Tuesday, 2019-05-07

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mariosquiquell: github down10:59
mariosquiquell: and this is dos on reproducer :D (why cant i find WTF https://opendev.org/explore/repos?q=ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer&tab=  ??? not there?10:59
mariosquiquell: i mean we should switch the git clone from github to opendev in reproducer11:00
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chandankumarmarios: : I think the default location is https://github.com/rdo-infra/ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer11:01
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marioschandankumar: ah its rdo infra... (the git clone task failed for me cos github is down )11:02
quiquellmarios: repro is at rdo-infra11:06
quiquellgit clone https://review.rdoproject.org/r/rdo-infra/ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer11:06
quiquellmarios: what part of the repro depends on github ?11:06
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weshayarxcruz morning12:04
weshaychandankumar arxcruz we reverted os-tempest on standalone as it was breaking rocky12:05
weshayarxcruz I don't think we need to handle rocky slightly differently w/o inheritance if you want it to run w/o os-tempest12:06
chandankumarweshay: seen, I am still figuring out why it got invoked12:06
weshaychandankumar because of !(branch12:08
weshaydid not include rocky12:08
weshaychandankumar arxcruz I'll show you if you jump on a blue12:08
arxcruzsorry, my bouncer was dc and i did not realize that, getting a lot of messages and i don't know if it's from yesterday or today12:08
weshayarxcruz it's me ghost of irc past12:09
arxcruzlogging in your bj12:09
weshaywhooo hooo arxcruz time12:09
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chandankumarweshay: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/playbooks/multinode-standalone.yml#L5712:25
chandankumaris something wrong here?12:25
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chandankumarweshay: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/playbooks/multinode-standalone.yml#L6012:32
chandankumarwhat about adding a condtion here12:32
chandankumarif relese is stein and master12:32
mariossorry weshay chandankumar arx :D carry on12:34
mariosquiquell: around?12:37
mariosquiquell: not urgent let me know when you have 5 pls12:37
quiquellblue ?12:38
rlandyarxcruz: hello12:46
rlandyarxcruz: are you doing the zuul runner investigation?12:47
mariosquiquell: thnks for your time12:53
quiquellno problem will connect later on so we can continue12:53
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weshaypanda|lunch ping me when ur back please12:58
weshayrfolco|dentist ping me when you are back please13:01
rlandyweshay: marios: do we want to join the beaker effort? https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/display/HTD/People+and+Communication+-+Beaker13:05
rlandyI haven't really touched beaker in a while but will join the meeting/contact list if we want to13:06
weshayrlandy I had a chat w/ morazi about that...13:06
weshayrlandy happy to share my thoughts13:07
arxcruzrlandy:about to start13:09
arxcruzweshay:i'm ready13:09
weshaydam quick13:10
rlandyweshay: sure - since people have issues running drac, ilo, the beaker is a good option13:10
weshayarxcruz k13:10
rlandybut we can discuss later13:10
weshayrlandy we have the container to attach to drac now13:10
rlandyarxcruz: k - great - I signed up for the RHEL task13:11
weshayarxcruz ok...  and fire up a tmate13:11
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mariosrlandy: o/13:12
mariosrlandy: is there a call or something?13:12
rlandymarios: you should be on the email13:12
* rlandy forwards13:12
mariosrlandy: i use it for reproducer boxes .. though having said that am currently running with rdo cloud instances cos running from beaker has caused issues13:13
mariosrlandy: ok sure13:13
mariosrlandy: thanks13:13
mariosrlandy: we can talk in 15 on the phone too13:13
rlandymarios: if you want to ... I sent you the email - you can see what you think13:14
rlandymarios: generally I reprovision through drac and ilo13:14
rlandybut you have to make the right sacrifice the the java gods to get that to run13:15
rlandya reason I have not updated my laptop13:15
mariosrlandy: ack thanks for heads up then13:16
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weshayarxcruz coming back13:32
kopecmartinchandankumar, python-tempestconf has been updated in PYPI, does it mean we can move forward this one https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/20579/?13:46
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rlandymarios: weshay: the drac container is pretty awesome14:02
mariosweshay: dropped let us know if we should rejoin after tripleo weekly i think we can discuss some more14:02
mariosgo wave in tripleo folks :D weekly meeting now14:03
mariosrlandy: cool maybe you do show and tell on next week community call?14:03
rlandyreprovisioning to centso 7.614:03
chandankumarkopecmartin: yes14:04
kopecmartinchandankumar, \o/ :)14:04
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pandamarios: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#add-ssh-key14:07
* rlandy is tempted to install the box with Zulu just to see if it actually works14:07
rlandywonder who QEs that14:07
mariospanda: nice14:09
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zbrweshay: i want to handover one issue I was working on, who would be the best to take on it?14:20
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rfolco|ruckweshay, o/14:20
weshayfew min14:21
rfolco|ruckarxcruz, chandankumar: known issue ? http://logs.openstack.org/79/657279/3/gate/tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone/906a218/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/tempest/tempest.html.gz14:23
rfolco|ruckfailed on gate14:23
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weshayrfolco|ruck ya.. there is an escalation on it cix...   rfolco|ruck we have one thing other than the reproducer to work on today14:28
chandankumarrfolco|ruck: nope, smells as a new14:28
weshayI started an got pulled away14:29
weshayrfolco|ruck there is a containers build error on master14:29
rfolco|ruckweshay, like what14:29
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weshayrfolco|ruck don't open a new bug on that tempest issue afaict14:29
rfolco|ruckweshay, ok14:30
rfolco|ruckweshay, what's the other thing to work today other than the reproducer ?14:32
arxcruzrfolco|ruck: probably some random failure14:33
rfolco|ruckcontainer build on master ?14:33
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weshayrfolco|ruck ya.. it's failing14:34
weshayrfolco|ruck container-build on master.. I'll show you in a few14:35
weshaybut I want to chat w/ panda for a few too14:35
pandaweshay: ah yeah.14:35
weshayarxcruz sorry.. ping you later14:37
weshaypanda going to your blue14:37
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zbrrfolco|ruck: hey, I think that the DistributionNotFound is fixed now but if you can double check it would be nice. https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/182645214:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1826452 in tripleo "pip install tripleo-repos: DistributionNotFound" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Sorin Sbarnea (ssbarnea)14:40
rfolco|ruckzbr, ack14:40
zbrfor some reason rdo kibana returns no answers, which makes me thing that nobody fixed the lack of collecting.14:40
zbronly the upstream logstash works.14:40
ykarel|awayrfolco|ruck, just in case you missed my morning ping on #tripleo regarding fs039 breaked with:- https://review.opendev.org/#/c/656581/114:40
ykarel|awaypinged again before i forgot about it14:41
rfolco|ruckykarel|away, this is tls jobs, isn't /14:41
ykarel|awayyes it is14:41
rfolco|ruckykarel|away, do we have a bug filed already? I'll open a new bug otherwise14:42
ykarel|awayrfolco|ruck, /me not filed any14:42
rfolco|ruckykarel|away, ok thanks for pointing out14:43
mariosrdo cloud down/?14:49
marios2 instances failing back to back for me now can't launch. maybe its the image (f28 infra one)14:50
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rlandyweshay: clarifying task for test day ... #5.3 StandAlone CentOS7 job on RHEL 8  w/ -l --libvirt ...14:52
weshayrhel 8 test box14:52
rlandyant standalone centos7 job on rhel 8 box14:52
rlandyok - correct14:52
weshayrunning the reproducer, not a rhel-8 job14:52
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rlandyok - did the wrong thing at first - reprovisioning14:56
rlandyweshay: rhel-8 - no docker - plan to use podman-docker?15:00
rlandythe review with the switch to podman?15:00
chandankumarrfolco|ruck: python-tempestconf 2.0.0 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/20579/ will land anytime soon for rocky, queens and stein15:01
chandankumarkeep an eye if anythings break15:01
rfolco|ruckchandankumar, ack15:04
chandankumarIt is going to fix lots of open bugs downstream15:04
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chandankumarsee ya tomorrow15:10
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weshayrfolco|lunch ok.. dang.. i'm free again.15:20
weshayrfolco|lunch if want to go through what I found in master container build ping me,15:21
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rfolco|ruck|freeweshay, ^15:22
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weshayk.. join rfolco|ruck join my blue15:22
quiquell|bblrlandy: this is the podman review15:24
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rlandyquiquell|bbl: thanks15:26
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rlandyquiquell|bbl: weshay: wrt install_deps - should we be using python3 even with rhel8?15:54
weshayrlandy aye15:54
weshaypython3 only.. so at the very least we need a bug :)15:55
quiquell|bblrlandy: have put a point about doing it using f3015:55
weshayquiquell|bbl I need to understand why docker + podman15:55
quiquell|bblPeople can use f30 at their  laptops15:55
quiquell|bblweshay: podman need special repos for f28 and c7 and is fast developing15:56
quiquell|bblAlso don't know how important is the macos scenario15:56
weshay quiquell|bbl mac?15:56
quiquell|bblBut I would prefer to do podman only15:56
quiquell|bblYep mac15:56
quiquell|bblWith paunch we can do both but we need to double the CI15:57
weshayquiquell|bbl mac can't be a first class citizin15:58
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weshayeven m$ is now shipping a linux kernel .. lolz15:58
weshayif you use a mac at Red Hat, you are making a choice15:58
weshayzbr ^ lolz :)15:58
weshayquiquell|bbl what else? convince me that we need both15:59
mariossounds to me like we need to be very clear about the supported starting point. whether that's your laptop, or some new machine you create just for the reproducer (e.g. beaker or rdocloud vm)16:00
quiquell|bblPuff don't want to convince is a our being careful16:00
mariosi have tried various combinations today across beaker and rdocloud with very little luck.16:00
quiquell|bblDon't know if ditching docker can be a death end at some users16:01
mariosif i was anyone other than ci team i would have stopped looking at it already by now16:01
quiquell|bblMaybe it's not the case16:01
quiquell|bblmarios: that bad ?16:01
mariosperhaps we want to say that this *isn't* supported, i mean having a new throw-away box, and that the supported use case is, setup and use your own box/laptop16:01
weshaymarios really?16:01
mariosi mean as first iteration16:01
weshayarxcruz any progress on a script for gerrit?16:01
weshaymarios do you want to show me where you are getting stuck?16:02
mariosweshay: well, i'm gonna have a go at putting a firstboot script tomorrow anyway (create user, create keys etc)16:02
arxcruzweshay: working on it16:02
weshayarxcruz rock on16:02
mariosweshay: these are the things i hit today (going for multinode containers on rdo cloud) get beaker box - Centos7 - fails like http://paste.openstack.org/raw/750872/ - known issue 1 @ https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/765 , instead try fedora30 beaker box, fails like http://paste.openstack.org/raw/750873/ (transient... github was down), try rdo cloud centos7 vm, gets further but fails like16:02
marioshttp://paste.openstack.org/raw/750874/ keys issue, ping & call quiquell re --firstboot script/play? & added note to https://docs.google.com/document/d/17WOTM5kbtfoTP4HQQB135-AC9Rwuvs59ogWQsPdgHRs/edit# , also try fedora rdo cloud - fails zuul tenant like http://paste.openstack.org/raw/750877/ & rerun fails no space left on device... so need bigger vm (minimum requirements?) ..16:02
marioshttp://paste.openstack.org/raw/750878 , dig into --firstboot script16:02
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weshaymarios quiquell|bbl fyi.. arx is creating a script to check ssh key connection to gerrit systems16:03
weshaymarios can you go fix #1 https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/76516:04
rfolco|ruckweshay, can't find the broken job, can you paste here ? https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?pipeline=openstack-periodic&job_name=periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-push16:04
quiquell|bblweshay, arxcruz: cool that would be good to add some validations of the pre req16:04
weshaymarios stop testing, start fixing :)16:04
mariosweshay: ack cool. panda also pointed me at something that we can use for automating that needed upload to gerrit of your new reproducer keys 17:07 #oooq: < panda> marios: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#add-ssh-key16:04
rfolco|ruckweshay, the container build job we just saw... I don't see it16:05
weshayarxcruz fyi.. not sure if you want/need this.. but fyi https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#add-ssh-key16:05
mariosweshay: yes yes i know. its just that i wanted to at least see/find some combination that works so we can at least recommend that to people. but yeah, tomorrow i will focus on getting some kind of script for that firstboot use case. but it sucks that i haven't even been able to run that to completion today - so what am i even bothering with a firstboot script if that isnt currently possible16:05
weshaymarios launching the script from f28/29 works consistently for me16:06
rlandyhmmm  ... python_cmd=python2 on rhel-816:06
weshayI suspect your geo is playing a role in some of the failures16:06
weshaythat we'll have to address w/ some amount of retries in ansible16:06
mariosweshay: f28/29 in rdo cloud?16:06
weshayaround getting image  lists, around pip installs as well16:06
mariosweshay: so you're also using the 'fresh box' approach sometimes?16:06
rfolco|ruckweshay, ok sorry, pipeline = openstack-periodic-master16:07
weshaymarios no.. on my testbox f28 and arxcruz f2916:07
weshaymarios yes sir16:07
mariosweshay: ah ok. yeah i mean this is specifically 'get a throw away environment cos i want to test this new reproducer thing'16:07
weshaymarios you will be our edge test16:07
mariosi feel like this is a case many new/non tripleo ci team folks might try16:07
weshaythe fresh box approach?16:07
weshaymarios agree16:08
weshaymarios so your idea about a bootstrap script is ++16:08
weshayas well16:08
weshaymarios sounded like you were covering a lot of things... but bootstrap and retries on network failures seem like a good area for you to focus on imho16:08
mariosweshay: yes, as we discussed earlier there are at least 2 clear use cases /personas ... the "fresh box" aka throwaway... and the "run on my laptop" aka keep it and rerun as needed16:09
weshaymarios if it would be helpful I can write out my understanding of what you said in the hack/test doc16:09
weshaymarios also opened minded to more creative solutions than what we're talking about atm16:10
mariosweshay: i have added a note on 10 f16:10
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mariospage 5 weshay that what you mean?16:10
weshaymarios k.. /me pulls that out into it's own thing16:10
weshaypage 5?16:10
weshayrhel 8 was announced, nothing on centos yet16:12
arxcruzweshay: quiquell|bbl https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2059016:14
amoralej hi, i've just pushed some deps updates which were tagged and gated recently but not pushed because of an issue in the scripts16:14
arxcruzlet me know if the overall idea is fine, then i'll add documentation, etc16:14
amoralejincludes puppet and ansible update, it should not break anything, but let me know if you notice something16:14
weshayamoralej can you point us at the changes?16:15
amoralejweshay, the fix for they synchronization issue is https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/20589/16:15
amoralejthe updates which were not actually pushed to the deps repo although they were merged are ...16:16
weshayamoralej thanks for the context, that helps :)16:17
weshayrfolco|ruck as ruck fyi ^16:17
amoralejhttps://review.rdoproject.org/r/20571 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/18721 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/20546 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2015316:17
amoralejpuppet, ansible, buildah and qpid related ones16:18
rfolco|ruckamoralej, thanks for the heads up16:20
amoralejwe only hit it at master, stein is fine16:20
amoralejso i wouldn't expect issues16:20
weshaymarios /me updating the doc now16:20
weshaymarios : Question: Can we create a public image in rdo-cloud that has everything installed and setup?16:21
weshaymarios and a bootstrap script to help w/ keys, clouds.yaml etc?16:21
mariosweshay: yeah that thought crossed my mind16:21
mariosweshay: would be very nice16:22
mariosweshay: i mean16:22
mariosweshay: step back a sec16:22
weshaymarios, we could even build a qcow2 for fedora and centos16:22
mariosweshay: what does it solve. if its just for dependencies maybe not worth it16:22
mariosweshay: like there are very few things bootstrap wise wget/tar16:22
weshaymarios maybe a cloud-init config?16:23
mariosweshay: for keys etc we still need input. like i was just working out the input to my 'script' it would be rdocloud-username and password for clouds.yaml16:23
mariosweshay: i mean input for the clouds.yaml. otherwise for keys, we just use defaults like ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa16:23
mariosweshay: for no prompt ^16:24
mariosweshay: so image won't help there as we need the keys generated each time16:24
weshaymarios can't cloud init do that?16:24
mariosweshay: don't know but it isn't about distributing keys, we need a new set of keys for your instance to talk to your upstream gerrit accounts16:25
mariosweshay: and anyone trying this will very likely be creating new keys cos of the pem issue16:25
weshayya.. fyi.. arxcruz so marios has a use case where I think he's creating new keys each time and updating gerrit16:25
mariosweshay: as panda pointed out there is a way we can automate that bit too but didn't try it yet16:26
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mariosweshay: 17:07 #oooq: < panda> marios: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#add-ssh-key16:26
* marios almost out16:26
weshaymarios we might be better off having a tool to check one's ssh connection to gerrit.. and have the tool point to instructions on how to create / fix it16:27
weshaybut prompting someone w/ the right commands would be helpful in a bootstrap script for that16:27
weshaymarios if you are doing this all the time for each run, imho you have to automate that..16:27
weshayand what ever you come up w/ would be helpful to others for sure16:28
weshaymarios panda it is weird to me that gerrit requires creds for pulling info about a patch16:28
weshayI wonder if anyone has poked at the why there, and if it's really needed... local gerrit can be ephemeral keys16:29
weshayquiquell|bbl you still around?  to speak to the why ssh keys are required for pulling the depends on review?16:29
* weshay has to look into that16:30
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arxcruzweshay: not gonna work16:42
arxcruzbecause this feature isn't enabled via api or ssh command line16:42
arxcruzi tried16:42
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arxcruzCapability modifyAccount is required to access this resource16:43
arxcruzweshay: ^16:44
weshayarxcruz++ thanks16:44
weshayarxcruz fyi.. added a patch to tht, the standalone rocky job is not part of the standalone job templates17:02
weshayand won't be triggered.. so we can either add the job to check/gate for each repo.. or try out adding to the template and adding the template to the repos17:03
arxcruzweshay:sorry, i did not use the rest api from gerrit, i tried through ssh17:03
weshaytbh.. not sure which apprach is best17:03
arxcruzcat ~/.ssh/passwordless.pub| ssh -p 29418 review.opendev.org gerrit set-account --add-ssh-key arxcruz17:03
arxcruzI'll try with the rest api soon, not sure how to do the authentication17:03
weshayk.. arxcruz I'm trying to figure out from quique and sagi if we really really need the keys17:03
* weshay asks sagi.. but but.. WHY!17:04
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quiquellweshay: what keys ?17:12
weshayquiquell see the doc.. if you have a second I have some questions about the ssh keys we use w/ gerrit17:12
weshaydo you have a sec to chat? or way too late17:13
quiquellI have a sec17:13
weshayk.. /me jumps on blue17:13
quiquellgive me a sec17:13
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weshayput some pants on17:13
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weshayrlandy I updated https://review.opendev.org/#/c/656014/ , what issues did you find on rhel817:48
rlandyweshay: still getting by the install ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/182809817:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1828098 in tripleo "Reproducer bash script sets USER_PYTHON_OVERRIDE=python2" [Undecided,New]17:48
weshayrlandy ya.. we pinned to python2 because of some pip issues, perhaps that's not so bad now17:49
weshaynot sure17:49
weshaywe looked at that together I think17:49
rlandyweshay: well on rhel 8 it's complicated17:49
* rlandy is complicated17:49
rlandywe theoretically do the right thing in install_deps though17:49
rlandywill submit a fix to https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1828098 once I confirm python3 runs through and passes on rhel 817:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1828098 in tripleo "Reproducer bash script sets USER_PYTHON_OVERRIDE=python2" [Undecided,New]17:50
rlandyalso - took me a while to figure out why it wasn't honoring the python choice in install_deps17:51
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weshayrfolco|ruck you picking up any the hackfest/test items?17:54
rfolco|ruckweshay, I am going to focus on setup17:54
rfolco|ruck4.4 maybe?17:55
weshaythere is no 4.4  I see 4.1 and 4.217:55
weshay#11 may be where you want to work17:56
rfolco|ruckah yes, 1117:56
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rlandyweshay: bindep ... we refer to [platform:fedora] [platform:centos] and [platform:rpm] ...18:07
rlandywhen rhel-8 comes into the mix,18:08
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rlandyso we need a platform that is rpm but diff in python318:08
rlandyplatform: rhel-8?18:09
weshayrlandy or dnf vs yum group18:30
weshayI think that's how sorin has it18:30
rlandyrpm works ok18:30
rlandyif I diff fedora to fedora-2718:30
rlandyweshay: I am working under the assumption that on rhel-8 there is no python218:32
rlandyonly python318:32
rlandywith fedora-28 we worked with both18:33
rlandyand stabilized with python218:33
rlandyis the rhel-8 only python3 assumption correct?18:33
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weshayrlandy ya.. rhel-8 is python318:37
rlandyok - so then these bug are valid18:37
zbrrlandy: weshay : mostly we need to merge https://review.opendev.org/#/c/639951/18:40
rlandyzbr: more to it that that ...18:40
zbrbut we need to ping infra to merge it, they were really busy during the last weeks18:41
rlandythe reproducer force python218:41
zbrrlandy: well, i always said that forcing python version is not a good idea, we should always use platform default.18:41
zbrwhich is py3 on f28+/rhel8/centos718:41
zbranyway, very soon I will logoff and be back in two weeks.18:42
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* weshay looks18:55
weshayrlandy if python3 on rhel8 is too broken feel free to move on18:56
weshaypart of this is identifying the state of things18:56
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rfolco|ruckweshay, refresh my mind please, standalone jobs are part of mvp ?19:12
weshayrfolco|ruck yes19:13
weshayrfolco|ruck think it's in the doc19:14
weshayrfolco|ruck use the doc luke19:14
rfolco|ruckweshay, meh, ignore me, #5 its there19:15
rlandyweshay: we'll get there - I think it will be ok once I get by the install19:20
weshayah cool19:20
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rlandywoohoo - got through env setup playbook19:43
rlandyweshay: ^^ goal one19:43
rlandybaby step19:44
weshaycool, I'm simulating a marios uplink w/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/magnific0/wondershaper/master/wondershaper :)19:44
weshaycan't get the image list to fail19:44
weshayrlandy reminder, that we have an interview tomorrow19:47
rlandyoh yeah19:47
weshayrlandy resent info19:53
rlandyweshay: no worries - I have the info19:53
weshayrecreated the issue :) woot19:53
weshayeasy fix https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/20592/20:05
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rlandyweshay: virt on rhel ... if I have Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Virtualization $releasever - $basearch - why ...20:26
rlandyNo match for argument: libvirt20:26
rlandyNo match for argument: libvirt-python20:26
rlandy^^ what am I missing?20:27
rlandyfatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failures": ["No package qemu-kvm available.", "No package libvirt available.", "No package libvirt-python available.", "No package libguestfs-tools available.", "No package python-lxml available."], "msg": "Failed to install some of the specified packages", "rc": 1, "results": []}20:27
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weshayrlandy sec20:28
weshayrlandy is that from bindep?20:30
rlandyparts/libvirt : Install packages for libvirt]20:30
weshaythat is the nodepool node20:30
weshayand the yum repos on the box look sane20:31
rlandyweshay: ha got it now ... dnf module disable virt:rhel && dnf module enable virt:8.0.021:14
weshayI haven't touched rhel 8 yet21:15
rlandydon't worry - it's touching me quite a bit21:15
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rlandyhaving trouble cloning from opendev21:35
rlandyany else see that?21:36
rlandyrfolco|ruck: ^^ can you git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart.git?21:36
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