Thursday, 2018-04-19

hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.00:14
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.02:14
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ykarelLooks like promotion server is down, other servers on rdo cloud are also down, due to compute node shutdown few hours back.03:47
ykarelCan someone check03:47
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.04:15
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ykarelquiquell|off, FYI:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1765008 in neutron "Tempest API tests failing for stable/queens branch" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Hongbin Lu (
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ykarelquiquell|off, This as well:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1765123 in tripleo "dib-run-parts fails with /tmp/tmpkGJoNl/pre-install.d/05-rpm-epel-release: line 9: DISTRO_NAME: unbound variable" [Critical,Fix released]05:26
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quiquell|ruckykarel: Good morning05:43
ykarelquiquell|ruck, Good morning05:44
quiquell|ruckthere is a RDO cloud problem05:45
ykarelquiquell|ruck, yes05:49
ykarelVMs were shutdown, so they need to be booted again05:50
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quiquell|ruckykarel: They just need to restart the thing, they didn't lose the computes05:57
quiquell|ruckHumm promoter machine is down05:58
quiquell|ruckAhh it's running in a RDO instance...06:00
quiquell|ruckSilly me06:00
ykarelyes they run on RDO Cloud06:00
ykarelso all those needs to be started again to get the promotion and jobs running06:01
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.06:15
quiquell|ruckykarel: periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers is still failing with the fixes ?06:22
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ykarelquiquell|ruck, containers-build?06:23
ykareland which fixes?06:23
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quiquell|ruckwe have the diskimage-buildr and the epel06:24
ykarelyes, instack-undercloud fix was not included in repo06:24
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quiquell|ruckykarel: with the instack-undercloud "brctl: command not found"06:25
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ykarelquiquell|ruck, can you share the log link?06:27
ykarelno that's brctl not found is not an issue06:28
ykarelAcutall issue is instance can't be spawned: 2018-04-19 06:08:13.050 |  +(/opt/stack/new/tripleo-ci/ ./testenv-client -b -t 17400 --envsize 4 --ucinstance 2e2ff0cb-af1c-4dc8-8cd6-755539de08c4 --net-iso multi-nic -- ./toci_quickstart.sh06:29
ykarel2018-04-19 06:08:13.083 |  +(/opt/stack/new/tripleo-ci/ sleep 120006:29
ykarelquiquell|ruck, did you power on the VMs on rdocloud06:29
ykarelIf those runs this issue should be fixed06:29
quiquell|ruckykarel: You mean jenkins ones ?06:35
ykarelquiquell|ruck, like promote server, te-broker06:36
quiquell|ruckykarel: Don't even know howto, let me find the procedure06:36
ykarelquiquell|ruck, Ok06:37
ykarelquiquell|ruck, do you have access to tripleo-infra and openstack-nodepool tenant06:40
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quiquell|ruckykarel: Do you have the RCs around ?06:42
ykareli don't have access06:42
quiquell|ruckykarel: Ok got the document, let me find someone that have access to it already06:44
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quiquell|ruckykarel: Have to leave my kid in the kindergarden, let see if there are some news about VMs when I am back06:54
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ykarelquiquell|ruck, Okk06:54
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ykarelEmilienM, do you have access06:56
EmilienMI don't06:56
* EmilienM goes to bed now06:56
ykarelEmilienM, good night06:56
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quique|ruck|afkykarel: gn06:58
quique|ruck|afkEmilienM: I mean06:58
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quique|ruck|afkykarel: rdo ticke open, maybe they can do it for us07:03
ykarelquique|ruck|afk, may be other things also need to be taken care, so one who is familiar with this stuff should do it07:05
ykarelwe can wait for guys to come07:05
quique|ruck|afkykarel: Let me go back and continue with the bugs07:06
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quiquell|ruckI am back07:34
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quiquell|ruckykarel: tripleo-infra and openstack-nodepool start ing07:37
ykarelu mean vms? who started?07:38
quiquell|ruckI ask for it07:41
quiquell|ruckPromoter is up now07:42
quiquell|rucksova too07:43
quiquell|ruckHow do we check the openstack-nodepool ?it's huge07:44
ykarelquiquell|ruck, also check te-broker07:49
ykarelme also don't know much about these servers07:49
quiquell|ruckarxcruz: Do you have access to te-broker too ?07:49
quiquell|ruckykarel: We still need to check the instack-undercloud change ?07:51
ykarelquiquell|ruck, u mean
ykarelif yes, once te-broker is up, we can try, check-rdo on ^^07:53
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quiquell|ruckykarel|lunch: nodepool is up going to recheck master and queens of instack change08:08
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dmelladoquiquell|ruck: why are you trying to check-rdo on an already merged patch, dude?08:14
dmelladodoesn't make any sense08:14
quiquell|ruckdmellado: Wrong chrome tab :-/ totally my fault08:14
dmelladoquiquell|ruck: heh, no worries!08:15
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.08:15
quiquell|ruckdmellado: Can we stop it ?08:15
dmelladoquiquell|ruck: not that I'm aware of08:15
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quiquell|ruckIt will waste precious resource then :-/ and maybe a forest tree fells down08:16
dmelladoquiquell|ruck: we'll make you do a donation to greenpeace out of your pocket08:26
quiquell|ruckThere is no way to force periodic jobs ?08:32
arxcruzdmellado: hola08:33
dmelladoarxcruz: hey08:33
arxcruzi mean, hallo08:33
dmelladoquiquell|ruck: yeah, for sure08:33
dmelladodid you get to read all zuulv3 documentation?08:33
arxcruzwie geht es dir ?08:33
dmelladoIch bin Heute ein bißchen müde08:34
arxcruzich auch08:34
arxcruzimmer müde :D08:34
quiquell|ruckdmellado: Will recheck08:35
arxcruzdmellado: meine Torther ist Deutsch sprechen besser als mich08:35
dmelladoarxcruz: no wonder xD08:35
arxcruzdmellado: yeah :) next semester i'll join german classes08:36
arxcruzit's kind of impossible to live here without know german08:36
quiquell|ruckdmellado: It's a jenkins job from RDO08:37
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ykarelarxcruz, quiquell|ruck looks like dlrn-promoter is not running08:46
quiquell|ruckIt's up08:47
ykareli can't see master.log, queens.log etc at
* quiquell|ruck checking now that he knows how it works08:48
quiquell|ruckWait they are commented out08:49
quiquell|ruckI am going to test panda's global lock change08:50
ykarelhmm, good to try as many promotions would be running now08:52
quiquell|ruckykarel: Runnign for queens08:54
quiquell|ruckbtw if we use a global lock maybe if doesn't make sense to have more than one process running08:55
quiquell|ruckWe can just make the process iterate on releases08:55
quiquell|ruckpanda|rover|off: Good Morning09:04
quiquell|ruckYeah no so good, we have to wait a little to see the state of things09:05
quiquell|ruckSome good changes have been merged09:05
quiquell|ruckTake a look
panda|rover|offok do we have probl ms with the te-broker ?09:17
ykarelquiquell|ruck, did a little correction on etherpad09:18
ykarelcontainers-build for master passed09:20
quiquell|ruckykarel: Thanks, I am still learning the terminology09:20
quiquell|ruckmaster and queens ?09:21
ykarelqueens containers-build failed as instack-undercloud patch is not there09:21
ykarelquiquell|ruck, for terminology if not understood, can ask me09:21
quiquell|ruckWe have to wait for queens periodic job yep09:21
quiquell|ruckI will09:22
quiquell|ruckykarel: Pike is not affected by the instack-undercloud problem ?09:22
ykarelquiquell|ruck, no09:22
ykarelonly queens and master09:22
quiquell|ruckLet's see if we see a master promotion soon09:22
ykarelhoping to see it09:23
ykarelpanda|rover|off, re. te-broker we were affected earlier:
ykarelfor now don't know if it's fixed or not09:23
ykarelcan you check when available09:23
panda|rover|offykarel: the te-broker timed out, usually means that it wasn't able to get the nodes in time, this is usually caused by high load on rdocloud, checking the logs on the server09:32
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ykarelpanda|rover, Ok09:32
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ykarellogs from 2 hours back:
ykarelfor te-broker09:46
ykarel30 minutes ago:
ykarelso some issue is there09:47
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: yep, I was looking at it09:55
quiquell|ruckChanged the comment we don't need a daemon yet09:56
quiquell|ruckHummm.. yest cron will run more than one of the promoters09:56
quiquell|ruckLet's daemoniza this thing and add it to systemd09:56
quiquell|ruckpanda|rover: Don't know if there is something parallelizable that we miss if we iterate one by one09:57
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: let's discuss first09:58
quiquell|ruckpanda|rover: sure, bj ?09:58
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: in a minute, I'm looking at the te-broker09:59
quiquell|ruckSure, just let me know09:59
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: we have 400 instances in the nodepool-tenant, time to use the big cannon10:02
quiquell|ruckpanda|rover: big cannon ?10:03
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: ronelle's cleanup script10:03
panda|roverthat's whay it's timing out10:04
panda|roverwe are out of resources10:04
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: ok, bj10:05
ykarelqueens phase 1 promoted, promoter running for pike phase110:06
quiquell|ruckpanda|rover: Make sense, veryjob have to be running now10:06
ykarelamoralej, ^^10:07
quiquell|ruckUps sorry ykarel10:07
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.10:15
quiquell|ruckykarel: We have already clean up some of the openstack-nodepool instances10:45
quiquell|ruckLet's check it out that there are no timeouts now10:45
ykarelquiquell|ruck, in current master periodic run all jobs failed, so can check in next run.10:47
ykarelcan check in rdo jobs on any master patch10:47
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ykarelquiquell|ruck, let's check here:
ykarelrunning for around 5 minutes10:49
quiquell|ruckykarel: Have do a check-rdo at the instack queens change10:50
ykarelOk can check that as well to see if it fixes undercloud install10:51
ykarelbut those jobs not started yet, will take some time to start10:52
ykarelqueens also started:
amoralej is merged, may i get reviews on please11:01
panda|roveramoralej: will this work with the older releases ?11:04
amoralejit should11:04
amoralejpanda|rover, it was tested in
amoralejwe need the new repo only in master11:05
amoralejwe create the new repo file only in master, in the repos where the delorean-<release>-build-deps.repo doesn't exist, it will do nothing11:06
amoralej is also testing this11:06
panda|roveramoralej: ok, yeah, empty results from the find11:06
ykarelquiquell|ruck, panda|rover ./testenv-client still failed:
panda|roverykarel: maybe this started before the clean up started11:09
panda|roverquiquell|ruck: when did we start the cleanup ?11:09
quiquell|ruck5537  2018-04-19 12:25:33 bash -x ovb-tenant-cleanup.sh11:11
quiquell|ruckfrom my time zone11:11
quiquell|ruckThat's near 45 minutes ago11:11
quiquell|ruckIt has finish already though11:11
ykarelpanda|rover, how much time it generally takes, is running for about 13 minutes11:12
panda|roverykarel: it's clearly not working11:19
panda|roverthe te-broker did not reboot properly11:19
panda|roverI can't even access11:19
panda|roverI see only multinode nodes spawning in the tenant11:20
amoralejpanda|rover, thanks for your review!11:23
ykarelpanda|rover, so it's down or just not reachable11:24
panda|roverykarel: I'm in, the services are not running11:25
ykarelOkk, please start those :)11:25
panda|roverit's very slow :(11:29
panda|roverkeystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: Could not find requested endpoint in Service Catalog.11:31
panda|roverthis was happening before too11:34
panda|roverykarel: ok, services started11:34
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panda|roverykarel: it should work now11:35
ykarelpanda|rover, ok doing recheck on one job to check11:36
ykarelpanda|rover, so looks like it's working, environment created in few minutes back11:42
panda|roverykarel: yep. I also proposed a change to prevent this to happen again11:46
ykarelpanda|rover, quiquell|ruck if we want, we can rerun master promotion now(currently scheduled to run after 10 hours) as issues are fixed11:47
quiquell|ruckykarel: You mean force the periodics ?11:48
ykarelquiquell|ruck, yes11:48
quiquell|ruckDon't know how11:48
panda|roverlast time we forced the promotion we got bad results11:49
panda|roverbut we were runing promotions every 4 hours11:49
panda|roverykarel: you're sure about the 10 hours ?11:49
ykarelpanda|rover, next run is at 22:00 UTC11:50
panda|roverykarel: if another pipeline is started, it will change the tripleo-ci-testing link and nothing will test the correct link anymore11:50
panda|roverykarel: even for master ??11:50
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ykarelpanda|rover, 4 hour periodic was changed some day ago due to large zuul queue11:50
ykarelyes for master and queens11:50
panda|roverok then11:51
weshaypanda|rover, quiquell|ruck I think we can skip a sync today as long as we're monitoring
weshaycriteria for rdo2 again.. is one virt, one bm pass, --> update criteria config and roll out11:56
chandankumarweshay: Good morning sir11:56
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weshaychandankumar, howdy11:56
chandankumarweshay: I need some help on this
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chandankumarweshay: I wanted to run this featureset11:56
chandankumarbut i am not sure where i am doing wrong11:56
weshayhrm.. I don't think zuul runs unmerged jobs11:57
weshaychandankumar, my suggestion would be to temp.. use a production fs number in a DNM patch and put in the content you want11:57
chandankumarweshay: you mean to say to use fs027 itself?11:58
weshaychandankumar, ya. .but in a DNM patch11:59
chandankumarweshay: yup sir let me do that11:59
quiquell|ruckweshay: For me is ok the skip12:00
weshayyes.. yes it is .. trust me12:00
weshayany folks have time to help review some zuul changes?12:00
weshaythis is for upgrades12:01
weshayI have a minus 1 from zuul w/ no feedback12:01
weshaymaybe zuul went down last night?12:01
weshayoh I see it12:02
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panda|roverweshay: zuul specifies the error it's hitting, you have two vars: section on the same job description12:04
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens-branch, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-pike-branch, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch, (1 more message)12:15
quique|ruck|foodtripleo-doc typo12:25
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quiquell|ruckweshay, rlandy: Trying to rebuild IPA here, but need the rhel-server image12:40
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quiquell|ruckwhere can I get the rhel-server-7.4-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 ?12:41
rlandyquiquell|ruck: you're rebuilding on rhel 7.4 as opposed to 7.5?12:43
quiquell|ruckrlandy: I mean the 7.5 version12:44
quiquell|ruckOk I can get it from the tenat12:44
rlandyci-rhos should have one12:44
rlandyhas all internal builds12:44
rlandyalso see the internal release file?12:44
rlandysee line 29?12:45
rlandythat download dir has a bunch of internal stuff if you ever need it12:45
quiquell|ruckGetting rhel-7.5-server-x86_64-latest12:46
quiquell|ruckrlandy: What's the internal release file ?12:47
rlandyrelease files in tripleo-environments12:47
quiquell|ruckAhh ok12:47
rlandyrhos-12.yml is te one that jobs uses12:47
rlandyrfolco: forwarded you the ticket for tracking12:48
rfolcorlandy, thank you very much12:48
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panda|rover|lnctrown: looking at the POC change, didn't you want to use a different baremetal template for this workflow ?13:05
trownpanda|rover|lnc: I updated that13:05
panda|rover|lncGRRR, gertty13:06
panda|rover|lnctrown: ok, thanks.13:06
trownpanda|rover|lnc: line 45-52 in
panda|rover|lnctrown: yes yes, I'm too quick for gertty, I check the review before it has time to sync the latest patchset13:07
panda|rover|lnctrown: I see it now13:07
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quiquell|ruckrlandy: What's the image used as the base for the IPA in this stack ?13:24
quiquell|ruckI am trying to rebuild based on rhel 7.5 but it fails a openstack-selinux13:24
quiquell|ruckrhel-7.5-server-x86_64-latest should be good ?13:25
rlandywhatever rel eng built it on - it was not built was the tenant - you can check with jjoyce on #rhos-delivery for the exact image of the build13:27
jjoycequiquell|ruck: That should work13:30
jjoyceAs long as you are rhel-7.5 based and up to date.13:31
chandankumarweshay: arxcruz kopecmartin I am skipping today's scrum, I have updated the card, I need to leave early, sorry for that :-)13:36
arxcruzis myoung available ?13:36
chandankumararxcruz: I think he is attending conference13:38
kopecmartinarxcruz, should we reschedule?13:38
arxcruzup to you guys, i also update my card yesterday, didn't make any updates, still waiting patches pass13:39
kopecmartinI don't have any updates neither13:39
kopecmartinwe can move it for tomorrow, or just skip it, on Monday we have another meeting13:40
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amoralejone last push to ?13:46
rlandytrown: hello - the current error I am hitting is with repo-setup on the second node - no repos are enabled13:54
trownrlandy: hmm... I just had a full run deploy with fs10 ... maybe after scrum we could do a tmate?13:55
rlandyidk - seems setup unrelated13:55
rlandygoing to try this one more time13:55
trownrlandy: ok... i am also starting from scratch running only commands in the etherpad13:59
* rlandy follows etherpad - just changing location of images14:00
hubbotamoralej: trown's karma is now 4214:00
panda|roverweshay: joining scrum ?14:02
trownrlandy: hmm one thing to check wrt repos... if your vpn connection on the virthost resets, it will overwrite resolv.conf there14:02
rlandytrown: I edited resolv.conf14:03
rlandydidn't help14:03
rlandybut retrying14:03
rlandyon both nodes14:03
quiquell|ruckamoralej: What's this hubbot karma thing ?14:03
adarazsquiquell|ruck: just a fun thing to play with. :)14:07
quiquell|ruckadarazs: That the most interesting feature14:07
amoralejquiquell|ruck, don't be evil and will get karma :)14:07
adarazshubbot: coin14:08
hubbotadarazs: tails14:08
adarazshubbot: dice14:08
hubbotadarazs: (dice <dice>d<sides>) -- Rolls a die with <sides> number of sides <dice> times. For example, 2d6 will roll 2 six-sided dice; 10d10 will roll 10 ten-sided dice.14:08
adarazshubbot: dice 2d1014:08
hubbotadarazs: 3 and 514:08
adarazs!eightball Will it rain today?14:08
hubbotadarazs: No chance.14:08
openstackadarazs: Error: "eightball" is not a valid command.14:08
adarazshubbot: roulette14:09
hubbotadarazs: *click*14:09
adarazsphew. (it's russian roulette :)14:09
quiquell|ruckRise of the Robots again !!!14:12
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-pike-branch, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, (1 more message)14:15
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rlandytrown: side question ... you removed the ZUUL_CHANGES from the etherpad in env_to_src?14:28
trownrlandy: ya that is not the place to inject it, and the patch I needed merged now14:28
rlandynot needed - right - see the merge - ok14:29
trownrlandy: for quickstart/extras/tripleo-ci changes have to be exported before running nodepool-setup14:29
weshayarxcruz, you here?14:46
arxcruzweshay: yes14:47
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kopecmartinarxcruz, how is it with the meeting? the link seems to be occupied :)15:03
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arxcruzkopecmartin: i think we can skip for today, since chandankumar isn't here and we already update the cards :)15:09
kopecmartinkopecmartin, agree15:09
weshayquiquell|off, panda|rover looks like queens can promote in rdo215:13
weshayquiquell|off, panda|rover config looks good, so it should promote when the promoter frees up15:15
weshayrdo2 aint so bad :)15:16
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panda|rovertrown: rlandy, all gates on POC passed, approved, moving card to complete15:50
rlandyack- thanks15:50
trownnice thanks15:50
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-pike-branch, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, (1 more message)16:15
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rlandytrown|lunch: "overcloud_deploy_result": "passed" !!!!17:38
rlandy+(/opt/stack/tripleo-ci/ echo 'Run completed'17:44
rlandyRun completed17:44
rlandypanda|rover: ^^ fs10 - verified17:44
rlandysome dns and probably keys tweaks needed17:45
panda|roverrlandy: you verified the basic POC ?17:46
rlandypanda|rover: ack17:46
rlandywith trown|lunch's help17:46
panda|roverrlandy: good!17:47
panda|roverready for the real work now :P17:47
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weshaybah.. /me hates EURO RUCK ROVERS18:20
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trownrlandy: nice one18:21
rlandytrown: I think the deployment behaves better when you are watching it :)18:21
trownif only I could just watch every CI job all the time18:22
trownalthough that does not seem to be the case on my minidell :P18:23
rlandytrown: I think this task ''TASK [nodepool-setup : Wait for provisioned hosts to become reachable]' fails because it just doesn't wait long enough18:46
rlandythe nodes are ssh available about a minute after the task bails18:46
rlandyactually scratch that  - subnode-0 is - subnode-1 hit the same issue as a while back unreachable18:49
weshaytrown, we I delegate_to: localhost  it's not using the default ansible_user I'm running with18:52
weshayit's using the user specified in the play18:52
weshaytrying to override w/ become_user: foo18:53
weshayis also not working18:53
weshayI need become: true become_user: foo18:53
trownya you do18:53
weshayhrm.. k18:53
* weshay tries that18:53
weshaydoesn't work :(((((18:54
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weshaytrown, check this out
weshay- name: Create virthost access key18:57
weshay  delegate_to: localhost18:57
weshay  become: true18:57
weshay  become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"18:57
weshay  command: >18:57
weshay    ssh-keygen -f {{ virt_host_key }} -N ''18:57
weshay    -C 'ansible_generated_virt_host'18:57
weshay    -t rsa -b 409618:57
weshay  args:18:57
weshay    creates: "{{ virt_host_key }}"18:57
weshayah I see why18:58
weshaysomething w/ "{{ ansible_user }}"18:58
weshaybecome: true19:05
weshay  become_user: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['ansible_user'] }}"19:05
weshayis the way19:05
weshaytrown, fyi ^19:05
trownah makes sense19:06
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-pike-branch, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, (1 more message)20:15
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rlandytrown: looking at sshnaidm|off's patch, it looks like updating packages requires the reboot.20:41
rlandyis there any point in updating packages if we skip the reboot?20:41
rlandyif not, the solution is not a great idea20:41
rlandyto run w/o updated packages20:42
rlandyI would rather edit the resolv.conf again that not update pckages20:42
trownoh right for kernel updates...20:43
rlandyyeah - so skipping the reboot is bad20:43
trownunless we move the update to virt-customize before the vms ever boot20:44
trownthen we only do it once as well20:44
trownrather than once per subnode20:44
rlandythat is a better idea20:45
rlandylooking into assigning external dns server20:46
rlandytrown: btw ... added ' WIP: Add external DNS server to the /etc/resolv.conf' so we don't forget that change while working on another20:47
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP.22:15
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