hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container | check logs @ a | 00:20 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container | check logs @ a | 02:20 |
myoung | panda|bbl, quiquell|off: (reminder) please update @29 w/ CI status prior to the #tripleo meeting tomorrow @ 1400 UTC | 03:20 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 04:20 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 06:20 |
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ykarel | chandankumar, arxcruz is breaking ocata, please check | 06:41 |
ykarel | | 06:41 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, ^^ | 06:42 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: A lot of stuff is going on, give a few minutes | 06:42 |
ykarel | np | 06:42 |
ykarel | take ur time | 06:43 |
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arxcruz | quiquell|rover: don't worry, i'm on it | 06:50 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: New master blocker of the day :-/ | 06:53 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1766493 in tripleo "Building kolla openstack-base No package python2-positional available" [Critical,New] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell) | 06:53 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, i think this should be tracked under the bug proposed yesterday | 06:53 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: Also I am rover now, so I will look into it too (or at least learn howto). | 06:53 |
ykarel | proposed/reported | 06:54 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: the neutron-base or the mirroring ? | 06:54 |
ykarel | mirroring one | 06:54 |
ykarel | gperftools | 06:54 |
quiquell|rover | They have just push gperftools | 06:54 |
quiquell|rover | Nothing to do with this one | 06:54 |
quiquell|rover | They will have to add also python2-positional ? | 06:55 |
ykarel | yes but similar to gperftools, positional is also missed | 06:55 |
ykarel | yes | 06:55 |
quiquell|rover | Ohhh, I will relate to the other | 06:55 |
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ykarel | i pinged amoralej|off to check this when he is available | 06:55 |
quiquell|rover | Is good to have both bugs open | 06:55 |
quiquell|rover | Ok, will go back to rover duties | 06:55 |
ykarel | okk | 06:55 |
quiquell|rover | Thanks ykarel | 06:55 |
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arxcruz | chandankumar: do we have stestr in pike ? | 07:03 |
arxcruz | ykarel: i think it's also breaking newton | 07:03 |
ykarel | arxcruz, yes it should, but i haven't checked logs | 07:04 |
ykarel | in pike i saw stestr there | 07:04 |
ykarel | | 07:04 |
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arxcruz | pike is ok | 07:05 |
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arxcruz | ykarel: | 07:09 |
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ykarel | arxcruz, you forgot to remove it from the list in previous task | 07:10 |
arxcruz | god dammit! | 07:10 |
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arxcruz | done | 07:11 |
ykarel | arxcruz, so os-testr not required in newton/ocata? | 07:12 |
arxcruz | ykarel: nope, it's a new package introduced in whatever version to replace testr | 07:12 |
arxcruz | initially was wrapping testr, but now it's completly independent | 07:12 |
arxcruz | chandankumar can tell more about it i might be wrong in the details | 07:12 |
ykarel | okk | 07:12 |
ykarel | ack | 07:13 |
arxcruz | sshnaidm|off: if you don't mind | 07:13 |
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chandankumar | arxcruz: yup, I have added it in pike | 07:17 |
chandankumar | arxcruz: where os-testr >= 1.0.0 is used stestr is there | 07:18 |
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amoralej | ykarel, quiquell|rover | 07:54 |
amoralej | ykarel, quiquell|rover i'm running locally build-containers with patch for kolla | 07:57 |
ykarel | amoralej, ack | 07:58 |
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quiquell|rover | amoralej: ack | 08:08 |
quiquell|rover | Adding it to the bug | 08:08 |
amoralej | quiquell|rover, i did it | 08:08 |
amoralej | when is next periodic run? | 08:08 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 08:20 |
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ykarel | amoralej, next periodic is in next 3 hours | 08:41 |
ykarel | 12:10 UTC | 08:41 |
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panda|bbl | quiquell|rover: morning, do we have a bug for this ? | 09:25 |
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quiquell|rover | Good morning | 09:25 |
quiquell|rover | | 09:27 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1765975 in tripleo "ssh timeout in tempest basic ops scen007 gate jobs" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel) | 09:27 |
quiquell|rover | Check if it covers it | 09:27 |
quiquell|rover | A have update the etherpad | 09:27 |
quiquell|rover | | 09:27 |
quiquell|rover | It's all yours now | 09:27 |
panda|ruck | yay | 09:28 |
panda|ruck | !gatestatus | 09:30 |
openstack | panda|ruck: Error: "gatestatus" is not a valid command. | 09:30 |
hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 09:30 |
panda|ruck | mmh, zuul queue is at 15 hours, but gates seem fine | 09:32 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: The mirror problem from yesterday has prevent people from merging | 09:37 |
quiquell|rover | so the queues are piled up with stuff to do | 09:37 |
panda|ruck | ah, ok. | 09:38 |
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panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: after cleaning dowstream tenat did you launch test jobs for rhos-12 ? | 09:48 |
quiquell|rover | We are still unable to clean up | 09:48 |
quiquell|rover | Can not delete the stack, I am opening another ticket | 09:49 |
quiquell|rover | I can remove by hand all the stacks stuff | 09:49 |
quiquell|rover | btw do you know what kind of ticket do we have to open here ? | 09:49 |
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quiquell|rover | | 09:50 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: Do we have any meeting today ? | 09:50 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: yes | 09:51 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: TripleO at 14 UTC, TOCI community right after (optional) | 09:52 |
amoralej | quiquell|rover, panda|ruck wrt i think we can wait for and | 09:52 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1766493 in tripleo "Building kolla openstack-base No package python2-positional available" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell) | 09:52 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: TripleO is on IRC | 09:52 |
amoralej | i'd prefer not to revert rocky bootstrap deps | 09:52 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: even if if stack are not deleted, resources may be free | 09:54 |
panda|ruck | amoralej: consider gate queue is at 15 hours now, and you still need reviews. So it may take one day to merge those | 09:56 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: Let's open the ticket, maybe one resource is ok but another is not | 09:56 |
amoralej | panda|ruck, not, it's not tripleo gate | 09:56 |
amoralej | it should go fast i think | 09:56 |
panda|ruck | oh kolla | 09:56 |
amoralej | yes, kolla and rdoinfo | 09:57 |
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panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: well, nevermind, downstream tenant is currently stuck | 10:04 |
panda|ruck | ah, no , only the images "unable to get" | 10:04 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: cleaning up the networks | 10:05 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: I have also open the ticket, in case we found more problems | 10:06 |
quiquell|rover | Let me know when the network cleanup is finished I will launch the job | 10:06 |
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quiquell | panda|ruck: is just missing the +1w ? | 10:17 |
panda|ruck | quiquell: no, it's missing also the two +2 | 10:17 |
quiquell | Yes, I mean if some timestamp is still missing | 10:18 |
quiquell | Or just the approval | 10:18 |
panda|ruck | quiquell: I think we have all now | 10:20 |
quiquell | Ok will try to move it | 10:20 |
hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 10:20 |
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panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: Done network cleanup, I had to manually remove interfaces from routers | 10:23 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: also deleted all the stacks | 10:26 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: mmhh, nevermind the last phrase | 10:26 |
quiquell|rover | stacks are screw | 10:26 |
quiquell|rover | Cool will start job | 10:27 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: ok, was able to delete stack | 10:27 |
quiquell|rover | sure ? | 10:27 |
quiquell|rover | I see a lot of DELETE_FAILED | 10:28 |
quiquell|rover | It's the rhos-dev-ci tenant ? | 10:28 |
quiquell|rover | But resource will be ok | 10:29 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: all stacks deleted | 10:29 |
quiquell|rover | Didn't them give you problems with volumes ? | 10:31 |
quiquell|rover | I will close the case | 10:31 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: I see not volumes | 10:32 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: no* | 10:32 |
quiquell|rover | Weird ok | 10:32 |
quiquell|rover | better | 10:32 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: maybe there was some cleanup already for the volumes. I also had to remove manually the networks and suspend the stack before deleting them | 10:32 |
quiquell|rover | Job started | 10:32 |
panda|ruck | ok, let's see if we can restore finally the job | 10:33 |
quiquell|rover | Maybe there were something in progress | 10:33 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: Have just star it, without using gerrit | 10:33 |
quiquell|rover | It's that ok ? | 10:33 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: from jenkins directly ? | 10:35 |
quiquell|rover | "Build Now" | 10:36 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: ok, I'm not sure you need to change something in the main builder to make it work without a change to check | 10:36 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: Let's see if it works | 10:41 |
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ykarel | panda|ruck, hi | 10:51 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: hey | 10:51 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, can you check why phase 1 is not promoting for: 5466f249bd36900a1dac573cdc83e7a11493aea2_0c8f7f95 | 10:51 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, all required jobs passed yesterday only: | 10:52 |
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panda|ruck | ykarel: it's removed from the promotion criteria | 11:01 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: it detects that that hash is older than the one currently promoted | 11:01 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck: How can we test this ? | 11:04 |
quiquell|rover | It's a revert on the Force TCG now that we have the logs | 11:04 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, but the hash is from 22nd and current promoted is from 21st, no? | 11:05 |
panda|ruck | quiquell|rover: there's no easy way to test those, we don't have a stagin area for our scripts | 11:06 |
quiquell|rover | We have to break CI and the unbreak it to have it ? | 11:07 |
quiquell|rover | panda|ruck, ykarel: do you know if the logs are still necessary for ? | 11:08 |
openstack | bug 1565179 in qemu-kvm-rhev "qemu-kvm fails when run with -machine accel=kvm:tcg nested KVM" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to pbonzini | 11:08 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, yes logs are required from Compute node | 11:08 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: I sede 5644 has timestamp 1524473301 which is Mon Apr 23 08:48:21 UTC 2018 | 11:09 |
quiquell|rover | ok | 11:09 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, looks like dmanchand forgot to add logs | 11:09 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, looks like some issue then, it's not promoting from yesterday itself | 11:10 |
ykarel | so something is wrong with timestamp | 11:10 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: currently promoted has Mon Apr 23 10:37:42 UTC 2018 | 11:11 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: f69480243f6475757f72af1fb1eecac9a1327c4d_035e37fd | 11:12 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: But I see they have already the so we are good | 11:13 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: you're looking into it, or I can start to poke around ? | 11:15 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, f694 is from 21 | 11:15 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: this is what the timestamp says | 11:15 |
panda|ruck | is tehre any way to reset the timestamp ? | 11:16 |
panda|ruck | maybe a manual promotion | 11:16 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, no idea | 11:17 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, those 2 were different issues | 11:20 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: Ups, ok | 11:25 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 12:20 |
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rlandy | quiquell|rover: are you all set with the stack deletion on ci-rhos now? | 12:38 |
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quiquell|rover | rlandy: Yep | 12:40 |
quiquell|rover | rlandy: I have try to run the tqe rhos-12 without gerrit but with no luck | 12:41 |
quiquell|rover | Do I need to review a change to run it ? | 12:41 |
rlandy | quiquell|rover: what do you mean 'without gerrit'? | 12:42 |
rlandy | just kick a run? | 12:42 |
rlandy | sure you can - through jenkins | 12:43 |
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quiquell|rover | "Build now" fails at gerrit | 12:45 |
quiquell|rover | at git fetchin I mean | 12:45 |
quiquell|rover | Failed to fetch from ssh:// | 12:46 |
rlandy | you need to set up another POC job that does not use gerit | 12:46 |
* rlandy looks if I have one | 12:46 | |
quiquell|rover | I can do a new one copy this and removing gerrit | 12:48 |
rlandy | quiquell|rover: pretty much ... you can recreate or hack up and use: | 12:49 |
quiquell|rover | rlandy: Cool thanks will try | 12:50 |
rlandy | I don't need that jobs anymore | 12:50 |
myoung | quiquell|rover, panda|ruck|lunch, thx for updating status | 12:53 |
rlandy | trown; are your overcloud deployments succeeding? mine are failing with "" "Error: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install ntp' returned 1: Error downloading packages:", when I use the supersede change over the append change | 12:53 |
trown | rlandy: not sure my env is a good litmus at this point... I have just been deploying over snapshots trying to figure out this fs037 thing | 12:54 |
trown | rlandy: and that deploy fails still | 12:55 |
rlandy | trown: ok - np - I'll go back to append and see if it complete | 12:55 |
rlandy | I need to run through a few more test scenarios with reproducer anyways | 12:55 |
trown | k, I was going to spend the morning on fs037 because I think I am close to figuring it out, but then I will update my snapshot patch to add in the reproducer script integration | 12:57 |
myoung | trown: I signed up to help QE, do you have a min this morning to quickly sync? | 12:57 |
trown | myoung: might be easier to QE after the reproducer script integration part is up in the review | 12:57 |
quiquell|rover | rlandy: Maybe we can add a checking script for rhos-dev-ci that runs on jenkins and disabled it if it's full | 12:57 |
myoung | trown: ack, I'll work on something else for now | 12:58 |
quiquell|rover | Do the cleanup and then re-enabled it | 12:58 |
rlandy | quiquell|rover: I'd rather run a cron that cleans up old jobs | 12:58 |
rlandy | really, mostly they are cleaned up | 12:58 |
rlandy | if you experiment there, manual clean up is required | 12:59 |
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rlandy | trown: btw ... getting rid of cloud-init did reduce the reboot time. | 13:40 |
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ykarel | panda|ruck, any update for 5466f249bd36900a1dac573cdc83e7a11493aea2_0c8f7f95, manual promotion or skipping it? | 13:52 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: manual promotion may be the only option, changing timestamps requires changes to the database, not sure what happened with the promotio order | 13:54 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, manual promotion would be ok then, please do | 13:55 |
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rlandy | panda|ruck: where are we running fs003? | 14:02 |
rlandy | I am testing the reproducer | 14:02 |
rlandy | and can do a run with a singlenode job | 14:02 |
panda|ruck | rlandy: upstream multinode | 14:03 |
panda|ruck | rlandy: well, singlenode | 14:03 |
rlandy | panda|ruck: so iiuc, the requirement would be to keep the nodes_file the same | 14:03 |
rlandy | and just switch the fs? | 14:03 |
panda|ruck | rlandy: yes, if we don't want to parametrize the number of nodes, we'll keep the overhead | 14:04 |
* rlandy looks at job | 14:04 | |
rlandy | let's analyze this | 14:04 |
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rlandy | panda|ruck: ok - so I don't see it (fs003) explicitly listed - I see scenario003 and tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode◆ tripleo-ci-centos-7-nonha-multinode-oooq | 14:08 |
rlandy | which one am I reproducing here | 14:09 |
panda|ruck | rlandy: where are you looking ? | 14:09 |
rlandy | | 14:09 |
rlandy | I see undercloud jobs | 14:09 |
rlandy | ◆ tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers | 14:09 |
rlandy | ◆ tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-oooq | 14:09 |
rlandy | fs027 | 14:10 |
rlandy | what am I missing here? | 14:10 |
panda|ruck | undercloud-oooq should be fs003 | 14:10 |
rlandy | oh I see | 14:11 |
rlandy | | 14:11 |
rlandy | no so explicit from the name | 14:11 |
rlandy | got it now | 14:11 |
quiquell|rover | ykarel: Can we close this ? | 14:11 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1766195 in tripleo "Error installing fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter at pike" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell) | 14:11 |
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myoung | o/ CI community meeting starts soon, immediately following #tripleo meeting (in progress) ==>, (agenda) | 14:15 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 14:20 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, should wait for the next periodic run | 14:23 |
quiquell|rover | Ok | 14:23 |
ykarel | also i noticed fs20 in pike is failing randomly with similar failures related to nova-compute, so it would be good to track and fix it, is there already a bug for it | 14:24 |
ykarel | quiquell|rover, panda|ruck ^^ | 14:24 |
panda|ruck | arxcruz: ping | 14:26 |
arxcruz | panda|ruck: pong | 14:27 |
panda|ruck | arxcruz: let's talk about featureset021 | 14:27 |
arxcruz | panda|ruck: sure | 14:27 |
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sshnaidm | panda|ruck, I don't think 021 is relevant anymore, but we need some jobs to gate python-tempestconf and tempest | 14:28 |
panda|ruck | arxcruz: what does it do , and can we remove it ? | 14:28 |
sshnaidm | arxcruz, chandankumar ^^ | 14:28 |
ykarel | ahh so same failure is in fs002 pike so it's a real issue | 14:28 |
arxcruz | panda|ruck: here on irc, or bj or what ? | 14:28 |
chandankumar | sshnaidm: we will be replacing with containerized uc job there, but we can keep till we get the job up | 14:29 |
panda|ruck | arxcruz: here on IRC, still in trpleo meeting, but we can extend in the community meeting | 14:29 |
arxcruz | panda|ruck: up to you | 14:30 |
panda|ruck | chandankumar: isn't there any working job that is currently working ? | 14:30 |
chandankumar | panda|ruck: apart from f21, there is no other job against tempest | 14:31 |
chandankumar | on tempestconf there is a tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode job there | 14:32 |
panda|ruck | chandankumar: not other OVB job is running tempest consistently ? | 14:32 |
panda|ruck | chandankumar: so we can use that one instead ? | 14:33 |
chandankumar | panda|ruck: yup, we can use that | 14:33 |
chandankumar | tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode as third party due to time limition against tempest | 14:33 |
sshnaidm | panda|ruck, why not to convert 021 to be containers-based? | 14:34 |
chandankumar | sshnaidm: panda|ruck this one is coming f060 is coming for the same | 14:34 |
sshnaidm | chandankumar, neither tempest nor tempestconf have branches, right? | 14:35 |
chandankumar | sshnaidm: correct | 14:35 |
sshnaidm | chandankumar, does it make sense to run there branchful jobs like fs001 with ocata, pike, etc..? | 14:36 |
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panda|ruck | sshnaidm: chandankumar: can we talk in the communitiy meeteing ? | 14:37 |
sshnaidm | panda|ruck, is it now? | 14:37 |
panda|ruck | sshnaidm: yes, it's rgith after tripleo meeting , whenever it ends | 14:38 |
sshnaidm | panda|ruck, I think it's ended | 14:38 |
panda|ruck | sshnaidm: yes it is | 14:38 |
chandankumar | sshnaidm: but it is not going to gates the tempest changes na? As it is picking the stuff from tempest rpm, for each release we have pinned stuff to a known version in | 14:38 |
chandankumar | for tempest and tempestconf | 14:39 |
panda|ruck | myoung: | 14:39 |
sshnaidm | chandankumar, yeah, only for checking if nothing is broken in previous releases.. | 14:39 |
sshnaidm | chandankumar, I'm not sure something could be broken, just a thought | 14:40 |
sshnaidm | chandankumar, because we have branchful jobs in tripleo-ci and oooq for example, just to check that we are ok with previous branches | 14:41 |
chandankumar | sshnaidm: it would be useful when we bump a tag for tempest for a particular release | 14:41 |
chandankumar | sshnaidm: let's try it, how it goes, if things will not work, we can revert it | 14:41 |
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chandankumar | panda|ruck: meeting link | 14:42 |
adarazs | panda|ruck: are you going to be able to join myoung and me for the hubbot setup walkthrough? | 14:42 |
arxcruz | | 14:43 |
arxcruz | panda|ruck: myoung ^ | 14:43 |
panda|ruck | sshnaidm: chandankumar | 14:43 |
myoung | arxcruz: ya i know we have sova, but again my point was it's not *focused* on a particular promotion attempt (for a given hash, at a given phase). e.g. , if you're a developer looking for "what's blocking promotion" - you have to know what you're looking at, and cross-ref with the textual promotion logs | 14:47 |
myoung | ^^ just mean there's an opportunity for better / groovier dashboards | 14:47 |
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adarazs | panda|ruck: another question: is there a way to deploy only a specific server with infra-setup besides deleting the others from ci-config/ci-scripts/infra-setup/tenant_vars/tripleo-infra/servers.yml | 14:55 |
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panda|ruck | adarazs: no .. I thought it needed to be idempotent, install everything, delete none | 14:59 |
panda|ruck | adarazs: omg, that's you in the meeting room with wes | 15:00 |
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panda|ruck | myoung: etherpadman | 15:09 |
panda|ruck | behold! the etherpadman! | 15:09 |
panda|ruck | you get a etherpad, you get a etherpad! | 15:09 |
myoung | | 15:09 |
myoung | :) | 15:10 |
* myoung is just trying to get his TCness on | 15:10 | |
rlandy | panda|ruck: supersede is not working for my testing - I am putting in a new patch to run again with append | 15:10 |
panda|ruck | ... | 15:10 |
panda|ruck | what's in the resolv.conf after the dhcp finishes ? | 15:11 |
rlandy | just | 15:11 |
rlandy | needs the original entry | 15:11 |
rlandy | which refers to the virthost | 15:11 |
rlandy | I am testing fs003 | 15:12 |
panda|ruck | why does it need the original entry ? | 15:12 |
panda|ruck | rlandy: in a meeting now, can we chat a bit more later on this ? there's still something I don't get sorry | 15:13 |
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ykarel | panda|ruck, queens phase1 promotion started for a new hash | 15:23 |
ykarel | 2018-04-24 15:19:35,555 6812 INFO promoter Promoting the container images for dlrn hash fee47ee9af3d38834c33bec31694f4be6b0c4396 on queens to current-tripleo-rdo | 15:23 |
ykarel | so we can skip the previous one | 15:23 |
panda|ruck | ykarel: yeah, sorry, I had a stream of meeting, and wanted to check first that nothing was running | 15:23 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, np | 15:24 |
ykarel | panda|ruck, i saw there are failures in pike jobs from last few days, please check those | 15:25 |
ykarel | once you are free with other stuffs | 15:25 |
* ykarel leaving | 15:25 | |
panda|ruck | ykarel: thanks, I'll look | 15:26 |
ykarel | ahh promotion jobs not started for master and queens at 12:10 UTC | 15:27 |
ykarel | amoralej, is this because of that fs037 job? | 15:27 |
amoralej | ykarel, yes | 15:28 |
amoralej | ykarel, let me check i replied too fast | 15:28 |
amoralej | ykarel, yes, at that time previous run hadn't finished yet because of the fs037 job | 15:29 |
ykarel | Okk, so we are clear for next run | 15:29 |
amoralej | ykarel, anyway we need for master | 15:30 |
amoralej | ykarel, did we get promotion in queens in last run? | 15:30 |
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ykarel | amoralej, need to check | 15:30 |
amoralej | yeah, we did | 15:30 |
amoralej | | 15:30 |
adarazs | %gatestatus | 15:32 |
hubbot` | adarazs: Missing value for config sshCommand, changeID, changeURL. Use 'config plugins.GateStatus.<config_name> <value>' to setup this plugin. Check 'config help plugins.GateStatus.<config_name>' for detailed help and 'config list plugins.GateStatus' for all available variables. | 15:32 |
ykarel | amoralej, for fee47ee9af3d38834c33bec31694f4be6b0c4396, promoter is currently running | 15:35 |
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ykarel | this hash is from 23rd | 15:35 |
ykarel | i rechecked the phase1 scenario004 after poi patch merged | 15:36 |
ykarel | amoralej, so we need kolla patch and for that have to clear current FTBFS: | 15:38 |
amoralej | ykarel, yes | 15:40 |
ykarel | it would be good if we are consistent before next run | 15:40 |
ykarel | amoralej, can you clear that | 15:41 |
adarazs | %gatestatus | 15:41 |
hubbot` | FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master @ | 15:41 |
amoralej | i'm checking the nova one | 15:41 |
ykarel | okk | 15:41 |
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panda|ruck | rlandy: you have time for a small chat ? | 15:49 |
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rlandy | panda|ruck: sec - juts logging results from fs003 run | 15:49 |
rlandy | just | 15:49 |
panda|ruck | adarazs: Ill ping you tomorrow morning with some questions on the review | 15:52 |
myoung | rasca: you still around/avail? | 15:52 |
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rasca | myoung, for short, but yes! | 15:53 |
myoung | same..come back, weshay and I are here | 15:53 |
myoung | | 15:53 |
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rlandy | panda|ruck: k - I have a passing test with using append | 15:58 |
rlandy | to confirm., I am going to try supersede with the same fs and hash | 15:59 |
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panda|ruck | rlandy: you want to wait for those results before chatting ? | 16:05 |
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rlandy | panda|ruck: yes - this will be a direct comparison | 16:09 |
panda|ruck | %gatecheck | 16:10 |
hubbot` | panda|ruck: Error: "gatecheck" is not a valid command. | 16:10 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 16:21 |
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rlandy | hmmm ... scratch that | 17:09 |
rlandy | seems ok | 17:09 |
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rlandy | trown|lunch: we're good on singlenode fs003 | 17:38 |
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trown | rlandy: nice. I got fs037 working this morning | 17:55 |
trown | it is iptables... I am making a patch for nodepool setup role | 17:56 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 18:21 |
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rlandy | trown: good to hear | 18:26 |
rlandy | trown: wrt testing cards, should we move those to 'In progress'? | 18:28 |
rlandy | fs010 has been tested a bunch | 18:28 |
rlandy | you're on fs037 | 18:29 |
rlandy | and I'm on fs003 | 18:29 |
trown | rlandy: ya, I think maybe we should just leave them and hope somebody besides us tests them | 18:29 |
* trown is not really sure | 18:29 | |
rlandy | I'm fine with that until Thursday | 18:29 |
rlandy | if nobody claims them by then | 18:29 |
rlandy | we can move | 18:29 |
trown | I am only on fs037 because I was using it to test my snapshotting, and in the process figured out the issue that plagued me all last sprint | 18:30 |
trown | I guess one of the other services (not present in keystone-only) properly sets up iptables as does proper nodepool | 18:31 |
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trown | rlandy: myoung would you prefer I make a new etherpad for snapshot? or just add to the bottom of what we have going for the rest? | 18:33 |
rlandy | trown: whatever works for you | 18:34 |
rlandy | I am ready to test when you have the instructions available | 18:34 |
rlandy | I am just updating the last of my reviews | 18:34 |
trown | ok, I can put up some quick instructions, updated WIP patch just now | 18:34 |
trown | I will make a new etherpad, but link from the old one and the card | 18:35 |
rlandy | trown: cool - will take a look while my last reproducer check is running | 18:42 |
trown | rlandy: ok put up please dont hesitate to reach out if something doesnt work | 18:56 |
rlandy | trown: k - looking - also I updated the doc for the libvirt option - - let me know if you think something is missing | 18:57 |
rlandy | trown: if the snapshot option should be available in the reproducer, we will have to doc/add that | 18:58 |
trown | rlandy: ya, I plan to add it on top of your patch | 19:01 |
trown | rlandy: ya your patch looks good, just waiting for CI to produce one I can try out | 19:02 |
rlandy | sure | 19:02 |
rlandy | trown: myoung: panda|ruck|off: weshay: just fyi - will be out tomorrow morning - have to attend a funeral of a dear friend | 19:03 |
trown | rlandy: :( sorry to hear that | 19:04 |
trown | rlandy: I have been through that, though thankfully not recently, maybe you should take the whole day? | 19:04 |
rlandy | trown: thanks - idk - will see how it goes. the poor girl had a double lung transplant that did not succeed - so I am sure her family will have lots of support upfront that day. I'll probably go spend more time there later. | 19:06 |
trown | is the patch to make fs037 work btw, testing it now on a fresh environment | 19:06 |
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trown | rlandy: cool, we will be ok here in any case :), do what you need to do | 19:07 |
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myoung | trown, rlandy: I'm back now, giving the etherpads a look. re: etherpads I'm fine with whatever makes sense. | 19:23 |
trown | myoung: k, opted to keep it seperate since it is optional, and really could be performed anywhere in the workflow | 19:24 |
myoung | rlandy: sorry to hear about your news, please prioritize self :( | 19:24 |
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rlandy | myoung: thanks | 19:44 |
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hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 20:21 |
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rlandy | ugh - not sure why just sometimes vms are unreachable | 20:35 |
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rlandy | trown: +100 on having libvirt_volume_path be a variable | 20:48 |
rlandy | I have been making that correct to my scripts all along | 20:48 |
trown | rlandy: ya it is just copied from other role, but I put it that way in the etherpad for you :) | 20:49 |
rlandy | much appreciated :) | 20:49 |
trown | my nodepool-setup patch for fs037 works \o/ | 20:50 |
rlandy | need to update the original work to allow that - will put up a patch | 20:50 |
rlandy | woohoo | 20:50 |
rlandy | we're three for three on the fs!!! | 20:50 |
rlandy | snapshot under test now | 20:50 |
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rlandy | trown: is it a requirement for libvirt workflow to use .quickstart as the workspace? | 20:52 |
rlandy | in keeping with the reproducer, I have ignored that | 20:52 |
rlandy | using the workspace the reproducer creates - which wfm | 20:52 |
trown | no it should work either way | 20:53 |
trown | i actually need to figure out what in the reproducer script is broken with that option... I always have to manually edit it | 20:54 |
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rlandy | hmmm ... I have no snapshots listed | 20:56 |
rlandy | oh I do | 20:56 |
trown | ya they wont show up in virsh | 20:56 |
rlandy | yeah - I see them in dir | 20:57 |
rlandy | -rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 6094848 Apr 24 16:55 subnode-0.qcow2 | 20:57 |
rlandy | -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 10757865472 Apr 24 16:51 subnode-0.qcow2.bak | 20:57 |
rlandy | -rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 5963776 Apr 24 16:56 subnode-1.qcow2 | 20:57 |
rlandy | -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 10773463040 Apr 24 16:51 subnode-1.qcow2.bak | 20:57 |
rlandy | ta da!! | 20:57 |
rlandy | hello snapshots | 20:57 |
trown | and if you do "qemu-img info subnode-0.qcow2" it should show that the .bak is a backing file for it | 20:57 |
rlandy | backing file: /home/temp/images/subnode-0.qcow2.bak | 20:58 |
rlandy | indeed it does | 20:58 |
rlandy | ok - that part works | 20:58 |
rlandy | let's retore | 20:58 |
rlandy | restore | 20:58 |
* myoung is behind you two...will be onto second etherpad (snapshots) in a bit | 20:59 | |
rlandy | myoung: I have my reproducer already edited so it's quicker for me to get to the start point | 20:59 |
* myoung nods | 21:00 | |
rlandy | ok - let's deploy and then restore | 21:00 |
trown | have a good night folks | 21:02 |
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rlandy | myoung: cleaning up tenant - will be back on this in a bit | 21:08 |
myoung | trown|outtypewww: cya | 21:08 |
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myoung | rlandy, trown|outtypewww: iterating and guessing I'm hitting what yall hit last week. tracking issues in the etherpad. | 21:55 |
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rlandy | myoung: worked for me | 22:17 |
rlandy | what issues are you hitting? | 22:17 |
rlandy | with the snapshots? | 22:17 |
rlandy | you may need some of the patches I put out | 22:18 |
hubbot | FAILING CHECK JOBS: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master-nv, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal | check logs @ and fix them ASAP. | 22:21 |
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myoung | rlandy: just getting the POC stuff working | 22:48 |
myoung | rlandy: mostly things like packages being present, stack user created, etc. | 23:05 |
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