Thursday, 2019-01-24

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007 (1 more message)00:41
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honzachandankumar: hey, does this error look familiar to you?  it's related to the tempest plugins installed via git feature you wrote...
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-quick-basic @  (1 more message)02:41
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-quickstart- (2 more messages)04:41
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quiquellweshay: you may have issues with your ssh keys06:10
quiquellThere is a bug in paramiko06:11
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quiquellmarios: how goes se reproduction?06:39
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-quickstart- (2 more messages)06:41
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: better here06:44
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, ok, will send you credentials06:45
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, sent by mail06:48
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, check that password is ok, I was changing it a few times06:48
marioso/ quiquell i didn't try launching a job yet will get into that today06:50
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, check this out please, it's for ovb:
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, I copy tripleo jobs from config repo to zuul-config and don't clone rdo config repo at all06:52
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, and remove secrets completely (for now)06:52
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, later we need to encrypt secrets that we get from user - his tenant password etc06:52
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: ack much better approach06:53
quiquellLet's try to merge that today06:53
quiquellWant to fix the host ci first06:54
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quiquell|brbsshnaidm|afk: to fix the host issue07:51
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-quickstart- (2 more messages)08:41
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pandammhh, zuul added a promote pipeline08:50
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tosky(asking again) among the logs of the standalone jobs (like tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-standalone), where can I find the files which contain the generated configuration for each service?09:02
ykarel|lunchtosky, should be same: undercloud/var/logs/config-data/09:04
chandankumarykarel|lunch: correct09:04
pandamarios: answered If everyone's ok I think I'll +W it09:04
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mariospanda: ack thanks i am +2 there anyway09:05
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toskythank you: browsing web pages late in the night does not help09:08
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pandaquiquell: do we have a way to inject vars to zuul for every run in the reproducer ?09:16
pandaquiquell: needs a variable to be injected to force post failure09:16
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quiquellpanda: if you want to inject at job level, using zuul_yaml you pass the whole job definition09:16
pandaquiquell: do we want only job level or global level. I mean do we want all the jobs to have held nodes in the reproducer ? If not we need some instructions for the user09:17
quiquellpanda: I suspect this will be like an option of the repro from jobs09:18
pandaquiquell: the mechanism is there anyway, they just need to activate it09:18
quiquellpanda: you are chanign the reproducer CI but not the launching job09:18
pandaquiquell:  ok09:18
pandaquiquell: uh ?09:18
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quiquellpanda: nathing, you don't have to change upstream09:19
quiquellpanda: you can add an extra post at jobs definition within the reproducer09:19
pandaquiquell: until I understand better how the whole thing works, I have no idea how to do that.09:20
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quiquellpanda: give me a min I explain09:20
pandaquiquell: is there a post playbook that is run by default in our reproducer ?09:20
quiquellpanda: can be generated in the reproducer playbook from jobs09:21
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quiquellpanda: we can put a post.yaml at test projects09:21
quiquellpanda: and add at this as a post action at the generated zuul_yaml from rlandys reproducer playbook from jobs09:22
quiquellpanda: so we don't have to change the upstream ci09:22
quiquellpanda: want to blue ?09:27
pandaquiquell: yep, still have no idea what you're talking about :(09:28
quiquellgoing to yours09:28
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mariosquiquell: panda * folks when you have 2 mins please vote here
quiquellmarios: we don't have 003 at tht ?09:55
sshnaidmquiquell, are we merging?
mariosquiquell: we should have09:55
mariosquiquell: we should be using the template which has 1/2/3/4 for check/gate voting09:55
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep, want to merge this first
mariosquiquell: actually noticed it trying to write a zuul.yaml for test1 :)09:56
quiquellsshnaidm: fixes host and add verifications so we really verify the review09:56
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quiquellsshnaidm: puting in top your review09:56
mariosquiquell: also i had to use admin for the clone like git clone ssh://admin@localhost:29418/test2 and it worked09:56
sshnaidmquiquell, it doesn't seems to be related09:56
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quiquellsshnaidm: add verification, but well we can verify it manually, this review runs ok the jobs and all ?09:58
sshnaidmquiquell, yeh09:59
quiquellsshnaidm: ok, let's merge09:59
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mariosthanks panda quiquell10:03
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quiquellsshnaidm: it's not running gate jobs ?10:04
pandaquiquell: I'll ping ronelle10:06
quiquellpanda: going to merge that too10:07
quiquellpanda: looks good10:07
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quiquellDamn It's like impossible to merge this
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quiquellmarios: Do you know someone that is up to workflow it I have already ask a lot of zuul maintainers10:13
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mariosquiquell: sorry mate don't know anyone there10:13
mariosquiquell: woo i posted a change to local gerrit \o/10:19
* marios retires10:19
quiquell\o/ !!!10:20
quiquellsshnaidm: has fail at gates
quiquellsshnaidm: let me fix the host thing to really run at host10:21
quiquellsshnaidm: And we put that in top10:21
sshnaidmquiquell, ack10:22
ykarelpanda, sshnaidm can u revisit
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sshnaidmykarel, done10:33
sshnaidmquiquell, launcher doesn't listen on 8005 port10:33
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ykarelsshnaidm, Thanks10:33
quiquellThen we can remove it10:33
pandasgrunt. I hate linters10:40
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052, tripleo-quickstart- (2 more messages)10:41
sshnaidmquiquell, no, actually it does10:42
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quiquellsshnaidm: That port was part of the zuul quickstart10:46
sshnaidmquiquell, it's weird, working form within container, but not outside10:49
sshnaidmquiquell, and it requires a configuation.. I'd add it in different review10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: na it works locally I think I have just to increase the retries10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: Are we talking about "host" issue ?10:51
sshnaidmquiquell, no, I'm talking about nodepool webapp in your review:
sshnaidmquiquell, what's the problem with host?10:52
quiquellsshnaidm: have set it up at same review, to check that the review itself its working10:53
quiquellsshnaidm: what's the issue with it ?10:54
quiquellsshnaidm: basically the CI was broken :-(10:55
quiquellsshnaidm: this review try to fix that with fix and test of the fix10:55
sshnaidmquiquell, as I see logs it looks fine.. what is broken?10:55
quiquellsshnaidm: me + ansible + shell are not very friendly sometimes10:55
quiquellsshnaidm: I think it will work now10:56
sshnaidmI see error in executor: executor_1      | Received disconnect from port 29418:12: Too many concurrent connections (64) - max. allowed: 6410:56
sshnaidmbut it's not a problem I think10:56
quiquellThe user issue again ?10:56
quiquellForgot to ask infra10:56
sshnaidmstderr: 'Cloning into '/var/lib/zuul/merger-git/'...10:57
sshnaidmmerger0_1       | Received disconnect from port 29418:12: Too many concurrent connections (64) - max. allowed: 6410:57
pandassbarnea|bkp2: I don't understand what's failing here
sshnaidmand mergers too10:57
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: looking now.10:57
pandassbarnea|bkp2: nevermind10:57
pandassbarnea|bkp2: Trim Trailing Whitespace10:57
pandassbarnea|bkp2: how do I disable this check ?10:58
pandassbarnea|bkp2: the trailing space is needed, or the message will not be correctly output10:58
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: but you have point, UX kinda sucks here. Find workaround for the space issue.10:58
ssbarnea|bkp2like {{ ' ' }}10:58
ssbarnea|bkp2which also avoids accidental removal of thespace. not really bad approach.10:59
quiquellsshnaidm: centos-7 has pass10:59
pandassbarnea|bkp2: why are we linting yaml ?11:00
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: funny, last night i got into the trailing issue myself on something else unrelated to tripleo.11:00
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: because we had breaking bugs like duplicate dictionary keys, one example.11:01
pandassbarnea|bkp2: yes, but enforcing 80 columns and trailing spaces ?11:01
pandaI can understand the syntax, but style ?11:01
ssbarnea|bkp2trailing space is a common mistake while editing and easy to miss, can cause bugs too.  i think that 80 column rule is not true.11:02
ssbarnea|bkp2if I remember well we have a 999 for that or some other really big value.11:02
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: success, let's merge it11:03
quiquellsshnaidm: I mean11:03
quiquellsshnaidm: let's merge this11:03
pandassbarnea|bkp2: the 80 column rule is why I have to split the string in the first place11:04
pandassbarnea|bkp2: also, I ran linter locally and it autofixed the trail space11:04
pandassbarnea|bkp2: I don't like much that program run to TEST my stuff is MODIFYING my stuff ...11:05
quiquellsshnaidm: I think docker-compose down was needed I removed it11:05
quiquellsshnaidm: maybe nodes don't get inmediatly tear down11:05
quiquellsshnaidm: and nodepool wait a little enough to fill in the 64 connections11:05
pandaaaand it's still failing11:06
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: you cannot blame me for using ">" instead of "|" :D11:06
ssbarnea|bkp2i do still prefer to use 80 whever is possible, makes easy to review code.11:06
pandassbarnea|bkp2: I have not idea what is happening to my review11:06
pandassbarnea|bkp2: now the whitespace is trimmed, but the linter is not passing, and it's stashing, rolling back, re committing ?? WTH ?11:07
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: you want me to fix it? less than aminute to do it,11:07
pandassbarnea|bkp2: no, I want you to explain why a test program is altering my code.11:07
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: to help you fix the code, you can disable the auto-trimming but it will still fail to pass the ling because you wave newlines at the end of line.11:08
pandassbarnea|bkp2: and if I use the | instead of > the message split in two lines will have a \n in the middle11:08
mariosquiquell: like this?
pandassbarnea|bkp2: the > is there to not add newlines, and consider the two lines as 111:09
pandassbarnea|bkp2: I'm in my repo, the whitespace is gone, but linter still fails11:09
ssbarnea|bkp2panda:  ahh right. but if you > does a join with space, so you do not need space at the end of line.11:09
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: let me play with it, i want to see what happens.11:09
arxcruz|ruckssbarnea|bkp2: i'm not feeling well, i'll be a little bit away, but listening to the channel if someone says my name11:10
arxcruz|rucki'm wfb today hehehe11:10
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, let's add "down" in some post playbook11:10
pandassbarnea|bkp2: It's complaining because the cchange is not committed11:11
quiquellsshnaidm: added it to the "host" review after gathering logs from docker-compose11:11
quiquellsshnaidm: but it's weird I was expecting nodepool to shutdown nodes :-/11:11
mariossshnaidm: quiquell not sure what you guys are discussing but this morning, i did the docker-compose down but it failed like (mysql error) and had to delete the tripleo-ci-reproducer folder for clean run11:11
pandassbarnea|bkp2: so I have this change, the pre-commit stashes it, looks at the old version, then says "ERROR" end unstashes it11:11
quiquellmarios: docker-compose down -v11:12
mariossshnaidm: quiquell i mean it failed to come up after i ran the playbook to start it (with that sql error) until i cleaned the folder and rerun11:12
sshnaidmmarios, yeah, happens sometimes11:12
pandassbarnea|bkp2: and then says "your previous change is failing"11:12
pandasshnaidm: "well, thanks for nothing pre-commit"11:12
sshnaidmmarios, usually need to remove docker volumes with "down -v"11:12
sshnaidmssbarnea|bkp2, ^^11:13
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: i know the issue, it should use: python -m pre_commit run -a instead of the head line.11:13
quiquellmarios: If we are able to merge the fecking zuul-jobs review we merge also a fix that do a down/start so you start afresh11:13
pandassbarnea|bkp2: also, is there a way to make pre-commit NOT TOUCH my code ?11:14
mariosquiquell: sshnaidm something wrong with this? (am i missing something) trying to launch a job11:15
pandassbarnea|bkp2: not autofix11:15
pandassbarnea|bkp2: I'd like to fix it, without having to revert changes11:16
pandassbarnea|bkp2: and in my own way.11:16
mariosquiquell: but i just remembered hmmm maybe its the keys in the centos image (it has my old key but i don't use that?)11:16
sshnaidmmarios, should be fine11:16
mariossshnaidm: thanks11:16
pandassbarnea|bkp2: do we have the same configuration in other repos ?11:16
quiquellsshnaidm: Did we update nodepool image ?11:17
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sshnaidmquiquell, only fedora11:17
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: in regards to whitespace auto-fixing yes. you just discovered it but it was confusing because of another line. let me make a patch for it and you will understand.11:17
sshnaidmquiquell, what's the problem?11:17
quiquellArgg stuff is pilling up again11:18
quiquellsshnaidm: If the cloudinit is working wit h the new nodepool let's roll that11:18
quiquellsshnaidm: so we don't care about keys11:18
sshnaidmquiquell, I'll build and test new containers today11:18
quiquellsshnaidm: ack, ok so first "host" then "zuul-config"11:19
quiquellsshnaidm: working host mode now at CI
quiquellsshnaidm: with all the checks11:22
sshnaidmquiquell, so problem was with connectionws11:23
quiquellsshnaidm: yep11:23
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sshnaidmquiquell, forgot how we built docker images.. do you have a Dockerfile?11:33
quiquellsshnaidm: with zuul is different11:33
sshnaidmquiquell, ah.. we took provided images11:34
sshnaidmwe didn't build them actually11:34
quiquellsshnaidm: just use the nodepool_build stuff with the reproducer it will run pbrx for you11:34
sshnaidmquiquell, last time I tried it failed..11:34
quiquellsshnaidm: so your zuul/nodepool-launcher will be the build one11:34
quiquellsshnaidm: try now11:35
quiquellOhh they have workflow the zuul-jobs change !!! Can't believe it11:37
ssbarnea|rovermarios: are you missing from rdo gerrit or is there something weird about your user, when I type "Mario" i get only Marius Cornea. I think you didn't setup a username.11:38
ssbarnea|rover(full name)11:38
mariosssbarnea|rover: checking11:38
mariosssbarnea|rover: should be username marios11:39
ssbarnea|rovermarios: your full name is "User marios" better to put one that starts with "Mario...". as it will make auto-complete work (use upper case first later)11:39
mariosssbarnea|rover: maybe you need the 's'11:39
ssbarnea|rovermarios: username is ok, is only about "full name"11:39
sshnaidmquiquell, congrats :)11:39
sshnaidmquiquell, zuul/nodepool-launcher11:39
sshnaidmBy zuul • Updated 6 days ago11:39
sshnaidmquiquell, so official docker doesn't have my change yet11:40
mariosssbarnea|rover: maybe now ok?11:40
quiquellsshnaidm: that's super weird11:40
quiquellsshnaidm: they have new docker at everystuff that pass the gates11:41
quiquellsshnaidm: let me track that11:41
sshnaidmquiquell, seems like not11:41
ssbarnea|rovermarios: done! fix confirmed. thanks.11:41
mariosssbarnea|rover: thanks11:44
quiquellsshnaidm: this is the job that pushes stuff11:45
quiquellsshnaidm: let's try to rebuild it and push to our rdoci11:49
quiquellsshnaidm: tag it with the commit-id11:49
quiquellsshnaidm: let's use commit id instead of stable in the docker-compose11:49
sshnaidmquiquell, I think in docker-compose better to use "stable" or "latest"11:50
sshnaidmquiquell, why to have commit there?11:50
quiquellsshnaidm: to pin stuff and know what you are running directly from docker-compose.yaml and git repos11:51
quiquellsshnaidm: so we don't have to go to dockerhub to know wher stable or latest point too11:51
quiquellsshnaidm: also testing ci with a review11:51
quiquellsshnaidm: if we overwrite tags, ci is not the same at different runs11:52
quiquellsshnaidm: let's not overwrite tags, just new tag for images update with it's proper review11:52
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quiquellsshnaidm: so we see results in the review11:52
quiquellsshnaidm: it's ok ?11:52
quiquellsshnaidm: thanks for the linting at repro role11:53
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quiquellsshnaidm: I am rebasing your review with project config11:54
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quiquellssbarnea|bkp2, panda: Is this changing the code ?12:03
pandaquiquell: with this change there will be two checks for pre-commit that will automatically fix your code if you don't respect the linting12:04
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: We really want that ?12:04
pandaI don't12:04
pandaI would prefer to make it optional12:05
quiquellYou run your tests before commit12:05
quiquellpanda: I agree with you yaml is so delicate12:05
pandaI'm even more delicate12:05
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: quiquell : read my comment on -- explains it.12:06
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: ahh ok, so they fix it for you so you check the fix before add it12:06
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: if it's like a suggestion system then it's ok12:06
quiquellpanda: what do you think ?12:07
ssbarnea|bkp2i am not aware of a way to make it optional but I can ask the author. not sure how you would expect to make it optional, via an environment variable?12:07
pandaquiquell: it's not suggestion, they actually change your code12:07
quiquellpanda: but they don't add it to the commit12:07
pandaquiquell: and when you have 400 lines changed and you run the linter locally, it will stak up with your changes, and good luck in finding wha you fixed and what a script fixed for you12:08
quiquellpanda: humm that's a good point12:08
pandassbarnea|bkp2: you have trailing spaces in the commit message here
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2, panda: Let's make it optional12:08
ssbarnea|bkp2the change made by pre-commit will never reach git unless you manually submit the changed file. we are already using this change for 2-3 months on tq[e] repos, so i doubt is a real issue.12:08
pandassbarnea|bkp2: can I launch the autofixer lint htere :)12:09
pandassbarnea|bkp2: because noone runs tox -elinters locally12:09
pandawhen they do, it will change their code12:10
pandabottom line is: I'm launching a test command, and the result is my code has changed.12:10
quiquellyep don't like it either12:10
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: can you just set the bumping in that review ?12:11
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: you should have a look at octario tester downstream, to see what that does to the tox.ini and requirements.txt files ;)12:11
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: and put the linting fixing at different one ?12:11
pandatest should test, command should command, and reproducer should reproduce12:11
quiquellLet's reproduce !!!12:11
ssbarnea|bkp2panda: maybe it was not clear: pre-commit will never return 0 when it does alter the code.12:13
quiquellpanda, sshnaidm: To be able to stream job console logs from command line, let's merge it12:13
mariosssbarnea|bkp2: arxcruz|ruck are there known issues with standalone (I see a tempest fail here )12:15
arxcruz|ruckmarios: this seems to be random12:15
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ssbarnea|bkp2made a feature request:
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mariosarxcruz|ruck: k thanks i'll try a recheck then12:19
quiquellsshnaidm: merged
quiquellpanda|lunch, sshnaidm: Let's merge libvirt
quiquellssbarnea|bkp2: thanks workflowed12:31
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ssbarnea|bkp2more ansible bugs: -- docker and tls12:35
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ssbarnea|roversomething really weird is happening i get disconnected from irc, 3rd time in the last two hours. anyone else with similar issue?12:38
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate- (2 more messages)12:41
panda|lunchssbarnea|rover: half of my reviewing time is your patches ....12:45
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panda|lunchssbarnea|rover: I need to cut you short ...12:45
sshnaidmquiquell|lunch, hmm.. and what the difference between all zuul/* containers12:52
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quiquellsshnaidm: they are not gating with our reproducer so maybe we cannot update one of the components12:55
quiquellsshnaidm: even if they test it and they have the same repository12:55
panda|lunchdalvarez: will work only for master. Scen007 is non-voting at the moment. Would it work to create the switch in THT that depends-on this change ?12:55
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quiquellssbarnea|rover: what's the linting issue here ?12:57
sshnaidmquiquell, I see it's different commit for every container.. I think it's better to have "latest" also, because you won't know which commit is latest12:57
quiquellssbarnea|rover: it complains about ssh key12:57
quiquellsshnaidm: let's have latest too but pin docker-compose to commit-id12:58
quiquellsshnaidm: but not stable12:58
quiquellsshnaidm: stable is what docker-compose have and we can review it12:58
sshnaidmquiquell, let's discuss it when you're available..12:58
quiquellsshnaidm: you change version from nodepool and you see results at review CI12:59
quiquellsshnaidm: yep not ready ready12:59
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pandammmh, our scrum conflicts with the all-hands13:09
mariospanda: yeah no scrum today13:09
mariospanda: or we do it 1 hour later13:10
pandamarios: well it's end of implementation week .. kind of important ...13:10
pandamarios: also usually weshay weigh in when conflicts of this type arise13:10
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quiquellsshnaidm: I am ready13:15
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Unable to find '/var/ssh/' in expected paths13:16
quiquellssbarnea|rover: That does not sound very linting stuff13:17
quiquellssbarnea|rover: what's the issue ?13:17
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: you did not post any think to the error, how can I guess where it comes from?13:17
quiquellssbarnea|rover: it's up13:17
quiquellssbarnea|rover: let me copy again13:17
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: i am almost sure this comes from a very differnt place unrelated to the linting task. look at -- this has nothing to do with the tox execution.13:20
ssbarnea|roverit looks like output is mengled from another place13:20
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ssbarnea|roverbrb after lunch break13:23
quiquellssbarnea|rover: ack13:24
quiquellssbarnea|rover: nope just run tox -e linters and it's failing there13:25
quiquellssbarnea|rover: that's weird13:25
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weshayI moved the tripleo-ci scrum13:27
quiquellssbarnea|rover: looks like ansible-lint is trying to run some of the expansions13:28
quiquellssbarnea|rover: like  content: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'ssh-keygen -y -f /var/ssh/id_rsa') }}"13:28
pandachandankumar: is ready for review ?13:29
chandankumarpanda: waiting on osa patch
weshayquiquell, aye.. I think it's my key as well. going to try w/ a fresh system later today13:29
weshayfresh system, user, key13:29
weshaythe works13:29
pandachandankumar: ok, I'll -1W with your note then13:29
chandankumarpanda: is kinda blocked as osa gate broken tempest scenario tests ssh timedout13:29
quiquellweshay: did you read about the paramiko bug ?13:29
quiquellweshay: I updated my laptop fedora and did get same issue as you13:30
weshayquiquell, sshnaidm we need to download, customize and upload nodepool images again13:30
quiquellweshay: new versions of openssh generate keys diferently13:30
chandankumarweshay: 1:113:30
weshayquiquell, I see the bug13:30
weshaychandankumar, aye13:30
quiquellweshay: ack13:30
sshnaidmweshay, nodepool images?13:30
weshayquiquell, we have an issue w/ compose logs too :)13:30
weshaysshnaidm, ya13:30
quiquellssbarnea|rover: found the issue as you said was a legit linting issue, but ssh stuff distracted it13:30
sshnaidmweshay, what's wrong with them?13:30
weshaysshnaidm, ttyl13:30
quiquellweshay: what's the issue ?13:30
sshnaidmweshay, actually I'm building and uploading them right now, but I'd like to know :)13:31
sshnaidmweshay, ok13:31
dalvarezpanda: yeah that should work :)13:32
quiquellsshnaidm, weshay: libvirt depends-on are merged so we can merge the repro review too
pandaany more reviews for  ?13:33
quiquellpanda: o/13:33
pandadalvarez: ok, so waiting for the tht patch :)13:33
dalvarezpanda: you mean to make it again voting?13:34
dalvarezpanda check my comment here replying weshay's
honzachandankumar: could you clarify your comment on the featureset patch?  do we need to update the plugin repo value?13:35
pandadalvarez: let's start from scratch. You say you need to merge change in the featureset before making a patch in THT that switches the environment for scenario007 right ?13:35
pandamy name is ario. Scen Ario.13:35
pandadalvarez: yep I read it, but what happens if you create the patch in THT that depends on the patch on the featureset ?13:36
dalvarezpanda: this one?
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pandadalvarez: mmhh, this is getting complicated ...13:38
quiquellpanda: Don't we have to add priority to the next release repo ?13:38
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pandaquiquell: no, the next release repo has always the latest versions, so unless we specify priorities for the other delorean repo, we should be good.13:41
quiquellpanda: ck13:41
quiquellpanda: +2 but commented some little naming issue, also where can I see the jobs running ?13:42
pandadalvarez: so what happens if we merge 611653 ? Should we wait anyway for the 593056 to be ready ?13:42
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rlandyquiquell: I managed to run a generated job ...
rlandywith the launcher change13:44
dalvarezpanda: yeah cause of this:   this env file is being added by
quiquellrlandy: \o/ !!!13:44
quiquellIt's a multinode one13:44
dalvarezpanda: otherwise it would be one depending on each other so i thought that we have to merge 611653 while scen7 is nv13:44
pandaquiquell: no jobs are activated by this patch, the latest run of the nextrelease job are on patchset 10, then I deactivated it and left the configuration for the future13:44
dalvarezpanda: do i make sense? :P13:45
quiquellpanda: ack13:45
rlandyquiquell: is it - where is the fun in standalone?13:45
rlandyno bridge13:45
quiquellrlandy: agree, let's just try ovb + libvirt13:45
rlandyno two nodes13:45
rlandyquiquell: I had an error with libvirt13:45
quiquellrlandy: I have update a lot of stuff at role13:46
rlandylocal change - will try again13:46
quiquellrlandy: well is most about CI13:46
rlandyquiquell: is the libvirt change good to go?13:46
pandadalvarez: ok, mind if I put  a -1W and a note top wait for that patch to be ready ?13:46
quiquellrlandy: btw zuul-jobs change merged we can merge libvirt13:46
quiquellrlandy: libvirt ->
dalvarezpanda: sure, even though it doesnt make much difference to merge it now as it's NV13:46
mariossshnaidm: quiquell: doing something else now but i was unable to launch anything (i get this stuff is it known gerrit.GerritWatcher - ERROR - Exception on ssh event stream like ) - we can talk on scrum later13:47
quiquellpanda: going to merge the review, ok ?13:47
rlandyquiquell: I looked into the checking id ansible has access to the role .. easier to just check if the role is physically present - because we know where it is13:47
pandaquiquell: \o/13:47
rlandygot that13:47
dalvarezpanda: worst case would be, if some other patch makes scen7 voting again, i'll have to make it nv in 611653 but it's fine by me13:47
mariossshnaidm: quiquell i very briefly see the jobs appear in the zuul status but they dissapear13:47
sshnaidmmarios, I'm afraid you need to be in gerrit stream group13:47
quiquellmarios: always forgot, you need permissions within RDO gerrit stream stuff13:47
sshnaidmmarios, lemme find it..13:47
quiquellsshnaidm: we need to fix that, it does not scale at all13:48
pandadalvarez: ok13:48
sshnaidmquiquell, let's add there all team13:48
sshnaidmquiquell, agree13:48
quiquellsshnaidm: btw also making RDO optional at repo, if RDO is down we cannot run upstream jobs13:48
mariossshnaidm: quiquell thanks (lets talk more on scrum then)13:48
sshnaidmquiquell, ack13:48
quiquellsshnaidm: sure13:48
sshnaidmmarios, scrum is moved13:48
mariossshnaidm: yeah13:48
mariossshnaidm: so we have all hands firs13:48
rlandyquiquell: scrum clashes with a perf meeting I need to join - just fyi13:49
quiquellrlandy: do you want me to look at the libvirt stuff ?13:49
rlandyquiquell: it's fine ... one change13:49
sshnaidmmarios, need to do such patch:
quiquellrlandy: ack13:50
pandarlandy: scrum is postponed by 45 because ti clashes with all-hands13:50
rlandypanda: yep - and then I have another meeting13:50
mariossshnaidm: thanks13:50
pandathe postponed meeting is clashing with the other. ok.13:51
rlandypanda: can you explain the 'force job failure' requirement?13:51
rlandypanda: ack13:51
pandarlandy: yes, it's for
pandarlandy: the only way to allow autohold at the moment is to fail the job.13:52
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pandarlandy: so if a user wants to hold the node, it needs to request it, and then force the jobn to fail even if it' successful13:52
rlandypanda; oh ... force_post_failure|bool|default(false)13:53
rlandyok - can add that13:53
pandarlandy: and with the var force_post_failure: true we fail the last play in the post chain. last last last last last play, fails, and the node is held13:53
rlandyyeah - I see it - no problem13:54
pandasshnaidm: isn't it the same ?13:54
pandammh no13:54
sshnaidmpanda, if it's not defined, "bool" will fail13:54
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rlandysshnaidm: for ovb ...
rlandy^^ other params needed?13:57
rlandysee zuul_yaml piece13:58
quiquellrlandy: what happend with tripleo-quickstar cloning at the end ?13:58
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rlandyquiquell: decided to add it to
rlandyquiquell: under test locally now13:59
rlandyquiquell: because in ci - we know the location13:59
rlandywe can stat it13:59
rlandyquiquell: the alternative is to use the check option in ansible14:00
rlandyand just run something from the role and see if it fails14:00
rlandyor check the ansible roles path14:00
rlandynone of which are very clean14:00
rlandywe basically have two situations ...14:00
rlandyin ci or not14:01
quiquellwell three14:01
rlandyif the ci location of tq is there forget it14:01
rlandyif not in ci14:01
quiquellin ci or not pre clone or pre clone14:01
rlandytwo possibilities14:01
rlandyfor that one14:01
chandankumarweshay: yes14:01
rlandywe can either check ansible path14:01
chandankumarweshay: it should be without .git14:01
rlandyor check clone path14:01
chandankumarhonza: yes14:01
rlandythat is what I am testing locally14:02
chandankumarhonza: we need to update the plugin path without .git14:02
rlandyquiquell: the easy way out is to clone it in the launcher playbook14:02
quiquellrlandy: we can add an option to the clone path14:02
rlandybut would prefer not to14:02
quiquellrlandy: and direct that to "zuul.projects..." at zuul jobs14:02
quiquellrlandy: I think you can instruct ansible git moduel to do nothing if stuff is there14:03
rlandygit clone - yes14:03
quiquellrlandy: so no conditional needed14:03
quiquellrlandy: do you want to put that in place at different review ? or in the same libvirt review (I want to merge it already)14:03
rlandyquiquell: no - I'll add a separate review14:04
rlandygo ahead a merge that14:04
quiquellrlandy: cool cool14:04
quiquellrlandy: can you merge it ? I am the author14:04
quiquellrlandy: so extra param with tq clone path sound good ?14:04
weshaychandankumar, that seems to aggregate the tempest results to me14:04
quiquellrlandy: humm nah is dangerous, because zuul is pointing to special refspec, I don't know if git module can totally ignore stuff14:05
chandankumarweshay: yes agrregating at one place gives a better picture what tests are working or failing14:05
chandankumarfor a period of time14:05
rlandyquiquell:I am going to check the path14:05
rlandysimple enough14:06
chandankumarweshay: kind of extending openstack-health14:06
weshaychandankumar, ya.. adding to an established upstream project seems more tenable to me than adding a new one14:06
quiquellrlandy: ack fair enough14:07
weshayadding openstack health to sf also sounds like a good idea14:07
quiquellrlandy: we cannoot use zuul.projects as default values14:07
quiquellrlandy: but something like "{{ install_path }}/tripleo-quickstart/14:07
quiquellrlandy: we will set at jobs the dir to zuul.projects...14:07
rlandyquiquell: I'm going to check zuul clone location14:07
weshayrlandy, w/14:07
weshay- hosts: localhost14:07
weshay  vars:14:07
weshay    nodepool_provider: openstack14:07
weshay    cloud_name: rdo-cloud14:08
weshay    review:
rlandyif not here check install path14:08
rlandythen clone14:08
weshaydoes that require a nodepool image in my tenant?14:08
rlandyweshay: ^^14:08
quiquellreview ?14:08
quiquellI think it's depends_on14:08
weshayrlandy, ok14:08
quiquellweshay: ^14:08
rlandy nodepool_provider: openstack requires an image14:08
weshayquiquell, it's the script from the logs dude14:08
weshayya k14:09
quiquellweshay: ack14:09
quiquellweshay: about launchpad found that there is a json datasource plugin at grafana14:09
quiquellweshay: so we don't need mariadb maybe just a kind of gateway to launchpad14:10
weshayquiquell, ok.. I'll open a parallel set of reviews14:10
weshayI looked at it.. not 100% sure yet14:10
chandankumarweshay: I will put the thoughts on a gdoc14:11
rlandyquiquell: is merging14:11
rlandyputting patch on top of that14:11
quiquell\o/ !!! at least !!14:11
quiquellhabemus libvirt14:11
weshaychandankumar, k.. great.. add it to the tempest folder in google drive please14:12
rlandy is almost done14:12
weshayrlandy, nice14:12
rlandyleaving the review there for the doc14:12
quiquellrlandy: also this to stream job console logs at console (that's good feature for repro playbook)
rlandyadding panda's var14:12
rlandyok - let's let that go as well14:13
rlandyquiquell: you want a var added to the launcher playbook?14:14
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quiquellrlandy: nope, the launch job will wait for the uuid and print the "You can follow logs with finger uuid@localhost..." before wait forever14:15
quiquellrlandy: the replo playbook review is testeable ?14:15
rlandyquiquell: so you just want it merged?14:15
quiquellrlandy: yep14:15
rlandyquiquell: yes - it's testable14:15
rlandypls try it out14:15
quiquellrlandy: I will wark that part in the launch_job stuf14:16
rlandywith the libvirt option14:16
quiquellrlandy: will do14:16
rlandyquiquell: two options ...14:16
rlandywget the playbook dir from logs and follow instructions14:16
rlandyuse the bash script14:16
rlandyyou will need the close review ...14:16
rlandyfor libvirt14:17
weshayquiquell, so more details on the ssh-key issue.. who else hit that? and are we saying the workaround at the moment is that user keys need to be w/ a pem format14:17
weshayor that to use this.. we need users to generate a new key w/ -m pem format and add that to both gerrit systems?14:18
quiquellweshay: paul confirmed that, I think no one is using new openssh key gen for zuul keys14:18
quiquellweshay: if the user has the "OPENSSH" delimiter then new key is needed14:19
weshayinteresting.. /me is not sure how keys are generated otherwise14:19
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quiquellweshay: all is here!/story/200484214:19
ykarelweshay, sshnaidm is the ovb job failure issue known:- Resource CREATE failed: IpAddressGenerationFailureClient: resources.baremetal_env.resources.bmc_port.resources.private_bmc_port: No more IP addresses available on network 1f6dd7c9-1c87-4310-a1c3-bd7c0346d6ad.14:20
ykarelmost of the jobs RETRY_LIMIT14:20
weshayquiquell, ya.. I'm reading it.. still have questions :)14:20
quiquellweshay: me too14:21
weshayha k14:21
quiquellLooking for paul comment to paste it here14:21
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sshnaidmykarel, again..14:23
quiquellweshay: 2019-01-23 13:13:59     pabelanger      quiquell: yes, you will get parmiko issue on fedora with out -m PEM, since it is a newer version of SSH.  Agree with tobiash we should document this and work upstream to properly fix RFC 471614:23
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck can you please check why we don't have IP enough in 2d party CI, see comment of ykarel ^^14:23
sshnaidmykarel, already 3rd?14:24
sshnaidmykarel, :D14:24
quiquellpanda: I am going to workflow your review
sshnaidmsounds as 2nd hand CI14:25
weshayykarel, is rdo-cloud going down again?14:26
quiquell3rd hand too14:26
pandaquiquell: NOOOOOooo... OK.14:26
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: looking now, i suppose you mean openstack-nodepool user on rdo cloud.14:26
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck any updates regarding what ykarel is referring to?14:26
quiquellssbarnea|rover: We have to redirect cockpit-ci.tripleo.org14:26
ykarelweshay, only ovb affecting, so don't think it's rdo-cloud14:26
quiquellsshnaidm: I mean14:26
arxcruz|ruckweshay: checking14:27
sshnaidmquiquell, oh, yeah, will do14:27
weshayykarel, hrm.. I see jobs failing in 6min14:27
sshnaidmquiquell, after we're done with mvp..14:27
arxcruz|ruckweshay: we have 20 heat stacks in create failed14:27
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, can you run the clean up?14:28
sshnaidmarxcruz|ruck, I see a lot of delete failed14:28
quiquellsshnaidm: ack14:28
quiquellssbarnea|rover: can we call ansible-lint at pre-commit without colors in zuul ?14:28
weshayhrm.. this is not working
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: wait for zuul patch that will enable colors.14:29
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover ^14:29
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, weshay  did you we change script to remove create_failed already?14:29
weshayya.. he did14:30
ssbarnea|rovergood, question. not sure if merged.14:30
quiquellssbarnea|rover: zuul patch ? is not something of the log server ?14:30
weshayssbarnea|rover, I merged it I think14:30
arxcruz|ruckweshay: did the password change? I'm not being able to log in with the credentials on ruck notes document14:31
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ok.. join my tmate14:31
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weshayssbarnea|rover, sshnaidm
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, you joining?14:33
arxcruz|ruckweshay: yes14:33
sshnaidmweshay, need to check if it was updated on te-broker14:33
sshnaidmweshay, well, it's not14:34
sshnaidmweshay, updating it...14:35
ssbarnea|roverweshay: i see considerable number of stacks to be removed when running with "-d -l", i suspect cron may not work or is using the old version of the script. is not deployed on merge?14:35
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, k in14:37
ssbarnea|roverweshay: ok to run remove myself now?14:37
rlandyquiquell; trying this ...
quiquellrlandy: zuul.projects will fail14:38
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, it wasn't updated14:38
quiquellrlandy: maybe we can just check if zuul variable exist and do stuff14:38
rlandyquiquell: why will that fail?14:38
quiquellrlandy: Don't like to add zuul stuff there14:38
quiquellrlandy: user does not have the zuul variable defined14:39
rlandyquiquell: ok - can resolve it14:39
quiquellrlandy: so zuul.projects fails with undefined variable14:39
quiquellrlandy: since this is expanding14:39
weshayssbarnea|rover, join my tmate14:39
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck ok.. let's see what happens w/ the script14:39
ssbarnea|roverweshay: i am already running it, is grinding....14:40
weshayssbarnea|rover, ok.. stop and join us14:40
quiquellrlandy: let's just put a new configurable parameter to the role like tq_git_path or tq_path14:41
rlandyquiquell: review updated14:41
quiquellrlandy: and in the jobs we set that to tq_path: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul.projects["..."].src_dir }}"14:41
ssbarnea|roverweshay: which BJ id? tried yours, tried the meeting, i was the only one.14:41
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate- (2 more messages)14:41
weshayssbarnea|rover, join the tmate I sent u14:41
quiquellrlandy: you have to take the  path from zuul.projects[...14:42
quiquellrlandy: but let's just put zuul part at jobs14:42
quiquellrlandy: and pass it to the role14:42
rlandyquiquell: if we are running in ci - won't zuul_projects be defined?14:43
rlandyin stead of making a ton of other vars14:44
weshayssbarnea|rover, you were typing something?14:44
rlandyif we are in ci - zuul vars would be there14:44
quiquellrlandy: prefir a var than reference zuul withing the role14:44
rlandyso var is defined or not14:44
ssbarnea|roverweshay: check if file is the last version14:44
quiquellrlandy: tq_install_dir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul. ..." here
rlandyso no if  zuul.projects is defined?14:45
rlandyand define that where?14:45
quiquellrlandy: let's not reference zuul at places that are not CI14:45
rlandy tq_install_dir - that is in trripleo-ci common14:46
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck seems like it is14:46
quiquellrlandy: then in at default/main.yaml tq_install_dir: "{{ install_path }}/tripleo-quickstart"14:46
rlandywill that be available?14:46
quiquellrlandy: we are not using tripleo-ci for repro CI14:46
arxcruz|ruckweshay: it is what ?14:46
quiquellrlandy: since we are not running tripleo14:46
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover script is at it's latest version14:46
rlandywhere would you override that default>14:46
rlandyfor ci?14:47
quiquellrlandy: and just stat tq_install_dir in the role libvirt part14:47
ssbarnea|roverweshay: i will make some changes to make it use timestamps14:47
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover ack.. thakns14:47
rlandywhat if we are IN ci?14:47
quiquellrlandy: here
quiquellat zuul run playbook14:47
quiquellrlandy: this is where the playbook get generated14:47
quiquellrlandy: well, in the launch_job review is in the template14:47
quiquellrlandy: but is same thing14:47
ssbarnea|roverweshay: but we still need to see why it was not running.14:48
quiquellrlandy: here we override with zuul stuff
ssbarnea|roverweshay: what was the IP of the machine with the script?14:48
quiquellrlandy: make sense ?14:48
rlandyquiquell: not really :)14:49
quiquellrlandy: nope ?14:49
rlandystat tq_install_dir in the role libvirt part14:49
rlandy^^ that is fine14:49
rlandywhere you redefine tq_install_dir for ci14:49
rlandythat is not clear14:49
rlandynodepoll_provider will be libvirt14:49
rlandyso we need to determine libvirt in ci14:50
rlandynot in reproducer outside14:50
weshayarxcruz|ruck, <ssbarnea|rover> i will try to debug it from here and also to clean it up a little, (no deprec warnings on production)14:50
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ok.. sorin is going to take point on this14:50
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover any questions about how this works atm?14:51
weshayarxcruz|ruck, it is interesting to me that that the cockpit is wrong14:51
arxcruz|ruckweshay: ssbarnea|rover no, i just used to do it on my local machine with
weshayarxcruz|ruck, shall we look into ??14:51
quiquellrlandy: wait we have the required-projects with tq only at libvirt jobs14:52
quiquellrlandy: it will fail there14:52
arxcruz|ruckweshay: sure14:52
weshayquiquell, rlandy sshnaidm panda we'll join the scrum here shortly14:52
weshaywaiting on Eoghan to complete14:52
quiquellrlandy: we will have to put tq_install_dir: "{{ tq_install_dir }}" in that place and at libvirt jobs pass the correct value in vars14:52
rlandyweshay: joining perf meeting14:52
weshayah crap14:53
weshayrlandy, ack.. thanks14:53
weshayI'm supposed to be there too oh well14:53
quiquellso when is the scrum ?14:53
weshayquiquell, waiting on Eoghan to complete14:53
weshayin the all-hands14:54
rlandyweshay: we can divide and conquer14:54
quiquelllibvirt merged yey!!!14:54
pandaI can hear eoghan talking from here. And there's a 8Km distance.14:54
weshayarxcruz|ruck, so we need to fix the cockpit.. after the scrum I'll bluejeans w/ you14:54
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quiquellsshnaidm: What infra server would be the correct one to update images ?14:58
quiquellsshnaidm: or new one is needed ?14:58
sshnaidmquiquell, not sure I understand14:58
ssbarnea|roverweshay: what else runs on tebroker host, is ok to do a yum update on it?14:59
weshaymarios, sshnaidm quiquell scrum14:59
quiquellsshnaidm: Ahh well periodic job could do14:59
weshayssbarnea|rover, ya.. now only that script14:59
weshaywe killed the tebroker14:59
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, definitely14:59
weshaymarios, scrum15:00
chandankumarpanda: weshay: I have updated the cards, need to go, will miss the standup15:03
pandachandankumar: and the standup will miss you!15:04
honzachandankumar: i'm not really sure why we should remove the '.git' from the end.  'git clone' will work fine with both.  there is a typo in the place where you left your comment "opentack" which has now been fixed15:07
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weshayrlandy, sshnaidm panda
mariosneeds something like
mariosweshay: ^15:17
mariosscheduler - trace looks like
rlandyweshay: panda: w+15:19
pandarlandy: brace yourself15:20
* rlandy is little scared15:20
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weshaysshnaidm, for me OS_TENANT_ID=4baea7454bf4451aa56da82fc5baf6f615:22
mariossshnaidm: you already have mine right?15:23
mariossshnaidm: OS_TENANT_ID=7d1975fb14d8451f9f1983cac340cb9915:25
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honzachandankumar: i think i see why now... it's an ansible thing15:28
weshay Short term solution. Needs flag activation by user (we can do it in the generated script as a start)15:31
arxcruz|ruckweshay: still have some failed stacks, I'll open a ticket with rdo guys ok ?15:31
arxcruz|ruckor shall I run the script again ?15:31 launch job from role15:33 stream console log15:33
weshayRemove the scenario standalones from tht zuul layout - just use template
pandaquiquell: needs rebase15:37
pandaquiquell: sorry, gertty is telling me lies. well it's failing all the checks15:38
quiquellpanda: will do, I am figuring out why pip cannot install stuff at CI15:38
quiquellpanda: still you can review to find bad stuff15:38
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quiquellpanda: so there two issues with CI, at centos7-host cannot install from pip and fedora28 has no unbound installed15:39
quiquellpanda: do we install unbound at tripleo-ci-base or the like ?15:39
pandaquiquell: install no, just making some fine tuning15:41
quiquellpanda: CI(CI) logs
mariosweshay: this too please
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pandaquiquell: pyyaml ?15:46
weshayarxcruz|ruck, maybe we'll chat tomorrow morning about the cockpit15:46
sshnaidmweshay, arxcruz|ruck panda rlandy chandankumar kopecmartin panda marios please do now with your tenant credentials: for IMAGE_ID in 6a6d23d7-65e7-43ea-9307-71b2e17d2ead 88006cd1-d089-4bd3-b70a-8cbc7eb32f63 d3d4991a-e9ca-4072-bf6a-618874af7f74 d40c59c9-8d6b-4f59-983f-8eff071590ac; do openstack image set --accept ${IMAGE_ID} ; done15:46
pandaquiquell: seems to be a temporary network error15:46
weshayarxcruz|ruck, see if you can get that running locally15:46
arxcruz|ruckok, i'll rest a little bit, i'm with fever and flu, but i'm always around15:47
arxcruz|rucksshnaidm: done15:48
sshnaidmand when doing openstack image list you will see: upstream-infra-centos-7 upstream-infra-fedora-28 upstream-cloudinit-centos-7 upstream-cloudinit-fedora-2815:48
quiquellsshnaidm: cloudinit are public now they don't need to be shared15:49
sshnaidmquiquell, oh, right15:49
quiquellsshnaidm: we just need to update nodepool-launcher docker15:49
mariossshnaidm: ack (looks like the ones i already imported thanks noted for double check though)15:49
quiquellsshnaidm: also nodepool config ?15:49
sshnaidmquiquell, it's updated to latest and commit id15:49
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, nodepool config and docker compose config15:50
quiquellsshnaidm: so we need  a review with commit-id ? at docker-compose ?15:50
sshnaidmquiquell, but better to test it before15:50
quiquellsshnaidm: aslo people need a keypair created is that right ?15:50
sshnaidmquiquell, yep15:50
sshnaidmquiquell, it requires a userdata to be passed, it's in nodepool config15:50
quiquellWe can put all that in a review15:50
quiquellsshnaidm: ack, let's see that in the revie w15:51
quiquellHave to drop now15:51
sshnaidmquiquell, ok, will do15:51
sshnaidmquiquell, cu15:51
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mariosweshay: panda rlandy sshnaidm updated if you have time to review thanks
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rlandymarios: lgtm - if you have testproject results, pls paste link ...15:58
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rlandysshnaidm: do those images replace openstack-infra-centos-7  and openstack-infra-fedora-28 ?16:01
sshnaidmrlandy, yep16:01
sshnaidmrlandy, but for using cloud-init need another patches,16:01
rlandysshnaidm: so I should delete those old image from my tenant before accepting these?16:02
sshnaidmrlandy, you can try non-cloud-init images16:02
sshnaidmrlandy, no, you can keep them16:02
sshnaidmrlandy, it's different names and IDs16:02
rlandysshnaidm: ah ok16:02
rlandysshnaidm: keys are already included?16:02
sshnaidmrlandy, yep16:02
rlandyok - trying16:02
sshnaidmweshay, panda need to include in sprint:
rlandyhere we go now16:03
sshnaidmweshay, updated with a few tasks, is it better now?16:03
sshnaidmrlandy, but need to set their names in nodepool config16:03
rlandysshnaidm: k - I have the four new images16:05
sshnaidmrlandy, yep, use for now w/o "cloud-init" in name16:05
rlandysshnaidm: for multinode and ovb?16:05
rlandysshnaidm: how is this scalable?16:05
rlandyie: with keys for a larger group16:06
rlandyand adding people to rdo16:06
rlandymaybe this was covered in meeting16:06
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sshnaidmrlandy, for all16:08
sshnaidmrlandy, keys won't be required when we'll switch to cloud-init images16:08
sshnaidmrlandy, image with keys is temporary solution for a few days16:08
rlandysshnaidm: lastly - are latest reviews updated to use these new images or I should update nodepool config regardless?16:13
mariosrlandy: thanks, i don't have testproject results there (the jobs ran previously see jan 9 comment @ )16:14
sshnaidmrlandy, you can check what is defaults for image names16:14
sshnaidmrlandy, image names should be upstream-infra-centos-7 upstream-infra-fedora-2816:15
rlandyk - will check16:15
sshnaidmuser these vars16:15
mariosrlandy: posted links too (in ) thanks16:16
mariosrlandy: no need to check those other reviews i just put the links directly in ^16:16
mariosrlandy: (assuming that is what you meant thanks)16:17
rlandymarios; I'm ok to merge those - run in periodic but are not in promotion criteria16:17
mariosrlandy: right exactly we aren't wiring them up to affect promotion yet16:18
mariosrlandy: we just want to get them running for now16:19
pandamarios: now that I think about it, we have some jobs currently gating, that are not in the promotion pipeline16:19
mariosrlandy: weshay said he will also check them (you already voted i'm mostly respoding to your request )16:19
pandamarios: this usually leads to disasters.16:19
rlandymarios: well I have +2 there - not everyone has16:19
mariospanda: ahem "once a job is voting in check and gate you should add it to the promotion jobs so that tripleo promotions"16:20
sshnaidmpanda, how do I get to old userstory about reproducer?16:20
weshaypanda, marios once I see them run once or twice.. I'll then add them to criteria16:20
mariosrlandy: thanks16:20
mariosweshay: ack16:21
rlandyweshay: marios: ok - w+ that review16:21
pandamarios: ... that's the opposite of what we usually do. Add it to the promotion and when they're stable add it to the gate, so we are not breaking somehting that can potentially block all other patches ...16:21
mariospanda: well its ok to lie in docs no?16:21
mariosjust don't tell anyone16:22
rlandydepends who reads them16:22
marioswho reads docs anyway16:22
rlandyin our case, nobody16:22
rlandyso you're golden16:22
pandamarios: oh, yeah, misdirection and subterfuge ... I'm in.16:22
rlandyChange has been successfully merged into the git repository by Zuul CI16:22
rlandymarios: you're armed and dangerous now16:23
* rlandy runs away16:23
pandasshnaidm: you're looking for user stories ?16:23
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pandasshnaidm: they should be in backlog or in the epic16:23
sshnaidmpanda, I think we archived the old US for reproducer, there is data that I need..16:23
pandasshnaidm: do you remember how it was called ?16:25
sshnaidmpanda, nm, will look in different place16:25
mariosweshay: weeelp. so much for rocky :/ (just exploring but scen 1-4 red didn't dig yet though)16:26
pandasshnaidm: Archived I see , the others archived are empty16:26
mariosweshay: oh cool.. might be ok actually (well we just don't know yet)... it failed cos can't find the envs :) cos they aren't on rocky obv... No such file or directory: '/home/zuul/tripleo-heat-installer-templates/ci/environments/scenario001-standalone.yaml'>
weshaymarios, ya..  that's next sprint work .. or maybe even two sprints out16:28
weshayoh. ok..16:28
mariosweshay: (yeah just exploring/low volume work here
mariossshnaidm: you guys have the dust today? /me want to go running but there are health warnings16:29
rlandyanything else need to merge today?16:31
rlandypanda: marios: ^^??16:31
mariosrlandy: i'm ok thanks16:31
weshayssbarnea|rover, I see 4 delete failed stacks left..16:31
weshayis the the tool able to get those?16:31
pandarlandy: wait a sec, I'm randomly generate fake review for you to merge16:32
rlandypanda; -216:33
pandasshnaidm: #644 moved to #608 on UniSprint 416:34
pandasshnaidm: parked16:34
sshnaidmpanda, it could be "done"16:35
pandasshnaidm: I'll let you do the honors16:35
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate- (2 more messages)16:41
mariosttyl bai16:42
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rlandyweshay: did you make any progress with installing/running reproducer16:58
weshaysshnaidm, added to the sprint16:58
sshnaidmweshay, ok16:58
weshayrlandy, I tried a bit more but didn't get any further16:58
weshayabout to setup again16:58
weshaysshnaidm, /me checks my tenant for image16:59
sshnaidmweshay, do the command I pasted above16:59
* weshay looks16:59
sshnaidmweshay, with "accept"16:59
ssbarnea|roverweshay: arxcruz|ruck : please test new cleanup
weshay for IMAGE_ID in 6a6d23d7-65e7-43ea-9307-71b2e17d2ead 88006cd1-d089-4bd3-b70a-8cbc7eb32f63 d3d4991a-e9ca-4072-bf6a-618874af7f74 d40c59c9-8d6b-4f59-983f-8eff071590ac; do openstack image set --accept ${IMAGE_ID} ; done17:00
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weshaysshnaidm, thanks17:03
weshayssbarnea|rover, are you running it now?17:04
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck bluejeans if you can17:07
arxcruz|ruckweshay: just a sec17:07
weshayssbarnea|rover, ?17:11
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ssbarnea|roverweshay: not running it now but I see on tmate that you are stillrunning it.17:16
weshayha.. thanks17:16
weshayssbarnea|rover, was explaining to arxcruz|ruck when you have stacks that do not end up getting deleted...17:17
ssbarnea|roverweshay: joined you bj17:17
weshaythe next step is to open a ticket w/ ops and ping them in #rhos-ops internal17:17
weshayw/ the failed stack ids17:17
weshayssbarnea|rover, it's important because they can at times hold an ip and neutron will try to reallocate the ip17:17
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weshayssbarnea|rover, we dropped17:18
weshayarxcruz|ruck, I didn't realize the script hadn't completed17:19
weshayI think it's on the last stack now17:19
arxcruz|ruckweshay: still those 4 stacks are not getting deleted17:19
ssbarnea|roverweshay: try the new one. i managed to grind lots of lines from it.17:19
weshayssbarnea|rover, k k.. I think you need to add a yum/dnf install to the patch17:20
ssbarnea|rovertrue, it could be an issue with the cloud, not necessarily a bug in script.17:20
weshayssbarnea|rover, arxcruz|ruck there are some stack failures that require an admin to fix a thing or two17:20
weshaythen we can delete17:20
ssbarnea|roveradd comments there. i will try to fix all comments. mainly I didn't bother because on mac i have to do "brew install coreutils" instead of "yum" :D17:21
ssbarnea|roverit can be also done in pure bash, without ts but there is an ugly ~10 line function that does replace ts.17:22
ssbarnea|roverweshay: do you want me to go deeper on those not yet deleted stacks?17:27
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weshayssbarnea|rover, in the script? I mean..  when you have resources that wont delete in a stack...17:30
weshaythe idea is to pick the resources apart in order and delete them17:31
weshayor try to17:31
weshaycan we go any deeper than that/17:31
ssbarnea|roverweshay: found bug in script, why not deleting them, fixing it....17:36
weshayssbarnea|rover, \0/17:37
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ^17:37
hubbot1arxcruz|ruck: ssbarnea|rover's karma is now 417:37
weshayrlandy, any latest pastebin's w/ the script?17:38
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|rover stacks are clean.. thanks!17:44
ssbarnea|roverweshay: arxcruz|ruck : test/review -- it contains the delete fix. i will be out for the next hour, need to do my swim.17:47
weshayssbarnea|rover, k k17:47
rlandyweshay: sorry lunch - looking now17:56
rlandyweshay: you can run any reproducer luancher-playbook from
rlandywas the original paste17:57
weshaycool.. I was looking at that review..17:58
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rlandyweshay: I'm trying to run now with new images17:59
* weshay is cleaning out my keys18:00
weshaydoes this key strike joy into my life... no... toss18:00
rlandyweshay: you may need to burn donw your computer18:00
weshaydoes this key strike joy into my life... no... toss18:00
weshaydoes this key strike joy into my life... no... toss18:00
weshayam I the only one left that uses..
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rlandyand the guy on the vax18:01
rlandy'does this key strike joy into my life' - my friend was tell me about that podcast18:02
rlandyI'd wouldn't own anything left18:03
rlandyso I decided against it18:03
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate- (2 more messages)18:42
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rlandysshnaidm: do you know if it is possible to edit the ansible roles path within a playbook18:52
rlandylike clone a new repo18:52
rlandyand use roles from there18:53
weshayrlandy, you could do it the other way and clone in the current role path18:53
weshayor softlink18:53
rlandyweshay: I cloned the whole repo in playbook_dir18:54
rlandybut path to roles in two dirs down in the repo18:54
rlandyplaybook dir is in the role path18:54
weshayand it's not recongnized?18:55
rlandyI could copy the roles18:55
rlandybut seems the wring way18:55
rlandyweshay: trying to clone tq for libvirt within the libvirt task18:56
* rlandy could try that18:56
weshayso imho.. clone everything you need upfront18:57
weshaynot adhoc18:57
weshayput the roles in a single dir18:57
weshayyou can export the role path as env var18:57
rlandythat worked though19:03
weshaydown to one key19:07
weshayw/ -m19:07
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sshnaidmrlandy, what do you mean? which roles?19:08
rlandylibvirt roles19:10
rlandyseems to work though19:10
rlandyif you are not in ci you have to clone tq19:10
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rlandyin the CI system, tq is just there19:14
rlandyit's when you run as a user, you have a problem19:15
weshaysshnaidm, the images I imported are not named openstack-infra-centos-7 and f2819:18
weshayare we expected to copy the image?19:18
weshayor is there a pending review19:18
* weshay looks19:18
rlandyweshay: you need to make an edit to config - getting19:18
sshnaidmweshay, you can set names in parameters19:18
weshayrlandy, I see it19:19
weshaysshnaidm, that's kind of an odd answer :)19:20
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sshnaidmweshay, this review works partially, need to try "stable" containers..19:23
weshayrlandy, sshnaidm have an issue w/ docker-compose logs19:24
sshnaidmweshay, logs?19:24
rlandyweshay: same error?19:24
weshaysshnaidm, I think ansible is f.. w/ docker-compose logs19:24
rlandyoh dear19:24
weshaydocker-compose logs --tail=10 -f                           thinkdoe ⌚ 12:24:0119:24
weshayWARNING: The no_proxy variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.19:24
weshayAttaching to19:24
sshnaidmweshay, what does it mean?19:24
weshayit means I can't see the compose logs19:25
rlandyhow long did you wait for response?19:25
sshnaidmweshay, it means container didn't start yet19:25
weshaysshnaidm, bluejeans please19:25
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sshnaidmweshay, do you hear me?19:27
weshaysshnaidm, don't worry about it..19:28
weshayit's late for u19:28
weshayand it's thrsday19:28
weshaysshnaidm, I catch up w/ you sunday or monday19:28
weshayhave a good weekend19:28
sshnaidmweshay, better to open tmate..19:28
sshnaidmweshay, ok, ask quiquell|off to see then19:29
weshaysshnaidm, ya.. but I should really confirm this on multiple systems19:29
weshayrlandy, I fixed the keys!19:30
rlandyweshay: you did???19:30
weshay-m worked :)19:30
rlandy-m on which command?19:30
hubbot1weshay: sshnaidm's karma is now 1219:30
weshaylocalhost                  : ok=34   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=019:31
weshayI see gerrit19:31
weshaynow I'm lost19:31
weshayHOOOOO RAAAY19:31
weshayrlandy, where is launcher-playbook.yaml supposed to land?19:34
rlandyugh ... fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The `libvirt` module is not importable. Check the requirements."}19:35
rlandyweshay: you pick the destination19:35
rlandyyou can wget it anywher19:35
sshnaidmweshay, seems like CI for OVB master doesn't work, it doesn't use master branch.. will talk with infra next week19:35
rlandyit's just in the logs19:35
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|off19:36
rlandyrunning libvirt is less than exciting19:36
weshayrlandy, ok.. I just ran your pasted playbook.. so now I'll try the script in ci logs19:36
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weshayrlandy, hrm.. I may need a bit of a show and tell for 519:48
rlandyweshay: ok19:48
rlandyyour blue?19:48
weshay ./ -w /var/tmp/RECREATE19:48
weshaysure.. thank you19:48
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode- (2 more messages)20:42
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053 @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode- (2 more messages)22:42

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