Thursday, 2018-07-12

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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)01:00
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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)03:01
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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @  (1 more message)05:01
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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @  (1 more message)05:59
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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @  (1 more message)07:01
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ssbarneasimple fix
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ssbarneaa new tox bug that is likely to affect lots of us
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quiquellssbarnea: it will appear at CI, don't know what tox version we are running on08:35
ssbarneaalready found it on ara builds yesterday, expect more to appear on CI.08:35
ssbarneait was introduced by very new tox release,  i hope they will take it down as it woudl minimize the "damage" :)08:36
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quiquellssbarnea: We will have to pin all the tox requirements.txt :-)08:37
ssbarneaeven worse I got a very weird behaviour on my machine: it attempted to test using py34 when the tox.ini was mentioning only pe35.08:37
arxcruzmarios: hey, can you +2+w ?08:38
ssbarneais even worse, tox is not in requirement.txt for obvious reasons.08:38
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quiquellssbarnea: Humm you are right08:40
mariosarxcruz: ack08:40
arxcruzmarios: thanks08:40
arxcruzchkumar|ruck: is it still needed, from amoralej comments08:41
chkumar|ruckarxcruz: nope08:42
chkumar|ruckarxcruz: I need to abandon all those patches08:42
chkumar|ruckarxcruz: I need to take a different route all together08:42
arxcruzchkumar|ruck: as well08:42
ssbarneaglat to hear the "-e VAR" works on docker, makes cleaner to passenv.08:43
chkumar|ruckarxcruz: all abandoned on rdo side08:44
arxcruzchkumar|ruck: thanks :)08:44
chkumar|ruckquiquell: seen this error while creating env using reproducer script08:47
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: Could be a problem with your tenant08:48
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Or that RDO is out of capacity08:49
chkumar|ruckquiquell: failing at this part08:50
arxcruzmarios: done08:50
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Humm reproducer is broken, ENVIRONMENT is not set08:51
quiquellchkumar|ruck: find the TOCI_JOBTYPE env var at the top of the reproducer08:51
quiquellpaste it here08:51
chkumar|ruckquiquell: ${TOCI_JOBTYPE:="multinode-1ctlr-featureset033"}08:51
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mariosthanks arxcruz revoted08:52
arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: can you take a look on when you have time ?08:53
sshnaidm|roverarxcruz, sure08:53
quiquellchkumar|ruck: How did you executed the reproducer ?08:54
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Did you sources ?08:54
chkumar|ruckquiquell: so I found the problem08:55
chkumar|ruckquiquell: so i source first08:55
chkumar|ruckthen installed tmux08:55
sshnaidm|roverarxcruz, don't you need to specify value when set "-e" for docker?08:55
chkumar|ruckthen runned the script that's why env is not exported08:55
arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: according panda|off no08:56
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Yep, you have to source after tmux08:56
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Let's see if we can put tmux on reproducer08:56
chkumar|ruckquiquell: I will propose a patch for tmux switch08:56
sshnaidm|roverarxcruz, and why?08:56
quiquellchkumar|ruck: btw, this is known ?
hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)09:01
sshnaidm|roverarxcruz, oh, so you set pythonwarnings before?09:01
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chkumar|ruckquiquell: yup09:01
arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: yes09:01
chkumar|ruckquiquell: it comes sometimes and sometimes not09:01
openstackLaunchpad bug 1773325 in tripleo "tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_services is failing on scenario002" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)09:02
arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: since this script has some includes it's hard on the review to understand that :)09:02
sshnaidm|roverarxcruz, in which line do you set it?09:03
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arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: when we source overcloudrc file, it's on the overcloudrc09:04
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pandaarxcruz: more according to than to me :)09:22
arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: ^09:22
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mariosarxcruz: any idea about this tempest error we get on ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container at (see my latest comment from just now there) please09:52
quiquellpanda: Looks like cleanup dependencies works
quiquellDon't know if I have to test it with a patch at TQE to exercise all CI09:57
pandaquiquell: I think it's pretty straightforward patch09:59
quiquellpanda: ack09:59
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, hi10:10
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, I saw you talked with rdo folks about moving grafana, did you reach some conclusions..?10:11
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Let's wait for to upgrade10:13
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: They don't support changes in grafana for commits yet10:13
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: sf at RDO is old10:13
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, and then they'll support grafyaml?10:13
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Yep, but I am changing grafyaml, it misses a lot of features we need10:14
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Also trying to port to it, we can do this while wait for sf upgrade10:14
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, where is its sources?10:14
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, yeah, I know they don't have influxdb support..10:15
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: openstack/grafyaml10:15
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: I was going to start with table panels10:15
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: very easy to add new stuff, also pabelenger is quick merged10:16
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: It' doesn't need 2 +2s10:16
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Example or adding adhoc variables
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, nice10:18
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, do you have a list of features to implement?10:19
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: nop, just porting little by little and implementing the missing one10:19
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Let me push what I have so far10:20
arxcruzmarios: concurrency :(10:23
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Have concerns with grafyaml, it's going to be always a subset of the latest grafana10:27
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: And also I don't know how easy is to changes big dashboards with commits10:28
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sshnaidm|roverquiquell, well, I don't know too.. maybe need something for testing10:34
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, like testing dashboard or kind of..10:34
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: meanwhile we can store into yaml what we have now, to simplify editing10:37
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: It's good enough and it's not a subset10:37
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: testing dashboard... we can use some kind of GUI testing10:38
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, but we can't store in yaml everything we have now, right?10:39
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Yep, and change grafana-export to read yaml or json10:40
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Depending on the extension or a command line arg10:40
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Also there are some stuff that we can clean tooo10:40
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: It's a poor man grafyaml but more flexible10:40
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, yeah10:41
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, so we need another instance to use grafyaml in it10:41
sshnaidm|roverand test patches10:42
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Kind of, or we don't use grafyaml all together10:42
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: We are going to update their schema forever10:42
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Maybe it's better to have a custom grafana with all the plugins that we want10:44
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: And the version that we want, it doesn't requires to much of maintenance10:44
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: we are hitting again in master noop job scenario 110:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1780224 in tripleo "ERROR configuring keystone_init_tasks in tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container job" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)10:54
hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)11:01
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: What's the best way to store secrets at openstack ?11:15
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, in openstack..?11:15
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Found how we do at tripleo-infra11:17
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ssbarneaquick one please, already passed.11:20
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, you mean ansible vault?11:22
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Humm was replicating what we do with promoter at ci-scripts/infra-setup/tenant_vars11:23
quiquellwill look into ansible vault11:23
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, we don't have vault yet in tripleo-infra11:23
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, all secrets are just deployed manually11:24
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Then I will go to same as promoter11:24
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, yeah, that's fine, the ansible-vault is the plan for future11:24
sshnaidm|roverssbarnea, it's not tested in jobs11:27
sshnaidm|roverssbarnea, otherwise it would fail on syntax error11:27
sshnaidm|roverssbarnea, this kind of patches we need to test locally unfortunately11:27
sshnaidm|roverssbarnea, I don't know how even ansible lint missed this, need to check it..11:28
pandamarios: do you know what's happening in ?11:28
pandamarios: what's that file that is missing ?11:29
ssbarneaquiquell: exactly, I did had a good impression about ansilbe-linter, not to mention that I had the impression that the gate was testing the code,...or at least most of it.11:29
ssbarneathis kind of error should have being catched by either linter or the gate, but this time human did the best work :D11:29
mariospanda: no looks like a new one ... seems to be about the upgradeinit but not sure what is giving this error ? mistral?ansible? looking more11:30
pandamarios: thanks, 3 nodes is the only job missing to migrate at this point, standalone works11:31
sshnaidm|roverssbarnea, I'm sshnaidm|rover  :) I know it's confusing..11:32
sshnaidm|roverssbarnea, linter doesn't check this playbook:
ssbarneano worry, before fixing the typo i will try to test if I can make the linter catch it11:33
mariospanda: trying to find where that came from still, but it cant be upgrade related anyway since there is no upgrade here in this job (though the error is indeed about the upgrade init file...)11:40
pandamarios: that's what I imagined.11:40
bogdandofolks, shall I dup these for tripleo-ci collect logs?11:43
bogdandoor is it enough to only change either place of two?11:43
bogdandoPTAL btw11:43
bogdandothe patch is wanted by upgrades team to diverge tht for undercloud vs overcloud and mixed upgrades11:44
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, is it used in CI? /home/*/undercloud_custom_tht_script.log11:45
bogdandosshnaidm|rover: it becomes in the patch11:46
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, it's very controversial patch11:47
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, firstly, please don't change overcloud_templates_path11:47
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bogdandosshnaidm|rover: I believe it has to11:48
bogdandootherwise we have a mess un the tht script11:48
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, it's default and used so in all featuresets11:48
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sshnaidm|roverbogdando, that's fine if we need to override it in some of tasks11:49
bogdandolook folks, there is a real mess for mixed updates11:49
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bogdandoyou can only install tht from rpm to /usr/share11:49
bogdandothen, you have to diverge for mixed undercloud vs overcloud upgrades, which technically may be using 4 versions11:49
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bogdandopre-update UC, pre-update OC, post-update UC, post-update OOC11:50
sshnaidm|roverpanda, I believe there is a lot of design questions, can you look:
bogdandoso we really should not mess in /usr/share IMO, but it's up to DFG upgrades how they would want thatpatch11:50
bogdandoso yeah, I can improve that default changing not  globally prolly11:51
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, who from upgrades is working on that?11:51
bogdandojfrancoa: ^^11:51
sshnaidm|roverjfrancoa, bogdando I think we need a proper problem definition before..11:51
bogdandoright, IIUC jfrancoa wanted exactly what I described - a smooth way to diverge t-h-t used for mixed upgrades11:52
pandaOMG this is huge.11:52
bogdandogiven that now we have not only overcloud deployed from it, but undercloud as well, and each has its upgrade path11:52
bogdandoso there is 2x2 matrix or so11:53
bogdandoI let upgrade folks to comment on that11:53
bogdandopanda: just cuz of huge shell scripts moved from role to another one ;)11:54
bogdandoto be shared for OC and Uc11:54
bogdandomarios: ^^11:54
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pandabogdando: so the problem is "I want to be able to inject two sets of custom THT in a way that I can test upgrades too" ?11:55
bogdandopanda: yes, as I can see the request11:55
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bogdandosshnaidm|rover: the problem definition
openstackLaunchpad bug 1781227 in tripleo "Overcloud upgrade CI job doesn't load templates from /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Bogdan Dobrelya (bogdando)11:58
bogdandobasically, that's why I wanted to ditch that path11:59
bogdandoand rely on working dir11:59
mariosbogdando: which patch? reading back but agree on not messing with /usr/share for tht12:00
bogdandomarios: see
openstackLaunchpad bug 1781227 in tripleo "Overcloud upgrade CI job doesn't load templates from /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Bogdan Dobrelya (bogdando)12:00
mariospanda: re that multinode job. fwiw the error is coming from this however i also see the file it complains about, is there at
mariosbogdando: ack checking12:03
mariosbogdando: ack i'll have a look at the review its a bigun ;) but probably tomorrow12:04
bogdandomarios: I think that patch may also help for
bogdandoif just thinking of undercloud_* as standalone_*12:08
bogdandoack, waiting for feedback tomorrow then :)12:09
mariosbogdando: cool thanks for pointer to the card12:09
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pandamarios: the missing file ends with a 612:15
pandamarios: centos-7-ovh-bhs1-0000668818 vs centos-7-ovh-bhs1-000066881612:16
mariospanda: ah weird12:16
pandaprobably the file for the 3rd node is missing12:16
mariospanda: well spotted ;)12:17
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jfrancoabogdando: sshnaidm|rover: I just came from lunch12:33
* jfrancoa having a look at
bogdandoyes, please go for it, I've added enough comments to have it looking not so big change in fact12:34
bogdandothe only change is basically for overcloud_templates_path defaults, but that's totally discussible12:35
bogdandoother changes should not be breaking for any release (hopefully) or config matrix :)12:35
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weshaysshnaidm|rover, chkumar|ruck upload is still failing I take it?12:44
sshnaidm|roverweshay, yeah, last time it failed, fixed by tristan:
sshnaidm|roverweshay, looking now12:45
sshnaidm|roverweshay, I have images, so I'm ready to push them for master..12:45
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weshaysshnaidm|rover, perfect! thank you12:46
weshaychkumar|ruck, I was looking for the trello card I created re: tempest w/o a skip list12:46
weshaycouldn't find it :(12:46
rlandypanda: hi - I need to add a sprint card for the work I am doing with the perf team12:47
sshnaidm|roverweshay, let's wait 30 min and wee what happens with new upload job, if it fails - I'll push12:47
weshaysshnaidm|rover, aye12:47
rlandysshnaidm|rover: hi ... wrt zuulv3 migration in rdocloud, have you come across this,12:48
rlandy  The project "" was not found.  All12:48
rlandy  projects referenced within a Zuul configuration must first be added to12:48
rlandy  the main configuration file by the Zuul administrator.12:48
weshaypanda, anything we need to cover before the scrum?12:48
weshaychkumar|ruck, thanks12:49
rlandynot on that repo exactly but with referenced projects12:49
pandarlandy: ok12:49
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, hmm... which job is it?12:49
weshayssbarnea, doing well?12:49
rlandysshnaidm|rover: I am adding a new project in our testing ...
rlandyclearly I missed a step12:50
rlandyI guess I don;t know what the main configuration file is12:51
ssbarneaweshay: yep well, regot acces to RHU labs and also learnign about how to bring oooq changes to meargeable state.12:51
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ssbarneaalso discovered an interesting tox change this morning.12:52
rlandyykarel|afk: ^^ do you know where I find this main configuration file?12:53
rlandypanda: do I just add the card?12:53
ykarel|afkrlandy, yes, let me grab a link12:54
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ykarelrlandy, you need to submit a patch like:-
ykarelin softwarefactory config12:55
pandarlandy: yes, we can discuss it in the meeteing12:56
hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @  (1 more message)13:01
pandarlandy: meeeting ?13:01
pandassbarnea: meeting ?13:01
pandarfolco: meeting ?13:01
ssbarneaoops, sorry, calendar didn't popup.13:02
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rlandyykarel: stupid question - but where is that repo?13:19
chkumar|ruckweshay: sshnaidm|rover what to od with scenario002 job having swift tempest tests failing with 412 error code while creating swift container tests, there is nothing in swift container logs also?13:20
ykarelrlandy, git clone
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, does it fail always?13:20
rlandyykarel: ty :)13:20
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: it fails one time, then do recheck it passes, for most of the patches,
chkumar|ruckthe job is more than 8k sec, it has failed with same reason13:22
chkumar|ruckit is started poping up from yesterday13:22
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: , I am not sure what to do in this case13:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1773325 in tripleo "tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_services is failing on scenario002" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)13:23
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chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: ykarel post failure with periodic job
chkumar|ruckykarel: I think we need to reschedule the periodic job then after merging this?13:33
ykarelchkumar|ruck, if all jobs pass sshnaidm|rover will promote manually13:34
ykarelsshnaidm|rover, from where u will get the image? will u build that?13:36
sshnaidm|roverykarel, yeah, building locally13:36
ykarelsshnaidm|rover, okk13:36
* chkumar|ruck headed home13:37
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, I'm off tomorrow, I think weshay will cover me13:40
rlandyykarel: do I need to be added to that project? Permission denied13:41
weshaysshnaidm|rover, is that manual or from the job?13:42
ykarelrlandy, your pub keys to gerrit
sshnaidm|roverweshay, being uploaded now13:43
sshnaidm|roverweshay, from my laptop13:43
weshaysshnaidm|rover, please hand off anything I need to fix the upload issue before you go :)13:44
sshnaidm|roverweshay, which issue?13:44
weshayimage upload13:44
sshnaidm|roverweshay, ??13:44
weshayassuming it did not work again.. or did the latest patch not land in time13:44
sshnaidm|roverweshay, I've fixed it13:45
weshaysshnaidm|rover, ok.. so it's fixed, but have not yet see a job upload images successfully, should happen $next run13:45
weshayis that correct?13:45
sshnaidm|roverweshay, yeah, sure, we'll see13:45
weshayk. .thanks13:46
sshnaidm|roverweshay, oh, sorry, my fault, read you message incorrectly13:46
sshnaidm|roverweshay, stopped for now promoter service..13:47
weshaysshnaidm|rover, ?13:47
weshayI'm not following..13:47
ykarelrlandy, need to ask tristanC or paul to get it merged13:48
rlandyykarel: ok - will do - thanks13:48
sshnaidm|roverweshay, I stopped promotion service while images are being uploaded13:48
weshaysshnaidm|rover, do we have images for queens and master?13:48
sshnaidm|roverweshay, for master, queens is in the progress13:48
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ykarelrlandy, also you need to add job definition to rdo-jobs and project config to config, like and
ykarelconfig/zuul and config/jobs directories were for zuul v2, which are not used now13:53
radezrlandy: the env template you gave the me other day, do you have one that deploys ironic in the overcloud?13:53
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rlandyradez: I don't but that's a good idea13:59
rlandyweshay: ^^ is this something we want to add a featureset for?13:59
radezrlandy: ok, I'm actually working on that so i'll try and pass it back to you when I get it working13:59
weshayrlandy, for deploying ironic in the overcloud?14:04
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weshayrlandy, I guess that should show up in the ci/environment scenarios14:05
rlandyweshay: yeah - I don;t think we have/test that14:08
radezI'll get back to you what I come up with incase you want to add a job for it14:09
rfolcopanda, would you please w+
pandarfolco: you're late14:15
pandarfolco: needed to chat ?14:15
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arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: panda rlandy
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rfolcopanda, we can chat tomorrow, I'll play a bit more with the code. My question was about 'periodic' jobs... and dryrun cases....14:16
arxcruzwhen you guys have time14:16
arxcruzweshay: ^14:16
pandarfolco: ok14:17
weshayarxcruz, chkumar|ruck
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weshaysshnaidm|rover, on Sunday / Monday can you please work w/ bogdando on
bogdandoon Sunday? :O14:24
weshaysshnaidm|rover, help him bring the design to the team14:24
sshnaidm|roverweshay, if Ci will be ok14:24
weshaysshnaidm|rover, right.. as time permits of course14:24
weshaybogdando, this is a fairly large patch14:24
bogdandodo you guys work on Sundays?.. og gush14:24
sshnaidm|roverweshay, I think it could be just review session like we did sometimes14:24
* weshay reads through the bugs14:24
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, yeah,  who breaks CI remains to work in Sunday14:25
weshaybogdando, we may need your assistance in review14:25
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bogdandodo you chain the duties for the most guiltiest?14:27
bogdandolike in army :D14:28
bogdandobut one can't take more than 3 in a raw IIRC14:28
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weshaysshnaidm|rover, what was the name of the tool dci was coming up w/ ?14:32
quiquellpanda, rfolco: Maybe we can try to merge
quiquellpanda, rfolco: Does it needs a extensive CI run ?14:33
pandaquiquell: change this to depend on your patch14:34
pandaquiquell: so we can test scenarios too14:34
pandaat least14:34
pandaquiquell: you can replace the existing depends on, that change is merged14:35
quiquellpanda: Will do, tomorrow we decide14:35
quiquellcreated one with tqe too
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, see you in Sunday, man14:37
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jristhey guys14:38
jristhow do we re-enable tempest on oooq undercloud install?14:38
sshnaidm|roverarxcruz, ^^14:39
jristasking for a friend... :)14:39
arxcruzjrist: run_tempest: true14:40
jristpardon my ignorance, but where? :)14:40
jristunrelated: getting lots of these14:40
jrist[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using tests as filters is deprecated. Instead of using `result|failed` instead use `result is failed`. This feature will be removed in version 2.9. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.14:40
jristarxcruz: pardon my ignorance, but where? :)14:43
arxcruzjrist: in the featureset, or parse this as env in ansible14:44
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bogdandosshnaidm|rover: ;)14:48
bogdandoupdated the Scarry Patch, to have less work on sunday14:48
bogdandono more global changes!14:48
sshnaidm|roverbogdando, ok, so we can work only day in Sun, and rest in night!14:50
jristarxcruz: sorry you've lost me again. what do you mean by "in the featureset"14:51
sshnaidm|roverjrist, which job is it?14:54
chkumar|ruckjrist: for
chkumar|ruckfor undercloud oooq15:00
hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @  (1 more message)15:01
weshayarxcruz, ping15:01
arxcruzweshay: i'm on your bj15:01
chkumar|ruckarxcruz: bj link15:01
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kopecmartinarxcruz, chkumar|ruck
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chkumar|ruckpanda: sshnaidm|rover
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sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, commented15:13
jristchkumar|ruck, ssbarnea just trying to do oooq from my laptop to a machine with tempest installed and configured15:14
rlandysshnaidm|rover: - did I do that right?15:19
rlandyoh I need playbooks15:20
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, yep, need to create playbooks/legacy/tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053-master/run.yaml and post15:21
rlandysshnaidm|rover: yep - just noticed that - adding15:21
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, is timeout ok there? it's 3 hours, maybe need more?15:32
rlandysshnaidm|rover: idk - I don;t want this to run forever15:32
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rlandywe want minimal testing15:33
rlandysshnaidm|rover: nothing longer than upgrades - what is that?15:33
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, I dunno.. anyway, we can always increase15:34
rlandysshnaidm|rover: also  not sure what to do about - do we just remove that now?15:34
rlandythat I have added the legacy job?15:35
rlandyor we keep both?15:35
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, it's not used anymore15:35
rlandyok - will remove that15:35
rlandysshnaidm|rover: so this right? and I get rid of
rlandyor I define  tripleo-browbeat-check-branchless to contain legacy?15:37
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, you configure jobs in one place15:38
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, in rdo-jobs15:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1773325 in tripleo "tempest.api.object_storage.test_object_services is failing on scenario002" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)15:38
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, so you can leave there project template only15:38
rlandysshnaidm|rover: ok  - what about triggering that test with tq/tqe?15:39
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, sorry?15:40
rlandyI get rid of the template here and add legacy jobs explicitly to
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, sorry, I don't follow15:41
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, you configured jobs in rdo-jobs repo patch15:42
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, so now need to configure project template to trigger them, and you do it in right place15:42
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, but jobs definitions shouldn't be there, because you set them in rdo-jobs15:42
rlandysshnaidm|rover: I am talking about the template ...15:43
rlandy tripleo-browbeat-check-branchless looks wrong15:43
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, template of what?15:44
rlandysshnaidm|rover: I want to run the 053 legacy test with changes in browbeat, tq, tqe, tripleo-ci15:44
rlandywhat do I need?15:45
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, you need to change this file only now:
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, maybe this too, not sure
sshnaidm|roverbut won't hurt15:49
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, lines 829-839 look correct15:50
sshnaidm|roverbut tripleo-browbeat-check-branchless template doesn't exist15:51
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, if you want to create it, you need to define "project-templates:" like in
rlandysshnaidm|rover: how about this ...
rlandyseem sane?15:55
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, yep, exactly, commented16:02
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, didn't you want it on tripleo-ci too?16:03
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rlandysshnaidm|rover: yep - will add to tripleo-ci16:06
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rlandysshnaidm|rover: and (one more time, pls)16:08
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, last comment on
rlandysshnaidm|rover: thanks  - fixed16:15
vinayknsHello channel...I am having issue with deploying 000q on a VM.16:17
vinayknsAt least what i can see is unable to modify the disk image.16:18
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, thanks, +w16:27
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, you can try trigger them in 5 min16:27
sshnaidm|roverweshay, promoter SUCCESS promoting tripleo-ci-testing as current-tripleo16:30
sshnaidm|roverweshay, for master, queens is in progress16:30
hubbot`weshay: sshnaidm|rover's karma is now 116:31
hubbot`weshay: sshnaidm|rover's karma is now 216:31
hubbot`weshay: sshnaidm|rover's karma is now 316:31
weshaythank you16:32
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chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover++ A great Rover and Friend :-)16:42
hubbot`chkumar|ruck: sshnaidm|rover's karma is now 416:42
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, :)16:42
chkumar|ruckdoes hubbot` stores comments also?16:43
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, I don't think so16:46
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, can you take a look please at ? I think it's better way to install additional roles than adding them to extras file16:47
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, like browbeat, etc16:48
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, in the scope of this sprint we can even configure it as different var for job16:48
rlandysshnaidm|rover: weshay and I discussed that  yesterday16:48
rlandysshnaidm|rover: I think that review has a lot of merit for something we want to add occasionally16:49
rlandyweshay mentioned that we are going to need to start adding tempest related repos in requirements as well16:49
rlandywe can certainly discuss the best way to conquer that16:49
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, yeah16:50
rlandybut it is my understanding that if we just add it in quickstart, we leave out some use cases where people call ansible-playbook directly16:50
rlandyso I am +1 on the idea16:50
rlandyjust not sure it fits in this case16:50
rlandyopen to discussion on it16:50
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, in CI we still use for bootstrap16:51
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, and in any other way we need to use something to bootstrap - installing venv, packages and roles16:51
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, ansible-playbook is already next step16:51
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, you can't just call ansible-playbook without setup environment with oooq16:52
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rlandysshnaidm|rover: so I would consider adding another separate requirements file but not only through quickstart16:54
rlandysshnaidm|rover: I think this should be put to the team - esp considering the upcoming tempest work. Monday's meeting?16:56
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, yeah16:58
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rlandysshnaidm|rover: I +1'ed your patch in the mean time as I think it's a good idea in general16:59
hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)17:01
rfolcosshnaidm|rover, I thought we've agreed that the original script should not be modified by the j2 templates... rdo-cloud jobs won't follow the run-v3 workflow and use the original one ?
sshnaidm|roverrfolco, well, that was an idea17:05
rfolcosshnaidm|rover, so let me put this way... do rdo-cloud jobs follow a different workflow (not run-v3) ? coz if they use the same run-v3, it will use the modified templates.17:09
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sshnaidm|roverrfolco, rdo cloud jobs are defined mostly here:  and here
sshnaidm|roverrfolco, as you see it needs to be configured separately.. until we know how to configure them in upstream repos17:16
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rfolcosshnaidm|rover, ok so they do not follow run-v3, thats what I wanted to understand. Thanks17:17
sshnaidm|roverrfolco, yep17:17
sshnaidm|roverrfolco, but they use toci_* scripts in old way, that's what I warned about17:17
rfolcoyep, we don't touch original toci_ scripts. Safe.17:18
weshayrlandy, nice
weshayrlandy, bah.. but doesn't trigger the real job until merge17:20
rlandyweshay: we still need the playbook17:26
rlandywaiting for agopi|lunch to be back from lunch17:26
rlandyonce we have that - we can try run something and see how long it takes17:27
rlandyweshay: hmmm ... probably should not have merged that - don't really want to add failing jobs :(17:30
weshayrlandy, which?17:31
weshaythe doc17:31
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weshayrlandy, which one?17:32
rlandyoh - maybe it didn't17:32
rlandyignore me17:32
weshayit's fine17:32
rlandyupdating the tq review so we are ready to go there17:32
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weshaytrown|lunch, so scen009 is non-containerized only?17:36
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rlandyagopi|lunch: ping when you are back ... we need to chat about and the playbook to add17:38
rlandythat is the missing piece17:38
agopi|lunchhey rlandy17:41
agopi|lunchsorry was out for lunch17:41
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rlandyagopi: np17:51
amoralejhi, i'm confused about how are containers updated in oooq jobs17:51
amoralejwhen is container-check used?17:51
rlandyagopi: looks good ...
rlandyhow long will it run?17:51
rlandyagopi: we will need to enable this only when enable_minimal_browbeat: true17:52
rlandyagopi: the current job time limit is 3 hrs17:55
rlandywe can extend if need be17:55
agopihello rlandy im guessing it shouldnt take more than 30-50 mins just for the playbook i sent.17:55
agopiand also17:55
weshayamoralej, it's been moved into the undercloud install17:56
weshayamoralej, outside of ci17:56
weshayamoralej, it's also moving from overcloud-prep-containers --> tripleo-common17:56
weshayamoralej, the logic is still the same17:56
weshayof when it is used17:56
rlandyagopi: ok - let's try it and see how it goes17:56
agopirlandy, how will we go about passing variables?17:57
amoralejweshay, so in master is done by ?17:57
agopiare we assuming same setup as previous jobs ?17:57
rlandywe'll have to do an include when17:57
weshayamoralej, ya17:57
amoralejweshay, so repo-name is always gating-repo
amoralejit used to be configurable before using gating_repo_name17:58
* rlandy thinking about where we should put the when: condition17:58
rlandyagopi: I'll add then when17:59
rlandyupdating review18:00
agopibrowbeat needs a config file like this18:00
agopia minimal config file is here18:00
agopias you see we need browbeat_cloud_name, elastic_host, grafana_host18:01
rlandyso we would need to edit that18:02
rlandythe values are stored above: ^^18:02
agopiokay rlandy18:02
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rlandyagopi: you'll need a grafana dashboard on our graphana, right?18:03
trownweshay: it is deploying openshift, so ya18:03
rlandycloud_name: rdocloud18:03
trownweshay: it doesnt deploy openstack at all (other than undercloud)18:03
rlandytrown: hey - how's the new role?18:04
trownrlandy: so far so good :P... a ton to learn18:04
agopiwe already have hosts for ELK including grafana18:04
rlandyagopi: ^^ sorry that has the grapaha values18:05
* rlandy updates review18:05
agopisorry i dont follow rlandy18:05
agopihow are you passing the password? well need to do same for grafana_apikey18:06
rlandyagopi: hmm not sure - will need to ask/check with sshnaidm18:07
rlandypanda|off: rfolco: ^^ do you remember18:07
rfolcosorry don't recall handling keys for grafana18:09
weshaytrown, ah k18:10
rlandyagopi: updated18:14
rlandyagopi: if you have the config file, we can add it18:15
amoralejmay i get some eyes on ?18:15
amoraleji'm not sure if it's the right way18:15
trownweshay: I am working on the other path... deploying openshift inside of an openstack tenant... but just getting an env up to work with is challenging ... that is pretty far off from a CI perspective though18:16
trownweshay: undercloud deployed openshift (scenario009) seems pretty much done18:16
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weshaysagi, chkumar|ruck, rlandy fyi.. I have disabled osp jobs
rlandyweshay: ok18:23
rlandyrfolco: I think we had doc on it ... checking ruck/rover18:26
rfolcorlandy, I remember I did not get access to grafana server18:27
rlandywas it rdo infra or ours?18:27
rfolcoI believe it was rdo infra18:28
weshaytrown, is that something I can poke at w/ the reproducer ?18:28
trownweshay: ya, you may need if does not work for DNS for you... though that may be very specific to my home ISP18:29
trownweshay: but the above patch was all I needed to get it working via libvirt18:29
trownyou can even run oc commands against the openshift and make apps and what not18:30
trownwas a bit surprised it actually works given that part is not at all tested yet18:30
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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)19:01
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rlandymarios: still around? ping re: reparent failure19:17
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rlandymarios: panda|off: I think the error is unrelated to the change - rerunning19:56
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apevecweshay, here?20:35
weshayaye mate20:35
weshay<apevec> weshay, are network interface stats collected somewhere in oooq logs?20:36
apevecso, .*:  are network interface stats collected somewhere in oooq logs?20:36
weshay<weshay> apevec, can you ask in #oooq20:36
weshay<apevec> weshay, I need some guesstimate how much network traffic CI jobs are generating20:36
apevecoh thanks for CPaaS :)20:36
weshayapevec, what ever we have there would be $node/var/log/extra20:36
weshayapevec, if you give me some sample commands we can get them into the logs for you20:36
* weshay gets example20:37
apevecbasic stats would be just e.g. ifconfig, that would show RX/TX packets20:38
weshayya.. it's there20:38
apevecah cool, /me looks20:39
apevecso assuming nodepool node is freshly created, we can assume all packets were generated by the CI job20:39
apevecok, cool, so can do some mining, thanks!20:40
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apevecweshay, br-ex would be traffic to/from Internet?20:51
hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)21:01
weshayapevec, to the internet .. no21:02
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weshay192.168.24.x is the public connection between the undercoud and overcloud21:04
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hubbot`FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)23:01
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rlandyoriginal message: could not locate file in lookup: ControllerApi/centos-7-inap-mtl01-0000693370/UpgradeInitDeployment"23:23
rlandy^^ consistent23:23
rlandyreal issue with 3 node23:23
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