Thursday, 2020-03-12

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rlandyweshay|ruck: hi - back02:16
weshay|ruckrlandy, 0/02:29
rlandyweshay|ruck: hey02:30
weshay|ruckhow's the other gig02:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: tiring02:30
rlandyvery few volunteers02:30
rlandyeveryone is scared of the corona virus02:30
weshay|ruckoh man.. this is how it ends.. it was nice working w/ you!!02:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: in other news ...
rlandyand need to fix the criteria .. missing -master02:31
rlandycoming up02:32
rlandyhas all three now02:34
weshay|ruckboom boom boom02:36
rlandyok - let's see what's going on with virt-customize02:36
rlandyweshay|ruck: did you figure out the fs001 failure - baremetal/nova issue?02:37
rlandycockpit components look good - thanks02:38
rlandyoh gee - travel from europe suspended02:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1866965 in tripleo "Duplicate declaration: Package[collectd-python] is already declared at puppet-collectd and puppet-tripleo" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)02:40
weshay|ruckrlandy, fixed02:40
weshay|ruckrlandy, yup02:40
weshay|rucknba season suspended02:40
weshay|ruckthis will be a good lesson for the world02:40
weshay|ruckWASH YOUR HANDS and DON'T EAT BATS02:41
rlandy hmmm ...
rlandythe whole thing didn't even run02:45
weshay|ruckrlandy,  WHAAAA
weshay|ruckrlandy, that's a pass02:56
rlandyweshay|ruck: how is that possible?02:59
weshay|ruckrlandy, looking through it.. looks legit so far03:00
rlandyweshay|ruck: also looking - don't believe this03:00
rlandyno way!!!03:01
rlandyweshay|ruck: lol - that looks pretty legit03:02
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario001-standalone-cinder-master still failed03:03
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. it just merged03:04
rlandyweshay|ruck: the component repo is on the overcloud03:04
weshay|ruckname: Import role tripleo-modify-image03:04
weshay|rucknothing updated03:04
rlandywell that could be true03:04
rlandy'update_repo': 'gating-repo,delorean-current,baremetal '03:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, we should trigger that in a test project.. a few times03:05
weshay|ruckso when we unpin tomorrow we know how consistent it is03:05
rlandyrunning with repo change03:06
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ running in integration line now03:07
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think this has to be one line --run-command '{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} clean all'03:07
weshay|ruck--run-command '{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} update -y'03:07
rlandybut that is tripleo-ci-testing03:07
weshay|ruckbetter the first way you had it03:07
weshay|ruckrlandy, unless you saw --run-command used more than once03:08
weshay|ruckI don't think I have03:08
weshay|ruckcould be wrong though03:08
rlandylet me check03:08
rlandyweshay|ruck: do I need to sudo there?03:10
weshay|ruckthink so /me looks again03:11
weshay|rucknot saying you should do it that way03:13
weshay|ruckjust posting as another example03:13
weshay|ruckrlandy, hrm.. I don't think you need sudo03:14
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weshay|ruckrlandy, from goneri.. trusted source03:16
rlandyweshay|ruck: yeah ...03:16
rlandy --update03:16
weshay|ruckremove the subscription manager bits03:16
weshay|ruckand looks like --update does what you want03:17
rlandy    --upload /etc/yum.repos.d/dci_repo.repo:/etc/yum.repos.d/dci_repo.repo \03:17
rlandy--update \03:17
rlandylet me try that03:17
weshay|ruck grafana]$ virt-customize --help  | grep update03:17
weshay|ruck  --update                            Update packages03:17
rlandysec - updating review03:18
rlandyexport LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct03:18
rlandyvirt-customize -a {{ overcloud_full_tar_name }}03:18
rlandy--upload /etc/yum.repos.d/{{ job.component }}-component.repo:/etc/yum.repos.d/{{ job.component }}-component.repo03:18
rlandyrechecking ...03:20
rlandyok - let's see what that does03:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, you need trailing \03:21
weshay|ruckline 32, 3303:22
rlandyk - updating03:22
rlandywell the component pipeline is clearly kicking now03:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: anything else needed before the great event tomorrow?03:32
rlandyeurope day time starting shortly03:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, 0/  go to sleep03:36
weshay|rucksee u tomorrow :)03:36
rlandyhmm ... one more mistake03:36
rlandycorrecting that then I am out03:36
rlandythe image is called what at this point??03:37
rlandyovercloud_full_tar_name: overcloud-full.tar03:37
* weshay|ruck looks03:37
rlandyI'm not sure03:37
weshay|ruckit's untarred03:38
weshay|ruckcurl an image line 2603:38
weshay|ruckuntar it .. line 2703:38
rlandy2020-03-11 20:09:53 | + openstack overcloud image upload --http-boot=/var/lib/ironic/httpboot03:38
rlandy2020-03-11 20:10:08 | Image "overcloud-full-vmlinuz" was uploaded.03:38
rlandyweshay|ruck: so what is the name of the image we are customizing?03:39
rlandyit doesn't look like it get downloaded03:39
weshay|ruckjust overcloud-full03:39
* weshay|ruck downloading03:39
rlandyit's already on the undercloud03:39
rlandysee the log03:39
rlandythere is no download there03:40
weshay|ruckImage "overcloud-full" was uploaded.03:42
weshay|ruckso.. overcloud-full.qcow203:42
rlandylet me change that in the review03:42
weshay|ruck2020-03-11 20:10:08 | | 0e419b30-967c-4551-b261-59d23b78c5d3 | overcloud-full |    qcow2    | 1002619392 | active |03:42
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. that can be hardcoded03:43
rlandyok - rechecked03:44
rlandyweshay|ruck: gn - hope tomorrow surprises us for the good!03:44
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zbrpanda: help me with this 2 liner:
pandazbr: define "help"09:10
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pandazbr: a week ? wouldn't the jobs run before ?09:11
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zbrwe discovered that several of the 78 scenarios there got rotten in the last 10 days as only some jobs are triggered on changes.09:21
zbrso yesterday, after few talks with infra, I added a "periodic-weekly" pipeline near the daily one.09:22
zbrand we got ok to add some jobs to it, specially for that, to prevent them from not running for long periods of time.09:22
zbris quite similar with what we have on rdo09:22
zbrpanda: here is one example:
zbryou see the gap of 10 days?09:24
zbrfrom next week we will also have weekly threre, making easier to spot issues.09:25
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dpawlikHi, do you still need fedora-29 host ? (
dpawliksshnaidm|afk, weshay|ruck ^^  (or can I update that to 31)09:30
dpawlikand one more question: do you need jobs running with fedora 30 or it can be also updated to 31 (soon 30 will be eol)09:32
dpawlikand I guess fedora 28 is sitll required09:35
sshnaidm|afkdpawlik, no, we can change it to 3009:38
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sshnaidmdpawlik, jobs can be updated to 31 only when we'll have repos for 31
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dpawliksshnaidm, oh09:42
* dpawlik what is this09:42
sshnaidmdpawlik, I talked with tristanC and others to add repos, it requires an image of f31 in upstream, and I don't know where it stopped09:46
dpawliksshnaidm, ack. Will check that today09:46
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zbrwhat f28 needed, where?10:20
mariospanda: what's the story on why don't you rebase10:23
mariospanda: 'cannot merge'10:24
mariospanda: so all green \o/ and please review that too py tests green10:24
dpawlikzbr, just "loose question". If its not required, lucky I10:31
marioschandankumar: so once the rdo folks are done merging the distgits, we merge the unpin10:40
chandankumarmarios, yes10:40
marioschandankumar: and then? wait for pipeline. should we just start posting testproject i wonder10:40
chandankumarmarios, once unpinning merges, 12:00 utc component pipeline will pikc10:41
marioschandankumar: lets see what time it merges10:41
marioschandankumar: it might be close to pipeline10:41
marioschandankumar: dont want to have it duplicate10:41
chandankumarmarios, ok10:42
chandankumarmarios, i am mostly worried with this review
chandankumarin our testing it does not break anything up still we can see in pipeline10:43
marioschandankumar: there was discussion about that on rdo just now10:43
mariosthat review i mean10:43
ykarelmarios, chandankumar unpin patch will take couple of hours after +W10:48
ykarelunless and until we force merge it10:48
ykarelonce it merges, it will take couple of more hours for DLRN to build all these projects10:49
chandankumarykarel, marios we need to merge before 12:00 utc10:49
marioschandankumar: sounds like it doesn't matter see what ykarel said10:49
marioschandankumar: so we have to wait anyway10:49
ykarelyes jsut merging will not help10:49
ykareland anyway i think component pipeline is 00:00 not 12:0010:50
ykareland that is too far10:50
ykarelwe will be all set till than10:50
ykarelcan u cross check this?10:50
chandankumarwait checking10:51
mariospipe times all in there
mariosykarel: chandankumar: ^10:51
ykarelyup i checked that already10:51
mariosykarel: looks like each component has different time10:51
ykarelmarios, yes10:51
ykarelcheck the starting one10:51
ykarelfirst component10:51
mariosyah midnight10:51
mariosykarel: ack so once things go through we can post a testproject with the pipeline10:52
chandankumar2020-03-13 00:00:0010:52
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ykarelmarios, yes u can prepond testing10:52
ykarelonce all set10:52
chandankumarmarios, ykarel each component starts after another by one and half hr difference10:53
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ykarelchandankumar, do u know what's the reason for this?10:53
ykarel1.5 hr difference10:53
pandamarios: reviewsing, in the meantime I'm adding the final unit tests for the promoter. Maybe a couple functional tests too. Just discovered a bug in sanity checks for the configuration ...10:54
pandamarios: also I have this that will need some more +2 later
pandamarios: officially skydive is not supported, so we can remove it.10:55
chandankumarykarel, due to limited resources i think forgot about the exact reason there was some issue with dlrn md5 creation, will wait for rlandy to come and answer10:55
mariospanda: k10:56
ykarelchandankumar, ack10:56
ykarelhmm but looks like very limited jobs run in those pipeline10:56
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chandankumarbrb for an hour11:37
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, 0/11:43
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: o/11:43
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weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, got the board updated for master
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arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck:  cool, the failures from today, already have bugs assigned, and it was because it wasn't merged yet thee patches11:52
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weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, rock on11:53
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weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, can you please make and voting12:04
weshay|ruckand add to
weshay|ruckchandankumar, is soniya around?12:06
chandankumarweshay|ruck, noone is in office, everyone is work from home12:09
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weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, both scenarios?12:20
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: yes, you want me to split the patches ?12:20
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, no12:24
weshay|ruckshould be in the same patch12:24
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: ok, already update adding the jobs to the gate12:25
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rlandyugh - seriously? /home/zuul/ line 20: virt-customize: command not found12:27
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chandankumarrlandy, weshay|ruck add it to review queue
weshay|ruckchandankumar, are they ok w/ the expanded coverage?12:45
chandankumarweshay|ruck, yes12:45
chandankumarrlandy, since I am done with c8 works, next item you want to me deal image build or any other stuff?12:46
chandankumarweshay|ruck, it is not going to run automatically someone needs to call that job12:47
chandankumarwe added it there so that anyone can pick the job in .zuul.yaml and run it12:48
rlandychandankumar: I'm working on the image update for ovb12:49
chandankumarrlandy, you mean injecting repos patch?12:49
rlandychandankumar: it would be good to work on the image build for to_Build12:49
rlandyyeah - got somewhere yesterday12:49
chandankumarrlandy, ok12:50
rlandyalso checking fs03012:50
mariosrlandy: i was looking at that12:50
mariosrlandy: trying to see why it failed to pull from the local registry12:50
mariosrlandy:                 * 2020-03-10 05:32:05 |     Error: error pulling image "": unable to12:50
marios        *
rlandymarios: we should rerun that12:50
chandankumaranyway I need to update puppet jobs to standalone c812:50
mariosrlandy: has that been a consistent error or is it a new thing?12:50
rlandyweshay was updating the containers12:51
pandasorry I'm having some difficulties. Ireland annouced a semi shutdown, and I'm providing with medical supply from my parents through amazon. I'll be delayednow and then12:51
rlandymaybe some where missing12:51
mariosrlandy: ah ack , ok then lets recheck12:51
rlandychandankumar: wrt
rlandyhow often should that run?12:51
rlandyyou want me to put it in a pipeline?12:51
chandankumarrlandy, never unless we call it something like this
chandankumarit was added for testing12:52
rlandychandankumar: ok - so what should I do?12:52
rlandykick it a few times today?12:52
chandankumarrlandy, needs to merge that that's it12:52
rlandyoh ok12:53
rlandyok - I'll take care of that12:53
chandankumarrlandy, cool, thanks!12:53
rlandychandankumar: anything else?12:53
chandankumarrlandy, nope12:53
rlandychandankumar: get some rest then !!!12:53
chandankumarweshay|ruck, Can I update podman third party jobs to c8?12:54
weshay|ruckchandankumar, YES!12:54
weshay|ruckchandankumar, thank you12:54
chandankumarweshay|ruck, ok12:54
rlandywe merged a bunch of stuff last night12:54
chandankumarweshay|ruck, you are suppose to arrange a Virtual Pizza party for us by End of sprint12:54
weshay|ruckchandankumar, are these in an experimental queue or something ?12:54
weshay|ruckrlandy,  queue was good12:55
rlandychandankumar: lastly - wrt tempest failures - they were not consistent - so I didn't add anything to the skip list yet12:55
rlandyweshay|ruck: which one?12:55
rlandycomponent? integration?12:55
chandankumarweshay|ruck, it is not in any queue, it will added on demand when we update a rdoinfo tag12:56
chandankumarby an user12:56
chandankumarto give more confidence if updating a tag can break it ro not12:56
rlandy - very pretty12:56
weshay|ruckchandankumar, ya.. imho it's too much12:57
weshay|ruckat least from the feedback I've received in the past12:57
chandankumarweshay|ruck, but we need to enforce the people to test the new tag before merging it12:58
weshay|ruckchandankumar, rlandy scrum13:01
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chandankumar - tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 : SUCCESS in 2h 29m 32s13:16
mariospanda: let me update mine too sec thn you can pull it for test on promoter13:18
mariospanda: done v11 thanks#13:20
chandankumarrlandy,  tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 : SUCCESS in 2h 29m 32s13:26
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chandankumaramoralej|lunch, rlandy, ykarel weshay|ruck marios queue is cleared now merging ironic now13:30
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rlandymarios: could you forward me that email13:37
mariosrlandy: sure fetching13:38
mariosrlandy: (done)13:39
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rlandymarios: thanks - ha - I really wasn't sent that email.13:42
rlandykind of insulated :(13:42
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chandankumarykarel, let me know when it is up13:46
ykarelchandankumar, yes will do13:47
rlandycreating testproject for when we are ready to go there13:47
chandankumarseen mariadb container issue13:48
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ in the pipeline now13:51
weshay|ruckrlandy, rock13:51
chandankumarrlandy, queue is up once get empty send the test project for baremetal and tripleo13:51
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rlandychandankumar: sec - testprojects coming up13:52
rlandy^^ abandoned the review so it doesn't run13:56
chandankumarrlandy, aye13:56
rlandyrestore it when you want to run13:56
rlandychandankumar: tripleo will run later today - you want to run it now as well?13:56
rlandyfine by me - either way13:56
chandankumarrlandy, right now not13:56
chandankumarwatching the queue currently13:57
rlandychandankumar: k - just ping me if you need other component stuff13:57
chandankumarrlandy, sure13:57
marioschandankumar: looking13:57
marioschandankumar: ack not to do with the container itself i think i.e .mariadb just there is issue reaching local registry13:58
chandankumarrlandy, please +w13:58
marioschandankumar: same as in fs3013:58
chandankumarmarios, are good to go then13:58
chandankumar5 more to go13:59
chandankumarrlandy, , two more14:02
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rlandychandankumar: all good except ...
chandankumarrlandy, since there will be no patches coming for rocky it will not harm14:07
chandankumarrlandy, I think so14:07
rlandylet's be sure14:08
chandankumarrlandy, ok removing14:08
chandankumarrlandy, done14:10
mariosneeds reviews please scen10-ovn @ ( there )14:12
rlandymarios: ^^ will do14:14
mariosrlandy: thanks not urgent just please add to your reviews queue14:16
chandankumarrlandy, light the candle now, queue processed14:18
rlandychandankumar: baremetal?14:18
chandankumarrlandy, yes14:18
rlandyk - here we go14:19
chandankumarrlandy, all ftbfs also merger14:19
chandankumarreal fun will come now14:19
chandankumarrlandy, I am confused here what are your plans on fixing image build14:21
rlandychandankumar: it updates14:25
chandankumarrlandy, only the yum repos na?14:28
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chandankumarrlandy, what about dib, image elements and tripleo client?14:29
weshay|ruckzbr, let's chat14:29
rlandychandankumar: so we need that for image build14:31
weshay|ruckzbr,  :) :) :)14:31
rlandythis is just to get the updated component in the image14:32
chandankumarrlandy, yes, if we update the packages it does not make any sense, unless we also update the dib related stuff14:32
rlandyit doesn't build the image from scratch14:32
rlandychandankumar: for component this is what we need14:32
rlandywhen we run to_build, we need more14:32
chandankumarrlandy, ok14:32
rlandychandankumar: make sense?14:33
chandankumarrlandy, I will look into other aspects which I am thinking14:33
chandankumarrlandy, yes14:33
chandankumarrlandy, How is the situation in your area related to covid-19? I need to stop ordering food from tomorrow and learn cooking due to covid14:34
rlandychandankumar: crazy here14:34
chandankumareveryone comes with covered faces, it makes me too afraid14:34
rlandymy immediate are is not so bad but westchester which is not far is totally shut down14:35
rlandyschools are closed14:35
chandankumarrlandy, same here14:35
chandankumarschools closed14:35
rlandyjust saw they canceled Denver14:36
marioshere schools closed since yesterday14:36
mariosif for nothing else this is scary just for how unprecedented it is for e.g. schools to be closed in so many places :/14:37
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chandankumarin pune, weworks office was closed for two days14:37
weshay|rucktripleo-build-containers-centos-7SUCCESS in 55m 01s14:38
weshay|ruckzbr, ^14:38
chandankumarbetter I can go to home town and work from there, but hard to take flights also, no case in my state till now14:39
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weshay|ruck[08:47:17] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: let me summarize this for you14:48
weshay|ruck[08:47:25] <weshay|ruck> k14:48
weshay|ruck[08:47:30] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: infra installed python3+pip3 in centos7 images14:48
weshay|ruck[08:47:34] <yoctozepto> (well, all for that matter)14:48
weshay|ruck[08:47:47] * zbr (sid419200@gateway/web/ has joined14:48
weshay|ruck[08:47:48] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: and base job does detection of py version based on pip3 availability14:48
weshay|ruck[08:47:53] <weshay|ruck> ah14:48
weshay|ruck[08:48:01] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: and replaced virtualenv happily14:48
weshay|ruck[08:48:03] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: ta-da14:48
weshay|ruckzbr, ^14:48
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weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, fyi.. keep an eye on centos-7 jobs for python issues..14:49
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: ok14:49
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, infra is changing some things here..14:49
weshay|ruck[08:47:17] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: let me summarize this for you14:49
weshay|ruck[08:47:25] <weshay|ruck> k14:49
weshay|ruck[08:47:30] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: infra installed python3+pip3 in centos7 images14:49
weshay|ruck[08:47:34] <yoctozepto> (well, all for that matter)14:49
weshay|ruck[08:47:47] * zbr (sid419200@gateway/web/ has joined14:50
weshay|ruck[08:47:48] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: and base job does detection of py version based on pip3 availability14:50
weshay|ruck[08:47:53] <weshay|ruck> ah14:50
weshay|ruck[08:48:01] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: and replaced virtualenv happily14:50
weshay|ruck[08:48:03] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: ta-da14:50
weshay|ruck[08:48:08] * ricolin_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:50
weshay|ruck[08:48:10] <yoctozepto> weshay|ruck: working with infra on this14:50
weshay|ruck[08:48:37] <weshay|ruck> k.. thank you.. /me catching up in there as well14:50
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, zbr
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, zbr 2020-03-12 01:51:36.567684 | LOOP [build-containers : Install deps from upper-constraints]14:53
rlandywe got failures ...
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-baremetal-masterFAILURE in 12m 12s14:57
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-masterFAILURE in 19m 08s14:57
rlandychandankumar: ^^14:59
chandankumarrlandy, awesome15:00
chandankumaramoralej, ykarel
chandankumarrecent results15:01
chandankumarafter upinning15:01
ykarelshould not be related to unpinning though15:03
ykarelbut let's check15:03
chandankumarcssselect- coming from deps15:03
weshay|ruckzbr, arxcruz|rover ^15:03
amoralejchandankumar, unrelated to unpin15:03
amoralejrecheck it15:03
chandankumarrlandy, ^^15:04
amoralejit's related to build-deps movement15:04
chandankumaramoralej, did we changed something there?15:04
amoralejbtw, if it's needed to install tripleoclient that shouldn't be in build-deps15:04
amoralejchandankumar, yes i did15:04
chandankumaramoralej, do we need to update release files?15:05
ykarelsome week deps15:05
ykarelpython3-pygraphviz also15:05
amoralejno need to touch nothing in your side15:05
chandankumaramoralej, aye15:06
amoralejmy only doubt is wrt infra mirrors15:06
amoralejif they may have some content pending to sync15:06
amoralejweak deps15:06
weshay|ruckzbr, arxcruz|rover
chandankumaramoralej, do we track somewhere what got synced or not synced?15:06
amoralejanyway we should move it to -testing instead of build-el815:06
chandankumarit would be a useful metric for us15:06
amoralejno, mirror sync should be automatic15:07
chandankumaramoralej, build-le8 where?15:07
chandankumaramoralej, ah ok15:08
ykarelalteast why build-deps enabled in periodic jobs?15:08
ykarelideally shouldn't be needed though15:09
ykarelunless and until packages are build15:09
weshay|ruck[09:06:14] <mgoddard> weshay|ruck: FWIW, I think we have two candidate solutions for kayobe at least15:09
weshay|ruck[09:06:54] <mgoddard> weshay|ruck: bodge: uninstall virtualenv3, reinstall virtualenv2
weshay|ruck[09:06:55] <patchbot> patch 712673 - kayobe (stable/train) - WIP: Force python 2 for virtualenvs - 4 patch sets15:09
weshay|ruck[09:07:36] <mgoddard> weshay|ruck: better: fix in base zuul job:
weshay|ruck[09:07:36] <patchbot> patch 712694 - kayobe (stable/train) - DNM: use base-test for kayobe-base to test drop of... - 1 patch set15:09
weshay|ruck[09:08:59] * sri_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)15:09
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, zbr ^15:09
amoralejykarel, i'll send a patch to move those two packages to -teting15:09
chandankumarrlandy, weshay|ruck for cashing podman people , one more list to follow15:10
amoralejweak deps are tricky to catch15:10
ykarelamoralej, ack but from where those comings?15:10
weshay|ruckzbr, arxcruz|rover <yoctozepto> and mark goddard15:10
amoralejinstalling tripleoclient and ceph-ansible15:10
amoralejit's pulling them15:10
ykarelohhk in c7 they didn't enabled it15:11
ykarelit's got enabled in c8, and thus the issue got visible15:12
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zbrarxcruz|rover: weshay|ruck : kolla-python-devel approach no1
chandankumarykarel, you are proposing a patch to enable that?15:16
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amoralejchandankumar, i checked that the mirror that failed in that job is updated now15:25
amoraleji'd expect recheck to pass15:25
weshay|ruckamoralej, no idea why that would have not been enabled15:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: are there any more changes coming into rocky now?15:26
rlandyie: how often would rocky branch jobs kick?15:27
weshay|ruckrlandy, yes.. i can be moved to the weekender15:27
rlandyweshay|ruck: no for that reason ...
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mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy: i thought rocky is already in wednesday weekend no?15:28
mariosrocky and queens15:28
rlandynot sure if my comment here is needed15:28
rlandymarios: ack - was asking for branch excludes15:28
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mariosrlandy: so have any of our pipelines kicked since the unpin i don't see one running in
rlandymarios: look at the component pipelines15:30
weshay|ruckmarios, security and octavia aare running15:30
rlandywe have to wait on the zuul queues15:30
mariosrlandy: ah network15:30
weshay|ruckand network15:30
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rlandysec and octavia might not have new code yet15:30
mariosNICE so it was green ?15:30
rlandyjust rekicked baremetal that passed delorean builds15:31
weshay|ruckmarios, I don't think we have new packages yet15:31
rlandymarios: in progress now15:31
weshay|ruckcan look15:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: we have for baremetal15:31
mariosrlandy: yeah they are all success though15:31
rlandysee the testproject15:31
weshay|ruckbut yes.. all green so far15:31
mariosweshay|ruck: ah i see15:31
mariosweshay|ruck: re 17:31 < weshay|ruck> marios, I don't think we have new packages yet15:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: we will have for tripleo15:31
rlandywhen that kicks15:31
weshay|ruckmeh.. tripleo15:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: marios: ^^15:31
rlandybaremetal pipeline rekicked through testproject15:32
rlandytesting unpinned15:32
rlandythat queue is cleared now15:33
weshay|ruckah cool15:33
weshay|ruckskip unit tests15:33
rlandychandankumar: ^^ are all components now rebuilt with dlrn?15:33
rlandyqueue is clear15:33
chandankumarrlandy, yes15:34
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rlandychandankumar: so all component pipelines will pick up unpinned content?15:35
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chandankumarrlandy, yes15:35
rlandyweshay|ruck: marios: ^^ things are getting real now15:35
marios /me prepares the hazmat suit15:36
rlandyso swift will be a real unpinned run15:36
rlandymarios: you mean you aren't wearing your hazmat suit anyways due to corona?15:36
mariosrlandy: yes of course typing is a little tricky but still safety first15:37
rlandymarios: always15:37
marioskeyboard wrapped in celphane15:37
rlandysanitize your cell phone?15:37
rlandyNew York subway is a ghost town15:37
marioshonestly i actually sanitized it like ~1 hour ago for the 2nd time today (cellphone)15:38
chandankumarrlandy, first sanitize hand15:38
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rlandythey posted a picture of grand central station in Manhattan - nobody there ... so crazy15:39
zbrarxcruz|rover: weshay|ruck  MUST READ (also check time)
mariosrlandy: what time swift runs?15:41
* marios fetches definitions15:41
mariosin 20 mins15:41
marios1600 utc15:42
rlandy - time: '30 16 * * *'15:42
weshay|ruckrlandy, chandankumar marios
rlandyweshay|ruck: chandankumar: marios: my nephew school closed and they sent back all the guys from America - so he is hanging out with me today - going to take him to the lunch and then to the airport15:43
rlandyback in about 1.5 hours15:44
mariosah 1630 not 1600 still in a bit anyway15:44
rlandyhoping for no explosions15:44
rlandymarios: we can make those more frequent if we need to15:44
rlandysecurity might be a real run15:44
rlandy^^ pls keep an eye on that15:46
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mariosrlandy|afk: ack
rlandy|afkmarios:  yep it's the rerun of the baremetal pipeline after unpinning15:47
rlandy|afkrunning now15:47
weshay|ruckmarios, panda fyi.. skydive patch should merge with in the hour15:48
pandaweshay|ruck: ok, the change as been checked out in promoter server15:51
pandaweshay|ruck: currently the master.ini is modified for the tests15:51
weshay|ruckpanda, rock on15:51
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pandaweshay|ruck: gate queue restarted16:29
weshay|ruckdoh.. there is some missing package16:29
weshay|ruckjust bitched about it16:29
weshay|ruck[10:22:40] <weshay|ruck> gate keeps failing on 2020-03-12 15:15:16 |   msg: 'Failed to download packages: Cannot download noarch/python3-cssselect-0.9.2-13.el8.noarch.rpm: All mirrors were tried'16:29
marioscomponent swift just started16:30
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, regrarding csselect amoralej is working on that16:42
weshay|ruckchandankumar, is there a bug?16:42
chandankumarweshay|ruck, I think it was mirror issue rlandy|afk recheck will solve the issue16:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867177 in tripleo "Cannot download noarch/python3-cssselect-0.9.2-13.el8.noarch.rpm" [Critical,Triaged]16:44
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amoralejchandankumar, weshay|ruck still hitting it?16:59
amoralejchandankumar, weshay|ruck could i find all occurrences of this issue in some logstash or something like that?17:05
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mariosrlandy|afk: weshay|ruck: getting ready to take off in a short while.. been watching component-swift swift scen2 standalone deploying @ & * fs1 runnint @
mariosboth ongoing17:12
chandankumaramoralej, i will wait for rlandy results17:13
marioswe'll get some more runs while the different pipes kick and we can see where we're at tomorrow17:13
chandankumarlet me check17:13
mariosweshay|ruck: panda: so we gonna merge that then ?
mariosweshay|ruck: panda: or run some more on the old promoter first. did you get the container push today panda?17:16
mariospanda: lets talk in our morning tomorrow and take from there17:16
pandamarios: skydive patch has not merged yet, and without it I can't test the full run17:17
pandamarios: sure17:17
mariospanda: needs votes or gate issue17:17
pandamarios: gates delays17:17
mariospanda: while you're waiting for the aircraft to arrive would you mind looking at v11
pojadhavweshay|ruck, today finally openstack exam cleared :-)17:18
pandamarios: gate is broken17:18
pandamarios: correction, gate is broken not delayed17:18
pandamarios: all standalone jobs failing17:18
mariospanda: ack thanks i see your review will address tomorrow17:19
pandamarios: yep, ping me tomorrow if you have any doubt17:19
weshay|ruckpojadhav, !!17:19
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pojadhavweshay|ruck, thanks :)17:19
rlandychandankumar: hey - what did I miss?17:20
mariosrlandy: your test patch still ongoing  * fs1 runnint @
mariosrlandy: but am going to leave was watching that ...17:20
mariosrlandy: also swift component17:20
marios        * component-swift swift scen2 standalone deploying @
rlandymarios: ack thanks17:20
chandankumarrlandy, sorry what the testproject link?17:21
rlandychandankumar: 25865,117:21
rlandystill running17:21
rlandychandankumar: but all the component kicking now should give us feedback17:23
chandankumarrlandy, I will keep an eye on that tomorrow mornoing17:23
rlandyugh - this keeps hanging on introspection17:24
amoralejchandankumar, it seems jobs are passing this run17:24
rlandythat might be a legit problem17:24
rlandyupdates the images17:24
weshay|ruckrlandy, yes.. it's a real issue has a bug17:25
rlandyopenstack-component-tripleo should kick shorty17:25
weshay|ruckrlandy, we should hold a node17:25
rlandyweshay|ruck: but we will be able to see the virt-customize17:25
weshay|ruckbecause there's been a lot of confusion around that bit17:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: so I am not sure why it's failing17:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: I think we will have to do this on the next run - so I can set stack delete to false17:26
rlandylet's see what this set of logs shows17:26
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weshay|ruckamoralej, chandankumar that issue w/ cssselect is blowing out the gate17:27
rlandyhmmm .... marios: fs030 results17:28
rlandysame deal - can't pull local containers17:28
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weshay|ruckrlandy, can't pull containers?17:37
weshay|ruckrlandy, which one?17:37
rlandyunable to pull unable to pull image: Error initializing source docker:// error pinging docker registry Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client17:38
rlandyI feel like we have seen this error before17:38
rlandymaybe it's using the wrong hash17:39
amoralejweshay|ruck, i just refreshed that cache17:40
weshay|ruckamoralej, thanks17:40
amoralejmore failures?17:40
weshay|ruckya.. there's a bunch17:40
weshay|rucksame package17:40
amoralejwhere can i see it?17:40
weshay|ruckbunch of jobs17:40
amoraleji want to check the failing mirrors17:40
weshay|ruckqueue: tripleo17:40
weshay|ruckamoralej, this may help understanding which mirrors
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rlandywe have a lot of success there17:41
weshay|ruckbut it takes a few to refresh and pull info from zuul so not 100% up 2 date17:41
weshay|ruckrlandy, I have yet to see any container updates17:41
rlandyso it's legit?17:42
weshay|ruckso it's not legit17:43
weshay|ruckfor example17:43
rlandylet's try that one again17:45
weshay|ruckrlandy, should see something like
ykarel|awayrlandy, that https error happens when registries.conf is not updated17:45
ykarel|awayrlandy, /etc/containers/registries.conf17:46
ykarel|awayregisteries.inecure sectoin17:46
weshay|ruckno new rpms yet17:46
rlandyregistries = ['undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain', '', '']17:48
ykarel|awayrlandy, ^^ on overcloud?17:48
ykarel|awaysee overcloud17:48
rlandyregistries = []17:48
ykarel|awayas the failure is during overcloud deploy17:48
rlandyyeah - missing17:49
ykarel|awayok that's the issue17:49
ykarel|awayconfirm with other passing multinode job17:49
rlandywill have to see how this passed before17:49
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-baremetal-master success17:50
ykarel|awayyes /me checked in fs010 it's there
rlandy2020-03-12 16:10:05.861078 | primary | TASK [overcloud-prep-images : Prepare the overcloud images for deploy] *********17:50
rlandy2020-03-12 16:10:05.879712 | primary | Thursday 12 March 2020  16:10:05 +0000 (0:00:01.796)       0:00:17.406 ********17:50
ykarel|awayso something is wrong with this specific job17:50
rlandy^^ hanging there as well17:50
rlandyprobably definition  - look at it17:50
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rlandyweshay|ruck: need anything from me? otherwise going to rekick bm and hold nodes18:14
weshay|ruckrlandy, which jobs are you going to hold?18:15
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weshay|ruckdon't worry about 3918:15
weshay|ruckf.. it for now18:15
rlandy25865 and 2499518:15
* weshay|ruck looks18:15
rlandyboth are hanging on prep-images18:15
rlandysee testproject on both18:15
weshay|ruckrlandy, +118:15
weshay|ruckrlandy, and let's get on it and see if the containers are updated18:16
rlandyweshay|ruck: you mean from the undercloud box?18:17
rlandyk - going to get my keys on that box18:19
rlandytristanC: hi - periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-master is running in job 25865 - could you put my or weshay|ruck's keys on that box so we can see if conatiners updated?18:20
rlandyalso 24995 is that's possible18:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, microsoft nuked my key18:22
rlandyweshay|ruck: lol - it's started18:23
rlandyI think we must have hit the update18:23
rlandyif they are both hanging18:23
rlandyweshay|ruck: octavia and security will hit the integration pipeline18:24
rlandyworth it to rerun failing tests in other components?18:24
weshay|ruckrlandy, no..18:26
weshay|ruckjobs were hanging inconsistently.. bad assumption18:26
rlandy - tempest18:29
amoralejweshay|ruck, i've checked the failed jobs i've found in http://zuul.openstack.org18:32
amoralejone of the rax mirrors were still out of sync18:33
amoraleji've synced18:33
rlandyweshay|ruck: missing swift18:33
amoraleji'll keep check jobs starting recently18:35
rlandyamoralej: is it possible that swift had no new content?18:36
amoralejlet me check18:37
amoralejyou mean after unpin?18:37
amoralejit was not pinned probably18:38
amoralejswift is still supporting py2, iirc18:38
amoraleji'm double checking18:38
amoralejyeah, unpinned18:39
rlandyamoralej: yep - because the latest run didn't pick up any new content18:39
rlandyok - so that's possible then18:39
amoralejyes, it has not been pinned18:39
rlandyI didn't realize anything was not pinned - ok18:39
amoralejso easily no new commits18:39
* rlandy breathes again18:40
amoralejin fact swift has been the only project that keeps some py2 support iirc18:40
rlandyamoralej: tracks promotions18:40
rlandyso we can see if new content was picked up18:40
rlandyif the tests pass, we expect a promotion per component18:41
rlandythe promote jobs run every two hours18:41
amoralejthat's pretty cool18:41
rlandylooks like octavia passed and promoted18:41
rlandyswift is actually missing there18:41
rlandyjust told weshay|ruck18:41
rlandysecurity still running  - expect that to promote18:42
amoralejrlandy, last merge in swift is from 5 days ago
amoralejrlandy, that means pipeline for swift was never triggered?18:43
amoralejlast build was promoted before creating pipelies or something like that?18:43
rlandytripleo-ci-testing/2020-03-07 01:3718:43
rlandythat's right ...18:44
rlandyswift did trigger ... it's just missing from the dashboard  ... getting18:44
rlandyamoralej: ^^18:44
rlandylast time it promoted was ...18:44
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weshay|ruckrlandy, ocatavia did?19:05
* weshay|ruck looks19:05
rlandyweshay|ruck: looks like it19:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, we should create previous-promoted-components19:05
rlandyweshay|ruck: what would we do with that?19:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, those rpms are el.819:06
rlandyswift wasn't pinned so that's two out of 15  in19:06
weshay|ruckoh wait19:07
* weshay|ruck looks at commit hash19:07
weshay|ruckoh ya
weshay|ruckit's good.. it's updated19:07
rlandyshehecheyanu - our first component19:07
weshay|ruckIT WORKED19:08
weshay|ruck     puppet-octavia                            noarch16.1.1-0.20200310145254.32bb808.el8 delorean-current 61 k19:08
rlandyugh - security hit the timeout hang19:10
rlandythat should have promoted19:10
weshay|ruckrlandy, but19:10
weshay|ruckchat w/ me19:10
amoraleji don't see any new cssselect issue in jobs starting recently19:23
amoraleji'm leaving19:23
amoralejleave a comment here to my nick if you find more19:23
amoraleji'll check later19:23
amoralejweshay|ruck, ^19:23
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weshay|ruckamoralej|off, thanks19:27
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zbransible team has humous, codename for 2.10:
zbrwith openstack we lost the opportunity to name it Vendetta :p20:59
rlandy^^ you can see the updates there21:08
rlandysee the @tripleo repos21:08
weshay|ruckrlandy, hey21:12
weshay|rucksorry had to run to the bank21:12
rlandyweshay|ruck: you didn't miss much21:13
rlandyweshay|ruck: I just compared the tripleo pipeline for updates21:13
rlandyweshay|ruck: if you look at the /package-list-installed - you will see @tripleo21:14
rlandythat is the repo the component provides21:14
weshay|ruckk.. did tristan hold that new node?21:15
* weshay|ruck looks21:15
weshay|ruckrlandy, ok.. cloudops is in tempest21:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^21:30
rlandyno cloudops21:30
rlandy      source_image:
rlandy      target_image:
weshay|rucknot sure what we're talking about21:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: git to go to dentist21:31
rlandyback in hour or so21:32
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rlandyweshay|ruck: back - how are things looking?22:56
weshay|ruckrlandy, the node we held.. actually worked22:56
rlandychecking cloudops22:56
weshay|ruckrlandy, I did.. let's chat22:56
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