Thursday, 2020-02-13

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ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, centos-8 containers should be cleared with new nodepool image i think02:43
weshay|ruckykarel|away, we have other problems again02:43
ykarel|awayhmm looks like, i see too many reds02:44
weshay|ruckykarel|away, virtenv is failing to install again02:44
weshay|ruckya.. tried a bunch of things02:44
weshay|ruckno luck so far02:44
weshay|ruckcan't repro locally either02:44
ykarel|awaylet me check logs02:44
ykarel|awayu referring setuptools:44.0.0 ERROR: virtualenv not installed?02:45
ykarel|awayImportError: cannot import name ensure_text02:45
weshay|ruckit's also being discussed in #openstack-infra02:47
ykarel|awaylooks like python-six<1.12 is older there, need to check if it's after new images build02:47
weshay|ruckya.. I think we need 1.1402:48
ykarel|away>=1.12 should work02:49
weshay|ruckykarel|away, looks like 3rd party jobs are working on some of these patches02:49
weshay|ruckdef.. related to the upstream image02:49
weshay|ruckykarel|away, i should be testing w/
weshay|ruckbut.. it's also not failing on check-centos-702:50
weshay|ruckwhich *should* be the upstream image02:50
ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, yes last night we had updated images in rdo, since then it's working there02:50
ykarel|awaycheck-centos-7 should be similar to upstream one02:52
weshay|ruckrdo shows02:53
weshay|ruck2020-02-13 00:10:44.110751 | primary | pip:20.0.2 virtualenv:20.0.2 setuptools:44.0.002:53
weshay|rucknot sure how that's possible.. w/
weshay|ruckah.. because it already exists02:54
weshay|ruckso where is the virtenv default on upstream jobs02:54
* weshay|ruck looks02:54
weshay|ruckmaybe we can just set OPT_WORKDIR to that02:54
ykarel|awayso 20.0.2 is  good one02:56
ykarel|awayso if other upstream jobs non tripleo jobs are working, good to remove that hack in quickstart02:56
weshay|ruckya.. but it failed02:57
ykarel|awayalso i see 20.0.3 virtualenv released
weshay|ruckalso pinning to 20.0.2 failed02:57
weshay|rucker.. 302:57
* weshay|ruck gets02:57
ykarel|awayneed to check what .3 fixed02:57
weshay|ruckykarel|away, didn't see anything related in the change log02:57
ykarel|awaycan u try complete removal of thah hack, install/uninstall03:00
ykarel|awayelse we need to try update of six there03:01
weshay|ruckanything in that change log strike you as a fix?03:01
weshay|ruckykarel|away, if we can fix the images in rdo.. why aren't we fixing them upstream?03:04
ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, upstream fixes will be going on in parallel i think, but there it takes time, as pushing to multiple clouds03:05
weshay|ruckykarel|away, is there a review #?03:06
ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, for centos-8 fixed for us03:06
ykarel|awayimages were build after ^^03:07
ykarel|awaylet me check if i can reproduce locally03:08
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ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, i can reproduce that issue with 20.0.3 locally03:15
ykarel|awayretrying to confirm03:16
weshay|ruckcan you paste?03:16
* weshay|ruck needs to learn03:16
weshay|ruckI think everything is currently failing "TASK [configure-swap : Copy old /opt]"03:17
weshay|ruck2020-02-13 03:16:50.057885 | secondary | included: /var/lib/zuul/builds/d08994440dfb4a4f9cb9f0d057f34160/untrusted/project_3/
ykarel|awaypython -c "from __future__ import print_function; import virtualenv; print('$1:%s ' % virtualenv.__version__, end='')"03:17
ykarel|away^^ is used in quickstart03:17
ykarel|awayi used same locally03:17
ykarel|awaywith virtualenv 20.0.3 and six 1.11.003:18
ykarel|awayand get same traceback03:18
weshay|ruckin here?
weshay|rucksee it03:20
ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, ok so on rdo side centos-8 six is handled with
weshay|ruck python -c "from __future__ import print_function; import virtualenv; print('$1:%s ' % virtualenv.__version__, end='')"03:21
weshay|ruck:20.0.3 (wes)03:21
ykarel|awayweshay check six in your env03:22
ykarel|awayyou would have >=1.1203:22
ykarel|awayonly reproduceable with lesser version03:22
ykarel|awayyup that's why u didn't hit it03:22
weshay|ruckuninstalled, install 1.12.003:23
ykarel|awayinstall 1.1103:24
ykarel|awaythere the issue03:24
ykarel|away1.12.0 is fine03:24
weshay|ruckERROR: virtualenv 20.0.3 has requirement six<2,>=1.12.0, but you'll have six 1.11.0 which is incompatible.03:24
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weshay|ruckyup.. that did it :)03:25
ykarelu got traceback?03:25
weshay|ruckso do we just need to upgrade six?03:25
weshay|ruckin install-deps?03:25
ykarelyes that will workaround the issue03:26
ykarelbut not sure about the actual fix03:26
* ykarel checks image build logs03:27
ykarel20.0.3 is installed there03:29
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ykarelso it started happening after new images03:30
weshay|ruckwe could add python-six to the bindep03:32
ykarelweshay|ruck, that should not help03:32
weshay|ruckno --site-packages03:32
ykarelas distro's don't have updated package03:32
weshay|ruckI gues03:32
weshay|ruckykarel, still busted
ykarelokk rdo images don't have issues03:33
weshay|ruck2020-02-13 03:32:40.797876 | primary | pip:20.0.2 Traceback (most recent call last):03:34
weshay|ruckI think we're patching in the wrong place03:35
ykarelchecking logs03:35
ykarelhmm that part is not reached03:35
ykarelerror happens earlier03:35
ykarelat check_python thing03:35
weshay|ruckthink ur right03:36
weshay|ruckit's happening on line 8603:36
weshay|ruckin the check03:36
ykarelyes so need to do these hacks at that line03:36
ykareljust upgrade six should work03:36
ykarelnew patch looks fine03:41
weshay|ruckthat's good to hear :)03:41
weshay|ruckinstall-deps sucks03:41
weshay|ruckit's a little better now that it's all in one script03:41
weshay|ruckbut ugh03:41
weshay|rucksshnaidm|afk, had a good idea to build a container w/ the deps and run from that03:42
ykarelon the fly container build, or build container in promotion and use that in all jobs?03:44
ykarelok got it03:45
weshay|ruck2020-02-13 03:45:27.359743 | primary | Looking in indexes:,
weshay|ruck2020-02-13 03:45:27.422251 | primary | Collecting six>=1.14.003:46
weshay|ruck2020-02-13 03:45:27.426208 | primary |   Downloading (10 kB)03:46
weshay|ruckykarel, hitting retry limits.03:47
weshay|ruckthis is not going to merge quickly03:47
weshay|ruckthanks rlandy03:50
rlandyweshay|ruck: sure - least I could do03:50
rlandysee you are still battling this03:50
ykarelmmm some jobs are passing03:54
ykareland some i see RETRY_LIMIT03:55
ykareldo you have the logs for retry_limit thing03:55
weshay|rucksshnaidm|afk, ^ zbr was right :)03:56
weshay|ruckre: images03:56
weshay|ruckykarel, you don't get logs on retry03:56
ykarelweshay|ruck, i though u had console open03:56
weshay|ruckykarel, probably a bad image03:56
weshay|ruckykarel, posted to openstack-infra channel03:56
ykarelohkk possible03:57
ykarelonce infra is clear, abandon/restore can be done to restart the jobs03:59
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weshay|ruckthanks ykarel|afk03:59
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ykarelohhk so issue hit both upstream and rdo softwarefactory05:13
ykareli see some third party jobs failing too05:13
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marios|ruckchandankumar: o/ you free to jump on phone in ~ 1 hour? let me do some reviews etc first06:31
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chandankumarykarel, aye06:49
ykarelchandankumar, hi06:50
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chandankumarykarel, Hello06:50
chandankumarykarel, apart from this, does any more patches needed to clear the gates?06:52
ykarelchandankumar, yes06:53
chandankumarykarel, my rhel8 patch and?06:53
ykarelchandankumar, and your rhel8 fix patch06:53
chandankumarykarel, ok thanks!06:54
ykarelwith ^^ i think we need we need to adjust some of rdo jobs, but that's doable06:54
ykarelto add ansible-role-collect logs in job roles:06:55
ykarelsorry ansible-role-container-registry06:55
marios|ruck08:31 < marios|ruck> chandankumar: o/ you free to jump on phone in ~ 1 hour? let me do some reviews etc first07:00
chandankumarmarios|ruck, yes, how about in another 30 mins?07:02
marios|ruckchandankumar: sounds good and ack will  check in a bit07:03
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marios|ruckpanda: sshnaidm: zbr: arxcruz: chandankumar: please review when you have time thanks
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arxcruzmarios|ruck: from ansible/python perspective, looks ok, only what sshnaidm|afk pointed, but if he's not blocking, i won't08:18
marios|ruckarxcruz: ack thanks i will check sshnaidm|afk comments more carefully in a bit might update thank you for looking08:19
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dpawlikchandankumar, marios|ruck: maybe I miss the answer, but its really important: how old tripleO image (dirs with overcloud-full.tar) should I keep? May I set  retention_days to 60 days ?08:22
dpawlikcurrently you have images older than 150days08:23
dpawlikserver volume is almost full and I need to know, if I should add new volume or not08:23
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marios|ruckdpawlik: which images are you talking about sorry i am out of context. chandankumar where are the notes you showed me on the call about this (rcm  move & images server i don't see them on the etherpad)08:29
marios|ruckdpawlik: chandankumar: are these the ones from fs2-upload job?08:29
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marios|ruckchandankumar: if its the ones from fs2 upload I can't think of any reason to keep them more than 60 days maybe even less.08:30
dpawlikmarios|ruck, dunno if its from fs2-upload job (I'm new), but08:30
dpawlikit is those images that are sent to rcm-share host (
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marios|ruckdpawlik: so not sure. afaik we use rcm-guest for rhel8 stuffs/images. even then though i can't think of a job that would want to use an image older than 60 days...08:34
marios|ruckdpawlik: i would set retention as you suggest and send note to pcci08:34
dpawlikmarios|ruck, cool. THanks08:34
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ykarelmarios|ruck, do you know the reasoning behind recent changes at
ykarelmainly the inclusion of installation u-c part in this change08:52
marios|ruckykarel: looks like weshay|ruck rebased ontop of your patch if that is what you mean?08:53
marios|ruckykarel: and added the 7/8 vs yum/dnf08:53
ykarelmarios|ruck, but my patch didn't have 7/8 thing08:53
ykarelyes, ok and andy reasoning for that change?08:53
marios|ruckykarel: 10:53 < ykarel> marios|ruck, but my patch didn't have 7/8 thing08:54
marios|ruckykarel: yes but this is different patch for the centos8 check job08:54
marios|ruckykarel: the reasoning, i guess it broke for centos or rhel808:54
marios|ruckykarel: we had discussed it recently let me find the review sec08:54
ykarelmarios|ruck, ack don't think that change breaked it08:55
ykarelit was virtualenv thing that messing08:55
marios|ruckykarel: no i don't think its related to your patch08:55
marios|ruckykarel: something else08:55
ykarelok let me know if u find something, else i think i will revise it to move forward08:55
marios|ruckykarel: e.g weshay|ruck also posted that one         *
marios|ruckykarel: revise what08:55
ykarelmarios|ruck, revise
ykarelsuch that it goes green08:56
marios|ruckykarel: is that blocking you?08:57
ykarelmarios|ruck, other centos8 work relies on this one08:57
ykarelthis is the base job, which is stuck currently08:57
marios|ruckykarel: this is the check job08:58
ykarelif u planning to work on it, u can go for the fixes08:58
marios|ruckykarel: what is blocked on that today though08:58
ykarelmarios|ruck, so parallel work going on promotion jobs?08:58
marios|ruckykarel: we merged the promotion definition a while ago08:59
marios|ruckykarel: but i don't think wired up yet08:59
marios|ruckykarel: there are other things coming still08:59
ykarelyup it's not running08:59
marios|ruckykarel: like reworking get-hash08:59
ykarelmain idea is check jobs keep running and start catching issues upstream08:59
marios|ruckykarel: sure, i will update that in a bit09:00
ykarelmarios|ruck, ack Thanks09:00
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dpawlikmarios|ruck, could you tell me what is an email for pcci ?09:20
marios|ruckdpawlik: sure sec09:20
marios|ruckdpawlik: see pvt09:21
chandankumardpawlik, we cleaned up yesterday na?09:21
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chandankumardpawlik, we can remove fs02 images09:22
chandankumarfor rhel-8, once we had promotion, we can keep last 5 days of images before promotion date09:22
dpawlikmarios|ruck, thx09:23
dpawlikchandankumar, I don't see more free space there09:24
dpawlikchandankumar, /dev/vdb1       1.0T  628G  396G  62% /var/www/rcm-guest09:24
dpawlikits 20GB more thany yesterday09:24
dpawliklets say, for me 90 days is enough to cleanup, it will remove over 250GB09:25
chandankumardpawlik, I reduced it to 20 days09:25
dpawlikk, cleaning...09:26
chandankumarsshnaidm|afk, needs +w09:26
chandankumardpawlik, can you take a look at this error
chandankumardpawlik, image does not exists09:28
chandankumardpawlik, I was testing pull here
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dpawlikchandankumar, them, it can be problem with http09:31
dpawlikchandankumar, priv09:31
dpawlikmarios|ruck, chandankumar: please check and vote in free time If both agree to set 20 days, I will change. later I will write an email09:36
chandankumardpawlik, does the default port for ssh rsyncing image is 22 na? or is it something else?09:41
chandankumardpawlik, please have a look09:41
chandankumarfor image server09:41
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marios|ruckack dpawlik added to next reviews list might be later/tomorrow09:44
dpawlikchandankumar, port 22 is correct for sync09:46
dpawlikmarios|ruck, eeee, but it really depends if I need to attach new volume or not xD09:47
dpawlikchandankumar, let me know when tests finished09:56
dpawlikchandankumar, I will try to create rewirte rule for redirection09:56
chandankumardpawlik, yes watching here
chandankumarfetch images worked with https09:58
chandankumardpawlik, once it finishes, we will test the rhel8 push mechanism then we can merge the patches anytime09:58
dpawlikchandankumar, so now it will not require to download something from the images-vexxhost server or?10:03
marios|ruckdpawlik: ack10:03
marios|ruckdpawlik: main concern is the deletion needs to be restricted a bit more please?10:04
dpawlikmarios|ruck, ok10:04
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zbrit seems that snap does a good job bringing pypy on centos :) -- tested succesully.10:06
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chandankumarsshnaidm|afk, can we merge this so that I can push test patch of pushing the image11:18
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sshnaidm|afkchandankumar,  USE_IMAGE_SERVER="${USE_IMAGE_SERVER}" ??11:22
sshnaidm|afkchandankumar, did you mean to set default there?11:22
sshnaidm|afkUSE_IMAGE_SERVER="${USE_IMAGE_SERVER:-false}" ?11:23
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chandankumarsshnaidm|brb, but that value should be setted by ansible var11:26
chandankumarnot via shell var11:26
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chandankumarbetter I will rename it use_vexxhost_server11:26
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zbri am now working with tox/virtualenv maintainer to avoid current issues we have, if everything goes fine we should have new releases that work on our outdates systems.11:31
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, marios|ruck|call
marios|ruck|callthanks chandankumar11:55
marios|ruck|callweshay|ruck: 13:54 < marios|ruck|call>
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sshnaidmchandankumar, it's not about the name11:57
sshnaidmchandankumar, you assign variable to itself11:58
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weshay|ruckpojadhav, hey12:01
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chandankumarsshnaidm, ok, then updated with false default value12:03
pojadhavweshay|ruck, hello12:04
weshay|ruckzbr, can we establish a job like tihs one..
weshay|ruckthat runs through the install-deps?12:04
dpawlikmarios|ruck, => added regex12:05
dpawlikcc weshay|ruck ^^12:05
marios|ruckdpawlik: ack will check12:08
zbrweshay|ruck: yes but we already test with containers, is a bit of resource hog, but obviously that easy to do.12:10
chandankumarweshay|ruck, dpawlik I will back in 1 and half hour12:11
zbrfor the moment I am trying to add minimal documentation regarding rdo nodesets, see
dpawlikokey chandankumar12:11
zbrthere are too many of them without clear purpose documented, we cannot add jobs testing them unless their purpose is documented.12:12
zbrweshay|ruck: help me merge the "seeds" of documenting nodes, and I will add the jobs.12:12
zbri need to know which nodes we are supposed to use/test, that is why....12:13
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, ping.. 1-112:17
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, joining...12:19
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marios|rucksshnaidm: arxcruz: thanks for your votes. sshnaidm please see my comments, you already +2 but I replied to all your concerns hope that is OK. Only thing i updated in v23 is explained there
marios|ruckpanda: please recheck that one when you next have some time thank you12:29
weshay|ruckysandeep, ping when you have a sec.. openstack-cert12:29
ysandeepweshay|ruck, pong , I am free to talk now12:29
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, I still don't understand why 2 same tasks run:
marios|rucksshnaidm: i replied there... they have different conditional12:32
marios|rucksshnaidm: but you already +2 so please don't block for that :D12:32
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, yeah, but it doesn't explain why do you run 2 same tasks :)12:32
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, either to combine all conditionals, or remove them12:33
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sshnaidmmarios|ruck, this is confusing tbh for understanding the workflow12:33
marios|rucksshnaidm: please make a clear request on the review. for clarity you are referring to the molecule converge  right?12:34
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sshnaidmmarios|ruck, task "Check that the containers are pushed correctly to all target registries"12:34
weshay|ruckysandeep|brb, ah.. missed ya.. let's chat tomorrow12:35
marios|rucksshnaidm: my main problem is i don't know how to do what you want, exactly. the first one deals with the case of x86 only containers12:35
marios|rucksshnaidm: the second one deals with x86 and ppc12:36
marios|rucksshnaidm: if i remove those the molecul scenario fails12:36
marios|rucksshnaidm: note this is molecule converge not the main code12:36
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, maybe "when: (not ppc_manifests and '"ppc" not in image') or ppc_manifests" ?12:36
marios|rucksshnaidm: thanks for checking anyway please comment on there if you feel strongly enough to block on it. i will change it but grateful for suggestions12:36
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sshnaidmmarios|ruck, I don't understand why you run exactly same tasks under different conditions, maybe this is more clear12:37
ysandeepweshay|ruck, okay12:37
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, or these tasks are different? I looked at them for a few minutes trying to find a difference :)12:37
marios|rucksshnaidm: they are different in the list of containers they check for12:38
marios|rucksshnaidm: and that is expressed in the when:12:38
rfolcozbr, quick question... how can I modify tox.ini to run non-delegated test ?
marios|rucksshnaidm: one is with ppc enabled... the other is ppc disabled so check only x86 containers12:38
marios|rucksshnaidm: we want only one of them to run based on ppc_manifests12:38
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, is my condition above solving it?12:39
sshnaidmI see the same in both tasks: loop: "{{ target_registries | map(attribute='host') | product(containers) | map('join', '/') | list }}"12:39
zbrrfolco: sure, in fact that tox.ini file has a bug, the filters should be part of {posargs:HERE} not outside.12:40
zbrin order to allow you to run molecule with whatever args you want.12:40
zbrrfolco: do you want me to update the review to fix that?12:41
weshay|ruckamoralej|lunch, sorry12:41
weshay|ruckwrong guy12:41
rfolcozbr, would you update the review please ?12:41
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, nvrmind, I don't block, but I'd be glad to have better explanation or design of this later, it's more logical issue then technical for me12:41
rfolcozbr, I am spinning wheels12:41
marios|rucksshnaidm: honestly thanks for looking at that, i am trying to understand if your conditional covers all cases12:42
marios|rucksshnaidm: but then i don't see the value of adding somethign which is really not clear/quick to understand what is happening, to save like 5 lines task, which in fact, it is in the molecule scenario not even the main code12:42
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, it's just a combination of these two conditions12:42
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, well, what is really not clear is 2 same tasks :)12:43
marios|rucksshnaidm: i appreciate that you take so much effort to review the code and thanks for the discussion .. imo i'd rather have it more explicit than use a conditional like when: (not ppc_manifests and '"ppc" not in image') or ppc_manifests12:44
marios|rucksshnaidm: makes it easier for stupid people like me :)12:44
marios|rucksshnaidm: thanks for not blocking on it12:44
zbrrfolco: done12:48
marios|ruckrfolco: i replied there fyi thanks for looking
zbrtox 3.14.4 was just relases few minutes ago, with some fixes from me, like forcing install of six>1.1412:51
rfolcozbr, thank you very much :)12:52
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rfolcoplanning meeting starting at
rfolcoweshay|ruck, chandankumar zbr marios|ruck sshnaidm arxcruz panda ^13:00
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weshay|ruckchandankumar, need you in planning sir13:03
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sshnaidmrfolco, sprint till Wed 2020-04-04 ?13:17
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, I am there13:18
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weshay|ruckchandankumar, thanks13:19
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rlandychandankumar: if your still around after the meeting, I can sync with you re: rhel 8.1 stuff13:34
chandankumarrlandy, may be monday if works for you?13:34
rlandychandankumar: ack13:34
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chandankumarrlandy, please merge this
chandankumardpawlik, sshnaidm master review to test movement to new image server for rhel8
chandankumarif that works, we are good to go, merge the patches13:57
chandankumarit will test both pull and push13:57
dpawlikchandankumar, ack13:58
marios|ruck|callykarel|afk: zbr: please see when you have a sec, not sure how to workaround for six there13:59
marios|ruck|callzbr: ykarel|afk: is that sane :D14:06
zbrwait for new release of virtualenv today, i am working on it14:17
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pandachandankumar: I had to mute you.14:25
chandankumarpanda, sorry14:25
chandankumarpanda, created the user story for rdo tox molecule14:26
chandankumarpanda, added additional us for extended promoter work
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chandankumardpawlik, is it ok to move to new image server tomorrow, I am still testing it14:41
chandankumaror better monday14:41
dpawlikEvil is on friday deployment xD14:43
dpawlikevil comes* on friday deployment14:43
dpawlikso lets say on monday it will be better14:43
chandankumardpawlik, works for me14:45
chandankumarweshay|ruck, marios|ruck|call ^^ we will be doing final image server migration on Monday, we need more testing, FYI!14:46
dpawlikcc jpena ^^14:47
marios|ruck|callack chandankumar14:47
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chandankumarrfolco, weshay|ruck, need to leave now14:59
chandankumarsee ya14:59
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ykarel|afkmarios|ruck|call, you need to do before - name: Install deps from upper-constraints task15:02
ykarel|afkanywayhere in the job should work15:02
ykarel|afkzbr, new release would work with older six?15:02
ykarel|afknew release of virtualenv15:02
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zbrykarel|afk: yep, this is what i was doing.15:03
ykarelzbr, okk if it works with older six, then it would be good15:03
zbrykarel: see
* ykarel looks15:04
ykarelzbr, ack from idea wise lgtm15:05
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ykarelwith this hard dep on six >=1.12 is removed15:05
marios|ruckykarel: thanks will do15:06
marios|ruckykarel: gimme few mins just came of long call15:06
ykarelmarios|ruck, ack take ur time15:06
marios|ruckykarel: was trying to do explicit install but failed15:06
zbrykarel: yep. tox is already released, now only virtualenv remaining.15:06
ykarelmarios|ruck, explicit mean?15:06
ykarelhmm permission denied15:07
ykareluse become, as need to override system six15:07
zbrykarel: also read the last private comment on bug 1790174 in python-virtualenv "virtualenv activate chokes when run from bash scripts in strict mode due to missing PS1" [Medium,New] - Assigned to python-maint15:07
zbrthis time I was able to make a patch to virtualenv, but I doubt we can continue like this.15:08
* rlandy will brb - need to buy some cough medicine15:09
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ykarelyup this is how rhel workflow is15:12
ykarelthey need to keep it running for years15:12
ykarelalso they mentioned python3 native venv don't have issue15:14
marios|ruckdpawlik: thanks i commented lgtm @
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: when you have time check ^ purge15:21
marios|ruckdpawlik: i don't have +2 there15:21
marios|ruckykarel: zbr: so wdyt? should I add 'become' there... or '--user' for ?15:21
marios|ruckzbr: or should i just wait?15:21
marios|ruckzbr: :)15:22
zbrmarios|ruck: neither, wait for my fix.15:22
marios|ruckzbr: :D ok going to remove that explicit task now go back to the mergable version15:23
marios|ruckykarel: ^15:23
ykarelanything will work for me, but NOTE getting virtualenv release in nodepool images is itself will take good time15:24
dpawlikweshay|ruck, should I send an email about migration or you will do that :> ?15:24
ykarelso if u can wait ok for me15:24
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marios|ruckykarel: let's see ;)
marios|ruckykarel: if that works we can merge it and then go into witness protection from zbr hit squad(s)15:28
ykarelmarios|ruck, ack, not sure if --user will work15:29
ykarelbut yes let's see15:29
marios|ruckykarel: me neither lets see :D15:29
zbrmarios|ruck: when I hit, I hit workflow! ;)15:31
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marios|ruckykarel: installed six ok... now doing upper-constraints....15:47
rlandyrfolco: hi - can we chat re:task 1436?15:47
raukadahdpawlik, 2020-02-13 09:59:43.921899 | primary | Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.15:52
raukadah2020-02-13 09:59:44.165090 | primary | Permission denied (publickey).15:52
raukadah2020-02-13 09:59:44.165630 | primary | rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]15:52
raukadah2020-02-13 09:59:44.165654 | primary | rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.3]15:52
raukadah2020-02-13 09:59:44.171338 | primary | cp: cannot stat '/home/zuul/*repo_setup*log': No such file or directory15:52
dpawlikraukadah, because you are trying to reach the old server15:52
dpawlikthe new server temp name is15:52
dpawlikin the future we will change that to images.rdoproject.org15:53
raukadahah let me fix that15:53
raukadahdpawlik, can you cross check again?15:55
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raukadahsshnaidm, rlandy please merge once dpawlik +115:55
dpawlikraukadah, you have "space"15:56
marios|ruckykarel: looks like it works... it is building containers now at least15:58
marios|ruckykarel: i will split that into a review ontop of yours (just six install) then the check jobs on top of that15:58
marios|ruckzbr: ^15:58
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sshnaidmraukadah, what does it fix?16:00
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rfolcorlandy, sorry back from lunch16:03
rlandyrfolco: k - will ping you in a few16:04
rfolcorlandy, ok ping me when you are free16:04
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rlandyrfolco: ping16:28
raukadahsshnaidm, it is trying to use old image server16:28
rlandyrfolco: I am just trying to figure out where to start here16:28
rlandy there is no card for creating jobs16:29
raukadahsshnaidm, current image server name is images-vexxhost.rdoproject.org16:29
rlandyrfolco: but nvm - I'll just start and work it out16:29
sshnaidmraukadah, ack, didn't it migrate already? I thought it will be the same name16:30
raukadahsshnaidm, currently, we need to make sure new server is working fine, then we decomossion old one and populate dns on new on16:31
raukadahas a fallback we are using images-vexxhost.rdoproject.org16:31
rfolcorlandy, we need to replicate the work done for compute/keystone16:31
rfolcorlandy, but the promotion names should be changed, so first lets get this merged
rlandyrfolco: not mergeable :)16:32
rlandyanyways no worries16:33
rfolcorlandy, yeah, need to rebase that one, just to say the other pipelines should follow this one16:33
rfolcorlandy, name ocnvention16:33
sshnaidmraukadah, ok, so no need to change link in jobs afaiu16:34
raukadahdpawlik, ^^16:34
sshnaidmrlandy, are you ok with now?16:35
raukadahsshnaidm, dpawlik will populate redirect to in future as per last discussion once we move to new server16:35
sshnaidmraukadah, cool, where are such discussions take place btw?16:35
mjturekare overcloud and ipa images remaining as centos7 for the foreseeable future?16:38
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sshnaidmraukadah, etherpad..16:44
sshnaidmraukadah, in addition to taiga and jira :D16:44
dpawlikraukadah, looks good :)16:46
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rlandysshnaidm: yep - +2'ed it17:16
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rlandyrfolco: ok if I edit
rfolcorlandy, I am ok even if you take it over17:38
rfolcorlandy, yes go for it17:38
rlandyrfolco: cool - thanks17:38
dpawlikweshay|ruck, => why -1?17:50
rlandyrfolco: sorry to bother you again  ...17:50
rfolcorlandy, not a bother17:51
rlandyrfolco: but all the promote-consistent-to-component-ci-testing job can be centso 8 only17:51
rlandythere is no centos 7 left here17:51
rlandyor we need both job definitions?17:51
rlandyie: component pipeline is going to move to centos8 with no centos7 surviving, correct??17:52
rlandyweshay|ruck: raukadah: ^^ do I have that right?17:52
rfolcorlandy, there is no centos7 component promotion anymore.17:53
rlandyrfolco: k17:53
rfolcorlandy, dlrn stopped working w/ centos717:53
rfolcofor components17:53
rlandyfine - I am removing those definitions17:53
rfolcogreat thanks for updating it17:54
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weshay|ruckdpawlik, don't remove any file that is symlinked18:24
weshay|ruckdpawlik, there is already a tool that does this18:24
weshay|ruckdavid simard has it18:25
weshay|ruckdpawlik, go talk to him18:25
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rlandyquestion about centos8 parenting18:40
rlandydo we want to parent centos8 off centos7 or just start clean definitions?18:41
sshnaidmrlandy, why not to parent?18:42
rlandysshnaidm: well if centos7 goes away18:43
rlandythen our base is non-existent18:43
rfolcozbr, still around?18:43
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, good point18:43
rlandysshnaidm: open question ... will add you to patches so you can comment and we can discuss on monday18:44
sshnaidmrlandy, I think rhel8 is parenting from c7 too18:44
rlandysshnaidm: yeah ...18:44
rlandyI think centos8 should be our new base going forward but not worth rewriting old job definitions18:44
rlandyso I would build a new set of base jobs18:45
rlandyanyways - will put forward to the team on monday18:45
sshnaidmrlandy, ack18:45
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rlandylol - chicken and egg dependencies19:02
rlandywoohoo ... zuul is finally happy ...
weshay|ruckzbr what was the issue opened on molecule that requires 3.0a5?19:50
rfolcoweshay|ruck, zbr o/ interested ^19:58
rfolcocoz I still struggle with molecule19:58
rlandyrfolco: could I testproject the centos 8 standalone jobs - or not piushed containers yet?20:02
weshay|ruckrlandy, we have not20:02
weshay|ruckrlandy, we need to land
rlandykeystone/compute pipeline cards in review - waiting for ^^20:02
weshay|ruckya.. that's busted on everything
weshay|ruckrfolco, it's failing on the destroy?20:04
rfolcoits because ci-scripts/infra-setup/roles/promoter/molecule/default/playbook.yml does not exist20:05
rfolcothere is a converge.yml, so not sure how to make molecule see it instead of playbook.yml20:05
rfolcowe could can create a playbook.yml and include ? I really don't know what we need to do20:06
rfolcoweshay|ruck, trying to skip it in tox.ini w/ a code comment... lets see20:08
rfolcorlandy, not keystone anymore :(20:22
rfolcoweshay|ruck, rlandy zbr: I got a green job on rdo-tox-molecule by ignoring the promoter not-delegated test...20:25
weshay|ruckrfolco, but that tox config is in base20:25
rfolcowe still need to fix the broken tests in roles/promoter (not delegated ones)20:26
weshay|ruckso we'd be ignoring that test on any change20:26
rfolcojust to show my get-hash is working :)20:26
weshay|ruckrfolco, so there are legit tests failing? or just the teardown is failing20:26
rfolcoweshay|ruck, I am not suggesting we merge as is20:26
rfolcoweshay|ruck, its molecule problem I guess20:27
weshay|ruckrfolco, k..20:27
rfolcomolecule issue w/ file names converge,yml vs playbook.yml20:27
rfolcoweshay|ruck, after checking that my get-hash molecule test works, now I can readd the broken test and point people to the test that ran20:27
rfolcomaybe I can try fixing it20:28
rfolcolet me spend a bit more on it while people review the patch...20:28
weshay|ruckrfolco, /me trying a thing too20:29
weshay|ruckrfolco, have a fix20:33
rfolcoweshay|ruck, great pls use patchset 25 and add your fix20:34
rfolcoas patchset 26 is the skip hack20:34
weshay|ruckrfolco, ya.. was testing w/o it20:36
weshay|ruckso do this.. remove the change to tox.ini20:36
weshay|ruckrfolco, drop this file in
weshay|ruckworked for me20:36
rfolcoweshay|ruck, hacker!20:37
weshay|ruckaye aye20:37
weshay|ruckbread and butter20:38
rfolcook, cool20:38
rlandyrfolco: please review again ...
rfolcouber kid at school, will review later or tomorrow20:50
weshay|ruckrfolco, worked21:00
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rlandyweshay|ruck: rfolco: left comments on - I think this excludes the downstream pipeline where the primary distro is rhel21:09
rlandyif we need to merge this review to get centos 8 going, I can remove -1 and accept downstream will not work for now21:10
weshay|ruckrfolco, oh now rlandy -1's it.. when we get it working21:11
rlandyweshay|ruck: rfolco: ^^ again - not going to block centos 8 on this21:11
weshay|ruckcentos-8 container jobs here we come.. patches in gate21:12
* weshay|ruck lays down21:14
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rlandypanda: why do you specify ansible 2.8 in
dpawlikweshay|ruck, file with -type f doesn't remove symlinks, but maybe Im wrong. David is absent, so I will perform a test tomorrow21:30
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pandarlandy: consistentcy with the definition I copied from below.21:38
rlandypanda: ok - guess that 's legacy anyways21:39
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rlandyweshay|ruck: rfolco: looking at 'build out zuul pipelines' task ... so this task is dependent on all promoted-component jobs?22:15
* rlandy tries to get the order of development sorted22:15
rlandyalso - where is the image build work?22:16
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rlandypls see card
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weshay|ruckdpawlik_off, you can't remove any files that ARE symlinked23:12
weshay|ruckand david simard has a script on the system to do it already23:13
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weshay|ruckrlandy, can't we just remove lines 36 and 47
weshay|ruckI think ya23:18
* weshay|ruck udpates23:18
weshay|ruckmeh.. I guess it's fine.. now23:20
rlandyweshay|ruck: it's fine23:27
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think distro name is not needed.. but meh23:27
rlandyweshay|ruck: I +2'ed it23:28
rlandyI wasn't going to block centos8 over it23:28
rlandyweshay|ruck: I left some notes in - could use a little direction on how to proceed with next reviews23:29
rlandydid zbr cover the image build jobs?23:29
rlandyyour note said 2/1523:29
rlandyanyways .. need to go to other job now .. bbl23:30
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