Monday, 2015-12-14

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gangadharWhy I'm unable to do this:   "If:  $.enableHostname" ?  enableHostname is an boolean type.06:43
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katyaferventgangadhar, hi07:58
katyaferventCause it is not Python :) You can't do that kind of expressions in many other languages07:59
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kodokuuhi slagun08:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-deployment: Remove redundant source parameter in zuul.layout
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gangadharkatyafervent: Then How can I check whether it is true or fasle?08:50
gangadharI tried with "== true" and "== True" also. But didn't work.08:52
katyaferventgangadhar, actually I'm wrong and true/false can be omitted08:52
katyaferventWhat error do you have?08:52
ddovbii_gangadhar, use one '=' symbol08:53
katyaferventis enableHostname accessible at all?08:53
gangadharyes, enableHostname is accessible08:53
ddovbii_"If: $.enableHostname = True"08:53
gangadharddovbbi: okay, let me try08:54
ddovbii_but "If: $.enableHostname" also must work. strange08:55
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kodokuuIf I want to disable flavor with a root disk size greater than 20GB, I need to use policy or I can add a conf in my murano package ?08:56
kodokuuBecause I want this rule apply just on this package08:57
katyaferventkodokuu, for the flavor field there is a requirement parameter in UI.yaml08:57
katyaferventand it filters flavors on the flavor selection list08:57
katyaferventddovbii_, thanks08:58
katyaferventkodokuu, see requirements description08:58
katyaferventso you can add min_disk: 20 only08:58
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kodokuu_ok thx both ;)08:59
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kodokuu_arf just mini09:00
kodokuu_can't add a max_disk09:00
kodokuu_Because I have flavor for windows and for linux, Linux have 14GB and Windows 2009:00
gangadharddovbbi: it's returning false always.09:01
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katyaferventkodokuu_, I think you can add bug with a wishlist priority09:02
ddovbii_gangadhar, could you please show your code of workflow ?09:03
kodokuu_Katy I'll try to modify
ddovbii_gangadhar, sorry, I was wrong. try "If: $.enableHostname = true"09:14
ddovbii_gangadhar, but I believe "If: $.enableHostname" should work. We use this construction everywhere09:18
kodokuu_Katyafervent ddovbii I can use filter for flavor just on min cpu, ram or disk ?09:18
kodokuu_Can't filter on name ?09:18
ddovbii_kodokuu_, unfortunately no (09:19
kodokuu_and If I modify fields in dashboard, I can filter my flavor ?09:20
kodokuu_You think it's possible ?09:20
kodokuu_With add max_disk09:20
gangadharddovbbi: Tried with true. But still it is going to False block only. Not sure why? I set default property to false. Does it the reason for this behaviour?09:21
ddovbii_kodokuu_, why not?=) I believe you can add this filter09:22
katyaferventgangadhar, yes, that is the reason09:23
katyaferventgangadhar, also check your object model .enableHostname appearance09:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: Add release note for fip on multiple networks fix
ddovbii_gangadhar, please show your code of your ui? are you passing value to this property correctly ?09:24
katyaferventyou can find it in murano-engine log after works: 'Starting processing task'09:24
ddovbii_*of ui09:24
katyaferventkodokuu_, that is a correct place to add max_disk09:25
gangadharddovbbi:  is ui.yaml09:26
katyaferventkodokuu_, but anyway - it's better to create a bug and add this functions available for others.09:26
kodokuu_Katyafervent I want to modify for me, and if works, I share with all with a bug and patch creation ;)09:27
kodokuu_If I can't succes to modify, I'll create bug09:27
katyaferventok) and if you will, please add reno notes yo your commit (release notes manager)09:27
kodokuu_hard to commit for me, I have hard proxy and doesn't have requierement for commit. so just copy my patch in bug ;)09:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano-dashboard: Add i18n trans tag for strings in template file
ddovbii_gangadhar, you included enableHostname: $.testConfiguration.enableHostname to the list of instance properties, not to application properties09:31
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gangadharOh, Sorry for bothering you guys :(09:33
ddovbii_gangadhar, here is a correct code :
ddovbii_gangadhar, np :)09:34
openstackgerritOlga Gusarenko proposed openstack/murano: [AppDev Guide] MuranoPL Core library
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openstackgerritDmytro Dovbii proposed openstack/murano: [Murano Docs] Fix links on client docs page
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kodokuukatyafervent ddovbii ok my patch works09:47
kodokuuI create bug09:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/murano: [mocking-machinery] Add inject YAQL functions
ddovbii_kodokuu, great!09:48
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1525844 in Murano "[Dashboard] Add new requirements for flavor" [Undecided,New]10:03
katyaferventkodokuu, thank you!10:06
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kodokuunow need to add cinder class ;)10:26
kodokuuI don't know if slagun works on this week end10:26
slagunkodokuu: hi10:28
kodokuuslagun kodokuuproxy is my phone (backup if my proxy bug ;p)10:29
slagunkodokuu: I almost finished cinder implementation. It still has some issues and I haven't tested it yet and it only for Liberty/Mitaka10:30
kodokuuyes, good works10:30
slagunkodokuu: going to finish it today10:30
kodokuuHum liberty/mitaka ><10:30
kodokuuNo possible to manual commit in kilo ? Because you change just class ressource10:31
slagunwe don't add new features to lod version, just fix bugs. But it can be adopted to Kilo with slight changes. Also it is Classes/resources/ not Resources/. It is MuranoPL code10:33
slagun*old versions*10:33
slagunso let me finish it first and then we'll see how it can be applied to your config10:34
kodokuuokay ;)10:34
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Add miximum disk, vcpu and memory requirement
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: [mocking-machinery] Add original method function
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/python-muranoclient: Use oslo_i18n instend of gettextutils
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kodokuuPossible de make murano package which deploy multi instance ?12:52
kodokuulike a postgre cluster12:53
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano-specs: Support for OpenStack regions
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kodokuuslagun re13:15
kodokuuDo you remember this part of your code : $myScriptTemplate: $resources.string('')13:15
kodokuuFor transform my script to string to put in userdata13:16
kodokuuwith this commit
kodokuuWe remove contract string for use str_remplace13:16
kodokuubut with $resources.string , If I use str_replace in my, murano convert all in string, so my function doesn't works13:17
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kodokuuressouces.string add ".." around the user-data13:19
kodokuuso I need a function of ressources for get text in RAW format, without "..."13:19
kodokuuAny solution ?13:19
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed openstack/murano-specs: Action authentication and visibility
ddovbiikodokuu, what do you think about creating custom Instance class?13:21
ddovbiirecently, I did the same for my application13:22
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kodokuu_ddovbii I use a custom class for my app13:23
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kodokuu_And a custom class for my intance13:24
kodokuu_ddovbii I see your package13:29
kodokuu_you write your userdata with $data: $initScript.replace($scriptReplacements)13:29
kodokuu_and your userdata is init.sh13:30
kodokuu_My user-data is      str_replace:       template: |         <some script>     params:       param1: value1 ...13:31
kodokuu_So murano transform my in string and all script is put in user-data because murano add "..." around my script13:31
slagunkodokuu_: resiurces.string() doesn't add '..'. See
kodokuu_slagun If I go in heat and show template I can see ===> user_data: "str_replace:\r\n  template: |\r\n    #!/bin/bash\r\n    touch /root/$var1\r\         \n  params:\r\n    $var1: {get_attr: [instance10, first_address]}"13:33
kodokuu_instance10 is a variable modify by murano so good13:34
slagunkodokuu_: please share your code. It is hard to understand from such quotes in IRC13:35
kodokuu_ok ;)13:35
slagunI don't see str_replace in your code13:38
slagunno I doesn't work like this13:38
slagunshat you put inti is not a shell script.13:39
slagunHeat expects a dictionary etc. And you just put a string content of the file instead13:39
kodokuu_I guess I need to concat str_replace with my ?13:40
slagunYHou either do string replacements using yaql function as it was in my example and leave pure shell script in the file or rename this file to have yaml extension and load it with yaml() function rather than string()13:41
slagunI suggest to give yaql a try13:41
kodokuu_I think is not work for me13:42
kodokuu_Because I need str_replace13:42
kodokuu_I need to put IP of my instance in user_data13:42
kodokuu_And I have that after heat launch template13:42
slagunstr_replace does exactly the same. It makes the replacements before putting the value13:43
kodokuu_So I change by script.yaml, and replace resource.string by a yaml function ?13:43
kodokuu_I'll try it13:44
slaguncan you explain why do you believe that .replace() will not work for you?13:44
kodokuu_replace works with murano right ? So I can replace a param with a value (custom by UI, or write in class). But I need to replace with a value which exist in heat (e.g IP of my instance)13:45
kodokuu_So replace must be a heat function, not a murano function13:46
slagunbut you do have database name in murano13:46
kodokuu_And I only know str_replace13:46
kodokuu_Yes I need database name, AND ip of isntance13:47
kodokuu_because The goal is a cluster database13:47
slagun$fileContent.replace('%%DATABASE_NAME%%', $.databaseName)13:47
kodokuu_I need both13:47
slagun$fileContent.replace('%%DATABASE_NAME%%', $.instance.ipAddresses[0])13:47
kodokuu_I need my instance know database name, and IP of other instance (not implemented now)13:47
kodokuu_murano know $.instance.ipAddresses[0] before heat call ?13:48
slaguna, I see. You will not get an IP address in Murano until you deploy the instance. And it is too late to set user data at this point13:48
kodokuu_I can't use $.instance.ipAddresses[0] before instance.deploy()13:49
slagunthis is another thing we need to think about. There should be a Murano way to solve this13:51
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kodokuu_Hum it's heat which generate instance, so it's not possible to murano know ip or id of instance before deploy no ?13:52
slagunMurano doesn't know the IP in advance. However in theory there could be a way to write the replacement so that Murano will generate str_replace for you13:54
slagunOr at least that you won't depend on the name of resource Murano generates for OS::Nova::Server13:55
kodokuu_you can write a blueprint :D13:57
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kodokuu_I search on app catalog, I never see a package with multi instance13:58
kodokuu_like a DB cluster13:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-muranoclient: Use oslo_i18n instend of gettextutils
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slagunit is kinda sad that we don't have an example in murano-apps14:02
kodokuu_slagun Can I use replace function on resource.yaml type ?14:02
slagunKubernetesCluster has many nodes14:02
kodokuu_Yes I can't find it14:02
kodokuu_github link is down14:02
slagunbut it may be hard to understand14:03
slagunkodokuu_: you can use bind() function for that14:03
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Add miximum disk, vcpu and memory requirement
kodokuu_I'm not afraid ;)14:03
kodokuu_ok because replace make me a trace ^^14:03
slagunreplace is a text replacement14:03
kodokuu_in yaml resource not work ?14:04
slagunyaml() loads a data structure (dicts, lists etc)14:04
slagunit deserializes yaml14:04
slagunand string() returns a string14:04
kodokuu_ok, do you have example with bind function ?14:04
slaguneach application has it14:05
kodokuu_ok :)14:05
slagunit replaces $something in the template with the value14:05
gangadharIn MuranoPL, how can I dynamically create/add/update/delete values in a dict?14:05
slagungangadhar: $dict[key]: value14:06
kodokuu_And for cluster, one App class and multi class for each instance14:06
slagunkodokuu_: there is no problem to have list of instances instead of single instance14:07
slagunbrb in 30 minutes14:07
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano: Fix test class property access in mocks
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kodokuu_Very strange, I can't anymore upload package with horizon O_o14:29
kodokuu_upload is infinite and I can see "POST /v1/catalog/packages HTTP/1.1" 400 690 0.040722 in log14:29
slagunkodokuu_: try to log out and log in again14:30
kodokuu_My horizon is down14:31
kodokuu_ok, all my user cry now14:34
kodokuu_I don't know why, but upload new package in murano make crash horizon14:34
sergmelikyanCrash like process crash O.o14:34
kodokuu_ok after all reboot, package upload make crash horizon ;)14:39
kodokuu_WARNING:muranoclient.common.utils:Image specification invalid: No Hash key in image14:40
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kodokuu_slagun I have error with this line :  $script: $myScriptTemplate.bind(dict($var1 => {get_attr: [$.databaseName, first_address]}))14:45
kodokuu_need quote ?14:45
slagunkodokuu_: not like this14:46
slagunin your yaml there will be $var1: $databaseName. And then you say $template.bind(dict(databaseName => $.databaseName))14:48
slagun':' is not valid for yaql expression14:48
slagunit is dict(key => value) in kilo14:49
kodokuu_in my yaml it's $var1: {get_attr: [$databaseName, first_address]}14:50
kodokuu_I want to replace $databaseName by $.databaseName14:50
kodokuu_so if my value have ":" I can't14:52
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slagunbind works like this: it walks trough the entire file (all dict keys/values, lists etc) and replaces string values that start with $ with binded values14:55
slagunand then returns new data structure14:55
slagunI don't understand what {get_attr: [$databaseName, first_address]} should do14:56
kodokuu_ok So I need to create a string, "{get_attr: [" + $.databaseName + ", first_address]}"  my script.yaml have $var1: $databaseName14:56
kodokuu_And my bind is $databaseName =>"my concat string"14:56
kodokuu_it's heat function for have IP adresse of instance named with $databaseName14:58
slagunbind() doesn't do replacements *within* strings. It replaces dictionary values as a whole14:58
slagunI I'd understand what you trying to achieve I could possibly help you14:58
slagunIf *14:58
kodokuu_ok I try to explain14:59
kodokuu_My goal is to have a DB cluster. Now, I try to write a user-data with IP of instance. So I use str_replace for send IP through user-data. For that, I need to use "get_attr" with instance NAME15:01
kodokuu_so murano must write user-data with name of instance15:01
kodokuu_in this case, databasename is the name of my intance15:01
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kodokuu_So I need to use yaml for preserve my str_replace in user-data15:02
kodokuu_or you know what, I force name of instance in murano15:03
kodokuu_and I write this name in my script15:03
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kodokuu_I think is the easy solution15:03
kodokuu_I'll bb 1h15:03
slagunit was confusing because it was databaseName, not instanceName15:04
slagunthen leave your yaml as it is and bind $template.bind(dict(instanceName => $
slagunit should be $var1: {get_attr: [$instanceName, first_address]} in the yaml15:06
slagunwithout quote marks15:06
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gangadharslagun: How to delete a key from dict? And What if I want to delete the dict variable?15:59
slagungangadhar: what version of Murano?16:01
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slagun$dict.delete(key1, key2, keyn) - returns new dictionary (source dict with those keys deleted)16:03
slagun$dict: $dict.delete(key)16:03
slagunDon't understand what is "delete dict variable"16:03
gangadharI want to remove $dict?16:04
slagunfrom where?16:04
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Add miximum disk, vcpu and memory requirement
gangadharI created a dict like this: $dict[key] : valu. Now I don't want $dict variable.16:07
gangadharI mean deleting a variable. (like del variable in python)16:08
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slagun$dict is a local variable. It doesn't get saved anywhere. If you don't need it just don't use it. del variable in Python frees memory - something you very rarely need, especially for local variables. And there is no such thing in MuranoPL/yaql. Memory will be freed automatically once you exit the function16:09
kodokuuslagun re16:11
slagunlooks like I'm just not getting something :)16:11
kodokuuI test your solution but I have trace16:11
slagunkodokuu: can you share the package with recent changes?16:12
kodokuuit's same like the old execept : - $script: $myScriptTemplate.bind(dict(instanceName => $
kodokuuand     $var1: {get_attr: [$instanceName, first_address]}16:12
kodokuuin yaml16:12
slagunbind replaces anything that starts with '$'16:14
slagunand it couldn't find a value for $var16:15
kodokuuyep, my first idea is replace all {get_attr: [$instanceName, first_address]}16:15
kodokuubut not possible ^^16:15
slagunsince it is just a macro you could rename it to %var or something like that16:15
kodokuuI don't know if it's possible with str_replace16:16
kodokuuI try16:16
slagunnot with str_replace16:16
kodokuuso I can't make %var1: {get_attr: [$instanceName, first_address]}16:16
slagunand touch /root/%var1 in the script16:16
kodokuuso no possible :/16:16
kodokuuI try16:17
slagunare you sire that $resources variable is not null?16:21
kodokuu- $resources: new(sys:Resources)16:21
kodokuu- $myScriptTemplate: $resources.yaml('script.yaml')16:21
kodokuu- $script: $myScriptTemplate.bind(dict(instanceName => $
slaguncan you upload this package again for me?16:23
slagunDon't see any error in your paste here16:23
slagunmaybe there is something more there16:23
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slagunkodokuu: try to put %var1 in script.yaml last line in quote marks. It might be a YAML issue. %var1: -> "%var1":16:29
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kodokuunew trace16:33
kodokuuinstance10 is the name of my instance16:33
kodokuuand I have trace in heat16:34
slagunthere are circular dependencies in generated Heat template. It's not clear why16:35
slagunyou should analyze Heat template. You can take it from murano engine log by grepping "Pushing" string16:35
kodokuu 'user_data': {u'str_replace': {u'params': {u'%var1': {u'get_attr': [u'instance10', u'first_address']}}, u'template': u'#!/bin/bash\ntouch /root/%var1\n'}},16:37
kodokuuso I guess it's work16:37
slagunI guess you're trying to do something that is not possible in Heat - pass an IP address of the instance as part of instance user data. I guess it creates circular dependency as the user data is evaluated before the deployment16:40
slagunand it is not related to Murano this time16:41
kodokuuha yes16:41
kodokuuI'am stupid16:41
slagunI guess you can obtain instance IP from the script16:41
kodokuuI use that when I have 2 instances16:41
kodokuuwith a depends_on16:42
kodokuuBut now I'am sur it's works because with the pushing I see the good template16:42
kodokuuok now I add second instance and volume and I turn murano in prod :)16:42
kodokuuslagun It's beautiful name: generateHostname($.appConfiguration.unitNamingPattern, $index + 1)16:46
kodokuu$index + 1 :)16:46
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slagungeneratesHostname substitures '#' with sequence numbers. $index+1 is a starting number16:52
kodokuuI can use ....ion.unitNamingPattern, 1) for first instance and ....ion.unitNamingPattern, $index + 1) for second ?16:55
kodokuuif I choice instancename second instance have instancename1 ?16:56
slagunyou can enter "instanceName#" and always call it as (.., $index+1) and get "instanceName1", "instanceName2". When there is a repeating block in Application section it has $index variable on each iteration. Or you can just put a constant value in the parameter16:58
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kodokuuit's possible to add a depends_on with murano ?17:01
kodokuuoption in Nova::OS::Server17:01
slaguneverything is possible :)17:03
kodokuuhaha ;)17:03
slagunbut you don't need depends_on if you're going to reference attribute of one instance from user data of another17:03
slagunHeat will build the dependency for you17:04
kodokuuok I try without ;)17:04
slagunalso you can deploy one instance, construct user data for the second instance (using yaql .replace()) and deploy second instance17:04
slaguntypically Murano issues a series of stack updates rather than trying to built the whole template at once17:05
slagunso by the time you deploy second instance you can already have an IP of the first17:06
kodokuuslagun you can call instance.deploy in one class ? or you can create multi class with deploy call ?17:10
slagundidn't get the question17:12
slagunwhat is multi class?17:12
kodokuuyes i'am confuse with multi intance17:12
kodokuubut I see docker example17:12
kodokuuI understand now17:12
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kodokuuslagun again CircularDependencyException Circular Dependency17:18
kodokuufirst instance is ok17:18
kodokuuI think I use the wrong method17:18
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slagunI "like" your class names :)17:20
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slagunconstructUserData puts a name of the first instance17:21
slagunand then you assign this user data back to the first instance17:21
kodokuuTo motivate you to finish ;)17:21
slagunthus the circular dependency17:21
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kodokuuho yes17:22
kodokuu=> $
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kodokuuneed a button for update package17:25
kodokuualways delete env, delete package, upload package, create env17:25
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kzaitsev_mbkodokuu: you can upload/update via a CLI with 1 command ;)17:25
kzaitsev_mbmurano package-update --exists-actipn=u ./path/to/packge17:26
kodokuuha good to know17:26
kodokuubut I use horizon17:26
kodokuuI code on my local compute, on windows17:27
kodokuuso for upload with ssh .... I prefer horizon ;)17:27
slagunkodokuu: you can update the package in one series on 50 mouse clicks :)17:27
slagunof 5017:27
kzaitsev_mbwell if the app has been successfully deployed — you probably need to delete the env and the app, but if it was a deploy failure — I guess you'll only need to delete/upload the package )17:28
kzaitsev_mbalso we have quick envs17:28
kodokuuneed to delete package from env ?17:28
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kzaitsev_mbI think not17:28
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kzaitsev_mbwell if it was a deploy-failure. the package is searched for by filtering by name/version17:29
kzaitsev_mbit kind of depends17:29
kzaitsev_mbyour variant is the safest, but you can take shortcuts here and there =)17:30
kodokuuslagun you know what17:33
kodokuull /root/    ==> -rw-r--r--  1 root root     0 Dec 14 18:32
kodokuuEureka :)17:33
kzaitsev_mbbtw, I've started to learn French just recently, so seeing your comments in your classes makes me smile =)17:33
kodokuuI'm rebel17:34
kodokuuMy boss kick me "Comments in english"17:34
kodokuuBut I'm french ><17:34
kodokuuso good evening friends and slagun thx for all ;)17:36
kodokuuI'm exited for volume; )17:37
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openstackgerritTetiana Lashchova proposed openstack/murano: [Murano Docs] Extend Contract section
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