Thursday, 2019-01-17

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container- (2 more messages)00:30
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container- (2 more messages)02:30
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @ (1 more message)04:30
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @ (1 more message)06:30
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk: couldn't use docker-compose secrets without docker-ce06:56
quiquellAt least the mounting ones06:58
quiquellHave to test creating secrets with docker secret06:58
quiquellTeorically docker 1.13.1 supports secrets07:03
quiquellWe should not need docker-ce07:03
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chandan_kumarmarios: Hey09:01
chandan_kumarmarios: is needed by os_tempest09:02
chandan_kumarbut it is ansible action plugin09:02
chandan_kumarmarios: I have proposed this so that it will be get discovered by tq
chandan_kumarbut it is not working here
chandan_kumardo i need to add action_plugins and library path for making it discover?09:04
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marioschandan_kumar: maybe you need tempest_plugins on the job definition? otherwise not sure09:09
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quiquell|brbmarios: What reviews do I have to focus on ?09:44
mariosquiquell|brb: o/09:45
mariosquiquell|brb: needs some votes but will update the commit message in a sec09:45
mariosand the depends on09:45
mariosand parent09:45
mariosplease thanks09:45
quiquell|brbmarios: puff I see a lot of duplicity here
mariosquiquell|brb: yeah its how it goes with the periodic jobs though right09:46
quiquell|brbmarios: That's very bad...09:46
quiquell|brbmarios: change upstrem will not be reflected at RDO promotions if we forget09:47
mariosquiquell|brb: :( i'm sorry?09:47
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mariosquiquell|brb: yeah its a 'known' thing like we have to track two places09:47
quiquellmarios: maybe we override periodic stuff instead of featurset stuff09:47
mariosquiquell: so weshay was saying maybe somekind of job scraper that alerts when the periodic<->upstream are out of sync09:47
quiquellmarios: puff09:47
mariosquiquell: in our "spare time"09:47
quiquellmarios: My 2cents is to create periodics for scenario using upstream as parent09:49
quiquellmarios: Can you point me to the tripleo-ci-base-standalone-periodic definition ?09:49
marioschandan_kumar: ;) ^09:50
quiquellmarios: I know you are nog goint to like it09:50
mariosquiquell: well that sounds nice the parenting i mean09:50
mariosquiquell: but it sounds like a good task for next sprint09:50
quiquellmarios: what about we create at "config" directly the periodic scenarios jobs without parenting tripleo-ci-base-standalone-periodic09:50
quiquellmarios: but parenting upstream09:50
quiquellmarios: and in those put the periodc stuff missing09:51
quiquellmarios: ack09:51
quiquellmarios: why do we need the double quote here --transport-url="'TRANSPORTURL'"  ?09:54
mariosquiquell: good question add acomment and i can update it with the comit message09:57
mariosykarel: ^ (
quiquellmarios: Do we exercise not default anywhere ?09:57
mariosquiquell: you mean what we get from hiera?09:58
mariosquiquell: like not rabbit?09:58
mariosquiquell: (yeah in this scen3 which it fixes, we can point to the conf and find amqp instead of rabbit)09:58
mariosin logs i mean09:58
quiquellmarios: Do any of the jobs there us amqp to verify ?09:59
ykarelquiquell, marios because bash expansion to work09:59
quiquellmarios: or different port ?09:59
ykarelquiquell, scenario003 uses amqp and port:3145909:59
ykarelrest all rabbit and 567209:59
quiquellykarel: ack10:00
quiquellykarel: what log to look for ?10:00
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ykarelquiquell, for checking hiera?10:00
mariosquiquell: sec (is on bug)10:00
quiquellmarios: ack will look in the bag10:00
quiquellI was just bloody lazy10:01
mariose.g. here10:01
mariosquiquell: in "broken" it looksed like transport_url=rabbit://guest:kSBh78C58WIEt0esxvEfkcRpM@centos-7-rax-iad-0001678323.internalapi.localdomain:5672/?ssl=010:01
marios(in oslo_messaging_notifications section)10:01
mariosbecuse it was hard coded10:01
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ykarelmarios, nope that's not the issue ^^10:01
mariosbut it should looks like transport_url=amqp://guest:MxaYJlOW0NjPMNu3t8SkMhoov@centos-7-rax-iad-0001678323.internalapi.localdomain:31459/?ssl=010:01
mariosykarel: ?10:02
quiquellLooks like working let check the others10:02
ykarelmarios, actual issue is nova cell configuration10:02
ykarelnova.conf was correct10:02
ykarelfrom beginning10:02
quiquellykarel: so where to look at ?10:02
ykarelquiquell, logs are missing in ci for that script10:02
ykarelthey exist at /var/lib/docker-config-script10:03
mariosykarel: then why are we changing the hard coded rabbit to amqp10:03
mariosykarel: or it is still some ongoing issue in nova that we are working around here?10:04
ykarelmarios, we are fetching from hiera10:04
mariosykarel: yes?10:04
ykarelmarios, rabbit and 5672 is hardcoded during cell configuration, this is the issue10:04
ykarelin scenario003 we deploy qdrouterd which is amqp and 3145910:05
ykarelso with patch we are not hardcoding, instead fetch from hiera10:05
ykarelwhich will work for both amqp and rabbit10:05
mariosykarel: yes10:05
mariosykarel: i posted the patch if you recall ;) to fetch from hiera10:05
mariosykarel: i am confused as i thought you were saying the issue was not the one we are fixing here10:06
ykarelmarios, yes u posted hiera, but had issues, so i fixed it10:06
ykarelbasically bash issues10:06
ykarellike u were using () instead of {}10:06
ykarelfor setting default10:06
mariosykarel: yeah sorry for those :) i left before zuul reported so didn't get a chance to fixup and thanks for the update10:07
mariosykarel: ok then, maybe miscommunication here thanks10:08
ykarelmarios, ack10:08
ykarelso we are basically doing u nova -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/nova-manage cell_v2 update_cell --cell_uuid ca965ef0-5f69-46bd-9824-ab9d47feab8b --name=default --database_connection='{scheme}://{username}:{password}@{hostname}/nova?{query}' --transport-url='rabbit://guest:bJBSqdrupPe7IjG8dg9uRjltQ@subnode-0.internalapi.localdomain:5672/?ssl=0'" --> su nova -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/nova-manage cell_v2 update_cell --cell_uuid ca965ef0-5f69-46bd-9824-ab9d47feab8b10:09
ykarel--name=default --database_connection='{scheme}://{username}:{password}@{hostname}/nova?{query}' --transport-url='$(hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml oslo_messaging_rpc_scheme rabbit)://guest:bJBSqdrupPe7IjG8dg9uRjltQ@subnode-0.internalapi.localdomain:$(hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml oslo_messaging_rpc_port 5672)/?ssl=0'"10:09
ykarel"" are used for bash expansion of $10:10
ykarelquiquell, is fedora standalone issue knownw?10:11
mariosykarel: ack so we'll keep the "" quiquell10:11
mariosykarel: oh no thats unrelated, i thought that is what you were commenting on here10:12
marios12:10 < ykarel> "" are used for bash expansion of $10:12
ykarelmarios, this is related :)10:12
ykarelthe fedora one is not10:13
mariosykarel: oh its the TRANSPORTURL you pointed to there10:13
ykarelquiquell, and job is taking 3 hours10:13
ykarelmarios, yes10:13
mariosyeah it is going to time out i think10:13
mariosthats what we're waiting for10:13
ykarelit already timedout10:13
ykarelso i asked quiquell as i remember he used to take care of this job10:13
quiquellykarel: So we have break something, still don't know if we want to make the job voting so it does not break10:14
quiquellykarel: Now that it's release is a ruck/rover thing I suppose, normal flow open lp and ask them10:15
quiquellssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck: ^ f28 job is broken10:15
ykarelquiquell, ack may be they are already aware10:15
ykarelso it's passing sometimes:
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: if is failing randomly on tempest I have reasons to believe is not ci related, right?10:17
quiquellssbarnea|rover: what about noop review is failing there too  ?10:18
ssbarnea|roverlets try to do a logstash query to see exactly on which jobs is happening.10:18
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: ykarel : please have a look at this
quiquellssbarnea|rover: thanks10:24
ssbarnea|roveri am not sure if the search term is ok, double check it.10:24
ssbarnea|roverbut based on the results I would say: is not f28 fault, is likely tempest related.10:25
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quiquellsshnaidm: o/10:26
sshnaidmquiquell, hey10:26
quiquellsshnaidm: Found a way to inject keys without secrets (this means without docker-ce)10:27
quiquellsshnaidm: Have to fix something for CI but it's working locally10:28
quiquellsshnaidm: Let me know what you think10:28
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/rocky: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode- (1 more message)10:30
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mariosquiquell: vote please ?
mariospanda: ^ ? please sshnaidm10:36
mariosis depends-on for
marios(so the job runs on nova changes)10:36
quiquellmarios: done10:36
pandamarios: +W10:37
quiquellmarios: what else ?10:38
mariosquiquell: i think good for now thanks10:38
ykarelssbarnea|rover, the tempest.lib.exceptions.TimeoutException can be different reason, more likely we are seeing
ssbarnea|roverykarel: this msg is too generic to be trusted, needs to be combined with something more specific.10:41
ykarelssbarnea|rover, agree, just wanted to avoid regex so pointed minimal10:42
mariosthanks panda10:42
mariosquiquell: revote?
ssbarnea|roverykarel: you are not allowed to use regex or even wilcards, but you can use multiple conditions.10:42
ykarelssbarnea|rover, ack10:42
sshnaidmquiquell, why do you base64 them though?10:42
ssbarnea|roverykarel: mostly due to extreme performance costs.10:42
ykarelssbarnea|rover, ack10:43
quiquellssbarnea|rover: there issue with multiline env values with docker-compose10:45
quiquellsshnaidm: I mean10:45
sshnaidmquiquell, I see10:46
sshnaidmquiquell, commented10:46
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quiquellsshnaidm: ok, answered10:50
sshnaidmquiquell, if we take 3 files, it's really doesn't matter to take another one10:52
sshnaidmquiquell, so we'll need to have on host upstream and rdo gerrit keys files in addition?10:53
quiquellsshnaidm: well matters at naming, maybe user don't have as pub key and we have to do mappins and the like10:53
quiquellsshnaidm: Can be the same10:53
sshnaidmquiquell, why would user not have if he has id_rsa?10:53
quiquellsshnaidm: Is not mandatory10:54
sshnaidmquiquell, I think 100$ of our dev have it :)10:54
quiquellsshnaidm: The lest we take from host the better10:54
quiquellsshnaidm: what the issue using ssh-keygen ?10:54
sshnaidmquiquell, not really the issue, but just complicating things instead of taking just another file, and not really secret one - unlike id_rsa10:55
sshnaidmquiquell, I don't think it matters how much we take from host also..10:55
quiquellsshnaidm: It matters we reduce the requisites from users10:56
sshnaidmquiquell, and what is value?10:56
quiquellsshnaidm: even if 99.9% have them, this 00.1% is going to fail10:56
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sshnaidmquiquell, I think it's full 100$ :D10:56
quiquellsshnaidm: you don't know10:56
quiquellsshnaidm: It's not that much of complexity come one10:57
quiquellcome on10:57
sshnaidmquiquell, I really don't understand why we need this and what the problem to take even all files from host :)10:57
sshnaidmquiquell, anyway, seems like it failed..10:58
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quiquellsshnaidm: Yep that the  main issue, let's fix it first10:58
sshnaidmquiquell, so you will require from users to have separate files for upstream and rdo keys?10:58
quiquellsshnaidm: Locally it works, but do you see this approach correct ?10:58
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, totally10:58
quiquellsshnaidm: nope, they can ust set upstream_key_name and rdo_key_name to the same10:59
quiquellsshnaidm: In my case is id_rsa10:59
quiquellsshnaidm: in fact by defaul they all are id_rsa10:59
quiquellsshnaidm: but inside the container they are diffent files with same content10:59
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sshnaidmquiquell, I see11:00
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quiquellsshnaidm: I have being able to reproduce the CI issue with CI(CI) \o/ :-)11:19
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sshnaidmquiquell, so CI in CI reproduces CI? :D11:36
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quiquellsshnaidm: Yep I have the schduler dying here as in RDO jobs11:37
quiquellsshnaidm: Still don't know why11:37
quiquellsshnaidm: Locally it works so maybe it's realted to the gerrit tripleo user I created11:37
pandariiight, but are we able to reproduce the reproducer now ?11:54
pandawe may want to repoduce the CI reproducer on the CI too11:55
quiquellpanda: We can reproducer the reproducer CI in the reproducer itself11:55
quiquellpanda: It's failing consistent with RDO11:56
quiquellpanda: so I can autohold the node and poke around11:56
quiquellPufff we may have hit a limit at openstack infra :-(11:57
sshnaidmquiquell, which limits?11:59
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quiquellsshnaidm:  2019-01-17 12:01:16,859 - paramiko.transport - INFO - Disconnect (code 12): Too many concurrent connections (64) - max. allowed: 6412:02
quiquellsshnaidm: Maybe they have take down our tripleo gerrit user :-(12:02
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sshnaidmquiquell, worth to check in #openstack-infra12:05
sshnaidmquiquell, but how is it 64 connections?12:05
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quiquellsshnaidm: going to try with the user locally at my laptop12:07
quiquellTo see if we have the issue12:07
sshnaidmquiquell, what is name of user?12:08
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quiquellsshnaidm: it's failing accessing project-config so upstream, user tripleo.ci12:10
quiquellsshnaidm: going to check zuul code maybe we can reduce concurrency12:11
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quiquellsshnaidm: I have dump scheduler logs at job post12:19
quiquellsshnaidm: The error looks different12:19
quiquellsshnaidm: argg fuck12:21
quiquellsshnaidm: forget about it12:21
quiquellI have break gerritconfig12:22
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)12:30
mariosfolks review on this please needed for the bug in the commit message (and you can see green scenario003-standalone on it thanks)12:40
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sshnaidmquiquell, this one? scheduler_1     | failed: [localhost] (item={'name': 'gerrit', 'type': 'ssh-ed25519'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"name": "gerrit", "type": "ssh-ed25519"}, "msg": "Host parameter does not match hashed host field in supplied key"}12:59
sshnaidmquiquell, let's separate all log files, it's difficult to investigate so..13:00
quiquellsshnaidm: this is fixed look at latest run13:04
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quiquellsshnaidm: same place with my user and keys is working fine :-/13:18
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quiquellsshnaidm: maybe there is a process stuck somewhere with this user tripleo.ci13:19
quiquellsshnaidm: and this is affecting CI13:19
rlandyquiquell: hello ... when you have a moment, let me know what you think of
rlandyquestions in the file13:20
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quiquellrlandy: Will take a look after lunch13:22
quiquellsshnaidm: Are you firing up the CI(CI) somewhere ?13:22
rlandyquiquell: no worries - we will discuss at meeting13:22
sshnaidmquiquell, no13:22
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quiquell|lunchrlandy, sshnaidm: c7,f28 repro CI passing
sshnaidmquiquell|lunch, so what was the problem?13:47
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: Have just recreated the user13:48
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: We will have to monitor in case it happend again13:49
sshnaidmquiquell|lunch, recreate?13:49
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: delete user at ubuntu one and create it again with same ssh pub key13:49
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: I suspenct the CI(CI) thing using this user is not a good thing13:49
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: We have to use our personal users for that13:50
sshnaidmhmm, weird13:50
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: yep13:50
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: good thing centos is working now13:50
quiquell|lunchDamn I have to finish lunch13:50
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weshaymarios, quiquell|lunch panda rlandy ssbarnea|rover sshnaidm mtg in 1min13:59
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quiquellI am back13:59
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quiquellrlandy: Now that I see maybe you are right I we want a template for the zuul.yaml in the repro so we keep things there14:01
rlandyquiquell: design is for discussion14:01
rlandywant to narrow that down so I can work on the launcher role14:01
quiquellrlandy: Also all the checks about the cloud can be done in the role14:03
rlandyquiquell; let's see if we cab get the team's overall basica ik on eth script14:03
weshaychandan_kumar, can you join14:03
quiquellrlandy: ack14:03
weshayquiquell, where you at?14:03
rlandyand then nail down the details14:03
quiquellrlandy: So for now focus in the workflow more than where to put the logic, is that it ?14:05
rlandyquiquell: ack - pls comment on the review and I'll move it14:06
rlandyjust wanted to put the workflow somewhere14:06
rlandyfor top to bottom review14:06
quiquellrlandy: ack14:06
chandan_kumarweshay: joined14:06
quiquellrlandy: ok, commented14:12
quiquellholy sh libvirt + fedora + centos passing
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck do you know about ovb problem "No more IP addresses available on network 1f6dd7c9-1c87-4310-a1c3-bd7c0346d6ad."?14:13
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: nope.14:14
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: arx is on pto today.14:14
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weshayssbarnea|rover, start reviewing marios's promotion job reviews in rdo14:16
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: do you have links? i wonder if it run out of addresses or if the network config was messed. got something similar when the tenant run out of resources (net addrs)14:16
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, let's see, maybe just transient issue..14:17
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: yep, lets see what happens on retry14:18
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, I see in cockpit 20 stack failed to create..14:18
mariosweshay: ssbarnea|rover
mariosquiquell: did you add by mistake under the centralise layout story ?14:24
quiquellmarios: could be14:30
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)14:30
quiquellmarios: fixed14:31
mariosquiquell: ack14:32
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ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i think is a graph issue, I do not see more than once occasional create failure. at least his is what the popup displays.14:35
ssbarnea|roverthis graph is very hard to read, not sure what the overlapping lines mean.14:36
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ssbarnea|roverexported data show no CREATE_FAILED14:38
weshayssbarnea|rover, fyi.. making you qe on as you had an interest in the api being stable14:59
ssbarnea|roverweshay: ok! thanks.14:59
ssbarnea|roverweshay: bj or later?15:05
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weshayssbarnea|rover, ya.. sorry for the delay .. mtg is running over15:07
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, what15:14
sshnaidmis the problem with graph?15:14
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you can see "CREATE_FAILED" is 2015:15
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, I think it's pretty explaining15:15
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: it was a problem, but after doing a refresh it does render correctly now, with clear failures.15:16
ssbarnea|roverbut weshould change the graph config to be stacked instead of overlapped.15:16
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, clear your browser cache15:16
ssbarnea|roverwe already know that we have a limit of 150 stacks, so i am not surprised they fail.15:18
weshayssbarnea|rover, need a couple min, then blue15:18
rlandyquiquell: any time left to talk about launcher role?15:18
quiquellrlandy: yep, let me go to the cave15:18
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, what do you mean??15:19
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, how is that related at all15:19
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i think you told me that the stack limit was increased to 150, yesterday right.15:19
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, yeah, and?15:19
quiquellrlandy: I am at your blue now15:20
ssbarnea|roverthe graph goes up to 200, which > 150.15:20
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, it goes only now, because of a lot of "create_failed" stacks, you confuse between the reason and result15:22
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, I'm going to lower it to 100, but only for help to clean up everything there, it's not the reason for stack failures15:23
weshayssbarnea|rover, ok.. ready15:23
ssbarnea|roveri do not have access to the tenant yet.15:23
sshnaidmweshay, jpena please:
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, which tenant??15:24
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, do you know how OVB jobs work?15:26
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skaIs an oooq system similar enough to a bare-metal ooo for testing purposes?15:38
pandaska: oooq drives installation and testing of bare-metal ooo.15:40
pandaska: OOO is the installer. OOOQ emulates the admin that would launch a OOO installation in a selection of environments15:42
skaWe just need a single OOO system for testing purposes only. We don't need any performance. What do you reocmmend for an easy ooo deployment?15:46
chandan_kumarpanda: is there a way to do something like this in runtime for config_template plugin
chandan_kumarpanda: It is also used by ceph-ansible also15:50
chandan_kumarconfig_template ->
chandan_kumarweshay: marios for neutron tempest tests except two tests all passing
chandan_kumarweshay: marios we need some one from neutron team to make them passing15:55
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pandachandan_kumar: runtime ?15:56
chandan_kumarpanda: yes, it is needed during run time15:57
pandaska: a single OOO system you mean at least an undercloud and an all-in-one controller ?15:57
weshaysshnaidm, ssbarnea|rover
chandan_kumarpanda: I tried to mess with ansible.cfg here  but it lead to os_Tempest not found15:58
pandaska: you can try the oooq installing TripleO via libvirt in two VMs15:58
pandaska: I don't know what you're really trying to test though15:59
chandan_kumarpanda: can you show me a nest ansible playbook example in tqe then I can implement it15:59
chandan_kumarthe above same thing which is used in OSA16:00
rlandyquiquell: with, we don;t needlibvirt from quickstart at all??16:00
* rlandy is very confused16:00
rlandy- name: Setup libvirt nodes16:01
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pandachandan_kumar: mmhh, not sure I'm following. You need thos plugins available to the tempest role ?16:02
chandan_kumarpanda: yes16:03
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pandachandan_kumar: if we are calling a role we are not calling a nested ansible, the role will use the main ansible config16:04
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pandachandan_kumar: where are the action plugins defined ?16:05
chandan_kumarpanda: I have added this change
chandan_kumarpanda: here16:06
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chandan_kumarpanda: on ceph-ansible side they just copied this file
chandan_kumarpanda: which I donot want to do that16:07
chandan_kumarpanda: I wanted something cleaner and usable16:07
pandachandan_kumar: how is the role installed ?16:08
quiquell|offrlandy: The libvirt/main.yaml calls tq libvirt roles and do the nodepool setup16:08
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quiquell|offrlandy: you can take a look at the tripleo-ci-fedora-28-libvirt16:08
quiquell|offrlandy: Try to execute it with a role16:08
quiquell|offrlandy: you can see the libvirt jobs here
chandan_kumarpanda: on OSA side they use nested ansible to do that
chandan_kumarbut I am not getting How an enduser can use it locally16:10
pandachandan_kumar: I mean how is the role installed so it can be used with quickstart. You may just need to specify a different path for the plugins16:12
rlandyquiquell|off: I want to change the defaults16:12
rlandyfrom a workflow perspective16:12
rlandytrying to figure out where that would go - that's all16:13
quiquell|offrlandy: ack, commenting at your review, play a little with the role first trying the three types of nodepool_providers16:13
rlandythe entry points here are not clear16:13
rlandyagain - thinking of the user16:13
chandan_kumarpanda: for changing the path I have added this but it is not picked here
chandan_kumarpanda: I am not sure I am doing something wrong here and
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, weshay
quiquell|offrlandy: commented
quiquell|offrlandy, sshnaidm, weshay, team: please review/merge and
pandachandan_kumar: 628415 looks fine16:17
quiquell|offso we have the fix for reproducer CI and libvirt in place16:17
quiquell|offpanda: ^16:17
quiquell|offDrop now read you tomorrow people16:18
quiquell|offmarios: We can talk tomorrow about repro if you want to help16:18
pandaquiquell|off: marios include me16:18
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pandachandan_kumar: for 628421 I thnk the path may end up being in usr/local/share.16:19
pandachandan_kumar: but I see the problem now, the role is not even installed correctly16:19
mariosquiquell|off: yes16:19
chandan_kumarpanda: Oh, can you comment on the review I can fix it. thanks :-)16:21
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pandachandan_kumar: yep, getting the right steps for you16:24
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pandachandan_kumar: your test doesn't depend on 62842116:30
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pandachandan_kumar: the log you showed me, it's from a job that doesn't depend on the quickstart-extras-requirements.txt change16:31
pandachandan_kumar: so os_tempest does not get installed16:31
pandachandan_kumar: because it's not in the requirements16:31
chandan_kumaroh no,16:32
rlandysshnaidm: maybe you understand this - I am also struggling to understand the diff between host and libvirt options16:33
rlandyis host only a CI thing?16:33
sshnaidmrlandy, host - only for CI, yes16:34
rlandyok - commenting on that16:34
sshnaidmrlandy, libvirt - will be for libvirt reproducer16:34
chandan_kumarpanda: fixed, may be I was trying 4 depends on some time today that's why missed16:35
hubbot1chandan_kumar: panda's karma is now 1216:36
pandahubbot1: where's costello ?16:38
hubbot1panda: Error: "where's" is not a valid command.16:38
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skapanda: We're testing our monitoring system called Zenoss, we typically need read-only access to the API to do our testing, but sometimes we need to configure features for test requirements etc. .16:42
chandan_kumarhubbot1: source16:43
hubbot1chandan_kumar: My source is at
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skapanda: tyically we are testing functional requirement, not performance. when we need to test performance we often create some simulators: We don't have the memory/cpu to test say 10000 vms  for example.16:44
skapanda: so oooq is not a stand-alone Triple0?16:45
rlandysshnaidm: have you tried the libvirt workflow outside of CI?16:45
sshnaidmrlandy, no16:45
sshnaidmrlandy, not sure it's ready yet16:46
rlandythe real concern is that this work has become very CI focused and forgotten about the end user16:46
pandaska: oooq drives and tests an installation of openstack though TripleO16:47
pandaska: it can be used to instruct TripleO to install a standalone node16:48
pandaska: but not probably the standalone you mean. THe standalone topology is not for production, it's more to test containerized services that are used by TripleO16:48
sshnaidmrlandy, I see a few patches in oooq repo too about libvirt16:49
sshnaidmrlandy, so I suppose it should work16:49
rlandysshnaidm: will be working on testing that out today16:49
sshnaidmrlandy, but need to check if it doesn't break all other libvirt cases we have16:49
sshnaidmrlandy, we reuse this libvirt part in a thousand use cases.. :/16:50
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weshayso which nodepool is this referring to?  - libvirt: Start up a pair of libvirt nodes at install and connects nodepool17:01
weshaythe container running on a host?17:01
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skapanda: does anyone have test systems for public use?17:05
ssbarnea|roverout of curiosity, openstack cli is not able to load config using just OS_CLOUD var alone and the clouds.yml file? or I just missed to configure the clouds file correctly.17:10
weshayssbarnea|rover, the cix call on monday at 2pm utc can you go to that for me?17:10
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ssbarnea|roverweshay: i think so17:11
weshayssbarnea|rover, thanks17:11
weshayska, what is your email addr?17:11
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, did you check it out? are we ready to merge?17:11
pandaska: not that I know of, but I still don't understand what part of zenoss you need to test with what part of TripleO. You are installing Zenoss in openstack ? use TripleO to install Zenoss to monitor Openstack ?17:12
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, clouds.yaml, not yml17:12
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, and it should pick it up if in ~/.config/openstack or /etc/openstack17:12
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: is not that is not loaded, but i got a Expecting to find domain in user. The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400)17:13
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, check if it's v2 or v317:13
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i have progres... i will narrow it down. thanks.17:14
ssbarnea|roverhaving url/email/pass used to be enough in the past...17:15
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: fixed, i had to add project_name, project_domain_name and  user_domain_name17:19
ssbarnea|roverno need to mention api version17:19
weshaysshnaidm, so re: /tmp/delorean_logs/home/{{ undercloud_user }}/DLRN/data/repos/*/build.log17:21
weshaythat can be /tmp/*/DLRN/data/repos/*/build.log ?17:22
sshnaidmweshay, yes17:22
hubbot1weshay: sshnaidm's karma is now 1117:22
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, it's only for v3, that's why I asked what version17:23
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, if using v2 you don't need all these17:23
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, did you check out a patch above?17:23
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weshayssbarnea|rover, fyi
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ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: can i update it? i have a better approach.17:35
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you can comment, it's free17:35
ssbarnea|rovergive me few minutes...17:35
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, replied, please revote17:42
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ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: commented, shortly: openstack server list -f value -c Name --name {{ idnum }}17:54
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: avoid grep and the need to ignore_errors.17:55
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you're wrong in your patch..17:56
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, hmm.. actually --name always returns 0, so maybe it's ok18:01
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: yep, and is a regex. i used in the past. works quite nice.  it wasn't always there, but is old enough for us to use.18:02
ssbarnea|roverthere are other workaround like using awk/sed to avoid grep exit code 1.18:02
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, ok, but how are credentials related?18:02
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i didn't express correcly: i wanted to say that if listing itself fails, we missing to spot this error. (could credentials, 400-ish errors,...)18:03
ssbarnea|roverwe are talking with a server, anything could happen.18:04
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, then it will fail later, no way to pass18:04
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: yep, but i prefer to not to miss errors with this, i can give you one example that happened to me few times18:05
ssbarnea|roverthe command line become invalid due to some var being expanded incorrectly or something like this. nobody observed that for weeks if not months, because of ignore_errors which ignores even if ansible module crashes.18:05
ssbarnea|roverthis is why i try to avoid it, whenever is possible.18:06
ssbarnea|roveri am more likely to prefer adding a "|| true" than using this ignore_errors.18:07
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, if nobody observed this it means nobody needed this18:10
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ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: hehe. not sure, we didn't oberserve that the cleanup was not working until the issue started to affect new builds. this does not really mean we didn't need the cleanup. many hidden issues hit you later, when you don't expect.18:12
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i am working now to fix the script, i will raise a CR before tomorrow.18:13
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, that's good in zuul that you don't care about cleanup18:13
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ssbarnea|roveri have to say that I prefer to let CI to take care of cleanup, i never fully trust a job to be able to clean after itself.18:14
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sshnaidmweshay, this can possible break OVB:
weshaysshnaidm, ok.. shall we put up a change window?18:30
sshnaidmweshay, window..?18:30
weshaysunday would be fine by me w/ self merge if needed18:30
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)18:30
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weshaya time where we inform folks of a possible issue and when the potential damage is minimal18:31
weshayknow what I mean vern?18:31
weshaysorry... eighties kid here..
Tenguoh. wow.18:32
Tenguthat's.... wow.18:32
Tengu(at least in French, so I guess his name is Vern in English :D)18:33
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sshnaidmweshay, let's do it in Sun18:33
sshnaidmweshay, will not affect many people18:33
weshaysshnaidm, sounds good time18:35
sshnaidmweshay, if merging this, worth to keep eye too:
sshnaidmweshay, but it shouldn't affect in theory18:37
weshaysshnaidm, ssbarnea|rover more failed stacks, taking care of it18:48
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sshnaidmweshay, so I'm merging ?18:49
weshaysshnaidm, yes please18:50
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sshnaidmweshay, merged18:54
ssbarnea|roverweshay: sshnaidm: do you know the reason behind "don't overwhelm the tenant with mass delete" ?19:00
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, no, what is that?19:00
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: a comment in the code and a sleep of 20s between delete. i was wondering...19:01
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, maybe rlandy knows ^19:02
ssbarnea|rovermy personal approach was to run loop: delete &; wait :D19:02
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, it could cause more problems, than it solves19:03
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* rlandy looks19:04
rlandysshnaidm: the tenant used to fall over when we deleted too many stacks concurrently19:04
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, ^^19:05
ssbarnea|roverrlandy: is this still a limitation? it does not feel right to nurture the cloud so much.19:07
weshayssbarnea|rover, in the script?19:09
rlandyssbarnea|rover: that is what we needed when we wrote it19:09
weshayssbarnea|rover, ya.. if you run heat stack commands too quickly.. it gets all confused19:09
rlandyfeel free to try remove it - and see what happens :)19:09
weshayssbarnea|rover, you have a patch for the script?19:13
ssbarnea|roverweshay: testing it right now, running it several times, minor tunnings.19:14
ssbarnea|roverwhat was the original wrong condition?19:14
weshayk.. we have several in delete_failed and create_failed19:14
weshayso it's a good time19:14
weshayif we are unable to remove delete_failed then we have to contact rhos-ops19:15
ssbarnea|rovernevermind, i seen it. only looking for create_failed instead of both.19:16
rlandyssbarnea|rover: the create_failed should be able to be deleted quickly19:18
rlandyeven multiple at a time19:18
weshayci.centos sucks19:18
weshayrlandy, got the not enough hosts error.. meaning most likely we got a bad host19:21
weshayon run three19:21
weshayrlandy, honestly.. we could switch that job to singlenode19:21
weshayit has worked
ssbarnea|roverperfect time to test the script changes :) .... on production.19:23
rlandyworth doing one more run?19:23
ssbarnea|roveri am doing multiple runs, it will take some time to finish.19:23
weshayoh I see why it's failing19:23
weshaypip errors :(19:23
weshayfriggin JENKINS!!!19:24
rlandywelcome to my world19:24
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weshayssbarnea|rover, the clean up script was on what ip?
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ssbarnea|roveri don't know, i called my local copy.19:51
ssbarnea|roverrlandy: weshay: regarding pip/venv issues with jenkins, i made a fix few days ago:
ssbarnea|roverif the problem you encountered was "IOError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"19:53
weshayssbarnea|rover, was not not picking up all the files from the repos19:53
ssbarnea|roverahh, different issue.19:54
weshay2019-01-17 19:31:00.258 |  + VERBOSITY=vv19:54
weshay2019-01-17 19:31:00.258 |  + '[' '!' -f /home/jenkins/workspace/tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052/playbooks/quickstart-extras-standalone.yml ']'19:54
weshay2019-01-17 19:31:00.258 |  + printf '\n !! execute --clean to ensure the dependencies are installed !!'19:54
ssbarnea|roveri find the message a bit unfortunate, --clean to install.. not really the most obvious choice. also the condition for displaying this message seems bit weird. If I give wrong playbook as param, i endup with really weird message. maybe we can improve that a little bit.20:00
weshayssbarnea|rover, it's fucking jenkins and not having a clean workspace afaict20:01
ssbarnea|roverweshay: you can enforce cleaning of workspace with jjb20:03
ssbarnea|roverweshay: something is weird here, i know that jenkins is full of problems but I am not sure if its fault here. do we run jobs in parallel?20:06
ssbarnea|rover$W/playbooks/quickstart-extras-standalone.yml  is missing, so who is creating this file?20:09
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container- (2 more messages)20:31
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weshayssbarnea|rover, ya we do20:46
weshayssbarnea|rover, do you need access to the tebroker box where the script runs, I'm in20:47
ssbarnea|roveri do not need, but I tried to read the cred doc and assure that what is there is is usable.20:47
ssbarnea|roverprobably you seen that I did some "css"  on it.20:48
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weshayssbarnea|rover, do anything on the promoter server?21:02
weshayor anyone?21:02
rlandyremove the cache21:14
rlandy^^ for jenkins21:14
weshayrlandy, jeeeez...21:23
weshaydlrn_api craziness21:23
weshayrlandy, check this out
openstackLaunchpad bug 1812261 in tripleo "invalid dlrn_hash created for tripleo current-tripleo" [Critical,Triaged]21:24
rlandyoh gosh21:26
rlandyweshay: did you manually promote/update21:27
weshayrlandy, I couldn't get the command to work, 404's21:27
weshaydavid simard had to do it21:27
rlandywhat did he do that we could not?21:28
rlandythe api was down yesterday and then it was not?21:28
rlandyI am very confused as to what is really happening here21:29
* rlandy reads bug again21:29
rlandyweshay: I am trying to understand the bug21:30
rlandyif the master reported has is pointing to rocky we have a bug - not the dlrn api21:30
ssbarnea|roverweshay: oops, i think i made a mistake few minutes ago.... i called the example from the DLRN_API document....21:34
weshayssbarnea|rover, got it fixed21:38
weshayjust keeping in the loop21:38
weshayignore my pings when ur offline :)21:38
ssbarnea|roverweshay: ohh, thanks! and sorry.21:38
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ssbarnea|roveri added a o --do-not-copypaste-me param, to the example, hopefully enough to protect another accident.21:40
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck fyi.. rlandy I've shutdown the promoter server until dlrn is fixed21:42
weshayrlandy, ok..21:46
* weshay headed to blue21:46
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weshayrlandy, HA.. of course rdo phase 1 is passing now and the promoter is off22:15
rlandyweshay: at least it's passing22:16
* rlandy is grateful for all good news22:16
weshayvery zen22:18
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container- (2 more messages)22:31
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