Friday, 2019-01-11

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035 @  (2 more messages)00:21
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035 @  (2 more messages)02:21
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)04:21
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)06:21
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quiquellweshay: ack, will look into it07:17
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mariosquiquell: any review requests?08:14
mariosi have time for one/2 more08:14
* marios goes review shopping08:14
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)08:21
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quiquellmarios: o/ They are all from my part at WIP state08:28
quiquellmarios: Do you need reviewing ?08:28
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mariosquiquell: ack i checked this from bnemec he needs to add it to standalone scen 3 instead
mariosquiquell: this easy one maybe?08:31
mariosquiquell: ah it has votes now sorry08:31
mariosquiquell: otherwise same things merged yesterday thanks for help08:31
quiquellA lot of stuff merged08:34
quiquellyey !!!08:34
quiquellthe one about designate need more time for reviewing08:34
mariosssbarnea|rover: i respectfully submit to you sir, that there is an error in your code.08:37
mariosssbarnea|rover: kindly review. in the event that I am mistaken i would be grateful that you'd inform me by return so that i can immediately rectify by revoting08:37
* marios recofee08:37
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ssbarnea|rovermarios: thanks! really good eye. another copy/paste bug.09:20
* marios bows np09:21
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ssbarnea|rovermarios: panda : ulimit error on mysql that i fixed yesterday, confirmed fix:
mariospanda: holser_ was asking me about taiga09:26
mariosis free right?09:26
mariosi mean you're not paying for it ?09:26
marioswell i'm not anyway09:26
pandafree as a bird09:26
holser_thanks panda09:26
mariosholser_: so on the sprint 4 i pointed  you at we scroll down with priority ontop. left had side is the story, and then the rest of columns are tasks for that story09:27
mariosmake sense09:27
mariosholser_: we move the tasks from parked --> done during the sprint09:28
mariosssbarnea|rover: ack on that noted but for later09:30
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pandassbarnea|rover: I think 65536 is the default value for that parameter09:30
ssbarnea|roverpanda: yep, this is why i proposed it. the -1 in puppet template is an invalid value.09:31
pandassbarnea|rover: I mean, you could also have removed it09:31
ssbarnea|rovertriggering an error inside mysql code, one that is ignored.09:31
ssbarnea|roveri know, but some may want to edit the puppet templates or modify them. safer to have a valid default value.09:32
ssbarnea|roveri guess nobody tested the defaults09:32
ssbarnea|roverthe warn is even more confusing because the same command can really fail for other reasons but the last message on stderr is that one, which in fact is ignored.09:33
ssbarnea|roveri discovered this during debugging a job failure, and decided to address that aspect.09:34
holser_marios thanks09:36
holser_I am already looking at taiga09:36
ssbarnea|roverarxcruz|ruck: how we are supposed to addres disk full errors? last zuul msg on
ssbarnea|roveron ze08.openstack.org09:37
ssbarnea|roveris up to us to fix or infra-root?09:37
pandaholser_: if you have questions about taiga, ask marios. He'll be happy to help09:39
holser_thanks I'll ask you both09:39
holser_now I am learning it09:40
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: checking with o-infra09:41
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: where are you seeing the full disk error ?09:42
ssbarnea|rovergate-check job i posted above09:43
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover:    ?09:44
ssbarnea|roverarxcruz|ruck: look at last zuul message: -- a very confusing message.09:44
arxcruz|rucki'm not seeing this message09:44
ssbarnea|roverread the message! "DISK_FULL"09:45
ssbarnea|roveris not red09:45
arxcruz|ruckall i seeing is some elastic search bugs09:47
mariosholser_: panda ack :D np maybe also consider joining one of our next calls (monday) to hear how we use it09:47
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: man, I'm not seeing that error on my browser lol09:47
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ssbarnea|roverarxcruz|ruck: yep! look at message, i know that the table view looks like this and does make no sense: zuul -1 but you see only green.09:49
ssbarnea|roverthe table is broken, i pasted the issue on #zuul channel09:50
ssbarnea|roveris missing the job that failed due to full disk09:50
ssbarnea|roveralways look at zuul message, the table can be misleading09:51
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: is there an option to enable zuul message? I'm not seeing it09:53
ssbarnea|roveryes, the left-bottom corner "Toggle CI"09:54
arxcruz|ruckgot it09:54
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @  (2 more messages)10:21
mariosone more vote needed here please thanks10:24
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pandamarios: the commit message is not very explanatory10:31
mariospanda: you're right. in fact this review  no longer makes sense i will revote10:33
mariosthank you10:33
pandamarios: really ?10:33
pandamarios: you don't need the zuul.d/layout exclusion anymore ?10:33
mariospanda: sec updating the commit10:33
pandaI usually dont' like to block people on the commit messdage10:34
mariospanda: yeah but the patch was originally to add the job10:34
marioswhich was added already seems without that zuul.d but it is different change10:34
mariosto what is decribed10:34
mariosi just came there from the topic branch trying to get them all merged10:34
quiquellI am going to workflow it10:34
pandaquiquell: STAWP10:34
mariosquiquell: nop10:34
mariosi -2 it10:35
pandaI'll -3 it10:35
quiquellWe don't want it ?10:35
pandaI have the secret button in gerrit, labeled "BOOM"10:35
pandaquiquell: yes but not like this10:35
quiquellpanda: why ?10:36
pandaquiquell: how the reproducer track ?10:36
mariosquiquell: panda k now vote go10:36
quiquellpanda: different implementation putting "files" at common place ?10:36
quiquellpanda: are we talking about  ?10:36
pandaquiquell: not yet, just put the right commit message10:36
mariosHERE ^10:36
pandahmpf, no fight today.10:37
quiquellAhh the commit message ok10:37
pandaquiquell: on an unrelated request10:37
pandaquiquell: how the reproducer tracking ?10:37
pandaquiquell: do we need to revisit tasks ?10:38
mariosnote that the job is currently non voting (blocked on so it is expected to fail on tempest here)10:39
openstackLaunchpad bug 1811004 in tripleo "tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone fails tempest.scenario.test_minimum_basic.TestMinimumBasicScenario" [Critical,Triaged]10:39
quiquellpanda: LÃLet me check theuser story10:39
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quiquellpanda: We don't want to add running jobs and dlrn hashes from the ansible role ?10:46
quiquellpanda: I cannot find a taiga task i create about repro using sf RPMs10:49
quiquellpanda: shit I think weshay has trash it it inlcluded the Dockerfiles for sf RPMs... can we find deleted tasks ?10:51
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quiquellpanda: looking for "Use sf RPMs to at a zuul base docker image"10:57
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pandaquiquell: I'll try with the API11:02
quiquellpanda: have just re-created it as a US11:03
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pandaquiquell: did you need some description11:03
panda quiquell nothing even in the snapshots.11:05
quiquellpanda: added description11:06
pandaquiquell: do you remember the name of the task ?11:07
pandaquiquell: I have last week's snapshots11:07
quiquellpanda: Na don't worry has just created the US, is a US more than a task11:08
pandaquiquell: so the deleted tasks didn't have any important content ?11:08
pandaquiquell: do we need to reevaluate the tasks at this point ?11:09
quiquellpanda: I don't think we are going to do the sf stuff this sprint11:09
quiquellpanda: Going to create a design session on the repro for next week as asked by weshay11:10
quiquellpanda: let's talk about it11:10
pandaquiquell: early next week please :)11:10
pandaor we can do it on sunday11:11
pandaa D&D session and the BAM, repro design11:11
quiquellpanda: damn creatd the event at google11:12
quiquellpanda: not at bluejeans11:12
pandaquiquell: I can reach google in 20 minutes train from here, no problem for me11:15
pandaquiquell: I'll se you there.11:15
quiquellpanda: monday next week will be sshnaidm|off is not here today11:15
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pandaholser|food_figh: me too ! me too! where ?11:38
holser|food_fighpanda - here :D11:39
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jfrancoaquiquell: hey, do you remember about the standalone_upgrade issue we were seeing the other day? that it didn't include the patch under test?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1811371 in tripleo "standalone_upgrade CI job not applying patch under test" [High,Triaged]12:04
jfrancoaquiquell: now the question is how to properly fix it12:04
quiquelljfrancoa: so we install the repo but we don't do the update ?12:06
quiquelljfrancoa: but the RPM was in the RPM lis t12:06
quiquellssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck: ^ can you help jfrancoa12:09
quiquelljfrancoa: but its explicitly disabled, you have to talk with Alex12:12
quiquelllooks like its by design12:12
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pandaquiquell: the release script is written in python3 ?12:20
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades,  (2 more messages)12:21
quiquelltox-py3 is working there so it should be compatible12:22
quiquellpanda: also fedora28 is working12:22
pandaquiquell: ok12:22
pandaarxcruz|ruck: what's the repo for os tempest ?12:31
pandaarxcruz|ruck: found openstack-ansible-os_tempest12:33
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pandabogdando: in , what is gear ?12:40
bogdandoI don't know panda12:44
bogdandojust saw an issue, then fixed it :D12:44
fultonjpanda: i'm trying to figure out why a boolean I'm passing to a j2 template has the opposite value of what i'm expecting12:49
fultonjif i set a boolean in a oooq featureset, then can i override it in a playbook in oooq-extras ?12:50
fultonjpanda: ^ that's my general question12:50
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arxcruz|ruckquiquell: jfrancoa hey, what's up?13:09
jfrancoaarxcruz|ruck: hey13:09
arxcruz|ruckpanda: for the tempest role that we will use in the future? yes, openstack-ansible-os_tempest13:09
arxcruz|ruckhey jfrancoa13:09
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: so, how will we fix the logs?13:09
jfrancoaarxcruz|ruck:'s mainly an issue with the stanadlone upgrades job, that it's not installing the new tripleo-heat-templates package with the patch under test. anyway I'll discus it with sofer first to see if we can find a good way to solve it13:10
arxcruz|ruckjfrancoa: okay13:11
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover you guys have eyes on master promotion?
fultonjif i set a boolean in a oooq featureset, then can i override it in a playbook in oooq-extras ?13:15
fultonji guess i'll find out
fultonji'll see how ^ affects
ssbarnea|roverweshay: working now to findout why a build was killed running out of disk space for logs (5GB!)13:15
* fultonj waits13:15
fultonjjust thought I'd ask before waiting 3 hours to see what the compute did in case anyone knew already13:16
pandafultonj: wait13:17
pandafultonj: I have slow digestion13:17
fultonjhe :)13:18
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pandafultonj: so the default value is in the featureset file and you're trying to override it somewhere else ?13:20
fultonjpanda: yes13:21
fultonjpanda: it could really be anywhere though, whatever will work13:21
pandafultonj: ok, that's actually not possibile by design, with some notable exceptions13:21
fultonjok, good to know. thanks13:21
pandafultonj: featureset where designed to have the last word on what value a variable has13:21
fultonjwhat's going on here is that i have a j2 template which is always using the default values from the feature set13:21
fultonjand if, as you say, featuresets have the last word by design, then that's fine13:22
fultonjwhat i did, was remove the defaults from the feature set...13:22
fultonjand set them directly in my playbook13:22
pandafultonj: and it's still not working ?13:22
fultonjpanda: it will probably work now13:23
fultonji set them directly in my playbook 2 minutes ago13:23
fultonjglad to know i'm heading in the right direction now, thanks13:23
fultonji'll see how it goes on the next run13:24
hubbot1fultonj: panda's karma is now 1013:24
pandafultonj: well split_control_plane_controller: true would be a perfect candidate for a featureset file13:24
fultonjpanda: ah13:25
pandafultonj: because it's the variable that activates the test on edge13:25
pandabut if you need to override it often, ...13:25
fultonjpanda: so i have split_control_plane 57 and based on that variable it makes an edge compute or an edge controller that exports it's params for the edge compute13:25
fultonji wasn't sure if i should have ONE feature set with a switch OR two feature sets13:25
pandafultonj: features are *by no writte definion) flags that activate main things you have to test in your job13:26
pandaso if you already have split_control_plane as main variable to enable the edge testing, it's enough13:27
pandamarios: so $job = standalone-scenario001 ?13:27
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fultonjpanda: if it's enough, i'd rather keep it as is so i don't copy/paste code13:28
mariospanda: well yes i hope so , your patch made it so anyway [1] # config13:29
fultonji usually think it's better to make something more flexible than make two copies with a minor change13:29
fultonjbut i want to follow whatever patterns the CI experts think best for their own reasons13:29
mariospanda: but not sure what the question/context is behind your query here13:29
pandafultonj: sorry, what's the configuration that activates the split plane standalone then ?13:29
pandamarios: in user story #58513:30
fultonjin "split plane standalone" you have two types of nodes13:30
fultonj57 makes both types based on a boolean13:30
fultonjtrue --> type1 | false --> type213:30
mariospanda: oh i see yes13:31
pandafultonj: the featureset design was a rather long and difficult discussion. We landed with what we have to satisty a zillion different parameters.13:31
chandankumarweshay: 1:113:31
mariospanda: i thought i'd start with that since it is the thing which started the discussion in the first place13:31
pandait's the perfect trade off because nobody liked it.13:31
weshaychandankumar, alan and I are in13:31
mariospanda: plan is do one see how it looks/works then go on more if time13:31
fultonjpanda: if this latest patchset works i'll be happy with it13:32
pandafultonj: but howdo you activate your playbook instead of the standard playbook ? mmhhh I would need a summary of your changes . are they in the user story ?13:32
pandafultonj: and for the next three week I'm officialy dedicated in giving you a hand, so hit me13:33
fultonjpanda: wow, thanks13:33
fultonjpanda: fwiw, i'll be in be brno next week doing podman things (diff project)13:33
pandamarios: I don't think that use is for a particular job, we need to create templates with group of jobs13:34
pandamarios: things is I don't know what these groups are13:34
fultonjpanda: fultonj: but howdo you activate your playbook instead of the standard playbook...13:34
pandafultonj: oh, here it is, you're overriding the playbooks13:35
mariospanda: ack we have a template already for the standalones trying to understand how/where we should override (in top most layoutn.yaml?)13:36
pandafultonj: so you're actually not using our main workflow13:36
pandamarios: yep, those weree the question I wanted to ask to alex13:36
pandamarios: also it seems he already has the implementation in the epic description13:36
pandaso not sure what is left to do13:37
mariospanda: well, post it for starters. then get it merged13:37
mariosthen do more jobs13:37
pandafultonj: got time to chat ?13:37
pandamarios: subject ?13:37
fultonjpanda: yes13:37
mariospanda: wot?13:38
pandamarios: what's "it" in "post it" ?13:38
mariospanda: a review in tripleo-ci under zuul.d to add files: for the standalone scenario113:38
marios(at least)13:38
mariospanda: to include all the files from each of the other repos13:38
marioscommon/tht/oooq etc13:38
pandamarios: and then add the other scenario jobs to the same template ?13:39
pandamarios: and the remove the template that we already have ?13:40
mariospanda: right and each of their files13:40
pandamarios: take a look at the code in the epic
pandamarios: seems to be all there alread ...13:41
mariospanda: ok we should get it into the tripleo-ci repo right? sanity check those list of files. make sure it works as we expect across the repos with test changes13:42
mariospanda: etc13:42
mariospanda: for starters13:42
mariospanda: but still not 100% clear to me13:42
pandamarios: I guess so, but it seems 80% done at this point13:42
pandamarios: yep, we need to shower alex with questions13:42
mariospanda: no i disagree13:42
mariospanda: i mean it is 80% understood maybe13:43
mariospanda: 0% done13:43
mariosnothing posted even one review13:43
mariosand definitely not merged13:43
mariospanda: am i wrong13:43
* panda pokes marios in the eyes "three stooges'" style13:43
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pandamarios: wanna proceed ? or we clarify with alex first ?13:44
pandafultonj: almost ready13:45
mariospanda: both i will proceed until i have a specific question, go ahead if you want to harrass alex now :)13:45
pandamarios: alone ? never.13:45
bogdandorlandy: hi. Could you please update the last depends-on in so we could test the fix ?13:45
* rlandy looks13:46
pandafultonj: bluejeans ?13:46
bogdandoI cannot send my amendment to gerrit as git-review tool tries to access
bogdandoand I have no creds setup there it seems13:46
pandafultonj: 349250866913:47
pandabogdando: it's the old repo13:47
bogdandooh, right so it has a wrong gitreview file13:47
pandabogdando:, and github credentials13:47
rlandybogdando: if you still can't access, nhicher added my creds13:47
bogdandothe repo just has a wrong .gitreview13:48
fultonjpanda: yep, joining13:48
rlandybogdando: also - disables idempotent check for master so we can keep the pipelines up13:50
rlandywill put in a separate review for your testing13:51
bogdandorlandy: not good13:51
bogdandolet's wait for that fix and move it back)13:51
bogdandook, thanks, rlandy13:52
rlandybogdando: that patch has another fix the pipelines needs13:52
rlandyI'll get you  a new test patch13:52
rlandyone sec13:52
rlandypanda, weshay: can I get another review on this13:53
rlandyneeds to merge for pipeline13:53
rlandyssbarnea|rover: arxcruz|ruck: ^^ fyi13:53
rlandyfs020 fix13:53
rlandyneed to w+ that13:53
arxcruz|ruckyes please :D13:54
quiquellrlandy: I can workflow it13:54
rlandyquiquell: cool - sorry forgot you have the power13:54
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: do it! just do it!13:54
rlandy^^ you can use that as a depends-on patch13:58
rlandyquiquell: sorry - saw your review from yesterday - got caught up in  pipeline fixes13:58
rlandywill look today13:58
quiquellrlandy: No problem merged already, just make pre.yaml compatible with humans as we where talking the other day13:59
ssbarnea|roverweshay: arxcruz|ruck: i finished documenting the issue with disk full that affected one of the gate check jobs, but i need to push more to making things happen. still, i want to know if there is something else more important to look at before doing this.14:00
weshayssbarnea|rover, atm.. pushing on the promotion jobs14:01
ssbarnea|roverweshay: ok, looking now at them. btw, try to wf if possible.14:02
bogdandorlandy: thanks, but could you please update for me, with that patch and ?14:07
bogdandorlandy: nvm, done
bogdandowow, a 2h from a submission to the check done oO14:10
bogdandozuul makes magic14:10
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rlandybogdando: no - I just rebased a patch14:11
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades,  (2 more messages)14:21
rfolcoarxcruz|ruck, I hit this bug today... any clues ?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1792375 in tripleo "[master] multinode noop job failure giving IOError: [Errno 26] Text file busy: '/home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/bin/python'" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Sorin Sbarnea (ssbarnea)14:24
rfolcossbarnea|rover, you probably have an idea as you fixed it last time ^14:25
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mariospanda: ftr the stuff in the epic was missing tripleo-quickstart and upppet-tripleo14:28
marios(e.g. featureset 052 is pretty important !)14:28
arxcruz|ruckrfolco: no idea, it seems not related to quickstart/tripleo but i'll take a look14:28
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: nope, we covered all the bugs :) thanks for the update, made my friday easier i haven't time to do anything inthe morning with my baby sick :)14:29
arxcruz|ruckneed to leave for 20 min, brb14:33
pandamarios: did you chat with alex then ?14:34
mariospanda: no14:34
mariospanda: just stared at it a bit14:34
fultonjpanda++ thanks14:35
hubbot1fultonj: panda's karma is now 1114:35
mariospanda: proposing what i think makes sense lets see
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: comments are right on that, this error is likely due to messing with virtualenv.14:36
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: any chance of having two jobs running at the same time? on jenkins it was more common issue.14:37
pandarlandy: quiquell I remember we were running undercloud idempotency only in single node undercloud install. It was an important test, but we were  not convering that in all jobs14:37
pandaalso, now that ansible is used, not sure how much we want to test idempotency, maybe it's still important14:37
rlandypanda: we cover it in  fs02014:37
rfolcossbarnea|rover, this is an update job... so it runs update on top of an existing one... does this ring any bell?14:38
pandaoh yeah because we don't have a sinlge node undercloud14:38
pandamarios: did you update the user story with that ? :)14:38
pandamarios: also, do you have answers to my questions in the epic ?14:38
pandamarios: also this14:38
pandamarios: and also that.14:38
mariospanda: not yet, i am creating a task for it currently14:39
quiquellpanda: Puff I recall something, but not much... I remember fixing something enabling/disabling it14:39
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: i do not know toci well, but does it run some python code in background by any chance?14:41
quiquellssbarnea|rover: te-broker as doing something in background14:41
ssbarnea|roverthis error is almost always cased by another python process running which prevents virtualenv from being updated.14:41
quiquellthe testenv part14:41
ssbarnea|roverif they share the same virtualenv you are doomed14:42
rfolcoand marios had hit that bug [1] few days ago14:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1792375 in tripleo "[master] multinode noop job failure giving IOError: [Errno 26] Text file busy: '/home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/bin/python'" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Sorin Sbarnea (ssbarnea)14:42
rfolco(after being fixed I mean)14:43
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ssbarnea|roverrfolco: we still have files? both one used?14:47
pandaI think only the old reproducer and not much else is using the old file at this point14:47
rfolcossbarnea|rover, yes... if you look at the logs, the error happens in the 2nd time runs, that is, the update part.14:47
rfolcossbarnea|rover, so probably the VIRTUAL_ENV is gone and we are not detecting an existing venv in the update job??14:49
rfolcotalking about this
mariospanda: here you are lord panda14:49
rfolcopanda, rlandy can you please get a new pass on f28_promotion topic?
rfolcopanda, rlandy I can bj and go through these changes if you like14:53
rlandyrfolco: that would be good - can you give me 15 mins?14:53
pandamarios: you forgot to kneel14:53
pandarfolco: ready whenever you are14:53
pandaand rlandy is also14:53
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rfolcopanda, will wait for rlandy's green light14:54
* marios deep bow to lord panda14:54
rfolcomarios, wash your mouth when saying lord's name, the patron saint of desperate causes of ci, the master panda14:56
pandahow do you call it when you do a fake bow and then a uppercut ?14:56
pandaI'm on fire today.14:57
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: i am working on the venv part, trying to understande exactly what happens.14:57
* marios maintain deep bow 14:57
mariosback hurting14:57
rfolcossbarnea|rover, yeah, just make sure its not often on updates job... not critical if its intermittent14:58
pandamarios: if you want different check/gate combination, you'll need to create a different template14:59
pandamarios: now sure we want to do that14:59
pandaOOOHH so decentralized means on different repos15:00
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: is recurring often enough. Mainly the "New python executable in" is key because this means "python was updated since venv was created"15:00
pandaI thought we were talking about files on the same repo15:00
pandaall in tripleo-ci15:00
pandamarios: so we will need a template for each repo ?15:00
mariospanda: yeah i think we already do something similar in fact for example
ssbarnea|roverin some cases this is ok, in others it means "you have a broken virtualenv" now.15:00
mariospanda: tripleo-multinode-container-minimal15:00
mariospanda: which is consumed
mariospanda: right?15:01
rfolcossbarnea|rover, yep, appreciate your eyes on it15:01
mariospanda: anyway lets see what comments there are on the reviews. and if they are correct then we should see the jobs running in each of the
mariospanda: since this changes zuul.d/15:02
pandamarios: I never start a task from a review ... I know it's tempting, but laying code before the design is too close to trial and error in a phase where it shouldn't be needed.15:03
quiquellweshay: found the issue with launchpad15:03
quiquell    from httplib2 import _md5, re_url_scheme, re_slash15:04
quiquellImportError: cannot import name re_slash15:04
quiquellIn the docker images at infra...15:04
mariospanda: then consider this the design together with ?15:04
mariospanda: i don't see the problem ... earlier you were saying 'so this is basically done now? 80%"15:05
weshayarxcruz|ruck, panda so what needs to change w/ standalone001 re: disk full?'15:05
* weshay reading irc in infra15:05
pandaweshay: ssbarnea|rover is following that15:06
weshayssbarnea|rover, whats up w/ that?15:06
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pandamarios: that was a question. For example, I'd like to know what repos we want to be centralized15:07
mariospanda: "all the tripleo ones"15:08
mariospanda: others typically have us in experimental but that can be another task on the story, sanity check mistral/aodh/ceilo/heat etc15:08
pandamarios: that's for another life15:08
pandamarios: I don't have the list of all the repos taht use tripleo-ci in mind15:09
mariospanda: the repos i list in the task
mariospanda: these are the ones that have standalone cenario 1-415:09
quiquellweshay: this should fix it
pandamarios: updated description in 60315:10
arxcruz|ruckweshay: collect logs reach 7gb for this job, and infra set a max of 5gb15:11
mariospanda: nop
arxcruz|ruckweshay: ssbarnea|rover is with a patch to skip files bigger than 1gb on zuul collect logs to avoid that15:11
mariospanda: removed it but otherwise thanks15:11
arxcruz|ruckbut it will require some discussion15:11
mariospanda: indeed bullet list is nice15:12
mariospanda: ppp15:12
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck do we know how the logs got that big to begin w/?15:12
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover what patch was found in?15:12
arxcruz|ruckweshay: well, probably we are saving the images as well15:12
mariospanda: but you raise a good point. perhaps we *should* have it in extras too? adding anote15:12
mariospanda: cos that is where standalone roles lives soo maybe kinda important!15:13
weshayarxcruz|ruck, sounds right.. but we shouldn't be15:13
weshayI don't see images in other logs15:13
pandamarios: that's it ? no other tripleo repos ?15:14
pandamarios: I thought tripleo was HUGE.15:14
pandamarios: python-tripleoclient ?15:15
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover I like the idea of updating openstack-infra/zuul-jobs but I'm also interested in know how our job did that and making sure it does not repeat15:15
pandamarios: tripleo-image-elements ? tripleo-puppet-elements ? ansible-role-tripleo* ? tripleo-ui ? tripleo-upgrade ?15:15
mariospanda: yeah we can add those but right now, only those 4 have them15:16
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arxcruz|ruckweshay: we don't have access to the logs, because it wasn't uploaded :(15:16
ssbarnea|roverweshay: sure, now the reality is that is impossible to guarantee that such accidents will not happen. any looping-bug is likely to produce an "infinite" log file on the affected service.15:16
pandamarios: not saying we need to do it now, just trying to take a look at the big picture.15:16
mariospanda: ansible-role-tripleo no but yeah the rest we can add15:16
mariospanda: sure :D15:16
weshayssbarnea|rover, what file was that big though?15:16
weshaydo we know?15:16
ssbarnea|roveri seen it too often, the only thing we can to is to avoid crashing CI when we encounter such a case, "truncate".15:17
pandamarios: so we can eventually prepare our review knowing that something else needs to be added15:17
pandamarios: added later15:17
mariospanda: acutally yeah here too
mariospanda: ok,15:17
mariosis lord panda now appeased?15:17
ssbarnea|roverthe worker is killed when this happens AFAIK, so no chance to find out. but we should work on infra to see which options we have.15:18
pandamarios: you added them to the list ? :)15:18
ssbarnea|roverthis issue is not unique to tripleo15:18
pandamarios: not yet. each repo will have differnt file patterns right ?15:18
mariospanda: done15:18
pandaso we need to create a template for each repo ?15:18
mariospanda: they have to be added into the main review15:18
pandamarios: I'll copy this list to the epic15:18
pandamarios: they ? what they ?15:19
mariospanda: here
mariospanda: 17:18 < panda> marios: not yet. each repo will have differnt file patterns right ?15:19
mariospanda: they the file patterns we have to copy the files for each repo that has them (but mainly its the tripleo ones that do that)15:19
mariospanda: like modify inmage is l not overriding15:20
pandamarios: I mean, will we need for example a tripleo-standalone-scenarios-full-tht and a tripleo-standalone-scenarios-full-puppet-tripleo ?15:20
mariospanda: no15:20
mariospanda: we should not15:20
mariospanda: it should be as posted here
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: weshay : regarding venv bug: reality is that recreating a virtualenv on top of existing one is risky business (can fail for several reasons, even most time works fine).15:20
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: maybe fungi have the logs?15:20
mariospanda: i.e. we define the template once, in ci. then wire it up in the projects as one liner here
mariospanda: (repeat for each project) ^^15:21
weshayssbarnea|rover, help me understand how the venv relates to the logging of 1G+ files15:21
rfolcossbarnea|rover, enforcing a fresh one everytime is bad idea?15:22
pandamarios: ok maybe I'm missing something . The same files combination in one template in tripleo-ci will satisfy all the other repository that use tripleo-ci ?15:22
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mariospanda: i hope so. if it doesn't then i have understood wrongly15:22
mariospanda: and i can correct the reviews accordingly15:22
pandamarios: when I reach this level of dumbness I usually need a chat ...15:22
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: yep, i am againts recreation automaticale. with controlable param ok, but not default.15:23
pandamarios: can we chat ? I have no idea what I'm talking about at this point15:23
mariospanda: what have we been doign for the last 2 hours?15:23
mariospanda: not right now i have to do somethign else first please15:23
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: i am inclined to propose to add some debug when failure happens and attempt to recreate it only if in-place fails.15:23
pandamarios: ok15:23
mariospanda: have a look at the reviews and we'll take it from there15:23
mariospanda: the proof is in the reviews themselves15:23
mariospanda: they lgtm15:23
ssbarnea|roverif create fails > rm dir > run create again.15:23
mariospanda: because15:23
mariospanda: if you check zuul queue15:24
mariospanda: you can see the 'right ' combination being run for the standalone-scenarios15:24
ssbarnea|roverI could even do better: if create fails > print running py processes > rename folder > recreate > activate.15:24
rfolcossbarnea|rover, if venv is not found, create a new venv (enforce a new venv name)15:24
mariospanda: e.g. check for you can see that the scenario standalone jobs are being queued up to run15:25
mariospanda: because in the template we have zuuld/* and this change is to zuul.d/15:25
mariospanda: does it help15:25
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: you dont get it, in this place we already mentioned the desired venv location, we need to respect it.15:25
mariospanda: once zuul reports on it should be clear15:25
mariospanda: if it worked or not15:25
rlandyrfolco: ready to meet15:25
rfolcossbarnea|rover, send the patch, we discuss there :)15:26
rfolcorlandy, panda can we meet for few min ?15:26
pandarfolco: for you  ? of course  .. not.15:27
rfolcoI beg15:27
rfolcoon knees15:27
rfolcooh lord of ci15:27
pandaplease don't call me lord15:28
pandahis majesty is more than enough15:28
rfolcopatron saint of desperate mortals15:28
rfolcook lets go15:28
pandarfolco: give me 3 minutes15:29
pandamarios: this is what I meant
pandamarios: same job, different files:15:30
pandathat's why this is an epic and not just a task15:31
mariospanda: yes thats fine15:31
mariospanda: you ahve them all in one place15:31
mariospanda: i still dont see the problem15:31
mariospanda: isnt that EXACTLY what alex has in his example15:31
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mariospanda: all the files from the different repos in once place15:32
marios17:30 < panda> marios: this is what I meant
mariospanda: yes one is for tht and the other is for tripleo-common15:32
mariospanda: the whole point here is to move them to tripleo-ci15:32
mariospanda: what is the problem15:32
mariospanda: i am missing somethign please15:32
rfolcorlandy, ready ?15:32
mariospanda: yes it IS an epic15:33
mariospanda: when did i say it wasn't15:33
mariospanda: we have an EPIC which is for replace ALL the jobs acros all the repos15:33
mariospanda: and a task which is for standalone scenario15:33
pandamarios: I didn't say you did say that15:33
mariospanda: so what is the problem ?15:33
mariospanda: you've been giving me the spanish inquisition about this for 2 hours :D15:33
rfolcorlandy, where you?15:33
pandamarios: that we'll need one template for each repo15:33
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck when you guys have time.. later if you are busy, I'd like to hear more details on the log issue15:33
weshayon blue15:33
weshayI don't get it yet15:34
pandamarios: taht's why I want to chat, I'm giving you the wrong impression15:34
pandamarios: this is design for me, poking holes and asking the what-ifs15:34
mariospanda: ok monday though please not right now need to context switch for now. can you please post any comments on the reviews thanks
pandamarios: not rejecting your ideas, just worrying if it's going to cover all the cases15:35
pandamarios: ok, I'll update the card/epic/tasks and report a summary on the review.15:35
mariospanda: thanks for review time - its always easier to be specific. if it is wrong we'll soon find out once zuul reports it will be clear if it worked or not. otherwise if it is somehow wrong please point to what is broken so we can fix it.15:36
mariospanda: i still consider this to be aprt of the design. it took me ~ half hour ish to post that topic branch15:36
mariospanda: it will demonstrate if the idea works15:36
mariospanda: if it does we can expand that to icnlude all the repos15:37
mariospanda: if it doesn't we are still in design15:37
ssbarnea|roverweshay: joined your bj now.15:38
rlandyrfolco: here - sorry15:39
weshayssbarnea|rover, k.. joining15:39
chandankumarpanda: Hello15:43
pandachandankumar: hi15:44
chandankumarpanda: please have a look at this error
chandankumarpanda: and I didnot understand last comment here
chandankumarpanda: need help here15:48
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck master container build failed again on 2019-01-11 15:14:29 |         "2019-01-11 15:12:54,412 ERROR: 17482 -- standard_init_linux.go:203: exec user process caused \"no such file or directory\"",15:49
pandachandankumar: sorry the -1 was unintentional15:49
pandachandankumar: the fact is that I checked and that configuration should work15:49
chandankumarpanda: But I am not sure why it is not working15:50
pandachandankumar: neither I am, I think we're missing a zuul configuration that is necessary for the project to be able to add the repo to required projets15:51
pandachandankumar: we should ask in infra15:51
chandankumarssbarnea|rover: need help here
chandankumarpanda: you mean the required porject parts?15:51
pandachandankumar: yes15:51
chandankumarpanda: let me add that15:51
pandachandankumar: it's already there ...15:51
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weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck fyi.. working w/ rdo team on this
weshayno action required other than your thoughts and input into design15:54
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pandarlandy: rfolco
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weshaymarios, task 582, get scen003 back to green is marked ready for review
weshayrfolco, ^16:10
weshayI don't see a review16:10
mariosweshay: checking16:10
mariosweshay: thanks was mistake i put into progress16:10
rfolcoweshay, can you join my blue pls ?16:11
mariosweshay: i added some things to the bug at this point getting ready to reach out to deployment possibly but not sure if it container related. - comment #5/#6/#7/#8  add logstash png (happens on 8thJan), mysql, journal errors16:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1811004 in tripleo "tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone fails tempest.scenario.test_minimum_basic.TestMinimumBasicScenario" [Critical,Triaged]16:11
rfolcoweshay, with panda and rlandy - regarding containers build method16:12
mariosweshay: appeared exactly 8th jan so something happened somehwere ... :D16:12
weshayrfolco, sure16:13
marioshave a good one folks me prepares to disembark16:17
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades,  (2 more messages)16:21
fultonjpanda: so we got the booleans working... yay!16:23
fultonjhowever... the file didn't get transfered ^16:23
fultonjpanda: so i guess that's the next mystery for next time16:24
fultonjnext week or something16:24
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pandafultonj: I have a hunch16:34
pandaunch ?16:34
pandaunc ?16:34
fultonjlunch... hmmm16:34
pandahunc ?16:34
pandafultonj: there is no tag defined16:34
fultonjpanda: i had a tag before so i removed16:35
fultonjpanda: i will add a tag back16:35
fultonjpanda: but how do i get my new tag to be run?16:35
fultonja hunch?
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pandafultonj: do you need a new tag ?16:37
pandafultonj: standalone will not work ?\16:37
pandarfolco: have you ever invited fireds to your home that stays and talk to each other even when you go to bed ?16:38
pandarfolco: I think it happened to your channel16:38
fultonjthat's happened to me panda16:38
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fultonji will add the standalone tag16:39
fultonjthanks panda16:39
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rfolcopanda, lol16:43
rfolcopanda, I am relieved ... thought you were talking about another "event" that happened in my channel today16:43
pandarfolco: you have no idea16:43
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pandarfolco: what we do in your channel while you're not there16:44
pandafultonj: so to give you context, if you run a playbook specifying the tags, only the tags will run16:46
fultonjpanda: makes sense16:46
pandafultonj: unless you specify also "untagged" then all the tasks that dont' have a tag will run too16:46
fultonji'm familiar with ansible tagging16:46
pandafultonj: and I don't see untagged anywhere16:46
fultonjand it looks like the playbook is run with the tag standalone16:46
pandafultonj: yep16:46
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weshayrfolco, you are going to update the sprint 4 ss for stuart and send a summary to openstack-discuss[tripleo] ya?16:58
rfolcoweshay, yes, just finishing my lunch, will do.17:04
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: good news, not only that I was able to find a way to reproduce the venv recreation bug, but also found a working and testable solution17:07
weshayquiquell|off, I see bugs :)17:07
weshaylolz.. crap almost17:08
rfolcossbarnea|rover, you da man17:08
hubbot1rfolco: ssbarnea|rover's karma is now 217:08
pandarfolco: you can't ++ a non existing nick17:10
ssbarnea|roverrfolco: weshay : please help me test/review -- clone it and run "tox -e molecule"17:10
ssbarnea|roverit should replicate the bug and test the bugfix.17:10
ssbarnea|roverif you look at the test, you will find me doing an insane sleep in background in order to proof what happens with lingering processes. it triggers the issue, qs detects it and applies workaround.17:12
ssbarnea|roverworkaround = renames old venv, and creates a new one. also displays the running python processes, so we would know what happened.17:13
ssbarnea|roverwow, this means that the "|rover" and "|ruck" karma is separated from the normal one. The funny part would be to see top karma on "<nick>|away" ones.17:15
weshayssbarnea|rover, so.. sorry dumb manager question.. just run the playbook?17:15
weshayto test17:15
pandassbarnea|rover: well, when you are rover, you're actually a different person17:15
ssbarnea|roverweshay: well, you could run directly the playbook. but it may mess your system (prob not in this case)17:16
ssbarnea|roverquite glad i managed to nail this bug before the end of the week. now I can focus on some kube' beef during the weekend.17:19
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck have you guys seen this?
arxcruz|ruckweshay: no, opening a bug right now17:20
ssbarnea|rovernow i did...17:20
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|rover: sorry, did you open it already?17:20
weshayit must be how it's called in multinode-overcloud-upgrade.yml17:20
ssbarnea|roverweshay: wonders of well desined roles: -- variable default defined in different repo :D17:21
openstackLaunchpad bug 1811450 in tripleo "Undefined variable target_upgrade_version in tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades" [High,Triaged]17:22
ssbarnea|roverweshay: out of curiosity: this job is doing and upgrade from master to master?17:23
weshayssbarnea|rover, ya17:24
weshayI can explain later17:24
weshayit's built to test the workflow, not the ugprade17:25
weshaythe standalone upgrade.. tests the upgrade of the bits17:25
ssbarnea|roverI have the impression that ansible-linter is now able to warn about variables used inside a role that are not declared as required.17:25
weshayit's an upstream thang17:25
weshayyou dont have time to do both in a single job17:25
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ssbarnea|roverproblem avoidable by adding master as default value inside this role, at leas this is the first thing I would do.17:25
weshayssbarnea|rover, no..17:26
weshayit's calculated17:26
* weshay gets the script17:27
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ssbarnea|rovercodesearch tells me that for this job, we don't calculate anything. there are only two shells scripts that can define it. and apparently none is used.17:29
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weshayrlandy, do you recall the name of the output log file that had the output of the update/upgrade calculation17:31
weshayI see playbook_executions.log17:31
weshaybut not the other one17:31
weshayemit releases17:32
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck I think we're missing
* rlandy gets17:32
weshayin that job17:32
rlandyit's not always run17:32
weshaypython /home/zuul/src/ --stable-release master --featureset-file /home/zuul/src/ --output-file /home/zuul/workspace/logs/ --log-file /home/zuul/workspace/logs/emit_releases_file.log17:33
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover ^17:33
weshayfor example17:33
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weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck I suspect we're missing something here:
weshayfor that job17:39
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weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck panda|off rlandy
weshayI think that's right18:07
weshayguess we'll see18:07
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weshayssbarnea|rover, gate job failure on your change.. I haven't see this before
ssbarnea|roverweshay: about fs051 seems legit, still does not avoid any similar bug from re-occuring. better to merge both patches.18:12
weshaywhat's the other patch?18:12
weshaydefault master?18:13
weshayI don't think we want to do that18:13
weshayhrm. .maybe we do18:13
ssbarnea|roverweshay: i do like defaults.18:13
weshayssbarnea|rover, let me think about it..  I like defaults as well..18:14
weshayI guess I need to hear from quiquell|off, panda|off and rlandy18:14
weshayif they remember that work lolz18:14
rlandyweshay: I +2'ed18:14
rlandywhat dod I miss?18:14
weshayssbarnea|rover, we have an epic for zuulv3 that is not done18:14
weshaywe will return to it18:14
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weshayrlandy, setting a default ansible variable for the variables that emit_releases is setting18:15
* weshay is not clear if that is a good idea18:15
ssbarnea|roveri think, I seen something similar to the passwords key error.  bot sure if it was same key but.18:15
weshayssbarnea|rover, for example18:15
weshayif someone deployed pike.. than ran an upgrade w/o it set..18:15
weshayit would upgrade to master18:16
weshayand FAIL hard18:16
* rlandy reads back18:16
weshayvs.. incorporating that script.. the user would get a nice.. NOT SUPPORTED DUDE18:16
weshayat least I think that is the idea18:16
ssbarnea|roverweshay: yep, afaik that failed attempt to upgrade to master is more useful than an undefined key.18:16
weshayssbarnea|rover, not taking someone all the way through the install and upgrade18:17
ssbarnea|roverobviously that next step would be to make it "guess" the value.18:17
weshaybetter to fail at the emit_releases phase18:17
weshayssbarnea|rover, that's what emit releases deos18:17
ssbarnea|roverbut is late friday for me, no time or energy to argue :D18:17
weshayssbarnea|rover, maybe making emit_releases a ansible module18:17
weshaythere is work there for sure18:18
ssbarnea|roverthere are other things I would like to move upstream, like jinja2 extra test into ansible-lint, so we don;t have to maintain it.18:18
ssbarnea|roveremit-releases will never reach "ansible" repos, is too specific.18:19
weshayssbarnea|rover, we can have custom modules in tq18:19
ssbarnea|roveryep, is ok.18:19
ssbarnea|roverweshay: re passwords:'passwords'%5C%2218:20
ssbarnea|roverfirst occurence almost one week ago18:20
weshayssbarnea|rover, ya.. that job has been down for months18:21
weshayI think that's why this never was added18:21
weshaythe job didn't work at the time18:21
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades,  (2 more messages)18:21
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weshayssbarnea|rover, that's a good topic for a standup18:23
weshayre: the default18:23
weshayssbarnea|rover, it's complicated and a little old.. so let's refresh everyone w/ the context in a standup and see what folks think18:23
ssbarnea|roverweshay: out of curiosity, what do you use for py3 on centos7?18:39
ssbarnea|roverinstalling with scl seems inconvenient as tox does not find them by default18:39
weshayah.. I don't18:39
ssbarnea|roverand i need to manually activate18:39
ssbarnea|roveri am happy user of pyenv on macos, with a very long list of versions. also tox plays very well with it,18:42
ssbarnea|rovermaybe i should do the same on centos18:42
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weshayrfolco, when are you gone?20:06
rfolcoweshay, wed20:06
rfolcowork on mond and tue20:06
weshayrlandy, so there is a little more to it..
weshay2019-01-11 18:59:50.966054 | primary | RuntimeError: Overcloud upgrade has to be mixed upgrades20:12
weshayssbarnea|rover, fyi ^20:12
* weshay looks at the config for emit_releases20:13
weshayshould we call master to master mixed20:13
rlandythat should be dealt with20:13
* rlandy looks20:13
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rlandy raise RuntimeError("Overcloud upgrade has to be mixed upgrades")20:16
rlandywhy though??20:16
rlandyprobably because wer eonly dealing with overcloud upgrade20:16
weshaychecking it out20:18
weshayI don't think we want to set mixed_upgrade for that job20:20
weshaybecause emit releases will deploy rocky and upgrade to stein20:20
weshaywhere this job is meant to be a no-op upgrade.. but go through the paces of the upgrade..20:20
weshaymay need to consult matbu or chem20:21
rlandyfs050 works20:21
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)20:21
rlandywe need marios20:21
weshayrlandy, that is just the undercloud though20:22
rlandyth error condition seems wrong though20:22
rlandybut I am not very clued in on these jobs20:22
weshayrlandy, so I *think* 51 is a special case20:23
* weshay is going to try a change to
rlandyI'm comparing20:23
weshaynot sure if we have a good comparison atm20:23
rlandyit's not a good comparison20:24
rlandyfs are very diff20:24
rlandyI just think we're failing it unnecessarily20:24
rlandyweshay: think you're right20:25
rlandyjust change the condition to get by the error20:25
rlandyand then we can see what it spits out20:25
rlandyI think we just didn't consider the case20:25
weshayrlandy, ya.. the epic is still open20:28
weshaywe'll have the fun of coming back to it20:28
weshayneed the containers for python3 running first though20:29
rlandyoh gee20:29
rlandythe fun never ends20:30
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