Thursday, 2018-09-27

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-pike, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset022-pike @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-upgrades-pike-branch, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates- (2 more messages)00:48
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/rocky: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-rocky, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)02:48
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/rocky: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)04:48
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/rocky: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @  (1 more message)06:48
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ssbarneakopecmartin|ruck: arxcruz : a small cleanup on tq -thanks07:02
kopecmartin|ruckssbarnea, one question, commit message says that jenkins references were removed from docs, i don't see where07:07
kopecmartin|ruckso is that expected?07:07
ssbarneais not in the docs, i guess i forgot to refresh the description07:09
ssbarneasounds like "removed nil from docs", still evaluates as "true" ;)07:09
kopecmartin|ruckssbarnea, ;D07:10
ssbarneai could update the description but waiting for a new round of testing...07:10
kopecmartin|ruckno, i think that's not needed07:10
ssbarneafew others very small changes ready:
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chandankumarkopecmartin|ruck: marios there are few channels you need to join on internal Red Hat Irc server #rhos-ops, #sf-dfg, #sf-ops07:21
chandankumar#rh-ops -> use when there is any issue related to RDO cloud07:21
chandankumar#sf-dfg and #sf-ops when there is problem with zuul software factory07:22
chandankumarquiquell|brb: I will be back in 30 mins then we can do the handover07:24
mariosack chandankumar07:28
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quiquellchandankumar: I am back07:39
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chandankumarquiquell: I am also back07:50
chandankumarquiquell: marios kopecmartin|ruck can we jump on bj?07:51
marios* my bluejeans:
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chandankumarmarios: kopecmartin|ruck
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci- (1 more message)08:08
chandankumarmarios: kopecmartin|ruck this doc will be helpful08:28
quiquellmarios, kopecmartin|ruck: dashboard-ci is back08:32
mariosthanks quiquell08:33
hubbot1chandankumar: quiquell's karma is now 708:33
quiquellmarios: you welcome08:33
quiquellDo you guys one little demo about the ansible dashboard ?08:33
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chandankumarquiquell: How hubbot is currently parsing the failed jobs?08:47
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci- (1 more message)08:48
quiquellchandankumar: It parse gerrit comments08:50
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marioschandankumar: fyi still a thing10:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1792872 in tripleo "[queens] overcloud prepare image failed by giving IronicAction.node.set_provision_state failed: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem_" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)10:12
chandankumarmarios: can we wait till pike and queens periodic finishes ? It has just finished10:17
chandankumarmarios: can we wait till pike and queens periodic finishes ? It has just started10:17
chandankumarit will tell whether the bug is still valid or not10:18
quiquellchandankumar: ok I am back10:24
marioschandankumar: ack10:27
marioschandankumar: traces from yesterday tho10:27
quiquellpanda: Missing +w at remove timeout logic
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @  (1 more message)10:49
mariossanity check is the description here correct (wrt merging we have now ARA for overcloud? the change is about tags?(10:53
openstackLaunchpad bug 1794238 in tripleo "overcloud ARA is the same as undercloud ARA" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)10:53
mariosquiquell: ^^10:53
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mariossshnaidm: o/ did you already get a chance to dig into ?10:54
marios(it is assigned to you)10:54
sshnaidmmarios, I'm checking it, seems like it proceeds only undercloud or overcloud10:54
quiquellmarios: I think the review is wrong10:54
mariosquiquell: right you can edit it if you like ;)10:55
mariosquiquell: i thought it might be copy/paste error10:55
mariossshnaidm: ack10:55
pandaquiquell: something is missing on that patch10:59
pandaquiquell: my bad, it's there10:59
quiquellpanda: Just  checking it, what was it ?11:00
pandaquiquell: the zuul-variables.11:00
quiquellpanda: Ahh ok, thanks, one less11:01
quiquellpanda: What's the focus of this sprint ?11:01
quiquellpanda: Previous ruck rovering was hell didn't have time to check11:01
pandaquiquell: did you attend the call yesterday ?11:02
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quiquellpanda: Yes, but was not clear if the focus is remove legacy or continue with cleanup or to do the reproducer11:02
quiquellpanda: Was tired, maybe I miss it11:02
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pandaquiquell: two main focuses: finish translating legacy in rdo, and performance analysis11:04
pandaquiquell: we need to push ara an influxdb reports on how much time we spend on things11:04
quiquellpanda: Humm I did this to debug timeouts
quiquellpanda: we get ARA from all jobs and we can filter by them and create alarms, do graph of durations and all11:05
quiquellpanda: It has ARA from main playbooks and uc/oc11:06
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quiquellpanda: The power thing is the "influxdb_filter"11:06
quiquellpanda: you can compose a query there directly in the browser and also share it11:06
pandaquiquell: all the graphs are empty for me11:07
pandaquiquell: in both chrome and firefox11:07
quiquellpanda: Takes time to load11:07
quiquellpanda: Look upper left in the graph if something is spinning11:08
quiquellpanda: For example "How much time it takes undercloud deploy on timeout jobs?"11:08
pandaquiquell: it is, I'll leve it ther for 10 minutes11:08
ssbarneai seen some errors on logs where python fails to install our symlinked data_files - does anyone knows a workaround for it?11:10
pandaquiquell: anyway, yes, something similar, we've got some requirements from alex on how we should show things, and we need to put data into places so we can have a finer grained detail11:11
pandaon all the tasks, not only undercloud deploy11:11
quiquellpanda: ack, about legacy I will check the reviews you have in the cards11:11
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ssbarneapanda: ^^ - example - installing python packages with symlinked data files is not possible.11:25
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pandassbarnea: you mean "error: can't copy 'config/release/master-tripleo-ci.yml': doesn't exist or not a regular file"12:03
ssbarneapanda: yep, this one12:03
pandassbarnea: I think that file is just skipped, and it may be just a legacy file anyway, and everybody is using master/tripleo-ci.yml so nothing is affected12:04
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ssbarneapanda: so you say that this is benign. for me it was confusing because I seen this error followed by collect logs, and build failure. now by looking again at it, I see another error inside collect logs. still collect logs is a post-build action which should not affect the build result. Arguable it could mark a build as Abandon, but it should not produce the Failure result.12:08
chandankumarpanda: Hello12:09
chandankumarpanda: on taiga a team member cannot creates epics
pandassbarnea: mmhh no you're probably right, the buid is failing because of that error12:10
ssbarneathere is a lot of value in diferentiatiing between some CI failure (which translates as Abadon), or a failure of the running job which appears as Failure. Both are non-success, but one should be about your change/code, the other should be about infra/ci. Do you agree with that?12:10
ssbarneamaking jenkins do an abandon on collect should be very easy. for the other one, still need to dig bit more because I failed to reproduce the error locally.12:11
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pandassbarnea: what's an abandon in jenkins ?12:15
pandachandankumar: that's intented for now12:16
pandachandankumar: I want to change that, but I want to make sure people talk with PM before adding an epic12:17
chandankumarpanda: so for any epic, first, we need to discuss it with PM on etherpad and then team (3 people) needs to discuss and then EPIC will be created?12:20
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ssbarneapanda: I have troubles trying to find the official link about jenkins build results, but this will do
* chandankumar headed home, a little late for planning12:23
pandassbarnea: so you mean  ABORTED ?12:24
ssbarneaanything that is not a success is a failure, but with few different flavours, which can be handy.12:24
ssbarneaahh, yep, this is what I ment.12:24
kopecmartin|ruckmarios|rover, I have to go to school now, I'll be back in 2.5 hours, I'll be able to attend only the last hour of the planning meeting, I'm sorry12:27
ssbarnea|bkppanda: anyway forget about different result because I found now that post-tasks does not have an option to change result to specific value.12:28
weshayssbarnea|bkp, ready?12:31
weshayrfolco, can you prep the etherpad?12:31
weshayfor the planning12:31
ssbarnea|bkpweshay i already joined the room.12:32
rfolcoweshay, yes12:32
rlandymarios: hi - I'm reviewing ... I see you +2'ed it ...12:32
rlandythere is a failure on tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades - which usually passes12:32
quiquellrlandy: I have to talk with jrist about it12:33
rlandyon the undercloud upgrade itself12:33
quiquellrlandy: Last master promotion was suppose to fix that, but itÂ's not the case, something is not right yet at master->rocky12:33
quiquellrlandy: hummm rocky->master I mean12:33
rlandyquiquell: yep - I see that12:33
rlandyok - I'll just leave my comment that there is a failure and you can pick it up12:34
quiquellrlandy: ack, thanks12:35
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quiquellrlandy: I am checking the legacy revmoval revies, why is not mergeable this ?12:45
rascasoftmarios|rover, kopecmartin|ruck, looking at this I see that it is possible to pass a custom_env_files to the undercloud deployment, but how do I load that specific file into the undercloud from quickstart?12:46
rlandyquiquell: we are moving the base jobs to config12:46
quiquellrlandy: the trusted projects thing ?12:47
rlandyoh yes12:47
rlandyperiodic fun12:47
quiquellrlandy: fun vs run thant's nice12:47
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @, master: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052 @
quiquellpanda, rlandy: I think we have to move environment_type to base jobs12:50
marios|roverrascasoft: i suspect that is a client thing sec i have to check tho12:50
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quiquellpanda:, rlandy:like here
marios|roverrascasoft: looks like
rascasoftmarios|rover, what do you mean with client thing?12:51
rlandyquiquell: we have them in the rdo base jobs
pandaquiquell: yep, we already have them12:52
rlandyif we want to fix tripleo-ci that's something eles12:52
rlandypanda: merged the queens branch in testproject12:52
marios|roverrascasoft:  (i mean it comes from/via the tripleoclient invocation of the stand-alone/containerized undercloud looks like? se the link above)12:52
rlandylooking at ovb failure there12:52
quiquellrlandy, panda: Yep I mean environment_type to base like tripleo-ci-base-multinode, will prepare a review12:53
rlandypanda: also some reviews may mergable now ...
quiquellso we don't need to add environment_type there12:53
rlandyquiquell: that review should also remove env_type from jobs in tripleo-ci12:54
rlandypanda: what I don;t have a handle on is the rdoinfo jobs12:54
rlandywho is using those?12:54
rlandythe job definition are wrong12:55
rlandyin the patches12:55
rlandyalso ...12:55
rlandywe should decide if we want to keep the child job definitions in rdo-jobs12:55
marios|roverrascasoft: so via quickstart i guess can you add it to one of your configs you are using ? like for example?12:56
rascasoftmarios|rover, exactly12:57
rascasoftmarios|rover, so is it possible to override what's inside undercloud-parameter-defaults.yaml ?12:57
marios|roverrascasoft: don't know .. if you actually mean 'possible' yes but if you mean 'sane' i don't know :)12:58
quiquellrlandy: don't find the env_type12:58
quiquellrlandy: for environment_type
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quiquellrlandy: with this we don't need it at rdo jobs12:58
rascasoftmarios|rover, I don't care about being sane, I need this to work :D12:58
marios|roverrascasoft: ask someone more involved with the standalone if you want sane answers ;)12:59
rascasoftmarios|rover, so who creates undercloud-parameter-defaults.yaml?12:59
marios|roverrascasoft: about to join planning call now12:59
rlandyquiquell: I was just being lazy typing - environment_type12:59
quiquellrlandy: ack, so this is the review, it's near trivial but removes one variable from rdo jobs13:00
marios|roverrascasoft: the role i guess13:00
marios|roverrascasoft: i mean the undercloud-deploy role13:00
marios|roverrascasoft: grep is your friend :()13:00
marios|roverrascasoft: sec looking for it while joining13:00
rascasoftmarios|rover, thanks man, I have no friends13:00
rascasoftmarios|rover, don't worry13:00
rascasoftI'll do it13:00
marios|roverrascasoft: ^13:01
* marios|rover hugs rascasoft 13:01
marios|roveri'll be your friend13:01
rfolcoweshay, rlandy sshnaidm ssbarnea|bkp quiquell ping call13:01
* marios|rover intense stare13:01
rfolcochandankumar, ^13:02
pandanever say yes to marios|rover13:02
bogdandoweshay: hi! can we merge please?13:02
quiquellrfolco: Will connect in 5 minutes13:02
weshaychandankumar, please join the mtg13:02
rascasoftmarios|rover, favorite rasca's rover13:02
weshayah.. u'll be late.. np13:02
chandankumaron my way to home reaching 5-7 mins13:04
chandankumarweshay: rfolco bj link?13:08
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weshaypanda, rfolco I have to drop in 313:57
weshayyou guys comfortable driving from here?13:57
pandaweshay: yes, more or less, how long you'll be away ?13:58
weshaypanda, 1hr13:59
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weshaypanda, rfolco see you in a bit14:02
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @, stable/pike: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-pike @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo- (1 more message)14:49
bogdandoweshay: and which f28 image did you use to deploy standalone?14:53
bogdandowere any of my open patches helpful perchance?14:53
bogdandoyay, cloud image14:54
weshaybogdando, I will forward the details to you14:54
weshayit's ugly WIP work atm14:54
bogdandoso I hope some of my open patches did help14:54
bogdandocuz I'm used to deploy that way14:54
bogdandowould be nice to align...14:54
weshaybogdando, we'll have a bunch of people more focused on that over the next few weeks14:57
weshayI was just trying to keep up w/ alex14:57
weshaybogdando, I'll cc you on the work we have lined up for it14:57
weshayputting you on the cards if you want14:58
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bogdandoweshay: ok, thanks!15:00
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rlandyweshay: hello15:46
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weshayrlandy, hey15:46
rlandyweshay: still tracking the rdoinfo jobs15:46
rlandywho uses/owns these?15:47
rlandythank you15:47
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bogdandoweshay: can this have +2wf please15:51
bogdandoblessed by Sagi!15:52
weshaybogdando, yes.. I'll get to that today15:52
weshaywant to try15:52
weshayshould be fine15:53
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rlandypanda: any objections to merging - just the nodeset?16:04
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rlandyI am updating the base jobs to include a parent for rdoinfo16:04
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rlandypanda: why do you add required-project with name?16:25
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rlandynot how it is done in
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @, stable/pike: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-pike @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo- (1 more message)16:49
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rlandyrfolco: panda: during pre - do we already know what release is?16:54
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rlandyI need to add a pre for rdoinfo that requires release16:54
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rfolcorelease == branch ?16:58
rlandyrfolco: I  am trying to create a pre playbook to replace
rlandy^^ value of release needs to be not hardcoded17:01
pandarlandy: zuul.branch17:05
rlandywill $ZUUL_REF be defined?17:06
rlandypanda: pls review
pandarlandy: zuul.ref17:08
rlandyI removed the name: on required-projects17:09
rlandyI think that is incorrect17:09
rlandyamoralej: ^^ pls review above17:10
pandarlandy: you're right17:11
rlandyand last addition to17:11
rlandypanda: I am just not sure what to use as the vars in
rlandyie: what will be available after pre.yaml runs17:11
rlandywhen pre-rdoinfo.yml will start17:12
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rlandyZUUL_REF=$(echo $ZUUL_REF |cut -f4 -d /)17:12
pandarlandy: I don't know who created those jobs17:12
rlandypanda: amoralej17:12
rlandywhich is why I am asking for his review as well17:13
rlandy I need to edit the child jobs to use this parent17:13
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weshaykopecmartin|off, please create an id on taiga.io17:23
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rlandypanda|off: why the role over the playbook?18:02
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panda|offrlandy: you can include roles across repositories18:04
panda|offrlandy: with playbooks you can only duplicate an put in the same repository18:04
panda|offrlandy: with role you can use the roles: zuul: another-repo, and reuse the role18:05
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weshayssbarnea|bkp, we need one more change to approve
weshaywhich is to change the logic that uses these files18:26
weshayssbarnea|bkp, I'll may changes out and add them as  dep on yours18:27
ssbarneaweshay: i am not sure I understand. i know that there are other changes involved  but I wanted to minimize the change: do only the rename and soft-linking, which ideally shoudl not require other changes, unless we discover some code that chokes on symlinks.18:28
ssbarneaweshay: great, this is what I wanted to do.18:28
ssbarneabest approach is to make the additional changes dependent on this basic one.18:28
weshaythat's what I'll start18:29
ssbarnea#0: move,  #1 softlinks #3 other... , ...18:29
ssbarneaall in a chain.18:29
ssbarneaweshay: and this is the mega testing patch:
weshayssbarnea, dude18:31
weshayabandon that18:31
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weshayssbarnea, also do not use depends-on: w/ changes from the same repo18:31
ssbarneaweshay: ahh, ok.18:32
weshayssbarnea, that is especially critical when changing repos where the change is built18:32
weshayit can only take one change refspec per repo18:33
weshayso if you use depends-on w/ the same repo you'll loose changes18:33
ssbarneai didn't know about this.18:33
ssbarneaweshay: am I wrong to believe that we shoudl be able to pass testing for #0+#1 change without anything else, right?18:34
weshayk.. abandoned
weshayssbarnea, ya18:34
weshayssbarnea, at the same time I want to merge the change for centos-7 and fedora-2818:35
ssbarneayep, but your change contained few other stuff in addition to the rename.18:35
weshayssbarnea, right.. going to break that stuff out18:35
weshayso we'll be single topic :)18:35
weshayneed a few18:35
ssbarneai need to go now, but I will be back in 30-40 mins. feel free to msg, i will catch up.18:36
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates @, stable/pike: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-pike @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo- (1 more message)18:49
rfolcorlandy, can you please look at again ?19:01
rfolcoweshay, or any core would w+ again this one ?
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weshayssbarnea, ok.. so feel free to update
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rlandyrfolco: done19:12
rfolcorlandy, thank you19:12
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weshayrlandy, panda|off
rlandychecking gates on that19:56
rlandybut looks ok at first glance19:56
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rlandyssbarnea: hi - I'd like to approve - but I have the same question as marios20:09
rlandyhow I can see the output from this change?20:09
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rlandyweshay: ^^?20:11
weshayrlandy, sorry which one?20:11
rlandyto see the impact of this change20:11
rlandythe output in logs looks the same to me20:12
rlandyif that is sufficient, I'll +220:12
weshayrlandy, ah.. in the top log20:12
* weshay gets20:12
weshayrlandy, doesn't buy us much20:13
rlandyhard to object20:13
rlandyI hate to get a revert on this20:14
rlandybut again - can't object with what I see so ok20:14
weshayrlandy, anything I can asist w/ rdo zuul v3, browbeat?20:15
rlandyweshay: I am looking into panda|off's comment to move this to a role ...
rlandywe have to deal with rdoinfo20:16
rlandypanda|off suggest we move this to a role20:16
rlandyI think we can merge this ...20:16
weshayrlandy, we do?20:16
weshayoh because it runs tripleo jobs20:17
rlandysee comments from amoralej|off on #sf-sfg20:17
rlandyI missed him today to get a review20:17
rlandyI am not sure where to put the role20:17
rlandybut other than that, I think we can merge the base jobs20:18
weshayperiodic jobs can't have parents in rdo-jobs?20:18
rlandyno harm if we don;t have any triggers20:18
weshaywhat does that mean20:18
weshayrdo-jobs. zuul config from rdo or upstream?20:18
rlandybecause of trusted repos20:18
* weshay looks through it20:18
rlandybrowbweat is a secondary issue20:19
weshayrlandy, do you feel like you know zuul jobs now btw?20:19
weshayremember when that was a thing20:19
rlandyweshay: know is a strong word20:19
rlandyI have an association20:19
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rlandyafaict from panda|off we are still keeping the child jobs in rdo-jobs20:20
panda|offso my reasoning is that is is a big task. in Config we can't test anything until it's merged. Is it necessary to have it all here, or we can create just a small playbook here, put the role in zuul-jobs and inlcude the role from config ? it may be easier to test20:20
weshay  environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'20:20
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rlandypanda|off: I am not against the role20:20
rlandyI am debating where to put it though20:20
rlandywhich repo20:20
panda|offrlandy: rdo-jobs, easier to test20:21
weshaypanda|off, rlandy can we add doc to these yaml files20:21
panda|offrlandy: we don't have any rdoinfo job in openstack ci20:21
weshaylike where is the original etc..
panda|offweshay: like a comment block ?20:21
weshayya.. I'm assuming you just ripped this out of tripleo-ci ya?20:22
rlandypanda|off: ok - so a role in rdo-jobs - and call it from the parent rdoinfo job?20:22
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rlandypanda|off: side point - how do you feel about merging - let's get the list of reviews we are carrying down20:25
panda|offrlandy: ok from me20:27
rlandyugh - am I the only one with +2 on rdo-jobs?20:28
rlandyhate pushing my own changes20:28
panda|offrlandy: I have to ask because I don't know why we have that playbook defined in rdo-infra/config. Does it need credentials ?20:28
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panda|offyeah, who to ask fro +2 ?20:28
rlandypanda|off: apevec, I'm guessing20:29
panda|offI'll send my resume20:29
rlandynot sure how I got the nod20:29
rlandypanda|off: maybe ask nhicher if he can grant you permissions20:29
rlandypanda|off: "why we have that playbook defined in rdo-infra/config" - I just out it in the same review20:32
rlandyI am happy to move it20:32
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rlandyasking to get panda|off permissions20:35
panda|offrlandy: if it doesn't need secrets, or if it's not for a base configuration/basic tasks we may move it out. Which jobs use it ?20:35
panda|offthe one in legacy-rdoinfo ?20:35
panda|offI've seen those in rdo-jobs if I remember correctly20:35
rlandyI want to add it to the parent rdoinfo job20:36
rlandybut I'll move it to rdo jobs20:36
rlandythey are in rdo-jobs right now20:36
rlandypart of the legacy mass conversion20:36
panda|offrlandy: ok, so, as I said, I think that if you want to add the pre.yaml playbook to the base is perfectly fine, but since in config we cannot test anything if we don't merge it, any of the big tasks should go into a role, then included in the playbook. If we want to test the role, we just need to put a job in test project and we can iterate easily20:40
panda|offif it's in rd-jobs20:40
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rlandyis it worth creating a template for the .sh file and logging the output to a file?21:42
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rlandyweshay: ^^?21:49
rlandyor just adding sh to a task21:49
weshayshould I read the scroll back21:50
weshaythe question is out of context21:50
rlandy<rlandy> is it worth creating a template for the .sh file and logging the output to a file?21:50
weshaywhich .sh file?21:51
rlandymoving that to a role21:52
weshayrlandy, so if it's an infra role21:53
weshayugh. that thing is something alfraedo constructed to override config ya?21:54
weshayrlandy, can't we just pass the correct config21:54
rlandyI need to do something with that21:54
* weshay looks more closely21:54
rlandywe could21:54
weshaydang it21:54
rlandyI need to chat with alfredo about that21:54
rlandyI missed him to discuss that today21:55
rlandyI'll put in a temp review and ask amoralej|off if we can do that21:55
rlandyor simplify it21:55
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