Thursday, 2019-06-27

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ykarelsshnaidm|ruck, zbr is the ovb job failure in master promotion known?14:22
ykarelfailing since last couple of days14:22
arxcruz|roverweshay your bj ?14:22
weshaysure.. why not14:22
* ykarel check for lp14:22
ykarelhmm can't find seems not known14:23
ykareli noticed this few days back but forgot to ping ruck14:24
sshnaidm|ruckykarel, I didn't look at last, only in morning14:25
sshnaidm|ruckykarel, and it was centos repo failure14:25
ykarelsshnaidm|ruck, ack the ovb failing since 25th14:26
chandankumarweshay: did we changed the meeting room?14:27
sshnaidm|ruckykarel, ack, will look..14:27
weshaysshnaidm|ruck ^14:27
ykarelsshnaidm|ruck, Thanks, let me share the patch which possibly caused it, i commented on it14:27
ykarelsshnaidm|ruck,, okk it just fixed
ykarelsshnaidm|ruck, but we need a new release for it to fix the issue or downgrade in rdoinfo in the meanwhile14:29
sshnaidm|ruckykarel, ack, thanks, jpena|mtg - can we downgrade/upgrade it ?14:31
ykarelsshnaidm|ruck, let's test the fix if it's ok, u can update to the commit or else downgrade to last released tag 3.5.014:33
jpena|mtgykarel: I guess the best course forward would be to get a 3.6.1 release14:34
ykareljpena|mtg, yes i commented on the review to get a new release, will also ping dtansur14:34
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz|rover, fyi ^^14:41
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sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz|rover, you'll have to cover me tomorrow, Friday15:25
arxcruz|roversshnaidm|ruck kein problem mein freund!15:26
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz|rover, danke shon15:26
mariosfyi weshay i filed that missing packages bug (pcs etc for image build() @ and apevec is on it via chandankumar  (sf-ops)15:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1834492 in tripleo "[rdotrunk][rhel8] missing packages pacemaker/pcs/pacemaker-remote from rhel8/rhui repos during image build" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)15:27
chandankumarmarios: do want to escalate it as apevec is already working on it15:27
weshaychandankumar ya.. it will be listed as a promotion-blocker15:28
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weshaychandankumar no action required by you15:28
rlandymarios/l I know it's EOD for you. Cn awe meet tomorrow briefly to sync up on where I can start work?15:28
arxcruz|roversshnaidm|ruck gerne15:31
arxcruz|roverdmellado siehst du? Ich kann jetz Detusche sprechen15:31
mariosrlandy: yes lets... i['ll send out an invite15:33
mariosrlandy: 'normal' scrum time works for you?15:34
marioschandankumar: no i think we're ok? weshay should i add promotio-blocker tag?15:34
mariosah weshay did15:34
chandankumarsee ya tomorrow good night guys15:34
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rfolcomarios, I am looking for an entry point on rhel8 work. if you have any task to handoff or share, please let me know.15:36
mariosrfolco: can you check this see if you can make progress today ? * rhel8 containers - failed@ - no rhel8-binary-base , added issue 3 updated
mariosrfolco: not sure how we'll divide it but images/containers are the two main things right now. we may split that tomorrow15:39
mariosrfolco: more so they can progress faster in parallel15:39
mariosrfolco: latest on images is * rhel8 image builds new deps problem filed & add issue 8 updated
openstackLaunchpad bug 1834492 in tripleo "[rdotrunk][rhel8] missing packages pacemaker/pcs/pacemaker-remote from rhel8/rhui repos during image build" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)15:40
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mariosrfolco: so even just catching up on those two image/containers stuff and reviews would be helpful at this point15:40
mariosrfolco: with a view to maybe taking one of them15:40
mariosrfolco: does it help15:40
rfolcomarios, let me read these stories and see where we are. Lets try to work on the same thing in our timezones and update the task with our findings.15:41
rfolcomarios, yes it helps, thanks for being inclusive15:41
mariosrfolco: well, here is another one but i only posted a skeleton for it maybe you want to look in to that one under image-build - dig post wip/skeleton to get started
mariosrfolco: thanks for being so collaborative !15:42
marioskthx bai15:42
* marios almost out15:42
rlandymarios: ack15:42
rfolcomarios, have a good one15:42
mariosrfolco: sending the invite now15:42
mariosrlandy: rather but rfolco is on it too15:42
rfolcorlandy, just ping if you recheck or continue marios patches for testing15:43
mariosi added weshay rlandy raukadah panda rfolco let me know if you want i will add you too "sprint 12 rhel8 sync15:44
marios(tomorrow during usual scrum time)15:44
weshaymarios sure :)15:44
rlandyrfolco: I ma not doing anything on the patches before I talk with marios15:44
mariosrlandy: rfolco folks srsly feel free to update the patches if you can fix something go ahead thanks15:45
rfolcorlandy, marios what we can do, if any ideas to fix the current issue is to use a follow-up patch and not disturb the current flow15:48
rfolcohead --> marios_patch --> rfolco_patch15:49
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weshaysshnaidm|off k.. checking it out.. thanks.. please review
weshayfor next week16:06
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weshayzbr you still around? have a unit test question17:36
zbrweshay: yep, I am. Shout! you already broke my ROLE flow ;)17:37
weshaybah.. sorry17:37
weshayzbr I run this test locally and it passes.
zbri was sarcastic, mainly a lack of flow.17:38
* weshay wonders if it dues to the test running on ubuntu17:38
* weshay ran tox -epy27 -vv 17:38
weshayand it passes17:38
weshayRan: 53 tests in 0.0000 sec.17:39
weshay - Passed: 5317:39
weshay - Skipped: 017:39
weshay - Expected Fail: 017:39
weshay - Unexpected Success: 017:39
weshay - Failed: 017:39
weshaySum of execute time for each test: 0.1901 sec.17:39
zbrstestr does lots of weird things (not my fav tool), running in parallel can produce weird results.17:39
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zbrclearly that platform could change the outcome of release file17:40
weshayzbr ya.. seems like this should be running on centos17:40
zbris this functional testing? because on unit it should never try to read from /etc/release17:40
zbrwhich would explain why failing on ubuntu, format of release files is different.17:41
zbrif unit, you must mock it to make execution consistent on any platform.17:41
zbrweshay: yeah, I looked and that code is not ubuntu friendly, see
weshay@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['tripleo-repos', 'current', '-d', 'centos7'])17:44
zbri doubt mocking works for bash calls....17:45
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weshayzbr so what do you recommend.. get the tests to pass on ubuntu? or change the distro used17:45
zbri would make the code work with both. let me do a test17:46
weshayapprarently these do pass
weshay2019-05-31 03:22:53.653949 | ubuntu-bionic | WARNING: Unsupported platform '' detected by tripleo-repos, centos7 will be used unless you use CLI param to change it.17:46
weshay  print(17:47
weshay            "WARNING: Unsupported platform '%s' detected by tripleo-repos, "17:47
weshay            "centos7 will be used unless you use CLI param to change it." %17:47
weshay            distro, file=sys.stderr)17:47
weshay        distro = 'centos7'17:47
zbrin fact it should work by mocking the command and forcing it to source an os-release file that we host inside our repo.17:48
weshayoh I see the issue17:48
zbrwhich would allow to add more sample os-release files in the future, in we need/want.17:49
zbrunit test is not isolated from running platfrom, that is the bug17:49
weshaythe change did break it17:49
weshaywe need more another if statement17:49
weshaybut for f.. sake17:49
weshaywhy does it not fail on my system17:49
* weshay makes sure the change is being tested17:49
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weshaybah.. still passes17:51
zbrreplicated locally, will make a fix and update patch17:54
weshayzbr going to try / catch on value exception?17:54
zbrstdout is None in that case17:57
zbrshould I remind you that popen takes a list of arguments and not a string?17:58
zbri wonder how this code worked previously... i am sure python needs already split lines.17:58
weshayzbr I'll take any and all pointers from you, but in this case I didn't write that bit..17:58
weshayzbr I got it to run on rhel8 successfully and laydown the repos17:59
zbrlet me fix it,,,17:59
weshayso it works.. it's just a matter of proper python at this point17:59
weshaythanks for the assist18:00
weshayrlandy is there a bm env w/ a running controller I can get on?18:02
rlandyweshay: yes - checking the one that ran last18:03
rlandyweshay: ^^ try env D18:04
weshayk /me looks18:04
rlandyit doesn't run in th e pipeline18:05
rlandyso you'll be safe to be on that box18:05
rlandyweshay: ssh root@rdoci-hp-01.v100.rdoci.lab.eng.rdu2.redhat.com18:06
weshayrlandy I'm on it18:06
rlandy^^ also ok if you prefer rocky18:07
rlandyweshay: ^^18:08
weshayrlandy hrm..18:09
weshayI'm on but now very confused about something...18:09
weshayrlandy sec w/ me on blue?18:09
zbrweshay: i fixed the first error, but the patch still needs further work, if you do not have time, I can do it tomorrow evening after i return.18:09
rlandyweshay: ack joining18:09
zbrfirst error: source is not avl in defayutl shell on ubuntu.18:09
zbr2nd error: KeyError: 'ubuntu' on   File "/home/ssbarnea/rdo/tripleo-repos/tripleo_repos/", line 126, in _parse_args18:10
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rlandyweshay: is this the RHUI doc:
weshayrlandy yup19:15
rlandyok - it's just shorter than I imagined19:18
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weshayrlandy got through the first part of the old repro19:51
rlandyweshay: it's an oldie but goodie19:51
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rfolcoweshay, rlandy: I am not sure what we need to do to get a rhel8 base image in
rfolcolike we have for rhel720:26
* rlandy looks20:26
rlandyrfolco: maybe it's not added20:28
rlandywhy do you need the image from the registry?20:28
rlandythere are other places to take an image20:28
rlandyrfolco: weshay uploaded one20:29
rfolcorlandy, where20:29
rlandyrfolco: see pvt - depends what you need it for20:30
rlandyI would not use that for public automation20:30
rfolcobase image to build all containers20:30
rlandyrfolco: also look at our tenant in internal upshift20:30
rfolcojust like we did for rhel720:30
rlandyrfolco: I've been out of the loop on this work, but my best guess if you really need the rhel 8 image in the registry is to ask jpena or other admin to upload it20:31
rlandybut, again, I am not too familiar with this work20:32
* rlandy tries to read up on rhui stuff now20:32
rlandywhat's latest?20:32
rfolcorlandy, rhel8 jobs are still using rhis-release, marios was trying to test rhui manually in quickvm afaik20:37
rfolcowe need to talk to him to get all details20:38
rlandyrfolco: k - will ask tomorrow20:39
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