Monday, 2019-01-28

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq- (2 more messages)00:47
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq- (2 more messages)02:47
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq- (2 more messages)04:47
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quiquell|offGood morning06:20
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quiquellsshnaidm: o/06:33
quiquellsshnaidm: Abou vm_password, how dangerous it is ?06:34
quiquellsshnaidm: Is a public server at RDO so everyone can access right ?06:34
quiquellsshnaidm: Maybe we can random generate it and show it to user first time06:34
quiquellsshnaidm: here
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq- (2 more messages)06:47
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sshnaidmquiquell, I left it only for console, ssh_pwauth is false and nobody can access by ssh with password06:52
sshnaidmquiquell, only people that can log in to rdo cloud web interface and open console there06:53
quiquellsshnaidm: Ahh that's right06:53
sshnaidmquiquell, I think it's fine, could be useful when something wrong with connections and you can't ssh06:53
quiquellsshnaidm: no ip access with password since we don't have ssh password thing ok06:53
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, ssh only by key06:54
quiquellquiquell: wrong link06:54
quiquellsshnaidm: random generate it is needed ?06:54
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe, not sure right now06:55
quiquellsshnaidm: docs talk about something like mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=409606:55
sshnaidmquiquell, don't have ansible some password module?06:56
quiquelllooks like
quiquellvery difficult module name06:56
quiquellsshnaidm: btw, libvirt is very unreliable :-/06:58
quiquellsshnaidm: At list the implementation we have of calling libvirt06:59
sshnaidmquiquell, what's failing?06:59
quiquellsshnaidm: I have see like different unrelated stuff at CI with it06:59
quiquellsshnaidm: Sometimes is centos7 virt-resize06:59
quiquellsshnaidm: others is like in your review node does not go up after reboot06:59
quiquellsshnaidm: and other at centos7 there is no IP at undercloud07:00
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe we can try twice on some fragile tasks?07:01
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sshnaidmor it won't help much07:01
quiquellsshnaidm: no kidding ?07:01
quiquellsshnaidm: Maybe we can reimplement the libvirt roles from tq07:01
sshnaidmquiquell, if it depends on weather..07:01
sshnaidmquiquell, I'm not sure it's roles fault, even I'd like to redo them07:02
quiquellsshnaidm: But what I have see the most is virt-resize on centos7 :-/07:02
sshnaidmquiquell, I think we need to remove this stuff with environment variables, that we see broke it07:02
quiquellsshnaidm: have same feelings, don't have prove of them being wrong, but want to reimplent07:02
quiquellsshnaidm: what do you mean ?07:03
sshnaidmquiquell, I'd say that libvirt itself worth to be rewritten..07:03
quiquellsshnaidm: What can be the alternatives of libvirt ?07:03
quiquellsshnaidm: let's fix linting at and merge it07:03
sshnaidmquiquell, I meant this shit:
quiquellsshnaidm: repro don't use the playbook07:05
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: hey, we are having a problem with fedora 28 job07:05
quiquellsshnaidm: We are not affected by that07:05
sshnaidmquiquell, ah, ok07:05
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: don't know07:05
quiquellsshnaidm: we reuse roles, it's the way we should reuse stuff at ansible I think07:05
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: do you see something there ?07:05
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: just a sec, verifying again, now it seems it's no longer failing on that part07:06
quiquellsshnaidm: virt-resize failure
quiquellsshnaidm: It's stuck there07:07
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sshnaidmquiquell, maybe let's do "-vx" in task and redirect logs to file in home dir so that we'll collect it07:09
sshnaidmquiquell, at least to see what's problem07:09
sshnaidmquiquell, although I tend to think it's hardware problem07:10
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe let's publish disk that don't need to be resized :)07:10
quiquellsshnaidm: Do we need to resize ?07:10
sshnaidmquiquell, I think so, it's 8gb disks07:11
quiquellsshnaidm: We are doing a lot of not needed stuff there, like for example starting up two nodes for a one node run07:11
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sshnaidmquiquell, oh, yeah, I didn't like this too07:11
quiquellsshnaidm: It's like complicated to bypass that07:11
sshnaidmquiquell, well, with current role - yes07:12
quiquellsshnaidm: ok will dump info so we debug that07:12
quiquellsshnaidm: maybe we can use libvirt/setup/undercloud for standalone jobs instead of libvirt/setup/overcloud07:16
quiquellsshnaidm: it would be usable ?07:17
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quiquellsshnaidm: damn since virt-resize is failing at timeout we cannot dump the logs07:21
quiquellsshnaidm: ahh we can07:21
sshnaidmquiquell, post playbook?07:21
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quiquellsshnaidm: normal bash stuff will do07:21
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quiquellsshnaidm: to debug virt-resize
quiquellpanda: o/07:27
sshnaidmquiquell, great07:28
quiquellpanda: have you being able to run the reproducer ?07:30
mariossup folks07:33
pandaquiquell: nope, couldn't get past the 500 internal server error, even after adding the keys. I'll try again in a couple hours, have something to do first07:33
quiquellpanda: ack, let me know if you need help07:34
quiquellmarios: you there ?07:34
quiquellmarios: This task depends on dryrun I think07:35
quiquellmarios: If we do do the dryrun we just run reproducer CI for libvirt roles changes07:35
quiquellmarios: If we do the dryrun we have to also run the reproducer CI on toci changes07:35
quiquellmarios: Don't know if we want to add new review for that and keep this just for libvirt roles changes07:35
quiquellmarios: what do you think07:36
* quiquell feels the coffe kicking in07:36
mariosquiquell: o/ so dryrun would be the default07:36
quiquellmarios: Should be07:37
quiquellmarios: but we are near sprint end so maybe we can add repro CI for tripleo-ci project next sprint and keep this for libvirt07:37
mariosquiquell: k, well add a note on the card and lets discuss some more on the phone either this afternoon or earlier if a need arises07:37
mariosquiquell: i mean if it is depends on07:38
quiquellmarios: ack07:38
mariosquiquell: but same time is a bit late to be identifying issues like this (say the depends on merges today07:38
mariosstill very tight to fix this by wed07:38
quiquellmarios: yep07:38
mariosnot your fault just saying (I know this is complex and changing all the time)07:38
quiquellmarios: Let me know if you need help with dryrun07:39
mariosquiquell: k gonna go see what happend there :)07:39
mariosquiquell: on the review07:39
mariosand i need to setup a beaker box07:39
mariosfor the libvirt07:39
quiquellmarios: You can launch libvirt at RDO07:39
mariosquiquell: (I mean
quiquellmarios: Humm there is no rebase button for me :-/07:40
mariosquiquell: which means you have to use meld probably07:40
quiquellmarios: nope there is "merge conflict" have to be something with project config07:41
mariosquiquell: yeah thats what i mean07:41
quiquellmarios: like "only owner can hit rebase"07:41
mariosquiquell: there is merge conflict07:41
mariosmerld is conflict tool07:41
quiquellI know07:41
mariosquiquell: but sometimes git can't do it07:41
mariosquiquell: hence the conflict07:41
quiquellmarios: but gerrit show it to you07:41
quiquellmarios: that's weird07:41
mariosquiquell: ah i see07:41
mariosquiquell: but even then07:41
mariosquiquell: the button will likely fail07:41
mariosquiquell: and you need to do it locally and push a version07:42
quiquellmarios: thing is button is not there for me07:42
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quiquellmarios: I mean does not appear07:42
mariosquiquell: yeah i understood that07:42
mariosquiquell: :)07:42
mariosquiquell: ack07:42
quiquellmarios: so mirror issues07:43
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quiquellmarios: you have to play with var "mirror_fqdn"07:43
quiquellmarios: I think07:44
mariosquiquell: thanks noted07:44
mariosquiquell: i'll have a closer look in a sec07:44
mariosquiquell: finish some reviews07:44
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arxcruz|ruckykarel|lunch: around ?08:25
arxcruz|ruckykarel|lunch: everytime i try to run the reproducer on fedora, i'm getting this
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ykarel|luncharxcruz|ruck, looks like you are using old repos08:31
arxcruz|ruckykarel|lunch: that's what the reproducer gave to me08:31
ykarel|luncharxcruz|ruck, link08:31
mariosquiquell: ykarel|lunch panda any idea why skipped ?
mariossame for all of them afaics scen 4/3/208:36
ykarel|lunchmarios, dependency failed08:36
ykarel|lunchcontainer-build job08:36
mariosykarel|lunch: ah08:36
mariosykarel|lunch: ack thanks08:36
quiquellmarios: yep08:36
quiquellmarios: is skipped if the depedant job fails08:36
quiquellmarios: It's how zuul marks it08:36
ykarel|lunchmarios, quiquell fix:
mariosquiquell: ykarel|lunch thanks was worried i missed something08:36
ykarel|lunchlet's get it merged08:36
marioscos we merged it late friday (for me anyway )08:36
mariosthanks ykarel|lunch checking08:37
quiquellykarel|lunch: We don't need this thing to be backward compatible ?08:38
ykarel|lunchquiquell, nope,08:39
ykarel|lunchbacward compatible was required until promotion08:39
quiquellykarel|lunch: ok, I am going to workflow that08:39
mariosykarel|lunch: its a revert of
marioser quiquell i meant08:39
mariosquiquell: i just wf it08:39
quiquellmarios: ack08:39
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ykarelarxcruz|ruck, looking08:51
arxcruz|ruckykarel: thanks08:51
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ykarelarxcruz|ruck, at which step it's failing?08:58
ykarelfrom fedora python2- packages are removed08:58
arxcruz|ruckykarel: install_packages.sh08:59
ykarelseems some issue with reproducer08:59
arxcruz|ruckthe first step basically08:59
ykarelarxcruz|ruck, it's trying to use centos repo08:59
sshnaidmquiquell, docker pull fails sometimes, need to use docker proxy..08:59
quiquellsshnaidm: yep Have just commented in the taiga user story of dryrun08:59
arxcruz|ruckykarel: i blame quiquell08:59
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: why why !!!09:00
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: in the reproducer, fedora 28 are trying to use centos repo09:00
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: current reproducer you mean ?09:00
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: yes09:00
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: I think there is not much love of f28 for the repro09:01
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: sure we have miss some duplication at toci non jinja scripts09:01
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: is there a way to use the new reproducer already ?09:01
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: yep09:01
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: but you need to get some patience, as is not out of the box thing yet09:02
quiquellsshnaidm: can we merge the cloudinit thing ? or do you want to add more changes there ?09:02
sshnaidmquiquell, CI failed, I rerun it09:03
quiquellsshnaidm: I removed "state: present" and replaced it with ansible tags mechanism09:03
quiquellsshnaidm: I see you have add it again09:03
quiquellsshnaidm: Looks like a rebase issue09:04
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, leftovers09:04
quiquellsshnaidm: ack, let's fix that and try to merge, with enough rechecks :-/09:04
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quiquellarxcruz|ruck: Want to try the repro ?09:08
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: sure09:08
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: More or less is that09:09
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chandankumarsshnaidm: fixing that09:11
chandankumarsshnaidm: thanks :-) Done09:12
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: so, just need to run that playbook ?09:16
arxcruz|ruckand done ?09:16
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: Do you have docker in the system ?09:17
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: yup09:17
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quiquellarxcruz|ruck: try to run the playbook and see if it works09:17
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: if nope then run pre.yaml playbook first09:17
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: do you have docker-ce or normal docker ?09:18
sshnaidmtaiga removes "http" from everywhere, even from code and scripts..09:18
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: you need the clouds.yaml thing that is described in the README09:18
sshnaidmso stupid interface..09:18
sshnaidmwhy the heck someone would remove "http" from urls??09:19
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: and there's no way to generate this right ?09:21
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: nope09:21
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: just put it there09:21
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: we don't want to mess with peoples clouds.yaml09:21
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arxcruz|ruckquiquell: this only works on libvirt right ?09:37
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: openstack and libvirt09:38
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: that's why you need the clouds.yaml09:38
arxcruz|ruckhow do i set to run on rdocloud ?09:38
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: to point to your personal tenant09:38
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: you need to have at your ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml file something like this
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: for your tenant09:39
sshnaidmquiquell, merging?
sshnaidmquiquell, look at this too:
quiquellsshnaidm: +w both09:47
quiquellweshay, panda: This week is kind of difficult for me have to leave early monday/wednesday/friday around 4pm my time, will have to leave retro earlier09:59
quiquellDamn floating ips disappear from my tenant after creating them09:59
pandaquiquell: ok, no worries, ruck/rover shift for you as punishment10:04
quiquellpanda: With pleasure10:05
quiquellpanda: I was going to sacrifice myself for the shake of reproducer though10:05
quiquellpanda: So I don't get too much involve with it10:06
quiquellsshnaidm: virt-resize works now in the debug review :-(10:15
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: cloudinit review merged, you can update your clone and try again10:16
quiquellsshnaidm: ^10:16
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quiquellpanda: I am going to workflow your stuff here
quiquellpanda: it's ok ?10:29
quiquellsshnaidm, ykarel: It's ok to merge the 'config' related to run repro CI at libvirt role changes ?
sshnaidmquiquell, +w10:35
sshnaidmquiquell, seems like now virt-resize is stuck.. let's see10:37
quiquellsshnaidm: let's see reproducer ci as third party CI here
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq- (2 more messages)10:47
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sshnaidmquiquell, this patch will have a birthday soon..10:51
* sshnaidm is preparing a cake10:51
quiquellsshnaidm: It's like dogs openstack review years is *7 or something like that10:52
quiquellsshnaidm: as perception of human years10:52
quiquellsshnaidm: at least now we can test some libvirt at CI :-)10:52
sshnaidmquiquell, what did you mean to say about openstack devs..?10:53
quiquellwoot ?10:53
quiquelldamn cloudflare issue again10:54
quiquellsshnaidm: how do we do the docker proxy to RDO ?10:54
quiquellsshnaidm: something like this ?
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sshnaidmquiquell, we have it in /etc/ci/mirrors, need just to set a proxy11:01
quiquellsshnaidm: suppose we do similar for sova and rrockpit11:02
chandankumarsshnaidm: it passed11:04
chandankumarpanda: sshnaidm: and now good to go11:05
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sshnaidmquiquell, not too much info:
quiquellsshnaidm: it appears something else at a working one ?11:24
quiquellsshnaidm: it should11:24
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quiquellsshnaidm: :/11:29
quiquellsshnaidm: not much11:29
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe let's collect journal too11:31
quiquellsshnaidm: journal
pandaok, ready to move to reproducer again.11:40
pandaor you can hit me with review11:41
quiquellpanda: not yet, let me know if you find something with the repro11:45
quiquellpanda: cloudinit images mechanism is merged you can update the role11:45
quiquellpanda: and remove thte images specification part from the playbook no need to share images anymore11:45
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quiquellarxcruz|ruck: can you try with that ? just pass user_key: id_rsa_no_password12:07
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: generate new one without password12:07
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: btw depending on openssh version you need -m PEM at ssh-keygen12:08
ykarelquiquell, sshnaidm re. the virt-resize it might be related to the nested kernel bug12:17
sshnaidmykarel, what is a bug?12:17
quiquellykarel: man you know everything :-)12:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1743749 in tripleo "Task modify-image : Run virt-customize on the provided image fails while uploading image" [Critical,Won't fix] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)12:18
ykarelsshnaidm, do you have a reproducer vm? if so u can try running: libguestfs-test-tool12:18
ykarelor just for testing try modifying:-
quiquellykarel: argg I remember that a bug at RHEL was pending12:19
ykarellike LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND_SETTINGS: "{{ lookup( 'env', 'LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND_SETTINGS')|default('force_tcg', true) }}"12:20
sshnaidmquiquell, ykarel yeah, we can add running test-tool12:20
quiquellykarel: but that's super slow, isn't it ?12:20
ykarelquiquell, yup it's slow12:20
quiquellykarel: so we can do a fallback in case test-tool fails ?12:20
ykareli think's it sused for setup nodes, so should not effect much12:21
quiquellsshnaidm, ykarel: Ok going to add just the call to test-tool and see if it fails12:22
sshnaidmquiquell, did it12:23
quiquellsshnaidm: ack, where ?12:24
quiquellykarel: so it depends on the hypervisor RHEL version ?12:25
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quiquellarxcruz|ruck: It's working like a charm12:26
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: you can check the progress at http://localhost:900012:26
hubbot1arxcruz|ruck: quiquell's karma is now 1812:27
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: ssh the running node and hold it in case of failure12:27
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: how can i hold it ?12:27
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: now you can use --skip-tags start and it will just launch again the job without restart zuul12:27
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: hold is not automatize yet12:28
ykarelquiquell, yes it's hypervisor dependent, kvm nested bug12:28
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: you have to run "docker-compose exec scheduler zuul autohold --tenant tripleo-ci-reproducer --reason whatever --project test1 --job "<job name>"12:28
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: yes I know...12:29
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: panda is automatizing it12:29
panda|lunch?gear.Client.b'unknown' - ERROR - Exception while connecting to <gear.Connection 0x7fd2b5b54898 host: scheduler port: 4730> socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve12:30
quiquellpanda|lunch: this usually means scheduler is not starting up12:31
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quiquellpanda|lunch: arx have launch job without problem12:31
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quiquellpanda|lunch: tmate ?12:31
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: Hey12:32
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quiquellsshnaidm: btw how much people is using centos7 to launch repro libvirt ?12:33
quiquellskramaja: usualy the have fedoras12:33
sshnaidmquiquell, I think more than fedora12:33
quiquellsshnaidm: ups ok12:33
sshnaidmquiquell, people launches this on their minidells, servers, etc12:34
sshnaidmquiquell, not on their laptops12:34
pandaI would never launch this on my laptop12:35
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: ho, let's go12:35
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pandaquiquell: I don't know, if arxcruz|ruck had this working on the first try, maybe I should just start from scratch12:35
arxcruz|ruckhave what?12:36
pandaarxcruz|ruck: a working reproducer on the first try ?12:36
pandaarxcruz|ruck: did I dream it ?12:37
quiquellpanda: well he has the know ssh key issues12:37
quiquellpanda: after that was working fine12:37
quiquellpanda: directly launching the job12:37
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: need some help here to debug this
chandankumarssh timedout issue12:38
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: I tried my hooks and crooks but no hope12:38
quiquellpanda: try just an RDO fedora28 image12:39
quiquellpanda: and run it there12:39
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: there might be some floating ip issue, I am not sure what is wrong,12:40
arxcruz|rucki'm seeing this errors12:40
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: also i'm not seeing nova-compute logs12:40
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: nova compute logs
arxcruz|ruckneutron can't connect to mysql12:41
arxcruz|ruckaccess denied12:42
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: also on nova side
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: let me collect stuff at one place, and look12:45
chandankumarheading home12:45
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @  (1 more message)12:47
sshnaidmquiquell, what do mirrors roles do in libvirt mode?
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quiquellsshnaidm: To use RDO mirror at docker in CI
quiquellsshnaidm: all the pre.yaml is still needed and also isntalling libvirt packages12:56
quiquellrlandy: o/12:56
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, but what does  this role do when running libvirt?12:57
quiquellsshnaidm: you mean CI(CI) ?12:57
sshnaidmquiquell, no12:57
quiquellsshnaidm: Don't se the relation between this role and libvirt12:58
sshnaidmquiquell, it's in base job, right?12:58
rlandyquiquell: hey12:58
quiquellsshnaidm: yep same as upstream and RDO jobs12:58
quiquellrlandy: commented at the reproducer script review12:58
rlandyquiquell: worked with weshay last week and we redid the libvirt clone piece12:58
rlandyyeah - thanks12:58
sshnaidmquiquell, so it's running when we run libvirt reproducer?12:58
quiquellsshnaidm: yep12:59
rlandyquiquell: weshay wants to setup to look like ci12:59
sshnaidmquiquell, and what mirrors does it set?12:59
quiquellrlandy: what do you mean ?12:59
rlandyso if tq id there in ci, clone it before we start12:59
quiquellsshnaidm: mirrof_fqdn variable12:59
quiquellsshnaidm: it's set up by zuul at startup I think12:59
sshnaidmquiquell, hmm.. and what is it in libvirt case13:00
rfolcopanda, o/13:00
quiquellsshnaidm: we can look in the inventory I think13:00
rfolcopanda, looks like f28 jobs are failing on undecloud install...
sshnaidmquiquell, do you have some from libvirt run? because I didn't run libvirt yet..13:01
rlandyquiquell:he wants us to copy roles and playbooks as the ansible user is used to13:01
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rlandywill explain more in meeting13:01
rlandythat' why we have the copy13:01
rfolcopanda, please update me when you get a breath13:01
quiquellrlandy: ack13:01
quiquellsshnaidm: not now13:02
sshnaidmrlandy, do you have log files from libvirt run maybe?13:02
rlandysshnaidm: not for a while13:02
sshnaidmok, let's see later13:03
quiquellsshnaidm: what's the isse, btw the mirror thing is wrong at the internal CI13:03
quiquellsshnaidm: at RDO
quiquellrlandy: I remember you were seting mirror_fqdn at jobs, is that right ?13:04
rlandyquiquell: yes13:04
mariosquiquell: trying
sshnaidmquiquell, wrong mirror breaks jobs13:04
rlandyquiquell: for libvirt it's not set13:04
sshnaidmquiquell, it should be parametrized in reproducer I think13:04
rlandyquiquell: we never tested libvirt in ci13:04
mariosrlandy: quiquell i just updated my review to use that mirror.regionone.rdo-cloud-tripleo.rdoproject.org13:04
quiquellrlandy: I think we have to setup zuul somewhere so it's global indepdendent of nodepool_provider13:04
quiquellmarios: Let's take a look13:05
mariosrlandy: cos of failing with 2019-01-25 14:37:14.193690 | primary |   "msg": "Failure talking to yum: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.\n [Errno 14] curl#6 - \"Could not resolve host:; Unknown error\""13:05
pandarfolco: no need, the US is done13:05
sshnaidmmarios, rdo cloud mirror works for vms on rdo cloud only13:05
quiquellrlandy: well now we run hello reproducer but it's installing nothing, after acivating toci dryrun is failing13:05
mariossshnaidm: so what do i need for that host:; Unknown error\13:06
weshaysshnaidm, quiquell have you guys seen the zuul container zuul/zuul scheduler_1 go down in the job? during deploy or later?13:06
rlandywe used to use NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=mirror.mtl01.inap.openstack.org13:06
rlandyquiquell: ^^13:06
rlandybut that was outside ci13:06
sshnaidmquiquell, either that ^^ or not to set it at all13:06
quiquellweshay: o/ nope13:06
quiquellweshay: also I reconnect to my laptop in the morning and it's still there no need to restart13:07
quiquellweshay: fedora2813:07
sshnaidmquiquell, rdo cloud better to run with its mirrors, all the rest should be parameter13:07
quiquellweshay: arx has job running there with cloudinit13:07
weshayquiquell, we missed some reqs btw
weshaymeh.. white space13:08
sshnaidmmarios, need to parametrize the mirror stuff..13:08
* weshay fixes it13:08
quiquellweshay: docker-compose is isntalled with pip13:08
quiquellweshay: should we uses package ?13:08
weshayquiquell, oh.. so you source13:08
weshayquiquell, if there is a package.. yes13:08
weshayunless someone can tell me a compelling reason not to13:09
quiquellweshay: well at CI export $PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH13:09
quiquellweshay: ansible and source at command is no good13:09
quiquellweshay: have give me problems13:09
quiquellweshay: version I suppose13:09
weshayquiquell, if we're not using the same version of packages we're not testing the same thing13:09
quiquellweshay: can you remove the pip install from your review and we check there ?13:10
quiquellweshay: is with pip but with version13:10
quiquellweshay: same version everyone13:10
weshayrlandy, explains the docker-compose logs issue probably13:10
weshayrpm > pip13:10
quiquellweshay: pin the packages13:11
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weshayquiquell, hrm.. for rpms?13:12
quiquellweshay: newgrp is problematic13:12
weshayquiquell, it doesn't work otherwise13:13
quiquellweshay: it changes default group13:13
weshayyour ci is not clean13:13
quiquellweshay: could be, what did you detect ?13:13
weshayquiquell, if you need a blank system... or fire up a vm in rdo13:13
quiquellweshay: let's fix it so we can rely on that13:13
weshayand you'll find the same13:13
weshayquiquell, agree13:13
quiquellweshay: do you know if we have clean f28 nodesets from zuul ?13:13
weshayI'm not suggesting it has to be newgrp13:14
quiquellweshay: and c7 so you can do CI on clean nodes ?13:14
weshayhowever this setup fails as is on a new f28 install13:14
quiquellweshay: would  be nice to test that at a clean f28 in CI :-/13:14
weshaysure would13:14
weshayquiquell, -1 on pinning rpm packages btw13:16
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quiquellweshay: how so ?13:16
weshayit's going to be a disaster when users try to install13:16
quiquellweshay: Don't we have to ensure at least a minimal version ?13:16
weshayquiquell, if we need to pin rpm packages ... let's review and add that config to /etc/yum13:17
quiquellweshay: peoples /etc/yum ?13:17
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quiquellweshay: what's the issue with pinning at pip ?13:19
quiquellweshay: and maybe using virtualenv to run the whole zuul enchilada ?13:19
weshaylet's raise it for discussion..13:20
weshayfor mvp I don't think it matters much, but in the long run it does13:20
quiquellweshay: ack, btw have to drop earlier at meetings this week monday, wednesday and friday13:21
arxcruz|ruckweshay: hey boss, found the problem on fedora jobs, but don't know how to fix it, i add my comments on the lp13:24
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, it's ovn?13:24
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arxcruz|ruckweshay: openvswitch13:27
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, so can you check in w/ ykarel re: that package in fedora vs. centos13:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1813224 in tripleo "fedora28 standalone failing on tempest" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)13:32
weshayarxcruz|ruck, or go compare it to the centos version itself13:32
weshayperhaps it needs an update13:32
arxcruz|rucki'm on ci scalation13:32
weshaypanda, did the issue w/ the promoter script get resolved?13:35
ykarelarxcruz|ruck, weshay, same version of openvswitch in both Fedora and Centos13:37
weshayit's causing an additional 10% of the jobs to fail13:38
weshayand it's a good comparison13:38
arxcruz|ruckso, something is wrong because it's failing, so the vm doesn't get network, or stays in build status, or get error13:38
weshaybecause both jobs are using the same containers13:38
weshayarxcruz|ruck, actually check that please13:38
weshayarxcruz|ruck, make sure the centos-7 and fedora container hashes are at the same level.. first run a test by hand13:38
weshaythat's the next step13:39
pandaweshay: the one in friday ? I had to stop and start the systemd service, and also cleaned up old containers. I've seen it working and promoting.13:40
weshaypanda, thanks13:41
mariosrlandy: was that mistake (i saw it was reverted also the job names aren't periodic..? )13:43
mariossshnaidm: how do i add periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-standalone-master (and scenario002 003 004) to please i can't see periodic anywahere under thanks13:45
sshnaidmmarios, yes, I'd prefer not to merge w/o my review, it's just complicated there13:48
sshnaidmrlandy, weshay ^13:48
weshaypanda, arxcruz|ruck needs to make sure fedora mixed and centos are at the same dlrn hash13:48
sshnaidmmarios, I hope soon it will be much more clear13:48
weshaypanda, can you give him a hand w/ that?13:48
arxcruz|ruckweshay: pinging you on cix13:48
weshayarxcruz|ruck, don't change the fedora hash w/o a manual test13:48
sshnaidmmarios, I'm adding them right now..13:49
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mariossshnaidm: thanks mate13:49
weshayarxcruz|ruck, try and answer for me please13:49
mariossshnaidm: i'll check the commit /me curious :)13:49
pandaarxcruz|ruck: why you need fedora and centos hashes to be the same ?13:52
arxcruz|ruckpanda: not exactly, i need to check if both hashes are the same right now13:52
arxcruz|ruckbecause fedora 28 are failing with openvswitch13:52
arxcruz|ruckfailing in tempest*13:52
arxcruz|ruckbut centos is not failing, both distros, have the package in the same version13:52
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, better stated as.. centos is passing at 93% in check, fedora is 80'ish in check13:55
arxcruz|ruckweshay: they are not same hashe btw13:55
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ya.. so let's get the jobs 100% the same13:56
weshayas much as possible, then tear apart why fedora may be failing more often13:56
arxcruz|ruckpanda: how do i do that? :D13:56
arxcruz|ruckit seems fedora needs to be changed manually13:56
weshayso run a recreate w/ the same hash a centos-713:57
weshayif that works..13:57
arxcruz|ruckweshay: on fedora it doesn't13:57
arxcruz|rucki was talking with ykarel about it this morning13:57
weshayyou run the dlrnapi command to promote the fedora hash13:57
arxcruz|rucki'm trying the new reproducer with quiquell13:57
weshayarxcruz|ruck, meh.. that may be too new :)13:58
weshaybut if it works for you ok13:58
pandaarxcruz|ruck: too soon13:58
weshayarxcruz|ruck, run the old one too manybe13:58
arxcruz|ruckweshay: the old one doesn't work on fedora13:58
rlandysshnaidm: marios: ok - can you explain then what we need to do to add periodics? weshay and I tried two approaches13:59
rlandyneither worked13:59
pandaarxcruz|ruck: where do you see the fedora job failing ?13:59
pandaarxcruz|ruck: in periodic ?13:59
sshnaidmrlandy, it was wrong branch13:59
mariosrlandy: /me watching
rlandysshnaidm: which is the correct branch?14:00
sshnaidmrlandy, marios
sshnaidmrlandy, marios I'll do branch names more clear..14:00
rlandysshnaidm: what is promstat for?14:00
sshnaidmrlandy, deleted it14:00
mariosrfolco: o/14:01
arxcruz|ruckpanda: on check14:01
mariossshnaidm: yeah i saw a million branches on the sova github :D14:02
sshnaidmmarios, yeah, made some cleanup there14:02
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, ssbarnea|bkp2 can you guys join the scrum for a minute14:04
weshaywe need to talk ptg14:04
pandaarxcruz|ruck: is fedora28 still out of promotion critaria ?14:04
arxcruz|ruckpanda: yes14:04
weshaypanda, I thought the mixed job had to be manual promote?14:04
weshayrlandy, mtg14:04
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mariosweshay: from -   only panko still left (been pinging irc chans, sending email and generally harrassing people) - has +2A but looks like the py37 is borked there and its not gonna merge until that is fixed or removed.14:16
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mariosthanks sshnaidm (cc rlandy weshay )14:27
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mariossshnaidm: do we stil need to reset something for the jobs to appear in or is it a matter of time(on next runs?)14:31
weshayrfolco, I'm going to share14:37
rfolcoweshay, please do so14:37
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @  (1 more message)14:47
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mariossshnaidm: see them now thanks -   only panko still left (been pinging irc chans, sending email and generally harrassing people) - has +2A but looks like the py37 is borked there and its not gonna merge until that is fixed or removed.15:00
mariossshnaidm: oops meant this (wrong paste)15:00
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mariossshnaidm: the  periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-standalone-master and friends15:00
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: marios: sshnaidm panda weshay and finishes os_Tempest integration greenlight by ci15:01
sshnaidmmarios, not sure I understand about panko..15:02
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mariossshnaidm: 17:00 < marios> sshnaidm: oops meant this (wrong paste)15:08
mariossshnaidm: (was wrong paste sorry the panko was from earlier i pasted to weshay)15:08
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weshaythanks chkumar|out15:09
rlandysshnaidm: weshay: pls see quiquell|off comment on gerrit_user ...
rlandythat we will need both15:12
rlandythis is to run pre15:13
weshaysshnaidm, so for
sshnaidmmarios, so everything is ok with sova promotion jobs?15:15
weshayyou want to change the compose to use the rdo container reg. vs
weshayrdoci / zuul-base15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-migrate15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-merger15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-bwrap15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-fingergw15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-executor15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-scheduler15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul-web15:15
weshayrdoci / zuul15:15
weshayrdoci / nodepool-base15:15
weshayrdoci / nodepool-launcher15:15
weshayrdoci / nodepool15:15
sshnaidmweshay, rdoci is namespace on docker.io15:15
weshayrdoci / nodepool-builder15:15
weshayor the rdoci namespace I guess.. either registry15:15
mariossshnaidm: yes thanks i see them in cistatus.tripleo.org15:16
weshaysshnaidm, k.. see it
weshaysshnaidm, ah.. k.. and the defaults in ansible-role-t-r are updated..15:17
weshaysshnaidm, so.. we just need someone else to run through it once.. and we can move to complete15:17
sshnaidmweshay, yeah15:18
weshaysshnaidm, k cool15:18
chkumar|outweshay: I wanted to keep it voting as os_tempest has all the stuff we needed15:18
weshaychkumar|out, ok.. let's chat tomorrow15:19
weshaygo be out :)15:19
weshaysshnaidm, the zuul container has been crashing on me15:19
weshayso maybe that will fix it15:19
weshayI'll give it a go15:19
weshaysshnaidm, we can move to done right15:20
weshaynot used now that we have cloud-init15:20
sshnaidmweshay, yeah, not needed anymore15:20
weshayk.. /me moving to done15:20
weshaysshnaidm, k.. 3/4 moved to done15:22
weshaywill rerun a full run now w/ rdoci containers15:22
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weshaysshnaidm, do you have an opinion on install things like docker and docker-compose via pip vs rpm?15:27
sshnaidmweshay, you can't install docker via pip15:28
sshnaidmweshay, it's only rpm15:28
weshaysshnaidm, was going test this change as well
weshayssbarnea|bkp2, you here? or pto today15:28
weshayrfolco, panda we have a planning mtg15:29
sshnaidmweshay, and docker-compose is not so important I think, pip will give a newest, but I don't think we use some special features there, maybe better rpm15:29
weshay1 sec for me15:30
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rlandystack failures in ovb17:47
rlandy No more IP addresses available on network 1f6dd7c9-1c87-4310-a1c3-bd7c0346d6ad.17:47
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: ^^ seen that?17:47
weshayhrm.. rlandy we may still be in outtage17:55
* weshay looks17:55
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rlandysome stack started17:56
rlandyfs10 was able to run17:56
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weshayrlandy, I have a clean system setup again18:06
rlandyweshay:k - great18:06
weshayso going to test a bit.. and start writing some doc I think18:07
weshaynot sure if RDO will cooperate..18:07
weshayis libvirt ready for just -l at this point?18:07
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weshayrlandy, oh noes..
weshaydo you have a rlandy version?18:35
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rlandyweshay: with your install ansible18:37
rlandyjust generated ... will need to be tested18:37
weshayk.. got ur back there18:38
rlandyweshay: did you ever add a secret cred to jenkins18:38
rlandyI see the old one matt added18:38
rlandyI can modify that one18:38
rlandybut I would prefer to add a new one for upstream reporting18:38
weshaya secret cred.. no I have not18:39
rlandyon credentials, there is supposed to be ab add button but I don't see it18:39
rlandyoh well, I guess I will just have to modify the one there18:39
weshayso.. do we even need it?18:40
weshaythose jobs will no longer be reporting to
weshaymaybe I can save you some work by clarifying?18:40
rlandyweshay: the old job used to report to dlrn api18:41
weshayya.. oh.. reporting to dlrn18:41
weshaythought you meant to review.openstack18:41
rlandywith DLRN_PASSWORD18:41
weshayaye.. that did change after some joker leaked the passwd18:42
weshayweshay <-----18:42
* rlandy updates18:42
weshayit's in the infra doc18:42
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp- (1 more message)18:47
rlandyweshay:sorry to be an idiot - which infra doc - looking in the DFG drive18:48
rlandyI could pull it off the reporting server18:48
weshayha.. I can never find it either.. sec18:48
rlandyif it's the same one18:48
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hubbot1weshay: rlandy's karma is now 4319:52
weshayrlandy, cp -n  is no-clobbler19:54
weshayjust in case someone does the boneheaded thing19:54
rlandyweshay: sure - pls comment on review and I'll fix it19:55
rlandyweshay: could tar the three files19:59
rlandythen the user would only wget the tar'ed file and untar19:59
rlandymay be easier20:00
weshayrlandy, ah.. that's a good idea20:11
weshayrlandy, fyi
rlandyweshay: ok - fixing that and adding tar20:14
rlandyweshay: question about comment ...20:14
rlandylooks like we need to install git too :)20:15
rlandyif ! ansible --version; then20:15
rlandy  sudo $(command -v dnf || command -v yum) install -y git20:15
rlandyif no ansible install git??20:15
rlandycheck for git, install git? correct?20:15
weshayoh CRUD..20:16
weshaysorry cut paste error20:16
weshayif no ansible, install20:16
weshayif no git, install20:16
rlandyk - got it20:16
rlandypanda: you around?20:17
rlandypanda: I'm permission denied reporting to dlrn_api - with what I think is correct password20:17
rlandythere are two possible users20:18
rlandyboth permission denied20:18
rlandycould use some help there20:18
* weshay just got20:19
weshayTASK [Add user to docker group] **************************************************************************20:19
weshaytask path: /var/tmp/RECREATE/playbooks/pre.yaml:7020:19
weshayfatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "useradd: user 'root' already exists\n", "name": "$USER", "rc": 9}20:19
rlandyweshay:  yep - hit that as well20:22
weshayk.. fixing20:24
weshayansible suucks some times20:24
weshayTASK [Clone repos needed for reproducer] *****************************************************************20:24
weshayok: [localhost] => (item=
weshayfailed: [localhost] (item= => {"before": "ec6f13b5bfc5e730c5975bcb7bbae5f5aa386a6c", "changed": false, "item": "", "msg": "Local modifications exist in repository (force=no)."}20:24
weshayto retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/RECREATE/launcher-env-setup-playbook.retry20:24
weshaythink we'll need to dir check20:24
weshaythings get complicated when you try to make it easy20:24
rlandyweshay: where is the change?20:24
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weshayrlandy, putting it up, not done20:25
rlandyweshay: also, usability question .. when adding the tar file, keep the zuul-based-reproducer-quickstart dir with the separate files or ditch the dir and out one tar file in main dir?20:26
rlandyput one20:26
weshayrlandy, I think you can ditch the dir20:28
rlandynot sure that should be necessary20:29
rlandyansible_user should be defined correctly20:29
rlandyor I am using it wrong20:29
rlandybesides  this used to work20:30
rlandysomething has changed20:30
weshayya.. not 100% sure either20:30
pandarlandy: use the user/password in the promoter server20:32
rlandypanda: should this work from any machine?20:32
weshayrlandy, ya20:38
weshayrlandy, note the example in the doc has options to prevent it from running20:38
weshayupdated fyi rlandy20:40
weshayworks now20:40
rlandyweshay: lol - oh those empty spaces ...
* weshay needs to get a real .vimrc20:41
rlandyweshay: git mine from marios ... copying20:42
rlandyweshay: updated20:45
rlandylet's see what ci does with it20:45
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp- (1 more message)20:47
weshayrlandy, we may need to create a docker group and newgrp in the shell file20:52
weshayI don't think ansible can do it20:52
rlandyweshay: what about if you just run launcher?20:54
* rlandy can add to the script20:56
pandarlandy: it should work from everywhere, the promoter server has only the latest working credentials20:58
rlandypanda: k - got distracted - checking20:59
weshayoh dam21:14
rlandypanda: hmm ... still HTTP response body: Unauthorized Access21:15
rlandyusing password from server21:16
pandarlandy: can you paste the command ?21:27
rlandypanda: see pvt21:27
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rlandyweshay: how goes it now?21:29
weshayrlandy, so.. ur stuff is working fine :)21:30
weshayrlandy, having issues w/ docker logs, user, group stuff on a new install21:30
hubbot1rlandy: panda's karma is now 1421:34
pandaI can sleep tonight.21:35
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weshayrlandy, think I have to try w/ libvirt21:37
weshayrdo cloud is still hosed21:37
rlandygood luck with that21:37
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rlandyweshay: wget
rlandytar -xvf reproducer-zuul-based-quickstart.tar22:24
rlandyfiles are in +x mode22:25
weshayI hit the libvirt module import issue22:25
rlandywhat is that???22:25
rlandylibvirt thing?22:25
rlandyweshay: going to start adding some lines to
rlandyfeel free to edit/change22:27
rlandyunless you have a review somewhere??22:27
weshayrlandy, I have a clone of your review22:27
weshaythat I'm adding doc to, but all I have thus far is the wget :)22:27
weshayI think the ansible rpm may not have it22:29
rlandyweshay: k - well, I'll add some doc to my review and we can combine it22:29
weshayOH, it's undercloud22:30
weshayit's under... cloud22:30
* weshay tries22:30
rlandywhat? what?22:30
weshayrpm -q --whatprovides $PWD/virt_pool.py22:32
rlandyunder... cloud, over ... cloud reminds me of  wombles - probably never got that show in America22:33
weshayEXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python3 /home/weshayutin/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1548714751.77-138242198197363/ && sleep 0'22:33
weshay rpm -qa | grep ansible22:33
weshayin ansible-python3 it's under cloud22:36
weshayhrm.. didn't help22:38
weshaytrying ansible-playbook-322:38
* rlandy should look at that again22:38
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp- (1 more message)22:47
rlandyk - running now22:49
weshayis not installed22:49
weshayrlandy, ya.. that was it22:53
weshayand python3-lxml22:53
* weshay updates
rlandyweshay: so we need to install that22:54
rlandypython3-openstacksdk already installed22:56
rlandyweshay: the $USER thing needs to change23:02
weshayrlandy, ya.. that I have working23:02
rlandychanging to lookup23:02
weshaylookup env thing?23:02
rlandygiving me more problems23:02
rlandyyeah - that thing23:03
rlandydoesn't always resolve23:03
rlandywill fix23:03
weshaysame issue here23:04
rlandyhmmm ... TASK [libvirt/setup/overcloud : Set hostname correctly for subnode-0] ********************************************************************************************************************************23:04
rlandytask path: /tmp/reproduce-tmp.vhxER/roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/libvirt_nodepool.yml:19823:04
rlandyfatal: [localhost ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/python3: No such file or directory\r\n", "msg": "The module failed to execute correctly, you probably need to set the interpreter.\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 127}23:04
rlandyweshay: I'll fix that in the script ... ^^ my next error23:04
rlandyprobably missing another install23:05
weshayso right off the bat.. I think we need python3, ansible-323:06
rlandy hostnamectl23:07
weshayfyi.. I think that will fix my error23:08
weshayrlandy, that looks like ur just missing python3 to me23:08
rlandyI have python323:08
rlandy -e ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/python3"23:09
rlandythat error is on the node23:09
weshayhrm.. maybe ur further along than I am23:09
rlandymaybe because I only have one user23:09
rlandysomething to look forward to23:09
* weshay keeps adding to
rlandyyeah --  I am getting your review as I go23:10
weshayok.. getting further23:11
weshayinjecting key into image... adding zuul23:14
rlandyand here we go again23:14
* weshay getting there23:14
weshayuploading to volume pool23:14
weshayrlandy, yup.. just hit ur error23:15
rlandyTASK [libvirt/setup/overcloud : Resize undercloud image (call virt-resize)]23:15
rlandyI have your latest change23:15
rlandythink I am getting further23:16
rlandyTASK [libvirt/setup/overcloud : Upload the volume to storage pool]23:16
rlandyactually ha - maybe not23:16
rlandyyep- same error23:16
weshayhrm.. it's not installed on the image23:17
rlandy[zuul@localhost ~]$ which hostnamectl23:17
rlandyfound it23:17
rlandynode doesn't have python3?23:18
weshayI don't think it's that..23:19
weshayit may not have the hostnamectl command installed23:19
weshaysay what23:19
weshayrpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/hostnamectl23:19
weshay- name: Set hostname correctly for subnode-023:20
weshay  delegate_to: subnode-023:20
weshay  shell: >23:20
weshay    echo "  subnode-0 localhost" > /etc/hosts;23:20
weshay    echo "HOSTNAME=subnode-0" >> /etc/sysconfig/network;23:20
weshay    echo "subnode-0" > /etc/hostname;23:20
weshay    hostnamectl set-hostname subnode-0;23:20
weshay    echo "nameserver {{ custom_nameserver|default('') }} " >> /etc/resolv.conf;23:20
weshay    echo "append domain-name-servers {{ custom_nameserver|default('') }};" >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf23:20
weshay  become: true23:20
weshayrlandy, it's just running shell23:20
rlandyit works on the node itself23:20
rlandyI am on the node23:20
weshayOH..     "module_stdout": "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/python3: No such file or directory\r\n",23:20
weshayI see what ur saying23:20
rlandynot sure what voodoo happens there23:21
weshayrlandy, wait wait..23:21
weshaylook at the task above this23:21
weshaymaybe not23:21
weshayansible_python_interpreter: "{{ python_interpreter|default('/usr/bin/python') }}"23:21
weshayOH crud..23:22
weshayso if you have ansible-playbook-3 you need python3 on all the targets?23:22
rlandythat is what I am thinking23:22
rlandyalthough ci does just fine23:22
weshayrlandy, for centos that's a pita23:22
rlandyI am not running ansible-playbook-323:23
rlandystill an error23:23
* rlandy checks install on node23:23
rlandy[root@localhost ~]# which python323:24
rlandyusr/bin/which: no python3 in (/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)23:24
rlandyweshay: centos nodes23:25
rlandynot going to work23:25
rlandyas above <weshay> rlandy, for centos that's a pita23:25
weshay rlandy
weshayyum install centos-release-scl; yum install rh-python3623:26
weshaynot sure if that is polluting the node or not23:27
weshaytrying it23:27
rlandywe don;t have a choice23:27
rlandyweshay: it's just a matter of the fact that we force use python3 on the local machine23:28
rlandyI don;t know what ci installs23:28
* rlandy fixes $USER problem in the mean time23:30
weshayok.. maybe I have this fixed..23:42
weshaycrosses fingers23:42
weshayrlandy, we may need to run ci w/ -vvvv to see really wtf it's doing23:42
weshayor get clean nodes23:42
weshayI suspect nodepool nodes have both python2.7 and python3.6 preinstalled23:43
rlandyweshay: afaict, the nodes only have python223:44
rlandyI mean by default23:44
weshayso are we killing ourselves by setting python3?23:44
rlandywe can fix that in nodepool setup23:44
rlandyweshay: I ma not sure we have a choice23:44
rlandyif I run w/o python3, it fails way before that23:44
* rlandy gets23:45
rlandywe can fix this23:45
rlandy packages_list23:47
weshayhrm.. that happens after this though23:47
weshaymaybe it doesnt23:48
weshayrlandy, oh ya.. it's after23:49
weshayrlandy, atm, we're failing at
rlandyweshay: yeah - we may need to insert this task before23:51
weshayworking on it23:51
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weshayrlandy, your pre-setup yaml playbook makes this easy to develop :)23:53
* weshay udpates the git dir...23:54
weshayand reruns23:54
* rlandy is happy23:56
weshayrlandy, woot.. got it23:56
weshayoh.. wait23:56
weshayrunning very verbose23:57
rlandycool - change up?23:58
rlandyremoving local edit ...23:59

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