Friday, 2018-05-11

hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)00:07
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)02:07
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch,  (2 more messages)04:07
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch,  (2 more messages)06:07
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ykarelquiquell, hi06:31
quiquellHi ykarel06:31
ykarelquiquell, do you know how to hold vms06:32
ykareli mean vms in ci job06:32
quiquellYou mean puse them ?06:32
quiquellOr shelve them06:32
quiquellWhat do you want to do ?06:32
ykarelquiquell, so vms get destroyed once job finishes, i want to keep them to debug06:32
quiquellYou can try shelve06:33
quiquellIt generates a snapshot and do a stop06:33
quiquellI don't know if th snapshot get destroy when the image vm get destroy06:33
ykarelOk, afaik there is a better method06:34
quiquellykarel: I have only using manually at my stuff06:34
ykarellet's wait for amoralej|off then06:35
quiquellykarel: You can manually shutdown and download the image too06:35
quiquellwith manually I  mean in the script06:36
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ykarelanyway i don't have access to ci tenant06:38
quiquellykarel: I have, what do you need ?06:38
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ykarelquiquell, i need to hold upstream-centos-7-rdo-cloud-tripleo-168566 and upstream-centos-7-rdo-cloud-tripleo-16809906:39
ykarelamoralej|off, ^^ when you are back06:39
quiquellLet me check06:39
ykareljobs are currently running so don't do an operation which can affect it06:40
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quiquellopenstack-nodepool will be the one having them06:41
quiquellok got them06:42
quiquell| af9cbdb8-58b6-4287-90c2-9dd2607c56bd | upstream-centos-7-rdo-cloud-tripleo-168566              | ACTIVE  | provision-7780=; public-7780=; private=,                                                                                                              | template-upstream-centos-7-1525947227 | ci.m1.nodepool |06:42
quiquellYou need to download the image of it ?06:43
ykarelquiquell, downloading it currently will not work for me06:43
quiquellWhat do you need ?06:43
ykarelthese jobs are failing at TASK [modify-image : Run virt-customize on the provided image]06:44
ykareland i need file06:45
quiquellIt's not saved after finish ?06:45
ykarelwhich is not available due to
ykarelsee my comment ^^06:46
ykarelso if we can hold vm, we can check that log file and debug06:46
quiquellykarel: If we have the .pem file we can ssh it06:47
quiquellOr if user:password is allow06:47
ykarelyup, do you have priv key06:47
quiquellThis image is the undercloud ?06:47
quiquellLet me check if I have the .pem for nodepool instances06:48
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quiquellykarel: Have to leave know, let me check later on06:56
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ykarelquiquell|afk, ack06:57
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amoralejquiquell|afk, ykarel|afk i thought we fixed the
amoralejwe are still not getting it into the log server?07:24
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amoralejquiquell|afk, ykarel|afk i've put on hold07:32
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quiquellarxcruz: Do you know if we have access to the RDO jenkins slaves ?07:50
quiquellI have some pem files around but non of it is working07:50
arxcruzquiquell: not sure07:55
arxcruzquiquell: i think you need to talk with dmanchard if i recall correctly07:55
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pandajfrancoa: what time is the meeting ?08:05
jfrancoapanda: hey, it's a 15:30, are you available?08:06
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch,  (2 more messages)08:07
quiquellpanda: Good morning08:07
jfrancoapanda: I sent you the invitation to the event08:09
pandaquiquell: 'morning08:11
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quiquellpanda: Do you know if we have access to the RDO jenkins slaves ?08:15
quiquellI have some pems around but non works08:15
pandaquiquell: I don't think so, why do you need access to the slaves ?08:17
quiquellykarel|lunch: Need some log file, that are not saved08:17
quiquellA problem with this
quiquellPrevent from having08:18
pandaah, again with this08:20
pandayeah I see why it's not working08:20
pandano, to hae access to the slaves/undercloud you need to ask to put the job on hold, then ask to put a key there for you08:22
pandabut if the script is run with -e I need a ugly hack somewhere08:23
quiquellpanda: Ok, it's already on hold, ykarel|lunch will ask for it's key to be injected08:24
pandahm let's see if I can access there in some way08:24
pandaf ?08:24
panda1111 ?08:24
panda15 ?08:24
quiquellthere is on 0x08:25
pandapythonists don't need no 0x08:25
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pandaok they need it08:26
pandaugh 458 instances on the tenant08:29
pandawe need to launch the cleanup script08:30
pandaquiquell: what's the ip of the undercloud to access ?08:30
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ykarelamoralej, yup it was not fixed completely08:30
pandaykarel: after you finish with the node, we need to launch the cleanup script08:31
ykarelpanda, ack08:31
pandaamoralej: ykarel yes, if we launch the previous script with -e it stops everything else to be run, and the copy is skipped08:31
ykarelamoralej, have you looked to the isue?08:31
ykarelpanda, ack, it should be handled somehow08:32
ykarelto avoid holding a node08:32
pandathere is not clean way to copy this file, we need hacks08:32
ykarelas we are blank without the logs08:32
ykarelpanda, go on with the hacks :)08:32
pandaI hate hacks08:32
pandahacks are offsprings of bad design08:33
pandaand they are like gremlins in the water08:33
ykarelhmm, then we need to consider design again08:33
pandayou create one, 4 other are already in queue08:33
pandahacks are diseases08:33
pandahacks are the plague of humanity08:33
* panda dress as prophet for today08:34
pandano, undercloud nodes don't have the same keypair associated as the other nodes08:40
pandathey don't have any keipar associated08:40
pandanot sure if that is wanted08:41
amoralejykarel, panda
amoralejwe need to remove the hack for the supermin kernel08:48
amoralejyo hoy he borrado un nodo que puse ayer on hold08:48
amoralejcon nodepool08:48
amoralejes todo lo que he hecho08:48
ykarelOk, we can override the kernel for now08:49
amoralej^ wrong channel08:53
arxcruzamoralej: no te preocupa yo conpreendo09:04
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amoralejarxcruz, :)09:34
amoralejykarel, panda worked in my test in the holded node09:34
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ykarelamoralej, nice. amoralej is there a way to run only the failed jobs09:35
ykarelahh, so need to run all jobs then,09:36
ykarelanyway we only need 002 to pass this time09:38
amoralejykarel, falures in fs019 and 027 are known?09:43
ykarelamoralej, network issue09:43
ykarel1 failed with docker inspect and other mirror.rdocloud09:44
amoralejso, ykarel let's get merged first09:45
amoralejthen abort current jobs09:45
amoralejand reschedule09:45
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)10:07
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quiquellpanda: How strict are we with pep8 ?11:00
pandaquiquell: very11:03
quiquellDo we use tools like yapf ?11:03
quiquellTo autoformat ?11:03
pandaquiquell: never heard of it, I sometimes used autopep811:03
pandaquiquell: but pep8 is hard requirement for all projects uptream11:04
quiquellOk, that's cool11:04
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)12:07
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weshaymyoung|ruck, hey.. I'm in some mtgs this morning.. please focus on the image upload issue12:28
weshaypanda, will need ur help today12:28
weshayre: the promotion server12:28
weshayamoralej, ykarel thanks for poking at the jobs12:28
weshayamoralej, can you get us on the image server?12:29
pandaweshay: what do you need ?12:30
weshaypanda, so.. just a few minutes on tmate I suspect.. myself and others were unable to ssh to the promotion server12:31
pandaweshay: added your key now12:34
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rlandyquiquell: hello - thanks for your comments re: tox ...12:48
rlandydo you know how to kick tox tests in zuul outside of the jobs listed here:
rlandyI managed to get the tests to kick with zuul using the functional naming12:49
rlandyopenstack-tox directly did not work for me12:49
rlandytrown: ^^ do you know how to kick custom-named tests in tox?12:50
rlandyalso, I am going to limit the files that trigger the jobs to run12:50
trownrlandy: hmm no... maybe py27 makes more sense though?12:53
trownrlandy: py27 (and py35) are the typical unittest tox envs12:54
rlandytrown: that's fine - not really more descriptive12:54
rlandycan I make that switch12:54
rlandytrown: wrt, I removed any calls to tests in the patch - so it's just the dryrun option to be kick manually and creating the files to logs variables, release script output and playbook args. I am removing my w-1 and WIP as I think it we can review this on its own merit - unless you have any objections12:57
rlandyI'll looking into the custom tox names more13:00
trownrlandy: nope sounds good, I will re-review a bit later13:00
rlandycool - thanks13:00
trownrlandy: why do we want a custom name?13:00
rlandytrown: so it's unique to the script tests13:00
trowncustom name = custom job (to do the same thing as other projects unittest jobs)13:00
rlandyiiuc, calling py27 and py35 kicks the tests that are listed under those testenvs13:01
trownrlandy: I dont think we want that tbh... I think we just want to use the same format as other openstack projects13:01
trownrlandy: it does... but we dont have any unittests in tripleo-ci repo currently, so we are free to take it13:01
pandathey also have openstack-tox-linters13:01
trownpanda: ya this isnt a linter though13:01
rlandythat is a different matter13:02
trownit is python unittests13:02
rlandyI can add the linter in a separate review13:02
trownwhich are run via `tox -e py27` or `tox -e py35` in every other openstack project13:02
trownso we shouldnt diverge without a really good reason13:02
trownbecause that means we have to maintain our own job for it13:03
rlandywhen I did some testing though - w/o any tests listed in testenv:py27, I got no tests running13:03
rlandybut I will out back that change to discuss13:03
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trownrlandy: right you would have to change the testenv where we run pytest to "testenv:py27"13:03
trownrlandy: what im saying is that there is not currently any "testenv:py27" so we are free to take it13:04
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rlandyok - it's ours13:04
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rlandymakes it easier13:05
rlandywe want 27 and 35?13:05
rlandypanda: pls see comments above re: - it's just the standalone code for dryrun so I removed my WIP - I think we can review this independently now13:07
* rlandy fixes tox patch13:07
pandarlandy: ok13:08
pandarlandy: and you want to create a differnt one to add the linters env ?13:08
trownrlandy: ya we should make py35 tests too ... no reason to be writing python code that cant run on python3 at this stage13:10
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trownpanda: what kind of linters env? pep8?13:11
trownpanda: that exists... but actually fails in the testenv broker code... easy fix though13:11
pandatrown: I don't think we have decided, I was thinking pylint too, but we have to configure it to not annoy us too much13:12
rlandyeasy enough to add the call to the linters test13:12
pandatrown: does the script invocation looks anything like this ?
rlandybut we had not addressed the linter card yet13:12
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pandatrown: sorry
rlandypanda: either way, we are not merging the tox review until the test pass so we can add to it any time13:14
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to a Zuul outage, patches uploaded to Gerrit between 09:00UTC and 12:50UTC, were not properly added to Zuul. Please recheck any patches during this window and apologies for the inconvenience.13:14
trownpanda: seems reasonable13:15
trownquiquell: for seems like we are just missing 2 things now: 1. actual parsing of featureset file and 2. command line args handling ... Do you mind if I go after those today?13:20
trownquiquell: and do you agree that is all we have left?13:20
quiquelltrown: mtg give a minute13:22
trownquiquell: sure no worries13:23
myoung|ruckpanda: could you please add my key to the promoter server?13:25
pandamyoung|ruck: no, because I hate you13:27
* myoung|ruck has to wonder WTF he did this week to offend13:27
quiquelltrown: I am back, and also merging dlrn hash, go for it.13:28
quiquellAdd some patchsets there, we can even do a end-to-end test with real fs, but that's not unit test13:28
myoung|ruckpanda: we have world on fire, going to skip upgrades meeting, cool cool?13:29
trownquiquell: ya I was thinking of just mocking a featureset in the same way I did for dlrn_hash patch13:29
pandamyoung|ruck: sure13:30
quiquellmock at file API ?13:30
quiquellThat will do it13:30
weshaypanda, trown rlandy anyone want to chat w/ the ugprade folks?13:33
trowni can13:34
rlandycan join13:34
pandarlandy: trown wes forgot to mention that the meeting is now
trownpanda: thanks13:43
pandawell, 15 minutes ago in fact13:43
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)14:07
weshaypanda, ok.. need you for a minute14:17
weshaypanda, in blue14:18
rlandyquiquell: wrt coverage report14:23
rlandywe are not collecting that14:24
rlandyit's being sent to the pytestroordir14:24
quiquellrlandy: Where do we specify what to collect in zuul ? in the fs ?14:24
rlandyquiquell: leaving comments in the review - let's discuss14:25
quiquellrlandy: We can forget about coverage, is was just easy to include.14:25
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rlandypanda: I will pick up the linter card later today and we can discuss that - pls ping me before you leave14:30
trownI really like having coverage report... it is like OCD to get to 100%14:31
quiquelltrown: Was so easy to include14:31
trownquiquell: ya I wonder if we have access to $WORKSPACE var for --rootdir there.14:34
trownsmall things... I am sure we can get the coverage report collected without much work14:35
quiquellrlandy: Have you alred do the linter card with the pep8 in tox ?14:35
quiquellbtw has fix it for the script14:35
rlandyquiquell: was about to - I am commenting the unit tests now14:36
rlandywe don;t call the linter tests though14:36
rlandyneed to add that to the jobs14:36
rlandyif you have the pep8 fix, I can rebase my change on that14:36
quiquellrlandy: but tox is checking pep8 also in other scripts under 'script' directory14:41
quiquellmaybe we can narrow that14:41
rlandyquiquell: we can - considering the naming I am not sure we want to14:41
quiquellok, let's make the thing run over all it can14:44
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pandamyoung|ruck: no devel tool meeting, we're skipping15:06
myoung|ruckpanda, weshay: we still chatting about devel tools?15:07
myoung|ruckpanda: is this because you hate me?15:07
myoung|ruckpanda: let me know when you want me to reschedule15:08
pandamyoung|ruck: yes15:08
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weshaymyoung|ruck, can you please write up a lp on the logging issue w/ fs02 and repo setup15:12
weshaymyoung|ruck, fyi.. this is what fixed that job btw
hubbotweshay: amoralej's karma is now 115:13
weshaymyoung|ruck, we should have sagi look to fix that bug on sunday/monday15:13
amoralejwe got that promotion, right?15:13
weshayamoralej, it's promoting now thanks to you15:14
weshayand yatin15:14
amoralejglad to help15:14
* ykarel|afk me too15:14
weshaythanks man :)15:14
* ykarel|afk hoping to see everything green soon15:15
myoung|ruckweshay: ack, was composing the logging issue with fs02 / repo setup with the intent to creat LP...easier to compose details there, and need it in etherpad anyway15:17
myoung|ruckweshay: regarding "the plan" ( @ L191) is that accurate?15:17
pandarlandy: I'm free now, wanted to discuss the linter ?15:20
rlandypanda: yep - just picked up the linter card15:20
rlandybecause I am busy with adding tox tests anyways15:20
rlandyI am adding a the pep8 job to tripleo-ci15:21
rlandythe rest is open to design15:21
rlandyI am making a new dependent patch to work from15:21
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rlandypanda: the design come in what we want to check15:21
pandarlandy: yes, we can make the linter very annoying or very forgiving. I see already a default job for pylint15:22
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rlandypanda: ok - adding pep8 and pylint - let's see what that does15:23
rlandywe can review the results and decide15:24
myoung|ruckamoralej, ykarel|afk - (curious) how you diagnosed the failure and got to root cause regarding
pandarlandy: yep15:24
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amoralejmyoung|ruck, i put a node on hold15:25
amoralejand check the log15:25
amoralejbut we suspected of it15:25
rlandypanda: we also probably want to limit where these linter tests run15:25
rlandyscripts dir only?15:25
amoralejas it happened right after 7.5 was released15:25
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myoung|ruckamoralej: ack.  is there a process / doc on how to get onto a node to diagnose?  last night we ran into "don't have the logs, can't poke the node"15:26
ykarel|afkmyoung|ruck, some more background
myoung|ruckykarel|afk, amoralej thx!  will read up15:27
ykarel|afki pushed a patch last day also but forgot about kernel override15:27
pandarlandy: I think it's better to pull the script review and launch pylint there, it just blocked without even starting, I guess it will need a lot of iterations15:27
pandarlandy: also, I think we can narrow it to the scripts/emit_release_file only for now15:27
myoung|ruckykarel|afk, amoralej: ahh I see...15:28
pandarlandy: if you make it point to a dir, it will assume it's a python package, and will look for __init__.py15:28
pandarlandy: maybe it's easier to copy pylint configuration from another upstream job that already uses it, to start at least15:29
pandaGlobal evaluation15:30
pandaYour code has been rated at 6.72/1015:30
pandafirst pass of pylint is not encouraging :)  quiquell|off trown ^15:31
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rlandypanda: what blocked without starting?15:39
rlandyI am narrowing the trigger15:40
rlandypep8 also has a lot of failures15:40
rlandywill have to narrow that as well15:40
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pandarlandy|brb: I tried to run it pointing it to scrips/emit-release-file/ and it looked for, so it didn't start. We have to point it to *.py or it will assume you want to lint a module15:44
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pandarlandy|brb: trown can we merge the tox.ini changes now and eventually merge the jobs later ? we can check code locally and add the job when we're sure it passes.15:55
trownpanda: rlandy|brb, works for me, just rebase it on master15:55
trownpanda 6.72 isnt that a solid C?15:56
trownseems ok to me :P15:56
trowndont know if they used A-F grading where you went to school actually15:57
pandatrown: oh, I pasted to single file result, sorry15:57
pandaYour code has been rated at 5.50/10 (previous run: 4.59/10, +0.90)15:57
pandatrown: this is the result afterf running pylint *.py15:57
trownoh... well we are improving at least15:57
pandaanyway, lot and lot of noise15:58
trown20% improvement there15:58
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rlandypanda: I though the idea was to merge the tests and leave the tox changes until the tests pass?16:02
rlandyright now, if we merge the tox changes - rebased on master, nothing will run16:03
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pandarlandy: if you look at the developer workflow, it makes sens to merge the tox.ini changes first. A developer would usually run tox -e in th elocal machine to check for his code, and not be forced to wait the jobs. If we have the tox.ini in place, we can check if the script works immediately, without having to rebase the change and wait for the job to run.16:05
weshaypanda, hrm..
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)16:07
* weshay wonders how that was tagged, was that manual?16:07
pandaweshay: it's taking ages to open the URL16:08
weshaypanda, nvrmind that was master, not tripleomaster16:09
* weshay checking tripleomaster now16:09
weshayit is slow16:09
weshaypanda, sorry16:09
weshaymyoung|ruck, the container upload is suspect at this point16:09
weshaymyoung|ruck, fyi
myoung|ruckweshay, sshnaidm|off featureset002 (container upload promotion job) does not collect virt-customize logs16:15
openstackLaunchpad bug 1770684 in tripleo "featureset002 (container upload promotion job) does not collect virt-customize logs" [High,Triaged]16:15
* myoung|ruck looks at container upload16:15
weshaymyoung|ruck, did we get a bug on
myoung|ruckweshay: that's OC deploy fail due to pacemaker version mismatch :, writing that up now16:19
weshaymyoung|ruck, k.. no need to go too deep on it16:24
weshayhrm.. myoung|ruck so.. this is interesting16:25
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weshaywe are infact building the container centos-base but not uploading it16:25
weshaywe would not need to run update if we uploaded it16:26
myoung|ruckweshay: k, that's on deck i guess.  I'm logging a trite LP for the pcs issue16:26
myoung|ruckweshay: 1:1 in 516:26
weshaypanda, ugh.. sorry... thinking we could adjust tripleo-common to ensure we upload centos-base on each promotion16:27
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pandawhy we need to upload centos-base too ?16:29
myoung|ruckweshay: needs a better writeup, but it's there for now16:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1770692 in tripleo "pacemaker version mismatch (BM vs.container) causing OC deploy failures in gates" [Critical,Triaged]16:34
myoung|ruckweshay: inc --> bj16:34
pandarlandy: now that I'm looking a bit more at the other projects, practically nothing is testing more than pep8, some add bashate to the pep8 tests, other run also bandit. Only neutron seems to use pylint, calling it in the pep8 tox env, and I'm not even sure they are enabling it.16:43
rlandyso tripleo-ci had pep8 tests16:44
rlandyso really we are just missing the job to kick that piece16:45
pandarlandy: just ran tox -e pep8, got errors in two scripts. One is not used anymore, the other is used for the cistatus site. We can fix one and skip the other, but then the env needs configuration16:56
rlandy^^ just the toc and test-requirements changes16:57
rlandyseparated from zuul changes16:58
rlandyif you want to merge those16:58
rlandypanda: just because other teams don't use pylink, doen't mean we don't have to16:58
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pandarlandy: weel, it means two things: 1) project that have almost 100% python codebase don't see much value in running pylint, 2) we don't have many configurations to use as base for our test, only the one from neutron (which passes 10/10 with our broken script)17:04
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004 (2 more messages)18:07
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rlandy weshay: hi - re: zuul.d/layout.yaml - do I read this correctly, that files includes only the files, that if they change, the job will kick?19:19
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weshayrlandy, the one in tripleo-ci?20:02
rlandyweshay: I am trying to limit where jobs kick20:02
weshayrlandy, ok.. for the unit test job?20:03
rlandyI am comparing to
rlandyright but I want similar in
weshayrlandy, right.. so yes, thanks for the context20:04
rlandyzuul keeps telling me I get the syntax placing wrong20:04
rlandyhelp me out here, please20:04
weshayindicates when only those files change.. the job kicks20:04
* weshay looks20:04
rlandysee the zuul comments20:04
rlandyI have tried placing files everywhere - no show20:05
rlandywhat am I missing?20:05
* rlandy need to add similar for pep8 and pylint20:05
rlandyworking on that now20:05
* weshay looking sec20:05
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)20:07
weshayrlandy, ok.. remove what you have in layout.yaml20:08
weshayand add under templates20:08
weshay- tripleo-ci-tox20:08
weshaywhich is defined here
weshayline 720:09
rlandyand put what there?20:10
weshayha ha..20:10
weshayit's hard to code over irc20:10
weshaywant to jump on blue?20:10
rlandywell, you'll see my attempts in the various patches20:11
weshayya.. the lint is fairly quick20:11
rlandyI have put it in templates20:11
weshaygive me a sec, I'll throw up a patch20:11
weshayto a new review20:11
rlandylike 13 for example20:11
weshayhrm.. trown is in there too :)20:12
rlandyok - let's bj's20:13
trownwhere am I?20:13
trownoh I rebased that patch to put up my arg/yaml parse on top of it20:13
rlandythere are really only two plays in play20:14
trownthis is starting to become a patch maze, but my git-foo is strong20:14
rlandyI'm trying to stop the maze20:16
rlandyweshay: bj?20:16
rlandyand I need to add the linter stuff on top20:17
weshayrlandy, not saying I know this to be correct, my guess is
rlandyweshay; I had that already20:17
weshayah k20:17
rlandyI want to kick per only some files20:17
rlandyin your bj20:17
weshayrlandy, trown's patch just passed the linter20:18
weshayfor py2720:18
rlandywhich patch are you watching?20:18
weshaybut that's all he changed20:19
trownI didnt even really change that... just rebased20:21
myoung|ruckweshay: fyi...trouble in paradise20:43
myoung|ruckMay 11 16:11:36 promoter-server.rdocloud dockerd-current[1085]: time="2018-05-11T16:11:36.770508105Z" level=error msg="Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: Get Get
myoung|ruck%3Apull: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"20:43
hubbotmyoung|ruck: Error: "3Apull:" is not a valid command.20:43
myoung|ruckhubbot: stop being so nosey20:43
hubbotmyoung|ruck: Error: "stop" is not a valid command.20:43
trownhave a good weekend folks21:00
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rlandyweshay: zuul didn't like that either
weshayrlandy, sorry debugging the promote w/ matt21:39
rlandyweshay: no worries - will put in the linter patch independently21:39
rlandyjust wanted to let you know that zuul didn;t like that one either21:40
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, gate-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)22:07
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