Thursday, 2020-04-09

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ysandeep|roverweshay|ruck, o/ anything for me in handover?01:56
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weshay|ruckysandeep|rover, so we're good on promotions
* weshay|ruck gets two small things02:33
ysandeep|roverweshay|ruck, that's good news :)02:34
weshay|ruckysandeep|rover, I think we're hoping this fixes ovb jobs
weshay|ruckso anything we can do to push forward in getting fs001 / fs035 back and working is a ++02:35
weshay|ruckysandeep|rover, and lastly.. I asked chandankumar and ykarel|away to assit ade_lee w/ some packaging for tripleo-ansible-ipa.. that may be a good thing to have one of them explain the packaging process02:36
ysandeep|roverack for ovb jobs, but that patch still seems wip.yesterday cloudnull was debugging further with
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ykarelysandeep, is there some known mirror/network related issue in upstream jobs?04:54
ykarelwas looking into failures in, and most of them were mirror related04:54
ykarelweshay|ruck, ack /me looks into tripleo-ansible-ipa04:55
ysandeepykarel, not that i am aware of.. looking at patch results04:56
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ykarelysandeep|rover, ack, check if it's failing in other patches to see how wide is it04:57
ysandeep|roverykarel, ack04:57
ykareldon't want to recheck if issue is still there04:57
ysandeep|roverchecked job tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode its failed during puppet run .. build history not bad.. checking others..05:03
ysandeep|roverhmm got it in other job- [MIRROR] epel-release-8-8.el8.noarch.rpm: Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for [Could not resolve host:]05:05
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ysandeep|roverykarel, more than mirror issue.. i see job failing during puppet run, found another job failed here ..05:10
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ysandeep|rover<13>Apr  8 20:32:03 puppet-user: Error: Execution of '/bin/dnf -d 0 -e 1 -y install net-snmp' returned 1: Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'delorean-component-baremeta05:11
ykarelysandeep|rover, ^^ can also happen due to mirrors05:15
ysandeep|roverykarel, ack thanks!.. looking if i can narrow it down(checking if all failed jobs used a particular mirror only).. build history looks good now for earlier failed jobs
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ysandeep|roverall jobs failed were using mirror.dfw.rax.opendev.org05:35
chandankumarmay be issue on particular cloud mirror issue05:36
ysandeep|roverAnaylzed passing vs failed jobs for rax dfw - for today out of 47 jobs - 45 success, 1 failed, 1 timedout ,
ykarelysandeep|rover, ack let's see if we see it again05:44
ysandeep|roverykarel, ack o/05:44
ykarelysandeep|rover, me also promotes baremetal component to promoted-components for the issue discussed on #tripleo05:47
ykareland then trigger master promotion and hopefully that ironic fix works05:47
ysandeep|roverykarel, okay05:48
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ykarelysandeep|rover, is random tempest failure in train full tempest job known?06:51
ykareli see test_trunk_subport_lifecycle failed multiple times in last couple of failed runs06:51
ysandeep|roverykarel, not known06:52
ykarelysandeep|rover, ack please check06:53
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ysandeep|roverykarel, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_2comp-featureset020 for this scenario or faced in multiple scenarios?06:53
ykarelysandeep|rover, periodic ^^, that's only full tempest06:55
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ykarelthere is also standalone full tempest, but /me didn't checked that06:55
chandankumarysandeep|rover, we are still running fill tempest in train?06:55
ykarelme was checking
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ykarelwrt tripleo-ansible-ipa and reached those failures06:56
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ysandeep|roverchandankumar, afaik.. not for train06:57
chandankumarysandeep|rover, ah it is about fs02006:57
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chandankumarysandeep|rover, what is tripleo-ansible-ipa issue?07:05
chandankumarsorry ykarel ^^07:05
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ykarelchandankumar, see comment
ykarelneeded train promotion for centos7 and rhel807:09
ykareland that tempest failure in train jobs07:09
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chandankumarykarel, is tempest failure consistent?07:12
ykarelchandankumar, random, i see some success also07:12
ysandeep|roverIn logs couple of failure trying to reach instance and this looks bad - "NeutronError": {"message": "Router a8373112-4b28-4714-a646-93ca38d1447b could not be found", "type": "RouterNotFound", "detail"07:17
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marios_sshnaidm: do you know? cc panda07:43
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ysandeep|roverchandankumar, ykarel , i am suspecting issue with ovn - our issue seems similiar to bug 1765024 in python-networking-ovn "Traffic not flowing between controller and compute" [Unspecified,Closed: currentrelease] - Assigned to amuller07:44
sshnaidmmarios, I suppose for future test running07:44
chandankumarsshnaidm, marios, good morning07:45
sshnaidmmarios, anyway we can remove it all roles at once if not used07:45
mariossshnaidm: k that's what i wrote too but didn't have any more context07:45
mariossshnaidm: thanks07:45
chandankumarsshnaidm, marios I am refactored image build based on yesterday discussion
marioschandankumar: ack will check07:46
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ykarelchandankumar, are rhel8 train deployment jobs still running in train?08:00
chandankumarykarel, yes08:00
ykarelchandankumar, then if we merge before rhel8 promotion those jobs will start failing08:01
chandankumarykarel, ok, let's signal when rhel8 promotion happens then we can merge it08:01
ykareli see last promotion for rhel8 train was 2020-02-1408:01
ykareldon't know if promotions are being looked after as per ^^08:02
chandankumarysandeep|rover, ^^08:02
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pandaare we still promoting rhel8 ?08:24
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chandankumarpanda, we have not yet got c8 for train, so i think we need to promote rhel809:09
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chandankumarpanda, is it possible to promote rhel8 ?09:10
chandankumarpanda, is getting blocked09:11
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pandachandankumar: force promote ?09:13
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chandankumarpanda, let me check the status09:22
chandankumarpanda, rhel8 job is broken from long time
chandankumarfrom 24 onwards09:26
chandankumarpanda, let's leave it as it is09:26
pandachandankumar: so what's the plan to unblock ?09:27
chandankumarykarel|lunch, let's merge it
chandankumarpanda, need to fix rhel 8 part09:28
chandankumarysandeep|rover, do we have a bug for rhel-8 train job failure
chandankumarysandeep|rover, echo 'Failed to parse dlrn hash'09:29
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ysandeep|roverchandankumar, i have not open/seen any bug for this issue,  that job is failing from long back .. checking previous RR notes if that have any history about this issue.09:31
akahatany guess where exactly it is failing:
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, didn't find any existing bug for this issue. I am filing a new one09:33
akahatI mean it is failing in Centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1cmop_featrset001. But what exactly failing?09:34
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chandankumarysandeep|rover, cool, thanks09:35
marioschandankumar: o/ any idea about the NODE_FAILURE for code.eng internal sf zuul? i see you have same at
chandankumarakahat, 'Client' object has no attribute 'find_image' is a known issue, ysandeep|rover can help on that09:36
akahatchandankumar, cool. Thanks :)09:37
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chandankumarmarios, it got fixed few mins back , happened due to switch to tripleo-ci nodepool provider to use provider_net_shared_309:38
chandankumarmarios, you can recheck now09:38
marioschandankumar: k trying thx09:38
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, fyi..
openstackLaunchpad bug 1871809 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-standalone-train job failing with "Failed to parse dlrn hash"" [High,Triaged]09:42
marioschandankumar: nop still happening any pointer/who did you talk to about that/?09:42
chandankumarmarios, check with fbo on #rhos-ops09:42
marioschandankumar: thx09:42
ysandeep|roverakahat, that was a known issue which should have been fixed by promotion, was yesterday run.. fs001 is hitting another issue currently..
ysandeep|rover/zuul/overcloud_prep_images.log.txt.gz .. will be fixed in next promotion.09:48
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ysandeep|roverakahat, your patch already got +1 from zuul, you can ignore -1 from rdo third party here..09:49
akahatysandeep|rover, cool.09:50
akahatysandeep|rover, Thank you!! :)09:50
ysandeep|roverakahat, :) my pleasure09:50
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ykarelchandankumar, ok for me09:51
chandankumarykarel, master one +w09:53
chandankumarykarel, +w it09:53
ykarelchandankumar, did already09:54
ykarelchandankumar, can u get console log for upstream-centos-8-rdo-cloud-tripleo-000003289509:57
ykarelthis is stuck and looks like kernel panic
chandankumarykarel, you mean from toci tenant rdo cloud?09:58
ykarelchandankumar, yes09:58
akahatchandankumar, I think something is not right here:, in this review tripleo-ci-centos8-scenario012-standalone is failing.(it's okay it's non-voting)10:00
akahatbut i didn't see the changes in the tempest.conf file which we override using 'tempest_tempest_conf_override'10:00
akahatis it a bug?10:01
chandankumarykarel, check pm10:03
ykarelchandankumar, ack10:03
ykarelit's kernel panic10:03
ykarelok can ignore the failure and promote10:03
ykarelpanda, hi10:06
ykarelpanda, want to promote centos8 master
ykarelthere was again a false promotion(promotion ignoring ovb failure), ^^ promotion should clear that10:07
pandaykarel: you know what to do :)10:09
ykarelpanda, yeap, i am on tmux10:09
pandaykarel: I'll watch10:09
chandankumarakahat, let me fix that10:11
pandaykarel: in 3 minutes.10:12
ykarelpanda, okk let' see10:12
pandaykarel: it's every 10 minutes10:12
ykarelpanda, ack10:12
chandankumarakahat, or better switch to this var
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ykarelpanda, it started10:15
akahatchandankumar, okay.10:15
akahatchandankumar, are you fixing it?10:17
pandaykarel: you can look at the push log in /home/centos/promoter_logs/container-push/20200409-101436.log10:17
chandankumarakahat, just change the var in fs06010:17
chandankumarit will get it fixed10:17
ykarelpanda, ack10:17
akahatchandankumar, okay10:17
pandaykarel: it's a legacy log, I'm proposing to use a single file.10:18
ykarelpanda, ack10:18
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ykarelpanda, it's promoted, /me reverting master.ini to original11:47
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pandaykarel: ack11:56
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ysandeep|roverakahat, session12:01
weshay|ruckssh ro-8MJ95SqNFpdwwvVq2Z63rAu9U@sfo2.tmate.io12:04
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, sshnaidm marios please have a look when free12:27
sshnaidmchandankumar, why is it images-vexxhost ?12:28
chandankumarsshnaidm, ah I will change it vexxhost12:29
sshnaidmchandankumar, commented12:36
marioschandankumar: ack will do12:37
chandankumarrfolco, weshay|ruck scrum meeting13:01
mariosrfolco: ^13:03
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chandankumarmarios, done13:38
marioschandankumar: thanks13:40
sshnaidmrfolco, can you put a new link to training schedule here?
rfolcosshnaidm, done -->
sshnaidmrfolco, cool, thanks13:48
rfolcosshnaidm, from now on, all pages should be here
rfolcono more personal pages13:49
sshnaidmrfolco, why is it called ":computer: ... " ?13:50
sshnaidmrfolco, missed it in toc13:50
mariosbhagyashris: have you seen that might address your question a bit13:52
chandankumarweshay|ruck, marios sshnaidm overcloud image build also passed
chandankumarI am done with image build13:55
pojadhavmarios, questions asked by me.. pooja :)13:57
mariosoh sorry pojadhav and bhagyashris13:57
mariosyou should have corrected me :D13:57
pojadhavmarios, thats fine :)13:57
bhagyashrismarios, pojadhav had some queries regarding jobs13:57
bhagyashrismarios, yeah13:57
mariosack thanks sorry for noise bhagyashris13:57
bhagyashrismarios, it's ok np13:58
chandankumarweshay|ruck, +w it13:58
bhagyashrischandankumar, thank you :) yes weshay|ruck please +w it ^13:59
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sshnaidmmarios, can you revote please? Now it's fine:
mariossshnaidm: ack checking14:04
mariossshnaidm: you posted some other fix?14:05
mariossshnaidm: i don't see upadte there14:05
mariossshnaidm: i.e. you fixed the link for vex?14:05
sshnaidmmarios, enabled gzip for it14:08
mariossshnaidm: ack14:09
chandankumarpanda, weshay|ruck, marios sshnaidm rfolco tomorrow is public holiday in india, I will be not around.14:09
sshnaidmchandankumar, have fun14:10
marioschandankumar: enjoy14:10
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ysandeep|roverweshay|ruck, ^^ me too will not be around tomorrow, Public holiday in india14:20
pandachandankumar: you have too many holidays14:20
pandachandankumar: I'm on the phone with the indian minister, this has to stop.14:20
chandankumarpanda, name please14:21
chandankumarpanda, please pass me the contact number also i disparately need it14:21
pandachandankumar: Ramesh Pokhriyal14:23
pandaoh wait a minute ....14:24
pandaI'm on holiday tomorrow too14:24
pandaand Monday14:24
pandachandankumar: nevermind14:24
chandankumarpanda, hearing it for first time also14:24
chandankumarin india there are so many ministers hard to remember all names14:24
chandankumarpanda, enjoy & have fun :-)14:25
mariosreviews please
marioschandankumar: weshay|ruck: rfolco: panda: sshnaidm: zbr: arxcruz: when you have time thanks ^14:33
mariosysandeep|rover: o/ carry on here14:35
mariosysandeep|rover: so i am not covering zuul in my presentation, its about gerrit/git14:35
mariosysandeep|rover: looking at the slides, there is a zuul presentation but looks like sshnaidm rlandy and chandankumar prepared that material14:36
mariosweshay|ruck: ^^14:36
weshay|ruckchandankumar, we have a bug w/ overcloud-full image builds14:36
weshay|ruck2020-04-09 06:38:57.088540 | primary | + DISTRO=centos814:36
weshay|ruck2020-04-09 06:38:57.088546 | primary | + '[' centos8 = fedora28 ']'14:36
weshay|ruck2020-04-09 06:38:57.088555 | primary | + export REPO_CONFIG=/home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-7/promotion-testing-hash-master.yml14:36
weshay|ruck2020-04-09 06:38:57.088567 | primary | + REPO_CONFIG=/home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-7/promotion-testing-hash-master.yml14:36
weshay|ruck2020-04-09 06:38:57.088576 | primary | + . /home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/bin/activate14:36
weshay|ruck2020-04-09 06:38:57.088661 | primary | /home/zuul/src/ line 67: /home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/bin/activate: No such file or directory14:37
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weshay|ruckchandankumar, 0/14:39
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ysandeep|rovermarios, thank you o/ weshay|ruck ^^ i can cover zuul basic 101 trng after marios session or separately then, I am fine with anything.14:50
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sshnaidmchandankumar, bhagyashris do we need it for 3party jobs?
akahatchandankumar, sshnaidm, marios can we merge it:
sshnaidmakahat, is it log from tempest role?
sshnaidmakahat, is it expected job still fails?15:13
sshnaidmakahat, oh, found it
akahatsshnaidm, actually it's in the non-voting.. so i didn't bother much about it.. But i ran quick sanity that the variables and etc should be present in tempest.conf15:15
sshnaidmakahat, well, it was failing before as well, I wonder if this patch should have fixed it or just move it to os_tempest15:15
akahatsshnaidm, no.. this patch is not about to fix it. Just to change the run strategy.15:16
chandankumarsshnaidm, regarding ansible zuul patch, we will be consuming in third party job but not gating ansible15:19
chandankumarweshay|ruck, \o/15:20
chandankumarakahat, looking15:21
chandankumarakahat, can you put the passing tests in tempest whitelist and file a bug for failing tests, let's work on fixing that15:23
mariosakahat: i will check again in my next reviews run15:27
ykarelweshay|ruck, i looked at the ci.centos SSH issue today, and able to get green runs
ykarelweshay|ruck, issue was on one of the slave there was wrong, i removed that15:30
chandankumarakahat, check the comment there15:31
akahatmarios, okay.15:31
akahatchandankumar, looking15:31
weshay|ruckykarel, thank you! where did you remove it?15:32
weshay|ruckchandankumar, need to chat15:32
chandankumarweshay|ruck, yes15:32
ykarelweshay|ruck, in cloudslave0115:32
ykarelwhere that job was running15:33
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weshay|ruckchandankumar, join #tls_help on internal15:33
akahatchandankumar, you want me to add all the passing tests under the 'tempest_test_whitelist' ?15:35
chandankumarakahat, yes15:35
weshay|ruckchandankumar, internal #tls_help15:36
akahatchandankumar, why? to pass the job?15:37
bhagyashrischandankumar, ykarel|away weshay|ruck thank you for merging this
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chandankumarakahat, it will help to test ironic pieces, then we can work on adding missing necessary resources on os_tempest side so that we can re-enable that test16:11
chandankumarright now we have nothing, having something will help16:11
akahatchandankumar, okay. Were to file bug for the failing test cases?16:12
chandankumarakahat, for tracking yes16:12
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akahatchandankumar, were to report bug?16:18
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akahatchandankumar, that's what I want :)16:19
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1871876 in tripleo "ironic tests are failing on the CentOS8" [Undecided,New]16:35
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akahatfirst bug reported in tripleo :P16:35
chandankumarakahat, please paste the whole traceback with failing tests16:36
chandankumarlogs gets deleted in 30 days16:36
akahatchandankumar, okay.16:36
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weshay|ruckrfolco, when working w/ get_hash from ci-scripts/roles/get_hash/tasks/get_hash.yml and a periodic test project job.. the change has to merge because protected repos are in play?16:53
weshay|ruckrfolco, maybe I can borrow you for a few min on this?16:53
rfolcoweshay|ruck, sure16:54
rfolcoweshay|ruck, oiv geho mai16:54
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, testing here
rfolcowill be away for a few18:22
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weshay|ruckrfolco|bbl, it failed19:19
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weshay|ruckrfolco, any thoughts?20:20
rfolcoweshay|ruck, still don't know why testproject applies the patch but it does not use it20:22
weshay|ruckrfolco, ya.. and what about merging it20:22
rfolcoweshay|ruck, rhel component jobs... my concern20:23
rfolcolook at my comment20:23
weshay|ruckrfolco, no such thing20:23
rfolcoweshay|ruck, ok so maybe i am not aware of how it works20:23
weshay|ruckrfolco, show me the rhel component jobs20:24
rfolcoweshay|ruck, all rhel jobs will use legacy urls, is that what you want ?20:25
rfolcoweshay|ruck, when you do this20:26
rfolco    - ansible_distribution == 'RedHat' or release is search("queens|rocky|stein|train")20:26
weshay|ruckaye.. I know..20:26
rfolcoI am really asking because I have no idea on how rhel jobs are operating now20:27
weshay|ruckrfolco, where is the -uc added again?20:31
rfolcoweshay|ruck, ^20:32
rfolco- name: use the upper constraint url (for master)20:33
weshay|ruckah.. looked right over that .. thanks20:34
weshay|ruckrfolco, so.. re: rhel20:34
weshay|ruckthe only rhel at this point will be internal20:34
weshay|ruckand it won't match the release20:34
rfolcoso let's get rid of rhel conditions there20:36
rfolcoits does not make any sense20:36
rfolcofor internal maybe it would20:36
rfolcofor skipping some tasks20:36
rfolcook I shut up coz not helping much20:37
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weshay|ruckso boiling this down20:43
weshay|ruckand we can drop the top two20:43
weshay|ruckso you end up w/20:43
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weshay|ruckrfolco, k.. updated.. removing support for rhel820:50
weshay|rucker.. third party20:50
rfolcoweshay|ruck, reviewing20:51
rfolcoweshay|ruck, one comment about commenting a comment :)20:56
weshay|ruckrfolco, k.. I'm going to merge and revert if it doesn't pass the test project job20:57
weshay|ruckshould know in like 10-20 min20:57
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weshay|ruckrfolco, fyi
weshay|ruckrfolco, molecule is failing21:14
rfolcobut they are dissabled21:15
weshay|ruckwhere is the data for those tests21:15
weshay|ruckwe should switch it to train21:15
weshay|ruckrfolco, where is the test configured.. or the data?21:22
rfolcoweshay|ruck, in ci-config... zuul.d/layout.yml21:24
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