Wednesday, 2018-10-31

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-quick-basic, tripleo- (3 more messages)00:41
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-quick-basic, tripleo- (3 more messages)02:41
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ykarelis this already known and worked upon: INFO:kolla.common.utils.crane:No package mod_xsendfile available04:39
ykarelmaster container build failing while building crane04:39
ykarelruck rover ^^04:40
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-quick-basic, tripleo- (3 more messages)04:41
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-quick-basic, tripleo- (3 more messages)06:41
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chandankumarnhicher: arxcruz will fix the issue07:17
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-quick-basic, tripleo- (3 more messages)08:41
ssbarneamorning! i am wondering why nobody raise this issue... we have ~15 jobs run, lets say we have a 5% random failure rate.... have you computed the probability for the gate to pass?08:46
ssbarnea(1-0.05)^15 = 0.46 .... and this is for the gate itself.08:47
ssbarneaif we count both check and gate it would be like: 21% instead of 46%08:47
ssbarneaand this by assuming your change is "perfect".08:48
ssbarneasshnaidm|ruck : if you can review now it would be great. check for last zuul rezults downvote due to one random flakiness.08:58
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sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, I still wait for answers for my comments09:12
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, please, don't forge to reply to people issues, it's very important09:12
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, I don't want now to list all patchsets to find what was fixed and what not, please respect your colleagues time09:13
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sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, commented on patch09:22
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, I kindly remind you that it blocks promotion09:24
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, wrt: - I don't think it should be in journald. Firstly these files should be available, better by http, which is impossible in journald case. I'd like to link to them or send them to somebody w/o logging in to te-broker.09:36
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, secondly, it's much faster and more convenient to lurk in one file then starting to grep journald. This logs are not logs from one service, these logs are from different machines, it's different09:37
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quiquellpanda, sshnaidm|ruck: Do you know if we have to run jobs at fedora28 with qemu or kvm ?10:13
quiquellright now they are running at qemu10:13
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, hmm.. where do you see qemu?10:14
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: I think we are missing the kernel module for kvm there10:14
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: I suppose it's better to use kvm ?10:14
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, where exactly?10:15
quiquellwait didn't copy the pointer10:15
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, I think it's relevant for libvirt jobs only10:17
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, we don't run vm on infra nodes10:17
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: So this is not relevant10:18
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, yeah, sure not on undercloud node10:18
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Nah is the same at centos standalone, thanks10:19
rfolco|roverquiquell, this is because it tries to load the kvm module and failed. The host has no support to it or kvm full accel mode is disabled in the host.10:19
huynqHello! Did you get SSLError when import overcloud nodes?10:19
quiquellrfolco|rover: ack10:19
sshnaidm|ruckhuynq, I didn't see it before, can you please check that time on machine is synced with ntp?10:20
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, you know if/how podman mirror is configured ? did you file any bug for the docker registry failures on gate ?10:24
huynqsshnaidm|ruck: I have just synced then do installation command again. It's still failed10:24
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, context - see failures recorded at
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, and last night chat on openstack-infra10:26
sshnaidm|ruckrfolco|rover, are we talking about podman crash?10:26
rfolco|rovernot sure if this is same issue10:27
sshnaidm|ruckrfolco|rover, logs..>10:27
rfolco|rover lines 21-2910:27
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rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, HTTPError: 503 Server Error... HTTP Error 502 - Bad Gateway... etc10:28
sshnaidm|ruckrfolco|rover, well, that's a lot of different errors10:29
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, it seems that podman mirror/proxy/cache whatever is not configured10:29
sshnaidm|ruckrfolco|rover, how do you see it?10:31
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, I don't. Per Paul's comments plus Alex's comments....10:31
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, look...10:32
rfolco|rover<mwhahaha> clarkb: heads up, that job isn't using docker which is why that docker config file is not configured with a mirror. I will have to track down where the podman mirror config is tho10:32
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci- (3 more messages)10:41
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pandasshnaidm|ruck: That change is about the console log deletion script and its output 1) log rotation is a system administration activity, I don't understand why you would want to expose that log to someone that has no access to the system, but systemd offers already a facility to expose logs via http with an integrated filtering system, configuring it it's not particularly difficult 2) journald was created10:54
pandaspecifically to filter and explore logs according to rules, why would I want to use grep above message level ? If you need a single file you can always journalctl -t tebroker-console-log | less . I don't see the advantage in creating these exception and distributing logs aroud the file system and handle them manually, or create our own scripts to handle them worse than journald could do for us.10:54
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, ok, I understood it wrong, I thought it's about bmc logs10:59
ssbarneapanda sshnaidm|ruck quiquell : I propose to rename NEED_SUDO to NEED_PKG_MGR to better indicate that calling it is needed. I do not fancy panda proposal of NEED_PACKAGES because pip wheels are still packages, it does not say we need system packages. but "pkg_mgr" is already used with this meaning. Ok?10:59
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, I don't think the problem is with name10:59
ssbarneaas we all know naming variables is one of the hardest programming challenges ;)10:59
quiquellssbarnea, sshnaidm|ruck: also we cannot install python-virtualenv at fedora28 zuul nodes, they forbide it from dnf.conf11:00
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, why so? do they preinstall it?11:01
ssbarneaquiquell it shoud not be a practical problem because there we do not expect to reach "sudo" part because all deps should already be installed.11:01
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: yep, virtualenv, pip and setuptools are the one forbidden11:02
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: We can override dnf.conf but pufff11:02
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: That's why I did a patch so we don't install them if they are alaredy installed11:02
ssbarneaone of the reasons why we are attempting to install these at user level.11:02
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck, ssbarnea, panda: Some of the package has to be conditional and others don't11:03
ssbarneaquiquell I didn't see any failure to run this patch upstream in its current form. yeah, in the future we will improve the logic, but now we need to make it run. not to fix all corner cases, it could take many weeks to address all cases.11:05
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, I'm fine with that11:05
quiquellssbarnea: Agree just saying that it's not alwys true that we don't have stuff installed at CI upstream11:06
ssbarneamolecute testing passed on f26/f28/centos7 with pure os images, also passed upstream.11:06
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, as it was said it's pretty urgent, if you think that should behave different from what it was before - you can submit a different followup patch and we can discuss it11:07
quiquellssbarnea, sshnaidm|ruck, panda: there is nothing wrong functionally wrong here let's merge this to fix promotions11:07
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, for now I'd like the current behavior to be fixed finally11:07
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, I need installation to be out of condition, as all dev/nulls removed, I don't want to waste time on investigations what was the output there11:08
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: so 1> /dev/null would be good enough ?11:08
ssbarneai will remove stderr hiding part11:08
quiquellssbarnea: cool11:08
quiquellssbarnea, sshnaidm|ruck: About the list we can put them outside and just add sudo as prefix if needed11:09
quiquellssbarnea: I will fix stuff for fedora28 if needed later on11:09
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: ^11:09
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, quiquell you can use a special log file for that, I never felt this output hurts any way, let's not solve non-existing problems11:09
pandathe output of taht command is either nothing or a version number11:10
quiquellpanda: ack, there is no 'not command found' ?11:11
pandait's used for the return value11:11
quiquellpanda: ack11:11
pandaquiquell: no, we assume python is already installed11:11
pandaquiquell: so taht command either returns nothing and exit 1 in python 2 or returns a version number uin python311:11
sshnaidm|ruckcool, I will know what version of pip there11:12
pandawell sterr returns "ther is not module called virtualenv " in python211:12
pandaquiquell: ssbarnea I need to talk to you11:14
ssbarneasshnaidm|ruck best case (already present)
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sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, you need to remove condition also11:17
ssbarneasshnaidm|ruck: i am against removing condition because it would break qs use when you do not have root access, it would be a clear regression.11:19
ssbarneaif you really want you can add NEED_SUDO=true on your .profile file :)11:19
ssbarneai do like the fact that --install-deps could succeed without having to sudo, is an important feature.11:20
ssbarneaor you want to change the default value to "true"? which I hate but if we do it temporary until we fix the detection logic, it would be ok-ish.11:21
nhicherhello chandankumar, I added a depends-on on for
nhicherchandankumar: also, I added a comment on
ssbarneathis is the execution result when git was missing:
pandassbarnea: what if libyaml is missing ?11:23
pandassbarnea:  or openssl-devel ?11:23
ssbarneapanda: this is not covered, but was not covered even before.11:24
pandassbarnea: no, before it was just installed.11:24
pandassbarnea: quiquell I need to know what's the status on fedora28 user stories and if we need to swarm11:25
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pandasprint ends next week and we need to close the standalone11:26
ssbarneapanda: ok, I am makeing NEED_SUDO:=true by default and planning to make it false only when we get the verifications right.11:26
quiquellpanda: standalone at upstream ci with the reviews in tasks11:27
quiquellpanda: Found an issue with build-test-package I have a fix for it11:27
quiquellpanda: but if we merge all the reviews then we are good11:28
pandassbarnea: is that part important to reach the goal of having fedora28 + standalone in CI system ?11:28
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, I don't see it as a feature at all and if you do - submit it as separate patch for team wide discussion11:28
pandaquiquell: how much good we are ?11:28
quiquellpanda: that parts fix regressions so it's even more important11:28
pandaquiquell:  all the reviews in fedora28 topic ?11:28
quiquellpanda: yep, missing the build-test-packages one11:29
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, please remove this "feature" completely, it's a bug, we don't have time for it now11:29
quiquellpanda: have issues with software facotry11:29
ssbarneaupdated, now sudo runs by default, feel free to check
pandaquiquell: how good we are ? I mean a full standalone f28 run ?11:32
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pandaquiquell: ssbarnea how far we are from the full f28 standaonle run in CI ?11:34
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, and commented again11:34
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, please read again my comment about separate patch and team-wide discussion11:34
quiquellpanda: yep full11:36
ssbarneasshnaidm|ruck i don't find this pressure pointing as constructive, as in forcing me to remove a featured that was merged because you don't like it.11:36
quiquellpanda: we have a fix for the last line there "must have exactly one of create/read/write/append mode"11:37
quiquellpanda: is one of the tasks11:37
quiquellpanda: but we have to merge all the stuff there11:37
pandaquiquell: ok so no need to swarm on cards, better to swarm on reviews.11:38
pandaquiquell: I still see some cards on parked11:38
pandaquiquell: too many cards in my opinion11:38
pandassbarnea: let's have a chat, your bj ?11:38
quiquellpanda: They can be for the next sprint11:38
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quiquellpanda: just stuff I miss to have f28 in the pipeline with all the features11:39
quiquellpanda: I can mark the parked ones with ones for the next sprint and bug ones11:39
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, was merged a bug, not a feature, and this is urgent because it blocks now promotion11:54
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sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, panda explained you above what's wrong about this functionality, I can't understand why you continue to argue and not fixing your bug11:54
quiquellpanda, sshnaidm|ruck: after fixing rebase conflicts we need some reviewing here
quiquellit's py3 at tqe11:56
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, let's see CI jobs finish there11:58
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: ack, thanks11:58
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weshaysshnaidm|ruck, rfolco|rover howdy12:23
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, hey12:23
weshaydid podman get reverted?12:23
ssbarneapanda|lunch what can we do to get merged? somehow it seems impossible to pass even the checks!12:24
rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, weshay: mirror bug for podman
openstackLaunchpad bug 1800748 in tripleo "undercloud-containers job does not configure a docker mirror when podman is the container cli" [High,Triaged]12:24
weshayhrm.. I see Emilien's comments12:24
weshayah interesting12:25
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, I will handle
ssbarneasshnaidm|ruck in which way? i just posted a cleaned up version12:26
jaosoriorweshay: security squad meeting on #tripleo. What's up?12:27
sshnaidm|ruckssbarnea, it doesn't solve the problem, I'll handle it12:28
weshayah sorry12:28
Tenguweshay: hey :). do you know if it's possible to push a common host_prep_tasks in t-h-t, like it's done for the step 1 tasks ?12:30
Tenguweshay: that should prevent any race condition with the config-data directory, although I'm not 100% sure it actually IS a race condition (apparently it's random right?)12:31
jaosoriorTengu: if that's needed for all the roles, we could just add that to common/deploy-step-tasks.yaml12:34
Tengujaosorior: well, it's done already, but apparently it seems to create some issues :/. context:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1800737 in tripleo "relabel failed /var/lib/config-data: no such file or directory" [Critical,Triaged]12:34
ssbarneadoes anyone node why scenario004 fails? i see something with 'ephemeral_device' is undefined"12:36
rfolco|roverssbarnea, hmm I remember seeing this error before... searching12:37
chandankumarnhicher: updating a new review12:38
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ssbarnearfolco|rover that was not the real error, is just a "warning".12:41
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci- (3 more messages)12:41
rfolco|roverssbarnea, something happened to ssh connection to primary node -->
rfolco|roverit worked on secondary though12:41
rfolco|roverssbarnea, hard to tell what happened... ephemeral task in ara says: UNREACHABLE12:45
weshaypanda|lunch, need your comments or ack on
rfolco|roverssbarnea, and after that, tasks executed only on secondary, which means primary is gone12:46
rfolco|roverssbarnea, a recheck is your best friend now I guess12:46
quiquellrfolco|rover: We need some tshirts with 'recheck' on it and a cat or the like12:48
ssbarnearfolco|rover please look at the build history of this CR -- and see the results. this one is critical to get in but we fail to even reach the gate part. already did more than 3 rechecks on it.12:48
rfolco|roverssbarnea, checking12:49
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rfolco|roverssbarnea, failed not always in the same job12:51
rfolco|rovertripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-queens TIMED_OUT.... then tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers FAILURE.... then tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container POST_FAILURE... then tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container FAILURE again12:53
weshayrfolco|rover, sshnaidm|bbl fyi..
jaosoriorweshay, panda|lunch: would it be possible to add me as a team member here so I can comment on epics and such?12:55
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panda|lunchjaosorior: done and done12:57
weshaychandankumar, arxcruz kopecmartin13:01
weshayin my channel now please13:01
arxcruzweshay: you're not there13:02
kopecmartinweshay, sorry i can't, I'm officially on PTO, I'm at school, however I will be available in one hour13:02
jaosoriorpanda|lunch: thanks13:02
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pandajaosorior: invitation sent, tell me if you have problems.13:03
pandaarxcruz: rfolco's channel in the invitation13:03
weshaykopecmartin, k13:03
weshaykopecmartin, ya.. see that on the cal, enjoy13:04
pandajaosorior: ok I see you.13:04
jaosoriorpanda: worked.13:04
ssbarnearfolco|rover : do you know if we have special reason for not using any_errors_fatal to fail fast instead of continuing only with secondary one in case of failure?13:09
rlandyssbarnea: bm master job is doing better now13:10
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weshayrfolco|rover, help Emilien w/
rfolco|roverack weshay13:19
ajohas anybody seen this Failed to create resource provider record in placement API for ....Got 500 ...13:21
ajoI can't create instances13:21
ajoneither in rdo/rocky or rdo/master13:22
ajowith ooq13:22
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rfolco|roverssbarnea, I don't quite understand it. It has failed on secondary node (undefined ephemeral error)... but the ephemeral task ran fine there on secondary...13:32
ssbarnearfolco|rover : undefined variable is the message from "debug" module, not a real error. is just a confusing message, not a real error.13:33
ssbarneaif I would have time i would rewrite this code to avoid this message.13:33
rfolco|roverssbarnea, I think ansible continues the rest of plays for unreachable, it would abort if any fatal error instead13:35
rfolco|roveryou may know this better than I do professor sorin :)13:36
ssbarnearfolco|rover: i don't have time to teach myself enough new tricks,.... but AFAIK without any_error_fatal, ansible will continue execution on remaining hosts.13:39
ssbarneafor log collection or similar tasks where you expect failures but where you just want a best-efforth attempt, you don't want to fail-fast, but for the rest, probably you want.13:39
rfolco|roveryep thats why it continues, its unreachable, not a failed task13:40
rfolco|roverssbarnea, I did a quick search, to prevent ansible to continue on unreachable,  set this in the playbook: max_fail_percentage: 013:44
rfolco|rovernever used it though :)13:44
rfolco|roverok back to gate nightmare13:45
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weshayquiquell, you still blocked on
quiquellweshay: it has just hit pypi14:08
quiquellweshay: unblocked one need another review to change versions of it14:08
kopecmartinweshay, if you wanted to discuss planning meeting, I'm available14:12
quiquellweshay: we need this now the pining of the rdopkg version14:13
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weshaypanda, can we open up comment access on our taiga project?14:20
weshaypanda, or does *everyone* need an id :(14:20
pandaweshay: there's a generic user, even anonymous14:21
pandaweshay: I can open comment to everyone14:21
hubbot1weshay: panda's karma is now 614:21
pandaweshay: separately on taks, epics and user stories14:21
pandaI hope it doesnt' expose us to spam14:21
weshaypanda, probably fine to have comment access on any14:21
weshaypanda, ya.. we'll see14:21
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quiquellmarios: Has an idea about getting the variables from jobs14:40
quiquellmarios: Can I add a PS to your wip ?14:40
mariosquiquell: of course man but which one?14:41
mariosi mean which wip you mean14:41
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci- (3 more messages)14:41
mariosquiquell: sure but can we let the current one run firs tplease?14:41
mariosquiquell: i'd like to see what happens14:41
mariosquiquell: :)14:41
mariosquiquell: then update?14:41
quiquellmarios: Will prepare new review in the previous proto14:41
mariosquiquell: or maybe add it as new patch ontop of it?14:42
mariosquiquell: ack thx14:42
mariosquiquell: the to_json is awful i doubt we'll keep it :/ like
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mariosquiquell: rlandy i'm also playing with ara at
rlandyrascasoft: updated/rebased all patches - kicked the test job again for ha-utils - stuck right now on te-broker14:45
rlandyrascasoft: sorry - no more progress to report :(14:46
rlandymarios; are we done here:
quiquellrlandy, marios: For the vars an idea
quiquellrlandy, marios: including the inventory.yml (don't know if it already exists)14:47
quiquellso we dump "{{ all.vars }}" into zuul variables yaml14:47
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weshayquiquell|brb, ssbarnea push push push on f2814:53
mariosquiquell|brb: ack checking (looks like it doesn't like you doing that maybe there is some option you need)14:53
mariosadding commend14:53
weshaypanda, did you update tagia?14:54
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pandaweshay: partially14:55
ssbarneaweshay :( ... i am afraid that at this point 95% of speed is controlled by zuul. should I become religious?14:55
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weshayssbarnea, ya.. I understand for sure14:56
weshayssbarnea, just make sure it's your #1 priority14:56
weshaythat's all I can ask14:56
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quiquellweshay: We are almost there, success deployment at upstream CI is in the squash review14:57
weshayall in case you have not seen it14:58
weshayWHen I find something I think everyone should know..  I'm adding it to this wiki14:58
weshayon the daily14:58
quiquellCan we subscribe to it ?14:58
weshaydon't know14:59
pandaunfortunately not. THis will be a topic on retrospective.14:59
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weshaypanda, logged out.. can't comment on
mariosthanks weshay15:00
quiquellweshay: So tripleo is eating all zuul ?15:00
weshayquiquell, 53% of the resources15:00
weshayquiquell, that's why need to go w/ standalone upstream15:01
quiquell... /o\15:01
weshayquiquell, we'll get there15:02
rlandymarios: not sure what you are saying in comment
quiquellweshay: for the f28 thing rdopkg version upgrade15:02
mariosrlandy: nothing just pointing to it in the logs incase someone went looking as i did15:03
quiquellmarios: I can copy it :-)15:04
mariosquiquell: :)15:04
quiquellmarios: trying shell cp it before :-P15:05
ssbarneaweshay: if you have few minutes, maybe you can help me understand something.15:07
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weshaypanda, trying to add cybertron15:08
weshaypanda, do I need access to add people?15:08
weshayto our project? if so please grant it15:09
quiquellWHat's cybertron ?15:09
weshayquiquell, ben nemec15:09
weshaythe guy who came up w/ ovb15:09
pandait's the planet of the transformers, duh15:09
quiquellweshay: Ahh it is a human being15:09
pandaweshay: you're already admin15:09
pandaweshay: anyway, I see this in the external users15:09
pandaNote: by External User we mean any anonymous user not belonging to the Taiga platform, including search engines. Please use this role with care.15:09
weshayoh it's in admin15:09
weshaypanda, sorry.. thanks15:10
pandait's probably lying then, and they mean registered users, not member of the project15:10
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weshaypanda, ugh.. I don't seem to be able to add him15:13
weshaypanda, even though he's in the system
pandaweshay: yeah, never worked for me, just use his email15:13
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pandaif he's registered he'll be automatically added15:14
rascasoftrlandy, saw that, many thanks15:19
weshayarxcruz, did you want to 1-1?15:26
arxcruzweshay: sure15:26
weshayok.. ready when you are15:26
rfolco|roversshnaidm|bbl, want to switch today?15:28
arxcruzweshay: ^15:28
ssbarneasshnaidm|bbl : it just failed, are you fixing it or should I do it? you did forget to run linting :D15:36
weshaychandankumar, arxcruz, rfolco|rover what's the story on
openstackLaunchpad bug 1800742 in tripleo "tempest.lib.exceptions.IdentityError: Got identity error, undercloud-containers" [Critical,Triaged]15:37
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ssbarneasshnaidm|bbl i fixed it.15:44
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mariosansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode anyone have docs on this15:49
ssbarneamarios: bit out context15:52
mariosssbarnea: sorry talking on bluejeans with rlandy15:53
weshayarxcruz, help me understand one last thing15:54
weshayarxcruz, do we have a patch out there for
openstackLaunchpad bug 1800742 in tripleo "tempest.lib.exceptions.IdentityError: Got identity error, undercloud-containers" [Critical,Triaged]15:54
arxcruzweshay: checking15:54
arxcruzweshay: how many times this happen ? the error is like, the keystone service went down15:56
arxcruz2018-10-30 21:38:09 |     urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=13000): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)15:56
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weshayarxcruz, you'd have to check elastic search16:05
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weshaypanda, how did this get here?
weshayquiquell|off, ^16:19
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pandaweshay: AFAIU he's writing everything that doesn't work on standalone f2816:21
weshaypanda, should be in parked right?16:21
pandaweshay: maybe he's preparing a review for it, but this morning I asked more or less the same thing and he said that it could be done in the next sprint.16:22
weshaymarios, rlandy any time available to help pick up #192 Iterate on fedora 28 standalone job to bring it to completion16:22
pandamarios: rlandy weshay quiquell|off this morning said that the remaining task in the use story are low priority16:23
weshaypanda, how is a promote job for f28 a low prioity?16:23
pandaweshay: wel, lower tha having a complete standalone f28 run with oooq ?16:25
weshayneed more info16:25
weshaywhat does that mean16:25
pandaweshay: a job that completes deployment of standalone on fedora2816:27
chandankumarweshay: blocked on undercloid install16:27
weshaypanda, k ack and true for an upstream job16:28
weshaypanda, once we have an upstream job working though.. next step is a promotion job16:28
weshaychandankumar, what context?16:28
chandankumarweshay: I looked at the undercloud install failing against one of my patch so not lookfed today16:32
rascasoftrlandy, wow gating jobs started! /me cries16:33
chandankumarand few bugs are on tripleo alert on undercloud install16:34
mariosweshay: ack will check the board16:35
mariospanda: ack16:36
weshaychandankumar, where is the podman for temepst work captured in taiga?16:36
weshaypanda, rfolco|rover so some folks are doing it.. some are not but I find it helpful if folks post the taiga task in the commit message of reviews16:36
weshaydo you guys?16:36
weshayretrospective idea for improvement maybe16:37
pandathey started using US, I suggested the task.16:37
rfolco|roverweshay, not me. yet.16:37
rlandyweshay: hi re: picking up fedora 2816:38
rlandyif marios and I do that,16:38
chandankumarweshay: I have not touched the review
rlandyreproducer work will be dead16:38
chandankumarweshay: emilienm asked me to take a look so updated the review today16:38
weshayrlandy, ok.. so the answer is no you guys can not pick it up16:38
weshayrlandy, marios that is fine16:39
rlandyweshay: decision for you and panda - but that is what marios and I are on atm16:39
weshayrlandy, k k16:39
weshayreproducer is life16:39
weshayit's not hard to create a job.. panda maybe you can assist ssbarnea16:39
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci- (3 more messages)16:41
pandaweshay: yeah, but it's not just the job, is understanding where to put and reuse the results16:41
weshaypanda, let's chat16:42
nhicherchandankumar: FYI last run on vexxhost with your patch was a success
nhicherweshay: ^16:51
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weshaynhicher, hell ya it was :))17:04
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weshaynhicher, if that starts failing again.. PLEASE REPORT IT TO US17:14
weshaynhicher, ovb is totally down in rdo :)17:15
weshayrfolco|rover, sshnaidm|bbl ^17:15
nhicherweshay: yes, I will monitor the job17:16
weshaynhicher, did you get in touch w sshnaidm|bbl about adding it to sova?17:17
nhicherweshay: yes, I've got discussion with sshnaidm|bbl last week but about -queens and -rocky jobs (these reviews are not merged, just used for depends-on), but -master for vexxhost is merged, should be possible to add it17:18
weshayrfolco|rover, ??17:20
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weshayrfolco|rover, bluejeans17:28
rlandyweshay: scheduled 1-1 today in 30 mins - do we need to meet again?17:31
weshayrlandy, only if you want to17:31
rlandyweshay: only if we need to discuss ironic or ovb or osp - otherwise not17:32
rfolco|roverweshay, I moved the bm logs removal to a separate patch17:32
weshayrfolco|rover, k.. please go out and get some reviews17:33
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weshayping people17:33
rfolco|roverweshay, it was a bit controversial about journald17:33
weshayI see17:33
pandarfolco|rover: the controversy was solved.17:34
pandarfolco|rover: though it was tracked there17:34
pandarfolco|rover: sshnaidm|bbl thought we were talking about the console log themselves, not just the deletion17:34
rfolco|roverpanda, ok my friend charlie brown17:35
pandarfolco|rover: what do you expect the "size" there to do ?17:40
rfolco|roverpanda, could you please elaborate ?17:41
pandarfolco|rover: size parameter rotates the log only if it's bigger than 100M.17:41
pandaotherwise it doesnt'17:42
rfolco|roverpanda, I don't think this is the case17:44
rfolco|roverormally, logrotate is run as a daily cron job.  It will not modify a log more than once in one day unless the criterion for that log is based on the log's size and logrotate is being run more  than17:44
rfolco|rover       once each day, or unless the -f or --force option is used.17:44
rfolco|roverpanda, let me re-test and paste results there. No speculation.17:46
pandarfolco|rover: as I read it, it's rotate only once a day, and only if the log is > 100M otherwise bye17:49
pandarfolco|rover: logrotate is run by cron only daily17:49
rfolco|roverpanda, this sentence is confusing. Let me test it myself and put an end to the mystery17:51
pandarfolco|rover: ok17:51
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weshaythanks all17:56
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ssbarneadoes anyone knows why we need to pin to rdopkg version instead of mentioning minimal version?
ssbarneato me this looks like recipe for more CR work to keep up18:30
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rfolco|roverweshay, do not w+ pls18:39
weshayrfolco|rover, -1 yourself18:39
weshayif you want to indicate that18:40
rfolco|roverweshay, yeah I forgot18:40
rfolco|roverweshay, there is something else happening...18:41
rfolco|rover"/var/www/html/tebroker/testenv-worker.log" 2018-10-31-3:27:118:41
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb- (3 more messages)18:41
rfolco|roverit says the log was rotated today18:41
weshayrfolco|rover, meh.. lower the size?18:42
rfolco|roverback to original problem18:42
weshayyou mean it's working w/o any changes?18:42
rfolco|roverno, saying size won't fix the problem18:43
rfolco|roverits something else18:43
rfolco|rovercron runs18:43
rfolco|roverstatus of logrotate updates18:43
rfolco|roverbut the f* file is not rotated18:43
rfolco|roverchecking if any error on logs18:43
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weshaynhicher, sshnaidm|ruck so using sova to compare ovb rdo-cloud and vexxhost jobs would be useful19:02
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, you've seen
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, yeah, saw thits19:04
sshnaidm|rucknhicher, what is job name now?19:04
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, this bullet points should be prioritized19:05
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, I'm just spec'ing out what would become user stories19:05
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, there some general improvements that hardly impacts ovb jobs19:05
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, well.. I'm happy to chat about this if you want19:06
weshayI am pitching it to a number of people, it's cross team etc19:06
weshayyour input would be very helpful19:06
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, of course, let's chat19:07
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, k19:10
* weshay goes to blue19:11
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weshaynhicher, you avail?
nhichersshnaidm|ruck: job is
rlandyweshay: hey19:41
weshaynhicher, hey19:42
rlandyweshay: do you know what creates job-output.txt19:42
weshaynhicher, hey.. jump on my bluejeans19:42
weshayrlandy, zuul19:42
weshayrlandy, maybe I'm missing the question19:42
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, rlandy s job-output.txt19:43
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, do you know?19:43
rlandyweshay: sshnaidm|ruck: I am looking for where that is created19:44
rlandyie: where we gather to console log19:44
rlandyit's not an obvious step in collect logs19:44
rlandyweshay: sshnaidm|ruck: nvm - I think
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nhicherweshay, sshnaidm|ruck
weshaynhicher, sshnaidm|ruck bacfaffbd2779fbf5c4da37345ca92cc20:00
weshaynhicher, sshnaidm|ruck bacfaffbd2779fbf5c4da37345ca92cc template20:00
weshaynhicher, sshnaidm|ruck bmc-base d712d9babb497b8c1644e51053f088d120:00
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sshnaidm|ruckweshay, nhicher
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, nhicher
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rfolco|roversshnaidm|ruck, perhaps we can merge as is and check tomorrow20:21
rfolco|roverif you run local, it works. If cron runs logrotate, it exists abnormally with [1]20:22
rfolco|roverran out of ideas there. The only reason I found (theory) is selinux20:22
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ssbarneaweshay : no sure how to describe it...
ssbarneai guess those 300 in sparta where screaming: this is recheck!20:31
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset010 @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024 @  (3 more messages)20:41
nhichersshnaidm|ruck, weshay: I disabled the crontab to run vexxhost job20:48
nhicher and are disabled20:49
sshnaidm|rucknhicher, ack, I prepared patches:
sshnaidm|rucknhicher, hmm.. pretty short job:
panda|offrfolco|rover: it's definitely selinux21:05
weshayssbarnea, not sure what you mean21:06
weshayssbarnea, do you see the gate is red, no rechecks21:06
weshayssbarnea, DO NOT APPROVE PATCHES | CI Status: RED |
weshayssbarnea, patch that will fix the issue
weshaysshnaidm|ruck, expect things to be red until that merges.. or depends-on that patch21:08
weshayand you should be much better21:08
ssbarneawe are all safe, i cannot approve any patch anyway :D21:14
weshayssbarnea, ya.. that's not what I mean.. I mean when you recheck you are destined to fail21:27
weshayssbarnea, failed jobs that is21:27
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weshayssbarnea, my notes..
weshayssbarnea, it's going to be my way of communicating w/ you guys21:29
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ssbarneaweshay : wiki page without watch option, a ticket would be easier to follow.22:32
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