Tuesday, 2019-03-05

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)00:12
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (4 more messages)04:13
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (4 more messages)06:13
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quiquell|offchandankumar: commented06:55
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quiquell|offmarios: all the reviews with prio are -1?07:04
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mariosquiquell: they are?07:11
mariosquiquell: which ones you mean?07:11
mariosquiquell: ah maybe you mean  /#/c/19065/ /r/#/c/19026/ cos they were squished into https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975/07:13
mariosquiquell: i'll update the relevant taiga cards07:13
mariosquiquell: or you mean something else07:13
quiquellmarios: na was just that07:18
quiquellgoing to review taiga first07:18
quiquellmarios: so next one would be the switch https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19066/07:20
quiquellmarios: is that it ?07:20
mariosquiquell: well yeah but woah there we need to check everything ok. containers pushed, with the ci-squad-testing tag and then that the built containers are OK07:21
quiquellmarios: humm there is no run of new job https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-fedora-28-master-containers-build-push07:22
quiquellIt have being merged like 16 hours ago07:22
mariosquiquell: thanks will check in bit... hope it isn't a problem/nit there we'll see07:22
mariosquiquell: but yeah we have couple days to test things and hopefully switch this week would be great but lets see07:22
quiquellmarios: cool cool, not bad07:23
quiquellmarios: we will need a red ribbon and a pair of scissors07:23
quiquellmarios: let me debug why is not running07:23
mariosquiquell: k thanks07:24
mariosgoing to some reviews first07:24
quiquellmarios: there are node failures at firs job periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-promote-consistent-to-tripleo-ci-testing07:27
quiquellmarios: going to ask around07:27
mariosquiquell: there was rdo outage last night07:28
mariosquiquell: i saw on mailing list maybe related07:28
quiquellmarios: yep have to be it07:29
marioschandankumar: sorry i didn't get to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/604311/ on time it has votes already (i promised yesterday i'd check) same quiquell for https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19064 was gonna look again07:30
chandankumarmarios: quiquell \o/07:31
chandankumarupdating the patches :-)07:31
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quiquellmarios: we have see a new run in one hour or so I think07:35
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mariosthanks quiquell|brb lets see07:42
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sshnaidmmarios, quiquell|brb take a look at something trivial please: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64072207:47
mariossshnaidm: no07:49
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quiquell|brbsshnaidm: +w07:58
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (4 more messages)08:13
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mariosquiquell: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/build/5c121da642e34b78b5ea86a91a86c71509:12
mariosquiquell: ah was yesterday before push09:12
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mariospanda|ruck|flu: you're ruck - not allowed to get sick clearly stated in ci bylaw article 15 subsection 2b09:15
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panda|ruck|flumarios: yes, but comma 3 article 7 of the good on duty engineering operating manual in mojo says "You can have a flu as long as your work is not going to be affected by it"09:17
mariospanda|ruck|flu: oh right. ok then carry on09:17
panda|ruck|flu"or if you die, you have at least created all the bugs and pushed all the patches"09:18
arxcruzquiquell: panda|ruck|flu marios https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634380/09:18
arxcruzchandankumar: ^09:18
panda|ruck|fluwho's chandankumar  ?09:18
panda|ruck|fluI know only raukadah !09:19
quiquellarxcruz: commented will workflow after answer09:21
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mariosarxcruz: ack left a inline question earlier09:22
arxcruzmarios: quiquell answering09:22
quiquellmarios, sshnaidm, panda|ruck|flu: For the BM trigger https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1906709:23
quiquellis a PoC09:23
quiquellIt will just populte a little ci-script but only internal software factory is using it09:24
arxcruzquiquell: marios done go there and +2+w09:24
quiquellarxcruz: it does not load the variables ? really ?09:25
quiquellthat's weird09:25
arxcruzquiquell: you can check the previous patches, i did a lot of attempts09:25
quiquellwell include_role is weird too09:25
quiquellarxcruz: yep include_role is hard to make it work well09:25
quiquellarxcruz: ack na let's merge this09:25
quiquellarxcruz: +w09:26
arxcruzquiquell: the vars_files was failing as well, it seems it doesn't allow use variables on vars_files path09:26
arxcruzplaybook_dir was getting an error as not defined09:26
chandankumarkopecmartin: Hello09:26
kopecmartinchandankumar, hi09:27
mariosarxcruz: no09:27
mariosE V E R09:27
arxcruzmarios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1gfVtYQfaw09:28
mariosarxcruz: sshnaidm guys why do you hate taiga09:28
marioslike why you don't put it on the commit message09:28
mariosand why you ignore me09:28
marioswhen i ask for it09:28
* marios cries09:28
arxcruzmarios: I could write a book why i hate taiga09:28
sshnaidmsshnaidm, how did you guess??09:28
chandankumarkopecmartin: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/640859/ regarding os_tempest doc patch on tripleo docs, is it about creating a new job based on current tripleo os_tempest job or how one can run os_tempest on tripleo standalone finishes?09:29
sshnaidmmarios, ^09:29
quiquellarxcruz: Put a user story first about documentation09:29
kopecmartinchandankumar, the first part of the question, i have no idea how the other thing works .. feel free to add it09:30
mariosarxcruz: yeah we should totally have a storyless task about that09:30
mariosarxcruz: but what, do you think trello is better?09:30
mariosor we dont need no stinkin scrum tools09:30
quiquelllet's move to storyboard XD09:30
sshnaidmtrello sucks, taiga sucks no less09:30
chandankumarkopecmartin: ok, then I think commit message needs to be fixed09:30
panda|ruck|fluthis is mutiny09:30
mariosarxcruz: why don't you say so in retro if you have better way09:30
mariossomeone lock up panda|ruck|flu09:30
chandankumarsshnaidm: better design a tool09:31
panda|ruck|fluheads will roll09:31
chandankumarpanda|ruck|flu: :-)09:31
panda|ruck|fluupgrades will roll too09:31
panda|ruck|fludon't worry guys, we're all going to move to jira09:32
panda|ruck|fluvery soon09:32
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, how is that?09:32
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, does ibm uses jira only?09:32
panda|ruck|flusshnaidm: before I answer,  what's your take on jira ?09:33
sshnaidmjira is cool09:33
quiquellmaybe atlassina has buy taiga09:33
arxcruzsshnaidm: what's the collect log role we are currently using on standalone ? I need to add some os_tempest related stuff there09:33
sshnaidmjira is flexible enough to make it not sucks09:33
arxcruzsshnaidm: i got this but it's not working https://review.openstack.org/#/c/640358/09:33
sshnaidmarxcruz, the usual one I think09:33
quiquellarxcruz: role is the same, but maybe the paremeters are different09:34
chandankumararxcruz: can we add the same on os_tempest side09:34
chandankumararxcruz: like post log collection in /var/log/tempest dir?09:34
sshnaidmarxcruz, why not just "/home/*/tempest/"? Is it something big there?09:34
quiquellarxcruz: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/tree/toci-quickstart/config/collect-logs.yml#n909:35
arxcruzsshnaidm: not really09:35
arxcruzquiquell: aha! it's the one on tripleo-ci09:35
quiquellarxcruz: yep I think no one use default from role09:35
panda|ruck|flusshnaidm: there's been talk on switching to jira, but apperently everybody is tired of changing tools, so it has been mostly voted down.09:35
arxcruzquiquell: thanks!09:35
sshnaidmarxcruz, yeah, quiquell is right09:35
sshnaidmarxcruz, but collect all tempest/, no need to be so specific09:36
arxcruzsshnaidm: ok09:36
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, where was this talk?09:36
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quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: Have being working with Jira at my previous job and is not that bad09:36
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: Pretty customizable and it has API09:36
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, so it's not jira that was downvoted, but just an option to move to another tool09:37
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: Wouldn't be difficult to integrate with zuul for example09:37
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sshnaidmyeah, totally, jira is much better than trello/taiga09:37
arxcruzweird, i left the channel09:37
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arxcruzsshnaidm: at least jira is faster than taiga09:38
sshnaidmarxcruz, yeah, it's annoying to wait your us to load..09:38
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quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: Can we merge this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19067/ ?09:39
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: want to put in place a PoC on internal sf and it depends on that09:39
arxcruzsshnaidm: wondering if the 'premium' taiga would be faster09:39
arxcruzor if we install taiga in our infra09:39
sshnaidmarxcruz, you can self-host it on your server09:40
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: is just new files09:40
arxcruzsshnaidm: yup, wondering if that would be faster09:40
sshnaidmarxcruz, and then to maintain another service..09:40
sshnaidmarxcruz, well, I think it will be faster, we don't make a lot of load there09:40
sshnaidmI'm trying not to :D09:41
quiquellsshnaidm: what a excuse :-P09:41
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, worried about load there09:41
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: sshnaidm maybe you should put what kind of customization you would like to do and can't do in taiga in a retrospective card.09:41
quiquellvery infra baby cry09:41
mariosso for sure we need to talk about this in retro09:42
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: nah I am all good, just making some noise here :-)09:42
mariosok lets unlock panda|ruck|flu09:42
mariossorry about that. why can't we all be friends09:42
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, like "speed"?09:42
mariossshnaidm: for me trello is MUUUUCH slower than taiga09:43
sshnaidmmarios, well, I didn't wait for a minute to open a task there09:43
panda|ruck|fluI agree on speed, but it's not a customization. what else ? fill the retro!09:44
mariossshnaidm: well that's bad if its laggy for you09:44
sshnaidmmarios, as I see in meetings - not only for me09:44
panda|ruck|flufilling the retro was brought to you by your local friendly UA09:44
mariossshnaidm: i mean yeah we should see what we can do about that09:44
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: well one good from from Jira is that for example for QE you can specify a real list of people that verify names and the like09:44
mariossshnaidm: well it sometimes lags here too granted, but not for a minute... and certainly was not better but much worse for me with trello09:44
sshnaidmjira has REAL task dependencies, why other tools forget about it..09:45
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: ah yeah, that was one of my first objection to the use of taiga.09:45
chandankumarpanda|ruck|flu: I used jira in my previous team and I hate that09:45
panda|ruck|fluwe're all gonna die.09:45
panda|ruck|fluusing different tools.09:45
mariossshnaidm: anyway lets agree to talk about it in retro and if folks really feel so strongly lets try something else09:45
mariospersonally i like taiga but as discussed with arxcruz i'm interested in understanding why others don't09:46
mariossorry if i missed it but i don't hear a lot of people saying why they hate taiga in previous retros09:46
mariospanda|ruck|flu: you're not allowed to please until at least after you finish ruck09:46
panda|ruck|fluI'm putting a card in retro09:47
panda|ruck|flu"Why do I hate taiga"09:47
mariospanda|ruck|flu: thanks09:47
sshnaidmbut afaik we move to taiga not only because trello sucks09:47
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: Do you know if this NODE_FAILURE is going to be gone next run ? https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-promote-consistent-to-tripleo-ci-testing09:47
sshnaidmquiquell, 6 hours ago rdo cloud is back to life afaik09:48
sshnaidmquiquell, it was outage today again..09:48
quiquellsshnaidm: but it's realy up now ?09:49
quiquellGoing to ask if they can enqueue the jobs there09:49
sshnaidmquiquell, good question09:49
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: I don't think so, expect bumpiness for a while09:49
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: ack, damn09:50
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu, sshnaidm: I am going to add this script rdo-infra/ci-config https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19067/09:51
quiquellfor the bm-trigger PoC09:51
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: I don't see a test that tries to trigger the job twice on the same condition09:53
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: it's binary trigger or don't trigger09:54
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: you mean checking "inprogress" ?09:54
quiquellDon't know if we are using inprogress at DLRN reporting09:54
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: hash was promoted to tripleo-ci-testing -> your script checks the hash and triggers the job -> the job fails -> the script reruns, but the hash is the same as before -> ??09:58
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quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: this is the same we have now10:04
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: we rerun on same hashes10:05
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: I have see duplicated job status at DLRN on same hashes10:05
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: but we can prevent that here if we want10:06
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: this is what you mean?10:06
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: yes, but you're right, I remember we made that choice, so the job could run again on the same hashes if it failed for some error on the job itself, or on infra10:07
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: maybe we could think about avoiding to rerun if the hash already promoted to current-tripleo10:08
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: but that's for another time\]10:08
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: more important than that, if we have two runs one good one bad what do we do?10:09
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: we quit. unreal scenario, everything implodes.10:09
quiquellWell for containers build maybe that's weird10:09
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: let's just merge this to put a PoC in place we can elaborate more later on10:10
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: anyway, if the hash reaches promotion level, there's nothing we can do, the hash promoted. There's no easy way to unpromote, and it would be weird.10:10
panda|ruck|fluand now that I said that, that's the next thing that happens10:10
panda|ruck|flua double fail that makes a bad hash pass, and we need to unpromote10:11
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: yep but preventing run at baremetal can be important10:11
panda|ruck|fluI called it.10:11
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: since hardware is more limited10:11
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: as first step, let's just mimick what the rest is doing10:11
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: ack agree, so any unit test you want to add ?10:12
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: fine point, but for now this is only for master, so the baremetal will need to run a job every 6 hours or so10:12
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: we don't want check jobs no?10:12
panda|ruck|fluwhen we'll branch, we'll probably have to rethingk the strategy to save resources10:12
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: I don't think we have the capacity10:13
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (5 more messages)10:13
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: let's merge the script will put a periodic at internal and pus manual reporting to DLRN10:13
quiquellAnd see how it goes10:13
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: it's a bit difficult to undestand what are the sceanarios you're testing10:13
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, did you see this error in jobs? http://logs.openstack.org/22/640722/2/gate/tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode/028b578/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/undercloud_install.log.txt.gz#_2019-03-05_08_37_2410:14
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: names issue ?10:14
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: name and don't know what the Promotion object represent10:15
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: Promotion object is dlrnapi_client stuff10:16
panda|ruck|flusshnaidm: not in periodic no10:16
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: will explain at code10:16
panda|ruck|flusshnaidm: is this causing troubles ? seems like it's not fatal to not have kubernetes interface to remove.10:17
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: I have just remember10:19
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: we do the containers-build as a post10:19
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quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: so don't know if we are able to report if it fails10:19
panda|ruck|fluoh dear10:19
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: normal dlrn reporting at post playbook will not work :-/10:20
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: I mean this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19030/10:20
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: why not ?10:20
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, well, it failed undercloud install afaiu10:20
quiquellwhy do we do at post ?10:20
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: we use zuul.success to report10:20
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: I think this is only run not post10:20
sshnaidmpanda|ruck|flu, oops, no, red herring10:21
panda|ruck|flusshnaidm: yep failed in tripleo-image-prepare10:23
panda|ruck|flusshnaidm: http://logs.openstack.org/22/640722/2/gate/tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode/028b578/logs/undercloud/var/log/tripleo-container-image-prepare.log.txt.gz10:23
panda|ruck|fluand as susual no error in that file, even if the task fails10:24
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: only run phase https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/user/jobs.html?highlight=zuul_success#var-zuul_success10:24
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: also why do we don the containres-build at post ?10:24
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: feels like the main stuff of the job10:24
quiquellahh we don't care10:26
quiquelljob will not be there I think10:26
quiquellno it will10:26
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: I remember the decision, but don't remember why we run on post, I think it's because secrets can be used only in post ?10:27
quiquellIf want post fail the next coninue :-/10:27
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: secrets can be used everywhere, but the playbook have to be in the same project10:27
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: I think we are inheritance run <- that could be it10:27
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: we don't want to override that10:28
panda|ruck|fluwell with the new build containers job we don't need to inherit from a quickstart job10:29
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: good point I am going to use those jobs10:30
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: yep confirmed that the new job only do collect logs stuff at post :-)10:37
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: one less problem10:41
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: 99 to go10:41
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: this will be it ? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19030/10:46
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: probably not10:50
quiquellhumm zuul error though10:50
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: trivial10:50
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: maybe better at base job ?10:51
quiquellAt parent I mean10:51
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: btw this is the job that uses the script https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/164227/10:52
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: I am testing dependencies at check pipeline10:52
panda|ruck|flumarios: Y U NOT IN #RDO ??11:17
panda|ruck|flumarios: heads up, there's a something in the containers build job configuration taht is creating conflict in RDO/upstream and preventing the periodic pipeline to start11:18
panda|ruck|flumarios: something that was merged around 11 GMT yesteday, periodic pipeline stopped to trigger after11:18
mariospanda|ruck|flu: sheise. ok lets revert that11:18
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: was not that NODE_FAILURE issue at RDO in general ?11:19
mariospanda|ruck|flu: might be the override of the f28 job, vs adding a new push like we did for centos but weshay said it doesn't matter nuke it11:19
mariosbut anyway revert first11:19
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: no the job doesn't even trigger, zuull refuses11:19
mariospanda|ruck|flu: sec11:19
marioshttps://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19101/ quiquell  panda|ruck|flu merge it!11:20
chandankumarsshnaidm: where this file is used in tqe https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/blob/master/ansible-role-requirements.yml ?11:20
mariosand will repropose it with duplicate f28 stuff i.e. with -push11:20
mariosquiquell: panda|ruck|flu ? k ^11:20
sshnaidmchandankumar, I think it's obsolete11:21
quiquellmarios, panda|ruck|flu: merging11:21
chandankumarsshnaidm: ok!11:21
sshnaidmchandankumar, I saw distgit patch was merged11:21
sshnaidmchandankumar, should we wait for promotion to get it upstream or not?11:21
mariosquiquell: thanks11:22
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: ack commented11:23
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quiquellpanda|ruck|flu, marios: So what was the issue ?11:36
mariosquiquell: i am not sure but the first thing i can think of is the new fedora job was overwriting the current one, rather than adding fedora28-container-push as we did for centos11:36
mariosquiquell: so i will do that when i repost in a bit (doing sthing else right now anyway lets see once it merges if that unblocks promotions for confirmation11:37
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ^11:37
marioscool quiquell panda|ruck|flu https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19101/ merged thanks11:38
quiquellmarios: what do you mean overwrite ?11:39
mariosquiquell: removed the existing one https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975/2/zuul.d/jobs.yaml and switched in the dependencies https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975/2/zuul.d/tripleo.yaml11:40
mariosquiquell: rather than just merging a f28 job and seeing it run11:41
mariosin parrallel to the existing one11:41
mariosquiquell: make sense ?11:41
panda|ruck|flumarios: opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1818646 to track it11:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818646 in tripleo "misconfiguration of the new periodic build containers job preventing periodic pipeline to trigger" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)11:42
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ack11:42
panda|ruck|flumarios: I'm sorry to to have got this first, it's been a busy monday, and usually when you apply something to config, you should check that everything is working well11:42
mariospanda|ruck|flu: sure but how11:43
mariospanda|ruck|flu: we can't see things there until they merge11:43
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panda|ruck|flumarios: after merge, ensure that the job is passing your point11:43
mariospanda|ruck|flu: k this is what we doing today? we were waiting for it to run so we could see11:43
panda|ruck|flumarios: don't merge and forget :)11:43
chandankumarsshnaidm: I think we can merge it, it is not going to break stuff,11:43
mariospanda|ruck|flu: i did not11:43
mariospanda|ruck|flu: merge and forget11:43
mariospanda|ruck|flu: i object to that11:43
chandankumarinstead of waiting for promotion11:43
sshnaidmchandankumar, to merge what?11:44
panda|ruck|flumarios: objection overruled!11:44
mariospanda|ruck|flu: it merged last night. its now slightly passed noon here. so...11:44
mariospanda|ruck|flu: and its periodic, and there was rdo outage.11:44
panda|ruck|fluit merged last night ?11:44
chandankumarsshnaidm: about the nova join patches11:44
panda|ruck|flummhh,, maybe ti's not it then ...11:44
sshnaidmchandankumar, ok, but let's review them again11:44
panda|ruck|fluZuul CI <zuul@review.rdoproject.org>: Change has been successfully merged by11:44
panda|ruck|fluZuul CI (2019-03-04 14:18:39+0000) < Reply >11:45
mariospanda|ruck|flu: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975/11:45
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu, marios: we don't have a log of the missoncifugration from #rdo ?11:45
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: I have a crypting log pasted from jpena11:45
panda|ruck|fluquiquell:  marios https://softwarefactory-project.io/paste/show/1460/11:45
chandankumarsshnaidm: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/640089/ & https://review.openstack.org/#/c/639651/11:45
chandankumarsshnaidm: this one needs +w https://review.openstack.org/#/c/640749/ os_tempest related11:46
panda|ruck|flumarios: anyway yes, rdocloud outage threw me off too, and no blame in general. let's fix this.11:46
quiquellmarios, panda|ruck|flu: We have to test the job at a test review11:47
mariospanda|ruck|flu: err ok except the bit where you accused me of merge and forget. like 13:43 <+panda|ruck|flu> marios: don't merge and forget :)11:48
mariospanda|ruck|flu: sure appology accepted :)11:48
panda|ruck|fluoh well I didn't see the conversation this morning before getting online11:54
panda|ruck|flusorry marios ^11:55
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ack11:55
mariospanda|ruck|flu: as i said i don't yet object to that job being suspected as the root, and we posted the revert no problem. i take offence to the accusation that i was being irresponsible and not a good team player, creating more work for ruck/rover, delaying everyone etc11:58
panda|ruck|flumarios: with all the things that have been happening you can be hardly accused of delaying the promotions11:59
mariospanda|ruck|flu:  13:43 <+panda|ruck|flu> marios: after merge, ensure that the job is passing your point   13:43 <+panda|ruck|flu> marios: don't merge and forget :)12:00
marios 13:42 <+panda|ruck|flu> marios: I'm sorry to to have got this first, it's been a busy monday, and usually when you apply something to config, you should check that everything is working well12:00
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panda|ruck|flumarios: yes, because I didn't see your conversation from before getting online, and I wasn't poked on the missing pipeline triggered. So I assumed erroneusly you were not checking the results and I'm sorry for that.12:03
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ack12:03
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panda|ruck|flumarios: Don't know if it make you feel any better at this point, but I was never implying or thinking you woudl have done it on purpose.12:06
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ack ok man12:06
mariospanda|ruck|flu: for me i don't feel bad/better/anything now its done - np. i was responding to a public accusation of being irresponsible. you apologised cos it was misplaced as you missed some stuff earlier. done12:07
quiquellkids to your rooms !12:08
mariosbut muuuuuuuum12:08
quiquellno dinner to vgames12:08
panda|ruck|fluhe started12:09
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010 (4 more messages)12:13
panda|ruck|flumarios: still can't find anything wrong with your patch ...12:15
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ack np if its OK we can readd it12:16
panda|ruck|flumarios: and we don't have any more information from zuul12:16
mariospanda|ruck|flu: otherwise i'll repropose no problem12:16
mariosthat really was not my problem at all, if it helps to eliminate that cool12:16
marioswe just repropose12:16
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panda|ruck|flumarios: let me dig a bit more, and if this is the patch that causes trouble and the periodic don't trigger you may need to split it into smaller patches and proceed slowly12:18
mariospanda|ruck|flu: k12:18
quiquellmarios: can we exercise the f28 job after merging just the definition ?12:20
quiquellmarios: we can try that first12:20
mariosquiquell: we'll add it in the layout too just without dependencies12:20
mariosquiquell: so it will run12:20
panda|ruck|flumarios: it has to be that, by exclusion, only three patches merged yesterday, and the other two just added stuff on the task itself , not the pipeline/job configuration12:21
quiquellmarios: is config project12:21
mariospanda|ruck|flu: ack12:21
mariosquiquell: yeah i mean its what we did for centos job same12:21
mariosquiquell: like right now it is in the layout but not wired up into the dependencies etc12:21
mariosquiquell: but is running12:21
mariosquiquell: https://github.com/rdo-infra/review.rdoproject.org-config/blob/1b37844d0d0cdbeffa832109c1b1654ea6894094/zuul.d/tripleo.yaml#L15412:22
mariosquiquell: so should be ok? ^12:22
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panda|ruck|flumarios: quiquell the only thing I can see in the patch is an indentation one char off the others, I doubt that can cause all this but with zuul I learned to never say never12:33
panda|ruck|flubut it was off even before.12:36
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: we have also some lintings at check12:36
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quiquellmarios: were it's running the job ?13:01
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panda|ruck|lunchfound nothing still, and I have a headache.13:03
mariosquiquell: https://github.com/rdo-infra/review.rdoproject.org-config/blob/1b37844d0d0cdbeffa832109c1b1654ea6894094/zuul.d/tripleo.yaml#L15413:04
mariosquiquell: this one?13:04
quiquellmarios:  I  mean the f2813:04
mariosquiquell: oh well we were adding the new one with the patch that weas reverted13:04
mariosso nowhere...13:04
mariosquiquell: it didn't run cos we merged it and reverted13:04
quiquellmarios: We can still add just the definition13:04
quiquellmarios: and run it with test project13:04
mariosquiquell: ok but it reverted already13:05
quiquellmarios: you have already splitted13:07
quiquellmarios: we can try to merge this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19026/13:07
quiquellmarios: and do a run at testproject13:07
quiquellmarios: is not going to affect periodics13:07
quiquellwe... it will is changing the parent job :-/13:07
mariosquiquell: well thats one option. like to merge the three patches independently. but still. i have to rework it to not overwrite or touch the existing f28 ata ll13:09
weshayoh lordy.. panda|ruck|lunch hey13:09
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quiquellmarios: you mean the existing centos one13:09
quiquellmarios: maybe refactoring without my stupid idea of share the parent13:10
quiquellmarios: so we go step by step13:10
mariosquiquell: no there is existing f28 one13:10
mariosquiquell: lets talk on community call. i'm gonna post what am working on then rework those patches and repropose it again for the f28 periodic13:11
quiquellmarios: ack, yep better there13:11
quiquellweshay|rover: good morning, question, for bm make any sense to have a fedora-28 nodeset ?13:12
weshay|roverquiquell no13:12
weshay|roverquiquell if we're internal we have access to RHEL13:12
quiquellweshay|rover: then maybe a fake one so we don't have the tenant error13:13
weshay|roverquiquell it makes sense to have a RHEL node set on the internal parent13:13
quiquellweshay|rover: https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/zuul/t/tripleo-ci-internal/config-errors13:13
weshay|roverquiquell fix that one, then stop working on config errors this sprint.. or at least deprioritize it13:14
weshay|roverquiquell I need folks to help push the f28 pipeline along if you have cycles13:14
quiquellwell I was having issues with the bm, didn't know if they were the issue13:14
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weshay|roverquiquell|lunch the best of my knowledge comes from rlandy and she mentioned we can execute w/ config errors13:16
mariosweshay|rover: working on that13:17
mariosweshay|rover: we discussed last night13:17
mariosweshay|rover: https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/827?kanban-status=144727413:18
mariosweshay|rover: me panda|ruck|lunch rlandy had a call and we agreed i'd dig & post somethign today and we'd then discuss and see if more /someone else will do etc13:18
mariosweshay|rover: we merged this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975 but today reverted as suspected of breaking the periodics https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19101 & https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/181864613:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818646 in tripleo "misconfiguration of the new periodic build containers job preventing periodic pipeline to trigger" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)13:19
mariosweshay|rover: talk more on community13:19
weshay|roverthanks for the update13:22
weshay|roverquiquell|lunch is it possible to test and trigger changes to config from the reproducer? ^13:23
quiquell|lunchweshay|rover: you have to reconstruct them13:26
quiquell|lunchweshay|rover: or do similar to OVB we just inject them there and reconstruct secrets13:26
quiquell|lunchweshay|rover: we cannot "import" directly13:26
weshay|roverok.. maybe we chat about that in the community call13:26
quiquell|lunchack is doable13:26
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weshay|roversshnaidm hey.. 2 min13:30
sshnaidmweshay|rover, ack13:30
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rlandyquiquell|lunch: hi - I merged the last of my review last night - so the repo is all your to merge your changes13:38
quiquell|lunchrlandy: puff I am trying too but I get NODE_FAILURE runing the job at gates13:38
quiquell|lunchrlandy: at check it works13:38
rlandyquiquell|lunch: yeah - that happens with upstream node - I think it comes from rdocloud13:39
rlandyquiquell|lunch: btw - doing demo at community meeting13:39
quiquell|lunchrlandy: have not being able to merge this https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/164288/13:39
rlandyquiquell|lunch: wrote some doc so I will follow that13:39
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rlandyquiquell: you can remove the job run from check if we are desperate13:41
quiquellrlandy: maybe it worth it to discover why we have a NODE_FAILURE there13:41
quiquellrlandy: In case is going to happend at periodics too is good to know13:41
rlandyquiquell: same reason rdocloud can't give you a node I think13:43
rlandywill confirm that13:43
quiquellack is this is the case we remove from check/gate to be able to merge this13:44
quiquellI will also merge the DLRN part13:44
rlandyquiquell: asking on prodchain-infra-dfg13:44
quiquellrlandy: ack thanks13:45
* chandankumar is away for 1 & half hour, need to meet my little nephew!13:45
rlandyweshay|rover: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/164398/ - to clean up old jobs using hardware from jenkins13:47
rlandyquiquell: do you have 5 mins to chat to go through the doc?13:47
quiquellrlandy: sure13:48
rlandyjoining my bj13:48
quiquellgoing to your blue13:48
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rlandyquiquell: question - re: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/164288/12/zuul.d/jobs.yaml - why the base job in jobs rather than config?14:07
quiquellrlandy: no need for config since it does not have secrets and it's easier to test14:09
quiquellrlandy: test directly at check14:09
panda|ruck|flumarios: quiquell periodic triggered14:13
quiquellrlandy: /o\14:13
rlandyquiquell: one other question, did you run the test-connection-to-hardware-envD test after changing the nodeset?14:13
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010 (4 more messages)14:13
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: ^14:13
quiquellrlandy: yep, changed nodeset, runc was giving me NODE_FAILURE too14:14
quiquellrlandy: so I get all paranoic14:14
rlandyquiquell: no worries, I'l change it back later14:14
mariospanda|ruck|flu: cool thanks14:14
rlandynot serious14:14
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quiquellrlandy: for DLRN have reconstructed the review, is easier14:17
* rlandy updates14:18
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quiquellrlandy: humm want to run the DLRN stuff again before demo14:20
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rlandyquiquell: no rush14:20
rlandyjust going through the explanation14:21
quiquellI will merge then14:21
rlandyquiquell: where is the companion config review?14:21
rlandyoh I see it14:22
rlandyall set14:22
quiquellrlandy: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/164358/14:22
rlandyquiquell: yep - saw it14:22
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu, marios: periodics are working allright so it was something with the config ?14:23
mariosquiquell: that's what i understood from panda|ruck|flu ping yes14:24
weshay|rovercan folks start joining the community bluejeans14:29
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu if you are sick man.. go rest14:30
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu anything other than rdo-cloud you need to hand off?14:30
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu any reason why admins can't reboot all the compute nodes atm14:31
weshay|rovermarios rlandy sshnaidm zbr mtg time14:33
mariosack was waiting for jaosorior to call it :D14:34
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panda|ruck|fluquiquell: marios yes, so that patch is doing something wrong. I looked at the patch top to bottom and reverse at least 10 times, still can't find anything wrong with it.14:41
mariospanda|ruck|flu: quiquell ack will propose (have in progress but meetings) the re-merge and we can discuss there. will make it a bit stafer by not changing the current job. wondering if th enodeset removed in the base is the problem lets discuss after this topic14:43
sshnaidmykarel|away, mistral should run on ovb afaik (if I understood right the question)14:49
ykarel|awaysshnaidm, yes mistral is running, but not ceph in ovb14:49
sshnaidmykarel|away, oh, right, no ceph is there14:50
sshnaidmchandankumar, commented on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64008914:52
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arxcruzchandankumar: https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/780?kanban-status=1447276 please confirm15:01
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chandankumarsshnaidm: ack checking!15:05
chandankumarsshnaidm: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/640749/ os_tempest related15:07
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu, marios, weshay|rover: I have reproduce a freezing issue15:31
quiquellBut maybe I have something wrong there15:31
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: how do we look at it ?15:31
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: come to madrid my door is open15:32
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: gimme a sec15:32
quiquellok, perparing some coffe15:32
quiquellBut I think error is different15:33
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: yay paste it so I can create the 8th promotion blocker :)15:33
quiquellException: Job periodic-tripleo-fedora-28-master-containers-build-push depends on periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-promote-consistent-to-tripleo-ci-testing which was not run.15:33
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: do you have any explanation why that was not run ?15:34
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: do you see "configuration is not valid" anywhere in zuul logs ?15:34
mariosweshay|rover: exactly one hour. rfolco|pto would be so proud :D15:34
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: nope, going to just run the tagging job at periodic and see if it runs15:35
rlandymarios: I think I am done with my tasks - what can I help with?15:35
mariosrlandy: can you add any thoughts on the review for now https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19108/ (I'll be updating that in a bit with what we just discussed, like removing the conditional ) otherwise will ping you in a bit for reviews15:37
panda|ruck|flumarios: one thing rlandy can do since she's on a different TZ, is continue to push your patches forward when you're not here.15:37
panda|ruck|fluso she can be the time extension to have these tasks worked 16 hours a day15:38
panda|ruck|flu(give or take some hours)15:38
mariospanda|ruck|flu: sure if theres stuff to udpate15:40
weshay|roverykarel|away just a quick skeleton epic, let's fill in gaps in our time https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/epic/82815:40
ykarel|awayweshay|rover, okk will look tomorrrow15:41
panda|ruck|fluzuul Y U NO GIB MORE INFORMATION ON FAILURE  ?15:45
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quiquellpanda|ruck|flu, marios: I have the jobs enqueued15:49
mariosquiquell: which jobs15:50
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rlandymarios: left comments on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19108/15:51
quiquellmarios: just the fedora container-push15:51
quiquellmarios: the dependency was just at the new fedora28 job, isn' tit ?15:51
quiquellgoing to add the centos without dependency15:51
mariosquiquell: you mean https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975/ the one we reverted?15:52
mariosquiquell: nice how are you running  it though did you skip the secrets?15:52
marioscreated new ones?15:52
quiquellyep centos7 was just running and fedora28 has the dependency15:52
quiquellmarios: recreawte secrets15:52
quiquellbut I think it does not matter because is kicking it15:52
mariosquiquell: which dependency though i don't follow your comment earlier15:52
panda|ruck|flualso this fails way before using any secrets, so even with fake secret it should be good15:52
quiquellso no config problem but let me add centos715:53
mariosquiquell: i'm also going to post a patch for the reproposal of that https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18975/ working on now15:53
quiquellmarios: I mean that periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-push didn't have any dependency15:54
quiquellmarios: is that right ?15:54
mariosquiquell: right15:54
mariosquiquell: but that's what i'm doing15:54
mariosquiquell: i mean repropose,don't change the existing one, and make the f28 just be additive new job in layout without depends15:54
quiquellmarios: humm stuff reverted is kicking it alright in the reproducer, maybe I have do something wrong :-(15:55
quiquellmarios: it has a node_failure at centos7 though but I think it's RDO issue15:56
quiquellYap they get enqueued, there are problems at RDO but not related to configuration15:59
quiquellare they sure it was not the RDO issue ? maybe the job freeze was a red herring15:59
quiquellI am parenting the same way16:00
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: this tried to triggers at least 4 times in the last 24h. Rdocloud was working yesterday, with some problem on the nested VM nodes. But the log show clearly taht zuul is saying that the configuration is invalid16:02
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: then I am missing something at my config... :-/16:02
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quiquellhumm did have the nodeset at tripleo-ci-base-singlenode-rdo-containers-build-push16:06
quiquellLet's check removing it16:06
quiquellNah working too16:08
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010 (4 more messages)16:13
mariosquiquell: panda|ruck|flu rlandy posted https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19114 i kept changing my mind quiquell about duplicating or keeping a base with https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/1/zuul.d/jobs.yaml kept the base. main difference is the f28 is just additive now https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/1/zuul.d/tripleo.yaml so didn't touch existing f28 job, and i keep nodeset on the base i.e. did not do that https://review.rdoproject16:16
quiquellmarios: have test the stuff before revert and is queued so no config problem :-/16:20
zbrweshay|rover: when you have two minutes maybe you can give me a hint on https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/us/80516:20
mariosquiquell: k well not sure how we proceed with that though. like we try again and see if it breaks and re-revert. or we try the softer version https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/ still gives us what we want like base etc and the new job , just no dependencies16:20
panda|ruck|flurlandy: weshay|rover do you know how to reproduce phase1 jobs ?16:20
zbri am not sure how to validate that tripleo-repos configured the right repos16:21
rlandypanda|ruck|flu: by running the equivalent quickstart command16:21
panda|ruck|flurlandy: and it will pick what hash ?16:22
quiquellmarios: there is whan thing you can do16:22
quiquellmarios: after you merge stuff from config if there is alright16:22
quiquellmarios: you can navigate jobs16:22
panda|ruck|flurlandy: mmhh, will probably work on current-tripleo master16:22
quiquellmarios: if you can navigate jobs they will have no config problems at periodic16:23
quiquellmarios: so we can merge your last review and check that everything is ok here https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/jobs16:23
rlandypanda: you can set hash16:23
quiquellmarios: following parents and all16:23
rlandypanda|ruck|flu: ^^16:23
rlandyalso this stuff has been merged for a while so a regular quickstart run should pick it up16:24
weshay|roversshnaidm I'm still not seeing http://cistatus.tripleo.org/ Overcloud image create failed in the sova "Reasons"16:24
* weshay|rover needs that16:24
mariosquiquell: ok that sounds good maybe you can show me tomorrow. so now() we try to merge https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/ or at least folks review it please panda|ruck|flu quiquell rlandy weshay|rover when you have time, maybe tomorrow :) but this is the reproposal of the revert. softer approach without ripping out existing f2816:24
quiquellrlandy,  panda|ruck|flu, marios: I don't see any issue at https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/jobs16:26
quiquellhere https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/16:26
quiquellmarios: +216:26
rlandylet's try this again16:26
rlandymarios: w'ing16:27
rlandypanda|ruck|flu: ^^ fyi16:27
mariosrlandy: thanks maybe give few mins see if folks have more comments? but yeah lets do it16:27
quiquellyep let's check if jobs appears coorectly and their parents16:27
mariosit should be ok since this time we aren't changing the existing dependencies16:27
rlandymarios: I am waiting for panda|ruck|flu to object16:27
mariosjust adding https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/1/zuul.d/tripleo.yaml leaf new job16:27
marioslets see16:27
sshnaidmweshay|rover, do you have example of job with this error?16:27
rlandyit is his problem if we mess this up again16:28
weshay|roversshnaidm search for 639026 in sova16:28
weshay|roversshnaidm https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/181830516:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818305 in tripleo "overcloud-full image fails to build calling mkfs -t xfs, exec sudo failed" [Critical,Triaged]16:29
sshnaidmweshay|rover, so everything is there16:30
sshnaidmweshay|rover, search for 639026 in sova ;)16:30
sshnaidmweshay|rover, sova is full with errors "Overcloud image create failed."16:31
weshay|roverso for https://logs.rdoproject.org/26/639026/1/openstack-check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001/ab2f2ca/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/overcloud_image_build.log.txt.gz16:32
weshay|rover| 2019-03-01 19:39 || 66 min || Reason was NOT FOUND. Please investigate. || 639026,1  || Logs || master || - || check |16:32
weshay|roverfor example16:32
weshay|roverwhat am I not seeing?16:32
weshay|roverI'm on http://cistatus.tripleo.org/16:32
weshay|roverI don't see that at all16:33
* weshay|rover blind?16:33
sshnaidmweshay|rover, refresh?16:34
weshay|roverheh.. will try.. but just loaded this16:35
quiquellsshnaidm: git-review at centos is from EPEL https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19047/16:35
quiquellsshnaidm: changed to install with  pip16:35
weshay|roversorry sshnaidm16:36
sshnaidmweshay|rover, https://i.imgur.com/g8Z7L2a.png16:36
weshay|roverI see it now, sorry to bother you16:37
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rlandypanda|ruck|flu: pls speak now or forever ... objections re merging marios new patch https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19114/16:39
panda|ruck|flumarios: what's your next step if https://review.rdoproject.org/r/19114 fails ?16:39
panda|ruck|fluI'll speak forever16:39
panda|ruck|flurlandy: after the revert16:40
rlandythis is pretty minimal16:41
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panda|ruck|fluthe only things I can object here is to try to inject the smallest increment possibile on the original patch, but having no idea what could satisfy zuul there's no way to say if this is addind too much or not16:41
mariospanda|ruck|flu: yeah i think if it breaks periodics again we revert. do you have better suggestion16:42
mariospanda|ruck|flu: this is smaller than the original16:43
mariospanda|ruck|flu: not sure what else to do open to suggestions16:43
rlandywhen are periodics set to trigger again?16:43
panda|ruck|flurlandy: marios as far as we know what caused the problem was periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-push in that patch, not the fedora-28, so the reparenting may be the problem here.16:45
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panda|ruck|flumarios: rlandy but I really don't know what to suggest here, le'ts merge this and see what happens16:45
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: if parenting is the problem job will not appear at jobs page I think16:45
mariospanda|ruck|flu: can you point re what caused the problem was periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-push in that patch, not the fedora-28,16:45
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mariospanda|ruck|flu: where do you mean16:46
panda|ruck|flurlandy: next trigger is at 22GMT16:46
* rlandy checks current gmt16:46
panda|ruck|flumarios: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1818646 first line of zuul log extract, zuul reads the job and bails out16:47
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818646 in tripleo "misconfiguration of the new periodic build containers job preventing periodic pipeline to trigger" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)16:47
panda|ruck|flumarios: I have no experience in zuul log, but that's whay I'm able to gete from it16:47
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: if the job has something wrong it will not appear here https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/jobs16:47
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: after the merge16:47
quiquellthe job or any of the parents16:48
mariospanda|ruck|flu: k maybe the fact i removed the nodeset from base in first patch but no longer doing it might help on that but we just don't know for sure :/16:48
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: ah, cool16:48
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: let's just merge and see if it appears there correctly, it takes a little though16:49
mariospanda|ruck|flu: rlandy so we merge and see sounds like no one has better idea :D16:49
panda|ruck|flurlandy: quiquell marios: at this point it's trial and error16:49
quiquellmarios: maybe we can as RDO guys to look at scheduler logs will we merge16:49
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: we may have promoted a hash that cannot pass phase 116:49
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: and not sure how to proceed.16:50
rlandymarios: panda|ruck|flu: if we have no better idea or way to check, merge it is16:50
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu ok.. that happens from time to time16:50
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu it's directly related to introspection right?16:50
mariosquiquell: ack talk tomorrow /me getting ready to bail. i thought you left already missed us? ;D16:50
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: the hash did not contain some fix that were needed to do introspection on VMs16:50
rlandymarios: panda|ruck|flu: here we go16:50
mariosthanks rlandy panda|ruck|flu quiquell16:50
quiquellmarios: nah family is not here16:50
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu this is why we have phase 1 :)16:50
quiquellmarios: I want to set up a little before my PTO16:51
panda|ruck|flumarios: if this fails, next step is to recheck the reparenting16:51
quiquellrlandy, panda|ruck|flu, marios: merging16:51
quiquellack ?16:51
quiquelllet's monitor jobs16:51
rlandyquiquell: done16:51
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: but at this point we'll wait for the next hash, or try to introduce some fix in this hash ?16:51
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu it waits until we promote tripleo again16:51
quiquellrlandy: let's monitor https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/jobs16:52
rlandyto see if the job shows16:52
quiquellperiodic-tripleo-fedora-28-master-containers-build-push has to appear there16:52
panda|ruck|fluquiquell: I don't see periodic-tripleo-master-containers-build-push-base in https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/jobs16:52
quiquelland its parent too16:52
rlandyonly when it runs16:52
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: is not merged yet16:52
quiquellIt takes a little16:53
quiquellrlandy, panda|ruck|flu: 200~https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/job/periodic-tripleo-fedora-28-master-containers-build-push16:53
panda|ruck|flurlandy: IIUC the job will appear no there immediately, it's just the list of job taht are configured for this instance of zuul16:53
quiquelland herachy is all good too16:53
quiquelllet's check centos16:53
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: ok then16:54
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu ur killing it man.. nice job16:54
quiquellpanda|ruck|flu: yep could be the pipeline :-/16:54
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weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu are there any issues w/ overcloud image builds last time the periodic launched?16:57
weshay|roverdays ago16:57
* weshay|rover looks16:57
rlandyok - jobs are there16:58
quiquellrlandy: yep the parents can be followed until base-minimal16:59
quiquellWe can just cross fingers16:59
quiquellI will drop now16:59
rlandyk - will keep watch16:59
rlandymarios: ^^16:59
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zbrsshnaidm: can you help me with something related to nodesets?17:00
mariosthanks rlandy quiquell|off17:00
* marios dropping too ttyl folks17:00
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: the job in pipeline kept failing one step before in the recent runs17:02
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: so we have blockers that we can't verify and fixes that we don't know if they worked.17:02
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: because we didin't see the job arrive at those points17:03
weshay|roverre: introspection on vm's17:03
panda|ruck|fluweshay|rover: no re: weshay|rover | panda|ruck|flu are there any issues w/ overcloud image builds last time the periodic launched?17:03
weshay|roveraye aye17:03
weshay|roverit looks like on 3/1 the image builds worked17:04
weshay|roverour jobs have been down since friday17:04
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is being restarted for a configuration change, it will be briefly offline.17:09
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|flu can I help w/ something?17:10
zbrweshay|rover: if you have cpu cycles, i do have two questions.17:11
sshnaidmzbr, sure17:11
zbrsshnaidm: see The nodeset "ubuntu-bionic" was not found. error on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636923/17:11
zbrsshnaidm: mainly I add the job ustream, which works as expected but this breaks RDO zuul fails to find this nodesets.17:12
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zbri don't really understand why this happens as this job was supposed to run only upstream.17:12
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sshnaidmzbr, will look, gerrit is down17:12
zbrsshnaidm: yeah, perfect timing.17:13
zbri wonder if we have any nodesets that are defined on both zuul servers.17:13
zbrmy grep atempt tells me that we do not have, the rdo ones are usually prefixed with "upstream-" prefix for few of them but I found none that shares the same name. I wonder if this is by design.17:14
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sshnaidmzbr, hmm.. not sure why it happens. jpena, do yo know maybe why we have error about node in rdo ci? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636923/17:29
panda|ruck|offI'm gonna take a knife and spread myself on the bed.17:30
jpenasshnaidm: RDO's Zuul complain is 'The nodeset "ubuntu-bionic" was not found.'. Most likely that is the node type defined for tripleo-ci-molecule-jobs, and it is not defined in review.rdo's config17:32
sshnaidmjpena, and should it be there?17:32
sshnaidmjpena, I just don't understand why we need to have the same nodes17:32
weshay|roverrlandy do we have any ai's for the ci-rhos -> upshift migration?17:33
jpenasshnaidm: we are using the same definitions in both openstack and RDO's zuul. Either we have the same nodesets, or we override them in the review.rdo configuration17:33
rlandyweshay|rover: none17:34
zbrjpena: that change is adding a molecule job upstream which uses ubuntu-bionic node to run, and upstream zuul has no problem with it. Still, RDO one chokes with this error, even if it is not supposed to run that job. Today is the first time I seen this error and that job is not really new. I wonder what is causing it and how to avoid it.17:34
rlandyweshay|rover: we have nothing running there atm17:35
weshay|roverk.. thanks17:35
rlandyunless you want to put rhos back there17:36
jpenazbr: if RDO's Zuul is having trouble, it's because we're telling it to load the tripleo-ci zuul configuration and use it17:36
rlandysshnaidm: is it possible yet to run ovb on upshift?17:37
jpenazbr: https://github.com/rdo-infra/review.rdoproject.org-config/blob/master/zuul/rdo.yaml#L927-L932. So RDO's zuul is loading the jobs defined there. And the job is requesting a non-existing nodeset (in RDO's Zuul configuration)17:39
zbrjpena: we are trying to reuse job definitions. but it seems that this reusal chokes when it encounters a un undefined nodeset, even if that job is not configured to run on rdo.17:39
weshay|roverrlandy the only thing I would be concerned about is loosing resources ( as backup )17:40
zbri am bit surprised we didn't discovered this when we did the build-containers change.17:40
rlandyweshay|rover: really - have not looked at this tenant in a while - will see what is there and what can access17:42
weshay|roverk k17:43
rlandyweshay|rover: ok  to merge https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/164398/?17:43
jpenazbr: I remember seeing dummy node definitions in the past, to fix some of these issues17:43
zbrjpena: good to know. 2nd question would why we do not share the same node names between upstream/rdo, i seen usage of "upstream-" prefix befor their names, but this does not make them re-usable.17:45
zbrprobably better to ask on #rdo17:45
jpenazbr: we only have a subset of nodes (no ubuntu, suse or similar). Even for centos ones, we need to have specific configurations for rdo17:46
jpenathat makes it hard to reuse17:46
zbrjpena: practical use-case: i only need a node where I can install and run docker. I do not care about os much. is there a cross-zuul way of doing that?17:47
jpenazbr: not that I'm aware of17:48
zbrthe only reason why this job has ubuntu-bionic there is because it does install docker to run some tasks. i could easily switch to something else.17:48
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zbrjpena: where should I define the fake/placeholder nodes? (sorry for so many questions)17:51
jpenazbr: https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/zuul.d/nodesets.yaml17:52
jpenaI think some nodesets used in openstack.org's Zuul are redefined there17:52
jpenaopenstack-single-node or openstack-two-node17:53
zbrjpena: thanks, I will add there with comment.17:54
sshnaidmrlandy, should be ok now, but didn't try yet17:54
zbrjpena: afaik I do no expect a  nodeset from different zuul servers to be identical, just "likely" compatible.17:54
rlandysshnaidm: k - I'll try it out17:55
sshnaidmzbr, you can use existent fedora or centos nodes17:56
sshnaidmzbr, unless you need ubuntu in particular17:56
zbrsshnaidm: probably a centos-7 node only, as I need to run docker.17:56
zbrsshnaidm: so the answer is not very simple :p17:59
weshay|roverzbr can you join my blue when you have a few18:00
zbrweshay|rover: i can now.18:01
weshay|roverk on18:01
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (5 more messages)18:13
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weshay|roverrlandy so .. /me looking at https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/build/f83753df32dd48af988b5b338d56e52818:41
weshay|roverthat looks good to me18:41
weshay|rovernow we're just waiting to see if periodic's trigger?18:42
rlandyweshay|rover: yep one passing build18:43
* rlandy checks centos18:43
weshay|roverit also passed18:43
rlandyI don't see any periodics though18:44
weshay|roverrlandy https://softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/t/rdoproject.org/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-push18:45
rlandyweshay|rover: also - I am following up with mohan re: upshift. we didn;t get assigned to batch one or batch two18:45
weshay|roverk thank you!18:46
weshay|roverrlandy are we using this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19000/18:47
weshay|roverto test the push of fedora-28 to the rdo registry?18:47
rlandynot that I can tell18:48
rlandynot merged18:48
weshay|roverit's just a test review18:48
weshay|roverya.. just trying to figure out what was left for https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/773?kanban-status=144727618:49
weshay|roverbut I *think* it's ready for qe18:50
rlandythe two push jobs are out of sync though18:50
weshay|rovermeaning the centos-7 job config latest run != that fedora-28 one?18:50
weshay|roverI think we're here now https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/827?kanban-status=144727518:54
weshay|roverbut we could also start poking at https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/823?kanban-status=144727418:55
weshay|rovernow that we have https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/build/f83753df32dd48af988b5b338d56e52818:56
weshay|roverrlandy so..  may I chat w/ you for a minute?18:58
rlandyweshay|rover: sure18:58
rlandyweshay|rover: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19066/1/zuul.d/jobs.yaml19:14
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rlandyweshay|rover: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19108/19:22
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (5 more messages)20:13
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weshay|roverrlandy 0027c049002ece9f84f187c7fa6bcb4ceed642e3_fcc621ac21:12
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panda|ruck|offlatest periodic still failing with https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1818538 and neutron-lib update didn't fix it.21:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818538 in tripleo "All OVB jobs in master periodic pipeline fail to install the undercloud while trying to create the ctlplane network with 503 service unavailable on neutron" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)21:32
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off ok21:32
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off rlandy and I are pushing the fedora28 work21:33
weshay|roverI can update what we've done in an email21:33
weshay|roveror live21:33
weshay|roverI'm on with her now21:33
panda|ruck|offI'm seeing the list of reviews flooding my inbox.21:34
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off we found some indentation errors in the periodic job that could have caused https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/181864621:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818646 in tripleo "misconfiguration of the new periodic build containers job preventing periodic pipeline to trigger" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)21:40
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off it seems that fedora dlrn is way behind centos21:41
weshay|roverwe may want to switch the order of the check.. find the latest in fedora and then see if it's in centos21:41
weshay|roverbut htat is just today's data21:41
panda|ruck|offweshay|rover: the indentation was there also before21:47
panda|ruck|offweshay|rover: but I would not be surprised if that was the problem21:47
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off rlandy and I are watching https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19000/ in rdo zuul21:48
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off and hopefully openstack-periodic will trigger and run next go21:49
rlandycontainers-build-push just started21:49
weshay|roverif that's the case.. we're in pretty good shape..21:49
weshay|roverif openstack-periodic does NOT trigger properly I'll have to try and debug w/ quiquell|off21:49
panda|ruck|offweshay|rover: building hash for fedora takes always a bit more time than centos. So if you invert the order, you'll probably promote the consistent immediately before the last that was created in centos.21:50
panda|ruck|offit's probably just like missing the last 10 minutes updates though21:51
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off let's talk about that tomorrow man.. it's not an immediate problem21:51
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off it's more than that.. today at least21:51
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off good night man.. feel better21:51
rlandyweshay|rover: should we put in the review to reverse the order?22:00
weshay|roverlet's wait22:02
weshay|roverso we can chat w/ panda|ruck|off tomorrow22:02
rlandyweshay|rover and rlandy probably did enough damage for one day22:03
weshay|roverrlandy email summary sent22:06
weshay|roverplease correct me if you see something22:06
* rlandy looks22:07
rlandyweshay|rover: looks right22:10
weshay|roverrlandy board looks much better :)22:12
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset053, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, (5 more messages)22:13
rlandyas long as that is accurate :)22:15
weshay|roverpanda|ruck|off I'll take the program call tomorrow22:17
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rlandyweshay|rover: periodic started22:25
rlandyweshay|rover: should we try stop the current job?22:26
rlandynot that I know how22:26
rlandyactually can resubmit with no tests22:26
rlandyweshay|rover: ^^?22:31
rlandytoo late22:33
rlandyalready ran22:34
rlandyweshay|rover: periodic triggered and stopped22:38
rlandyerror again?22:38
rlandywe still have a problem22:43
weshay|roverrlandy ?22:46
* weshay|rover looks22:46
rlandyweshay|rover: periodic started22:47
rlandyand just stopped22:47
weshay|roverhrm.. let'er go22:47
rlandylooks like it never trigger but it did - it somehow was killed22:47
weshay|roverwhich was killed22:48
rlandyperiodic pipeline22:50
* rlandy gets22:50
weshay|roverrlandy afaict. it appears to be working22:50
rlandylast run is 14:10:16 - I saw it start22:51
weshay|roverit's running now22:51
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weshay|roverthe container build jobs in openstack-periodic are running22:51
weshay|roverso far this looks fine22:51
weshay|roverjust don't recheck 1900022:52
rlandyweshay|rover: ok - breathing again22:52
rlandymaybe view pane just shifted - I thought it disappeared22:53
rlandyweshay|rover: sorry for alarm22:53
rlandyanyways 19000 works22:53
* rlandy goes - will be back later if revert needed22:53
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:54
weshay|roverrlandy|bbl ur fine22:54
weshay|roveris interesting22:54
weshay|rovercurl --silent http://mirror.regionone.rdo-cloud-tripleo.rdoproject.org:8080/rdo/fedora28/71/d9/71d9a66abe93049a91d433f805c045abe135303a_e6dde0f8/delorean.repo -S22:55
weshay|roverdistro must resolve to fedora28 and not fedora22:55
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