Monday, 2018-10-08

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq @,  (1 more message)00:52
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009 (1 more message)02:52
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009 (1 more message)04:52
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quiquellGood morning here too05:48
quiquellsshnaidm: Good morning sir05:50
quiquellsshnaidm: I think this is wrong jobs
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009 (1 more message)06:53
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bogdandoo/ please merge
bogdandoit is needed by
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quiquellssbarnea_: I am playing around with the f2807:57
quiquellssbarnea_: Have upload stuff about yaml to tripleo-ci07:57
ssbarnea_quiquell: thanks! i back and ready to continue on f28 task now.07:59
quiquellssbarnea_: Going to remove some Depends-On already merged08:00
quiquellssbarnea_: Will help you while I am waitting for promotion testings08:00
ssbarnea_quiquell: yep, good idea, i already did some. there is still a problem that is kinda serious related to py3 rpm packages08:01
quiquellssbarnea_: Yep, I have a fedora28 at my laptop, even installing python-yaml shyaml is not working08:01
quiquellssbarnea_: pip install works tough08:01
ssbarnea_fc28 is a py3 first OS, and most py packages have different names.08:01
quiquellssbarnea_: Humm I am using python208:02
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quiquellssbarnea_: I am looking at the job here
quiquellssbarnea_: is that ok ?08:02
ssbarnea_my original approach was to use "yum python*-foo" but is wrong, as this may easily install 2,3,4 different python distros!08:02
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quiquellssbarnea_: Can we go with pip install shyaml ?08:03
ssbarnea_quiquell: only as a temp measure until we address the rpm distrib, but overall yes. feel free to put a TODO item to move to rpm when possible.08:04
quiquellssbarnea_: Going to check at my fs28 laptop08:04
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quiquellssbarnea_: shyaml has this shebag !/usr/bin/python3 -s08:05
quiquellThis is the issue we are forced to install python3-yaml08:05
ssbarnea_quiquell: the shebang is part of the installer pip, so it will use the same interpreter08:05
quiquellssbarnea_: I installed with dnf08:06
ssbarnea_quiquell but if you want to enforce py3 do : "python3 -m pip install ... " which will assure it forces use of py3.08:06
toskycan anyone please check this change to tempestmail configuration where all affected people added +1 already?
quiquellssbarnea_: I have a python2 fedora28 but it install shyaml that enforces python3 looks like shyaml is a python3 only thing08:07
ssbarnea_quiquell: correct me if I am wrong, but default cloud image comes only with py3 instaled by default and our expectation is to use py3 and not to install py3, right?08:07
ssbarnea_this means that you should use a clean image for testing, not one with both pythons.08:08
quiquellssbarnea_: Puff no clue, I only know that shyaml has a python3 shebag08:08
quiquellssbarnea_: installed with dnf install -y python-shyaml08:08
ssbarnea_quiquell: i have a vm running on rdo, if you want.08:08
quiquellssbarnea_: Let's make this work, we can choose proper image later08:09
quiquellssbarnea_: Damn I want to put standalone at every openstack project so ruck/rover is not so painful08:09
quiquellssbarnea_: Looks like this f28 can help with that ?08:09
ssbarnea_quiquell: i need to work on dealing with the bug where tq(e) is downgraded on CI, this prevented me to test some jobs.08:10
quiquellssbarnea_: what bug ?08:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1796048 in tripleo " installs downgraded version of tripleo-quickstart-extras" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Sorin Sbarnea (ssbarnea)08:11
quiquellsshnaidm: Don't know why is this failing at merge
quiquellssbarnea_: What's the relation of the bug and standalone-f28 =08:20
ssbarnea_quiquell i got some changes that failed because they ended using tripleo code that was like ~150 changesets old08:21
quiquellssbarnea_: What changes do you have the review ?08:21
ssbarnea_in fact this bug seems to randomly affects lots of jobs and is very hard to spot as you need to dig the logs to figure it out. in fact Wes spotted it first.08:22
quiquellssbarnea_: This is the review ?08:23
quiquellssbarnea_: but the issue are the other jobs08:24
quiquellThey don't do the uninstalling08:25
ssbarnea_quiquell in am not sure about the unintalling, btw, do you want to BJ about it, it may prove faster08:25
quiquellssbarnea_: Sure bored of waiting promotions08:26
ssbarnea_give me few mins to get a coffee08:26
quiquellssbarnea_: before you go do we need to merge this  ?08:27
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ssbarnea_yes, but only once we get it passing.08:28
quiquellok, so bug is not a stopper08:28
ssbarnea_this assures that we succesfully moved the config to their new location08:28
arxcruzsshnaidm: around? any chance you know where the upload-logs role is for
ssbarnea_i am hacking my f28 test machine by removing py2 and assuring that yum cannot install it, just to be be able to test08:29
quiquellssbarnea_: ack08:29
ssbarnea_this is going to become a big PITA, we no longer have "python" or "pip" commands available, making any scripts more complex to get the right interpreter.08:33
quiquellssbarnea_: where ?08:34
pandaquiquell: how's going ?08:39
quiquellpanda: good morning08:39
quiquellpanda: we have promotion-blockers for OVB, but I saw mutlinodes working :-)08:39
quiquellpanda: Wiped it out after a recheck :-( so waitting for test review to finish08:39
pandaquiquell: so they are failing in a known way08:40
quiquellpanda: Also compared check jobs, I think they are doing the stuff08:40
quiquellpanda: yep08:40
quiquellpanda: Added Depends-On on the upstream fix
quiquellpanda: Also added a test patch to run queens/pike periodics08:41
quiquellpanda: HUmm exception now :-(08:41
pandaquiquell: we are testing only with your patch or we are spinning one periodic in pipeline a day at least ?08:42
sshnaidmquiquell, can we leave only debug patch there? I'd like to see if it starts at all08:42
quiquellpanda: Just the patch, not periodics yet08:42
sshnaidmquiquell, I mean in dependencies08:42
quiquellsshnaidm: What do you mean ?08:43
quiquellWe have an exception at periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build08:43
sshnaidmquiquell, in to leave only dependency
sshnaidmquiquell, did it work in patch 17? I don't see  results..08:44
quiquellsshnaidm: we need the Depends-On to run as periodics08:44
quiquellsshnaidm: I saw 'multinode' jobs passing, but I added a Depends-On to the fix of OVB08:44
quiquellsshnaidm: And results gone08:44
sshnaidmquiquell, you don't need
quiquellsshnaidm: Cannot find them at zuul builds08:45
quiquellsshnaidm: why ?08:45
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sshnaidmquiquell, let's go step by step and be sure it starts and finishes.. let's put features aside for now08:45
ssbarnea_quiquell: out of curiosity: should this be swapped, prefering dnf when installed?08:45
sshnaidmquiquell, yesterday it couldn't start at all because of various issues..08:46
quiquellsshnaidm: Ok, let's remove the Depends-On, this morning was very greeny08:46
quiquellsshnaidm: Except for OVB08:46
sshnaidmquiquell, great, let's see it happens again, also we'll check that OVB reports its failure08:47
quiquellsshnaidm: done08:47
sshnaidmquiquell, cool, thanks08:47
quiquellsshnaidm: was reporting, In fact I found it there08:47
sshnaidmquiquell, it's good news!08:48
quiquellsshnaidm: Think we are near08:49
quiquellsshnaidm: But we have to check we don't have false possitives08:49
sshnaidmquiquell, well, yeah, and all other stuff like right branches, repos, etc08:50
quiquellsshnaidm, panda: Passing multinode
quiquellsshnaidm: If we check at logs dir we can get the latest08:50
sshnaidmcool, so last try worked yesterday08:51
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quiquellsshnaidm: weird thing zuul don't report it08:52
quiquellsshnaidm: but we have the log dir08:52
quiquellsshnaidm: Zuul mark them as SKIPPED even if they have pass08:52
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009 (1 more message)08:53
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe Sf folks know why..08:53
marios|roverkopecmartin|ruck: fyi quiquell cc were you asking about queens earlier? undercloud-upgrades job has issue fyi if that is what you meant08:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1796639 in tripleo "[stable/queens] The tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades is failing on queens for No such file or directory: '/etc/heat/policy.json" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)08:54
quiquellmarios|rover: But that's different from the bandini fix '08:54
marios|roverquiquell: yeah i know oh i see you were asking if that issue was affecting queens08:55
marios|roverquiquell: i thought you were asking about state of queens gate08:55
quiquellmarios|rover: nope if the issue affect queens08:55
marios|roverkopecmartin|ruck: but otherwise gates look ok ? \o/08:56
kopecmartin|ruckmarios|rover, yes they do, i was really surprised in the morning :D08:57
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marios|roverkopecmartin|ruck: sssshhh :) lets not say it too often ;)08:57
ssbarnea_i need some clarifications regarding f28 expectations for openstack: should we run using py3 and avoid py3 completly or we do a ....mix.09:00
pandassbarnea_: as far as I understand pyt3 will be the only one available in f28, rhel8 and centos809:01
pandassbarnea_: there's no mix, there's only zuul.09:01
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ssbarnea_panda: my impression was the same, py3 only. zuul is an interesting question because based on the readme it does some messing, hopefully it can be conficed to use py3 instead on f28 node (willfindout soon)09:03
pandassbarnea_: the second part of the answer was just a quote, ignore it09:04
ssbarnea_to assure we don't mess things up we should disable python2* in /etc/dnf.conf as first step.09:04
ssbarnea_panda: at least it should help us stop accidents fast, where some install command gets py2, because on f28 there is py2 as optional.09:05
pandassbarnea_: uninstall --purge09:05
ssbarnea_panda: uninstall does not prevent future install by some other random task. for example I discovered that "mc" installs python2 ... clearly a bug in the package nut i am sure is not the onlyone.09:06
quiquellpanda: I looked into cnew OVB check job, they look ok, maybe we can start migrating them09:08
quiquellpanda: I know it's not the plan09:08
pandaquiquell: the plan is to migrate everythign we can, so we can understand in this week how much we are breaking09:11
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quiquellpanda: So we activate more jobs like this  ?09:14
quiquellpanda: Or remove the legacy counterpart of working ones ?09:14
quiquellpanda: and make new ones voting ?09:15
pandaquiquell: they can't vote anyway09:16
pandaqnd having both legacy and new ay be too much for rdocloud09:16
quiquellpanda: What do you mean they can't vote ? we cannot set vote: true ?09:17
pandaquiquell: 3rd party CI from OVB can't really vote on the job, patches can be merged even if all jobsin rdocloud fail09:19
pandaquiquell: usually people take the result into consideration, but they are not blocked by them09:19
quiquellpanda: Ahh ok, yep, so we can start to remove legacy of working ones and continue with next ones ?09:21
pandaquiquell: I'd think so yes.09:21
ssbarnea_quiquell: the mess is getting bigger: while -requests and -urllib3 are installable using python(2|3), yaml does not as the old rpm is named "python-yaml" and new one "python3-yaml",with no "2" alias available.09:39
ssbarnea_quiquell: so we need to start adding conditionals for package names for each distro as there is no clear pattern to use.09:39
ssbarnea_and we cannot use wildcards09:39
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pandassbarnea_: is there any way you can work with packaging team to solve these ?09:41
ssbarnea_panda: yes and no, i did this in the past and in some cases it worked (takes weeks) and in some cases it may not as they would avoid changing an old version due to regression risks09:43
ssbarnea_also we do not have time: so I would find a local workaround so we can continue work (and likely find other issues) and raise a ticket for this. once/if we had it fixed by packaging, we can remove our workaround. sounds ok?09:44
ssbarnea_panda quiquell : take a look at what I need to run: maybe you have an idea on how to avoid extra conditionals09:47
ssbarnea_look that python-yaml does not have a "2"09:47
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quiquellsshnaidm, panda: Have to leave, will connect back10:20
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pandaquiquell|brb: good luck10:20
quiquell|brbpanda: thanks10:20
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quiquellnot yet10:21
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quiquellssbarnea_: Why are we using for the job ?10:24
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quiquellpanda: This make sense ?10:35
quiquellpanda: Merge it and then fix10:35
pandaquiquell: fieatureset001 is one of the jobs we tested the most right ?10:37
quiquellpanda: Yep10:38
quiquellpanda: Since this is not voting, we can merge and try to fix as it goes, the strategy was more or less that10:38
pandaquiquell: yep10:41
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quiquellpanda: ok let's do it then10:45
quiquellsshnaidm: what do you think ?10:45
sshnaidmquiquell, if one job passed, I think worth to merge it10:47
quiquellsshnaidm: we talking about replacing all that we have covered at openstack-check pipeline10:49
quiquellsshnaidm: and deal with them10:49
quiquellsshnaidm: more or lease remove legacy-10:49
quiquellsshnaidm: except experimental and -tht10:49
sshnaidmquiquell, do we have one new job passed?10:49
sshnaidmquiquell, in some of test patches?10:50
quiquellsshnaidm: Not in check,10:50
sshnaidmquiquell, "check"?10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: We talking about just fix them in production10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: openstack-check10:51
quiquellsshnaidm, panda: ok now I leave see you later10:51
sshnaidmquiquell, do we have job passed in check pipeline?10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: master and queens ovb fs00110:51
quiquellfor tq and tqe10:51
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sshnaidmquiquell, cool, then let's do it.. openstack-check we can't test afaik anyway10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: ok, let's merge this then
quiquellpanda: ^ ok ?10:52
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)10:53
pandaquiquell: already +1ed10:53
sshnaidmquiquell|brb, panda why only tripleo.yaml? We have also jobs in projects.yaml10:59
pandasshnaidm: he probably didn't want to migrate everything at once.11:07
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sshnaidmpanda, so we leave half legacy and half not?11:27
pandasshnaidm: I didn't say it was a ggod decision. So, for what I imagine, there will be some period in which, if something fails of goes wrong, we'll want to understand if it's the new workflow or not. As long as we have at least one job to compere things to, we'll be fine. It doesn't have to be half, we'll probably need one to compare11:30
sshnaidmpanda, the change is merged, now need to keep eye on jobs11:44
sshnaidmand I see still legacy-* jobs are queued11:45
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rlandysshnaidm: hi - looks like you got it working.12:09
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, the final patch fixed it :)12:17
rlandyoh the workspace12:18
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weshaymarios|rover, kopecmartin|ruck how is the gate doing?12:19
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quiquellsshnaidm: What  jobs are missing ?12:21
weshaymarios|rover, we really at 0 fails in 24hrs?  and 85% pass12:21
sshnaidmquiquell, I see now that both legacy and non-legacy are executed..12:21
quiquellsshnaidm: bug we have merge the template12:22
quiquellsshnaidm: I don't see the test patch running
quiquellsshnaidm: nah I see it now12:24
rlandyquiquell: hi - ok if I take this card I am putting in reviews to undo the stuff I did to avoid promotions12:25
quiquellrlandy: Totally they ir kind of good now12:25
quiquellrlandy: did we have a run of the -upload ?12:26
sshnaidmquiquell, heh, I see what a problem..12:26
quiquellsshnaidm: what is ?12:26
rlandyI'll check12:26
marios|roverweshay: mostly ok but queens borked undercloud job
openstackLaunchpad bug 1796639 in tripleo "[stable/queens] The tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades is failing on queens for No such file or directory: '/etc/heat/policy.json" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)12:28
rlandyquiquell: not yet12:28
quiquellrlandy: I have put in place a test  pat ch for queens/pike too12:28
rlandyquiquell: yeah - I see that12:28
rlandyand to covert the rest12:28
rlandyquiquell: which is good - the check jobs did fine12:29
quiquellrlandy: We are in good position to start transition12:31
rlandyquiquell: sshnaidm I don;t see upload run yet ...12:31
quiquellrlandy: are you going to also activate openstack-periodic24hr ?12:32
sshnaidmrlandy, afaik there is problem with ovb at all now12:32
quiquellsshnaidm: Upstream is broken at OVB12:32
rlandyquiquell; sshnaidm: I am not activating anything yet ... just putting in reviews for when we are ready  to do so12:33
rlandyI move the pipelines to run once per month12:33
rlandyand commented promoter12:33
rlandyI am undoing that12:33
rlandyalso - would like to see upload run once first12:33
sshnaidmquiquell, in all branches?12:33
quiquellsshnaidm: master and rocky for sure the others could be too12:34
quiquellsshnaidm: That's why I add a Depends-On t his morning with the fix12:34
quiquellssbarnea: Some of the requirements from tq is not meet at fedora
quiquellsshnaidm: ahhh No match for argument: /usr/bin/virtualenv12:38
quiquellpath is different at fedora12:39
sshnaidmmost likely it's virtualenv3 or kinda12:40
quiquellsshnaidm: pufff ok12:41
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)12:53
agopirlandy, quiquell seems to have worked. pl review when you get a chance. Thanks12:53
weshaymarios|rover, kopecmartin|ruck fyi
quiquellagopi: That's the most secured ansible task I have ever seen with a "when" :-)12:55
marios|roverquiquell: can you check what's the action there?12:55
agopihaha just triple making sure quiquell :)12:56
marios|roverweshay: ack12:56
quiquellmarios|rover: Preventing action was to merge the review to fix release files, it's already merged so it's already prevented12:56
marios|roverquiquell: can you please add some not/comment there please :)... haha but it looked like you had somethign else in mind?12:57
marios|roverquiquell: or perhaps it was misunderstanding (just came up on call)12:57
weshayok.. folks..12:59
weshayscrum in 1 min12:59
weshayhrm.. I don't have his passcode12:59
weshaymove to my blue12:59
weshaysshnaidm, rlandy quiquell ssbarnea13:00
sshnaidmquiquell, ^^13:01
quiquellweshay: I am on the meeting13:01
quiquellmoderator is missing13:01
weshaymove there please13:02
weshayssbarnea, you around?13:02
marios|roverweshay: whats' the right gerrit id so i can spam you for reviews please13:11
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rlandyquiquell: ok with upload? ... I think so13:55
quiquellrlandy: didn't check the logs yet, I suppose we have to be sure that is running at proper DLRN hash and the like13:56
weshaykopecmartin|ruck, you available?13:56
rlandyquiquell: ^^13:57
quiquellrlandy: The we are all good, I think13:58
kopecmartin|ruckweshay, I am13:59
quiquellrlandy: current was 71add308632b60fbe43ea44e9576358ad98a974c before the run13:59
quiquellWe are good13:59
quiquell71add308632b60fbe43ea44e9576358ad98a974c_bb32139d to be exact13:59
rlandyyep - all there13:59
rlandynice to know something worked without debug :)14:00
rlandysshnaidm: quiquell: I'm ok if you want to merge the hardening patch and run test - since we have seen upload work14:01
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, let's try it14:01
rlandyI can merge that14:01
quiquellrlandy: yep let's put all together so we have a proper fireworks14:01
sshnaidmrlandy, great14:01
rlandysshnaidm: we didn;t remove the scripts from ci-config yet?14:03
rlandyjust added to config14:03
sshnaidmrlandy, no, didn't remove14:05
rlandysshnaidm: that's fine - if this works, we can remove14:05
rlandyor add it as part of the clean up work14:05
sshnaidmquiquell, rerunning test..14:06
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rlandysshnaidm: quiquell: are we done with migrating check jobs?14:09
arxcruzweshay: fix stackviz14:10
sshnaidmrlandy, seems so14:10
rlandyk - moving card then14:10
quiquellsshnaidm: Do we need to move upgrades to experimental ?14:10
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah14:11
sshnaidmquiquell, making patch?14:11
quiquellsshnaidm: doing14:11
quiquellsshnaidm, rlandy: upgrades are parth of the promotion pipeline14:12
rlandysshnaidm: sova updates :)14:12
quiquellsshnaidm, rlandy: Do I keep them there ?14:12
rlandywe need to track new jobs14:13
rlandyquiquell: I guess so14:13
rlandyquiquell: we can't change the promotion criteria14:14
rlandyquiquell: fs037 seems to be passing14:15
rlandywe can ask the upgrades team to confirm that we have not missed something14:15
rlandyalthough that is an update not an upgrade14:15
rlandyhmmm ... we have not seen an upgrade run anywhere14:17
rlandymarios|rover: using your upgrades hat, any concern with ^^14:18
quiquelldamn we where missing one job tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-upgrades-pike not defined14:18
rlandyquiquell: I'm ok with that - let's ping sofer to give him a heads up14:18
rlandychem: ^^14:22
chemrlandy: hi, what's up ?14:22
rlandychem: just a notification of - we are moving the upgrades jobs to the new format14:24
rlandyno more legacy work14:25
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chemrlandy: hum, does this mean zuulv3 or is this something else ?14:27
rlandychem: yes - zuulv314:27
chemrlandy: ack, thanks for the heads up, let's see if matches the old one :)14:28
rlandychem; including those jobs in the promotion pipeline14:28
rlandychem: yep - we'll need someone from the upgrades team to confirm we have not missed/changed anything14:28
rlandyfor example ... we currently have a test periodic job that reported results for fs037 ...
pandaarxcruz: ping ping ping14:31
pandaarxcruz: ping -f14:31
arxcruzpanda: pong pong pong14:32
pandaarxcruz: I have the same question for different issues14:32
pandaarxcruz: more or less14:32
arxcruzpanda: can you contextualize ?14:33
chemrlandy: oh, looks like the update happened, was quick (16min) and successful14:33
pandaarxcruz: yes14:33
pandaarxcruz: is issue #91 a duplicate of user story #22 ?14:33
pandaarxcruz: what's the status of #77, and who's assigned to #27 ?14:34
pandarlandy: I created #18 as an example of this sprint, are you actively working on it ?14:35
rlandychem: thanks - looking if we have an upgrades job to review14:35
quiquellrlandy: Adding missing ones to multinode-jobs14:35
arxcruzpanda: hold on, let me check14:35
rlandyquiquell: thanks - I'll review and merge when you have it ready14:36
rlandypanda: 18?14:36
weshayarxcruz, thanks14:36
weshayarxcruz, chandan is at a conference?14:36
rlandypanda: oh - browbeat14:36
arxcruzweshay: i think he is14:36
arxcruzpanda: issue #91 isn't related to user story #22, although it could be14:37
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rlandypanda: yeah - I can probably do the last work and close that out now14:37
mariosrlandy: was in a call with weshay reading back14:38
rlandypanda: it could be part of the mass migration14:38
rlandyI'll work with agopi today to finish that14:38
pandarlandy: do you think you'll have time considering all other tasks your'e working on ?14:38
arxcruzpanda: #77 i just put a comment14:38
rlandymarios: hi - was chatting with chem and quiquell about the migration of upgrades jobs to zuulv3 ...14:38
mariosrlandy: well what do you mean about 'concern' :) hopefully the jobs are green, otherwise shouldn't make a difference to the workflow or what the jobs do?14:39
mariosrlandy: i mean the migration14:39
arxcruzpanda: #27 should be assigned to kopecmartin|ruck14:39
rlandymarios: just that we should check at least one job of upgrades and make sure it's not a false positive14:39
rlandyand we have not missed something14:39
mariosrlandy: ack is there a test posted? (where can we check)14:40
rlandypanda: the job definition is already there14:40
rlandymarios: chem just checked fs037 from the promotion pipeline14:41
rlandymarios: I was looking if there was an upgrades job in the pipeline to check as well14:41
rlandyupdates seemed ok14:41
pandarlandy: ok, if you're working it as part of the US #113, is it ok to create a task there and remove the issue ?14:41
rlandypanda: ack14:41
agopirlandy, don't quite follow the convo but do let me know how i can help :)14:41
pandaarxcruz: assigned to kopecmartin|ruck14:42
rlandyagopi: we are done with converting check jobs to zuul ve14:42
kopecmartin|ruckpanda, arxcruz thanks, it's practically done, needs only polishing14:42
rlandyagopi: as such ... wrt browbeat ...14:42
pandarlandy: agopi
pandakopecmartin|ruck: can you update the card ?14:43
kopecmartin|ruckpanda, sure14:43
rlandyagopi: panda: ^^14:43
quiquellrlandy: zuul-check passed
pandakopecmartin|ruck: just report what you said here, it's ok14:43
quiquellrlandy: I drop know, read you tomorrow14:43
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agopiack rlandy and is ready and i verified both the v3 job and legacy job running fine14:44
agopionce i get a review from any of you, will merge it14:44
rlandyagopi: we need to change the trigger to run only th ev3 job14:45
rlandyagopi: I see only the legacy jobs run14:45
rlandywhere is the v3 job log?14:46
agopiokay rlandy
rlandyagopi: ah good - ok - I +1'ed youre review14:47
rlandychecking trigger14:47
rlandyagopi: ^^14:47
agopiack rlandy i'll merge it then. Pl point me to how I can update triggers and will do so.14:48
rlandy^^ the new job should be running if you change ansible/oooq/browbeat-minimal.yml14:49
rlandyagopi: can you confirm that?14:49
agopiack rlandy but the trigger for legacy job? i thought we wanted to change so only v3 job triggers14:50
agopiokay gotcha14:50
agopiyes i'll test it14:50
rlandyagopi: yep that is done14:50
rlandyagopi: I am going to put in one last change ... to trigger that test on *any* browbeat change - not just the one file. ok?14:51
agopiyes that works rlandy :)14:52
agopii think its triggering14:52
agopii see it here queued up
agopithanks rlandy14:52
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)14:53
rlandyweshay: rook: agopi: ^^ are we done with the browbeat work if the vuul-v3 job runs on any browbeat change? or do we want to add it to check elsewhere? tae?14:53
rlandypanda: ^^ fyi14:53
agopiI think I already have a review doing same rlandy14:54
agopineed to update the legacy14:54
agopiremove the legacy14:54
agopiwill do it14:54
rlandyagopi: ack, pls update to use non-legacy and we can merge that once we see the v3 job pass on a browbeat change14:55
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agopiyes rlandy on it14:55
rlandyagopi: thanks14:56
rookagopi rlandy ++14:56
rookthanks yall :D14:56
pandarook: without the space before the ++15:01
hubbot1rook: agopi's karma is now 215:01
hubbot1rook: rlandy's karma is now 2515:01
hubbot1rook: panda's karma is now 415:01
marios|roverweshay: do you know where those 'weirdo' jobs are runnin gon
weshaymarios|rover, look for the job w/ weirdo in their name in rdo phase 115:04
weshaymarios|rover, weirdo jobs wrap the upstream puppet integration jobs15:04
marios|roverweshay: thanks15:04
weshayso that they test w/ rpm15:04
marios|rover no weirdo ?15:05
marios|roverweshay: ^ is that where you meant i don't see wirdo15:05
marios|roverweshay: ah thanks15:07
weshayquiquell|off, dang15:08
weshayah.. now I see a gate failure in cockpit.. nvrmind15:08
weshayquiquell|off, /me was wondering what bugs you are fixing15:08
weshaymarios|rover, ugh.. rdo 3rd party jobs are at 20% pass rate15:09
weshaymy lanta15:09
marios|rover weshay looks like fs 1/35 are that ssl thing
hubbot1weshay: marios|rover's karma is now 115:14
marios|roverweshay: and fs1 pike is 8 mins/transient issue ?15:15
weshaymarios|rover, fix is
marios|roverweshay: ok cool, looking at rdo failing check in grafana it looks like they are all fs 1/35 suspect all the same15:16
* weshay looking15:16
agopirlandy, triggered a fs53 job, saw it in queue so looks like is good to go15:17
weshaypike error is15:18
weshaymError: Failed to apply catalog: Execution of '/bin/openstack role list --quiet --format csv' returned 1: Unable to establish connection to HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=35357): Max retries exceeded with url: /v3/roles (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f3ea4f43390>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection15:18
weshayrefused',)) (tried 36, for a total of 170 secon15:18
weshaymight be transient15:18
weshayI can waive pike failures15:18
weshaymarios|rover, bah.. fs01 failed in prep-images15:20
weshay35 passed tempest15:20
weshaywe'll need to recheck rdo15:20
weshaymarios|rover, ah.. nevermind15:21
weshaymarios|rover, it's in the gate15:21
weshayheh.. and it failed in the gate15:22
weshayon the undercloud install15:22
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weshaysorry.. meant
rlandyagopi: weshay: pls see my comment on browbeat test triggering - wrt tq/tqe/tripleo-ci ... what changes should we trigger browbeat test on? all files? just a subset?15:24
weshayrlandy, let's err on the side of overtesting for browbeat and ha15:24
rlandyweshay: agopi: ^^ ok -so pls just add irrelevant file as in tests above and we should be ok15:25
agopiack rlandy15:26
agopiwill do it15:26
weshaymarios|rover, I'll babysit this patch15:26
weshaymarios|rover, I think we should kill the gate job, and recheck it15:27
weshayas it's DOA15:27
marios|roverweshay: is that a new issue "Failed to parse dlrn hash" 18:23 < weshay> sorry.. meant15:27
marios|roverweshay: ack no objections15:27
weshaymarios|rover, most likely because of a hiccup on
weshayhard to test that though15:29
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weshaypanda|off, ping me tomorrow.. we need to catch pu15:34
marios|roverthanks weshay15:35
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rlandysshnaidm|afk: panda|off: weshay: I am going to wait for results of fs050 from the current test run to see how upgrades behaves. If that looks ok - should we merge
rlandyother concerns?15:54
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weshayrlandy, I think undercloud update has been stable, undercloud updgrade I think is non-voting16:00
weshayrlandy, if it's non-voting upstream the promotion job results can be waived as long as it's not a zuul config issue16:00
weshayrlandy, make sense to you?16:00
rlandyweshay: only concern is if it's an issue on our side16:06
rlandyzuul vars16:06
rlandyrelease work16:06
rlandyweshay: fs037 was looked at by upgrades team already16:07
hubbot1weshay: rlandy's karma is now 2616:07
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weshayssbarnea, you back?16:17
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agopirlandy, I've updated pl review when you get a chance and lmk any other changes needed.16:27
agopithanks :)16:27
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sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, I think we can merge
rlandysshnaidm; I am just watching
rlandyand then I'll merge16:50
sshnaidmrlandy, it passed16:50
sshnaidmrlandy, oops.. seems like failed16:50
rlandy +(./ echo 'Playbook run of multinode-validate.yml passed successfully'16:51
rlandyif the logs look ok to upgrades team, I'll merge16:52
rlandymaster failed overcloud deploy16:53
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)16:53
rlandy2018-10-08 16:39:06 | Error: The following files were not found: /home/zuul/inject-trust-anchor.yaml16:54
weshayrlandy, that may be a current issue16:56
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, I see "success": true, but "REPORTING FAILURE TO DLRN API".. weird16:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1796626 in tripleo "OVB - overcloud-ssl fail with KeyError - breaks legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master and featureset035" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Michele Baldessari (michele)16:56
sshnaidmrlandy, oh, I see.. [[ True = \t\r\u\e ]], hehe16:57
agopirlandy, job failed but probably because of rdo cloud i'm guessing?
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rlandywill look in a sec17:04
agopiack rlandy thanks :)17:04
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rlandyagopi: yep  - ironic error17:14
rlandysshnaidm: ok now we have a log to compare ...
agopiack rlandy hit recheck lets see if it works.17:18
rlandychem: we have an upgrades job that ran and passed ... - looks like it completed the upgrade ...
rlandysshnaidm: looks ok afaict ... will merge the experimental patch unless any objections17:20
rlandynot your experimental job, the upgrades one17:21
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, I think we can merge experimental too:
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rlandysshnaidm; k - merging
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weshayneed reviews on
rlandyweshay: ^^ why still jenkins/jobs?17:59
weshayrlandy, it's ppc18:00
weshayin ci.centos18:00
rlandyweshay - oh gee - ok - don;t know much about that - not sure I'm the best reviewer - but if you want it merged I can do that18:01
rlandyweshay: also ... I'm merging (upgrades) .. fs050 passed - posted results above for chem to look at. He may be out already - can revert if it's an issue18:02
weshayno worries.. just getting it in channel18:04
weshayrlandy, nice on upgrades18:04
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)18:53
rlandysshnaidm|afk: weshay: requesting review for thanks18:58
weshaypanda, fyi
weshayrlandy, hey.. what's the diff between $job and $job-branch19:00
weshaythey are both check right?19:00
rlandyone is check on a change on the same branch and the other on master19:01
sshnaidm|afkrlandy, thanks, merged19:01
rlandynot sure if I am answering that per your questions19:01
rlandysshnaidm|afk: sure - I never realized how advanced sova was  - thanks for keeping that up all this time19:02
weshayrlandy, ah.. makes sense19:02
rlandysshnaidm|afk: I'm going to start work on and put in a review to update the trigger and test. If there is more to the card, let m e know19:16
weshayrlandy, let me know if you need anything19:19
rlandyweshay: I think we're ok - the card I with -tht jobs ^^ is the only outstanding card I see19:20
rlandybrowbeat added triggers should be ok to merge shortly19:20
rlandywe are waiting for final results on the hardening job19:21
rlandyweshay: unless I missed something? I think that is it until we re-enable the dlrn reporting19:21
weshayvery nice :)19:22
rlandyand promoter19:22
rlandyweshay: do you recall what the 'redefine need' is in I can update the trigger and test it19:28
rlandynot sure what the rest is about19:28
* weshay looks19:29
weshayrlandy, so sshnaidm|afk has the back story on the jobs they were created for juan and the tls folks19:30
rlandymaybe I should just leave that?19:30
rlandyI see the trigger19:30
weshaywe discussed it this morning.. I think we need / want sshnaidm|afk to add more info there just to be sure we don't do the wrong thing w/ the jobs19:30
weshaythe conversation was about migrating the tht jobs, or updating the triggers to execute the check jobs against what is required for tls19:31
rlandyyeah - I remember the discussion but never heard the complete decision19:31
* weshay looks19:31
rlandyI found the trigger19:32
weshaysee it19:32
weshayI see any extra vars there passed to the tht job19:32
weshayjust kicking off ipsec.*$ and the config19:32
weshaysitll better to ask Sagi in the task19:32
rlandyand panda and I compared the legacy jobs19:32
rlandynot much diff19:32
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rlandyagopi: browbeat is looking good :)20:43
agopiyes rlandy :)20:45
rlandyagopi; merging your change20:46
agopialso I've hit recheck on an hour back but can't see it in the queue20:46
rlandyweshay: ^^ finally :)20:46
agopijust curios as to what might've happened20:46
* weshay looks20:46
weshayrlandy, which queue?20:46
weshayagopi, which queue? rdo zuul or upstream zuul20:47
rlandyagopi: I see the results not sure what you are referring to20:47
agopiack rlandy the above case fs53 job failed because wasnt merged20:47
agopithe results are from before i hit recheck rlandy20:47
rlandyweshay: was pointing at the fact that we are merging the browbeat trigger20:47
weshayagopi, it's running upstram20:47
weshayto refire ovb jobs20:48
rlandyI see a recheck20:48
rlandyPatch Set 1: recheck20:48
rlandy3:24 PM20:48
rlandyPatch Set 1: recheck20:48
rlandy3:24 PM20:48
rlandyRDO Third Party CI20:48
rlandy3:35 PM20:48
rlandyagopi: hold on - I'll merge and then you can run again20:49
weshayfyi.. rlandy some what related
weshayinfra has a few things to do to open up the capacity on rdo sf20:49
agopiweshay, i'm looking here and i don't see any queue: openstack/tripleo-quickstart for
agopiack rlandy20:50
weshayagopi, in rdo sf20:50
rlandyweshay: interesting20:50
weshayagopi, check-rdo20:51
rlandymerge in progress ...20:51
agopiweird it popped now weshay20:52
agopido you see this20:52
weshayagopi, ya.. I add check-rdo20:52
agopioh okay gotcha20:52
agopinow it makes sense20:52
weshayrlandy, does recheck kick both?20:52
weshayhrm.. it should zuul.d/upstream.yaml:21:          comment: (?i)^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( [\w\\+-]*)*(\n\n)?\s*(recheck|check-rdo|verify-rdo)20:52
weshayagopi, don't knjow20:53
rlandyagopi: merge complete - edit your job to remove depends and run again20:53
weshayrecheck should have done it20:53
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)20:53
agopirecheck kicked RDO CI for sure though weshay from what i saw20:53
rlandyweshay: yes20:53
rlandyrecheck kicks both20:53
weshaymaybe check-rdo kicks it harder20:53
weshaystupid infra20:53
agopiack rlandy20:53
rlandyweshay: agopi: sometimes changes to dependent patches collide20:53
rlandyand the job doesn't run - I've seen that happen20:54
weshaynever cross the streams20:54
rlandynot sure what happened here but recheck shoudl kick both20:54
agopiooh okay rlandy gotcha anyway I updated commit and removed depends on looks good as I see fs53 queued up20:55
agopithanks rlandy, weshay :)20:55
rlandyweshay: I *think* we are ready to turn periodic pipeline back on - maybe waiting for a morning to do that is better?20:57
rlandyhardening looks ok to me20:57
weshayrlandy, better to have the jobs run overnight20:58
rlandythe only task I see left is tht and periodic does not rely on it20:59
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rlandyweshay: looking at results here  ...
rlandythe errors are either tls or ironic related21:00
rlandysame we see in check21:00
rlandyweshay: if you're ok with that ... pls vote on reviews in
rlandyand we can merge those to re-enable21:02
rlandycould re-enable reporting afterwards21:02
weshayrlandy, ya.. we need a promotion on master21:02
rlandyie: promotions first reporting later21:02
rlandyweshay: ok21:02
weshayrlandy, unless that test patch is using a recent hash21:02
weshayand is recreating tripleo-ci-testing21:02
weshayrlandy, still it's not an infra / zuul issue21:03
weshayso we're good21:03
rlandyit is21:03
rlandyweshay: k - pls vote and we'll see what shakes out21:03
rlandyjust so I don't merge my own code w/o anyone's ok21:04
weshayrlandy, +1 on
weshaywhat else?21:06  Restore promotions to run every day21:06 Revert "Temp comment out promotions run in RDO Cloud"21:06
rlandyweshay: never merges21:06
rlandyjust a test job21:06
rlandy^^ those two are needed to restore21:07
rlandyweshay: thanks - periodic pipeline should kick in 43 mins21:17
rlandyre-enabling dlrn21:18
rlandyweshay: k - we've pulled the trigger now ...
* rlandy runs for cover21:24
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weshayzuul ui is down22:27
rlandywell periodic jobs kicked22:45
rlandyweshay: ^^ fyi22:45
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)22:53
*** tosky has quit IRC23:03
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl23:11
*** quiquell|off has quit IRC23:27

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