Wednesday, 2018-09-05

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quiquelljfrancoa: Good morning sir07:16
quiquellyou there ?07:16
jfrancoaGood morning Mr Kike07:25
quiquelljfrancoa: Doing a codesearch with containers-default-parameters.yaml, there is stuff that does not sum up07:26
quiquellIt's not related to upgrade/updates so I think I am going to put a patch for it07:26
quiquellsome experiemtal jobs07:26
quiquelland the non voting openshift featureset can be affected07:26
quiquellbut, the most intriging one is this07:27
quiquellExactly this
jfrancoain the end, the containers-default-parameters is used in pre-rocky jobs07:27
quiquellLooks like the include "rocky" to use default name07:27
quiquellSo the thing above is wrong07:28
quiquell{% if release in ['ocata', 'pike', 'queens', 'rocky'] %}07:28
jfrancoaok, so pre-rocky...07:28
jfrancoathen yes, I need to update that07:28
quiquellSorry to be so "anal"07:28
jfrancoaI know you love being anal :-D07:28
jfrancoaon the contrary, thanks for it07:29
mariosthanks guys am having my breakfast right now07:29
quiquellmarios: Want more details ?07:29
jfrancoamarios: enjoy it07:29
* marios need mindbleach.com07:29
quiquellAwesome stuff !!07:30
quiquelljfrancoa: Going to fix de scenario009 to check if it makes openshift job pass again07:30
quiquellthat would be good07:31
jfrancoaquiquell: curiously, it contains both files in rocky . I guess the containers-prepare-parameters is from the undercloud install07:31
* jfrancoa updating the patch07:31
jfrancoaquiquell: thanks again07:31
quiquellbut the files are different07:32
quiquellIn rocky the defualt does not have ContainerImagePrepare07:33
quiquellI think it has to be fixed07:33
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quiquelljust follow
quiquelljfrancoa: shopuld the pre-deploy use the featureset variable ?07:35
quiquellso we don't duplicate the if statement ?07:35
quiquellGoing to comment that in the patch07:35
jfrancoaquiquell: well, it could be done. but as this parameter I'm changing is mainly for tripleo-upgrade, I wouldn't leave it on the featureset07:39
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jfrancoaquiquell: the only thing I'm stating here is telling tripleo-upgrade which file contains the container images definition to use during upgrade, while the pre-deploy step is deciding in which file that definition will be written I don't think is correct to decide that in the featureset. Plus, you would need to add it in every single featureset which deploys the overcloud07:41
quiquelljfrancoa: then it feels like something for the release files ?07:42
quiquelljfrancoa: since pre-deploy is run for all of them07:42
quiquellPuff opening pandora box here07:42
quiquellAlso other non update/upgrade featurests need it07:43
quiquellBah let's fix stuff around07:44
quiquelljfrancoa: Do you want me to prepare a patch, with non update/upgrade related stuff or do you want to increse yours ?07:44
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quiquelljfrancoa: So we have to use containers-default-paremter.yaml for rocky ?07:53
quiquellhave do it for featureset03607:54
quiquellI mean featureset03307:54
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quiquellmarios: Do we need to update commit mesage to workflow ?08:08
mariosquiquell: no not at all i thought i wrote as much08:09
jfrancoaquiquell: so, you wan't to do it that way? I don't know it's having it in one place vs having it spread in multiple...the you forget to update it in the future in one of them and everything breaks08:09
mariosquiquell: more like that was my first time on that review and it really looks sane but i wasn't part of the discusion since this is one of the sprint tasks you were discussion right08:09
mariosquiquell: so yeah as per +2 "lgtm but I'll leave to the folks more directly involved in this work to merge it (and hopefully any other comments or discussion or testing today thanks)"08:10
quiquelljfrancoa: Nah, let's just fix it, they serve different purposes, I am also fixing scenario009 it's a non voting check job, but good to have.08:10
quiquellmarios: Ups, didn't do the read, ok man, thanks.08:11
jfrancoaquiquell: ack, cool08:11
mariosquiquell: np08:11
quiquelljfrancoa: Still there is something weird... at the end in rocky wich one do you have to use ?08:11
jfrancoaquiquell: for what I can see in overcloud-deploy it shuolde be containers-default-parameters.yaml, and after that (so master), the new one08:16
jfrancoaquiquell: you see both files in the CI job because the undercloud upgrade uses containers-prepare-parameters.yaml while the overcloud uses the containers-default08:17
quiquelljfrancoa: Then is better to reverse the if statement, so we don't have to change it after stein, like it was before08:18
jfrancoaquiquell: yes, I just wanted to avoid having that long list of releases, but ok it makes sense08:20
jfrancoaquiquell: changing it08:20
quiquelljfrancoa: Cool, thanks man, this is the scenario009 change
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jfrancoamarios: hey, do you know if the scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades is also timeouting because of the missing heat-agents in this patch ?  I include it in the release file but it's still timeouting, so probably the issue is other08:49
quiquellsshnaidm: We can merge "Add another level of parent jobs for zuul v3"
sshnaidmquiquell, generally yes08:56
sshnaidmquiquell, although it should come together with next patch, right?08:57
quiquellsshnaidm: You mean ?08:58
sshnaidmquiquell, yes08:59
sshnaidmquiquell, I made a rebase on that of patch of rlandy:
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep, first we merge "Add another level..." then we work out the last08:59
sshnaidmquiquell, it looks not so bad, but seems like additional work is required there09:00
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep I cherry picked it, was kind of trivial09:00
mariosjfrancoa: o/09:00
quiquellsshnaidm: is doable, only the base.yaml was affected09:00
quiquellsshnaidm: rlandy say that it was good enough09:00
sshnaidmquiquell, well, there are j2 templates are affected too09:00
mariosjfrancoa: checking09:00
sshnaidmquiquell, you can see in the link..09:01
ssbarneasshnaidm: I am new to the team so I don't know all practices. Shoudn't be a good idea to have LP bugs for almost all commits? (other than trivial ones)09:01
sshnaidmquiquell, it required some conflicts resolution, but it's not so a lot09:01
mariosjfrancoa: hm might be... at least it has very few packages digging a bit more sec
mariosjfrancoa: btw you mean this job right? ^09:02
sshnaidmssbarnea, we don't have such policy for the team or tripleo, but it's always a good practice in openstack project09:02
sshnaidmquiquell, do you think it's easy to make jobs in to work?09:03
sshnaidmquiquell, because I don't think we can leave rlandy with non-working environment right now09:03
ssbarneasshnaidm: ok, this means that we can aim to do this. I am asking as I overserved the need few times.09:04
sshnaidmssbarnea, a good commit message with explanations could be an option too09:05
ssbarneai will try to use bug because commit message is hardcoded and it does not play well with follow-up changes, reverts, and stuff that happen after the commit is merged. (this not rulling out a good commit message)09:06
quiquellsshnaidm: Hummm, has only look at the merge conflict, but looks like there are other issues, in that case maybe it's better if we wait for ronelle's changes ?09:07
mariosjfrancoa: not sure man, i can't find evidence yet but will cycle back to it ... might be worth a bug if you spend more time on it please. its non voting but would be good to fix at some point! i was yesterday incidentally looking at the update job added a comment here fyi added comment #109:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1789881 in tripleo "tripleo-quickstart fails to generate /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml" [Medium,Triaged]09:07
mariosjfrancoa: or a note on the os-collect-config  bug instead of a new one if you can confirm they are the same.09:07
mariosjfrancoa: i see the repos are setup ok on the subnode so not sure why the openstack-heat-agents wouldn't be installed09:08
jfrancoamarios: ah, you opened a LP bug. I will then link it in my patch09:08
mariosjfrancoa: oh09:08
mariosjfrancoa: actually maybe the repos aren't setup ok i mean see
mariosjfrancoa: which bug?09:08
sshnaidmquiquell, if we make jobs in working (at least part of them), we can merge our patches and rlandy can continue with her work09:08
jfrancoamarios: this Launchpad bug 1789881 in tripleo "tripleo-quickstart fails to generate /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml" [Medium,Triaged]09:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1789881 in tripleo "tripleo-quickstart fails to generate /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml" [Medium,Triaged]
mariosjfrancoa: oh no09:09
jfrancoamarios: I submitted a patch for it when I saw it failed, but I didn't open the bug. So I'll link it09:09
mariosjfrancoa: that one is about updates09:09
sshnaidmquiquell, changes should be done in
mariosjfrancoa: oh you mean you fixed the update one?09:09
mariosjfrancoa: or we are having 3 conversations here (at laest)09:09
mariosjfrancoa: bluejeans:
jfrancoamarios: yes, it forked at some point :-D09:10
quiquellsshnaidm: Would be better to workout there but backport to Ronelle's change after reparent it so we don't lose the history09:12
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, of course09:12
quiquellsshnaidm: Will fix there, let's see where do we end up09:18
sshnaidmquiquell, great, thanks!\09:19
quiquellsshnaidm: I have also being looking at the actual fail in the patch without rebase09:19
ssbarneamarios|rover:  apparently we are getting a little bit better with 2/5 gate-checks gree -
sshnaidmquiquell, well, these ones are less important, it they were before rebase..09:20
quiquellsshnaidm: To help rlandy, looks like bad identation
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, looks so09:21
quiquellsshnaidm: Don't find where do we  add those, so we can fix it09:21
sshnaidmquiquell, lemme check..09:21
mariosssbarnea: yes i saw it was up to 73 a few mins ago09:23
mariosssbarnea: last night was closer to 6509:23
mariosssbarnea: i mean grafana %09:23
mariosssbarnea: i think the queens/ocata timeouts helped for that09:23
mariosssbarnea: we still have some timeout on master i want to investigate09:23
mariosssbarnea: so lets continue this trajectory !09:24
ssbarneamarios: plenty of problems. i found a timeout on pike which I do not understand, as the build run only for 2.5h -- see the 001 post failure, timeout inside.09:25
ssbarnealook at --- i see RUN END RESULT_TIMED_OUT but I don't get it why.09:26
sshnaidmquiquell, it's done in tht repo09:26
sshnaidmquiquell, let me find it..09:27
ssbarneathis is not the first time i see this,  timeout 40m ... ends in exactly *30m* with timeout.09:27
sshnaidmquiquell, hmm, it looks good
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep, but the identation is not there, this is just the possible parameters09:31
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, see above09:31
quiquellsshnaidm: This is like the schema, but the problem is the place where it gets generated09:31
quiquellsshnaidm: Don't find it at ronelle's patches09:32
sshnaidmquiquell, isn't it this?
quiquellsshnaidm: Hummm bad click, is bad, it's missing the "-", let me fix it09:33
sshnaidmquiquell, oh, right..09:33
quiquellsshnaidm: ok fixed09:42
ssbarneaA reminder, next week I will be on PTO and not available on irc. let me know what I can to this week to help.10:00
marioschandankumar: o/ seen this before ? - Worker 1 (1 tests) => 0:00:00", "setUpClass (manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_shares.SharesCephFSTest) (subunit.RemotedTestC10:00
marioschandankumar: from
marioschandankumar: asking you 'because tempest'10:00
marioschandankumar: cant find something in bugs already10:00
chandankumarmarios: checking10:00
marioschandankumar: this is from here tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-containerFAILURE in 2h 12m 28s10:01
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ssbarneajfrancoa: -- fix was merged, can the bug be closed?10:28
openstackLaunchpad bug 1788128 in tripleo "[CI upgrades] legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-queens failing" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Jose Luis Franco (jfrancoa)10:28
jfrancoassbarnea: sure, feel free to close it. Or I can do it myself, as you prefer10:29
jfrancoassbarnea: thanks for reviewing it10:29
quiquell marios, ssbarnea, sshnaidm: to fix scenario009 check job
quiquelljfrancoa: ^10:34
chandankumarmarios: I am not sure the above failure is related to this
chandankumarmarios: I am not getting much in logs10:35
chandankumartbarron: Hello10:35
tbarronchandankumar: Hi!10:35
chandankumartbarron: please have a look at this tempest failure
chandankumarI am not sure it is related to this
chandankumarI am not getting much informaton about the same why it is failing10:36
jfrancoaquiquell: about that review, why don't we just simply remove the container_arg: parameter definition from featureset033 and featureset026?10:36
jfrancoaquiquell: what's the difference between what we have in the featureset and the default at pre-deploy ?10:36
tbarronchandankumar: was just looking at that10:36
quiquelljfrancoa: opensthift.yaml10:37
tbarronchandankumar: yeah, the SetupClass tries to create a share and the default share type isn't defined10:37
tbarronchandankumar: did this used to pass?  /me is puzzled10:38
jfrancoaquiquell: ohh, ok, did miss that.  So it's good if we do the same change in featureset02610:38
tbarrontosky: did we have manila tempest turned off until last night?10:38
tbarrontosky has been helping get the manila tempest tests set up10:39
chandankumartbarron: this job was broken earlier due to different failures10:39
tbarronchandankumar: hmm, but it runs regularly in CI on patches and didn't fail *all* the time10:39
quiquelljfrancoa: fs026 is for a experimental job, but yes let's do it there too, also better at your review10:39
chandankumartbarron: failure is coming against stable/queens branch10:39
tbarronchandankumar: vkmc has been working on this default share type stuff so I'll follow up with her.10:40
tbarronchandankumar: aha!, I didn't notice that10:40
jfrancoaquiquell: I'll update it, I'll tell you when it's ready10:40
chandankumartbarron: for rocky and master it is passing10:40
tbarronchandankumar: are we using an earlier tempest tab for stable/queens?10:40
tbarronchandankumar: s/tab/tag/ ?10:41
quiquelljfrancoa: ack, maybe we can set 009 as voting after this, will have to ask the gurus10:41
quiquell btw that's why update job is non voting ?10:41
mariosquiquell: checking10:42
chandankumartbarron: tempest version tempest-18.0.0- and python2-manila-tests-tempest-0.0.1-0.20180418200735.7f35fc0.el7.centos.noarch -< pointing ot
chandankumartbarron: vkmc added share type test fix in this
mariosquiquell: duplicate ?10:44
marioschandankumar: ack thanks for checking just because i saw 'tempest; and wondered if it was a known thing10:44
chandankumartbarron: currently in RDO for queens for manila-tempest-plugin
quiquellmarios: forget mine, we are changing it at jfrancoa's one10:45
chandankumartbarron: do we switch to manil-tempest-plugin to 0.1.0 for queens?10:45
chandankumarin RDO10:45
jfrancoaquiquell: marios: updated both patches, thanks for the reviews10:45
quiquellIt ws kind of low hanging fruit10:46
quiquellWould be a pity not to do it10:46
mariosjfrancoa: quiquell ack10:46
mariosjfrancoa: please update the bu10:46
mariosat with your review thanks10:47
openstackLaunchpad bug 1789881 in tripleo "tripleo-quickstart fails to generate /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Jose Luis Franco (jfrancoa)10:47
tbarronchandankumar: probably need to do that since tempest is branchless so we can't backport fixes10:49
tbarronchandankumar: in upstream manila devstack creates the default share type10:49
tbarronchandankumar: so we won't see the issue there even on old manila branches10:50
tbarronchandankumar: I'll follow up with vkmc10:50
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chandankumartbarron: updating the version in rdoinfo11:13
chandankumarmarios: please open bug for the same11:14
marioschandankumar: sure, you mean for the tempest one trace i asked you earlier?11:19
chandankumarmarios: yes,11:19
marioschandankumar: ack11:19
chandankumarmarios: failure reason subnode extra/errors.log manila share type issue11:20
marioschandankumar: i see so the tempest job did its job then sounds like legit issue11:20
tbarronchandankumar: I copied you on email asking vkmc if there's any reason that stable/queens can't run with manila-tempest-plugin 0.1.0 which would have her fix11:23
tbarronchandankumar: marios: I think that will be the resolution but she's driving the default share type issue11:24
chandankumarmarios: tbarron I have proposed the patch
mariostbarron: chandankumar ssbarnea thanks filed assigned to myself but please re-assign as approriate thank you11:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1790857 in tripleo "Queens tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container failing tempest manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_shares.SharesCephFSTest " [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)11:25
chandankumarto bump version the version in RDOinfo11:26
tbarronchandankumar: cool! ty.11:26
marioschandankumar: i want to reassign to you but there are many chandan kumar in the list11:27
marioschandankumar: pleas take it11:27
chandankumarmarios: chkumar24611:29
mariosdone chandankumar11:30
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cgoncalvesI'm getting different results when running oooq/ when compared to Zuul CI even though I'm passing in same ZUUL_CHANGES. for some reason /home/stack/config-download.yaml is not being created locally --
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cgoncalvesI picked ZUUL_CHANGES from tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container in
cgoncalvesany idea why this is happening?11:47
quiquellcgoncalves: Better use the reproducer11:48 is going to be deprecated11:48
* quiquell gets11:48
quiquellcgoncalves: Use this
cgoncalvesquiquell, yeah I know of its deprecation. I tried the reproducer script on a libvirt host but it failed (I don't have the error log now)11:49
quiquellcgoncalves: Ohhh ok11:49
cgoncalvesI recall it was during the resize of undercloud.qcow2 to undercloud-resize.qcow2 task11:49
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weshaymarios, ssbarnea morning guys12:00
quiquellwelcome back weshay12:00
weshaymarios, ssbarnea thanks for keeping the lights on :)12:00
weshayquiquell, hey hey :)12:00
marioso/ weshay joining prog call12:00
mariosweshay: good morning :) welcome12:00
weshaymarios, k.. we look green12:00
mariosweshay: i updated it12:01
mariosweshay: i called it orange going on green cos the promotion  blockers were still ongoing last night12:01
mariosbut better now12:01
mariosjust being cautions12:01
mariosweshay: change if you disagree but ssbarnea agrees with that status12:01
weshaymarios, I try to stick strictly to the color
weshaymarios, however the warning is a nice heads up12:02
weshaymarios, I would keep the syntax, but change to green12:02
weshaymarios, I mainly do that.. because keeping the status consistent across many different rucks is impossible otherwise12:05
ssbarneaweshay: welcome back!12:07
weshayssbarnea, :)12:07
ssbarneaweshay:  who will be speaking for us during current meeting?12:09
weshayssbarnea, sounds like marios has this12:09
mariosweshay: i am happy to but also happy for anyone else to ssbarnea12:10
ssbarneamarios++ :D12:10
mariosssbarnea: was that you offering ? ;)12:10
ssbarneanope, i was not really confident last week, i would prefer to do it next time i am ruck.12:10
mariosssbarnea: np man yes it is intimidating but it shouldn't be. anyway the best way to overcome is to keep doing it. but fine i can do it today np12:12
weshaychandankumar, are you planning on holding a planning meeting today at 1pm utc?12:12
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chandankumarweshay: nope12:13
chandankumarweshay: we can do it tomorrow12:14
weshaymyoung, so we just have the retrospective today?12:16
ssbarneaweshay: i see a recurring pattern regarding hiding command output inside external logs files and not even printing  the log filename when the task fails. Just one example: -- result12:21
ssbarnea --- I consider that this lowers the already poor UX and we should avoid this pattern and use a "verbose on errors" approach which ideally display output (full or tail) on failures and assuring that the log filename is visible on output and the user is not forced to check the source code to12:21
ssbarneafigure out the filename of the log.12:21
ssbarneai already raised two CRs on similar issues in other places in the last two weeks, and it seems that it may be better to check with everyone, and eventually to agree on a pattern.12:22
ssbarneai see no "tee" usage there, mainly the stdout and stderr are empty.12:26
weshayssbarnea, I understand folks have opinions w/ regards to console vs. constructed logs. It would help me to understand what you think would be the advantage of one vs the other12:26
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weshayssbarnea, ya.. tee would be perfectly fine to do there12:27
weshayssbarnea, we had some patches to do that12:27
weshayssbarnea, then you get both.. the console and the logs12:27
ssbarneaok, thank. i can take care of it. my rule is: "use tee, tail when having sizing risks and no_log: result.rc == 0", which is a decent compromise as it would print to console only on errors, so keeping it small and erasy to read for most cases.12:29
mariosweshay: did it fly :)12:29
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mariosssbarnea: ^^12:29
weshayya.. that was fine12:29
weshaymarios, ssbarnea if you guys need help and want to sync.. we can drop and join my #12:30
weshayyou guys are done after the mtg12:30
mariosweshay: ok sure so should we drop now?12:30
ssbarneayeah, i could do updated like this all the time. paint it green and hope nobody asks anything.12:30
weshayya.. /me grabs coffee, my channel is open12:30
mariosssbarnea: so next time you do it :)12:30
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ssbarneaweshay: if you could replace the nice url with a meeting numeber it would be great, those urls are not working well for me (cannot click them)12:33
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ssbarnea(a BJ problem that should be fixed in the next months...)12:33
rlandymarios|rover: hi - which review did you leave the comment on?12:36
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mariosrlandy: damn didn't hit send thank heavens for gerrit draft12:42
mariosrlandy: clicking now12:42
mariosrlandy: apologies if that was confusing looking for the comment :/12:44
rlandymarios: np - your email just said you left a comment12:44
rlandyso I was looking for it12:44
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weshaychandankumar, fyi ^12:46
quiquell|lunchrlandy: Hello, updated your tht change for a small fix, it was kind of trivial so you can continue working on it12:46
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rlandyquiquell: thanks - still have a problem with that:(12:47
rlandy2018-09-05 11:48:42 | Action tripleo.parameters.update execution failed: Error validating environment for plan overcloud: ERROR: Internal Error12:48
rlandyI figure that is still my problem12:48
weshayrlandy, quiquell marios ssbarnea sshnaidm panda please add your thoughts to the retro board12:49
sshnaidmweshay, does this label exist?12:52
weshaysshnaidm, ya.. it's just grey12:53
* weshay updates12:53
myoungweshay: aye retro12:54
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quiquellrlandy: puff tht is hell12:57
rlandymarios: sorry - still missing where your comment is - can you tell me here what you want me to know?12:58
rlandyquiquell: I am seriously considering running away and joining the circus at this point12:58
mariosrlandy: here
* marios checks his sanity 12:59
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rlandymarios: I see it - thanks13:00
quiquellrlandy: tht will be there too13:00
weshayOK.. folks let's go13:00
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weshaysshnaidm, rlandy chandankumar quiquell marios ssbarnea panda let's roll13:01
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myoungretro folks!  mornin13:01
myoungwe're all in
chandankumartbarron: tosky can we move this setting to tempestconf ?13:05
toskychandankumar: I don't know if it's something that should be always there or if it's specific for that configuration13:06
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tbarronchandankumar: vkmc is here, would you ask again?13:08
tbarronchandankumar: she knows this stuff better than I do13:08
vkmcchandankumar, hi!13:09
chandankumarvkmc: Hello13:09
vkmcchandankumar, just +1 the version pinning for manila-tempest-plugin13:09
chandankumarvkmc: thanks, we are on right path.13:10
chandankumarvkmc: to build it in cbs13:11
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toskychandankumar: for future changes, at least in rpm-master, Source0 can be updated to use the tarball13:12
chandankumartosky: the above patch is auto generated13:13
chandankumarI will update the patch13:13
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thrashany chance to get some eyes on
openstackLaunchpad bug 1768244 in tripleo "[quickstart] oooq still uses deprecated cli params" [High,Triaged]13:54
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weshayrlandy, myoung fyi.. bb in 30min have a managers mtg14:02
mariosrlandy: btw this might be a good thing to checkout too * tripleo reviews: /#/c/593063 /#/c/599739/2 /#/c/599954/14:05
mariosrlandy: sorry wrong paste :)14:05
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mariosrlandy: lthis with respect to the tht changes you are making14:05
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mariosrlandy: the relevance is to lookup something like to see the things like 'inputs' that you are defining there14:06
mariosrlandy: fyi/fwiw14:06
rlandymarios: thanks - making the change now so you can review before you leave14:07
mariosrlandy: ack will do14:07
mariosrlandy: would be good to ask shardy to check it out too14:07
mariosrlandy: i added him to the revievw but that may not be enough14:07
mariosmight require some harrassment14:07
rlandymarios: harassment is a big no-go these days14:10
rlandymarios: besides your comment is pretty clear14:11
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quiquellrfolco: Failing here
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rfolcoquiquell, shoot you are right14:23
rfolcofailed: 114:23
rfolcoquiquell, will fix the warning then14:23
rlandymarios: question ... "I believe you need to add 'input_values' in the ::Net::SoftwareConfig resource definition" ...14:23
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rlandymarios: can we bj for a few minutes after meeting? just to get the placement right14:30
mariosrlandy: i need some break please i had another couple calls before this one :)14:31
quiquellrfolco: yap, didn't know what do we want the warning or the fail.14:31
mariosrlandy: gimme half hour or so i'll ping you?14:31
rlandymarios:  sure - just need 5 mins of your time - whenever14:31
mariosrlandy: actually lets do it now ok14:31
quiquellchandankumar: I am leaving know, tomorrow morning choose to be ruck or rover I will do the other14:31
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mariosrlandy: * tripleo reviews: /#/c/593063 /#/c/599739/2 /#/c/599954/14:32
mariosrlandy: damn sorry wrong one again !14:32
mariosrlandy: !14:32
mariosrlandy: * my bluejeans:
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sshnaidmweshay, we'll have logging finally
sshnaidmrlandy, so, is it fine to merge ?14:40
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weshaysshnaidm, what's the log path?14:41
sshnaidmweshay, install-undercloud.log in ~14:42
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rlandysshnaidm: great - let's get something in this sprint15:02
sshnaidmrlandy, cool, let's shake the dust..15:05
* rlandy takes cover15:06
weshaysshnaidm, regarding the modify-image role..  DNM patches that we run checks w/... think we could add a validate step for the content of those patches?15:09
sshnaidmweshay, what do you mean?15:10
weshayfor example.. make a change to a real file
weshaynot GATE-CHECK.yaml15:10
weshaybut add something to readme.. and test on the undercloud and a container that the content is actually applied?15:10
sshnaidmweshay, so it'll be kind of periodic?15:11
weshaysshnaidm, ya.. if zuul_change = 564291 run a check for the content15:12
weshayor we could spend some time to figure out how to ensure a patch is applied generally15:12
sshnaidmweshay, maybe it's worth to talk with infra if we have something in zuul for that, maybe two-steps jobs or kind of15:13
sshnaidmweshay, I hardly understand how we can run these jobs on patches..15:13
weshay<sshnaidm> weshay, I hardly understand how we can run these jobs on patches..  ( do to the time? )15:14
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sshnaidmweshay, but we can maybe create a special job for that, which will always change something specific and will test it15:14
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weshaysshnaidm, right.. I think our fake change jobs are an option there15:15
weshayno-op change15:15
weshayfor hubbot15:15
sshnaidmweshay, but these jobs run on their patches15:15
weshayrlandy, sshnaidm anything I can do to help to help us move forward w/ rdo-jobs --> zuulv3?15:16
rlandyweshay: I am following marios' comments to update THT15:16
rlandyit's bigger change that I would have liked to have made15:17
rlandybut apparently necessary15:17
weshaydid that just merge?15:18
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sshnaidmweshay, for rocky15:29
weshaymarios, which tht patch?15:30
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marios* tripleo reviews: /#/c/593063 /#/c/599739/2 /#/c/599954/15:33
mariosweshay: *=* 11:22:24 *=*=*= " DNM - WIP - Remove usage of /etc/nodepool" Ib4d1d5e80541db374069f6b65d5b244e614aa17d tripleo-heat-templates15:33
cgoncalvesanyone having issues on resizing undercloud image with
weshaymarios, thanks15:34
weshaycgoncalves, tmate me into that box15:35
weshaycgoncalves, if you run that command by hand.. on the virthost.. you can get a better error15:35
cgoncalvestmate details on private msg15:35
rlandymarios: is this looking ok so far: updating other files to add parameters15:53
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mariosrlandy: no15:57
mariosrlandy: theres a few things15:57
mariosrlandy: but am on my way out15:57
mariosrlandy: oh15:57
mariosrlandy: you're using conditions15:57
mariosrlandy: i missed that15:58
rlandyI can not15:58
mariosrlandy: so far i see you're conditionaly adding the params15:58
mariosrlandy: but i don't see you using them anywhere yet15:58
* rlandy just following pattern in file15:58
mariosrlandy: i will check in my morning again15:58
mariosrlandy: sorry have to go15:58
marios and
mariosyou have the params15:59
mariosbut where ar eyou using them there are no input/input_values as we discussed before?15:59
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rlandymarios: in
rlandy      input_values:16:19
rlandy        primary_private_ip: {get_param: PrimaryPrivateIp}16:19
rlandy        subnode_private_ip: {get_param: SubnodePrivateIp}16:19
rlandy        subnode_index: {get_param: SubnodeIndex}16:19
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rlandywhat's going on with OVB in rdocloud?16:55
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rlandyweshay: ping me when you want to discuss OVB downstream17:24
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weshayrlandy, k17:29
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ykarel|awayweshay, there is some issue in jobs in rdo ci, in case u want to track/alert those, see #rdo17:41
* ykarel|away leaving17:41
rfolcoweshay, which repo cockpit/dashboard-ci belongs to ?17:42
rlandyrfolco: this ready to review?
rfolcorlandy, lets wait for ci... I just fixed the warning --> error case we discussed this morning17:43
rfolcorlandy, if any non-overridable then fail17:44
rfolcorlandy, let me know how can I help on legacy work17:44
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rfolcoif any17:45
ykarel|awaychandankumar ^^ rfolco and rlandy are different :)17:45
ykarel|awaywe were in impression these two nicks are for same person17:45
rlandyykarel|away: no - we are two diff people ...17:45
rfolcoI am around for almost a year17:45
rlandyin two diff countries17:46
rlandyand we don;t talk to ourselves17:46
ykarel|awayohhk cool :)17:46
rfolcoI tried to add more nicks to my group like 'folco' but I messed up with limits17:46
rfolcostruggle with irc nicks :(17:47
rfolcowill rename to rfolco_not_rlandy17:47
rlandyall we share is a first initial - not sure how that made us the same person17:47
rfolcorlandy, besides the fact I am as awesome and kind as you are17:48
rlandyrfolco: that would also leave us with a gender-identity crisis17:48
rlandyanyways ...17:49
rlandy^^ that is latest17:50
rlandywill see what shakes out of that17:51
rlandyreally - I am hacking THT17:51
chandankumarykarel|away: Both starts with'r', sounds similar to me, /me was always confused17:51
rlandyaccording to marios, I would have to change any file with OsNetConfigImpl17:52
ykarel|awaychandankumar, u made me confused too :),17:52
rlandychandankumar: Ronelle Landy vs. Rafael Folco17:53
chandankumarwe are confused souls :-)17:53
rlandythere is someone with the nick rlandry17:53
rfolcooh boy17:54
rlandyI get pings for him all the time17:54
rfolcoand rlaundry17:54
chandankumarlike in pune office there is chandankumar, chkumar, chakumari17:54
rlandyoh that is bad17:55
ykarel|awayi am safe in case of nicks17:55
rfolcosshnaidm and ssbarnea is ok, but rfolco and rlandy is confusing ? :)17:55
ykarel|awayi met sshnaidm in person so not confused17:55
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ykarel|awaymay be others are17:56
* ykarel|away leaving, have fun guys17:58
rfolcorlandy, 4 depends-on and counting :(17:58
rfolcoykarel|away, have a good one17:58
rlandysomething is not happy with rdo cloud jobs17:58
rlandyreading #rdo17:59
ykarel|awayyes, jpena tried to look at those but didn't find anything meaning ful yet, good to reach some other infra guys17:59
rlandy2018-09-05 17:26:02.861789 | TASK [prepare-workspace : Synchronize src repos to workspace directory.]17:59
rlandy2018-09-05 17:26:20.458534 | tripleo-ovb-centos-7 | Output suppressed because no_log was given17:59
rlandy2018-09-05 17:26:20.589481 |17:59
rlandy2018-09-05 17:26:20.589659 | PLAY RECAP17:59
rlandy2018-09-05 17:26:20.589760 | tripleo-ovb-centos-7 | ok: 1 changed: 0 unreachable: 0 failed: 117:59
ykarel|awayas jpena will be available tomorry17:59
rlandyykarel|away: ack - thanks18:00
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rlandyalso ansible.2.5.7 leaves us with a exception trace18:07
rlandynot good18:07
rlandysshnaidm|afk: ^^?18:08
rlandyrfolco:^ so much for trying to test18:08
rlandyrdocloud is out18:08
rlandyzuul upstream is backed up18:08
rfolcorlandy, ansible issue is the no module error ?18:09
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rfolcorlandy, which job did you look regarding timeout ?18:16
rfolco tripleo-ovb-centos-7 | Job timeout set to: 164 minutes18:16
rlandyrfolco: wrt error ..
rlandywrt timeout ... looking18:17
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rfolcorlandy, the change does not affect ovb legacy, that's why I am asking18:20
rlandyjust stops real testing18:23
rlandytime ...18:23
rfolcorlandy, legacy jobs do not run v3 workflow yet, including the j2 templates. Am I missing anything ?18:31
rlandyrfolco: you are right18:36
rlandyrepo-setup issue18:50
rlandyweshay: marios: rfolco: sshnaidm|afk: to close ... #1790770 ...
agopimyoung|biab, weshay, rlandy something seems to be wrong with rdo-promote job in jenkins acorss pike, queens and rocky18:58
rlandyanyone looking at the repo_setup failure???18:59
agopi^ been executing since aug 3018:59
rlandy2018-09-05 18:50:54.383118 | primary | TASK [repo-setup : Setup repos on live host] ***********************************18:59
rlandy2018-09-05 18:50:54.465232 | primary | Wednesday 05 September 2018  18:50:54 +0000 (0:00:00.275)       0:00:23.141 ***18:59
rlandy2018-09-05 18:51:01.335686 | primary | fatal: [subnode-2]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": true}18:59
agopisame goes for
agopiand pike18:59
rlandyagopi: haven't looked at those jobs in ages :( ... let's see18:59
weshayrlandy, mirror issues19:00
weshayagopi, you are hitting infra issues it seems
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agopisorry but i don't follow weshay.19:03
weshayagopi, yum is not working, we can't help that19:04
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agopiis it for the browbeat job in zuul? because it ran perfectly when i last tested last week19:04
weshayrlandy, I'm avail in 5min19:29
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rlandyweshay: ?19:44
weshayrlandy, k.. almost there19:44
rlandynp - whenever you are ready19:44
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weshayrfolco, do you still have a patch on enabling use via an httpd proxy?21:21
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rlandyweshay: fyi ...
weshayrlandy, first try?21:44
weshayoh I see21:44
weshayk.. thanks21:44
rlandygot this one going as well ...
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rlandyweshay: not too bad - go as far as tempest - should be fixable ...
rlandyby comparison ovb is STILL installing the undercloud ,,23:31
rlandy +(./ echo 'Playbook run of multinode-overcloud.yml passed successfully'23:33
rlandywoohoo multinode23:33
weshayrlandy, k cool.. turn on your logging :)23:56
rlandyjust did23:56
rlandyOMG - passing multinode!!!!23:58
rlandyand nobody here to party with me :(23:58

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