Tuesday, 2020-03-31

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chandankumarmarios, morning08:13
chandankumarmarios, as per rlandy comment https://hackmd.io/6gE-LZYMSzmoP3IFt7puKg?view#Prepare-kolla-buildconf08:13
chandankumarkolla expects a base dir, which base dir and what is the name of dir?08:14
mariossshnaidm|afk: o/ merge? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/25836/08:15
marioschandankumar: o/08:16
marioschandankumar: lets do a sync call.. in half hour ok for you?08:16
chandankumarmarios, yes works for me08:16
marioschandankumar: ack sent you invite08:18
dpawlik chandankumar, weshay sshnaidm: Hi. Could you try to run the train promotion that uses rhel8 container image?08:28
chandankumardpawlik, on it08:28
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zbrpanda: do we still need to investigate the venv issue or is clarified?08:36
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chandankumarmarios, meeting time09:00
marioschandankumar: yes sorry09:01
arxcruzchandankumar: kopecmartin soniya29 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/716215/09:06
chandankumarmarios, https://hackmd.io/6gE-LZYMSzmoP3IFt7puKg?view#Try-buildah-build-openstack-base09:06
zbrwho as admin on our taiga project?09:16
zbri am missing the settings and i want to add a webhook09:17
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zbrkopecmartin: wow, i finally see green on the infrared change on artcl role! time to remove the skips so we can merge it, right?09:19
zbralso remove the wip.09:19
chandankumarmarios, thanks!09:20
kopecmartinzbr: yeah, I wanna edit doc for artcl_collect_dir and one more plugin parameter and then I'll remove wip .. if you have some time, you could have a look and if you find something i'll fix it right away09:20
zbrkopecmartin: try to keep the scope small for this change, is much easier to do a follow-up.09:21
zbrsaying it because it was already lingering for very long, and it does improve the test coverage for sure.09:21
marioschandankumar: thanks :D09:22
kopecmartinzbr: that's true09:22
sshnaidm|afkchandankumar, https://review.opendev.org/#/c/713659/ failed on c809:30
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chandankumarsshnaidm, let me fix that09:32
sshnaidmchandankumar, please be careful with merging if ci fails on it09:33
arxcruzsoniya29: ?09:34
chandankumarsshnaidm, yes sure sorry for that09:34
soniya29arxcruz, yeah, lets join the meeting09:35
arxcruzsoniya29: already there09:36
sshnaidmmarios, yeah, ok to merge https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/25836/09:39
pandazbr: solved moving connection to ssh09:49
pandatoday's gonna be a bad day.09:49
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pandazbr: have you ever needed to launch the prepare.yml playbook outside of molecule ? for example if the content of prepare is necessary to run tox correctly ?10:05
zbrno but i do not see aproblem, I had a case there I symlinked an existing playbook used by zuul in order to test it with molecule.10:06
zbrso you have the freedom to do whatever you want10:06
zbrstill, if you create a prepare.yml playbook, you need to be sure molecule could run it.10:07
pandazbr: ok, because tox dep installation relies on gcc which needs to be installed somehow.10:07
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zbryou may want to limit the hosts you want to run on.10:07
zbrpanda: that is bindep role10:07
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zbrall build/test deps are to be documented in bindep.txt files.10:08
zbrand yep, gcc, python-devel, and ... are likely needed. look at molecule own repo.10:08
pandazbr: so then locally you run bindep ?10:09
zbrlets say that the devs are supposed to know how to install their dev envs.10:09
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pandazbr: blasphemy!10:09
zbrpanda: kind of... or we can spend our entire life working on automating setting-up-devenv for a single repo.10:10
pandazbr: deal!10:10
zbryou will never finish, devs will always find a new setup that does not work.10:10
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arxcruzkopecmartin: chandankumar https://review.opendev.org/#/c/716215/ when you guys have time please :)10:15
arxcruzlol, just when I found an issue you guys merged it10:19
arxcruzthat's fine10:19
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sshnaidmpanda, any ideas why it fails? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/25835/10:42
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sshnaidmpanda, maybe to disable voting for these failures not to block gates?10:47
pandasshnaidm: the error is legit, the promotion succeeed, but in the post run tests, tripleo-common fails to prepare the containers with an import error. https://logserver.rdoproject.org/35/25835/5/check/tripleo-ci-promotion-staging-single-pipeline-centos-7/26acf96/logs/tripleo-container-image.prepare.log10:49
sshnaidmpanda, what is legit there? How is it related to my patch?10:49
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pandasshnaidm: it's not related to your patch, but there are two important test that are failing for a real problem. THose two tests are related to the code you're running as they involve changes to the promoter configuration, and there's a chance that tripleo-common for some reason will not be able to consume what the promoter promotes.10:54
pandaysandeep|rover: did you see this error anywhere else in the last two days ? https://logserver.rdoproject.org/35/25835/5/check/tripleo-ci-promotion-staging-single-pipeline-centos-7/26acf96/logs/tripleo-container-image.prepare.log10:55
sshnaidmpanda, I'm trying to rename jobs in criteria, this failure is completely not legit for this change, please disable voting until it's fixed. Otherwise no promotion can run, jobs changed their names10:56
sshnaidmpanda, either exclude criteria files from these tests10:56
sshnaidmpanda, the deps problem with tripleo-common is totally unrelated to a new job name10:57
ysandeep|roverpanda, "ImportError: No module named queue" - no , i didn't saw this10:57
sshnaidmmarios, zbr, do you remember such error for tripleo-common? ^^ it was common a few weeks ago11:09
mariossshnaidm: sound familiar sec (maybe was queens? searching)11:09
pandawe probably need to pin tripleo-common again11:09
marios./logfile_20Feb2020.log-282-                     https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/186401811:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1864018 in tripleo "periodic master container build fails ImportError: No module named queue" [Critical,Fix released]11:10
mariossshnaidm: ^^11:10
sshnaidmpanda, ^^11:10
pandasshnaidm: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/26179 may need a couple more iterations, unblocking will happen soon11:23
mariossshnaidm: chandankumar: is your upshift vms if any ok foryou ? me veery slow outward connections like timeouts for pypi all the time11:28
marioszbr: know of issues with pypi? ^11:28
sshnaidmmarios, I think there are issues with psi currently, saw in #rhos-ops11:29
mariossshnaidm: ah thanks :/ its been a real upstream battle to install pypi client ... switching i think for sanity11:30
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arxcruzchandankumar: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/716219/ please :)11:57
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chandankumarsshnaidm, https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/us/160612:18
ysandeep|roverrlandy, hi o/ Good morning, can you please add my keys to envB running stein to troubleshoot that fs001 issue.12:26
ysandeep|rovermy keys - https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/24734/1/ci-scripts/infra-setup/tenant_vars/common.yml12:26
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rlandyysandeep|rover: hi ... pvt sending you the key you need to get on that box12:27
ysandeep|roverrlandy, thanks!12:27
marioschandankumar: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/716220/1/roles/undercloud-deploy/templates/install_novajoin.sh.j212:33
chandankumarmarios, yes12:33
marioschandankumar: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/714065/312:34
marioschandankumar: i was tracking on the centos8 hackmd (ruck rover sprint23) but just moved everything to https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/160412:34
marioschandankumar: sorry for duplicate :/ but i did all folks to the review12:37
chandankumarmarios, yes, sorry missed that12:37
chandankumarmarios, abandoning it12:37
marioschandankumar: another similar thing there https://review.opendev.org/#/c/714627/ but abandoned it since we aren't building for now12:38
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marioschandankumar: fyi (*also tracked on that taiga now)12:38
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mariosrlandy: chandankumar: o/13:00
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rfolcoping community meeting time13:30
rfolcoarxcruz, rfolco, zbr, panda, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, soniya29, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat13:30
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rlandymarios: if you want to touch base after meetings again, we can13:32
rlandyie: where to go next13:32
mariosrlandy: ack ... quite a lot of calls this afternoon.... i want to have a go/dig at biulding the base as we discussed... right now my psi instance is not possible to work with (yours ok? chandankumar is your vm ok? )13:33
chandankumarmarios, I am able to login into my box there13:33
mariosrlandy: chandankumar: perhaps makes more sense to dig individually as we talked about just now and then sync again tomorrow on any progress? + the hackmd... though that is getting messy maybe we want to split into names/sections...13:33
marioschandankumar: yah login fine13:33
marioschandankumar: but e.g. pypi errors13:34
rlandymarios: chandankumar; fine by me13:34
marioschandankumar: other folks jpena said he had issues reaching github13:34
rlandyyesterday was a mess13:34
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pandarfolco: is it ok if I disable the tripleo-common test at the end of the e2e promotion ?13:46
pandarfolco: there is a bug with openstacksdk and dependencies that is making the job fail13:46
rfolcopanda, ok, make a note, and I fix it later13:46
pandarfolco: and I've spent 1/2 day to try to fix it13:46
pandarfolco: you should not need to fix if we migrate to centos813:46
pandarfolco: because ti's a comatibility problem with python2.713:47
chandankumarakahat, http://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone13:47
pandarfolco: so as soon as we migrate, the problem should disappear13:47
rfolcolets get one job fixed at a time13:47
pandarfolco: ok13:47
pandarfolco: thanks.13:47
akahatchandankumar, thanks !!13:47
chandankumarakahat, check this https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/commit/04a65393790d07d9d91c04f323209a3c8c2fdbd813:49
chandankumarsshnaidm, https://github.com/containers/libpod/pull/5683 will fix the issue13:52
pandarfolco: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2618413:56
pandarfolco: so we unblock the gates13:56
pandarfolco: and make the jobs gree again, the fix is no us anyway.13:56
akahatOne of the Bill Gates prediction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Af6b_wyiwI13:59
pandarfolco: did you push the change ?14:03
pandarfolco: I don't see it.14:05
rfolcopanda, fixing permission denied issue14:06
pandarfolco: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/26184 is passing ...14:10
rfolcopanda, conflicts... sigh14:10
pandarfolco: oh14:10
rfolcopanda, need your help there14:12
pandarfolco: ok, leave your private key, I need to hack the nasa tonight14:12
pandarfolco: where are you ?14:14
rfolcopanda, please go back there on tmux14:14
pandarfolco: on the old or fresh vm ?14:14
rfolcopanda, old14:14
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pandasshnaidm: unblocks gates https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2618414:28
pandazbr: does PYREQPASS accepts 0 ? I have a job here that has really 0 tests to run ...14:37
zbrpanda: i do not remember, i hope not.14:38
zbrmainly because pytest returns 5 when no tests are run14:38
zbrand i hope not to affect the error code if you set it to 014:38
zbrmainly you should never have zero tests, you can easily create an empty one14:39
zbrthere is a good reasons why pytest developers decided to fail on zero tests14:39
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pandazbr: yes but in this case, it the parent rdo-tox-molecule test in rdo-job14:40
pandazbr: there are no tests to run there ...14:40
pandazbr: either I create a fake job are we disable it.14:40
pandazbr: https://logserver.rdoproject.org/30/26030/3/check/rdo-tox-molecule/b90ba13/job-output.txt14:40
zbrpanda: disable it, with comment. less resources and easy to put back by removing "#"14:41
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* panda takes the scissors.14:41
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weshayrlandy, is this the right way to temp disable envB? https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/19615814:58
zbrkopecmartin: run lint before upload, can save hours ;) https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705552/14:58
kopecmartinzbr: ah, sorry14:59
rlandyweshay: no - you need to remove that job from the periodic pipeline15:05
rlandywill update review15:05
rlandyanyone else having trouble accessing the all-hands?15:05
zbrchandankumar: you are the tempest expert, right? any chance you could takeover https://review.opendev.org/#/c/673859/3 and make it bit more than an empty test?15:06
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weshayodyssey4me, 0/15:08
odyssey4mehey folks15:08
odyssey4meI'm trying out tripleo-quickstart for the first time, using a RHEL8.1 host, and hit a snag.15:08
odyssey4mehttps://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/src/branch/master/roles/repo-setup/defaults/main.yml#L16-L24 refers to ansible_pkg_mgr, which is from the host - not the image being modified... so it fails saying that dnf is not found.15:09
odyssey4meIt seems to me that we should be finding the right pkg manager from inside the image, not using the host's pkg mgr.15:09
odyssey4meIf that seems sensible, I can work out a patch and push it up.15:09
weshayodyssey4me, paste your invocation15:10
odyssey4meweshay: I'm using the invocation directly from the docs: https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-quickstart/latest/getting-started.html#provision-a-libvirt-guest-environment15:10
odyssey4me$VIRTHOST in my case is
weshayodyssey4me, so.. this step eh?15:12
weshaybash quickstart.sh -R master --no-clone --tags all \15:12
weshay    --nodes config/nodes/1ctlr_1comp.yml -p quickstart.yml $VIRTHOST15:12
* weshay checks on my system.. perhaps we busted something15:13
odyssey4meweshay: yep15:13
weshayk.. few min.. feel free to raise a lp as I look.. certainly something we don't have sufficient check / gates on15:14
weshayrhel is hard in public15:14
odyssey4meweshay: fair enough, although I'm surprised this hasn't come up with centos - doesn't it also use dnf?15:15
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rlandyweshay: updated https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/196158/15:19
pandazbr: how do I pass extra vars via cli to the molecule scenario run by a tox command15:21
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pandazbr: tox -emolecule -- ci-scripts/infra-setup/roles/promoter/molecule/provision/molecule.yml --extra-vars key=value ?15:22
weshayodyssey4me, k.. repos setup, running same command now15:24
chandankumarzbr, looking15:27
zbrpanda: hmm... not sure it works with tox>molecule>ansible, two levels of layering.15:27
pandazbr: it doesn't15:27
zbri know for sure that both tox and molecule allow passing args to next layer using "--"15:27
pandazbr: any suggestions ?15:27
zbrbut two nesting levels, maybe it would work with "  ... -- -- --extra-vars ..."15:28
zbr"--" construct is key!15:28
zbrbut molecule accepts vars using "-e" but from a file, not args.15:28
zbrbut there are other workarounds you may use, like defining env vars, which are all passed15:29
zbri think ansible allows you to define ANSIBLE_EXTRA_VARS=foo right?15:29
weshayodyssey4me, I think my run is far past yours.. on rhel8.115:33
weshayit's not a clean virthost15:33
weshayand that *may* be the diff15:33
pandazbr: nope, doesn't exist15:33
odyssey4meweshay: that's odd15:38
odyssey4meweshay: mine is a clean host - with a newly downloaded image15:38
odyssey4meweshay: https://images.rdoproject.org/master/rdo_trunk/67f299a819cfdde7898ce7fd0d25fba25c8a5853_10e135ca/overcloud-full.tar is what was downloaded15:39
weshayodyssey4me, that's not rhel bro15:39
weshayodyssey4me, maybe you can share a screen w/ me15:40
odyssey4meweshay: heh, hey I'm just following docs :) I'm in a conf call right now - will do a screen share in a bit if you're still free15:42
weshayodyssey4me, ah.. it was in virt-customize15:46
weshayI see it now15:46
zbrpanda: apparently it was possible at some point but it was lost https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/issues/107815:46
pandazbr: I'm using a combination of lookup, tox_environment and changes to tox.ini15:47
zbrwell, with lookup you can load env vars from ansible into facts15:48
zbris a valid workaround15:48
pandazbr: it works, if it's valid we'll see.15:49
odyssey4meweshay: yep, that's why I was thinking the use of ansible_pkg_mgr isn't right there - it needs to use what's in the image, not what's on the host15:50
weshayodyssey4me, well.. also.. using a RHEL virthost w/ a centos-8 image in theory should work.. but also even less of the common path15:54
weshayodyssey4me, so there are overcloud rhel images for train15:54
weshaybut RHEL is no longer ci'able in ussuri15:54
weshaywe don't have the right rpms anymore15:54
odyssey4meweshay: I'm not fussed what's in the VM's - I'm just trying to get an env to test patches out on.15:54
odyssey4meweshay: I just wanted to use a rhel host as a hypervisor.15:55
weshayya.. so virt-customize.. is very picky15:55
odyssey4meweshay: I had fedora as a hypervisor before, but that failed out.15:55
weshayif you trying to patch upstream... best path is centos-815:56
weshayI'll look into this.. open a bug.. etc.. but rhel virthost + centos-8 images.. is not in a supported path15:56
odyssey4meok, I guess I'll rebuild again :) perhaps we should change the supported platform check to remove rhel8 then?15:56
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rlandymarios: ok - update ... so from what I can tell now, we need to add dlrn repos16:00
mariosrlandy: ack, getting ready to head out... i will check hackmd for updates in the morning16:00
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chandankumarweshay, apevec will be discussing with jpena tomorrow on packaging dlrn itself there and include mock in that16:02
weshaybless u16:04
mariosshutdown sequence commence16:04
zbrweshay: put a vote on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705552/ already passed affected jobs, I want to workflow it.16:08
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zbr ( before it reaches 60 days anyversary)16:08
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odyssey4meweshay: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo-quickstart looks quite empty... I guess that's the wrong location?16:21
weshayodyssey4me, tripleo w/ quickstart tag16:22
weshaybut if the bug is for RHEL base and centos deployment.. I'm probably going to close it16:22
* weshay runs the same command on straight centos-816:23
odyssey4meweshay: ok, downloading a centos iso now - if that works, then happy days16:23
weshayto double check16:23
pandahttps://review.rdoproject.org/r/25931 (batch promotion) is ready to merge16:37
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arxcruzchandankumar: not my fault16:41
chandankumararxcruz, hehe16:42
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rlandyweshay: have a few minutes to discus  subscription manager warning/repos/certs on containers16:56
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rlandySubscription Manager is operating in container mode.16:56
rlandy  instream = instream.decode()16:56
weshayrlandy, it's just a flag in the config .. you can turn in it off in /etc/rhsm on the container16:57
rlandyusr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dateutil/parser/_parser.py:70: UnicodeWarning: decode() called on unicode string, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=169375116:57
openstackbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1693751 in rpm "rpm.labelCompare expects strings, but RPM headers are bytes" [Unspecified,Modified] - Assigned to pmatilai16:57
rlandy^^ stops the build16:57
weshaybase container16:57
rlandythe base we build with builder bud16:57
rlandybuilder bud doesn't seem to bother16:58
weshayif you turn it off in the base.. the other containers are layered on top16:58
* rlandy looks at how to turn off16:58
rlandysubscription-manager config --rhsm.manage_repos=016:59
rlandyweshay: one more for you ...17:00
rlandydlrn repos ...17:00
rlandyposting link in pvt17:00
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chandankumarweshay, https://logserver.rdoproject.org/83/5683/2753df2973c88a647c66918a2e89357f9ec2c0d7/github-check/tripleo-podman-integration-centos-8-scenario000-standalone/299ee52/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/standalone_deploy.log.txt.gz17:10
chandankumarweshay, Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''/usr/sbin/nft'': ''/usr/sbin/nft''17:10
chandankumaris it a known issue?17:10
weshayhaven't seen it17:10
chandankumarweshay, seen in third party deps17:11
weshaychandankumar, fyi https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/display/PRODCHAIN/2020-04-01+Meeting+Notes17:21
chandankumarweshay, thanks!17:23
rlandyhmmm ... no show17:47
rlandysubscription-manager is disabled when running inside a container. Please refer to your host system for subscription management.17:47
chandankumarweshay, looks good, please update the commit message17:47
weshayDOH.. thanks fixed17:48
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weshayzbr, you around?17:59
rlandyweshay: is there any way to ignore warnings in openstack overcloud container build?18:00
rlandy  instream = instream.decode()18:00
rlandyusr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dateutil/parser/_parser.py:70: UnicodeWarning: decode() called on unicode string, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=169375118:00
openstackbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1693751 in rpm "rpm.labelCompare expects strings, but RPM headers are bytes" [Unspecified,Modified] - Assigned to pmatilai18:00
weshayrlandy, show me18:00
rlandyweshay: http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/85034618:02
rlandyweshay: the buildah bud command carries on18:03
rlandythe 'openstack overcloud container build' does there18:03
rlandyno good trace as to why18:03
weshayvim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf18:04
weshayrlandy, can you launch the base container?18:05
weshayand exec in?18:05
rlandyweshay: tmate link sent - rebuilding openstack-base18:06
weshayrlandy, I can't deal18:22
weshaytoo slow18:22
weshaylet's chat18:22
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weshayrlandy, https://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-periodic-master/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-centos-8-master-containers-build-push/1af5472/logs/build_containers.sh18:56
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weshayrlandy, 0/ done.. any luck?20:08
rlandyweshay: well I think I know what the error is from20:08
rlandyweshay: the Dockerfile is never written20:08
rlandybut it never copies the dir or writes the Dockerfile20:09
rlandyit spews out what it should render20:09
weshayimage_name = path.split("/")[-1]20:10
weshayline 957 there20:10
weshayI wonder if the path informs the name..20:10
weshayand it can't write the file because of the path20:10
weshaydoesn't know the name20:11
rlandythere is no error20:11
rlandythe next command errors20:11
rlandybecause it is the buildah command and there is no docker file20:12
rlandyAND no dir20:12
rlandyso it doesn't even lay out the container dir20:12
rlandyin which to put the docker file20:12
rlandywill have to put some print statements to see where the failure is20:13
rlandy content_path is correct20:13
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rlandyweshay: so kolla copies directories w/o Dockerfile.j2 but doesn't copy dir with Dockerfile.j220:58
rlandydoes that make any sense?20:58
weshaynot yet20:58
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rlandyweshay: still around?23:09
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