openstack/murano: Add an option to filter packages by 'id' in API https://review.openstack.org/185124 | 10:35 |
gangadhar | How does murano-agent executes instructions from script ? I had little strange behaviour when the instruction executed by murano-agent. | 10:37 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: can you be more specific? agent doesn't execute scripts - bash does :) | 10:41 |
gangadhar | OK. | 10:42 |
gangadhar | Here is instruction, that is included in Resources/scripts/<some-file> : cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w ${1:-12} | head -n 1 | 10:43 |
gangadhar | stan_lagun: The above instruction generates the Random string of 12 chars | 10:44 |
gangadhar | If I run this instruction on Bash, it's giving a random string without any problem. But If the same instruction executed from package it's blocking the execution | 10:45 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: that's really strange | 10:47 |
gangadhar | While the instruction is executing from package, If you see the output of `ps -Af` | 10:48 |
gangadhar | root 11652 11651 99 10:46 ? 00:00:02 cat /dev/urandom | 10:48 |
gangadhar | root 11653 11651 6 10:46 ? 00:00:00 tr -dc a-z0-9 | 10:48 |
gangadhar | root 11654 11651 1 10:46 ? 00:00:00 fold -w 12 | 10:48 |
gangadhar | stan_lagun: cat /dev/urandom is the blocking call. | 10:48 |
stan_lagun | maybe it works differently from root account? | 10:49 |
gangadhar | Why it's executing the instruction in 3 threads instead of one. | 10:49 |
stan_lagun | it is not 3 threads. It is 3 piped processes | 10:50 |
stan_lagun | how do you execute it from package? | 10:51 |
openstackgerrit | Maria Zlatkova proposed openstack/murano: [Murano Docs] Add an intro to apps section https://review.openstack.org/255200 | 10:51 |
gangadhar | Yes, it's 3 piped but it should not block the call | 10:51 |
stan_lagun | It shouldn't. That's why it is strange | 10:51 |
gangadhar | And once I kill that `cat /dev/urandom` process, everything is going normal | 10:53 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: if you fill a bug report on launchpad and attach your package to it we could try to debug it | 10:53 |
gangadhar | stan_lagun: OK, sure | 10:53 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: the problem is that there is no last part (head -n 1) | 10:54 |
gangadhar | stan_lagun: Hmm. What could be the reason? | 11:00 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: don't know without seeing the package and debugging. Scripts are just executed by bash and I don't see what is special in head command | 11:01 |
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naresht | Hi all. How can I get environment name and instance name while deploying ? | 11:28 |
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katyafervent | Hi naresht | 11:39 |
katyafervent | you can send get environment request to see environment name | 11:40 |
katyafervent | instance name is available only after the deployment | 11:41 |
stan_lagun | naresht: from where do you want to get them? | 11:43 |
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gangadhar | This is the package: http://filebin.ca/2PLpre1eU3t1/package.zip . You can check once, before I file the bug. I may miss something. | 11:59 |
gangadhar | stan_lagun: ^^^ | 11:59 |
gangadhar | Stan_lagun: Oops, I uploaded wrong one | 12:01 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: don't see anything wrong in your package | 12:02 |
stan_lagun | besides the fact that you don't need to call shell scripts to generate random string | 12:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: [murano-test-runner] Mark 'package' as required parameter https://review.openstack.org/255221 | 12:05 |
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gangadhar | stan_lagun: You mean, I can do that from MuranoPL? | 12:06 |
stan_lagun | gangadhar: exactly | 12:07 |
stan_lagun | there is randomName() function | 12:08 |
stan_lagun | anyway if that script hangs it worth filling bug report to investigate why | 12:09 |
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gangadhar | Here is the clean package: http://filebin.ca/2PLvB2CxLdsT/package.zip | 12:15 |
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stan_lagun | gangadhar: no obvious error there that I can see | 12:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Improve public network detection algorithm https://review.openstack.org/254910 | 12:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrew Pashkin proposed openstack/murano: Add an option to filter packages by 'id' in API https://review.openstack.org/185124 | 13:08 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Improve public network detection algorithm https://review.openstack.org/254910 | 13:14 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/254476 | 13:31 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Do not wait for MessageHandlingServer https://review.openstack.org/255154 | 13:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Add MockContextManager https://review.openstack.org/239681 | 15:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: [docs] Add murano test runner information https://review.openstack.org/254781 | 16:14 |
openstackgerrit | Maria Zlatkova proposed openstack/murano: [Murano Docs] Add an intro to apps section https://review.openstack.org/255200 | 16:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Michael Krotscheck proposed openstack/murano: Added CORS support to Murano https://review.openstack.org/255350 | 16:24 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: [murano-test-runner] Mark 'package' as required parameter https://review.openstack.org/255221 | 16:37 |
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kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: ping =) | 16:49 |
enthurohini | hello | 16:49 |
kzaitsev_mb | I have 2 things to ask you to do =) | 16:50 |
enthurohini | will love to do, plz let me know | 16:50 |
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kzaitsev_mb | 1st) https://bugs.launchpad.net/~enthurohini/+assignedbugs take a look at those bugs. you have 3 bugs assigned for you. Could you please review if you're still working on them, and if you don't — remove yourself as assignee? | 16:51 |
enthurohini | ok i will review thwm | 16:53 |
enthurohini | *them | 16:53 |
kzaitsev_mb | 2d — I'd like to ask you to attend our weekly IRC meetings. they're held on Tuesdays 17:00 UTC | 16:54 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: [mocking-machinery] Add inject YAQL functions https://review.openstack.org/252990 | 16:54 |
enthurohini | ok, I will definately join. | 16:55 |
kzaitsev_mb | What time-zone do you live in? Can you attend? (It'd be totally ok if you can't, but also awesome if you can attend =)) | 16:55 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/murano/kilo/+bug/1492192, i have completed the patch for kilo branch too | 16:55 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1492192 in Murano kilo "Missing a cd command while generating configuration file and setup of environment variable. " [Low,In progress] - Assigned to Rohini Choudhary (enthurohini) | 16:55 |
enthurohini | i live in IST, i can attend it | 16:56 |
kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/MuranoAgenda here is the place for our meetings agends | 16:56 |
kzaitsev_mb | *agenda | 16:56 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, thanks for the ponters :) | 16:57 |
enthurohini | *pointers | 16:57 |
kzaitsev_mb | ok, marked 1492192 as released | 16:57 |
enthurohini | ok | 16:57 |
kzaitsev_mb | with other too — either you should start working on them or remove assignee. it's totally ok to do it. It would just mean, that someone else would be able to take the bug | 16:58 |
enthurohini | ok, i will try to do them, if i will not do in next 2 days, i will remove myself as asignee | 16:59 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, i got your letter, can you explain this line "Also drop a note in #murano =) we try to keep it active and might respond faster there." | 17:00 |
kzaitsev_mb | I mean, that you probably would get a responce here faster than on email | 17:01 |
enthurohini | ok | 17:01 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, yes i am using oracle virtual box and on that i have installed ubuntu | 17:02 |
enthurohini | and will look at the options you have provided | 17:02 |
kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: then you can try using a xubuntu, really ) | 17:05 |
kzaitsev_mb | or ubuntu server | 17:05 |
kzaitsev_mb | with no X-Server | 17:05 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, if i will do it, i will need to do new complete installment. so would you recommend it? | 17:07 |
kzaitsev_mb | enthurohini: you can always save the current state of a VM in a snapshot, right? | 17:07 |
enthurohini | yes | 17:08 |
kzaitsev_mb | I actually have a snapshot called "before stack.sh" that I restore to when I want to run new devstack | 17:08 |
kzaitsev_mb | but that doesn't apply to you | 17:09 |
kzaitsev_mb | you can just start a new VM | 17:09 |
kzaitsev_mb | and try and install ubuntu-server there | 17:09 |
enthurohini | kzaitsev_mb, ok. can i ask why ubuntu-server?? :P | 17:10 |
kzaitsev_mb | no XServer and no Gnome means you have more memory and a faster operating VM | 17:10 |
enthurohini | ok | 17:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Kirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/murano: WIP https://review.openstack.org/253259 | 17:48 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/murano: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/255555 | 21:57 |
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krotscheck | Anyone around able to help me debug something? I've got a failure from the murano-ci job, and I'm not certain how to start debugging that. | 23:46 |
kzaitsev_mb | krotscheck: hi, we're havving serious problems with our CI infrastructure. It underwend an upgrade, an obviously something went wrong in the midst =) | 23:48 |
krotscheck | kzaitsev_mb: Ah-hah! So it's not my fault :) | 23:48 |
krotscheck | kzaitsev_mb: Alright, I'll check back later :) | 23:48 |
kzaitsev_mb | we have a couple of guys looking into it. but they're in UTC+3 so it's around 3AM here =) Hope that we'll have it fixed tomorrow =) | 23:49 |
krotscheck | Lets hope :) | 23:50 |
kzaitsev_mb | krotscheck: wanted to ask if that was a jslint related patch, but looked it up and it's something more awesome =) | 23:52 |
kzaitsev_mb | thanks for that contribution =) | 23:52 |
krotscheck | kzaitsev_mb: Yep. It's part of my "Make openstack awesome for javascript apps" project. | 23:52 |
krotscheck | kzaitsev_mb: No prob :) | 23:52 |
kzaitsev_mb | I've been wanting to update that eslint-config version a while now, but haven't had time. | 23:54 |
kzaitsev_mb | Guess I'll file a low-hanging-fruit bug for that | 23:55 |
kzaitsev_mb | looks like a nice contribution opportunity | 23:55 |
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