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openstackgerrit | zhangyanxian proposed openstack/murano: Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning LOG https://review.openstack.org/347585 | 01:02 |
openstackgerrit | zhangyanxian proposed openstack/murano: Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning LOG https://review.openstack.org/347585 | 01:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Refactoring of the ObjectStore passing in DSL https://review.openstack.org/346549 | 02:32 |
openstackgerrit | zhangyanxian proposed openstack/murano: Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning LOG https://review.openstack.org/347585 | 02:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Ability to instantiate object graph https://review.openstack.org/347129 | 03:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Fix used package versions for stable inheritance https://review.openstack.org/341961 | 03:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: MuranoPL forms implementation https://review.openstack.org/331950 | 04:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Hidekazu Nakamura proposed openstack/murano: Add Add murano.opts unit test https://review.openstack.org/347677 | 07:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Nanke_Liu (lnk) proposed openstack/murano: Use assertEqual() instead of assertDictEqual() https://review.openstack.org/347679 | 08:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Valerii Kovalchuk proposed openstack/murano: [WiP] Add ability to request limited number of items to API https://review.openstack.org/346375 | 08:07 |
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openstackgerrit | zhangyanxian proposed openstack/murano: Use the _LW translate function for LOG.warn https://review.openstack.org/347585 | 08:57 |
openstackgerrit | zhangyanxian proposed openstack/murano: Use the _LW translate function for LOG.warn https://review.openstack.org/347585 | 08:59 |
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DaveJ__ | Hi guys - is it possible to concat to strings in a UI.yaml file? | 09:33 |
openstackgerrit | zhangyanxian proposed openstack/murano: Import i18n to use the _LW translate function https://review.openstack.org/347585 | 09:33 |
DaveJ__ | I want to concat two values before passing to the generateHostname function | 09:33 |
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osh | DaveJ__: hi! you can concat two strings with operator +, like "variable: string1 + string2" in your UI-file | 09:39 |
DaveJ__ | osh: Thanks | 09:40 |
osh | or variable: concat(string1, string2), up to you | 09:40 |
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DaveJ__ | osh: Thanks - is there a list of functions that are available somewhere? | 09:43 |
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osh | DaveJ__: well, UI files have YAML formatting and can have YAQL expressions, so the question is about YAQL functions. To speak frankly there is the only way for now to acquaintance with YAQL functions - to use source code. Documentation for YAQL is in progress now, you can find more details here of functions with strings here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/324592/ and in Related Changes another modules (functions) | 09:49 |
osh | hope to have ready at least outlines in the shortest time | 09:51 |
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Dinesh_Bhor | kzaitsev_ws: Hi, Could you please take a look at it ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/346669/ | 09:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Ability to instantiate object graph https://review.openstack.org/347129 | 10:43 |
openstackgerrit | Oleh Baran proposed openstack/murano: Add base and packages for tempest murano scenario tests https://review.openstack.org/342088 | 10:50 |
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DaveJ__ | Guys, I have an application template, where I attach multiple NICs to my instance. | 10:51 |
DaveJ__ | When I have 3 nics, it works. | 10:51 |
DaveJ__ | When I try with 4, I get an error 'StopIteration' | 10:52 |
DaveJ__ | Anyone know where I can find the cause? | 10:52 |
DaveJ__ | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/SVmGRUFm/ | 10:52 |
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osh | DaveJ__: what about murano-engine logs? | 10:53 |
DaveJ__ | osh: Can't see anything in the engine log. The API log just reports a WARNING, along with details of the VM | 10:57 |
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DaveJ__ | osh: I enabled debug - that gives me a bit more. It might be beacuse the network has multiple subnets | 11:00 |
DaveJ__ | osh: although it's not clear how to fix it if that is the problem | 11:01 |
DaveJ__ | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/4mWdUyQl/ | 11:02 |
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osh | DaveJ__: looks like it's not the full logs (: | 11:31 |
osh | and it's isn't clear from this part what exactly went wrong | 11:33 |
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DaveJ__ | Yeah missed a few lines | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | here is the complete message | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | <131>Jul 27 10:59:55 bfs-dl360g7-78 murano-engine: 2016-07-27 10:59:55.019 26073 ERROR murano.common.engine [-] | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | StopIteration: | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | Traceback (most recent call last): | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | File "/tmp/murano-packages-cache/io.murano/0.0.0/831a5f71-8459-4117-a2a7-be92783a0eb3/Classes/Environment.yaml", line 102:9 in method deploy of type io.murano.Environment | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | $.applications.pselect($.deploy()) | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | File "/tmp/murano-packages-cache/io.murano.apps.owm.DevBox/0.0.0/b7523b9e-58da-472d-9c16-7f3b1cc7587d/Classes/DevBoxServer.yaml", line 41:13 in method deploy of type io.murano.apps.owm.DevBoxServer | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | $.instance.deploy() | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | File "/tmp/murano-packages-cache/io.murano/0.0.0/831a5f71-8459-4117-a2a7-be92783a0eb3/Classes/resources/Instance.yaml", line 116:9 in method deploy of type io.murano.resources.Instance | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | $.ensureNetworksDeployed() | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | File "/tmp/murano-packages-cache/io.murano/0.0.0/831a5f71-8459-4117-a2a7-be92783a0eb3/Classes/resources/Instance.yaml", line 204:9 in method ensureNetworksDeployed of type io.murano.resources.Instance | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | $.networks.customNetworks.pselect($.deploy()) | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | File "/tmp/murano-packages-cache/io.murano/0.0.0/831a5f71-8459-4117-a2a7-be92783a0eb3/Classes/resources/ExistingNeutronNetwork.yaml", line 69:36 in method deploy of type io.murano.resources.ExistingNeutronNetwork | 11:51 |
DaveJ__ | sorry - didn't mean to not pastebin that! | 11:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Valerii Kovalchuk proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Preserve new environment row from sorting with other rows https://review.openstack.org/341669 | 12:10 |
osh | DaveJ__: still need more. Where is raise-part with exception info? | 12:12 |
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DaveJ__ | osh: I can't seem to find the raise part of the exception. I found the cause though. My user was an admin and could see multiple networks with the same name | 12:23 |
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osh | DaveJ__: glad to know, sorry not to help (: | 12:25 |
DaveJ__ | osh: thanks, you helped plenty :-) | 12:25 |
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DaveJ__ | osp: One last question for you :-) in terms of the YAQL functions. Do you know is there a random() to generate a random string? | 12:53 |
DaveJ__ | Does anyone have up-to-date guidelines for building the murano agent on CentOS 6.X | 13:02 |
openstackgerrit | Oleh Baran proposed openstack/murano: Add cinder volumes attachment tests https://review.openstack.org/339446 | 13:04 |
osh | DaveJ__: quite sure there is no such. Even haven't met such in standard libraries of other languages. Dummy way is to use str(random()), which returns random float number from 0 to 1 converted to str | 13:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Valerii Kovalchuk proposed openstack/murano-specs: [WIP] Spec for MuranoPL application policies https://review.openstack.org/336717 | 13:18 |
openstackgerrit | Oleh Baran proposed openstack/murano: Add cinder volumes attachment tests https://review.openstack.org/339446 | 13:21 |
openstackgerrit | Oleh Baran proposed openstack/murano: Add base and packages for tempest murano scenario tests https://review.openstack.org/342088 | 13:21 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is being restarted now to relieve performance degradation | 13:51 | |
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openstackgerrit | Aleksey Zvyagintsev proposed openstack/murano-apps: Yaml syntax cleanup https://review.openstack.org/347305 | 14:06 |
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Dinesh_Bhor | Can someone please take a look at it ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/346669/ | 15:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Victor Ryzhenkin (freerunner) proposed openstack/murano: Do not override credential provider in tenant isolation tests https://review.openstack.org/347937 | 16:31 |
freerunner | Dinesh_Bhor: Hi! Now Murano PTL kzaitsev_ws on vacation and may have delay in review. So, I would prefer to wait him before merging it, due he is put his -1 to the patch. Also, looks like the doc you provided doesn't force us to do that. Quote: All references to "OpenStack LLC" can be changed to "OpenStack Foundation". So, can != should/must. | 16:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano-dashboard: Modify assert statement when comparing with None https://review.openstack.org/347696 | 16:45 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added 'dump()' function https://review.openstack.org/344173 | 16:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Ability to instantiate object graph https://review.openstack.org/347129 | 17:27 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: Use devstack for service broker use separate paste and db https://review.openstack.org/308133 | 17:33 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/murano: [Docs] Change FQNs of murano apps and add examples of FQNs https://review.openstack.org/347257 | 17:34 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added 'dump()' function https://review.openstack.org/344173 | 17:52 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Ability to instantiate object graph https://review.openstack.org/347129 | 17:54 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Move all logic related to the package upload to a separate function https://review.openstack.org/323424 | 18:00 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Implement basic features of NG Packages table https://review.openstack.org/322219 | 18:01 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Move all logic related to the package upload to a separate function https://review.openstack.org/323424 | 18:02 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Implement basic features of NG Packages table https://review.openstack.org/322219 | 18:03 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/murano-dashboard: Implement basic features of NG Packages table https://review.openstack.org/322219 | 18:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added InstanceGroup and InstanceProvider hierarchy https://review.openstack.org/334510 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Concurrent Execution Control https://review.openstack.org/344435 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Event Notification pattern implemented https://review.openstack.org/334514 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added 'dump()' function https://review.openstack.org/344173 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: SoftwareComponent implementation https://review.openstack.org/343655 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added a TestFixtureWithEnvironment to TestRunner https://review.openstack.org/334496 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added a stub of Scalable Framework library https://review.openstack.org/334501 | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Ability to instantiate object graph https://review.openstack.org/347129 | 19:09 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added 'dump()' function https://review.openstack.org/344173 | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added a TestFixtureWithEnvironment to TestRunner https://review.openstack.org/334496 | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added a stub of Scalable Framework library https://review.openstack.org/334501 | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Event Notification pattern implemented https://review.openstack.org/334514 | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Added InstanceGroup and InstanceProvider hierarchy https://review.openstack.org/334510 | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: Concurrent Execution Control https://review.openstack.org/344435 | 19:10 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/murano: SoftwareComponent implementation https://review.openstack.org/343655 | 19:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Ability to instantiate object graph https://review.openstack.org/347129 | 22:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Added 'dump()' function https://review.openstack.org/344173 | 22:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Added a TestFixtureWithEnvironment to TestRunner https://review.openstack.org/334496 | 22:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Added a stub of Scalable Framework library https://review.openstack.org/334501 | 22:05 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Event Notification pattern implemented https://review.openstack.org/334514 | 22:05 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Added InstanceGroup and InstanceProvider hierarchy https://review.openstack.org/334510 | 22:05 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: Concurrent Execution Control https://review.openstack.org/344435 | 22:06 |
openstackgerrit | Stan Lagun proposed openstack/murano: SoftwareComponent implementation https://review.openstack.org/343655 | 22:06 |
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