Wednesday, 2019-08-21

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zbr|oooi will be away the first part of the day, business meeting.07:57
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chkumar|roverzbr|ooo: Hello09:21
chkumar|roverzbr|ooo: let me know when you are around.09:21
pandazbr|ooo: we are all ooo09:23
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: hi - how are looking today?11:51
rlandy|ruckhmmm .. no promotions yesterday11:51
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: check jobs are broken11:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1840901 in tripleo "Jobs failing with:- Could not find class ::ceilometer::dispatcher::gnocchi" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)11:52
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: that is the second one11:52
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: once that merges, check jobs would be good11:53
rlandy|ruckChange has been successfully merged by Zuul11:53
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: we need this patch merge asap11:54
chkumar|roveronce zuul gives +111:54
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: k - added to etherpad - going to program call now11:56
rlandy|ruckwill need to discuss scenario003 with zbr11:56
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1840451 in tripleo "Master promotions are failing tempest test (fs020) tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volume_quotas.VolumeQuotasAdminTestJSON" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)11:59
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg: the issue is not yet fixed11:59
chkumar|roverthat test got fixed now two more tests got failed11:59
rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: k - will look at it11:59
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chkumar|roverweshay: on program call, one tripleo-ci bug has negative score, can i get the bug number?12:17
weshaychkumar|rover check the tempest bug google doc12:17
rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: what's the story with - it stays?12:17
rlandy|ruck|mtgshould we get rid of it and add a card that describes the work?12:18
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg: for fs01 it is passing but the same test is running at multiple places for example fs03512:19
chkumar|roverthe same test failed there, so askedf12:19
rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: rather than place tempest_extra_config: {'compute_feature_enabled.config_drive': 'True'} in each fs - can't we place the setting in tqe and pick it up everywhere?12:21
rlandy|ruck|mtgsave you changing it in so many places12:22
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg: I need to find the proper logic when to enable config_drive so that I can add a code in tempestconf itself12:22
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg: yes, we can put it in validate-tempest role itself12:22
rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: ack - ok12:24
rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: k - thanks - that's all for the escalation meeting I think12:26
rlandy|ruck|mtgcommented on the cards12:26
chkumar|roverweshay: rlandy|ruck|mtg we need to remove scenario03 from rhel-8 criteria12:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1840828 in tripleo "standalone scenario 3 on RedHat 8 - python3-pyngus (used for amqp1) is missing" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)12:30
chkumar|rovertill centos comes out12:31
weshaychkumar|rover ya.. it's not in criteria yet12:31
rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: ^^ ack - not there yet12:31
weshaychkumar|rover why do we think centos8 will fix it?12:32
rlandy|ruck|mtgonly think we can do is marking it non-voting12:32
rlandy|ruck|mtgthe addition is in a review12:32
rlandy|ruck|mtgzbr: ^^12:32
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rlandy|ruck|mtgthat is what I was pinging zbr about12:32
chkumar|roverweshay: may be pushing the package to epel8 and enable it and pull it from there12:32
rlandy|ruck|mtgthe scenarios are nowhere atm on rhel12:33
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weshaychkumar|rover try and find the package12:33
weshaychkumar|rover afaik all the packages for centos8 are built12:33
chkumar|roverweshay: is not yet built12:34
chkumar|roverfor el812:35
weshaychkumar|rover that is not el812:35
rlandy|ruck|mtgoh zbr is ooo12:35
rlandy|ruck|mtgfine - will edit the review in the mean time12:35
weshaychkumar|rover so where would rdo track the packaging issue?12:36
chkumar|roverweshay: on centos build server it is not there12:37
weshaychkumar|rover aye12:38
chkumar|roverweshay: all rdo related stuff tracked here
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sshnaidmchkumar|rover, rlandy|ruck|mtg because of new logs format, there are no info about nodepool clouds and providers in cockpit, I'll take care about this12:40
weshaysaw that12:41
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sshnaidmsova kinda works, but it requires additional changes, half of jobs failed to parse12:42
rlandy|ruck|mtgsshnaidm: thanks for taking care of that12:42
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weshaychkumar|rover thanks
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: been looking at the fs020 master failures ...
rlandy|rucknot sure that those two failures are consistent12:52
rlandy|ruckwill testproject rerun here12:52
rlandy|ruckand there is a run in progress now12:52
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: /me waits for next run to finish12:54
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: yeah - I'll testproject it as well so we get more data12:54
rlandy|ruck - let's see what that does12:58
rlandy|ruckwow - this is a long meeting12:59
weshayrlandy|ruck ha.. I generally don't stay for everything12:59
rlandy|ruckyou may miss something riveting13:01
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rfolcopanda, integrating the role to the base patch, rebasing13:15
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pandarfolco: ok13:31
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: I am taking pto tomorrow, just thought right now to take13:32
rfolcopanda, I am just thinking if it isn't the opposite: your patch rebased on mine (infra-setup role)13:32
rfolcopanda, I'll do this: master --> my patch (role change) --> your patch (job def)13:35
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: enjoy your time off13:35
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: weshay: - hasn't passed since stable/rocky (non-voting) any point in keeping this test?13:46
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: it  has passed yesterfday13:46
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: do we want to escalate to upgrade dfg to make it green?13:47
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zbri am back13:47
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: only if we care13:47
rlandy|ruckzbr: great - have been pinging you re: scenario00313:47
zbri had a meeting with gundalow from ansible about molecule.13:48
rlandy|ruckzbr: - notes here13:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1840828 in tripleo "standalone scenario 3 on RedHat 8 - python3-pyngus (used for amqp1) is missing" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)13:49
rlandy|ruckand I commented on the review13:49
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: I guess my question is how much do we care to run long failing test in non-voting13:50
rlandy|ruckpersonal hate13:50
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: I think we can remove it, but need to check with weshay13:52
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zbrrlandy|ruck: ok, so we disable voting on 003 until pyngus appears (preferably with a code comment near voting: false)13:53
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: have a meeting with weshay later today - will discuss with him13:53
rlandy|ruckzbr: ack13:53
rlandy|ruckzbr: you can follow the progress on the bug13:54
zbri cam even propose the change, also watching bug and trello card13:54
rlandy|ruckzbr: iiuc, the test are only in review atm13:56
rlandy|ruckno where committed13:56
rlandy|ruckso just edit review and we are all set temp13:56
pandarfolco: ping me if you want to sink13:57
rfolcopanda, gimme a few min13:57
pandarfolco: no I won't13:58
rfolcopanda, then go catch little coconuts13:58
* panda keeps all the minutes by himself.13:58
zbrrlandy|ruck: why is there a -W on ? i have the impression i am missing something on 003.14:00
rlandy|ruckzbr: that is not the right solution14:01
rlandy|ruckjuts a test to see if it would work14:01
rlandy|ruckreview is abandoned14:01
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zbrrfolco: i update marios patch and made 003 nonvoting but I need your help to rebase the two testing patches on its newest version, i do not have permissions to do it myself.14:10
zbrsorry this was for rlandy|ruck ^14:10
rfolcozbr, I knew :)14:10
chkumar|roverrfolco: ack!14:12
chkumar|roverzbr: please also put a todo with this bug to it make it voting in near future14:12
rfolcochkumar|rover, resend14:12
chkumar|roverrfolco: sorry14:13
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rfolcochkumar|rover, 1001 unrecognized error code14:13
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: ack!14:13
rlandy|ruckI am confused :)14:13
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rlandy|ruckI guess everyone is talking to me14:14
rlandy|ruckzbr: ack - I'll rebase those for you14:14
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rlandy|ruckfolco: lol, sorry - I am not usually this popular14:15
rfolcoyes you are a rock star14:15
rlandy|rucknot as much as rlandry - the guy whose email I get all the time14:15
rfolcoI mean, a ruck star14:15
rfolcohahah true14:16
rlandy|ruckif he wins a million bucks one day, I am keeping that mail14:16
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rfolcokeep watching, we never know14:16
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rlandy|ruckk - getting back to helping zbr14:17
rlandy|ruckzbr: I can only rebase those reviews from my command line14:22
rlandy|rucknot gerrit14:22
rlandy|ruckI can do this but it's probably best if you create new test reviews so you have rebase power there14:22
zbryeah. i probably can do this too on cli, maybe i need a script that facilitates it. doing it on cli...14:23
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rlandy|ruckCould not apply fd8fe73... Add periodic+check rhel-8-scenario 1-4 standalone job definitions14:27
rlandy|ruckwill need to rework this14:27
rlandy|ruckzbr: ^^14:28
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rlandy|ruckzbr: I would start with a clean testing set - if you need me to help there, ping me14:29
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rfolcopanda, I see your comments, will address them14:30
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zbrrlandy|ruck|mtg:  please abandon with message pointing that is already incorporated by
zbrno need to have two testing jobs for the same patch.14:35
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg: I am logging out now, see ya on friday14:39
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rlandy|ruck|mtgchkumar|rover: sure14:40
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rlandy|ruckzbr: k - see you abandoned it14:46
* rlandy|ruck asks rdo-infra why we don't have rebase in rdo gerrit14:47
zbri assumed on those with +2 see the button14:47
pandarfolco: I have other top level comments14:47
pandarfolco: I think you messed the rebase a bit14:48
rlandy|ruckzbr: negative14:48
rfolcopanda, hmm probably14:49
rlandy|ruckI can't either14:49
rlandy|ruckhave been rebasing from command line and recommitting14:49
rlandy|ruckasked on #sf-ops14:49
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rfolcopanda, I'm gonna fix the rebase in the next ps14:50
rfolcopanda, that role is a mess, totally disconnect with the repo, missing deps and vars14:51
rfolcopanda, thats why i skipped telegraf... there is no cockpit_ip for example14:52
rfolcopanda, I am moving vars to defaults so we can override these in the job def14:52
rfolcopanda, let me know if you need to sync, other wise I keep working on the patch14:53
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zbrrlandy|ruck: spoke with jpena and he sorted it, now we can all use rebase on rdo.15:01
rlandy|ruckzbr: thanks15:02
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pandarfolco: let's sync15:48
pandarfolco: before I finish my day15:49
pandarfolco: before I change my mind15:49
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pandarfolco: rfolco rfolco15:53
pandarfolco: I'm gonna send you so many PMs I'm gonna exhaust the space in your /home partition.15:54
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weshayrlandy|ruck where is periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-push defined?16:25
weshaymust be config16:25
weshayrfolco how can I tell other than rpms.. which tool docker/buildah is used in
weshayrlandy|ruck can you jump into #tripleo w/ me16:28
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rlandy|ruckweshay: sorry - lunch - back16:43
weshayrlandy|ruck the centos-7 build-push in periodic ( containers build ) is docker right?16:44
weshayfinding it hard to tell other than the rpms used16:44
rlandy|ruckif it does not say use_buildah16:44
rlandy|ruck^^ periodic16:46
rlandy|ruckperiodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build-pushsuccess (16:46
rlandy|rucksorry - that one16:46
weshayrlandy|ruck I thought there was more to it than the name16:48
rlandy|ruckthere is16:48
rlandy|ruckit's a setting16:48
rlandy|ruckfollowing the parents here16:48
rlandy|ruckand then16:49
weshayrlandy|ruck not seeing anything in either to indicate docker/buildah16:50
rlandy|ruckyeah - so if it's buildah ... you see the setting as in16:51
weshayas "in" ?16:52
rlandy|ruckfalse by default16:53
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rlandy|ruckweshay: 1-on-1?18:01
weshayrlandy|ruck aye18:02
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rlandy|ruckanyone know what's the point of this queue: openstack-regular in RDO?19:34
rlandy|ruckweshay: ^^?19:34
weshaydon't know19:35
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rlandy|ruckarxcruz: still around?19:43
rlandy|ruckquestion on validate-tempest role19:44
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rlandy|ruckweshay: where do you intent this will go?20:33
weshayit's in the footer doc20:34
rlandy|ruckclarkb suggested  that the log dirs contained a special file20:34
weshaywhat do you mean?20:34
rlandy|rucka README20:34
rlandy|ruckand we add our footer stuff in there20:34
rlandy|ruckThe document is injected as a footer20:35
weshayso we can copy this w/ collect_logs into logs/README.html?20:35
rlandy|ruck^^ questioning20:35
weshaya footer is nice.. because it's always rendered20:35
rlandy|ruckin upstream20:36
rlandy|ruckif we went for the README it would be across envs20:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1840818 in tripleo "Headers and footers no longer appear in upstream logss" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)20:37
rlandy|rucklast comment20:37
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