Monday, 2018-09-03

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quiquellssbarnea, marios: Good morning07:45
marios|roverquiquell: i/08:07
marios|roverquiquell: talking on tripleo sec08:07
marios|roverquiquell: o/08:08
quiquellmarios|rover: ack08:09
mariosso hows it going quiquell08:10
marioslong time !08:10
mariosyou then i was away08:10
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quiquellmarios: Fine, just reading the pile of sh... :-)08:11
mariosquiquell: my pc beeped08:11
quiquellmarios: What do you mean ?08:12
mariosquiquell: like when someone says swear work08:12
marios on tv08:12
quiquellAhh ok...08:12
quiquellSo haw is everything here ?08:12
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mariosquiquell: hmm 71 % pass on grafana08:13
mariosquiquell: seems low08:14
marioshas it been bad?08:14
mariosquiquell: hmm but only 2 failed upstream gate jobs08:14
mariosbut quite a few check jobs08:14
quiquelltimeouts again ? :-/08:16
quiquellIs dashboard-ci working fine ?08:18
quiquellI see some updates for rocky but no the code change for it08:18
quiquellDid you update it directly over it ?08:18
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mariosquiquell: yeah might be i still didn't fully catch up gonna go do some reviews now and then cycle back08:27
chandankumarGood morning guys, /me is back08:27
quiquellchandankumar: o/ me208:29
marioso/ chandankumar08:30
* marios 308:30
chandankumarquiquell: marios \o/08:30
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quiquellsshnaidm: Hello sir09:12
quiquellsshnaidm: Are you there ?09:12
sshnaidmquiquell, hi! welcome back :)09:12
quiquellsshnaidm: Thanks man, how you doing09:13
sshnaidmquiquell, great) how was pto?09:13
quiquellsshnaidm: Sort as always :-)09:13
quiquellsshnaidm: Did we have change dashboard-ci without reviews ?09:14
quiquellsshnaidm: I see rocky all around09:14
quiquellsshnaidm: But there are no commits for it09:14
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, changes of dashboard I didn't submit, waited for you, how do you exactly export them?09:14
quiquellsshnaidm: With the export script that sit's in the role09:15
quiquellsshnaidm: In case the change is too complex and cannot be done directly in the json09:15
quiquellsshnaidm: yep09:18
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quiquellsshnaidm: In case is the first time you start it up you need to create an api key with create-api-key.py09:19
quiquell./ --key-name foo09:20
quiquelldo the changes09:20
sshnaidmquiquell, the only thing didn't work it's skipped rocky promotion table09:36
sshnaidmquiquell, I created all vars, but it didn't appear09:36
quiquellsshnaidm: Testing it with your commit09:38
quiquellsshnaidm: There is a space in the "releases" variable, maybe this is the issue09:42
quiquellsshnaidm: I mean missing space09:42
quiquellsshnaidm: It's not repeating the panels... weird09:48
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quiquellsshnaidm: Found the issue, since it's a hidden variable, you need to "dehide it" select rocky and the hide it again, let me check if the change is somwhere in th ejson09:53
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quiquellsshnaidm: Commented on the change, that should fix the issue.10:03
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sshnaidm@promotion status all10:07
quiquellsshnaidm: ^ what's that ?10:07
cibott Master:  consistent - 4d  tripleo-ci - 4d  phase1 - 20d  phase2 - 20d10:07
cibott Rocky:  consistent - 0d  tripleo-ci - 1d  phase1 - 1d  phase2 - N/A10:07
cibott Queens:  consistent - 3d  tripleo-ci - 13d  phase1 - 13d  phase2 - 13d10:07
cibott Pike:  consistent - 0d  tripleo-ci - 12d{:co10:07
cibottlor='red'}  phase1 - 14d  phase2 - 16d10:07
sshnaidm@patch status 56722410:08
cibottsshnaidm: Patch is in CI pipeline "check". Jobs are in progress, but 2 failed :(. Overall progress: 7 jobs are running (95%), 4 passed, 2 failed (2 voting).10:08
sshnaidmquiquell, it's errbot :)10:08
quiquellsshnaidm: errbot ? it's super cool10:09
sshnaidmseems like colors don't work..10:09
cibottquiquell: You're not allowed to access this command from a chatroom10:09
quiquell@help please10:09
cibottquiquell: You're not allowed to access this command from a chatroom10:09
sshnaidmquiquell, send him to private10:09
sshnaidmquiquell, it's pretty long10:09
quiquellsshnaidm: Did we implement the CI part or it was out of the box ?10:13
quiquellI am curious10:13
sshnaidmquiquell, no, I wrote it10:13
sshnaidmquiquell, it's pretty easy:
mariosquiquell: please check for the ocata/queens timeouts like at
mariosquiquell: when you get a chance thanks10:14
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quiquellsshnaidm: Maybe we can put the dashboard-ci alerts there to ask for them10:17
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, it has webhook too10:17
quiquellsshnaidm: Will send you a pull request with it10:18
quiquellsshnaidm: ok ?10:18
sshnaidmquiquell, I'd like bot will post some alerts to chat to ruck and rover..10:18
sshnaidmquiquell, sure10:18
quiquellsshnaidm: I have that in the dashboard-ci bot, maybe we can merge both10:19
sshnaidmquiquell, cool10:19
sshnaidmquiquell, btw, it has a persistent db too..10:20
quiquellsshnaidm: That's cool, grafana alerts API is not very consistent with the API from notifications, so we can store missing info in the db10:21
quiquellmarios: tripleo-bootstrap role only exists at master and rocky ?10:23
quiquellmarios: I think periodic jobs are missing in the change, they use different release file10:31
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mariosquiquell: yeah10:43
mariosquiquell: afaics (i wrote in the bug)10:43
mariosquiquell: so it isn't easily backportable10:43
mariosi checked with slagle and he agreed10:43
mariosquiquell: so we merged the previous patch i pointed at in the commit message10:43
quiquellmarios: But periodic jobs are not covered with this10:44
quiquellmarios: I think they run the old workflow though...10:44
mariosquiquell: well, it definitely fixed the pike job, and the logs on the failed queens job and ocata too have the same symptoms as
openstackLaunchpad bug 1785067 in tripleo "without bootstrap-subnodes queens/pike/ocata deployment fails for missing os-collect-config" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)10:44
mariosquiquell: like
mariosquiquell: i checked/reconfirmed again this morning10:45
mariosquiquell: so there is no os-collect-config10:47
mariosquiquell: Failed to restart os-collect-config.service: Unit not found.
quiquellmarios: Yep the commit is alright, maybe what we need to do is going back to this when periodic jobs are moved to the new workflow10:48
quiquellmarios: Going to state that in the trello card10:48
quiquellmarios: Going to remove my -1 as periodic jobs is different issue.10:50
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mariosthanks for checking quiquell11:00
ykarelmarios, quiquell queens jobs were switched to config-download, so ^^ would not affect queens i think,11:00
quiquellykarel: What's the relation ?11:01
mariosykarel: well it *was* exibiting same symptoms on queens ~1 week ago see comment #11 at
openstackLaunchpad bug 1785067 in tripleo "without bootstrap-subnodes queens/pike/ocata deployment fails for missing os-collect-config" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)11:01
ykarelmarios, yes 5 days ago it was switched:
ykarelquiquell, os-collect-config not used with config-download11:02
mariosykarel: ah ok we can update the review then will you please vote at
mariosykarel: so is the queens gate fine now ? me checks (gate check i mean)11:03
ykarelmarios, still two scenarios failing11:03
ykarel2 are passing after the patch i mentioned11:03
mariosykarel: hm yeah but is in better shape at least11:03
ykareli think i got the issue with other two scenarios11:03
mariosykarel: before all the scenarios were at 3 hr timeouts11:03
ykarelmarios, yes correct11:03
mariosykarel: ok cool please vote at
mariosand i will update immediately11:04
mariosykarel: ah11:05
mariosykarel: but11:05
mariosykarel: we will still need it for those featuresets11:05
mariosthat arent using config download11:05
marioslike 7 i guess11:05
mariosi mean looking at the logs now11:05
mariosykarel: yu11:05
mariosFailed to start os-collect-config.service: Unit not found.11:06
ykarelmarios, okk got it in hte patch only 4 scenarios were changed to config-download, so u are right11:06
mariosykarel: so might still be worth a discussion on the review and maybe i add a comment but we might just keep this one... it IS after all a bootstrap item imo11:06
ykarelwe need that package in queens as well11:06
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ykarelmarios, +111:08
ssbarneahi guys! I am now back now, please let me know what can I do to help.11:10
quiquellssbarnea: Hello there, I am back too11:10
ssbarneasadly the list of alert bugs is quite long and I am not sure in which order we can fix them.11:11
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quiquellsshnaidm: Going to update your change for the dashboard-ci in rocky and give a +211:12
quiquellok ?11:12
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sshnaidmquiquell, cool11:20
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ssbarneapanda|rover: are you here?11:27
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ssbarneai am looking at this failure and I have no idea from where did teh no_log came on that task, as master does not have it.
ykarelmarios, good to address quiquell's comment about promotion job as well11:33
ykarelmarios, are u planning a seperate patch for that?11:33
quiquellykarel: We don't need that until we move promotion jobs to the new workflow, only the new workflow is using mario's work11:35
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quiquellmarios: ^11:35
ykarelquiquell, see
ykarelquiquell, after, will hit ^^ again11:36
quiquellykarel: Humm following bad line of though... then we need the periodics11:37
ssbarneaAnyone aware about this: "/home/zuul/ line 212: NODEPOOL_CBS_CENTOS_PROXY: unbound variable" ?11:39
quiquellsshnaidm: Do you know what's the issue with ?11:41
ykarelssbarnea, i think u should not see ^^ after
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ssbarneaykarel: ok, thanks. btw, have a look at -- to save few clicks.11:58
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quiquellrfolco: Better here yep12:01
rfolcoquiquell, there is one thing that I could not fix...12:02
quiquellrfolco: So looks like playbook executions are ok doing the comparagion
rfolcothis --> --extra-vars' '@/home/zuul/src/
rfolcoit does not fail but this is annoying12:03
quiquellrfolco: Let me check, I remember fixing something similar before PTO12:05
rfolcoquiquell, I tried changing <%- and -%> to eliminate whitespaces and line breaks... it is like nodes_file var had its own ''12:09
quiquellrfolco: It does not appear here
ykarelssbarnea, commented, it saves few clicks but am not sure about the policy for no_log, so good to standarize across all tasks12:11
ykarelit might be there to save disk on log server12:11
ykarelhaven't digged in the history though12:11
ssbarneathe only policy that we can use is "common sense".  if is too verbose we can do a tail. also the same task does not have no_log in other places.12:12
rfolcoquiquell, because sed breaks --extra-vars in new lines12:14
ykarelyes that what i meant12:14
rfolcoas I said no functional change, but this is annoying12:14
rfolcoto my OCD level12:15
rfolcoquiquell, :)12:15
ssbarneamarios: how can I find extra reason for stackcreation failure on ?12:15
quiquellrfolco: It does not appear before PTO
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rfolcoquiquell, until PS9, yes, does not appear12:16
rfolcoquiquell, I had to rebase on top of ronelle's patch, they were conflicting and blocking each other.... and blocking any other patch from sprint 1812:17
quiquellrfolco: Ok, still landing from PTO :-)12:17
quiquellrfolco: I think we don't need ' " ' on it, that's why12:19
sshnaidmquiquell, tbh I'm not sure I understand what is going on in
sshnaidmrfolco, ^^12:20
quiquellsshnaidm: no worries12:20
quiquellrfolco: Ok going to test one thing12:20
sshnaidmrfolco, there are changes from patchset 9 that I don't understand12:20
rfolcosshnaidm, I rebased on top of ronelle's patch12:21
rfolcoit became much simpler and shorter12:21
rfolcowith the reparenting and removal of environment_type files12:22
quiquellrfolco: But now we depends on a DNM patch ?12:22
sshnaidmrfolco, why do we still load ovb vars?12:23
rfolcosshnaidm, when env = ovb -->
quiquellrfolco: Ok update the review, without '"' let's check the output12:24
rfolcoI thought that way we didn't need all those if else on common.yaml12:24
quiquellrfolco: Ok... let help with the Ronelles review so we can deliver the two12:25
quiquellrfolco: But Ronelles change is DNM because could be not merged at the end ?12:26
rfolcoquiquell, it was originally DNM since the beginning12:27
sshnaidmrfolco, so, shouldn't have it been parented from some ovb base job..?12:27
rfolcosshnaidm, hmm this is probably why we still cannot merge it12:29
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sshnaidmrfolco, why?12:29
rfolcooh no ignore me12:29
rfolcoovb base jobs are defined in tripleo-ci12:29
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rfolcosshnaidm, well, featureset_conf changes with environment_type12:30
quiquellfeaturset_conf is now at common.yaml12:31
mariosssbarnea: call?12:31
sshnaidmrfolco, all this multinode settings in common - shouldn't they be in multinode base parent job?12:32
quiquellsshnaidm: They are used at multinode, singlenode and standalone12:32
quiquellsshnaidm: Name is missleading12:32
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sshnaidmquiquell, well, then in all of them12:33
rfolcosshnaidm, yes, all excpet ovb12:33
quiquellsshnaidm, rfolco: Yep per environment_type like before but in the new parent jobs12:33
quiquellrfolco: maybe the same for rdo_env_vars ?12:33
sshnaidmquiquell, I think we talked about having 4 parent job, each one for every environment. Not sure if something changed since then12:33
quiquellsshnaidm: I know, but there are variables that have been moving from the environment_type files to the common.yaml file12:34
quiquellsshnaidm, rfolco: We have to put now them at the new base jobs, they are featureset_conf, rdoi_env_vars and env_vars12:34
quiquellrfolco: Going to do it, ok ?12:35
quiquellSo we have thos per environment_type like before12:36
sshnaidmquiquell, featureset is going to common or to environment base job?12:36
quiquellsshnaidm: environment base job12:36
quiquellsshnaidm: There will be some redundancy, but we can cope with that12:36
rfolcoquiquell, ok, also need a QE on the parent patch (ronelle's) to verify all is good and we can remove DNM and merge it12:37
rfolcosshnaidm, ^12:37
sshnaidmquiquell, but featureset is environment independent12:38
quiquellrfolco: Cool cool, thanks12:38
quiquellsshnaidm: not for OVB12:38
sshnaidmquiquell, why?12:38
quiquellsshnaidm: ovb ->
quiquellsshnaidm: the others ->
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quiquellsshnaidm: ovb is not using featureset-multinode-common.yml12:40
rfolcowell if featureset is only used to get the right featureset file and we move it to base job, there is no point in having featureset_conf12:40
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sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, so multinode-common is environment dependent, not featureset file12:40
quiquellrfolco: that's common_featureset_conf12:40
rfolcoyou mean it should be12:40
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep, don't know why this file has the featureset prefix... maybe that's the real issue12:41
quiquellrfolco: we cannot add conditionals in the zuul config ?12:49
rfolcoquiquell, no, if you have conditional keep it in the code12:59
quiquellrfolco: Then I don't know how to resolve the ovb + multinode without the environment_type files13:00
quiquellenv_vars are different between the two13:00
rfolcoquiquell, whats wrong with my approach ?13:00
rfolcowhen: env = ovb include_vars: ovb.yml13:01
marioswe have call?13:01
quiquellrfolco: Ahh silly me, I was missing that part :-/ sorry man13:02
quiquellOk all good13:03
ssbarneaanyone aware about " Verify Sphinx build" tasking failing when it encounters and empty string in the loop?13:03
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quiquellrfolco, sshnaidm: updated with the stuff we have talk about
quiquellhumm going to remove included ovb wait13:42
quiquellsshnaidm: I think I am going to remove the github part fo dashboard-ci don't know why I added, ok ?13:44
sshnaidmquiquell, why, it's useful when github has problems13:44
sshnaidmquiquell, actually we added when it was down and job failed13:45
quiquellsshnaidm: Ups ok, didn't remember, ok.13:45
rfolcoI think this won't work13:46
rfolcofeatureset_conf: "{{ common_featureset_conf}} {{ job_featureset_conf }}"13:46
quiquellwe cannot do that at zuul config ?13:47
rfolcoI think you should move literal part of it to zuul config and compose with the variable one at common13:47
quiquellrfolco: I see the jobs spinning, so the config have to be ok13:48
quiquellDamn you are right... this is evaluate before running the playbook :-)13:49
quiquellsilly me13:50
rfolcofeatureset_common: "common-featureset.yml"13:50
rfolcothen in common13:50
quiquellyep, the reverse13:51
rfolcofeatureset_conf: "{{ featureset_common|default('') }} {{ job_featureset_conf }}"13:51
rfolcoso ovb job won't have common, defaults to ""13:51
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quiquellrfolco: Puff I don't want to put the whole path in the job config... will do a conditional13:55
rfolcoquiquell, no don't do that13:56
rfolcoquiquell, conditional in common.yml, good13:57
quiquellrfolco: Ahh ok13:57
quiquellgoing that path then13:57
quiquellthanks you13:57
rfolcowell, conditional in common.yml we're back to where we were13:58
rfolcoquiquell, sshnaidm I still believe my ovb override approach was good13:59
quiquellok updated14:01
quiquellLet's see now14:01
rfolcoquiquell, symlink does not seem right... it will load "multinode.yml" string, not multinode.yml file contents14:07
rfolcoquiquell, I hope I am wrong there14:07
quiquellrfolco: Really ?14:08
quiquellI need to use lookup ?14:08
quiquellor the like ?14:08
quiquellArggg I have take over this to break it :-)14:09
rfolcoquiquell, another option would be a symlink on tqe pointing to the same file... and a depends-on patch...14:10
quiquellrfolco: But those files are at tripleo-ci14:11
rfolcoquiquell, oh, nevermind, crossed stations here14:11
rfolcomultitasking w/ my other patches :)14:12
quiquellrfolco: no problem, going to run this locally to reduce noise14:12
quiquellrfolco: added some comments to them, small stuff14:12
rfolcoquiquell, I saw, thanks for revewing14:12
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ssbarneasshnaidm: can you please give a +W on ?14:24
sshnaidmssbarnea, only after I14:26
sshnaidmwill review it14:26
ssbarneayou already did.14:26
ssbarneait was one of the few waiting for a W, that was "lucky" to pass the checks :D14:26
sshnaidmssbarnea, well, it should be tested on libvirt firstly, CI doesn't help here unfortunately14:27
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sshnaidmmarios, fixed\15:22
marios|roverack sshnaidm15:23
* marios|rover hometime15:24
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sshnaidmssbarnea, can you update please in your time15:50
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ssbarneasshnaidm: sorry, I am not changing my vote on that one because this is how I interpret the first two paragraphs from
sshnaidmssbarnea, I don't understand how it's related. These paragraphs talk about parameters of the job, they are not related to reproducer as a tool itself17:21
sshnaidmssbarnea, well, this patch is not for fun, it fixes reproducer that is broken due to your patch and can't reproduce jobs17:22
ssbarneaI do see the CRs are parameters of a job, not respecting them it means it will not reproduce the build, it would be another build.17:23
ssbarnealet me read it again, and test it.17:23
sshnaidmssbarnea, we do respect them in the job17:23
sshnaidmssbarnea, we should not apply them to reproducer script itself as in your patch17:23
ssbarneamaybe I didn't understand the reson for revert17:23
ssbarneai am reading it again and *if* the reproducer was from a CR on top of tripleo-quickstart it makes sense to use old code, even if the repository may had been updated.17:26
ssbarneadownloading all CRs would be key to reproduce the behavior, otherwise it would not reprocue. Still, if you want to test if newer changes made to our repos changed behaviour you would have to run the gate, generate a new reproducer script and test this one. Running a reproducer that is 2 months old should "go back in time" and attempt to do the same thing.17:28
ssbarneathat is why is called "reproducer" and not "rebuilder".17:29
ssbarneai can understand the need/deisred for both behaviours, but at the same time I am "opionated" about  what I expect to happen. I would really be upset if each time I run the same script, I would get something else as a result.17:32
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sshnaidmssbarnea, your patch changes code of reproducer itself, without any relation to code of the job - this behavior I called undesirable. is it clear so far?18:54
sshnaidmssbarnea, reproducer is a separate tool, we improve it or break it or whatever, it shouldn't affect any job or have any relation to jobs code18:55
sshnaidmssbarnea, just an example I hit - we had reproducer broken in 30 Aug, I try to reproduce job from 30 Aug, download the reproducer from the logs and run it. It fails because your patch forces it to get extras from 30 Aug including breakage of reproducer18:58
sshnaidmssbarnea, it's a nonsense!18:58
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