Thursday, 2018-11-29

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
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chkumar|awaymarios: quiquell|off \o/05:28
chkumar|awayssbarnea: \o/05:28
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
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quiquellchkumar|away: o/07:07
marioso/ folks chkumar|away we should catchup when panda and ssbarnea are around07:09
chkumar|awaymarios: sure07:09
chkumar|awaymarios: I am dumping the stuff on etherpad07:09
marioschkumar|away: what time works for you?07:09
mariosis now+3 hours OK?07:10
marioschkumar|away: ^I'll send an invite07:10
chkumar|awaymarios: yes sure07:11
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quiquellHoly 1.2 days zuul queue07:21
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
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mariosquiquell: man fuxme it took 1 day to get to zuul gate here?
quiquellmarios: Well 1.6 days zuul tripleo queue is like really really really bad
quiquellmarios: I think is the biggest I have see08:13
quiquellgoing back in a few08:13
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quiquell|brbGood thing is about zuul, if non of the jobs fails it merge stuff in chunks08:20
quiquell|brbMy morning english is like very bad :-)08:20
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quiquellmarios: Do we start to merge env files ?09:18
quiquellmarios: or we wait for the containers_cli override ?09:18
mariosquiquell: would be nice right? get rid of containers cli and ceph loop from the chain09:19
mariosquiquell: and the depends on09:19
mariosquiquell: but the two are unrelated so lets start clicking for the tht too09:19
quiquellmarios: ok let's merge then ceph and override first09:19
mariosquiquell: you convinced me09:19
quiquellmarios: ack09:19
quiquellgoing to workflow 1/3/409:19
mariosquiquell: k lemme know if you need a vote somewhere i do it09:19
mariosquiquell: and 2?09:20
mariosor already done09:20
quiquellmarios: I mean I am the owner of 2 I cannot workflow that09:20
mariosquiquell: k i do that09:20
marioshm already voted there we need another panda|pto sshnaidm|afk weshay can you please vote
quiquelljfrancoa, ccamacho: ^ ?09:22
mariosquiquell: i just pimped it in tripleo09:22
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ssbarneamarios: when does the handover happens?09:30
ssbarneamarios: who's ruck, who's rover initially (we can swap later)09:31
mariosssbarnea: lets consult the etherpad09:32
marioslooks like marios_|ruck09:33
mariosssbarnea: rover09:33
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ssbarneagoing to make a double coffee...09:34
ssbarneaan irish one would have being better but i am out of stock.09:35
chandan_kumarssbarnea: marios let's start from here
chandan_kumarvexxhost rocky job failing while pulling ceph container09:37
marioschandan_kumar: ack going to catchup with the ehtperad a bit more now before our call in 2009:38
chandan_kumarmarios: ssbarnea
chandan_kumarmarios: sure09:38
ssbarneai just had an idea: whoudn't be easier if we would have an option to skip jobs based on commit message like: Skip-Job: foo-bar-broken09:42
mariosssbarnea: well it would just be abused to skip jobs to merge broken things that will break other things09:42 avoid having to introduce (and revert) workarounds09:42
ssbarneait could even be a regex.09:43
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chandan_kumarmarios: ssbarnea|rover please join these three channels #prodchain-infra-dfg, #sf-ops (for software factory/vexxhost related) and #rhos-ops for rdocloud/ovb jobs related ossues09:48
chandan_kumarall interna;09:48
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
ssbarnea|roverchandan_kumar: do I need to use custom nick on internal channels or enough for freenode?09:53
chandan_kumarssbarnea|rover: freenode one is enough09:57
ssbarnea|rovermarios: chandan_kumar : is this the doc ?10:01
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chandan_kumarssbarnea|rover: IST10:17
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quiquellmarios: do we do the same with jobs ?10:27
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amoralejwe are updating puppet to 5.5 in master, we have gated it with oooq and weirdo so i don't expect issues but let us know if you find any abnormal behavior10:44
chandan_kumarssbarnea|rover: marios Network is very bad here today, that's it from my side, let me know if you guys need any help10:47
mariosthanks chandan_kumar10:50
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Is this little nit about install pre-commit ok now ?
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: i asked you about the difference, for me the already documented command worked, so i am not sure why to change it.11:04
quiquellssbarnea|rover: pre-commit --install-hooks was not working for me, worked for me pre-commit install --install-hooks11:05
quiquellmissing "install" stuff11:05
quiquellYou can do: install-hooks or install --install-hooks11:06
quiquellssbarnea|rover: but you cannot do pre-commit --install-hooks11:06
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Am I right or wrong ?11:15
quiquellchandan_kumar, arxcruz: Do you have a minute guys ?11:16
chandan_kumarquiquell: yes let me know11:17
quiquellchandan_kumar: Is regarding f28 and python3 with validate-tempest role11:17
quiquellchandan_kumar: It has a dependency to subunit-filters11:17
quiquellchandan_kumar: but I think that's is python2 only11:18
quiquellchandan_kumar: There is no python3 version of it11:18
ssbarnea|roverchandan_kumar: please workflow docfix:
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: you are right, read ;)11:18
chandan_kumarquiquell: let me check11:19
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: create taiga issue for it linking to upstream one11:19
ssbarnea|roveri am sure we will find more missing py3 modules, lucky if only the rpm is missing, or worse if we have to add py3 support on those modules.11:20
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Holy sh.. man you are all over I see your user at half of the github repos :-D11:20
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Going to refactor the spec of this one, to see where we end :-/ pythone3-tempesconf is working now at least11:20
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: i have a personal rule: never workaround something before creating a ticket to improve the faulty product, so yes I raise more bugs than i fix.11:21
quiquellssbarnea|rover: That's good practice11:21
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: that is one of the reasons why I am trying to push us to use a fully supported version on ansible, so we can benefit from fixes to it instead of always having to waste time workarounding already fixed bugs.11:22
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Would be nice to have some kind of ci framework, that find all the issues testing new versions11:23
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: do you know that ansible team *releases* bugfixes faster than we do *merge* a simple change into tripleo* repos?11:23
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Well, that's not super fast :-)11:24
ssbarnea|roverthis is called a CI with good testing coverage, not framework.11:24
ssbarnea|roveri got few bugfixed merged the same day on ansible and released in less than a week. quite pleased about the speed. also they do also backport to up to two releases.11:25
quiquellmaybe we can poke into their CI and learn some stuff11:26
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marios_|ruckhave we seen this one ssbarnea|rover chandan_kumar anyone else Exception: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'write11:45
marios_|ruckquiquell: getting this on scenario 1 ^11:46
marios_|ruckquiquell: but not related to scen1 must be wider issue11:46
quiquellmarios_|ruck: I am fixing it, the unit test are screwing the proper fix11:46
marios_|ruckquiquell: you mean this is coming from the depends-on?11:46
quiquellmarios_|ruck: btw, I think the environment variable is not good enough, it will not work out of CI if we do like that11:46
quiquellmarios_|ruck: Yep my shit is breaking that11:47
marios_|ruckquiquell: so scenario 4 failson tempest so it works at least looks like?11:50
marios_|ruckquiquell: i mean scenario 4 has depends on my fix with the environment11:50
quiquellmarios_|ruck: We will need to override tempest stuff we run to map with the services11:51
quiquellchandan_kumar, arxcruz: ^11:51
marios_|ruckquiquell: why does my fix not work outside ci?11:51
marios_|ruckquiquell: it is on the role11:51
marios_|ruckquiquell: on the standalone role11:51
quiquellmarios_|ruck: Damn you are right, brain fart, was thinking it was in the job definition11:52
quiquellmarios_|ruck: The we go for it :-)11:52
quiquellmarios_|ruck: And I have less stuff to fix11:52
marios_|ruckquiquell: need to tidy up commit message and ssbarnea|rover has comment about that but first wana see whatup with the tempest11:52
hubbot1All check jobs are working fine on master, stable/pike, master, stable/queens, stable/rocky, stable/ocata.11:53
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quiquellmarios_|ruck: Going to spin up a life system to test tempest stuff11:55
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Olso fixed your comments here
quiquellssbarnea|rover: is ok now ?11:57
chandan_kumarquiquell: sorry I did not get that mapping with the services?11:58
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chandan_kumarquiquell: you want to install specific tempest plugin11:58
quiquellchandan_kumar: Ahh wait, we have to put there same stuff as tempest for sceanrios at featurestes11:58
quiquellmarios_|ruck: I know what we have to do11:58
quiquellchandan_kumar: thanks ack11:59
quiquellmarios_|ruck: will test with scn00211:59
chandan_kumarquiquell: is it scenario 4?11:59
marios_|ruckquiquell: you mean instead of environment or for tempest11:59
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: added comment: use > is much easier.11:59
quiquellssbarnea|rover: ack, thanks mate11:59
marios_|ruckquiquell: cos tidying up environment thing now trying to address ssbarnea|rover comment11:59
quiquellmarios_|ruck: continue with that will try to fix tempest at scenario002 and then we can extrapolate to the others12:00
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marios_|ruckquiquell: ack12:00
chandan_kumarquiquell: I know this issue12:00
chandan_kumarquiquell: related to above failure12:01
chandan_kumarit only comes when we have region name not properly setted for services12:01
quiquellchandan_kumar: give me a minute and will show you the job with proper overrides for tempest12:02
quiquellchandan_kumar: And you can help me there12:02
chandan_kumarquiquell: sure12:02
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quiquellchandan_kumar: for scenario002 do we need tempest_workers: 1  ?12:07
quiquellIt's at fs01712:07
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chandan_kumarquiquell: you can skip the worker part as telemetry tests are skipped currently12:09
quiquellchandan_kumar: I am activanting them for standalone12:09
quiquellchandan_kumar: Added stuff of scnario002 related to tempest there12:10
marios_|ruckfatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/changes/56/620556/112:12
chandan_kumarremove '' quotes12:14
chandan_kumarand remove zaqar ec2api and heat tempest tests not needed12:15
quiquellchandan_kumar: Why not needed ?12:16
quiquellThey appear at scenario00212:16
marios_|ruckquiquell: wtf12:16
marios_|ruckquiquell: where is the standalone role12:16
quiquellmarios_|ruck: what ?12:16
chandan_kumarquiquell: we are currently running in telemetry and barbican tests12:16
quiquellmarios_|ruck: want bj ?12:16
chandan_kumarother support are missing or not enabled12:17
quiquellmarios_|ruck: extas12:17
chandan_kumarquiquell: so let's not install it12:17
marios_|ruckquiquell: ok what about this then
marios_|ruckquiquell: oh it is extras12:17
marios_|ruckquiquell: /me panic12:17
quiquellmarios_|ruck: haha near to kill a cat you were12:18
marios_|ruckpoor fluffy12:19
chandan_kumarquiquell: looks good now12:20
quiquellchandan_kumar: ack, going to test it12:20
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arxcruzquiquell: hi, sorry, was on lunch12:25
arxcruzchandan_kumar: what do you need to override?12:26
arxcruzquiquell: ^12:26
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quiquellarxcruz: tempest for standalone scenario00212:28
arxcruzlooks good12:28
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ssbarnea|rovermarios_|ruck: do you know how to add an environment variable to a tripleo job? i had the inpression that I knew but that was for tox jobs only, via tox_environment.12:33
ssbarnea|roveri seen some code for devstack jobs too, but no example of doing it for tripleo jobs. I need to add a PIP_ variable.12:34
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pandarfolco: ping12:43
rfolcopanda, pong12:44
pandarfolco: did you create the board, and agenda for today ?12:45
rfolcopanda, agenda only12:45
rfolcopanda, weshay created the board.... I am pushing back original stories to previous sprint12:46
pandarfolco: ok12:46
rfolcocreating leftovers or closed items stories12:46
pandarfolco: I'll do some cleanup next week, if we don't "complete" the US in a board, it will show forever12:46
rfolcopanda, I can do that if you want12:47
pandarfolco: we'll do it together then12:48
rfolcowe need to stop just moving stories from sprints12:48
rfolcoits hard to make the report and see what has been done, what has not12:48
pandaalso moving entire stories deosn't feel like we've failed to plan properly :D12:51
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weshaythanks guys12:58
weshaychandan_kumar, arxcruz kopecmartin you guys just about ready?12:59
kopecmartinweshay, sure12:59
arxcruzweshay: i born ready, already on your bj12:59
pandaI was also born ready, then I really had to do something wrong after.13:01
rfolcolike crying ?13:01
pandaOh, so that's what I did wrong.13:05
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rfolcopanda, can I move stories standalone-scen{6-10} to sprint2 board ?13:13
pandarfolco: yes13:19
rfolcopanda, also need to define a standard way of "leftovers" stories13:19
pandarfolco: what do you want to standardize ?13:20
rfolcopanda, sprint 1 (story) --> sprint 2 (leftovers from story) (closed items from story) --> sprint 3 (leftovers from story) [moved from sprint2]13:21
rfolcoleftovers from leftovers from leftovers...13:22
pandarfolco: no no no13:22
pandaleftovers I see then only from original13:22
pandawe are moving things forward three stories ?13:22
rfolcopanda, yes13:23
rfolco#333 Letfovers from #192 Iterate on fedora 28 standalone job to bring it to completion13:23
pandait should still be leftover of #19213:23
chandan_kumarweshay: arxcruz openstack-ansible-functional-centos-7 and openstack-ansible-functional-distro_install-centos-713:24
rfolcopanda, I created then13:24
rfolco#434 Closed items from #192 Iterate on fedora 28 standalone job to bring it to completion13:24
rfolcoto track what has been done in the previous sprint13:25
rfolcoand moved leftover forward to this sprint13:25
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pandayou're inverting13:26
rfolcopanda, let me know if disagree13:26
rfolcoI can fix it13:26
pandarfolco: it may work13:26
pandarfolco: the only concern I have is the design13:26
pandarfolco: you're doing it according to how we are operating now,seems fine13:27
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pandarfolco: I would instead like to redisgn the leftovers, but it's just an idean right now13:27
rfolcopanda, totally agree with you, look at the story, redesign tasks, not just keep them as they are13:28
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pandarfolco: we're not doing it right now13:29
pandawe are moving forward the leftovers without any redisgn13:29
rfolcowe tend to keep unnecessary stuff, noise13:29
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pandarfolco: also we may want to stop bringing forward the old sprint numbering13:31
pandarfolco: and just naming them Unifiied sprint13:31
rfolcopanda, +113:31
pandarfolco: with the new year :)13:35
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pandassbarnea|rover: why you're ignoring me ?13:38
pandassbarnea|rover: :(13:39
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ssbarnea|roverpanda: nope, why I would do that? just came back fro luck.13:45
pandassbarnea|rover: so you're out of luck now ?13:46
ssbarnea|roverdamn, need new keyboard, lunch13:46
pandassbarnea|rover: so you're filtering out my PMs then ? :)13:48
rlandyquiquell: hello!13:51
rlandyquiquell: ever come across this error: AttributeError: module 'openstack' has no attribute 'version'?13:51
rlandyquiquell: also - its this work meant to be python3 only?13:52
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @
quiquellrlandy: It runs at py2713:53
quiquellrlandy: btw reworked it13:53
quiquellrlandy: re-pull, now it do an installation of the stuff at ~/tripleo-ci-reproducer so you can  play with docker-compose and friends13:54
quiquellrlandy: didn't get that error13:57
rlandyquiquell: k - will reinstall - having a rough time with the deps:(13:57
quiquellrlandy: that's super weird13:57
quiquellrlandy: what is your env ? I have just test it at fedora-28 though :-/13:57
rlandyI have used virtualenv13:57
rlandyand virtualenv python 313:58
rlandyand set the interpreter to python and pthon313:58
quiquelljust tested at fedora28, maybe is taht13:58
rlandyand removed yum installed rpms etc .13:58
quiquellrlandy: no need for python interpreter or python313:58
quiquellI am using python2 at fedora2813:58
rlandyhmmm ...13:58
quiquellalso change stuff at tox13:58
marios_|ruckrlandy: lets talk after planning call re scenario chat ?13:58
rlandyquiquell: which clouds.yaml then?13:59
quiquellrlandy: suggest to clean stuff and repull13:59
rlandyversion 2 or 3?13:59
rlandyquiquell: ack - will do13:59
rlandytripping over myself here13:59
rlandymarios_|ruck: ack - thanks - have a meeting re: hardware and HA but will ping afterwards13:59
quiquellrlandy: esterdays review was kind of half cooked github dump13:59
rlandyquiquell: ack - no problem13:59
rlandymy system is half-messed up as well14:00
marios_|ruckrlandy: ack14:00
rlandymakes for a fun ride14:00
sshnaidmrlandy, quiquell for me it worked only so:
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sshnaidmrlandy, quiquell otherwise I have libselinux error :(14:00
rlandysshnaidm: yes - I have the same problem14:00
rlandysshnaidm: but I have diff problem using python2 and 314:01
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rlandyfails in diff places14:01
rfolcoplanning mtg14:01
rfolcotrown, sshnaidm, weshay, panda, rlandy, arxcruz, mwhahaha, rfolco, rasca, chandankumar, ssbarnea, kopecmartin14:01
quiquellrlandy, sshnaidm: sitepackages=true is suppose to use the selinux package there14:01
quiquellfor me is working14:01
quiquellDid have to remove the ".tox" dir14:01
quiquelland start afresh14:01
sshnaidmrfolco, I think trown may have overlapping meetings :D14:02
pandarfolco: where are you ?14:02
rlandyquiquell: where do you keep your clouds.yaml?14:02
rlandydo you run as root?14:02
trownsshnaidm: rfolco, yes I am in meetings all morning ... did I miss something?14:02
quiquellrlandy: ~/.config/openstack/14:02
rfolcosshnaidm, he is in the ping list14:02
quiquellstandard place14:02
rfolcosorry trown14:02
sshnaidmtrown, no, rfolco just misses you14:03
rlandyquiquell; ok - ack - have that14:03
rfolco panda14:03
quiquellrlandy: Running as normal user14:03
trownaww, I miss yall too14:03
pandarfolco: we're all on you bj14:03
rlandytrown: how did the osp stuff work out?14:03
trownrlandy: i was able to get what I needed, thanks!14:03
rlandycool - ok14:04
quiquellrfolco: where is the meeting ?14:04
rfolcosorry folks, the invite says but the url link points to something else14:04
pandarfolco: what's that 707 ? Matt's bj14:05
rfolcowhat a mess, I apologize14:05
marios_|ruckweshay: see
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marios_|ruckweshay: hm i thought its one of those but looks new gonna add it14:06
openstackLaunchpad bug 1804268 in tripleo "Template error doesn't show in deploy output" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Thomas Herve (therve)14:06
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rlandyquiquell: sshnaidm: what version on python openstacksdk do you have? 2 or 3?14:30
rlandyboth 2 and 3 give me errors - but diff errors14:31
sshnaidmrlandy, I think both..14:31
rlandysshnaidm: the deps conflict14:32
rlandyhow did you install?14:32
rlandyyum/dnf or pip? virtualenv?14:32
sshnaidmrlandy, with pip and pip3 usually14:32
quiquellrlandy: tox install it for me in its virtualenv14:32
sshnaidmrlandy, no, not with dnf14:32
quiquellrlandy: and tox is using py2714:32
sshnaidmrlandy, better to clean up everything from dnf installations14:33
rlandyok - let's step back14:33
sshnaidmrlandy, worth to have it only with pip14:33
rlandytox command before start-ci-reproducer.yaml?14:33
rlandyquiquell: sshnaidm: ok - your virtualenv is 2 or 3?14:34
quiquellrlandy: tox -e ci should work, I don't have the selinux issue14:34
quiquellrlandy: 214:34
rlandysshnaidm; ^^? your setup? virtualenv? if so, 2 or 3?14:34
sshnaidmrlandy, I have py314:34
sshnaidmrlandy, and I have installed openstacksdk system-wide with pip314:36
rlandysshnaidm: yep  just having it in my virtualenv does not help14:37
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hubbot1rlandy: sshnaidm's karma is now 714:38
sshnaidmrlandy, need to check that ansible_python_interpreter is exactly the same version that your venv14:39
rlandyfinally passed that step14:39
rlandyit has to be global14:39
hubbot1quiquell: rlandy's karma is now 3814:41
hubbot1quiquell: sshnaidm's karma is now 814:41
rlandyok - now I am missing images - uploading14:41
* rlandy gets there slowly14:41
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quiquellrlandy: that will take some time14:42
quiquelllooks like tox is not a good entrypoint14:43
rlandyCannot find openstack-infra-centos-7 at the openstack cloud14:45
rlandy^^ I assume that is a glance upload>14:45
quiquellrlandy: you have have to download the latest centos-714:46
quiquellrlandy: openstack-infra-centos-7 is a random number I choose for personal rdo counterpart14:46
rlandysshnaidm: any response re using the nodepool images publicly?14:46
quiquellrlandy: randum name14:46
sshnaidmrlandy, sorry, didn't ask yet, will do today14:46
rlandysshnaidm: no worries - just checking - it was possible - we should use that one14:47
quiquellrlandy: to edit the image I just used "virt-edit" is the simplest way14:49
quiquellrlandy: edit /home/zuul/authorized_keys with your pub key14:49
sshnaidmvirt-customize -vx -c qemu:///system -a centos-7.qcow2 --ssh-inject zuul:file:~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub14:51
quiquellrlandy: "easy" :-)14:53
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quiquellsshnaidm: How is going your job, it's running stuff ? Mine is not working now :-/14:58
sshnaidmquiquell, it ran once, now I'm trying to connect to rdoproject..14:59
quiquellsshnaidm: Did it runs and all ?14:59
rlandyquiquell; sshnaidm: are you guys keeping an etherpad with notes?14:59
rlandyif not, I think we should start one14:59
quiquellrlandy: of course not :-)14:59
rlandyfor the doc15:00
rlandyok - I'll start one15:00
quiquellrlandy: thanks15:00
rlandyquiquell: yeah - also to help the timezone divide issue15:00
rlandyafter the meeting, I;ll get that going15:00
ade_leehey all -- is there any way to pass in some heat parameters into a quickstart invocation ?  I want to pass in something like this ..15:02
ade_lee OS::TripleO::Services::Timesync: OS::Heat::None15:02
ade_leerlandy, jaosorior , weshay  ^^15:03
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ade_leeI can certainly fix it after the overcloud deployment fails, but I'd like to do it from the beginning if possible.15:04
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sshnaidmade_lee, extra_args ?15:11
ade_leesshnaidm, not sure?  hoping someone here would know if there was a way to do it ..15:12
sshnaidmade_lee, do you need to add it here?
sshnaidmade_lee, where exactly should be it injected?15:13
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sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, seems like it works first time only, now cleaned all, running again..15:18
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe it's not so idempotent..15:19
quiquellsshnaidm: Don't know it shows me now the role and all but do nothing :-) going to compare with zuul-in-a-box maybe I am missing something15:20
ade_leesshnaidm, I want it to be an additional parameter default in the resource registry of the overcloud deploy15:23
sshnaidmquiquell, try to remove all and run again, docker-compose down -v && docker-compose rm15:23
quiquellsshnaidm: I will, not my day today15:24
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quiquellsshnaidm, rlandy: Added another patch set to exclude project-templates15:30
quiquellrlandy, sshnaidm: Also to control log level from files15:31
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sshnaidmade_lee, you can create a patch with that and use reproducer15:33
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rlandyade_lee: you could create a new file - something like this ... and add it to the deployment parameters15:35
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @
quiquellrlandy: drop now, let's talk tomorrow15:55
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rlandyquiquell|off: ack - ok15:55
weshaypanda|pto, rfolco you guys still around?15:55
rfolcoweshay, o/16:02
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weshayrfolco, we need to come up w/ a better process w/ taiga16:19
weshayand moving work around16:19
rfolcoweshay, God heard my prayers16:20
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rfolcoweshay, a story should fit in the sprint, always.16:21
rfolcowe should never move stories from sprints16:22
rfolcoso if the work is bigger than 1-sprint, it should be an epic, not story. The story should focus on the work for the sprint.16:23
rfolcoexample: instead of leftovers from story XXX, we should add meaningful descriptions for that particular piece of work.16:24
weshayrfolco, help me understand16:26
rfolco#435 Letfovers from #191 Move scenario001 to standalone centos7 ------------> for ex: Fix standalone-scenario001 job16:27
weshayrfolco, how do you and panda|pto propose a user story fits in a sprint16:27
rfolcowe are doing this wrong.16:27
rfolcoweshay, I'll meet with panda|pto tomorrow and propose something16:28
rfolcoweshay, need a better design of letfovers instead of just carrying them over16:29
rfolcoFor now I am just making some adjustments on what we agreed so far and generating a brief report for unified cadence16:30
weshayrfolco, panda is pto tomorrow16:31
weshayrfolco, interested in your thoughts on how to ensure a user story fits a sprint16:31
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marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: getting ready to get out of here you heard anything more re zuul queue/reset?16:39
weshaywhat's up?16:39
weshayrfolco, panda|pto in fact.. let's do this..16:39
rfolcoweshay, I think its just a matter of listing what you expect in a epic, and do a better a job in breaking down into stories the outcomes. For the standalone scenarios we almost did it right. One scenario per story. Its ok to revist the epic at the end of the sprint and modify stories. But we should have created one story for conveting the env file. Period. Another story for creating a job with deployment ok (might fail). So we converted the env files, but the16:41
rfolcojob still failing. That should be the goal of the sprint.16:41
rfolcoweshay, completion of a story should not depend on merging all patches, which is mostly the case today.16:43
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weshayrfolco, hrm... then how do you know it's done :)16:47
weshaytwo +2?16:47
rfolcoweshay, in this case, yes, 2 2+ on the env files patch plus the standalone scenario job "deploying" (not merged, not passing)16:48
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rfolcoweshay, that was doable in a sprint ^16:48
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weshayrfolco, so visualize that on the board.. should we create a new column16:55
weshayready to merge?16:55
rfolconah, I don't think this is going to help16:55
rfolcoweshay, in a more practical form: my suggestion is to create less broad epics, list exactly what you expect on that epic. And do a better job in creating stories for the epic that fit in a sprint.16:56
rfolcoinstead of general epics for standalone like #72 Increase the use of the standalone topology16:56
rfolcosomething like "Convert multinode scenarios to standalone"16:57
rfolcoweshay, we can keep the merge criteria... after all, if we reduce scope a bit the task/patch will be merged until the end of sprint.17:00
weshayrfolco, the epic need to be broad17:03
weshayepics go across sprints17:03
weshayyou mean user story17:03
rfolcobut you would have more epics for standalone17:04
rfolconot only one17:04
rfolcono I really mean epic17:04
rfolcohaving an epic "standalone" is not right IMHO17:04
rfolcostandalone work may have n epics17:04
weshayrfolco, imho how can one be sure a user story is constructed to fit 3 weeks?17:05
weshayI don't know how you do that17:05
weshayhelp me understand that part17:05
rfolcoimpossible to make it 100% right17:05
rfolcobut you apply agile principles17:06
weshaywhat percent do you think we get that right?17:06
rfolcomake it small17:06
rfolcoand increase your chances to fit in the sprint17:06
weshayrfolco, so moving scenario001 from multindoe to singlenode17:06
weshaybreak that down in a smaller way for me17:06
weshayfor example17:07
weshayas that is a fairly small user story17:07
rfolcowhat steps you need to accomplish that? list, detail and you'll be able to break the story17:07
weshayrfolco, right.. so go for it17:07
weshayyou know the steps17:07
rfolcoweshay, the scenario ones is  bad example, we almost made it17:08
rfolcofedora 28 is a good example, too big17:08
weshaywe had several userstories for that I believe17:10
weshayrfolco, however there is probably enough unknown unknowns w/ that .. I will challenge folks and sizing for 3 weeks17:10
rfolcoweshay, true17:10
weshayrfolco, where I'm going w/ this, is that I think you and panda|pto are trying to solve the wrong problem17:11
rfolcowhenever you add an epic, pleease try to write down bullets with what you expect  from it17:11
weshaywe should be able to measure what was done in a sprint and carry over into another sprint w/o being 100% sure the work can be completed17:12
rfolcoweshay, I'm open to hear, lets chat on monday, this needs to be solved17:12
weshayrfolco, we also need some tooling around taiga17:12
weshaymoving stories sucks17:12
rfolcoweshay, carrying over stories... I disagree, we should carry over epics, not stories. The story belongs to a sprint. Period. If not completed, needs a new design and a new story.17:13
rfolcoweshay, thats why this is so hard on taiga, coz we are doing this wrong.17:14
rfolcomy 2 cents17:14
weshayrfolco, k.. then we need a tool written to move tasks from userstory a --> userstory b17:15
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rfolcoweshay, new sprint deserves a new desgin... new story, new tasks. The old ones are kept as they were, incomplete. The new ones will have a different goal as something has been started already.17:22
rfolcothis "carry over" thing should not exist IMHO17:23
rfolcoif left behind tasks a b c incomplete, now you have d e f with different state/goals17:24
rfolcoI have the impression panda|pto is on the same page here and share the same opinion. Need to chat with him.17:25
weshayrfolco, I suppose if the user story is still linked to the same epic17:28
weshaythan using scen001 from multi to single as an example17:29
weshaywould be..17:29
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weshayssbarnea|rover, marios afict.. rocky should be promoting
weshaysshnaidm, fyi.. sent an email to rhos-dev re: ovb jobs17:40
weshaysshnaidm, please review it17:40
weshayheh.. rlandy browbeat jobs are passing :)17:52
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rlandyweshay: what??17:53
weshay53 right?17:53
rlandyI didn;t even think they were running17:53
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @
* rlandy gave up all hope17:53
weshayrlandy, ovs on rdo-cloud was finally updated17:54
rlandyoh well, that's nice!17:54
* rlandy wants a $1 for very time ovs broke us17:54
rlandyI'd be one rich lady17:54
ssbarnea|roverweshay: sshnaidm --- small nit, as I have to use it more.18:02
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, ack18:03
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i know that css should go different file but for initial feedback it should be ok.18:04
weshayrlandy, did you get zuul in a box floating?18:04
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weshayssbarnea|rover, marios fyi.. this is one of your top priorities btw18:06
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ssbarnea|roverweshay: among other top prios,18:09
ssbarnea|roverweshay: -- updated with voting:118:09
weshayssbarnea|rover, ya.. let's go through em18:09
rlandygetting there18:10
weshayssbarnea|rover, looks good18:10
ssbarnea|roverweshay: also please check the other open reviews, there are not many, so I can start pinging people about getting them merged.18:10
weshayssbarnea|rover, I have +1's on most of those18:11
weshayhowever none of that is a top priority18:12
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weshaybut not terribly time sensitive18:12
weshaychandan_kumar, did anyone pin the hash on master or rocky18:13
weshaychandan_kumar, panda|pto why is
weshayso old?18:13
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rlandyweshay: (note: started etherpad to capture notes, doc, worksrounds etc)18:19
rlandyrequirements listed - pls check I din't miss anything18:20
weshayssbarnea|rover, it's captured already
weshayssbarnea|rover, fix is here,
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weshayssbarnea|rover, it's waiting on
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rlandysshnaidm: fyi ... keeping notes on reproducer zuul in
rlandyfeel free to add to that19:01
rlandywill be the start of user doc + bootstrap script19:01
weshayrlandy, we should ask keiran if we could share images w/ each other19:02
sshnaidmrlandy, can we use wiki in this taiga for that?19:02
sshnaidmrlandy, just curious if it has some etherpad capabilities19:02
rlandysshnaidm: idk - haven;t tried19:07
rlandyweshay: so non-admin users can share images19:07
rlandybut only admins can make the images public19:07
rlandybesides you need your own key on it19:08
rlandybut we could make it work within out group19:08
* rlandy looks at taiga wiki19:08
rlandybut I don;t have good experiences with taiga formatting19:08
weshayho hum.. uploading $image19:18
rlandywhat's wrong with using any of the centos7 images already in our tenants?19:24
sshnaidmweshay, rlandy we talked in internal channel about it, there are some possible solutions19:25
sshnaidmI'm creating a task for ops to investigate it and we can discuss it, also Paul had some suggestions there..19:25
rlandy ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ is not trusted.19:27
rlandy^^ get that?19:27
weshayrlandy, you running wget?19:28
rlandy--no-check-certificate yeah - just found that19:28
rlandyadding to doc19:28
rlandyoh man - this is goin to take forever19:30
rlandyneed to address this19:30
* rlandy gets tea19:30
sshnaidmrlandy, uploading it takes a time, yeah..19:31
rlandywget takes time19:31
sshnaidmrlandy, take also fedora-28 image, it's part of config19:31
rlandysshnaidm: ack will do19:32
rlandyit's huge19:32
rlandywe can't expect every dev to upload that to their personal tenant19:33
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, mazal it's only once to do19:33
rlandywill kill the storage19:33
rlandysshnaidm: until they update the image19:33
rlandywhich is EVERY day19:33
sshnaidmrlandy, well, it's mostly packages update and we do it in every job anyway19:34
sshnaidmrlandy, so it's until they introduce some new package for example19:34
sshnaidmor reconfigure some service, like unbound19:35
rlandywe'll have to see what the cadence on those sorts of changes are19:36
sshnaidmrlandy, I hope we'll find a way to have these images as it's in CI19:37
sshnaidmor maybe to build them on some nodepool.. we'll see19:37
rlandysshnaidm: yeah - so I still have the role to modify noes to make them look like nodepool19:38
rlandyupdated to remove the stuff done in pre's19:38
rlandyso that's an option19:38
rlandywe will need it for libvirt workflow anyways19:38
sshnaidmyeah, right19:39
* rlandy adds dealing with nodes upload/update as a requirement success point19:39
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rlandysshnaidm: what am I missing?19:52
rlandyvirt-customize -vx -c qemu:///system -a fedora-28-0000000041.qcow2 --ssh-inject zuul:file:~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub19:52
rlandy[  16.0] SSH key inject: zuul19:52
rlandyvirt-customize: error: ~/.ssh/ No such file or directory19:52
rlandy(test) [rlandy@localhost workspace]$ ls ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub19:52
sshnaidmrlandy, maybe expand "~/19:52
sshnaidmrlandy, try "/home/rlandy/..."19:53
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @
rlandysshnaidm: you gem!! thank you19:53
rlandyoh my gosh centos is is still downloading19:54
sshnaidmrlandy, check if it worked: virt-cat -c qemu:///system -a centos-7.qcow2 /home/zuul/.ssh/authorized_keys19:55
rlandylooks ok19:56
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weshaysshnaidm|afk, that works20:01
weshayvirt-cat or virt-customize20:02
weshaysshnaidm|afk, rlandy this bs w/ uploading a 5gb disk is not going to fly20:02
rlandyno kidding20:03
rlandywe will kill cloud storage20:03
rlandywill EVERY dev uploading this20:03
rlandywe need to be able to have these images public20:03
rlandyuploaded once20:03
rlandyweshay: where do you have openstackclient installed and what python version?20:08
rlandyinstalled how? yum?20:08
weshaypreviously w/ f28 rpms20:10
rlandywhich rpm?20:10
rlandypython2 or 3?20:10
rlandyweshay: I have the python3 rpm install20:12
rlandysource the v2 rc file20:12
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rlandykeeps asking me if I want to install python2 rpm20:13
rlandyforget it - just installing p2 rpm20:14
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rlandyweshay:  openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare < fedora-28-0000000041.qcow2 openstack-infra-fedora-2820:21
rlandy^^ is your upload command diff?20:21
* rlandy is doc'ing this workflow20:22
weshayrlandy, I added --min-disk 820:35
weshayssbarnea|rover, rfolco well done
ssbarnea|roverweshay: still more work to do to achieve our goals on that but yep, happy to see progress. this one directly saves our time, less digging time..20:40
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weshayrlandy, oh21:17
weshay--file fed21:17
weshaynot <21:17
rlandy openstack image create?21:18
weshayre: ya21:18
weshaydon't use <21:19
rlandywhat is your full command? for the doc?21:19
weshayopenstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --min-disk 8 --file centos-7-0000000034.qcow2 openstack-infra-centos-721:19
weshaynot sure re: min 8gb21:19
weshayit's valid, just not sure if we think we need it. or if that is the right size21:20
rlandyok - wil leave it out atm21:20
rlandyit's just an etherpad21:20
rlandywe can edit21:20
rlandybut I want to get the instructions down somewhere to start21:20
rlandywe will build the bootstrap out of that21:21
rlandyweshay: ^^21:21
weshayrlandy, ya.. thanks for putting that together21:21
weshayso far I've spent the whole day uploading images21:22
rlandyweshay: I feel your pain21:22
* rlandy as well21:22
rlandywe have to solve that21:22
weshayrlandy, just spoke to Alex about the tenative plans re: bm.. good feedback there too21:22
rlandycentos download at 60%21:22
rlandyweshay: that's good - I think you are correct - this is the right way to go21:23
rlandystaying in sync with upstream and main infra21:23
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